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[Nursing care in the patient with an artificial airway in the intensive care unit]. Gómez Gómez Jordi,Secorún Torres Amanda Montserrat,Gallart Vivé Elisabet,Riera Badía Alba Revista de enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain) INTRODUCTION:Complications related to the artificial airway (endotracheal tube and tracheotomy) in intensive care units are a major health problem that depends largely on the management and care applied to these devices. The daily challenge of nursing professionals is to minimize the incidence of these complications (among which highlights the pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation). INTERVENTIONS:We analyzed 21 measures related to management of these devices in order to reflect the recommendations based on scientific evidence and provide quality care applied to the patient that need these devices. CONCLUSIONS:Compliance with the standards for care and management of patients with an artificial airways is vital in reducing the incidence of complications associated with these devices. Not all management rules are standardized.
Airway management in the intensive care unit. Noppens Rüdiger R Acta clinica Croatica Airway management in the intensive care unit (ICU) is a challenging procedure and is frequently associated with life threatening complications. The incidence of difficult intubations ranges from 10% to 22%, depending on the setting and the patients in need of endotracheal intubation. Multiple attempts are often needed to secure the airway. Despite the high risk for patients in the ICU setting, the equipment for airway management such as capnometry or alternative devices is not always available. The novel technique of video laryngoscopy has been recently introduced into clinical practice in the operating room. First results from larger studies are very promising, suggesting these new devices to be helpful for successful intubation with fewer attempts in difficult intubation scenarios. At the same time, several reports show that successful use of video laryngoscopes in emergency situations need substantial practical training and expertise in airway management. The use of a protocol for airway management has been shown to decrease complications. Parts of this protocol are appropriate staffing, pre-oxygenation and strategies to avoid cardiovascular complications. In conclusion, high practical skill of airway management is needed in critically ill patients. Monitoring such as capnography and alternative equipment for securing the airway is not just mandatory in the operating room but also in the ICU.
Care of the Patient With an Artificial Airway. Dimensions of critical care nursing : DCCN BACKGROUND:Artificial airways are essential in various clinical settings to maintain a patient's airway and provide necessary support for ventilation and oxygenation. These devices are commonly temporary and come in several types, each serving specific purposes. Understanding the indications, types, and proper care of artificial airways is crucial for health care professionals to ensure patients receive optimal care and prevent complications. OBJECTIVE:This article aims to review the indications for using artificial airways and discuss the most commonly used types, including supraglottic airway devices, endotracheal tubes, tracheostomy tubes, and laryngectomy tubes. It also provides insights into the procedures involved in intubation and percutaneous tracheostomy and offers guidance on patient management, emphasizing assessment, oral care, suctioning, and humidification for patients with these airway devices. CONCLUSION:This article underscores the significance of understanding artificial airways, not just as a set of skills but as a commitment to patient welfare. Health care professionals who master the knowledge and care of these devices can significantly contribute to their patients' well-being and quality of life. 10.1097/DCC.0000000000000648