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Nerve root compression due to lumbar spinal canal tophi: A case report and review of the literature. Medicine RATIONALE:Gout in the spine and adnexa is rare in clinical practice and can also be easily misdiagnosed, we reported a patient with nerve root compression due to lumbar gout stones in the lumbar spinal canal. PATIENT CONCERNS:A 51-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with lumbar pain with numbness in the left lower limb for more than 6 months. The physical examination showed that tenderness and percussion pain were present at L4-S1 spinous process. Straight leg raise test: 50° on the left side were positive. Laboratory tests showed that the sUA was 669 μmol/L, MRI of the lumbar spine showed that cystic T1WI low signal and T2WI mixed high signal shadows were seen in the spinal canal at the level of L4-L5. DIAGNOSES:Combining with lab examinations, imaging examinations, and histopathological results, the patient was diagnosed with lumbar spinal canal tophi. INTERVENTIONS:After active improvement of all examinations, the patient underwent surgical treatment with decompression and internal fixation of the L4-L5 segment. OUTCOMES:After surgery, the patient's symptoms improved and muscle strength returned to normal. Among the 95 previously reported patients with lumbar gout, the ratio of men to women was 2.96:1, and the peak age group of incidence was 56 to 65 years. The onset of the disease was mainly in a single segment of the lumbar spine, with 34.41% of all cases occurring at the L4-L5 level. 61.05% of the patients had a history of gout attacks or hyperuricemia, and the most frequently involved site was the foot and ankle, followed by the wrist. Sixty-seven patients underwent surgical treatment, and 22 chose conservative treatment, with overall satisfactory results. LESSONS SUBSECTIONS:The incidence of lumbar gout is low and relatively rare in the clinic and pathological biopsy is still the gold standard. Vertebral plate incision and decompression are often selected for surgical treatment, and whether to perform fusion should be comprehensively considered for the destruction of vertebral bone by gout and the reasonable selection of the extent of surgical resection. Whether choosing surgical treatment or conservative therapy, the control of uric acid levels should be emphasized. 10.1097/MD.0000000000031562
Urate crystal deposition, prevention and various diagnosis techniques of GOUT arthritis disease: a comprehensive review. Parthasarathy Panchatcharam,Vivekanandan S Health information science and systems Gout is described as difficult in joint sore, uttermost ordinarily in the principal metatarsophalangeal joint, attend from formation of urate monosodium crystallization in a joint space. Analysis might be affirmed by recognizable proof of urate monosodium precious stones in synovial liquid of the influenced joint. There has been expanded enthusiasm for gout in common scholarly and clinical practice settings. The pervasiveness of both hyperuricemia and gout has ascended as most recent decade of time in created nations and in this way weight of gout as expanded. The relationship of hyperuricemia and gout with cardio results for chance of added advantages in mediation on hyperuricemia was featured in this audit. Imaging procedures have ended up being helpful for location of urate statement, even before the primary clinical indications, empowering the assessment of the degree of testimony and giving target estimation of precious stone exhaustion amid urate-bringing down treatment. In advancement, the indication defines the pre diagnostic of gout and associated commodities is advised to prevent the inflammation, that image procedures will assess the weight on statement as well reaction to urinary bringing down clinical procedure in chose patients, lastly amongst last key goal on social insurance for clinical evaluation with gout is to totally project urate gem stores. In spite of the fact that the formal determination is defined with arthrocentesis and resulting examination, CT and ultrasound discoveries on addition of evaluation and execution of infection administration. The standard therapy methodology is available for the patients and whose disease is refractory to standard therapy. 10.1007/s13755-018-0058-9
[The etiology and management of gout]. Pazár Maldonado B,So A Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie Gout is an inflammatory arthritis caused by monosodium urate (MSU) crystal deposits in and around the joint. The formation of urinary calculi can also occur in gout, but are less common than arthritis. Gout usually presents with recurrent episodes of joint inflammation, which over time lead to tophus formation and joint destruction. In the last decade, significant advances have been made regarding not only the epidemiology and genetics of gout and hyperuricemia but also the mechanisms of inflammation and treatment of gout. In addition, knowledge concerning the key role of interleukin 1 (IL-1) has provided new therapeutic perspectives. However, the current management of gout is often suboptimal, with many Patienten either not receiving adequate treatment or being unable to tolerate existing treatments. New therapeutic agents provide interesting new options for Patienten with difficult-to-treat gouty arthritis.The English full-text version of this is available at SpringerLink (under "Supplemental"). 10.1007/s00393-012-0961-4
Crystal arthritides - gout and calcium pyrophosphate arthritis : Part 2: clinical features, diagnosis and differential diagnostics. Schlee S,Bollheimer L C,Bertsch T,Sieber C C,Härle P Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie Gout develops in four stages beginning with an asymptomatic increase in blood levels of uric acid. An acute gout attack is an expression of an underlying inflammatory process, which in the course of time is self-limiting. Without therapy monosodium urate crystals remain in the synovial fluid and synovial membrane and trigger more acute attacks. In the course of the disease monosodium urate crystals form deposits (tophi) leading in severe forms to irreversible joint deformities with loss of functionality. In 20% of cases gout leads to involvement of the kidneys. Overproduction of uric acid can cause nephrolithiasis. These stones can be composed of uric acid or calcium phosphate. Another form of kidney disease caused by gout is uric acid nephropathy. This is a form of abacterial chronic inflammatory response with deposition of sodium urate crystals in the medullary interstitium. Acute obstructive nephropathy is relatively rare and characterized by renal failure due to uric acid precipitation in the tubules because of rapid cell lysis that occurs, for example, with chemotherapy. There is a causal interdependence between the occurrence of hyperuricemia and hypertension. Uric acid activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system and inhibits nitric oxide (NO) with the possible consequence of a rise in systemic vascular resistance or arteriolar vasculopathy; however, uric acid is also an apparently independent risk factor for atherosclerosis. In contrast to young patients, the diagnosis of an acute gout attack in the elderly can be a challenge for the physician. Polyarticular manifestations and obscure symptoms can make it difficult to differentiate it from rheumatoid arthritis and calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD). Aspiration of synovial fluid with visualization of urate crystals using compensated polarized light microscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis of acute gout. Moreover, analysis of synovial fluid enables a distinction from septic arthritis by Gram staining and bacterial culture. Soft tissue ultrasonography is useful to detect affected synovial tissue and monosodium urate crystals within the synovial fluid. Involvement of bone occurs relatively late in the disease so that x‑ray images are not useful in the early stages but might be helpful in differential diagnostics. Dual energy computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used for certain indications. 10.1007/s00391-017-1198-2
Clinical features of gout. Grassi W,De Angelis R Reumatismo Gout is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperuricemia and the deposition of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in the joints and soft tissues, consisting of a self-limited acute phase characterized by recurrent attacks of synovitis and a chronic phase in which inflammatory and structural changes of the joints and periarticular tissues may lead to persistent symptoms. Acute gout is characterized by a sudden monoarthritis of rapid onset, with intense pain, mostly affecting the big toe (50% of initial attacks), the foot, ankle, midtarsal, knee, wrist, finger, and elbow. Acute flares also occur in periarticular structures, including bursae and tendons. The presence of characteristic MSU crystals in the joint fluid, appearing needle-like and showing strong negative birefringence by polarized microscopy, is pivotal to confirm the diagnosis of gout. The time interval separating the first attack from subsequent episodes of acute synovitis may be widely variable, ranging from a few days to several years. During the period between acute attacks the patient is asymptomatic even if MSU deposition may continue to increase silently. The factors that control the rate, location, and degree of ongoing deposition in gouty patients are not well defined. Chronic gout is the natural evolution of untreated hyperuricemia in patients with gouty attacks followed by pain-free intercritical periods. It is characterized by the deposition of solid MSU crystal aggregates in a variety of tissues including joints, bursae and tendons. Tophi can occur in a variety of locations including the helix of the ear, olecranon bursa, and over the interphalangeal joints. Their development is usually related with both the degree and the duration of hyperuricemia. About 20% of patients with gout have urinary tract stones and can develop an interstitial urate nephropathy. There is a strong association between hyperuricaemia and the metabolic syndrome (the constellation of insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity and dyslipidaemia), and gouty patients often have a medical history of kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and signs of vascular illness such as coronary artery disease, heart failure and stroke, resulting with a poor overall quality of life. 10.4081/reumatismo.2011.238