Epilepsy duration impacts on brain glucose metabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy: results of voxel-based mapping.
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B
OBJECTIVE:[(18)F]Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ([(18)F]FDG-PET) is a valuable method for detecting focal brain dysfunction associated with epilepsy. Evidence suggests that a progressive decrease in [(18)F]FDG uptake occurs in the epileptogenic cortex with an increase in the duration of epilepsy. In this study, our aim was to use statistical parametric mapping (SPM) to test the validity of this relationship in a retrospective study of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). METHODS:[(18)F]FDG-PET scans of 46 adult patients with pharmacoresistant unilateral TLE (25 RTLE and 21 LTLE) were subjected to SPM analysis. RESULTS:Forty-six patients were diagnosed with nonlesional TLE, 16 of whom had hippocampal sclerosis (HS). The average duration of epilepsy was 17.4 +/- 12.3 years (3-46 years), <5 years in 10 patients and >or=10 years in 30 patients. Visual analysis of [(18)F]FDG-PET scans revealed hypometabolism in the epileptogenic temporal cortex in 31 (67%) patients. After SPM analysis of all [(18)F]FDG-PET images, hypometabolism was unilateral and reported in lateral and mesial structures of the epileptogenic temporal cortex in addition to the ipsilateral fusiform and middle occipital gyrus. Subsequent analysis revealed that temporal lobe hypometabolism was present only in patients with longer epilepsy duration (>or=10 years) in parahippocampal gyrus, uncus, and middle and superior temporal gyrus (P < 0.05 corrected). Epilepsy duration was inversely correlated with decreased glucose uptake in the inferior temporal gyrus, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus of the epileptogenic temporal cortex (P < 0.05). Age at seizure onset did not affect the correlation between epilepsy duration and glucose uptake except in the inferior temporal gyrus (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION:Voxel-based mapping supports the assertion that glucose hypometabolism of the epileptogenic temporal lobe cortex and other neighboring cortical regions increases with longer epilepsy duration in TLE.
[F]FDG PET for mapping the cerebral glucose metabolic characteristics of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant epilepsy in pediatric patients.
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
OBJECTIVE:This study aimed to investigate [F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ([F]FDG PET) mapping for cerebral glucose metabolism in drug-sensitive and drug-resistant pediatric epilepsy patients. METHODS:This retrospective study enrolled 40 patients and 25 controls. Patients were categorized into drug-sensitive epilepsy (n = 22) and drug-resistant epilepsy (n = 18) according to the seizure frequency at follow-up. All patients underwent two [F]FDG PET scans separated by a minimum of one year. Absolute asymmetry index (|AI|) was calculated for assessing metabolic differences and changes in epileptic foci. Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) was utilized to reveal voxel-wise metabolic characteristics and alterations throughout the brain. Network analysis based on graph theory was used to investigate network-level differences between the two patient groups. RESULTS:The drug-sensitive group showed a lower |AI| at both baseline (P = 0.038) and follow-up (P = 0.003) PET scans than the drug-resistant group. |AI| decreased in the drug-sensitive group and increased in the drug-resistant group across scans, but these trends were not statistically significant (P = 0.240 and P = 0.450, respectively). Both groups exhibited hypometabolism at baseline. The drug-sensitive group showed less hypometabolic brain regions than the drug-resistant group. The drug-sensitive maintained stable level of hypometabolism between the two scans, whereas the drug-resistant group showed an increasing hypometabolism. Network analysis demonstrated that the drug-sensitive group had a higher global efficiency, average degree, and clustering, along with a shorter characteristic path length compared to the drug-resistant group. CONCLUSIONS:For the first time, this study revealed in vivo cerebral glucose metabolic pattern of nonsurgical pediatric epilepsy patients treated by antiepileptic drugs. Especially, drug-resistant epilepsy patients represented significantly extensive and progressive hypometabolism with inefficient brain network connectivity compared with drug-sensitive epilepsy. [F]FDG PET imaging may be a potential visual approach for theranostics of epilepsy patients.
Impaired consciousness in temporal lobe seizures: role of cortical slow activity.
Englot Dario J,Yang Li,Hamid Hamada,Danielson Nathan,Bai Xiaoxiao,Marfeo Anthony,Yu Lissa,Gordon Aliza,Purcaro Michael J,Motelow Joshua E,Agarwal Ravi,Ellens Damien J,Golomb Julie D,Shamy Michel C F,Zhang Heping,Carlson Chad,Doyle Werner,Devinsky Orrin,Vives Kenneth,Spencer Dennis D,Spencer Susan S,Schevon Catherine,Zaveri Hitten P,Blumenfeld Hal
Brain : a journal of neurology
Impaired consciousness requires altered cortical function. This can occur either directly from disorders that impair widespread bilateral regions of the cortex or indirectly through effects on subcortical arousal systems. It has therefore long been puzzling why focal temporal lobe seizures so often impair consciousness. Early work suggested that altered consciousness may occur with bilateral or dominant temporal lobe seizure involvement. However, other bilateral temporal lobe disorders do not impair consciousness. More recent work supports a 'network inhibition hypothesis' in which temporal lobe seizures disrupt brainstem-diencephalic arousal systems, leading indirectly to depressed cortical function and impaired consciousness. Indeed, prior studies show subcortical involvement in temporal lobe seizures and bilateral frontoparietal slow wave activity on intracranial electroencephalography. However, the relationships between frontoparietal slow waves and impaired consciousness and between cortical slowing and fast seizure activity have not been directly investigated. We analysed intracranial electroencephalography recordings during 63 partial seizures in 26 patients with surgically confirmed mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Behavioural responsiveness was determined based on blinded review of video during seizures and classified as impaired (complex-partial seizures) or unimpaired (simple-partial seizures). We observed significantly increased delta-range 1-2 Hz slow wave activity in the bilateral frontal and parietal neocortices during complex-partial compared with simple-partial seizures. In addition, we confirmed prior work suggesting that propagation of unilateral mesial temporal fast seizure activity to the bilateral temporal lobes was significantly greater in complex-partial than in simple-partial seizures. Interestingly, we found that the signal power of frontoparietal slow wave activity was significantly correlated with the temporal lobe fast seizure activity in each hemisphere. Finally, we observed that complex-partial seizures were somewhat more common with onset in the language-dominant temporal lobe. These findings provide direct evidence for cortical dysfunction in the form of bilateral frontoparietal slow waves associated with impaired consciousness in temporal lobe seizures. We hypothesize that bilateral temporal lobe seizures may exert a powerful inhibitory effect on subcortical arousal systems. Further investigations will be needed to fully determine the role of cortical-subcortical networks in ictal neocortical dysfunction and may reveal treatments to prevent this important negative consequence of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Impaired awareness in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Network analysis of foramen ovale and scalp EEG.
Varotto Giulia,Burini Alessandra,Didato Giuseppe,Deleo Francesco,Pastori Chiara,Dominese Ambra,Tringali Giovanni,Panzica Ferruccio,de Curtis Marco,Di Giacomo Roberta
Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology
OBJECTIVE:We use co-registration of foramen-ovale and scalp-EEG to investigate network alterations in temporal-lobe epilepsy during focal seizures without (aura) or with impairment of awareness (SIA). METHODS:One aura and one SIA were selected from six patients. Temporal dynamic among 4 epochs, as well as the differences between aura and SIA, were analyzed through partial directed coherence and graph theory-based indices of centrality. RESULTS:Regarding the auras temporal evolution, fronto-parietal (FP) regions showed decreased connectivity with respect to the interictal period, in both epileptogenic (EH) and non-epileptogenic hemisphere (nEH). During SIAs, temporal dynamic showed more changes than auras: centrality of mesial temporal (mT) regions changes during all conditions, and nEH FP centrality showed the same dynamic trend of the aura (decreased centrality), until the last epoch, close to the impaired awareness, when showed increased centrality. Comparing SIA with aura, in proximity of impaired awareness, increased centrality was found in all the regions, except in nEH mT. CONCLUSIONS:Our findings suggested that the impairment of awareness is related to network alterations occurring first in neocortical regions and when awareness is still retained. SIGNIFICANCE:The analysis of 'hub' alteration can represent a suitable biomarker for scalp EEG-based prediction of awareness impairment.
Arousal and Consciousness in Focal Seizures.
Blumenfeld Hal
Epilepsy currents
Impaired consciousness during seizures severely affects quality of life for people with epilepsy but the mechanisms are just beginning to be understood. Consciousness is thought to involve large-scale brain networks, so it is puzzling that focal seizures often impair consciousness. Recent work investigating focal temporal lobe or limbic seizures in human patients and experimental animal models suggests that impaired consciousness is caused by active inhibition of subcortical arousal mechanisms. Focal limbic seizures exhibit decreased neuronal firing in brainstem, basal forebrain, and thalamic arousal networks, and cortical arousal can be restored when subcortical arousal circuits are stimulated during seizures. These findings open the possibility of restoring arousal and consciousness therapeutically during and following seizures by thalamic neurostimulation. When seizures cannot be stopped by existing treatments, targeted subcortical stimulation may improve arousal and consciousness, leading to improved safety and better psychosocial function for people with epilepsy.
Enhanced gamma band mutual information is associated with impaired consciousness during temporal lobe seizures.
BACKGROUND:Epileptic seizures are characterized by aberrant synchronization. We hypothesized that higher synchronization across the seizure onset zone (SOZ) channels during a temporal lobe seizure contributes to impaired consciousness. NEW METHOD:All symmetric bivariate synchronization measures were extended to multivariate measure by a principal component analysis (PCA) based technique. A novel nonparametric method has been proposed to test the statistical significance between increased synchronization across the seizure onset zone (SOZ) channels and reduced consciousness. RESULTS:Increased synchronization in the gamma band towards seizure termination significantly contributes to impaired consciousness (p < 0.1). Synchronization reaches its peak in the extratemporal region (frontal lobe) ahead of the temporal region (p < 0.05). Synchronization is prominent in beta and gamma bands by most methods and it is more in the second half of seizure duration than in the first (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:Mutual information is the only synchronization measure out of the six that we studied, whose increase can be associated with the loss of consciousness in a statistically significant way.
Epilepsy in China: major progress in the past two decades.
Ding Ding,Zhou Dong,Sander Josemir W,Wang Wenzhi,Li Shichuo,Hong Zhen
The Lancet. Neurology
China has approximately 10 million people with epilepsy. There is a vast epilepsy treatment gap in China, mainly driven by deficiencies in health-care delivery and social discrimination resulting from cultural beliefs about epilepsy. WHO's Global Campaign Against Epilepsy project in China showed that it was possible to treat epilepsy in primary care settings, which was a notable milestone. The China Association Against Epilepsy has been a necessary force to stimulate interest in epilepsy care and research by the medical and scientific community. Nearly 20 different anti-seizure medications are now available in China. Non-pharmacological options are also available, but there are still unmet needs for epilepsy management. The Chinese epilepsy research portfolio is varied, but the areas in which there are the most concentrated focus and expertise are epidemiology and clinical research. The challenges for further improvement in delivering care for people with epilepsy in China are primarily related to public health and reducing inequalities within this vast country.
Comparison of topological properties of functional brain networks with graph theory in temporal lobe epilepsy with different duration of disease.
Liang Xiulin,Pang Xiaomin,Liu Jinping,Zhao Jingyuan,Yu Lu,Zheng Jinou
Annals of translational medicine
Background:Our study was performed to measure the alterations in topological properties of the functional brain network of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) at different durations, exploring the potential progression and neuropathophysiological mechanisms of TLE. Methods:Fifty-eight subjects, including 17 TLE patients with a disease duration of ≤5 years (TLE-SD), 20 TLE patients with a disease duration of >5 years (TLE-LD), and 21 healthy controls firstly underwent the Attention Network Test (ANT) to assess the alertness function and received the resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). Next, a functional brain network was set up, and then the related graph of theoretical network analysis was conducted. Finally, the correlation between network property and the neuropsychological score was analyzed. Results:The global and local efficiencies of functional brain networks in TLE-SD patients significantly decreased and tended toward random alterations. Also, the degree centrality (DC) and nodal efficiency (Ne) in right medial pre-frontal thalamus (mPFtha) and right rostral temporal thalamus (rTtha) of TLE-SD patients significantly reduced. Further analysis showed that alertness was positively associated with the characteristic path length but negatively related to the global and local efficiencies in TLE-SD patients; alertness was negatively related to the Ne of mPFtha in TLE-LD patients. Conclusions:Our study showed that the functional brain network of TLE patients might undergo compensatory reorganization as the disease progresses, which provides useful insights into the progression and mechanism of TLE.
Network signatures define consciousness state during focal seizures.
OBJECTIVE:Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder affecting 1% of the global population. Loss of consciousness in focal impaired awareness seizures (FIASs) and focal-to-bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (FBTCSs) can be devastating, but the mechanisms are not well understood. Although ictal activity and interictal connectivity changes have been noted, the network states of focal aware seizures (FASs), FIASs, and FBTCSs have not been thoroughly evaluated with network measures ictally. METHODS:We obtained electrographic data from 74 patients with stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG). Sliding window band power, functional connectivity, and segregation were computed on preictal, ictal, and postictal data. Five-minute epochs of wake, rapid eye movement sleep, and deep sleep were also extracted. Connectivity of subcortical arousal structures was analyzed in a cohort of patients with both SEEG and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Given that custom neuromodulation of seizures is predicated on detection of seizure type, a convolutional neural network was used to classify seizure types. RESULTS:We found that in the frontoparietal association cortex, an area associated with consciousness, both consciousness-impairing seizures (FIASs and FBTCSs) and deep sleep had increases in slow wave delta (1-4 Hz) band power. However, when network measures were employed, we found that only FIASs and deep sleep exhibited an increase in delta segregation and a decrease in gamma segregation. Furthermore, we found that only patients with FIASs had reduced subcortical-to-neocortical functional connectivity with fMRI versus controls. Finally, our deep learning network demonstrated an area under the curve of .75 for detecting consciousness-impairing seizures. SIGNIFICANCE:This study provides novel insights into ictal network measures in FASs, FIASs, and FBTCSs. Importantly, although both FIASs and FBTCSs result in loss of consciousness, our results suggest that ictal network changes in FIASs uniquely resemble those that occur during deep sleep. Our results may inform novel neuromodulation strategies for preservation of consciousness in epilepsy.
Impaired consciousness in epilepsy.
The Lancet. Neurology
Consciousness is essential to normal human life. In epileptic seizures consciousness is often transiently lost, which makes it impossible for the individual to experience or respond. These effects have huge consequences for safety, productivity, emotional health, and quality of life. To prevent impaired consciousness in epilepsy, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms that lead to brain dysfunction during seizures. Normally the consciousness system-a specialised set of cortical-subcortical structures-maintains alertness, attention, and awareness. Advances in neuroimaging, electrophysiology, and prospective behavioural testing have shed light on how epileptic seizures disrupt the consciousness system. Diverse seizure types, including absence, generalised tonic-clonic, and complex partial seizures, converge on the same set of anatomical structures through different mechanisms to disrupt consciousness. Understanding of these mechanisms could lead to improved treatment strategies to prevent impairment of consciousness and improve the quality of life of people with epilepsy.
The default mode network and altered consciousness in epilepsy.
Danielson Nathan B,Guo Jennifer N,Blumenfeld Hal
Behavioural neurology
The default mode network has been hypothesized based on the observation that specific regions of the brain are consistently activated during the resting state and deactivated during engagement with task. The primary nodes of this network, which typically include the precuneus/posterior cingulate, the medial frontal and lateral parietal cortices, are thought to be involved in introspective and social cognitive functions. Interestingly, this same network has been shown to be selectively impaired during epileptic seizures associated with loss of consciousness. Using a wide range of neuroimaging and electrophysiological modalities, decreased activity in the default mode network has been confirmed during complex partial, generalized tonic-clonic, and absence seizures. In this review we will discuss these three seizure types and will focus on possible mechanisms by which decreased default mode network activity occurs. Although the specific mechanisms of onset and propagation differ considerably across these seizure types, we propose that the resulting loss of consciousness in all three types of seizures is due to active inhibition of subcortical arousal systems that normally maintain default mode network activity in the awake state. Further, we suggest that these findings support a general "network inhibition hypothesis", by which active inhibition of arousal systems by seizures in certain cortical regions leads to cortical deactivation in other cortical areas. This may represent a push-pull mechanism similar to that seen operating between cortical networks under normal conditions.
Proposal: different types of alteration and loss of consciousness in epilepsy.
Lüders Hans,Amina Shahram,Bailey Christopher,Baumgartner Christoph,Benbadis Selim,Bermeo Adriana,Carreño Maria,Devereaux Michael,Diehl Beate,Eccher Matthew,Edwards Jonathan,Fastenau Philip,Fernandez Baca-Vaca Guadalupe,Godoy Jaime,Hamer Hajo,Hong Seung Bong,Ikeda Akio,Kahane Philippe,Kaiboriboon Kitti,Kalamangalam Giridhar,Lardizabal David,Lhatoo Samden,Lüders Jürgen,Mani Jayanti,Mayor Carlos,Mesa Latorre Tomas,Miller Jonathan,Morris Harold H,Noachtar Soheyl,O'Donovan Cormac,Park Jun,Perez-Jimenez Maria Angeles,Rona Sabine,Rosenow Felix,Shahid Asim,Schuele Stephan,Skidmore Christopher,Steinhoff Bernhard,Szabó Charles Á,Sweet Jennifer,Tandon Nitin,Tanner Adriana,Tsuji Sadatoshi
There are at least five types of alterations of consciousness that occur during epileptic seizures: auras with illusions or hallucinations, dyscognitive seizures, epileptic delirium, dialeptic seizures, and epileptic coma. Each of these types of alterations of consciousness has a specific semiology and a distinct pathophysiologic mechanism. In this proposal we emphasize the need to clearly define each of these alterations/loss of consciousness and to apply this terminology in semiologic descriptions and classifications of epileptic seizures. The proposal is a consensus opinion of experienced epileptologists, and it is hoped that it will lead to systematic studies that will allow a scientific characterization of the different types of alterations/loss of consciousness described in this article.
Impaired vigilance networks in temporal lobe epilepsy: Mechanisms and clinical implications.
Englot Dario J,Morgan Victoria L,Chang Catie
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) is a neurological disorder in which patients suffer from frequent consciousness-impairing seizures, broad neurocognitive deficits, and diminished quality of life. Although seizures in mTLE originate focally in the hippocampus or amygdala, mTLE patients demonstrate cognitive deficits that extend beyond temporal lobe function-such as decline in executive function, cognitive processing speed, and attention-as well as diffuse decreases in neocortical metabolism and functional connectivity. Given prior observations that mTLE patients exhibit impairments in vigilance, and that seizures may disrupt the activity and long-range connectivity of subcortical brain structures involved in vigilance regulation, we propose that subcortical activating networks underlying vigilance play a critical role in mediating the widespread neural and cognitive effects of focal mTLE. Here, we review evidence for impaired vigilance in mTLE, examine clinical implications and potential network underpinnings, and suggest neuroimaging strategies for determining the relationship between vigilance, brain connectivity, and neurocognition in patients and healthy controls.
Alterations in Cortical-Subcortical Metabolism in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy With Impaired Awareness Seizures.
Hou Jiale,Zhu Haoyue,Xiao Ling,Zhao Charlie Weige,Liao Guang,Tang Yongxiang,Feng Li
Frontiers in aging neuroscience
Objective:The features of cerebral metabolism associated with loss of consciousness in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) have not been fully elucidated. We aim to investigate the alterations in cortical-subcortical metabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy with impaired awareness seizures (IAS). Methods:Regional cerebral metabolism was measured using fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (F-FDG PET) in patients with TLE-IAS and healthy controls. All patients had a comprehensive evaluation to confirm their seizure origin and lateralization. Videos of all seizures were viewed and rated by at least two epileptologists to identify the state of consciousness when a seizure occurred. By synthesizing the seizure history, semeiology, and video EEG of all patients, as long as the patients had one seizure with impaired awareness, she/he will be included. 76 patients with TLE-IAS and 60 age-matched healthy controls were enrolled in this study. Regional cerebral metabolic patterns were analyzed for TLE-IAS and healthy control groups using statistical parametric mapping. Besides, we compared the MRI-negative patients and MRI-positive patients with healthy controls, respectively. Results:There were no significant differences in the age and sex of TLE-IAS patients and healthy control. TLE-IAS patients showed extensive bilateral hypermetabolism in the frontoparietal regions, cingulate gyrus, corpus callosum, occipital lobes, basal ganglia, thalamus, brainstem, and cerebellum. The region of metabolic change was more extensive in right TLE-IAS than that of the left, including extensive hypometabolism in the ipsilateral temporal, frontal, parietal, and insular lobes. And contralateral temporal lobe, bilateral frontoparietal regions, occipital lobes, the anterior and posterior regions of the cingulate gyrus, bilateral thalamus, bilateral basal ganglia, brainstem, and bilateral cerebellum showed hypermetabolism. The TLE patients with impaired awareness seizure showed hypermetabolism in the cortical-subcortical network including the arousal system. Additionally, 48 MRI-positive and 28 MRI-negative TLE-IAS patients were included in our study. TLE-IAS patients with MRI-negative and MRI-positive were both showed hypermetabolism in the cingulate gyrus. Hypometabolism in the bilateral temporal lobe was showed in the TLE-IAS with MRI-positive. Conclusion:These findings suggested that the repetitive consciousness impairing ictal events may have an accumulative effect on brain metabolism, resulting in abnormal interictal cortical-subcortical metabolic disturbance in TLE patients with impaired awareness seizure. Understanding these metabolic mechanisms may guide future clinical treatments to prevent seizure-related awareness deficits and improve quality of life in people with TLE.
Distinguishing Patients with MRI-Negative Temporal Lobe Epilepsy from Normal Controls Based on Individual Morphological Brain Network.
Brain topography
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) is the most common subtype of focal epilepsy and the most refractory to drug treatment. Roughly 30% of patients do not have easily identifiable structural abnormalities. In other words, MRI-negative TLE has normal MRI scans on visual inspection. Thus, MRI-negative TLE is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In this study, we investigate the cortical morphological brain network to identify MRI-negative TLE. The 210 cortical ROIs based on the Brainnetome atlas were used to define the network nodes. The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) algorithm and Pearson correlation methods were used to calculate the inter-regional morphometric features vector correlation respectively. As a result, two types of networks were constructed. The topological characteristics of networks were calculated by graph theory. Then after, a two-stage feature selection strategy, including a two-sample t-test and support vector machine-based recursive feature elimination (SVM-RFE), was performed in feature selection. Finally, classification with support vector machine (SVM) and leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) was employed for the training and evaluation of the classifiers. The performance of two constructed brain networks was compared in MRI-negative TLE classification. The results indicated that the LASSO algorithm achieved better performance than the Pearson pairwise correlation method. The LASSO algorithm provides a robust method of individual morphological network construction for distinguishing patients with MRI-negative TLE from normal controls.
Testing awareness in focal seizures: Clinical practice and interpretation of current guidelines.
Annals of clinical and translational neurology
The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification of focal seizures uses recall of experiences post-ictally to assess for awareness and not ictal responsiveness to external stimuli, stating that responsiveness is often not tested. We investigated how clinicians assess for seizure awareness by administering an online survey. We found that most respondents use both responsiveness and recall to assess for awareness in the clinic (78%) and in the epilepsy monitoring unit (72%). Furthermore, 60% of respondents believe that the ILAE recommends using both measures. Given our results, we believe that using both responsiveness and recall would provide a more practical classification of impaired consciousness in focal seizures.
SPECT perfusion changes during ictal automatisms with preserved responsiveness in patients with right temporal lobe epilepsy.
Park Hea Ree,Seong Min Jae,Shon Young-Min,Joo Eun Yeon,Seo Dae-Won,Hong Seung Bong
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B
Ictal automatism with preserved responsiveness (APR) has been reported, particularly in nondominant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), but its pathophysiology remains poorly understood. This study sought to investigate the relationship between APRs and increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) using ictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in TLE. Forty-seven subjects with right mesial TLE (15 with and 32 without APR) were enrolled. Patients with APR (APR+) were subdivided into four groups according to degree of responsiveness during seizures. Cerebral blood flow changes during these seizures were semiquantitatively assessed by subtraction ictal SPECT coregistered to MRI (SISCOM). Hyperperfusion in temporal regions did not vary significantly between the APR+ and APR- groups. Cerebral blood flow changes in the frontal area, insula, cingulum, and occipital area were also nonsignificant. However, hyperperfusion in the ipsilateral parietal areas was more frequent in the APR- group than in the APR+ group. Furthermore, hyperperfusion of the contralateral basal ganglia showed an inclination to be more common in the APR- group, but without statistical significance. The study suggested that the involvement of the parietal association cortex during seizure may play an important role in ictal loss of consciousness in TLE. Further studies will be needed to elucidate the pathophysiology of changes in consciousness during temporal lobe seizures.
Altered states of consciousness in epilepsy: a DTI study of the brain.
Xie Fangfang,Xing Wu,Wang Xiaoyi,Liao Weihua,Shi Wei
The International journal of neuroscience
BACKGROUND:A disturbance in the level of consciousness is a classical clinical sign of several seizure types. Recent studies have shown that altered states of consciousness in seizures are associated with structural and functional changes of several brain regions. Prominent among these are the thalamus, the brain stem and the default mode network, which is part of the consciousness system. Our study used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to evaluate these brain regions in patients with three different types of epilepsies that are associated with altered consciousness: complex partial seizures (CPS), primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures (PGTCS) or secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizures (SGTCS). Additionally, this study further explores the probable mechanisms underlying impairment of consciousness in seizures. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Conventional MRI and DTI scanning were performed in 51 patients with epilepsy and 51 healthy volunteers. The epilepsy group was in turn subdivided into three subgroups: CPS, PGTCS or SGTCS. Each subgroup comprised 17 patients. Each subject involved in the study underwent a DTI evaluation of the brain to measure the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) values of nine regions of interest: the postero-superior portion of midbrain, the bilateral dorsal thalamus, the bilateral precuneus/posterior cingulate, the bilateral medial pre-frontal gyri and the bilateral supramarginalgyri. The statistical significance of the measured ADC and FA values between the experimental and control groups was analysed using the paired t-test, and one-way analysis of variance was performed for a comparative analysis between the three subgroups. RESULTS:Statistically significantly higher ADC values ( p < 0.01) were observed in the bilateral dorsal thalamus and postero-superior aspect of the midbrain in the three patient subgroups than in the control group. There were no significant changes in the ADC values ( p > 0.05) in the bilateral precuneus/posterior cingulate, bilateral medial pre-frontal gyri or bilateral supramarginalgyri in the experimental group. Among the three patient subgroups and the ADC values of corresponding brain regions, there were no statistically significant changes. Statistically significantly lower FA values ( p < 0.05) were observed in the bilateral dorsal thalamus of the patients in the three subgroups than in the control group. Significantly lowered FA values from the postero-superior aspect of the mid brain ( p < 0.01) were observed in patients with PGTCS compared with the control group. There were no significant changes in the FA values ( p > 0.05) from the bilateral precuneus/posterior cingulate, bilateral medial frontal gyri or bilateral supramarginalgyri in the experimental group. Among the three patient subgroups and the FA values of the corresponding brain regions, there were no statistically significant changes. CONCLUSION:In epileptic patients with CPS, PGTCS or SGTCS, there seems to be a long-lasting neuronal dysfunction of the bilateral dorsal thalamus and postero-superior aspect of the midbrain. The thalamus and upper brain stem are likely to play a key role in epileptic patients with impaired consciousness.
Impaired consciousness in patients with absence seizures investigated by functional MRI, EEG, and behavioural measures: a cross-sectional study.
Guo Jennifer N,Kim Robert,Chen Yu,Negishi Michiro,Jhun Stephen,Weiss Sarah,Ryu Jun Hwan,Bai Xiaoxiao,Xiao Wendy,Feeney Erin,Rodriguez-Fernandez Jorge,Mistry Hetal,Crunelli Vincenzo,Crowley Michael J,Mayes Linda C,Constable R Todd,Blumenfeld Hal
The Lancet. Neurology
BACKGROUND:The neural underpinnings of impaired consciousness and of the variable severity of behavioural deficits from one absence seizure to the next are not well understood. We aimed to measure functional MRI (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) changes in absence seizures with impaired task performance compared with seizures in which performance was spared. METHODS:In this cross-sectional study done at the Yale School of Medicine, CT, USA, we recruited patients from 59 paediatric neurology practices in the USA. We did simultaneous EEG, fMRI, and behavioural testing in patients aged 6-19 years with childhood or juvenile absence epilepsy, and with an EEG with typical 3-4 Hz bilateral spike-wave discharges and normal background. The main outcomes were fMRI and EEG amplitudes in seizures with impaired versus spared behavioural responses analysed by t test. We also examined the timing of fMRI and EEG changes in seizures with impaired behavioural responses compared with seizures with spared responses. FINDINGS:93 patients were enrolled between Jan 1, 2005, and Sept 1, 2013; we recorded 1032 seizures in 39 patients. fMRI changes during seizures occurred sequentially in three functional brain networks. In the default mode network, fMRI amplitude was 0·57% (SD 0·26) for seizures with impaired and 0·40% (0·16) for seizures with spared behavioural responses (mean difference 0·17%, 95% CI 0·11-0·23; p<0·0001). In the task-positive network, fMRI amplitude was 0·53% (SD 0·29) for seizures with impaired and 0·39% (0·15) for seizures with spared behavioral responses (mean difference 0·14%, 95% CI 0·08-0·21; p<0·0001). In the sensorimotor-thalamic network, fMRI amplitude was 0·41% (0·25) for seizures with impaired and 0·34% (0·14) for seizures with spared behavioural responses (mean difference 0·07%, 95% CI 0·01-0·13; p=0·02). Mean fractional EEG power in the frontal leads was 50·4 (SD 15·2) for seizures with impaired and 24·8 (6·5) for seizures with spared behavioural responses (mean difference 25·6, 95% CI 21·0-30·3); middle leads 35·4 (6·5) for seizures with impaired, 13·3 (3·4) for seizures with spared behavioural responses (mean difference 22·1, 95% CI 20·0-24·1); posterior leads 41·6 (5·3) for seizures with impaired, 24·6 (8·6) for seizures with spared behavioural responses (mean difference 17·0, 95% CI 14·4-19·7); p<0·0001 for all comparisons. Mean seizure duration was longer for seizures with impaired behaviour at 7·9 s (SD 6·6), compared with 3·8 s (3·0) for seizures with spared behaviour (mean difference 4·1 s, 95% CI 3·0-5·3; p<0·0001). However, larger amplitude fMRI and EEG signals occurred at the outset or even preceding seizures with behavioural impairment. INTERPRETATION:Impaired consciousness in absence seizures is related to the intensity of physiological changes in established networks affecting widespread regions of the brain. Increased EEG and fMRI amplitude occurs at the onset of seizures associated with behavioural impairment. These finding suggest that a vulnerable state might exist at the initiation of some absence seizures leading them to have more severe physiological changes and altered consciousness than other absence seizures. FUNDING:National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Center for Advancing Translational Science, the Loughridge Williams Foundation, and the Betsy and Jonathan Blattmachr Family.