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Identification and characterization of rye genes not expressed in allohexaploid triticale. Khalil Hala Badr,Ehdaeivand Mohammad-Reza,Xu Yong,Laroche André,Gulick Patrick J BMC genomics BACKGROUND:One of the most important evolutionary processes in plants is polyploidization. The combination of two or more genomes in one organism often initially leads to changes in gene expression and extensive genomic reorganization, compared to the parental species. Hexaploid triticale (x Triticosecale) is a synthetic hybrid crop species generated by crosses between T. turgidum and Secale cereale. Because triticale is a recent synthetic polyploid it is an important model for studying genome evolution following polyploidization. Molecular studies have demonstrated that genomic sequence changes, consisting of sequence elimination or loss of expression of genes from the rye genome, are common in triticale. High-throughput DNA sequencing allows a large number of genes to be surveyed, and transcripts from the different homeologous copies of the genes that have high sequence similarity can be better distinguished than hybridization methods previously employed. RESULTS:The expression levels of 23,503 rye cDNA reference contigs were analyzed in 454-cDNA libraries obtained from anther, root and stem from both triticale and rye, as well as in five 454-cDNA data sets created from triticale seedling shoot, ovary, stigma, pollen and seed tissues to identify the classes of rye genes silenced or absent in the recent synthetic hexaploid triticale. Comparisons between diploid rye and hexaploid triticale detected 112 rye cDNA contigs (~0.5%) that were totally undetected by expression analysis in all triticale tissues, although their expression was relatively high in rye tissues. Non-expressed rye genes were found to be strikingly less similar to their closest BLASTN matches in the wheat genome or in the other Triticum genomes than a test set of 200 random rye genes. Genes that were not detected in the RNA-seq data were further characterized by testing for their presence in the triticale genome by PCR using genomic DNA as a template. CONCLUSION:Genes with low similarity between rye sequences and their closest matches in the Triticum genome have a higher probability to be repressed or absent in the allopolyploid genome. 10.1186/s12864-015-1480-x
Grassland biodiversity response to livestock grazing, productivity, and climate varies across biome components and diversity measurements. The Science of the total environment Livestock overgrazing and climate change have been identified as the primary causes of grassland degeneration and biodiversity decline, yet the underlying mechanism remains unclear. To gain a better understanding of this, we conducted a meta-analysis of 91 local or regional field studies from 26 countries across all inhabited continents. Using concise statistical analyses, we assessed five theoretical hypotheses for grazing intensity, grazing history, grazing animal type, productivity, and climate, and decomposed the individual contributions of each factor in regulating multiple components of grassland biodiversity. After controlling for confounding effects, we found that: no significant linear or binomial pattern for the effect-size of grassland biodiversity as grazing intensity increased; the effect-size of producer richness was relatively lower (negative biodiversity response) in grasslands with a short grazing history, grazed by large livestock, high productivity, or high climate suitability; additionally, significant difference for the effect-size of consumer richness was only detected across grazing animal groups; and the effect-size of consumer abundance, and decomposer abundance all displayed significant differences with respect to grazing characters, grassland productivity, and climate suitability. Besides, results of hierarchical variance partitioning suggested that the total and individual contribution of predictors varied across biome components and diversity measurements. Specifically, grassland productivity acted as a key factor in driving producer richness. The findings presented here collectively suggest that the response of grassland biodiversity to livestock grazing, productivity, and climate varies across different components of the biome and measurements of diversity. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162994
Evolutionary history of grazing and resources determine herbivore exclusion effects on plant diversity. Nature ecology & evolution Ecological models predict that the effects of mammalian herbivore exclusion on plant diversity depend on resource availability and plant exposure to ungulate grazing over evolutionary time. Using an experiment replicated in 57 grasslands on six continents, with contrasting evolutionary history of grazing, we tested how resources (mean annual precipitation and soil nutrients) determine herbivore exclusion effects on plant diversity, richness and evenness. Here we show that at sites with a long history of ungulate grazing, herbivore exclusion reduced plant diversity by reducing both richness and evenness and the responses of richness and diversity to herbivore exclusion decreased with mean annual precipitation. At sites with a short history of grazing, the effects of herbivore exclusion were not related to precipitation but differed for native and exotic plant richness. Thus, plant species' evolutionary history of grazing continues to shape the response of the world's grasslands to changing mammalian herbivory. 10.1038/s41559-022-01809-9
Does grazing management provide opportunities to mitigate methane emissions by ruminants in pastoral ecosystems? Zubieta Ángel Sánchez,Savian Jean Victor,de Souza Filho William,Wallau Marcelo Osorio,Gómez Alejandra Marín,Bindelle Jérôme,Bonnet Olivier Jean François,de Faccio Carvalho Paulo César The Science of the total environment Agriculture, and livestock production in particular, is criticized for being a contributor to global environmental change, including emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). Methane (CH) from grazing ruminants accounts for most of livestock's carbon footprint because a large share of them are reared under suboptimal grazing conditions, usually resulting in both low herbage intake and animal performance. Consequently, the CH quota attributed to animal maintenance is spread across few or no animal outputs, increasing the CH intensity [g CH/kg live weight (LW) gain or g CH/kg milk yield]. In this review, the generalized idea relating tropical pastures with low quality and intrinsically higher CH intensity is challenged by showing evidence that emissions from animals grazing tropical pastures can equal those of temperate grasses. We demonstrate the medium-to-high mitigation potential of some grazing management strategies to mitigate CH emissions from grazing ruminants and stress the predominant role that sward canopy structure (e.g., height) has over animal behavioral responses (e.g., intake rate), daily forage intake and resulting CH emissions. From this ecological perspective, we identify a grazing management concept aiming to offer the best sward structure that allows animals to optimize their daily herbage intake, creating opportunities to reduce CH intensity. We show the trade-off between animal performance and CH intensity, stressing that mitigation is substantial when grazing management is conducted under light-to-moderate intensities and optimize herbage intake and animal performance. We conclude that optimizing LW gain of grazing sheep and cattle to a threshold of 0.14 and 0.7 kg/day, respectively, would dramatically reduce CH intensity to approximately 0.2 kg CH/kg LW gain, as observed in some intensive feeding systems. This could represent a mitigation potential of around 55% for livestock commodities in pasture-based systems. Our results offer new insights to the debate concerning mitigation of environmental impacts of pastoral ecosystems. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142029
Differential Effects of Natural Grazing and Feedlot Feeding on Yak Fecal Microbiota. Frontiers in veterinary science Variation in food and diet shapes the diversity of the gut microbiota of ruminants. The present study investigated the microbial diversity in the fecal microbiota of yaks reared under natural grazing and feedlot system. A total of 48 domestic yaks with an average age of 7.5 years were selected from two different grazing habitats: one group grazed on natural pasture (grazing yaks-GY) while the other group was fed fodder and concentrate (feedlot yaks-FY). Crude protein, non-fiber carbohydrate, hemicelluloses, and digestible dry matter contents of natural pastures were higher than those in the feedlot. The lower insoluble fiber contents were found in grazing land. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed 675 and 348 unique operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the GY and FY, respectively, in addition to 1,778 common OTUs. Overall, a total of 9,891 OTUs were identified as a whole, of which 6,160 OTUs were from GY and 3,731 were from FY. Shannon index analysis revealed a higher bacterial diversity in GY than FY. At the phylum level, Firmicutes were dominant bacterial taxa in both groups. The relative abundance of Firmicutes in GY (56% ± 0.05) was higher than in FY (41% ± 0.08). At the family level, GY had a significantly higher abundance of Ruminococcaceae ( < 0.001) and Rikenellaceae ( < 0.001) than FY, but FY had a significantly higher abundance of Prevotellaceae than GY ( < 0.001). At the genus level, abundances of , and were higher in FY than in GY. This study presents novel information on fecal bacterial composition and diversity in yaks reared under two different production systems. 10.3389/fvets.2022.791245
Grazing and global change factors differentially affect biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships in grassland ecosystems. Global change biology Grazing and global change (e.g., warming, nitrogen deposition, and altered precipitation) both contribute to biodiversity loss and alter ecosystem structure and functioning. However, how grazing and global change interactively influence plant diversity and ecosystem productivity, and their relationship remains unclear at the global scale. Here, we synthesized 73 field studies to quantify the individual and/or interactive effects of grazing and global change factors on biodiversity-productivity relationship in grasslands. Our results showed that grazing significantly reduced plant richness by 3.7% and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) by 29.1%, but increased belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) by 9.3%. Global change factors, however, decreased richness by 8.0% but increased ANPP and BNPP by 13.4% and 14.9%, respectively. Interestingly, the strength of the change in biodiversity in response to grazing was positively correlated with the strength of the change in BNPP. Yet, global change flipped these relationships from positive to negative even when combined with grazing. These results indicate that the impacts of global change factors are more dominant than grazing on the belowground biodiversity-productivity relationship, which is contrary to the pattern of aboveground one. Therefore, incorporating global change factors with herbivore grazing into Earth system models is necessary to accurately predict climate-grassland carbon cycle feedbacks in the Anthropocene. 10.1111/gcb.16305
Anchoring grassland sustainability with a nature-based small burrowing mammal control strategy. The Journal of animal ecology Over the last 40 years, a burrowing mammal eradication policy has been prevalent on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). This policy is based on similar burrowing mammal eradication programs in other areas and is justified on the assumptions that burrowing mammals compete with livestock for forage and contribute to grassland degradation. However, there is no clear theoretical or experimental evidence supporting these assumptions. This paper synthesizes the ecological functioning of small burrowing mammals in natural grasslands and discusses the irrationality and consequences of burrowing mammal eradication for sustainable livestock grazing and grassland degradation. Past burrowing mammal eradication efforts have failed because increased food availability for the remaining rodents and reduced predator populations led to rapid population rebounds. Herbivores differ in diet, and there is clear evidence that burrowing mammals, especially plateau zokors Myospalax baileyi, have a different diet than livestock. In QTP meadows, burrowing mammal eradication induces a shift towards plant communities with fewer species preferred by livestock and more species preferred by burrowing mammals. Thus, eradicating burrowing mammals has the opposite effect, a reduction in livestock preferred vegetation. We suggest that the policy of poisoning burrowing mammals needs to be reconsidered and revoked as soon as possible. We argue that incorporating density-dependent factors such as predation and food availability are essential for maintaining a low burrowing mammal density. For degraded grasslands, we suggest that the optimal sustainable approach is to decrease the intensity of livestock grazing. Lower grazing induces changes in vegetation structure and plant species composition that increases predation on burrowing mammals and decreases the abundance of plants preferred by burrowing mammals. Such a nature-based grassland management system maintains the density of burrowing mammals at a low stable density while minimizing human management and interventions. 10.1111/1365-2656.13938
Animal Activities of the Key Herbivore Plateau Pika () on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Affect Grassland Microbial Networks and Ecosystem Functions. Frontiers in microbiology Plateau pikas () are high-altitude model animals and famous "ecosystem engineers" on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Pika activities may accelerate the degradation of alpine meadows. Nevertheless, little is known about the responses of bacterial, fungal, and archaeal communities, and ecosystem multifunctionality to pika perturbations. To address this question, we studied the impacts of only pika disturbance and combined disturbance (pika disturbance and grazing) on ecological networks of soil microbial communities and ecosystem multifunctionality. Our results demonstrated that Proteobacteria, Ascomycota, and Crenarchaeota were dominant in bacteria, fungi, and archaea, respectively. Bacteria, fungi, and archaea were all influenced by the combined disturbance of grazing and pika. Most fungal communities became convergent, while bacterial and archaeal communities became differentiated during the succession of surface types. In particular, the bacterial and fungal networks were less stable than archaeal networks. In response to the interference, cross-domain cooperation between bacterial and fungal communities increased, while competitive interactions between bacterial and archaeal communities increased. Pika disturbance at high intensity significantly reduced the ecosystem multifunctionality. However, the mixed effects of grazing and pika weakened such influences. This study revealed how pika activities affected microbial networks and ecosystem multifunctionality. These results provide insights to designing reasonable ecological management strategies for alpine grassland ecosystems. 10.3389/fmicb.2022.950811
Post-restoration grassland management overrides the effects of restoration methods in propagule-rich landscapes. Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America Grassland restoration is gaining momentum worldwide to tackle the loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. Restoration methods and their effects on ecological community reassembly have been extensively studied across various grassland types, while the importance of post-restoration management has so far received less attention. Grassland management is an important surrogate for natural disturbances, with which most ancient grasslands have coevolved. Thus, without the reintroduction of management-related disturbance, restoration targets are unlikely to be achieved in restored grasslands. In this study, we aimed to explore how 20 yr of management by mowing once a year or light cattle grazing affects restoration success in Palearctic meadow-steppe grasslands restored by either sowing native grasses (sown sites), applying Medicago sativa as a nurse plant (Medicago sites), or allowing spontaneous succession (spontaneous sites). We found that, following mowing, sown sites maintained long-lasting establishment limitation, while Medicago sites experienced a delay in succession. These limitations resulted in low total and target species richness, low functional redundancy, and distinct species and functional composition compared to reference data from ancient grasslands. Spontaneous sites that were mowed reached a more advanced successional stage, although they did not reach reference levels regarding most vegetation descriptors. Sown and Medicago sites that were grazed had higher total and target species richness than those that were mowed, and showed restoration success similar to that of spontaneous sites, on which grazing had only moderate further positive effects. Grazed sites, irrespective of the restoration method, were uniformly species rich, functionally diverse, and functionally redundant, and thus became important biodiverse habitats with considerable resilience. We conclude that an optimally chosen post-restoration management may have an impact on long-term community reassembly comparable to the choice of restoration method. Restoration planners may, therefore, need to put more emphasis on future management than on the initial restoration method. However, our findings also imply that if local constraints, such as potentially high invasive propagule pressure, necessitate the application of restoration methods that could also hinder the establishment of target species, the long-term recovery of the grassland can still be ensured by wisely chosen post-restoration management. 10.1002/eap.2463
New perspectives on microbiome and nutrient sequestration in soil aggregates during long-term grazing exclusion. Global change biology Grazing exclusion alters grassland soil aggregation, microbiome composition, and biogeochemical processes. However, the long-term effects of grazing exclusion on the microbial communities and nutrient dynamics within soil aggregates remain unclear. We conducted a 36-year exclusion experiment to investigate how grazing exclusion affects the soil microbial community and the associated soil functions within soil aggregates in a semiarid grassland. Long-term (36 years) grazing exclusion induced a shift in microbial communities, especially in the <2 mm aggregates, from high to low diversity compared to the grazing control. The reduced microbial diversity was accompanied by instability of fungal communities, extended distribution of fungal pathogens to >2 mm aggregates, and reduced carbon (C) sequestration potential thus revealing a negative impact of long-term GE. In contrast, 11-26 years of grazing exclusion greatly increased C sequestration and promoted nutrient cycling in soil aggregates and associated microbial functional genes. Moreover, the environmental characteristics of microhabitats (e.g., soil pH) altered the soil microbiome and strongly contributed to C sequestration. Our findings reveal new evidence from soil microbiology for optimizing grazing exclusion duration to maintain multiple belowground ecosystem functions, providing promising suggestions for climate-smart and resource-efficient grasslands. 10.1111/gcb.17027
Temperate grassland vegetation restoration influenced by grazing exclusion and climate change. The Science of the total environment Grasslands are one of the most important terrestrial biomes, supporting a wide range of ecological functions and services. Grassland degradation due to overgrazing is a severe issue worldwide, especially in developing regions. However, observations from multiple sources have shown that temperate grasslands in China have significantly increased during the past two decades. It remains controversial what factors have driven the vegetation restoration in this region. In this study, we combined remote-sensing images and field survey datasets to quantify the contributions of different factors to vegetation restoration in six temperate grasslands in northern China. Across the six grasslands, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) increased by 0.003-0.0319 year. The average contributions of grazing exclusion and climate change to the NDVI increase were 49.23 % and 50.77 %, respectively. Precipitation change was the primary climate factor driving vegetation restoration, contributing 50.76 % to the NDVI variance. By contrast, climate warming tended to slow vegetation restoration, and atmospheric CO concentration change contributed little to the NDVI increase in the temperate grasslands. These results emphasize the significant contributions of both climate change and human management to grassland vegetation restoration. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168842
Short term grazing increased growing-season NO production and decreased its reduction potential by reducing the abundance and expression of nosZ clade II gene in a semi-arid steppe. The Science of the total environment Understanding nitrous oxide (NO) production as well as reduction in response to grazing and mowing is essential for designing better management strategies to improve sustainability of grassland ecosystems. We evaluated how four years of grazing or mowing altered NO production and reduction potential, gene abundance, and expression of microbial functional groups pertinent to NO production in situ on a typical grassland in Inner Mongolia. In our study, we found that grazing dramatically raised soil ammonium (NH-N) and nitrate (NO-N) concentrations, AOB gene abundance and potential of NO production through nitrification (N) and denitrification (D) in summer, but lessened the expression of nosZ clade II gene in all seasons. Mowing had minor effect on soil inorganic nitrogen (N) concentrations. Mowing diminished the quantity of denitrification genes (narG and nosZ), expression of nosZ and nosZ clade II genes, and D concentration. The expression and abundance of nosZ clade II gene were related to D. These results suggested that short-term grazing could enhance NO production potential in peak growing season, while the reduction in abundance and expression of nosZ calde II gene might be an important contributor to the enhanced NO production of semi-arid typical steppe grasslands. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168361
Livestock grazing-exclusion under global warming scenario decreases phosphorus mineralization by changing soil food web structure in a Tibetan alpine meadow. The Science of the total environment The exclusion of grazing has been used extensively in alpine meadows on the Tibetan Plateau. Studies, however, have shown reported recent trends of decreasing concentrations of soil nutrients because of grazing exclusion and climate change. The effects of excluding grazing on the soil biogeochemical process of phosphorus cycling in alpine meadows are unclear, especially under climatic warming. We conducted a 5-year grazing-exclusion and warming-manipulation experiment to examine the effects of excluding grazing on fractions of soil phosphorus, microbial and nematode communities and enzymatic activities in treatments of low grazing intensity, grazing exclusion, and combined grazing exclusion and warming. Our results indicated that excluding grazing significantly decreased bacterivore and omnivore-predator densities, phoD gene abundance and alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity (in the 0-5 cm layer by -34, -41, -38 and -42 %) at altitudes of 3850 m, 4000 m, 4150 m and 4250 m, respectively. Structural equation modeling indicated that bacterivores positively affected phoD gene abundance, alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity and inorganic‑phosphorus fractions. Combined grazing exclusion and warming significantly decreased bacterivore and omnivore-predator densities but significantly increased fungivore density (in the 0-5 cm layer by 238, 172, 119 and 65 %) at altitudes of 3850, 4000, 4150 and 4250 m, respectively. Structural equation modeling also indicated that the combined grazing-exclusion and warming treatment increased the soil fungi and fungivores, but the higher abundances of fungi and fungivores did not significantly affect acid phosphomonoesterase activity or inorganic‑phosphorus fractions. Alternatively, the combined grazing-exclusion and warming treatment significantly increased the concentrations of amorphous and free aluminum, which were positively correlated with the maximum adsorption of phosphorus. The combined grazing-exclusion and warming treatment thus significantly decreased the availability of resin phosphorus (-63, -51, -81 and -67 %) in the 0-5 cm layer at altitudes of 3850, 4000, 4150 and 4250 m, respectively. Our results suggested that light grazing (0.5 yak ha year) could increase phosphorus mineralization and the activity of soil enzymes in alpine meadows under global warming. An adequate load of livestock pressure at each altitude can be an effective management technique, mainly under warming, to maintain an adequate, sustainable and equilibrated phosphorus cycle in the plant-soil system. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162313
Alteration of microbial carbon and nitrogen metabolism within the soil metagenome with grazing intensity at semiarid steppe. Journal of environmental management Grazing causes changes in microbiome metabolic pathways affecting plant growth and soil physicochemical properties. However, how grazing intensity affects microbial processes is poorly understood. In semiarid steppe grassland in northern China, shotgun metagenome sequencing was used to investigate variations in soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling-related genes after six years of the following grazing intensities: G0, control, no grazing; G1, 170 sheep days ha year; G2, 340 sheep days ha year; and G3, 510 sheep days ha year. Taxa and functions of the soil microbiome associated with the C cycle decreased with increasing grazing intensity. Abundances of genes involved in C fixation and organic matter decomposition were altered in grazed sites, which could effects on vegetation decomposition and soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content. Compared with the control, the abundances of nitrification genes were higher in G1, but the abundances of N reduction and denitrification genes were lower, suggesting that light grazing promoted nitrification, inhibited denitrification, and increased soil NO content. Q-PCR further revealed that the copies of genes responsible for carbon fixation (cbbL) and denitrification (norB) decreased with increasing grazing intensity. The highest copy numbers of the nitrification genes AOA and AOB were in G1, whereas copy numbers of the denitrification gene nirK were the lowest. A multivariate regression tree indicated that changes in C fixation genes were linked to changes in soil DOC content, whereas soil NO content was linked with nitrification and denitrification under grazing. Thus, genes associated with C fixation and the N cycle affected how C fixation and N storage influenced soil physicochemical properties under grazing. The findings indicate that grazing intensity affected C and N metabolism. Proper grassland management regimes (e.g., G1) are beneficial to the balances between ecological protection of grasslands and plant production in the semiarid steppe. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119078
How does grazing pressure affect feed intake and behavior of livestock in a meadow steppe in northern China and their coupling relationship. The Science of the total environment Livestock feeding behavior and intake play a crucial role in influencing grassland health and productivity. A comprehensive investigation into livestock feeding behavior and intake can effectively elucidate the interactions and impacts of livestock and grasslands, providing scientific evidence and technical support for the formulation and implementation of sustainable grassland development strategies. Based on a long-term controlled grazing experiment platform conducted over 13 years, the feeding behavior and forage intake of cattle under different grazing intensities were observed and analyzed. Additionally, we used GPS sensors to study cattle grazing behavior trends. Using Mantel's test, we analyzed the relationship between cattle movement distance, forage intake, and environmental factors. The results demonstrated that cattle forage intake decreased with increasing grazing intensity. Forage intake peaked at the end of July and beginning of August, with the highest efficiency observed in August. Moreover, under light grazing intensity, cattle exhibited greater fluctuations in forage intake than those under moderate and heavy grazing intensity. Cattle movement levels increased with higher grazing intensity, and during the period of lush grass growth, cattle displayed significantly higher movement levels than during grass senescence. The accuracy of the behavior determination model based on cattle velocity ranged from 60 to 80 %. Using this model, we found that under heavy grazing conditions, cattle spent significantly more time roaming than under light and moderate grazing. Conversely, under light grazing conditions, cattle spent significantly more time feeding. A negative correlation was identified between cattle forage intake and movement distance. Cattle's forage intake was significantly positively correlated with grass height and grass biomass and significantly negatively correlated with stocking rate and movement distance. Thorough research on livestock feeding behavior and intake offers scientific evidence and technical support for formulating and implementing sustainable grassland development strategies. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168472
Recovery through proper grazing exclusion promotes the carbon cycle and increases carbon sequestration in semiarid steppe. The Science of the total environment Grazing exclusion changes soil physical-chemical characteristics, rapidly affects microbial community composition and function, and alters biogeochemical processes, e.g., carbon (C) cycle, over time. However, the temporal dynamics of CO emission and CH uptake during grassland restoration chronosequences remain poorly understood. We investigated soil CO emission and CH uptake, the genes related to CO and CH production and reduction (cbbL, cbbM, chiA, and pmoA), and associated microbial communities under different durations of grazing exclusion (0, 7, 16, 25, and 38 years) to reveal the mechanisms and potential of soil CO emission and CH uptake in a semi-arid steppe. The results showed that a proper exclusion period could significantly improve soil physical-chemical conditions, vegetation community, and soil C-cycling. The abundance of C-cycling functional genes (cbbL, cbbM, chiA and pmoA), CH uptake and CO emission rates showed a single-peak pattern with increasing duration of grazing exclusion, peaking at 16 years and then decreasing in the period between 25 and 38 years, indicating that the effect of exclusion weakened when the exclusion period was too long. The changes in C-cycling functional genes and microbial communities are primarily influenced by aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), and are associated with CO, CH, soil water content (SWC), and soil organic carbon (SOC). Structural equation modeling showed that increases in SOC content and pmoA abundance caused by an increase in ANPP accelerated CO emission and CH uptake rates, respectively. Our results provide valuable insights into the critical role of grazing exclusion in promoting grassland restoration and carbon sequestration, and have potential implications for sustainable land management practices. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164423
Effects of livestock grazing on the relationships between soil microbial community and soil carbon in grassland ecosystems. The Science of the total environment Livestock grazing of grassland ecosystems may induce shifts in microbe community traits and soil carbon (C) cycling; however, impacts of grassland management (grazing) on soil C- microbe community trait (microbial biomass, diversity, community structure, and enzyme activity) relationships are unclear. To address this, we conducted a global meta-analysis of 95 articles of livestock grazing studies that vary in grazing intensities (light, moderate, and high) and durations (<5 years, 5-10 years, and > 10 years). We found that gazing decreased soil organic carbon content (SOC; 10.1 %), and activities of the enzymes of saccharase (SA; 31.1 %), urease (UA; 7.0 %), and acid phosphatase (11.9 %) in topsoil. Meanwhile, the SOC, soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities consistently decreased as grazing intensity and duration prolonged. Furthermore, we observed strong linear relationships of microbe community traits with SOC (p < 0.05), but weak relationships with soil N or P (p > 0.05) in grasslands, which also depends on the grazing intensity and duration. In conclusion, our results indicate that traits of soil carbon content, soil microbe community, and in particular their relationships in global grasslands are overall significantly affected by livestock grazing, but the effects strongly depend on the grazing intensity and duration. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163416
Changes in plant community assembly from patchy degradation of grasslands and grazing by different-sized herbivores. Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America Grassland degradation caused by increases in livestock grazing threatens a variety of ecosystem services. Understanding changes in plant community assembly during the process of grassland degradation in the presence of grazing is important to help restore degraded grasslands worldwide but has received little attention thus far. The grassland degradation process is typified by heterogeneous degradation, that is, gradual formation of degraded patches (hereafter "patchy degradation"). Here, we experimentally examined the effects of herbivore grazing and patchy degradation on plant community assembly using nine pairs of non-degraded (intact) and patch-degraded (fragmented) grasslands subject to grazing by different-sized herbivores (i.e., NG, no grazing; SG, sheep grazing; CG, cattle grazing) over 4 years. Using a null-model approach, we estimated the relative magnitude of deterministic processes of community assembly by comparing the observed and expected β-diversity. We found that in the absence of herbivore grazing, deterministic processes played a greater role in community assembly, regardless of whether patchy degradation had occurred. However, the deterministic processes resulted in plant communities being more spatially similar in non-degraded grasslands while being more dissimilar in patchy degraded grasslands. Compared with non-degraded grasslands, species with strong competitive abilities (i.e., Leymus chinensis) were less dominant in patchy degraded grasslands, indicating relaxed competition and a reduced role of species interactions over plant communities. Instead, patchy degradation added the role of environmental variables over plant communities. SG consistently promoted more stochastic plant community assembly in both non-degraded and patch-degraded grasslands, while CG promoted more stochastic plant community assembly only in the non-degraded state, having no effect in the patch-degraded state. Our study offers important insights into changes in plant community assembly during ongoing patch-degradation of grasslands, indicating the role of increased environmental filtering of soil and reduced species interactions in driving plant community dynamics with increasing grassland patchy degradation. We also uncovered an herbivore species-specific effect on plant community assembly during the process of grassland degradation, which will better inform and improve future grassland restoration planning efforts. 10.1002/eap.2803
Relevance of sward structure and forage nutrient contents in explaining methane emissions from grazing beef cattle and sheep. The Science of the total environment Forage nutrient contents are an important factor explaining the dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), and methane emissions (CH) of ruminants fed indoors. However, for grazing animals, the forage nutrient contents might be limited in explaining such response variables. We aimed to verify the explanatory power of forage nutrient contents and sward structure on daily intake, performance, and CH emissions by sheep and beef cattle grazing different grassland types in southern Brazil. We analyzed data from five grazing trials using sheep and beef cattle grazing on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), mixed Italian ryegrass and black oat (Lolium multiflorum + Avena strigosa), pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum), and multispecies native grassland. We used mixed models, including the forage nutrient contents [crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF)], sward structure (sward height and herbage mass) and their interactions, as fixed effects and trial, season, methodologies, animal species, grassland type, and paddock, as random effects. The model for DMI (kg DM/LW) had an adjusted coefficient of determination (R) of 71.6 %, where 11.3, 23.1, and 37.2 % of the R were explained by the forage nutrient contents, sward structure, and their interaction, respectively. The ADG (kg/LW) model presented an R of 74.2 %, with 12.5 % explained by forage nutrient contents, 29.3 % by sward structure, and 32.4 % by their interaction. The daily CH emission (g/LW) model had a lower adjusted coefficient of determination (R = 47.6 %), with 16.8 % explained by forage nutrient contents and 30.8 % explained by sward structure, but no effect of the interaction. Our results show that in grazing ecosystems, the forage nutrient contents explain a small fraction, and the greater explanatory power for DMI, ADG, and CH emissions models is related to sward structure descriptors, such as sward height and herbage mass. Moreover, the interaction between these variables explains most of the variation. In conclusion, forage nutrient contents and sward structure have different influences on DMI, ADG, and CH emissions by grazing ruminants. Because of its relevance to daily CH emissions, offering an optimal sward structure to grazing animals is a major climate-smart strategy to improve animal production and mitigate CH emissions in pastoral ecosystems. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161695
Differential effects of grazing intensity on carbon sequestration in arid versus humid grasslands across China. The Science of the total environment Livestock grazing, as a primary utilization practice for grasslands, plays a crucial role in carbon cycling process and its budget. Whether the impacts of different grazing intensities on carbon sequestration vary with precipitation over a broad geographic scales across China's grasslands remains unclear. In the context of striving for carbon neutrality, we carried out a meta-analysis based on 156 peer-reviewed journal articles to synthesize the general impacts of different grazing intensities on carbon sequestration with different precipitations. Our results showed that light, moderate, and heavy grazing dramatically reduced the soil organic carbon stocks by 3.43 %, 13.68 %, and 16.77 % in arid grasslands, respectively (P < 0.05), while light and moderate grazing did not alter soil organic carbon stocks in humid grasslands (P > 0.05). Moreover, the change rates of soil organic carbon stocks were all tightly positively associated with those of soil water content under different grazing intensities (P < 0.05). Further analysis revealed strong positive relationships between mean annual precipitation with the change rates of above- and belowground biomasses, soil microbial biomass carbon, and soil organic carbon stocks under moderate grazing intensity (P < 0.05). These findings imply that carbon sequestration is relatively less tolerant to grazing disturbance in arid grasslands than humid grasslands, which may be primary due to the grazing-intensified water limitation for plant growth and soil microbial activities under low precipitation. Our study is of implication to predict carbon budget of China's grasslands and help adopt sustainable management to strive for carbon neutrality. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163221
Cessation of grazing causes biodiversity loss and homogenization of soil food webs. Proceedings. Biological sciences There is widespread concern that cessation of grazing in historically grazed ecosystems is causing biotic homogenization and biodiversity loss. We used 12 montane grassland sites along an 800 km north-south gradient across the UK, to test whether cessation of grazing affects local - and -diversity of below-ground food webs. We show cessation of grazing leads to strongly decreased -diversity of most groups of soil microbes and fauna, particularly of relatively rare taxa. By contrast, the -diversity varied between groups of soil organisms. While most soil microbial communities exhibited increased homogenization after cessation of grazing, we observed decreased homogenization for soil fauna after cessation of grazing. Overall, our results indicate that exclusion of domesticated herbivores from historically grazed montane grasslands has far-ranging negative consequences for diversity of below-ground food webs. This underscores the importance of grazers for maintaining the diversity of below-ground communities, which play a central role in ecosystem functioning. 10.1098/rspb.2023.1345
Light grazing intensity enhances ecosystem services in semi-arid grasslands through plant trait associations. Journal of environmental management Grasslands provide multiple ecosystem services (ESs) including provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services that are largely affected by livestock grazing. Linking plant functional traits (PFTs) to ecosystem processes and functions has attracted extensive ecological research to explore the responses and inter-relations of ecosystem services to environmental and management changes. However, little information is available on the links between PFTs and ESs in most ecosystems. We conducted a grazing experiment to investigate the response of PFTs at different levels, including in plant organs (leaves and stems), individual plants, and the overall community in a typical steppe region of Inner Mongolia. Additionally, we examined the effect of animal grazing at four intensities (nil, light, moderate, and heavy) and explored the dynamic interconnections between PFTs and ecosystem services in grasslands. Our analysis revealed that the highest total ecosystem service and provisioning service were achieved under light- and moderate-grazing treatments, respectively. Heavy grazing also increased provisioning service but with a large decline in regulating and total ecosystem services. These changes in ESs were closely associated with grazing-induced variations in PFTs. Compared to no grazing, light grazing increased plant size-related functional traits, such as height, leaf length, leaf area, stem length, and the ratio of stem length to diameter. In contrast, heavy grazing decreased these PFTs. Provisioning and regulating services were determined by plant above-ground community function and structural properties, while supporting service was jointly affected by the below-ground community and soil properties. Our results indicate that light grazing should be recommended for the best total ESs, although moderate grazing may lead to high short-term economic benefits. Moreover, PFTs are powerful indicators for provisioning and regulating services. These findings provide a valuable reference for developing effective management practices to achieve targeted ESs using PFTs as indicators. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119375
Grazing management impacts on ecosystem services under contrasting climatic conditions in Texas and North Dakota. Journal of environmental management Grazing management is an important factor affecting the delivery of ecosystem services at the watershed scale. Moreover, characterizing the impacts of climate variation on water resources is essential in managing rangelands. In this study, the effects of alternative grazing management scenarios on provisioning, regulating, and supporting services were assessed in two watersheds with contrasting climates; the Lower Prairie Dog Town Fork Red River (LPDTFR) Watershed in North Texas and the Apple Watershed in South Dakota. The impacts of heavy stocking continuous grazing, light stocking continuous grazing, Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) grazing, and an ungrazed exclosure were compared using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. Our results indicate that the quantity of snow and timing of snow melt substantially influenced grazing management effects on ecosystem services in the Apple Watershed. In contrast, precipitation was the main factor influencing these effects in the LPDTFR Watershed because it highly affected the variation in water cycling, streamflow, sediment, and nutrient controls. Simulated results indicated that AMP grazing was the optimal grazing management approach for enhancing water conservation and ecosystem services in both watersheds regardless of climatic conditions. The Apple Watershed, which is a snow-dominated watershed, exhibited greater ecosystem service improvements under AMP grazing (50.6%, 58.7%, 74.4%, 61.5% and 72.6% reduction in surface runoff, streamflow, and sediment, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) losses, respectively as compared to HC grazing) than the LPDTFR Watershed (46.0%, 22.8%, 34.1%, 18.9% and 38.4% reduction in surface runoff, streamflow, and sediment, TN and TP losses, respectively). Our results suggest that improved grazing management practices enhance ecosystem services and water catchment functions in rangeland-dominated areas, especially in colder climates. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119213