Essential metals in health and disease.
Chemico-biological interactions
In total, twenty elements appear to be essential for the correct functioning of the human body, half of which are metals and half are non-metals. Among those metals that are currently considered to be essential for normal biological functioning are four main group elements, sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca), and six d-block transition metal elements, manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and molybdenum (Mo). Cells have developed various metallo-regulatory mechanisms for maintaining a necessary homeostasis of metal-ions for diverse cellular processes, most importantly in the central nervous system. Since redox active transition metals (for example Fe and Cu) may participate in electron transfer reactions, their homeostasis must be carefully controlled. The catalytic behaviour of redox metals which have escaped control, e.g. via the Fenton reaction, results in the formation of reactive hydroxyl radicals, which may cause damage to DNA, proteins and membranes. Transition metals are integral parts of the active centers of numerous enzymes (e.g. Cu,Zn-SOD, Mn-SOD, Catalase) which catalyze chemical reactions at physiologically compatible rates. Either a deficiency, or an excess of essential metals may result in various disease states arising in an organism. Some typical ailments that are characterized by a disturbed homeostasis of redox active metals include neurological disorders (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's disorders), mental health problems, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes. To comprehend more deeply the mechanisms by which essential metals, acting either alone or in combination, and/or through their interaction with non-essential metals (e.g. chromium) function in biological systems will require the application of a broader, more interdisciplinary approach than has mainly been used so far. It is clear that a stronger cooperation between bioinorganic chemists and biophysicists - who have already achieved great success in understanding the structure and role of metalloenzymes in living systems - with biologists, will access new avenues of research in the systems biology of metal ions. With this in mind, the present paper reviews selected chemical and biological aspects of metal ions and their possible interactions in living systems under normal and pathological conditions.
Co-administration of trientine and flaxseed oil on oxidative stress, serum lipids and heart structure in diabetic rats.
Rezaei Ali,Heidarian Esfandiar
Indian journal of experimental biology
The administration of flaxseed oil or flaxseed oil plus trientine in diabetic rats reduced triglyceride, very low density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol. Furthermore, the combined treatment significantly increased superoxide dismutase activity and attenuated serum Cu2+. The results suggest that the administration of flaxseed oil plus trientine is useful in controlling serum lipid abnormalities, oxidative stress, restoring heart structure, and reducing serum Cu2+ in diabetic rats.
The use of tetrathiomolybdate in treating fibrotic, inflammatory, and autoimmune diseases, including the non-obese diabetic mouse model.
Brewer George J,Dick Robert,Zeng Chunhua,Hou Guoqing
Journal of inorganic biochemistry
Tetrathiomolybdate was originally developed for use in Wilson's disease. However, lowering copper levels to below normal levels with tetrathiomolybdate has been found to have efficacy in cancer, probably by turning down signaling by angiogenic cytokines. More recently, we have shown in animals models that tetrathiomolybdate dramatically inhibits pulmonary and liver fibrosis. In other animal models, we have shown that the drug also inhibits liver damage from concanavalin A and acetaminophen, and heart damage from doxorubicin. These studies are briefly reviewed, and we then present data on tetrathiomolybdate's partially protective effect against diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice, an autoimmune model of type I diabetes. Possible mechanisms of tetrathiomolybdate's protective effect are briefly considered.
A copper(II)-selective chelator ameliorates left-ventricular hypertrophy in type 2 diabetic patients: a randomised placebo-controlled study.
Cooper G J S,Young A A,Gamble G D,Occleshaw C J,Dissanayake A M,Cowan B R,Brunton D H,Baker J R,Phillips A R J,Frampton C M,Poppitt S D,Doughty R N
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS:Cu(II)-selective chelation with trientine ameliorates cardiovascular and renal disease in a model of diabetes in rats. Here, we tested the hypothesis that Cu(II)-selective chelation might improve left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in type 2 diabetic patients. METHODS:We performed a 12 month randomised placebo-controlled study of the effects of treatment with the Cu(II)-selective chelator trientine (triethylenetetramine dihydrochloride, 600 mg given orally twice daily) on LVH in diabetic patients (n = 15/group at baseline) in an outpatient setting wherein participants, caregivers and those assessing outcomes were blinded to group assignment. Using MRI, we measured left ventricular variables at baseline, and at months 6 and 12. The change from baseline in left ventricular mass indexed to body surface area (LVM(bsa)) was the primary endpoint variable. RESULTS:Diabetic patients had LVH with preserved ejection fraction at baseline. Trientine treatment decreased LVM(bsa) by 5.0 +/- 7.2 g/m(2) (mean +/- SD) at month 6 (when 14 trientine-treated and 14 placebo-treated participants were analysed; p = 0.0056 compared with placebo) and by 10.6 +/- 7.6 g/m(2) at month 12 (when nine trientine-treated and 13 placebo-treated participants were analysed; p = 0.0088), whereas LVM(bsa) was unchanged by placebo treatment. In a multiple-regression model that explained ~75% of variation (R (2) = 0.748, p = 0.001), cumulative urinary Cu excretion over 12 months was positively associated with trientine-evoked decreases in LVM(bsa). CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION:Cu(II)-selective chelation merits further exploration as a potential pharmacotherapy for diabetic heart disease. TRIAL REGISTRATION:Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN 12609000053224 FUNDING: The Endocore Research Trust; Lottery Health New Zealand; the Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust; the Foundation of Research, Science and Technology (New Zealand); the Health Research Council of New Zealand; the Ministry of Education (New Zealand) through the Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery; and the Protemix Corporation.
Molecular changes evoked by triethylenetetramine treatment in the extracellular matrix of the heart and aorta in diabetic rats.
Molecular pharmacology
Most patients with diabetes die from cardiac or arterial disease, for which there are limited therapeutic options. Free Cu(2+) ions are strongly pro-oxidant, and chelatable-Cu(II) is increased in the diabetic heart. We reported previously that treatment by Cu(II)-selective chelation with triethylenetetramine (TETA) evokes elevated urinary Cu(II) in diabetic rats and humans in whom it also improved hallmarks of established left ventricular (LV) disease. Here, we treated diabetic rats with TETA and evaluated its ability to ameliorate Cu(2+)-mediated LV and arterial damage by modifying the expression of molecular targets that included transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1, Smad4, extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD), and heparan sulfate (HS). Eight-weeks of TETA treatment significantly improved cardiac diastolic function but not [glucose](plasma) in diabetic animals. LV and aortic mRNAs corresponding to TGF-beta1, Smad4, collagen types I, III, and IV, and fibronectin-1, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, were elevated in untreated diabetic animals and normalized after TETA treatment. EC-SOD mRNA and protein, and [HS](tissue) were significantly decreased in diabetes and restored by drug treatment. Candidate molecular mechanisms by which TETA could ameliorate diabetic cardiac and arteriovascular disease include the suppression of an activated TGF-beta/Smad signaling pathway that mediates increased ECM gene expression and restoration of normal EC-SOD and HS regulation. These findings are relevant to the restoration toward normal by TETA treatment of cardiac and arterial structure and function in diabetes.
Quantitative proteomic profiling identifies new renal targets of copper(II)-selective chelation in the reversal of diabetic nephropathy in rats.
Gong Deming,Chen Xiuyin,Middleditch Martin,Huang Liangdong,Vazhoor Amarsingh Greeshma,Reddy Shiva,Lu Jun,Zhang Shaoping,Ruggiero Katya,Phillips Anthony R J,Cooper Garth J S
This study aimed to identify new diabetic nephropathy (DN)-related proteins and renal targets of the copper(II)-selective chelator, triethylenetetramine (TETA) in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. We used the recently developed iTRAQ technology to compare renal protein profiles among non-diabetic, diabetic, and TETA-treated diabetic rats. In diabetic kidneys, tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen (TINag), voltage-dependent anion-selective channel (VDAC) 1, and VDAC2 were up-regulated in parallel with alterations in expression of proteins with functions in oxidative stress and oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) pathways. By contrast, mitochondrial HSP 60, Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase, glutathione S-transferase alpha3 and aquaporin-1 were down-regulated in diabetic kidneys. Following TETA treatment, levels of D-amino acid oxidase-1, epoxide hydrolase-1, aquaporin-1, and a number of mitochondrial proteins were normalized, with concomitant amelioration of albuminuria. Changes in levels of TINag, collagen VIalpha1, actinin 4alpha, apoptosis-inducing factor 1, cytochrome C, histone H3, VDAC1, and aquaporin-1 were confirmed by Western blotting or immunohistochemistry. Changes in expression of proteins related to tubulointerstitial function, podocyte structure, and mitochondrial apoptosis are implicated in the mechanism of DN and their reversal by TETA. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that this new experimental therapy may be useful for treatment of DN.
The Effect of Trientine on AlCl3-Induced Cognitive Dysfunction and Biochemical Changes in the Hippocampus of Rats.
Drug research
Cognitive impairments affect millions of people worldwide with an increasing prevalence. Research on their etiology and treatment is developing, nevertheless significant gaps remain. Trientine (TETA), as a copper chelator, has been shown to have beneficial effects in different human chronic diseases such as diabetic cardiomyopathy and neuropathy. Here, we examined the impact of TETA on AlCl3-induced neurocognitive dysfunctions and molecular changes in the hippocampus of rats.Thirty-six male Wistar rats (weighing 200-250 g) were randomly divided into four groups including control, TETA (100 mg/kg/day), AlCl3 (100 mg/kg/day), and AlCl3 (100 mg/kg/day)+TETA (100 mg/kg/day), and received chemicals by gavage for 30 days. At the end of the treatment, the open field maze, elevated plus maze, novel object recognition memory test, and shuttle box test were done. Then after, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), glycogen synthase kinase-3 β (GSK-3β), acetylcholinesterase activity, oxidative stress markers, and inflammatory mediators were measured in the hippocampus.AlCl3 increased anxiety-like behaviors and impaired recognition and short-term memory. TETA was able to improve AlCl3-induced anxiety-like behaviors and short-term memory dysfunction. In the AlCl3-treated group, there was a significant increase in GSK-3β, oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic markers, and decreased BDNF in the hippocampus. Co-administration of TETA was able to decrease lipid peroxidation, inflammation, GSK-3β, and acetylcholinesterase activity, and increase BDNF in the hippocampus compared with AlCl3-treated rats.It can be concluded that TETA was able to improve neurobehavioral and neurocognitive functions by alleviating oxidative stress, inflammation, and pro-apoptotic pathways leading to the normalization of BDNF and GSK-3β.
Tetrathiomolybdate is partially protective against hyperglycemia in rodent models of diabetes.
Zeng Chunhua,Hou Guoqing,Dick Robert,Brewer George J
Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)
The objective was to evaluate whether copper lowering therapy with tetrathiomolybdate (TM) affected blood sugar levels in three rodent models of diabetes, streptozotocin (STZ) treated rats and mice, and the db/db mouse model. STZ was administered to rats and mice, and blood sugar levels were followed over a protracted time in these and non-STZ control animals. TM was administered by oral gavage (rats) or in the drinking water (mice) to a portion of the rats and mice to observe effects on blood sugar. Mice with genetically determined diabetes (db/db) were studied by giving half the mice TM in the drinking water and following blood sugar. The results show that TM caused a significant reduction in blood glucose in both STZ treated rats and mice, but no effect on blood glucose in db/db mice. However, TM caused a significant reduction in proteinuria in db/db animals. The results are discussed around the likelihood that TM is inhibiting ongoing inflammatory damage in the pancreas from STZ. A metabolic effect of TM on blood glucose is possible but seems less likely. TM is also likely inhibiting inflammatory and/or fibrogenic effects in the kidneys of db/db mice.
Chelation therapy for the management of diabetic complications: a hypothesis and a proposal for clinical laboratory assessment of metal ion homeostasis in plasma.
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
In a recent article, we presented the hypothesis that decompartmentalized metal ions are a major contributor to the development of diabetic complications and supported the use of chelation therapy for the treatment of diabetic complications [Nagai R, Murray DB, Metz TO, Baynes JW. Chelation: a fundamental mechanism of action of AGE inhibitors, AGE breakers, and other inhibitors of diabetes complications. Diabetes 2012;61:549-59]. Evidence in support of this hypothesis included the observation that many drugs used in the treatment of diabetes are chelators, that advanced glycation end product (AGE) inhibitors and AGE breakers lack carbonyl-trapping or AGE-breaker activity but are potent chelators, and that simple copper chelators inhibit vascular pathology in diabetes and aging. In the present article, we extend this hypothesis, proposing the interplay between copper and iron in the development of pathology in diabetes and other chronic age-related diseases, including atherosclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases. We also discuss the need and provide a framework for the development of a clinical laboratory test to assess plasma autoxidative catalytic activity and transition metal homeostasis in vivo.
Protection of the heart by treatment with a divalent-copper-selective chelator reveals a novel mechanism underlying cardiomyopathy in diabetic rats.
Zhang Lin,Ward Marie-Louise,Phillips Anthony R J,Zhang Shaoping,Kennedy John,Barry Bernard,Cannell Mark B,Cooper Garth J S
Cardiovascular diabetology
BACKGROUND:Intracellular calcium (Ca²⁺) coordinates the cardiac contraction cycle and is dysregulated in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Treatment with triethylenetetramine (TETA), a divalent-copper-selective chelator, improves cardiac structure and function in patients and rats with diabetic cardiomyopathy, but the molecular basis of this action is uncertain. Here, we used TETA to probe potential linkages between left-ventricular (LV) copper and Ca²⁺ homeostasis, and cardiac function and structure in diabetic cardiomyopathy. METHODS:We treated streptozotocin-diabetic rats with a TETA-dosage known to ameliorate LV hypertrophy in patients with diabetic cardiomyopathy. Drug treatment was begun either one (preventative protocol) or eight (restorative protocol) weeks after diabetes induction and continued thereafter for seven or eight weeks, respectively. Total copper content of the LV wall was determined, and simultaneous measurements of intracellular calcium concentrations and isometric contraction were made in LV trabeculae isolated from control, diabetic and TETA-treated diabetic rats. RESULTS:Total myocardial copper levels became deficient in untreated diabetes but were normalized by TETA-treatment. Cardiac contractility was markedly depressed by diabetes but TETA prevented this effect. Neither diabetes nor TETA exerted significant effects on peak or resting [Ca²⁺](i). However, diabetic rats showed extensive cardiac remodelling and decreased myofibrillar calcium sensitivity, consistent with observed increases in phosphorylation of troponin I, whereas these changes were all prevented by TETA. CONCLUSIONS:Diabetes causes cardiomyopathy through a copper-mediated mechanism that incorporates myocardial copper deficiency, whereas TETA treatment prevents this response and maintains the integrity of cardiac structure and myofibrillar calcium sensitivity. Altered calcium homeostasis may not be the primary defect in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Rather, a newly-described copper-mediated mechanism may cause this disease.
Treatment with a copper-selective chelator causes substantive improvement in cardiac function of diabetic rats with left-ventricular impairment.
Lu Jun,Pontré Beau,Pickup Stephen,Choong Soon Y,Li Mingming,Xu Hong,Gamble Gregory D,Phillips Anthony R J,Cowan Brett R,Young Alistair A,Cooper Garth J S
Cardiovascular diabetology
BACKGROUND:Defective copper regulation is implicated as a causative mechanism of organ damage in diabetes. Treatment with trientine, a divalent-copper-selective chelator, improves arterial and renal structure/function in diabetes, wherein it also ameliorates left-ventricular (LV) hypertrophy. However, direct in vivo evidence that trientine can improve cardiac function in heart failure has hitherto been lacking. METHODS:To determine whether trientine treatment could improve in vivo outcome, we measured cardiac function in groups of trientine-treated diabetic (TETA-DIA), non-drug-treated diabetic (DIA) and sham-treated control (SHAM) rats, by using in vivo high-field cardiac magnetic-resonance imaging (cMRI) and an ex vivo isolated-perfused working heart method. Forty age-matched animals underwent a cMRI scan after which 12 were randomized to the SHAM group and 28 underwent streptozotocin-injection; of these, 25 developed stable diabetes, and 12 were then randomized to receive no treatment for 16 weeks (DIA) and the other 13 to undergo 8-weeks' untreated diabetes followed by 8-weeks' drug treatment (TETA-DIA). Animals were studied again by cMRI at 8 and 16 weeks following disease induction, and finally by measurement of ex vivo cardiac function. RESULTS:After eight weeks diabetes, rats (DIA/TETA-DIA) had developed significant impairment of LV function, as judged by impairment of ejection fraction (LVEF), cardiac output (CO), and LV mass (LVM)/body-mass (all P < 0.001), as well as other functional indexes. LVEF, CO (both P < 0.001) and the other indexes deteriorated further at 16 weeks in DIA, whereas trientine (TETA-DIA) improved cardiac function by elevating LVEF and CO (both P < 0.001), and also partially reversed the increase in LVM/body-mass (P < 0.05). In ex vivo hearts from DIA, the CO response to increasing preload pressure was deficient compared with SHAM (P < 0.001) whereas the preload-CO relationship was significantly improved in TETA-DIA animals (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS:Trientine treatment significantly improved cardiac function in diabetic rats with substantive LV impairment. These results implicate impaired copper regulation in the pathogenesis of impaired cardiac function caused by diabetic cardiomyopathy, and support ongoing studies of trientine treatment in patients with heart failure.
Trientine and renin-angiotensin system blockade ameliorate progression of glomerular morphology in hypertensive experimental diabetic nephropathy.
Moya-Olano Leire,Milne Helen Marie,Robinson Jillian Margaret,Hill Jonathan Vernon,Frampton Christopher Miles,Abbott Helen Frances,Turner Rufus,Kettle Anthony James,Endre Zoltán Huba
Pathology international
A comparison of the efficacy of the copper chelator, trientine, with combined renin angiotensin system (RAS) blockade on the progression of glomerular pathology in the diabetic (mREN-2)27 rat is reported. Animals were treated for 2 months with trientine, combined RAS blockers, combined trientine plus RAS blockers or none. Treatments began after inducing diabetes with streptozotocin. Physiological data were recorded monthly and light microscopic glomerular features were scored. Plasma allantoin and both plasma and renal protein carbonyls were measured as markers of oxidative stress. Trientine and RAS blockade decreased proteinuria and albuminuria and prevented an increase in creatinine clearance and kidney weight. Both reduced the diabetes-related glomerular features of mesangiolysis and glomerular segmental hypocellularity and trientine prevented severe tuft-to-capsule adhesion and reduced tubularization. Hypertension-related severe mesangial matrix expansion and global hypercellularity were increased by both treatments, which may reflect repair of mesangiolysis. Trientine reduced plasma but not renal protein carbonyls or plasma allantoin. In this model, trientine prevented the development of many diabetes-specific features similarly to RAS blockade. Amelioration of oxidative stress and features commonly observed in human diabetic nephropathy (DN), support a diabetes-related defect in copper (Cu) metabolism. The addition of Cu(II) chelation may improve current DN therapy.
Triethylenetetramine and metabolites: levels in relation to copper and zinc excretion in urine of healthy volunteers and type 2 diabetic patients.
Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals
Triethylenetetramine (TETA), a selective Cu(II)-chelator used in the treatment of Wilson's disease, is now undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of heart failure in diabetes. Despite decades of clinical use, knowledge of its pharmacology in human subjects remains incomplete. Here, we first used liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to detect and identify major metabolites of TETA in human plasma and urine, and then used this method to measure concentrations of TETA and its metabolites in the urine of healthy and diabetic subjects who were administered increasing doses (300, 600, 1200, and 2400 mg) of TETA orally. Twenty-four-hour urine collections were performed before and after dosing participants. Two major metabolites of TETA were detected in human urine, N(1)-acetyltriethylenetetramine (MAT) and N(1),N(10)-diacetyltriethylenetetramine, the latter being novel. Both metabolites were verified with synthetic standards by LC-MS. The proportion of unchanged TETA excreted as a fraction of total urinary drug-derived molecules was significantly higher in healthy than in matched diabetic subjects, consistent with a higher rate of TETA metabolism in the latter. TETA-evoked increases in urinary Cu excretion in nondiabetic subjects were more closely correlated with parent drug concentrations than in diabetic subjects, whereas, by contrast, urinary Cu was more closely associated with the sum of TETA and MAT. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that MAT could play a significant role in the molecular mechanism by which TETA extracts Cu(II) from the systemic compartment in diabetic subjects.
Regeneration of the heart in diabetes by selective copper chelation.
Cooper Garth J S,Phillips Anthony R J,Choong Soon Y,Leonard Bridget L,Crossman David J,Brunton Dianne H,Saafi 'Etuate L,Dissanayake Ajith M,Cowan Brett R,Young Alistair A,Occleshaw Christopher J,Chan Yih-Kai,Leahy Fiona E,Keogh Geraldine F,Gamble Gregory D,Allen Grant R,Pope Adèle J,Boyd Peter D W,Poppitt Sally D,Borg Thomas K,Doughty Robert N,Baker John R
Heart disease is the major cause of death in diabetes, a disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and cardiovascular complications. Although altered systemic regulation of transition metals in diabetes has been the subject of previous investigation, it is not known whether changed transition metal metabolism results in heart disease in common forms of diabetes and whether metal chelation can reverse the condition. We found that administration of the Cu-selective transition metal chelator trientine to rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes caused increased urinary Cu excretion compared with matched controls. A Cu(II)-trientine complex was demonstrated in the urine of treated rats. In diabetic animals with established heart failure, we show here for the first time that 7 weeks of oral trientine therapy significantly alleviated heart failure without lowering blood glucose, substantially improved cardiomyocyte structure, and reversed elevations in left ventricular collagen and beta(1) integrin. Oral trientine treatment also caused elevated Cu excretion in humans with type 2 diabetes, in whom 6 months of treatment caused elevated left ventricular mass to decline significantly toward normal. These data implicate accumulation of elevated loosely bound Cu in the mechanism of cardiac damage in diabetes and support the use of selective Cu chelation in the treatment of this condition.
Diabetic cardiomyopathy is associated with defective myocellular copper regulation and both defects are rectified by divalent copper chelation.
Cardiovascular diabetology
BACKGROUND:Heart disease is the leading cause of death in diabetic patients, and defective copper metabolism may play important roles in the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM). The present study sought to determine how myocardial copper status and key copper-proteins might become impaired by diabetes, and how they respond to treatment with the Cu (II)-selective chelator triethylenetetramine (TETA) in DCM. METHODS:Experiments were performed in Wistar rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes with or without TETA treatment. Cardiac function was analyzed in isolated-perfused working hearts, and myocardial total copper content measured by particle-induced x-ray emission spectroscopy (PIXE) coupled with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). Quantitative expression (mRNA and protein) and/or activity of key proteins that mediate LV-tissue-copper binding and transport, were analyzed by combined RT-qPCR, western blotting, immunofluorescence microscopy, and enzyme activity assays. Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t-tests or ANOVA and p-values of < 0.05 have been considered significant. RESULTS:Left-ventricular (LV) copper levels and function were severely depressed in rats following 16-weeks' diabetes, but both were unexpectedly normalized 8-weeks after treatment with TETA was instituted. Localized myocardial copper deficiency was accompanied by decreased expression and increased polymerization of the copper-responsive transition-metal-binding metallothionein proteins (MT1/MT2), consistent with impaired anti-oxidant defences and elevated susceptibility to pro-oxidant stress. Levels of the high-affinity copper transporter-1 (CTR1) were depressed in diabetes, consistent with impaired membrane copper uptake, and were not modified by TETA which, contrastingly, renormalized myocardial copper and increased levels and cell-membrane localization of the low-affinity copper transporter-2 (CTR2). Diabetes also lowered indexes of intracellular (IC) copper delivery via the copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase (CCS) to its target cuproenzyme, superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1): this pathway was rectified by TETA treatment, which normalized SOD1 activity with consequent bolstering of anti-oxidant defenses. Furthermore, diabetes depressed levels of additional intracellular copper-transporting proteins, including antioxidant-protein-1 (ATOX1) and copper-transporting-ATPase-2 (ATP7B), whereas TETA elevated copper-transporting-ATPase-1 (ATP7A). CONCLUSIONS:Myocardial copper deficiency and defective cellular copper transport/trafficking are revealed as key molecular defects underlying LV impairment in diabetes, and TETA-mediated restoration of copper regulation provides a potential new class of therapeutic molecules for DCM.
Diabetes-induced alterations in tissue collagen and carboxymethyllysine in rat kidneys: Association with increased collagen-degrading proteinases and amelioration by Cu(II)-selective chelation.
Brings Sebastian,Zhang Shaoping,Choong Yee S,Hogl Sebastian,Middleditch Martin,Kamalov Meder,Brimble Margaret A,Gong Deming,Cooper Garth J S
Biochimica et biophysica acta
Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) comprise a group of non-enzymatic post-translational modifications of proteins and are elevated in diabetic tissues. AGE-modification impairs the digestibility of collagen in vitro but little is known about its relation to collagen-degrading proteinases in vivo. N(ε)-carboxymethyllysine (CML) is a stable AGE that forms on lysyl side-chains in the presence of glucose, probably via a transition metal-catalysed mechanism. Here, rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes and non-diabetic controls were treated for 8weeks with placebo or the Cu(II)-selective chelator, triethylenetetramine (TETA), commencing 8weeks after disease induction. Actions of diabetes and drug treatment were measured on collagen and collagen-degrading proteinases in kidney tissue. The digestibility and CML content of collagen, and corresponding levels of mRNAs and collagen, were related to changes in collagen-degrading-proteinases. Collagen-degrading proteinases, cathepsin L (CTSL) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) were increased in diabetic rats. CTSL-levels correlated strongly and positively with increased collagen-CML levels and inversely with decreased collagen digestibility in diabetes. The collagen-rich mesangium displayed a strong increase of CTSL in diabetes. TETA treatment normalised kidney collagen content and partially normalised levels of CML and CTSL. These data provide evidence for an adaptive proteinase response in diabetic kidneys, affected by excessive collagen-CML formation and decreased collagen digestibility. The normalisation of collagen and partial normalisation of CML- and CTSL-levels by TETA treatment supports the involvement of Cu(II) in CML formation and altered collagen metabolism in diabetic kidneys. Cu(II)-chelation by TETA may represent a treatment option to rectify collagen metabolism in diabetes independent of alterations in blood glucose levels.
Potential Role of Metal Chelation to Prevent the Cardiovascular Complications of Diabetes.
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
CONTEXT:For decades, there has been epidemiologic evidence linking chronic toxic metal exposure with cardiovascular disease, suggesting a therapeutic role for metal chelation. Given the lack of compelling scientific evidence, however, the indications for metal chelation were never clearly defined. To determine the safety and efficacy of chelation therapy, the National Institutes of Health funded the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT). TACT was the first double-blind, randomized, controlled trial to demonstrate an improvement in cardiovascular outcomes with edetate disodium therapy in patients with prior myocardial infarction. The therapeutic benefit was striking among the prespecified subgroup of patients with diabetes. DESIGN:We review the published literature focusing on the atherogenic nature of diabetes, as well as available evidence from clinical trials, complete and in progress, of metal chelation with edetate disodium therapy in patients with diabetes. RESULTS:The TACT results support the concept that ubiquitous toxic metals such as lead and cadmium may be modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, particularly in patients with diabetes. CONCLUSIONS:The purpose of this review is to discuss the potential mechanisms unifying the pathogenesis of atherogenic factors in diabetes with toxic metal exposure, and the potential role of metal chelation.
Role of copper ion in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.
Tanaka Ayako,Kaneto Hideaki,Miyatsuka Takeshi,Yamamoto Kaoru,Yoshiuchi Kazutomi,Yamasaki Yoshimitsu,Shimomura Iichiro,Matsuoka Taka-Aki,Matsuhisa Munehide
Endocrine journal
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are induced under diabetic conditions and are likely associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. It is also known that ROS production is facilitated in the presence of copper ion through the Fenton reaction. The aim of this study was to examine the involvement of copper ion in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and to evaluate the potential usefulness of a copper chelating agent for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. First, both serum copper ion and ROS levels in diabetic C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice were significantly higher compared to those in nondiabetic mice. Second, we treated diabetic db/db mice with a copper chelating agent tetrathiomolybdate and examined the effects on the development of type 2 diabetes. As the results, both serum copper ion and ROS levels were significantly decreased by the treatment, which were equivalent to those in non-diabetic mice. Consequently, the treatment with a copper chelating agent reduced insulin resistance and ameliorated glucose intolerance in diabetic db/db mice. In addition, serum triglyceride levels were also decreased by the treatment. In conclusion, our present results suggest that copper ion is involved in the development of type 2 diabetes and thereby a potential therapeutic target for diabetes.
Glycochelates and the etiology of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Qian M,Eaton J W
Free radical biology & medicine
People with diabetes are prone to develop peripheral vascular and nerve abnormalities which, in extreme cases, can lead to limb amputations. Although numerous theories have been advanced for these complications, no firm explanation is yet available. Recently, evidence has appeared suggesting that these vascular and nerve abnormalities may involve transition metals; administration of chelators such as desferrioxamine has been shown to prevent or actually reverse slowed peripheral nerve conduction and neuronal blood flow, as well as impaired endothelium-dependent arterial relaxation. Here, we argue that (i) the heavily glycated proteins known to accumulate in people with diabetes gain an increased affinity for transition metals such as iron and copper, (ii) as a result, proteins such as elastin and collagen within the arterial wall-which are known to be particularly heavily glycosylated in diabetes-may accumulate bound metal, especially copper, (iii) the bound metal causes the catalytic destruction of endothelium derived relaxing factor (nitric oxide or a derivative thereof), thereby engendering a state of chronic vasoconstriction. The resulting impairment of blood flow to peripheral nerves restricts the delivery of oxygen and nutrients and, in extremis, nerve death eventuates. If this hypothesis is proved correct, there are important implications for the development of novel pharmaceuticals for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Copper(II)-selective chelation improves function and antioxidant defences in cardiovascular tissues of rats as a model of diabetes: comparisons between triethylenetetramine and three less copper-selective transition-metal-targeted treatments.
Lu J,Gong D,Choong S Y,Xu H,Chan Y-K,Chen X,Fitzpatrick S,Glyn-Jones S,Zhang S,Nakamura T,Ruggiero K,Obolonkin V,Poppitt S D,Phillips A R J,Cooper G J S
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS:Treatment with the Cu(II)-selective chelator triethylenetetramine (TETA) improves cardiovascular disease in human patients, and cardiac and vascular/renal disease in rats used as a model of diabetes. Here we tested two hypotheses: first, that TETA elicits greater improvement in organ function than less Cu-selective transition-metal-targeted treatments; second, that the therapeutic actions of TETA are consistent with mediation through suppression of oxidative stress. METHODS:Rats were made diabetic with streptozotocin (55 mg/kg, i. v.) and treated from 8 weeks after disease induction for the following 8 weeks with effective dosages of oral TETA, or one of three less Cu-selective transition-metal-targeted treatments: D-penicillamine, deferiprone or Zn acetate. Treatment effects were measured in ex vivo cardiac and aortic tissues, plasma and urine. RESULTS:Diabetes damaged both cardiac and renal/vascular function by impairing the ability of cardiac output to respond physiologically to rising afterload, and by significantly elevating the urinary albumin/creatinine ratio. Diabetes also lowered total antioxidant potential and heparan sulphate levels in cardiac and arterial tissues, and serum ferroxidase activity, whereas it elevated urinary heparan sulphate excretion. TETA treatment rectified or partially rectified all these defects, whereas the other three experimental treatments were ineffectual. By contrast, none of the four drug treatments lowered diabetes-mediated elevations of plasma glucose or lipid concentrations. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION:TETA may limit the cardiac and renal/vascular damage inflicted by diabetes through its actions to reinforce antioxidant defence mechanisms, probably acting through selective chelation of 'loosely-bound'/chelatable Cu(II). It may also improve heparan sulphate homeostasis and bolster antioxidant defence by increasing vascular extracellular superoxide dismutase activity. Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio might prove useful for monitoring TETA treatment.
EDTA Chelation Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Events in Persons with Diabetes.
Ouyang Pamela,Gottlieb Sheldon H,Culotta Valerie L,Navas-Acien Ana
Current cardiology reports
The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) was a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial enrolling patients age ≥50 years with prior myocardial infarction. TACT used a 2 × 2 factorial design to study ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelation and high-dose vitamin supplementation. Chelation provided a modest but significant reduction in cardiovascular endpoints. The benefit was stronger and significant among participants with diabetes but absent in those without diabetes. Mechanisms by which chelation might reduce cardiovascular risk in persons with diabetes include the effects of EDTA chelation on transition and toxic metals. Transition metals, particularly copper and iron, play important roles in oxidative stress pathways. Toxic metals, in particular cadmium and lead, are toxic for the cardiovascular system. This review discusses the epidemiologic evidence and animal and human studies supporting the role of these metals in the development of diabetes and ischemic heart disease and potential ways by which EDTA chelation could confer cardiovascular benefit.
A copper(II)-selective chelator ameliorates diabetes-evoked renal fibrosis and albuminuria, and suppresses pathogenic TGF-beta activation in the kidneys of rats used as a model of diabetes.
Gong D,Lu J,Chen X,Reddy S,Crossman D J,Glyn-Jones S,Choong Y-S,Kennedy J,Barry B,Zhang S,Chan Y-K,Ruggiero K,Phillips A R J,Cooper G J S
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS:The selective Cu(II) chelator triethylenetetramine (TETA) extracts systemic Cu(II) into the urine of diabetic humans and rats as a model of diabetes, and in the process also normalises hallmarks of diabetic heart disease. However, the role of Cu and its response to TETA in animals with diabetic nephropathy were previously unknown. Here, we report the effects of TETA treatment on Cu and other essential elements, as well as on indices of renal injury and known pathogenic molecular processes, in kidneys from a rat model of diabetes. METHODS:Rats at 8 weeks after streptozotocin-induction of diabetes were treated with oral TETA (34 mg/day in drinking water) for a further 8 weeks and then compared with untreated diabetic control animals. RESULTS:Renal tissue Cu was substantively elevated by diabetes and normalised by TETA, which also suppressed whole-kidney and glomerular hypertrophy without lowering blood glucose. The urinary albumin: creatinine ratio was significantly elevated in the rat model of diabetes but lowered by TETA. Total collagen was also elevated in diabetic kidneys and significantly improved by TETA. Furthermore, renal cortex levels of TGF-beta1, MAD homologue (SMAD) 4, phosphorylated SMAD2, fibronectin-1, collagen-III, collagen-IV, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase all tended to be elevated in diabetes and normalised by TETA. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION:Dysregulation of renal Cu homeostasis may be a key event eliciting development of diabetic nephropathy. Selective Cu(II) chelation can protect against pathogenic mechanisms that lead to or cause diabetic nephropathy and might be clinically useful in the treatment of early-stage diabetic kidney disease.
Selective divalent copper chelation for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Cooper G J S
Current medicinal chemistry
Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction have been identified by many workers as key pathogenic mechanisms in ageing-related metabolic, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases (for example diabetes mellitus, heart failure and Alzheimer's disease). However, although numerous molecular mechanisms have been advanced to account for these processes, their precise nature remains obscure. This author has previously suggested that, in such diseases, these two mechanisms are likely to occur as manifestations of a single underlying disturbance of copper regulation. Copper is an essential but highly-toxic trace metal that is closely regulated in biological systems. Several rare genetic disorders of copper homeostasis are known in humans: these primarily affect various proteins that mediate intracellular copper transport processes, and can lead either to tissue copper deficiency or overload states. These examples illustrate how impaired regulation of copper transport pathways can cause organ damage and provide important insights into the impact of defects in specific molecular processes, including those catalyzed by the copper-transporting ATPases, ATP7A (mutated in Menkes disease), ATP7B (Wilson's disease), and the copper chaperones such as those for cytochrome c oxidase, SCO1 and SCO2. In diabetes, impaired copper regulation manifests as elevations in urinary CuII excretion, systemic chelatable-CuII and full copper balance, in increased pro-oxidant stress and defective antioxidant defenses, and in progressive damage to the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, retina and nerves. Linkages between dysregulated copper and organ damage can be demonstrated by CuII-selective chelation, which simultaneously prevents/reverses both copper dysregulation and organ damage. Pathogenic structures in blood vessels that contribute to binding and localization of catalytically-active CuII probably include advanced glycation end products (AGEs), as well as atherosclerotic plaque: the latter probably undergoes AGE-modification itself. Defective copper regulation mediates organ damage through two general processes that occur simultaneously in the same individual: elevation of CuII-mediated pro-oxidant stress and impairment of copper-catalyzed antioxidant defence mechanisms. This author has proposed that diabetes-evoked copper dysregulation is an important new target for therapeutic intervention to prevent/reverse organ damage in diabetes, heart failure, and neurodegenerative diseases, and that triethylenetetramine (TETA) is the first in a new class of anti-diabetic molecules, which function by targetting these copper-mediated pathogenic mechanisms. TETA prevents tissue damage and causes organ regeneration by acting as a highly-selective CuII chelator which suppresses copper-mediated oxidative stress and restores anti-oxidant defenses. My group has employed TETA in a comprehensive programme of nonclinical studies and proof-of-principle clinical trials, thereby characterizing copper dysregulation in diabetes and identifying numerous linked cellular and molecular mechanisms though which TETA exerts its therapeutic actions. Many of the results obtained in nonclinical models with respect to the molecular mechanisms of diabetic organ damage have not yet been replicated in patients' tissues so their applicability to the human disease must be considered as inferential until the results of informative clinical studies become available. Based on evidence from the studies reviewed herein, trientine is now proceeding into the later stages of pharmaceutical development for the treatment of heart failure and other diabetic complications.
A copper chelating agent suppresses carbonyl stress in diabetic rat lenses.
Hamada Yoji,Nakashima Eitaro,Naruse Keiko,Nakae Mika,Naiki Mitsuru,Fujisawa Hiroki,Oiso Yutaka,Hotta Nigishi,Nakamura Jiro
Journal of diabetes and its complications
To clarify whether transition metals are involved in carbonyl stress in diabetic tissues, we observed the effects of a metal chelating agent, trientine (TE) hydrochloride on the levels of methylglyoxal (MG), 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG), advanced glycation end products, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), and polyol pathway metabolites along with semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) enzyme activity in lenses from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Lens MG and 3-DG levels were significantly higher in diabetic rats than nondiabetic controls, and TE significantly restored the increase of these compounds. Lens argpyrimidine was also increased in diabetic rats as compared with controls and was significantly reduced by TE. Lens SSAO activity and 8-OHdG were also significantly elevated in diabetic rats, and TE suppressed both of them, whereas TE showed no effect on the polyol pathway metabolites. The results indicate that transition metals play a significant role in the formation of MG and 3-DG via oxidative stress and SSAO activity.
Rationale and design of a randomised trial of trientine in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Heart (British Cardiac Society)
AIMS:Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characterised by left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), myocardial fibrosis, enhanced oxidative stress and energy depletion. Unbound/loosely bound tissue copper II ions are powerful catalysts of oxidative stress and inhibitors of antioxidants. Trientine is a highly selective copper II chelator. In preclinical and clinical studies in diabetes, trientine is associated with reduced LVH and fibrosis, and improved mitochondrial function and energy metabolism. Trientine was associated with improvements in cardiac structure and function in an open-label study in patients with HCM. METHODS:The Efficacy and Mechanism of Trientine in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (TEMPEST) trial is a multicentre, double-blind, parallel group, 1:1 randomised, placebo-controlled phase II trial designed to evaluate the efficacy and mechanism of action of trientine in patients with HCM. Patients with a diagnosis of HCM according to the European Society of Cardiology Guidelines and in New York Heart Association classes I-III are randomised to trientine or matching placebo for 52 weeks. Primary outcome is change in left ventricular (LV) mass indexed to body surface area, measured using cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Secondary efficacy objectives will determine whether trientine improves exercise capacity, reduces arrhythmia burden, reduces cardiomyocyte injury, improves LV and atrial function, and reduces LV outflow tract gradient. Mechanistic objectives will determine whether the effects are mediated by cellular or extracellular mass regression and improved myocardial energetics. CONCLUSION:TEMPEST will determine the efficacy and mechanism of action of trientine in patients with HCM. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBERS:NCT04706429 and ISRCTN57145331.
Current Biomedical Use of Copper Chelation Therapy.
International journal of molecular sciences
Copper is an essential microelement that plays an important role in a wide variety of biological processes. Copper concentration has to be finely regulated, as any imbalance in its homeostasis can induce abnormalities. In particular, excess copper plays an important role in the etiopathogenesis of the genetic disease Wilson's syndrome, in neurological and neurodegenerative pathologies such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, in diabetes, and in several forms of cancer. Copper chelating agents are among the most promising tools to keep copper concentration at physiological levels. In this review, we focus on the most relevant compounds experimentally and clinically evaluated for their ability to counteract copper homeostasis deregulation. In particular, we provide a general overview of the main disorders characterized by a pathological increase in copper levels, summarizing the principal copper chelating therapies adopted in clinical trials.
Therapeutic potential of copper chelation with triethylenetetramine in managing diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease.
Cooper Garth J S
This article reviews recent evidence, much of which has been generated by my group's research programme, which has identified for the first time a previously unknown copper-overload state that is central to the pathogenesis of diabetic organ damage. This state causes tissue damage in the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, retina and nerves through copper-mediated oxidative stress. This author now considers this copper-overload state to provide an important new target for therapeutic intervention, the objective of which is to prevent or reverse the diabetic complications. Triethylenetetramine (TETA) has recently been identified as the first in a new class of anti-diabetic molecules through the original work reviewed here, thus providing a new use for this molecule, which was previously approved by the US FDA in 1985 as a second-line treatment for Wilson's disease. TETA acts as a highly selective divalent copper (Cu(II)) chelator that prevents or reverses diabetic copper overload, thereby suppressing oxidative stress. TETA treatment of diabetic animals and patients has identified and quantified the interlinked defects in copper metabolism that characterize this systemic copper overload state. Copper overload in diabetes mellitus differs from that in Wilson's disease through differences in their respective causative molecular mechanisms, and resulting differences in tissue localization and behaviour of the excess copper. Elevated pathogenetic tissue binding of copper occurs in diabetes. It may well be mediated by advanced-glycation endproduct (AGE) modification of susceptible amino-acid residues in long-lived fibrous proteins, for example, connective tissue collagens in locations such as blood vessel walls. These AGE modifications can act as localized, fixed endogenous chelators that increase the chelatable-copper content of organs such as the heart and kidneys by binding excessive amounts of catalytically active Cu(II) in specific vascular beds, thereby focusing the related copper-mediated oxidative stress in susceptible tissues. In this review, summarized evidence from our clinical studies in healthy volunteers and diabetic patients with left-ventricular hypertrophy, and from nonclinical models of diabetic cardiac, arterial, renal and neural disease is used to construct descriptions of the mechanisms by which TETA treatment prevents injury and regenerates damaged organs. Our recent phase II proof-of-principle studies in patients with type 2 diabetes and in nonclinical models of diabetes have helped to define the pathogenetic defects in copper regulation, and have shown that they are reversible by TETA. The drug tightly binds and extracts excess systemic Cu(II) into the urine whilst neutralizing its catalytic activity, but does not cause systemic copper deficiency, even after prolonged use. Its physicochemical properties, which are pivotal for its safety and efficacy, clearly differentiate it from all other clinically available transition metal chelators, including D-penicillamine, ammonium tetrathiomolybdate and clioquinol. The studies reviewed here show that TETA treatment is generally effective in preventing or reversing diabetic organ damage, and support its ongoing development as a new medicine for diabetes. Trientine (TETA dihydrochloride) has been used since the mid-1980s as a second-line treatment for Wilson's disease, and our recent clinical studies have reinforced the impression that it is likely to be safe for long-term use in patients with diabetes and related metabolic disorders. There is substantive evidence to support the view that diabetes shares many pathogenetic mechanisms with Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Indeed, the close epidemiological and molecular linkages between them point to Alzheimer's disease/vascular dementia as a further therapeutic target where experimental pharmacotherapy with TETA could well find further clinical application.
Role of copper chelating agents: between old applications and new perspectives in neuroscience.
Neural regeneration research
The role of copper element has been an increasingly relevant topic in recent years in the fields of human and animal health, for both the study of new drugs and innovative food and feed supplements. This metal plays an important role in the central nervous system, where it is associated with glutamatergic signaling, and it is widely involved in inflammatory processes. Thus, diseases involving copper (II) dyshomeostasis often have neurological symptoms, as exemplified by Alzheimer's and other diseases (such as Parkinson's and Wilson's diseases). Moreover, imbalanced copper ion concentrations have also been associated with diabetes and certain types of cancer, including glioma. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive overview of recent results that show the importance of these metal ions in several pathologies, mainly Alzheimer's disease, through the lens of the development and use of copper chelators as research compounds and potential therapeutics if included in multi-target hybrid drugs. Seeing how copper homeostasis is important for the well-being of animals as well as humans, we shortly describe the state of the art regarding the effects of copper and its chelators in agriculture, livestock rearing, and aquaculture, as ingredients for the formulation of feed supplements as well as to prevent the effects of pollution on animal productions.
Comparative Study of Serum Copper, Iron, Magnesium, and Zinc in Type 2 Diabetes-Associated Proteinuria.
Khan Farah Aziz,Al Jameil Noura,Arjumand Sadia,Khan Mohammad Fareed,Tabassum Hajera,Alenzi Naif,Hijazy Sereen,Alenzi Samyah,Subaie Sahar,Fatima Sabiha
Biological trace element research
Trace element (TE) disturbances are well noted in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its associated complications. In present study, the effect of proteinuria on serum copper (Cu), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), and zinc (Zn) in T2DM patients with and without proteinuria was seen. Total subjects were aged between 30 and 90 years; 73 had proteinuria, 76 had T2DM with proteinuria, 76 had T2DM, and 75 were controls. Serum Cu(II), Fe(III), Mg(II), and Zn(II) were assayed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). Urinary albumin estimation was performed by turbidimetric method. Other biochemical parameters were analyzed by ROCHE Module COBAS 6000 analyzer. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at P<0.0001 followed by t test. Pearson correlation was applied to estimate the effect of proteinuria on TE. Serum Cu(II) level was increased in T2DM patients with proteinuria while Fe(III) was found elevated in T2DM (P<0.0001) compared to control groups. Zn(II) and Mg(II) were significantly low in proteinuria, T2DM with proteinuria, and T2DM (P<0.0001) compare to controls. Serum Cu(II) showed strong positive association with albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) in T2DM with proteinuria group and T2DM group (P<0.01). Fe(III) was positively and Zn(II) was negatively associated with ACR at P<0.10, in T2DM with proteinuria group. Mg(II) was negatively linked with ACR P<0.01 in proteinuria, T2DM with proteinuria, and T2DM group. TE were observed more disturbed in T2DM with proteinuria group, thus considered to be the part of T2DM routine checkup and restricts the disease towards its progression.
Total plasma magnesium, zinc, copper and selenium concentrations in type-I and type-II diabetes.
Sobczak Amélie I S,Stefanowicz Fiona,Pitt Samantha J,Ajjan Ramzi A,Stewart Alan J
Biometals : an international journal on the role of metal ions in biology, biochemistry, and medicine
Glycemia and insulin resistance are important regulators of multiple physiological processes and their dysregulation has wide-ranging consequences, including alterations in plasma concentrations of metal micronutrients. Here, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium and glycated albumin (HbA1c) concentrations and quartile differences were examined in 45 subjects with type-I diabetes (T1DM), 54 subjects with type-II diabetes (T2DM) and 62 control subjects in order to assess potential differences between sexes and between T1DM and T2DM. Plasma magnesium concentration was decreased in T1DM subjects, with the second, third and fourth quartiles of magnesium concentrations associated with the absence of T1DM. This effect was observed in females but not males. In T2DM, the highest quartile of selenium concentrations and the third quartile of copper concentrations associated with the absence of diabetes in males. The highest quartile of magnesium concentrations was associated with the absence of T2DM in males but not females. HbA1c correlated with plasma concentrations of magnesium (negatively, in both sexes together in T1DM and T1DM males), copper (positively, in T1DM males and in both sexes together in T2DM), selenium (positively, in both sexes together in T1DM and T2DM, and T2DM females) and with zinc/copper ratio (negatively, in both sexes together in T1DM and T2DM). This study shows that plasma magnesium concentration is altered to the highest degree in T1DM, while in T2DM, plasma selenium and copper concentrations are significantly affected. This work increases our understanding of how T1DM and T2DM affects plasma metal concentrations and may have future implications for diabetes management.
The role of zinc, copper and iron in the pathogenesis of diabetes and diabetic complications: therapeutic effects by chelators.
Zheng Yang,Li Xiao-Kun,Wang Yuehui,Cai Lu
Zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) are essential minerals that are required for a variety of biomolecules to maintain the normal structure, function, and proliferation of cells. These metals can be toxic in excessive amounts, especially in certain genetic disorders. The homeostasis of these trace elements results from a tightly coordinated regulation by different proteins involved in their uptake, excretion and intracellular storage/trafficking. Through the Fenton reaction, Cu and Fe under a non protein-binding condition, can generate various reactive oxygen species, damaging tissues or cells. Abnormal metabolism of Zn, Cu and Fe can lead to several chronic pathogenesis, such as diabetes or diabetic complications. These pathogenic conditions appear to be prevalent in Zn and Cu deficiency, as well as Cu and Fe overload. In the Fe and Cu overloading conditions, Fe and Cu chelating drugs could be used to control diabetes and diabetic complications. The essentiality, toxicity and roles of these metals in the pathogenesis of diabetes and diabetic complications are discussed.
Habitual intake of iron, copper, and zinc and the risk of type 2 diabetes in a prospective cohort: The CAVAS (Cardiovascular Disease Association Study).
Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Unlike iron, evidence of the association between dietary copper and zinc intake and type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk is limited. This study aimed to examine the prospective associations of dietary intake of iron (total, plant-based, and animal-based), copper, and zinc with T2D risk among adults aged ≥40 years. METHODS AND RESULTS:For 16,666 participants, dietary intakes (baseline, cumulative average, and most recent) of iron, copper, and zinc were calculated from repeated food frequency questionnaires; a modified Poisson regression model with a robust error estimator was conducted. In men, positive associations between T2D and baseline dietary intake of Cu and Zn, cumulative average dietary intake of Fe (total and animal-based), Cu and Zn, and most recent dietary intake of Fe (total, plant-based, and animal-based), Cu, and Zn [most recent diet: for total Fe, IRR(95%CI) = 1.93 (1.41-2.64); for plant-based Fe, 1.56 (1.15-2.11); for animal-based Fe, 1.44 (1.09-1.90); for Cu, 3.17 (2.33-4.30); for Zn, 2.18 (1.64-2.89)] were observed, where as in women, there were positive associations of only cumulative average dietary Zn intake and most recent dietary intake of plant-based Fe, Cu, and Zn [most recent diet: for plant-based Fe, 1.30 (1.01-1.68); for Cu, 1.62 (1.27-2.08); for Zn, 2.07 (1.61-2.66)]. CONCLUSION:Dietary intakes of iron (total, plant-based, and animal-based), copper, and zinc may be positively associated with T2D risk. These positive associations are predominantly observed in most recent diet and appear to be stronger compared to baseline and cumulative average diet.
Serum levels of copper and zinc in diabetic retinopathy: Potential new therapeutic targets (Review).
Dascalu Ana Maria,Anghelache Anca,Stana Daniela,Costea Andreea Cristina,Nicolae Vanessa Andrada,Tanasescu Denisa,Costea Daniel Ovidiu,Tribus Laura Carina,Zgura Anca,Serban Dragos,Duta Lucian,Tudosie Miruna,Balasescu Simona Andrea,Tanasescu Ciprian,Tudosie Mihail Silviu
Experimental and therapeutic medicine
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a microvascular disorder occurring due to the long-term effects of diabetes, leading to vision-threatening damage to the retina. The human body has an elaborate system for managing and regulating the number of key trace metals circulating in the blood and stored cells. Inadequate zinc (Zn) and concurrent excess of copper (Cu) levels are associated with an increased level of oxidative stress, which may aggravate the microvascular lesions in diabetes mellitus. Several studies have revealed a significantly lower serum Zn concentration and increased Cu levels in DR when compared with diabetic patients without retinopathy and normal controls. These abnormalities are correlated with the duration of diabetes and higher levels of HbA1C. Multiple pathological mechanisms are proposed to explain these changes including hyperzincuria associated with polyuria, glycosuria, and proteinuria in diabetic patients, as well as impaired absorption of Zn at the gastrointestinal level. Increased levels of free Cu ions may be attributed to glycation and the release of Cu ions from the Cu-binding sites of proteins. Zn supplements and selective Cu chelators may be useful to alleviate oxidative stress and prevent DR progression.
The Role of Zinc and Copper in Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Mellitus.
Bjørklund Geir,Dadar Maryam,Pivina Lyudmila,Doşa Monica Daniela,Semenova Yuliya,Aaseth Jan
Current medicinal chemistry
The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is internationally ever-growing. Therefore, prevention, diagnostics, and control of insulin resistance and T2DM are of increasing importance. It has been suggested that mechanisms leading to insulin resistance and diabetes and its complications include high intake of refined and energy-rich food, which is presumed to be accompanied by suboptimal intake of trace elements, such as Zinc (Zn), Selenium (Se), Chromium (Cr), and Copper (Cu), which are essential and crucial for various biological processes. The purpose of this review is to highlight the role of Zn, Se, and Cu in T2DM. Diabetes seems prevalent when Zn, Se, and Cu are deficient, which may result from excessive intake of refined food. The literature search was conducted in PubMed and Scopus, supplemented with the reference lists of relevant articles and a Google Scholar search. We critically assessed all relevant citations, both review and research papers in English. The search terms that were used included Zn, Cu, diabetes, and diabetes mellitus. Research has shown that Zn, Se and Cu are involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes, but these trace elements can in excessive amounts be toxic. Zinc appears to activate key molecules that are involved in cell signaling, which maintain the homeostasis of glucose. Zinc also regulates insulin receptors, prolong the action of insulin, and promote healthy lipid profiles. Copper in excess can create oxidative stress, which is a factor in the onset and the progression of T2DM. Abnormal Zn and Cu metabolism appears to accompany and may also cause diabetes complications.