Cardiopulmonary resuscitation of apparently stillborn infants: survival and long-term outcome.
Jain L,Ferre C,Vidyasagar D,Nath S,Sheftel D
The Journal of pediatrics
To determine the outcome of apparently stillborn infants who received cardiopulmonary resuscitation, we studied the short- and long-term outcome of 93 infants who had an Apgar score of 0 at 1 minute of age and were resuscitated at birth. Sixty-two (66.6%) responded and left the delivery room alive; 26 (42%) of the 62 infants died in the neonatal period and 36 infants were discharged home; of the 36 infants, three subsequently died during infancy. Of the 33 survivors, ten were lost to follow-up after discharge. Developmental assessment of 23 of 33 long-term survivors revealed normal outcome in 14 (61.7%), abnormal results in 6 (26%), and suspect status in 3 (13%). Fifty-eight infants had an Apgar score of 0 at greater than or equal to 10 minutes of age and all except one died; the surviving infant has an abnormal developmental outcome. We conclude that 39% of apparently stillborn infants who were resuscitated survived beyond the neonatal period and that 61% of the 23 survivors who were available for developmental follow-up had normal development at the time of last examination. Survival was unlikely if there was no response after 10 minutes of resuscitation.
Outcome of resuscitated apparently stillborn infants: a ten year review.
Yeo C L,Tudehope D I
Journal of paediatrics and child health
This study addresses the dilemma of whether to attempt resuscitation of the previously undiagnosed fresh stillborn infant and evaluates factors predictive of survival and long-term outcome. We reviewed the clinical spectrum, immediate complications and long-term outcome of 45 successfully resuscitated apparently stillborn infants (34 term, 11 preterm) who were admitted to the Intensive Care Nursery. Significant obstetric and intrapartum events were identified in 34 (75%) infants while 11 (25%) had no apparent risk factors. Of the 39 infants with neonatal complications, 37 had hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE: Sarnat stage 1 in 5, stage 2 in 15, stage 3 in 17); 12 (27%) had oliguria, 10 (22%) had hypotension, 7 (16%) experienced hypoglycaemia, 4 (9%) had disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) and 1 (2%) had persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Fourteen infants (31%) died in the neonatal period and four (9%) died during infancy. Risks of death and adverse neurodevelopment were significantly increased in infants with stage 2 or 3 HIE (P < 0.005). Follow-up assessment of 24 of the 27 surviving infants revealed a normal outcome in 15 (63%), severe disability in six (25%), moderate disability in two (8%) and mild disability in one (4%) infant. The positive predictive value of stage 2 or 3 HIE was 70% for mortality and 80% for morbidity. One-third (15/45) of successfully resuscitated apparently stillborn infants were normal at follow-up assessment and the outcome for these infants was predicted with complete accuracy by the stage of HIE present during the neonatal period.
The Resuscitation of Apparently Stillborn Neonates: A Peek Into the Practice in China.
Chen Xueyu,Li Huitao,Song Jingyu,Sun Panpan,Lin Binchun,Zhao Jie,Yang Chuanzhong
Frontiers in pediatrics
Apparently stillborn neonates are born in the terminal stage of secondary apnoea and respond poorly to basic resuscitation procedures proposed by the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP). Increasing experimental and clinical evidence shows that stringently adhering to the NRP guidelines may delay sufficient ventilation and chest compressions and consequently prolong the duration of asystole in apparently stillborn neonates. To add to this information, we summarized our experience with the resuscitation of apparently stillborn neonates and reported the neonatal outcomes in a cohort of apparently stillborn neonates resuscitated at a tertiary care center in China.
[Perinatal risk factors for the occurrence of singleton apparently stillborn infants].
Zhongguo dang dai er ke za zhi = Chinese journal of contemporary pediatrics
OBJECTIVES:To identify the perinatal risk factors for the occurrence of singleton apparently stillborn infants. METHODS:This was a case-control study. A total of 154 singleton neonates with gestational age ≥28 weeks and Apgar score of 0-1 who were subsequently successfully resuscitated in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University from January 2006 to December 2015 were enrolled as the case group (apparently stillborn group). A total of 616 singleton infants born from January 2006 to December 2015 (1-minute Apgar score >1) were randomly selected in a 1:4 ratio as the control group. Univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression were used to analyze the perinatal risk factors for the occurrence of apparently stillborn infants. RESULTS:The gestational age and birth weight in the apparently stillborn group were significantly lower than those in the control group (<0.05). The incidences of fetal hydrops, cord prolapse, grade III meconium-stained amniotic fluid, placental abruption, breech presentation, severe pre-eclampsia, maternal general anesthesia at delivery, abnormal antenatal fetal heart monitoring and decreased fetal movement were significantly higher in the apparently stillborn group than those in the control group (<0.05). The multivariate logistic analysis showed that the mother had general anesthesia at delivery (=34.520), decreased antenatal fetal movement (=28.168),placental abruption (=15.641), grade III meconium-stained amniotic fluid (=6.365), abnormal antenatal fetal heart monitoring (=5.739), and breech presentation (=2.614) were risk factors for the occurrence of apparently stillborn infants (<0.05), while higher gestational age was a protective factor (=0.686, <0.05). CONCLUSIONS:Attention needs to be paid to mothers with abnormal prenatal fetal heart monitoring, decreased fetal movement, preterm labor, placental abruption, breech presentation, grade III meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and general anesthesia. Preparations for resuscitation should be done to rescue apparently stillborn infants.
The apparently stillborn infant: risk factors, incidence, and neonatal outcome.
Nelson Kristi,Simonsen Sara E,Henry Erick,Wilder Stephanie,Rose Nancy C
American journal of perinatology
We evaluated neonatal outcomes of apparently stillborn infants. The apparently stillborn neonate is born with an unexpected Apgar score of 0 at 1 minute and is subsequently successfully resuscitated. A retrospective cohort study was performed using electronic medical records for neonates >24 weeks' gestation born between 2002 and 2007. Adverse outcome was defined by the presence of seizures, encephalopathy, or death prior to hospital discharge. Differences in maternal demographics and clinical characteristics were compared between neonates with and without adverse outcomes at varying hospital settings. Ninety-three neonates were identified as apparently stillborn. Adverse outcomes occurred in 31.2% of neonates; 83.9% survived from birth to hospital discharge. Neonates with a 5-minute Apgar score <4 were significantly more likely to suffer an adverse outcome. Survival of the apparent stillborn is likely. In this cohort, neither mode of delivery nor hospital acuity level predicted outcome.