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The effects of adenoid hypertrophy and oral breathing on maxillofacial development: a review of the literature. The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry According to modern epidemiological surveys, the prevalence of adenoid hypertrophy in children and adolescents ranges from 42% to 70%. Adenoid hypertrophy can lead to airway obstruction; thus forces a child to breathe through their mouth, thus affecting the normal development of the dental and maxillofacial area, and can lead to malocclusion. Long-term mouth breathing can cause sagittal, vertical and lateral changes in the maxillofacial area. In this article, we review the current research status relating to the association between adenoid hypertrophy, oral breathing and maxillofacial growth and development in children and adolescents. We also discuss the personalized formulation of treatment plans. 10.22514/jocpd.2024.001
Age-group-specific associations between adenoid/tonsillar hypertrophy and craniofacial features. BMC oral health BACKGROUND:Age plays an important role in the association between adenotonsillar hypertrophy and craniofacial morphology. This study aimed to analyse the association of adenoid and tonsillar hypertrophy with craniofacial features in different age groups. METHODS:Lateral cephalograms were obtained from 942 patients aged 6-15 years (433 boys, 509 girls). They were divided into three age groups: 6-9 years (n = 189), 9-12 years (n = 383), and 12-15 years (n = 370). According to the different sites of pharyngeal obstruction, they were classified as control group (CG), adenoid hypertrophy group (AG), tonsillar hypertrophy group (TG) and adenotonsillar hypertrophy group (ATG). Cephalometric measurements were performed on each enrolled participant. Comparisons between groups and correlations between these cephalometric variables and obstruction sites were evaluated. RESULTS:At 6-9 years of age, ATG and TG correlated with increased mandibular height (B = 2.2, p = 0.029; B = 2.6, p = 0.042, respectively). At the age of 9-12 years, AG showed a steep growth direction (B = 1.5, p = 0.002), TG showed a higher probability of Class III skeletal pattern (smaller SNB, ANB and SGn/FH, larger Go-Me) and ATG manifested a higher proportion of Class III skeletal pattern. At 12-15 years of age, there was no significant association between cephalometric measurements and pharyngeal lymphoid tissue enlargement. CONCLUSIONS:Children with isolated adenoid hypertrophy have a vertical growth direction at 9-12 years of age. Isolated adenoid hypertrophy correlated with longer mandibular body, more anterior mandible and horizontal skeletal Class III pattern at 6-12 years. Combination of obstructive adenoids and tonsils manifested similarly to children with isolated tonsil hypertrophy. 10.1186/s12903-024-04932-0
A cone-beam computed tomography study of hyoid bone position and airway volume in subjects with obstructive and nonobstructive adenotonsillar hypertrophy. The Angle orthodontist OBJECTIVES:To investigate hyoid bone position and airway volume in subjects with adenoid hypertrophy, tonsillar hypertrophy, and adenotonsillar hypertrophy compared to subjects with nonobstructive adenoids or tonsils and to assess the correlation between hyoid bone and airway parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS:A total of 121 subjects were grouped based on adenoid or tonsillar hypertrophy into four groups, as follows: (1) control group (C-group), (2) adenoid hypertrophy group (AH-group), (3) adenotonsillar hypertrophy group (ATH-group), and (4) tonsillar hypertrophy group (TH-group). Hyoid bone position and airway volumes were measured. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for intergroup comparison, followed by pairwise comparison using the Mann-Whitney U-test. Bivariate correlation was conducted using Spearman correlation coefficients. Multiple linear regression was performed to create a model for airway volume based on hyoid bone predictive variables. RESULTS:No significant difference was found between subjects with isolated adenoid or tonsillar hypertrophy compared to the C-group. However, the ATH-group exhibited a significantly decreased hyoid bone vertical distance (HV), total airway volume (TA volume), and retroglossal airway volume (RG volume) compared to the C-group. HV and age had a high potential in terms of explaining the RG volume, whereas the TA volume and retropalatal airway volume (RP volume) models were not as successful as the RG volume counterpart. CONCLUSIONS:Subjects in ATH-group were characterized by an elevated hyoid bone position and constricted TA volume and RG volume compared to those in the C-group. HV and age were predictor variables that best explained retroglossal airway volume. 10.2319/110822-769.1