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Activation of polyamine catabolism promotes glutamine metabolism and creates a targetable vulnerability in lung cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Polyamines are a class of small polycationic alkylamines that play essential roles in both normal and cancer cell growth. Polyamine metabolism is frequently dysregulated and considered a therapeutic target in cancer. However, targeting polyamine metabolism as monotherapy often exhibits limited efficacy, and the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Here we report that activation of polyamine catabolism promotes glutamine metabolism, leading to a targetable vulnerability in lung cancer. Genetic and pharmacological activation of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1 (SAT1), the rate-limiting enzyme of polyamine catabolism, enhances the conversion of glutamine to glutamate and subsequent glutathione (GSH) synthesis. This metabolic rewiring ameliorates oxidative stress to support lung cancer cell proliferation and survival. Simultaneous glutamine limitation and SAT1 activation result in ROS accumulation, growth inhibition, and cell death. Importantly, pharmacological inhibition of either one of glutamine transport, glutaminase, or GSH biosynthesis in combination with activation of polyamine catabolism synergistically suppresses lung cancer cell growth and xenograft tumor formation. Together, this study unveils a previously unappreciated functional interconnection between polyamine catabolism and glutamine metabolism and establishes cotargeting strategies as potential therapeutics in lung cancer. 10.1073/pnas.2319429121
Polyamine-mediated ferroptosis amplification acts as a targetable vulnerability in cancer. Nature communications Targeting ferroptosis, an iron-dependent form of regulated cell death triggered by the lethal overload of lipid peroxides, in cancer therapy is impeded by our limited understanding of the intersection of tumour's metabolic feature and ferroptosis vulnerability. In the present study, arginine is identified as a ferroptotic promoter using a metabolites library. This effect is mainly achieved through arginine's conversion to polyamines, which exerts their potent ferroptosis-promoting property in an HO-dependent manner. Notably, the expression of ornithine decarboxylase 1 (ODC1), the critical enzyme catalysing polyamine synthesis, is significantly activated by the ferroptosis signal--iron overload--through WNT/MYC signalling, as well as the subsequent elevated polyamine synthesis, thus forming a ferroptosis-iron overload-WNT/MYC-ODC1-polyamine-HO positive feedback loop that amplifies ferroptosis. Meanwhile, we notice that ferroptotic cells release enhanced polyamine-containing extracellular vesicles into the microenvironment, thereby further sensitizing neighbouring cells to ferroptosis and accelerating the "spread" of ferroptosis in the tumour region. Besides, polyamine supplementation also sensitizes cancer cells or xenograft tumours to radiotherapy or chemotherapy through inducing ferroptosis. Considering that cancer cells are often characterized by elevated intracellular polyamine pools, our results indicate that polyamine metabolism exposes a targetable vulnerability to ferroptosis and represents an exciting opportunity for therapeutic strategies for cancer. 10.1038/s41467-024-46776-w
Polyamines: their significance for maintaining health and contributing to diseases. Cell communication and signaling : CCS Polyamines are essential for the growth and proliferation of mammalian cells and are intimately involved in biological mechanisms such as DNA replication, RNA transcription, protein synthesis, and post-translational modification. These mechanisms regulate cellular proliferation, differentiation, programmed cell death, and the formation of tumors. Several studies have confirmed the positive effect of polyamines on the maintenance of health, while others have demonstrated that their activity may promote the occurrence and progression of diseases. This review examines a variety of topics, such as polyamine source and metabolism, including metabolism, transport, and the potential impact of polyamines on health and disease. In addition, a brief summary of the effects of oncogenes and signaling pathways on tumor polyamine metabolism is provided. Video Abstract. 10.1186/s12964-023-01373-0
The role of polyamine metabolism in cellular function and physiology. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology Polyamines are molecules with multiple amino groups that are essential for cellular function. The major polyamines are putrescine, spermidine, spermine, and cadaverine. Polyamines are important for posttranscriptional regulation, autophagy, programmed cell death, proliferation, redox homeostasis, and ion channel function. Their levels are tightly controlled. High levels of polyamines are associated with proliferative pathologies such as cancer, whereas low polyamine levels are observed in aging, and elevated polyamine turnover enhances oxidative stress. Polyamine metabolism is implicated in several pathophysiological processes in the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems. Currently, manipulating polyamine levels is under investigation as a potential preventive treatment for several pathologies, including aging, ischemia/reperfusion injury, pulmonary hypertension, and cancer. Although polyamines have been implicated in many intracellular mechanisms, our understanding of these processes remains incomplete and is a topic of ongoing investigation. Here, we discuss the regulation and cellular functions of polyamines, their role in physiology and pathology, and emphasize the current gaps in knowledge and potential future research directions. 10.1152/ajpcell.00074.2024