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Surgical outcomes of acquired acute comitant esotropia. Causes and classification. Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia PURPOSE:To study the results of surgical treatment of acquired concomitant esotropia and its posible causes. METHODS:Retrospective study of the patients with acute acquired esotropia that were operated on since 2017. Distance and near horizontal deviation, spherical equivalent and the excessive use of the tablets and smartphones were analyzed. A good sensorial outcome was considered when stereopsis was recovered and good motor outcome if horizontal deviation was ≤10 prism diopters at the end of the follow-up. RESULTS:A total of 15 cases were included (60% women), mean age: 29.07 years (86.66% ≥16 years). Mean time since the beginning of the symptoms to the surgery was 23.3 months. Mean horizontal preoperative deviation was 19.73 ± 7.2 pd at near and 22.93 ± 7.3 dp at distance decreasing to 3.33 ± 3.8 pd at near and 3.86 ± 3.9 pd at distance (P < .001). The 66.6% had diplopía. The 46.66% had decompensated esophoria or microesotropia, 86,66 % myopia and the 33.33% referred excesive use of the tablets and smartphones. The medial rectus recession were done in 10 cases. A good motor outcome was obtained in the 93.33% of the cases and sensorial outcome in the 53.3% without diplopía. CONCLUSION:Surgery was an excellent treatment to resolve the deviation and diplopia. The esophorias and microesotropias represented near the half of the cases and the excesive use of the tablets and smartphones were the third part of the sample. Most of the patients had myopia. 10.1016/j.oftale.2022.06.009
Acute acquired concomitant esotropia: May COVID-19 lockdowns have changed its presentation? European journal of ophthalmology PURPOSE:To evaluate the effects of COVID-19 lockdown in Italy on the features of Acute Acquired Concomitant Esotropia (AACE). SUBJECTS:Patients of the Polyclinic Hospital of Bari diagnosed with AACE between January 2018 and December 2021, subdivided in pre-lockdown group - diagnosed before March 2020 - and post-lockdown group. METHODS:Medical records were reviewed, and statistical analysis performed. Deviation size was assessed in the 9 cardinal positions of gaze with refractive correction. Wilcoxon test for unpaired samples was used to compare data of age, near maximum deviation and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) for each eye; Student's t test was used to compare far maximum deviation, difference far/near maximum deviation and spherical equivalent data. Fisher exact test was used to compare subtype cases (Bielschowsky vs Non-Bielschowsky) in the two groups. A p-value lower than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.The primary outcome measure was the difference in AACE subtypes between the two groups. RESULTS:Nineteen patients were included, of which 12 males (63.2%); 7 belong to the pre-lockdown group and 12 to the post-lockdown group. The difference in types between the two groups proved to be statistically significant (p = 0.01977).The differences in the mean of age, right BCVA, right spherical equivalent and mean spherical equivalent between the two groups proved to be statistically significant (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:After the COVID-19 pandemic, the profile of the typical patient with AACE has probably changed, and now it is more probably myopic and elderly than before. Thus, we observed an increase in the Bielschowsky subtype. 10.1177/11206721231213415