Radiomics for characterization of the glioma immune microenvironment.
NPJ precision oncology
Increasing evidence suggests that besides mutational and molecular alterations, the immune component of the tumor microenvironment also substantially impacts tumor behavior and complicates treatment response, particularly to immunotherapies. Although the standard method for characterizing tumor immune profile is through performing integrated genomic analysis on tissue biopsies, the dynamic change in the immune composition of the tumor microenvironment makes this approach not feasible, especially for brain tumors. Radiomics is a rapidly growing field that uses advanced imaging techniques and computational algorithms to extract numerous quantitative features from medical images. Recent advances in machine learning methods are facilitating biological validation of radiomic signatures and allowing them to "mine" for a variety of significant correlates, including genetic, immunologic, and histologic data. Radiomics has the potential to be used as a non-invasive approach to predict the presence and density of immune cells within the microenvironment, as well as to assess the expression of immune-related genes and pathways. This information can be essential for patient stratification, informing treatment decisions and predicting patients' response to immunotherapies. This is particularly important for tumors with difficult surgical access such as gliomas. In this review, we provide an overview of the glioma microenvironment, describe novel approaches for clustering patients based on their tumor immune profile, and discuss the latest progress on utilization of radiomics for immune profiling of glioma based on current literature.
Towards consistency in pediatric brain tumor measurements: Challenges, solutions, and the role of artificial intelligence-based segmentation.
MR imaging is central to the assessment of tumor burden and changes over time in neuro-oncology. Several response assessment guidelines have been set forth by the Response Assessment in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (RAPNO) working groups in different tumor histologies; however, the visual delineation of tumor components using MRIs is not always straightforward, and complexities not currently addressed by these criteria can introduce inter- and intra-observer variability in manual assessments. Differentiation of non-enhancing tumors from peritumoral edema, mild enhancement from absence of enhancement, and various cystic components can be challenging; particularly given a lack of sufficient and uniform imaging protocols in clinical practice. Automated tumor segmentation with artificial intelligence (AI) may be able to provide more objective delineations, but rely on accurate and consistent training data created manually (ground truth). Herein, this paper reviews existing challenges and potential solutions to identifying and defining subregions of pediatric brain tumors (PBTs) that are not explicitly addressed by current guidelines. The goal is to assert the importance of defining and adopting criteria for addressing these challenges, as it will be critical to achieving standardized tumor measurements and reproducible response assessment in PBTs, ultimately leading to more precise outcome metrics and accurate comparisons among clinical studies.