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Comparison of histological findings and the results of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry analysis in experimental electrical injury. Tanaka Naoko,Takakura Ayaka,Miyatake Nobuyuki,Jamal Mostofa,Ito Asuka,Kumihashi Mitsuru,Tsutsui Kunihiko,Ameno Kiyoshi,Kinoshita Hiroshi Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) The findings of histological examination and the results of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) analysis were compared to identify skin metallization in experimental electrical injury. Rats were divided into three experimental groups (n = 5, each group): control, current exposure for five seconds, and current exposure for ten seconds. A relatively high peak of copper, which was used as an electrical conductor, was detected in formalin-fixed skin samples of the two current exposure groups by EDX. There was a significant increase of the specific X-ray intensity in the two current exposure groups compared to the control group. On histological examination, epidermal nuclear elongation was observed in all samples of the two current exposure groups. However, deposition of metal was observed in two samples of each current exposure group. Metallization is an important finding for the diagnosis of electrocution. The present results suggest that EDX analysis is useful for the proof of metallization in electrocution, even where it is not identified on morphological examination. 10.1016/j.legalmed.2017.12.005