Calcium and vitamin D supplementation and increased risk of serrated polyps: results from a randomised clinical trial.
Crockett Seth D,Barry Elizabeth L,Mott Leila A,Ahnen Dennis J,Robertson Douglas J,Anderson Joseph C,Wallace Kristen,Burke Carol A,Bresalier Robert S,Figueiredo Jane C,Snover Dale C,Baron John A
OBJECTIVE:Serrated lesions such as sessile serrated adenomas or polyps (SSA/Ps) are important colorectal cancer precursors, but aetiological factors for these lesions are largely unknown. We aimed to determine the effects of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on the incidence of serrated polyps (SPs) in general and hyperplastic polyps and SSA/Ps specifically. DESIGN:Participants with one or more adenoma at baseline were randomised to receive 1200 mg/day of elemental calcium, 1000 IU/day of vitamin D, both or neither agent. Treatment continued for 3 or 5 years, when risk of polyps was determined from surveillance colonoscopy (treatment phase). Outcomes after treatment ceased were also assessed (observational phase). Adjusted risk ratios (aRRs) of SPs were determined via multivariable generalised linear models. RESULTS:SPs were diagnosed in 565 of 2058 (27.5%) participants during the treatment phase and 329/1108 (29.7%) during the observational phase. In total, 211 SSA/Ps were identified during follow-up. In the treatment phase, there was no effect of either calcium or vitamin D on incidence of SSA/Ps. However, during the later observational phase, we observed elevated risks of SSA/Ps associated with calcium alone and calcium+vitamin D treatment (aRR (95% CI): 2.65 (1.43 to 4.91) and 3.81 (1.25 to 11.64), respectively). CONCLUSION:In a large multicentre chemoprevention study, we found evidence that calcium and vitamin D supplementation increased the risk of SSA/Ps. This appeared to be a late effect: 6-10 years after supplementation began. These possible risks must be weighed against the benefits of calcium and vitamin D supplementation. : NUMBER: NCT00153816; Results.
The proto CpG island methylator phenotype of sessile serrated adenomas/polyps.
Parker Hannah R,Orjuela Stephany,Martinho Oliveira Andreia,Cereatti Fabrizio,Sauter Matthias,Heinrich Henriette,Tanzi Giulia,Weber Achim,Komminoth Paul,Vavricka Stephan,Albanese Luca,Buffoli Federico,Robinson Mark D,Marra Giancarlo
Sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps) are the putative precursors of the ~20% of colon cancers with the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP). To investigate the epigenetic phenotype of these precancers, we prospectively collected fresh-tissue samples of 17 SSA/Ps and 15 conventional adenomas (cADNs), each with a matched sample of normal mucosa. Their DNA was subjected to bisulfite next-generation sequencing to assess methylation levels at ~2.7 million CpGs located predominantly in gene regulatory regions and spanning 80.5Mb; RNA was sequenced to define the samples' transcriptomes. Compared with normal mucosa, SSA/Ps and cADNs exhibited markedly remodeled methylomes. In cADNs, hypomethylated regions were far more numerous (18,417 vs 4288 in SSA/Ps) and rarely affected CpG islands/shores. SSA/Ps seemed to have escaped this wave of demethylation. Cytosine hypermethylation in SSA/Ps was more pervasive (hypermethylated regions: 22,147 vs 15,965 in cADNs; hypermethylated genes: 4938 vs 3443 in cADNs) and more extensive (region for region), and it occurred mainly within CpG islands and shores. Given its resemblance to the CIMP typical of SSA/Ps' putative descendant colon cancers, we refer to the SSA/P methylation phenotype as proto-CIMP. Verification studies of six hypermethylated regions in an independent series of precancers demonstrated DNA methylation markers' high potential for predicting the diagnosis of SSA/Ps and cADNs. Surprisingly, proto-CIMP in SSA/Ps was associated with upregulated gene expression; downregulation was more common in cADNs. In conclusion, the epigenetic landscape of SSA/Ps differs markedly from that of cADNs. These differences are a potentially rich source of novel tissue-based and noninvasive biomarkers.
The oral microbiota in colorectal cancer is distinctive and predictive.
Flemer Burkhardt,Warren Ryan D,Barrett Maurice P,Cisek Katryna,Das Anubhav,Jeffery Ian B,Hurley Eimear,O'Riordain Micheal,Shanahan Fergus,O'Toole Paul W
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Microbiota alterations are linked with colorectal cancer (CRC) and notably higher abundance of putative oral bacteria on colonic tumours. However, it is not known if colonic mucosa-associated taxa are indeed orally derived, if such cases are a distinct subset of patients or if the oral microbiome is generally suitable for screening for CRC. METHODS:We profiled the microbiota in oral swabs, colonic mucosae and stool from individuals with CRC (99 subjects), colorectal polyps (32) or controls (103). RESULTS:Several oral taxa were differentially abundant in CRC compared with controls, for example, and s pp. A classification model of oral swab microbiota distinguished individuals with CRC or polyps from controls (sensitivity: 53% (CRC)/67% (polyps); specificity: 96%). Combining the data from faecal microbiota and oral swab microbiota increased the sensitivity of this model to 76% (CRC)/88% (polyps). We detected similar bacterial networks in colonic microbiota and oral microbiota datasets comprising putative oral biofilm forming bacteria. While these taxa were more abundant in CRC, core networks between pathogenic, CRC-associated oral bacteria such as , and were also detected in healthy controls. High abundance of Lachnospiraceae was negatively associated with the colonisation of colonic tissue with oral-like bacterial networks suggesting a protective role for certain microbiota types against CRC, possibly by conferring colonisation resistance to CRC-associated oral taxa and possibly mediated through habitual diet. CONCLUSION:The heterogeneity of CRC may relate to microbiota types that either predispose or provide resistance to the disease, and profiling the oral microbiome may offer an alternative screen for detecting CRC.
BMI1 and MEL18 Promote Colitis-Associated Cancer in Mice via REG3B and STAT3.
Liu Xicheng,Wei Wendi,Li Xiaowei,Shen Pengcheng,Ju Dapeng,Wang Zhen,Zhang Rukui,Yang Fu,Chen Chunyan,Cao Kun,Zhu Guoli,Chen Hongyan,Chen Liang,Sui Jianhua,Zhang Erquan,Wu Kaichun,Wang Fengchao,Zhao Liping,Xi Rongwen
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Polycomb group proteins are epigenetic factors that silence gene expression; they are dysregulated in cancer cells and contribute to carcinogenesis by unclear mechanisms. We investigated whether BMI1 proto-oncogene, polycomb ring finger (BMI1), and polycomb group ring finger 2 (PCGF2, also called MEL18) are involved in the initiation and progression of colitis-associated cancer (CAC) in mice. METHODS:We generated mice containing floxed alleles of Bmi1 and/or Mel18 and/or Reg3b using the villin-Cre promoter (called Bmi1, Mel18, DKO, and TKO mice). We also disrupted Bmi1 and/or Mel18 specifically in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) using the villin-CreER-inducible promoter. CAC was induced in cre-negative littermate mice (control) and mice with conditional disruption of Bmi1 and/or Mel18 by intraperitoneal injection of azoxymethane (AOM) followed by addition of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) to drinking water. Colon tissues were collected from mice and analyzed by histology and immunoblots; IECs were isolated and used in cDNA microarray analyses. RESULTS:Following administration of AOM and DSS, DKO mice developed significantly fewer polyps than control, Bmi1, Mel18, Reg3b, or TKO mice. Adenomas in the colons of DKO mice were low-grade dysplasias, whereas adenomas in control, Bmi1, Mel18, Reg3b, or TKO mice were high-grade dysplasias with aggressive invasion of the muscularis mucosa. Disruption of Bmi1 and Mel18 (DKO mice) during late stages of carcinogenesis significantly reduced the numbers of large adenomas and the load of total adenomas, reduced proliferation, and increased apoptosis in colon tissues. IECs isolated from DKO mice after AOM and DSS administration had increased expression of Reg3b compared with control, Bmi1, or Mel18 mice. Expression of REG3B was sufficient to inhibit cytokine-induced activation of STAT3 in IECs. The human REG3β protein, the functional counterpart of mouse REG3B, inhibited STAT3 activity in human 293T cells, and its expression level in colorectal tumors correlated inversely with pSTAT3 level and survival times of patients. CONCLUSIONS:BMI1 and MEL18 contribute to the development of CAC in mice by promoting proliferation and reducing apoptosis via suppressing expression of Reg3b. REG3B negatively regulates cytokine-induced activation of STAT3 in colon epithelial cells. This pathway might be targeted in patients with colitis to reduce carcinogenesis.
Interleukin 1 beta and Matrix Metallopeptidase 3 Contribute to Development of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Dependent Serrated Polyps in Mouse Cecum.
He Zhengxiang,Chen Lili,Chen Grace,Smaldini Paola,Bongers Gerold,Catalan-Dibene Jovani,Furtado Glaucia C,Lira Sergio A
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Transgenic mice (HBUS) that express the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligand HBEGF (heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor) and a constitutively active G protein-coupled receptor (US28) in intestinal epithelial cells develop serrated polyps in the cecum. Development of serrated polyps depends on the composition of the gut microbiota and is associated with bacterial invasion of the lamina propria, accompanied by induction of inflammation and up-regulation of interleukin 1 beta (IL1B) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 3 in the cecum. We investigated the mechanisms by which these changes contribute to development of serrated polyps. METHODS:We performed studies with C57BL/6 (control) and HBUS mice. To accelerate polyp development, we increased the exposure of the bacteria to the lamina propria by injecting HBUS mice with diphtheria toxin, which binds transgenic HBEGF expressed by the epithelial cells and causes apoptosis. Mice were given injections of IL1B-neutralizing antibody and the MMP inhibitor N-isobutyl-N-(4-methoxyphenylsulfonyl)glycyl hydroxamic acid. Intestinal tissues were collected from mice and analyzed by histology, reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunofluorescence, and flow cytometry. We examined fibroblast subsets in polyps using single-cell RNA sequencing. RESULTS:Administration of diphtheria toxin to HBUS mice accelerated development of serrated polyps (95% of treated mice developed polyps before 100 days of age, compared with 53% given vehicle). IL1B stimulated subsets of platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGRFA) fibroblasts isolated from cecum, resulting in increased expression of MMP3. Neutralizing antibodies against IL1B or administration of the MMP inhibitor reduced the number of serrated polyps that formed in the HBUS mice. Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis showed subsets of fibroblasts in serrated polyps that express genes that regulate matrix fibroblasts and inflammation. CONCLUSIONS:In studies of mice, we found that barrier breakdown and expression of inflammatory factors contribute to development of serrated polyps. Subsets of cecal PDGFRA fibroblasts are activated by release of IL1B from myeloid cells during the early stages of serrated polyp development. MMP3 produced by PDGFRA fibroblasts is important for serrated polyp development. Our findings confirm the functions of previously identified serrated polyp-associated molecules and indicate roles for immune and stromal cells in serrated polyp development.
An Additional 30-s Observation of the Right-Sided Colon with Narrow Band Imaging Decreases Missed Polyps: A Pilot Study.
Yoshida Naohisa,Inoue Ken,Yasuda Ritsu,Hirose Ryohei,Dohi Osamu,Naito Yuji,Murakami Takaaki,Inada Yutaka,Ogiso Kiyoshi,Morinaga Yukiko,Kishimoto Mitsuo,Rani Rafiz Abdul,Itoh Yoshito
Digestive diseases and sciences
INTRODUCTION:Previous narrow-band imaging (NBI) was dark and reported not to be useful for polyp detection. In this study, we analyzed the efficacy of an additional 30-s observation of the right-sided colon with the recent bright high-resolution NBI. METHODS:We enrolled patients undergoing colonoscopy from February 2015 to May 2017 in two institutions. All procedures were performed with the latest system (EVIS LUCERA ELITE, Olympus). The cecum and ascending colon were first observed with white light imaging (WLI) in both the NBI and WLI group. Then, the colonoscope was re-inserted, and the cecum and ascending colon were observed for an additional 30 s. In this second observation, NBI was performed for the first 130 patients in the NBI group and WLI for the next 130 in the WLI group. The number of adenoma and sessile serrated polyps (ASPs) in the second observation were examined in both groups. According to our initial pilot study, the sample size was estimated at 126. RESULTS:In the first observation, the number of ASPs was 72 in the NBI group and 72 in the WLI group (p = 1.0). In the second observation, the number of ASPs was 23 in the NBI group and 10 in the WLI group (p = 0.02). The polyp and adenoma detection rates in the second observation were 16.2% and 12.3% in the NBI group and 7.7% (p = 0.03) and 6.2% (p = 0.09) in the WLI group. CONCLUSIONS:The additional 30-s observation with recent NBI decreased missed polyps in the right-sided colon.
Patient- and procedure-related factors affecting proximal and distal detection rates for polyps and adenomas: results from 1603 screening colonoscopies.
Schramm Christoph,Mbaya Nadine,Franklin Jeremy,Demir Muenevver,Kuetting Fabian,Toex Ulrich,Goeser Tobias,Steffen Hans-Michael
International journal of colorectal disease
BACKGROUND:Screening colonoscopy is less effective in reducing the incidence of proximal compared to distal colorectal cancer, presumably because of missed adenomas and advanced lesions during endoscopy. Thus, effectiveness and success of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programs depend decisively on the quality of the endoscopic procedures. METHODS:A retrospective analysis of 1603 average risk screening colonoscopies to calculate and to identify determinants of separate detection rates for proximally and distally located polyps, adenomas, and advanced adenomas was performed. RESULTS:56.1 % of 1603 individuals included were men, and the mean age was 60.2 ± 10.2 years. Distal detection rates were markedly higher compared to proximal detection rates for polyps (40.9 vs. 23.8 %), adenomas (21.3 vs. 16.2 %), and advanced adenomas (4.0 vs. 2.0 %). A gradual increase in detection rates with increasing age was found for proximal and distal localization. Gender difference was also seen for polyps and adenomas, but not for advanced adenomas. In multivariate analysis, age <65.0 years and female gender were independently associated with a lower separate polyp detection rate (PDR) and adenoma detection rate (ADR). The use of propofol was the only procedure-related variable significantly associated with higher polyp detection rate. CONCLUSION:Since age and gender affect detection rates of proximally and distally located polyps and adenomas, the requirement of a specific gender-related limit in total detection rates may be insufficient as a quality indicator for screening colonoscopies.
Development and validation of the SIMPLE endoscopic classification of diminutive and small colorectal polyps.
Iacucci Marietta,Trovato Cristina,Daperno Marco,Akinola Oluseyi,Greenwald David,Gross Seth A,Hoffman Arthur,Lee Jeffrey,Lethebe Brendan C,Lowerison Mark,Nayor Jennifer,Neumann Helmut,Rath Timo,Sanduleanu Silvia,Sharma Prateek,Kiesslich Ralf,Ghosh Subrata,Saltzman John R,
BACKGROUND:Prediction of histology of small polyps facilitates colonoscopic treatment. The aims of this study were: 1) to develop a simplified polyp classification, 2) to evaluate its performance in predicting polyp histology, and 3) to evaluate the reproducibility of the classification by trainees using multiplatform endoscopic systems. METHODS:In phase 1, a new simplified endoscopic classification for polyps - Simplified Identification Method for Polyp Labeling during Endoscopy (SIMPLE) - was created, using the new I-SCAN OE system (Pentax, Tokyo, Japan), by eight international experts. In phase 2, the accuracy, level of confidence, and interobserver agreement to predict polyp histology before and after training, and univariable/multivariable analysis of the endoscopic features, were performed. In phase 3, the reproducibility of SIMPLE by trainees using different endoscopy platforms was evaluated. RESULTS:Using the SIMPLE classification, the accuracy of experts in predicting polyps was 83 % (95 % confidence interval [CI] 77 % - 88 %) before and 94 % (95 %CI 89 % - 97 %) after training ( = 0.002). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value after training were 97 %, 88 %, 95 %, and 91 %. The interobserver agreement of polyp diagnosis improved from 0.46 (95 %CI 0.30 - 0.64) before to 0.66 (95 %CI 0.48 - 0.82) after training. The trainees demonstrated that the SIMPLE classification is applicable across endoscopy platforms, with similar post-training accuracies for narrow-band imaging NBI classification (0.69; 95 %CI 0.64 - 0.73) and SIMPLE (0.71; 95 %CI 0.67 - 0.75). CONCLUSIONS:Using the I-SCAN OE system, the new SIMPLE classification demonstrated a high degree of accuracy for adenoma diagnosis, meeting the ASGE PIVI recommendations. We demonstrated that SIMPLE may be used with either I-SCAN OE or NBI.
Shifts in the Fecal Microbiota Associated with Adenomatous Polyps.
Hale Vanessa L,Chen Jun,Johnson Stephen,Harrington Sean C,Yab Tracy C,Smyrk Thomas C,Nelson Heidi,Boardman Lisa A,Druliner Brooke R,Levin Theodore R,Rex Douglas K,Ahnen Dennis J,Lance Peter,Ahlquist David A,Chia Nicholas
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology
BACKGROUND:Adenomatous polyps are the most common precursor to colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. We sought to learn more about early events of carcinogenesis by investigating shifts in the gut microbiota of patients with adenomas. METHODS:We analyzed 16S rRNA gene sequences from the fecal microbiota of patients with adenomas (n = 233) and without (n = 547). RESULTS:Multiple taxa were significantly more abundant in patients with adenomas, including Bilophila, Desulfovibrio, proinflammatory bacteria in the genus Mogibacterium, and multiple Bacteroidetes species. Patients without adenomas had greater abundances of Veillonella, Firmicutes (Order Clostridia), and Actinobacteria (family Bifidobacteriales). Our findings were consistent with previously reported shifts in the gut microbiota of colorectal cancer patients. Importantly, the altered adenoma profile is predicted to increase primary and secondary bile acid production, as well as starch, sucrose, lipid, and phenylpropanoid metabolism. CONCLUSIONS:These data hint that increased sugar, protein, and lipid metabolism along with increased bile acid production could promote a colonic environment that supports the growth of bile-tolerant microbes such as Bilophilia and Desulfovibrio In turn, these microbes may produce genotoxic or inflammatory metabolites such as HS and secondary bile acids, which could play a role in catalyzing adenoma development and eventually colorectal cancer. IMPACT:This study suggests a plausible biological mechanism to explain the links between shifts in the microbiota and colorectal cancer. This represents a first step toward resolving the complex interactions that shape the adenoma-carcinoma sequence of colorectal cancer and may facilitate personalized therapeutics focused on the microbiota. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 26(1); 85-94. ©2016 AACR.
Variations in the management of significant polyps and early colorectal cancer: results from a multicentre observational study of 383 patients.
Dattani M,Crane S,Battersby N J,Di Fabio F,Saunders B P,Dolwani S,Rutter M D,Moran B J,
Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
AIM:The concept of significant polyps and early colorectal cancer (SPECC) encompasses complex polyps not amenable to routine snare polypectomy or where malignancy cannot be excluded. Surgical resection (SR) offers definitive treatment, but is overtreatment for the majority which are benign and amenable to less invasive endoscopic resection (ER). The aim of this study was to investigate variations in the management and outcomes of significant colorectal polyps. METHOD:This was a retrospective observational study of significant colorectal polyps, defined as nonpedunculated lesions of ≥ 20 mm size, diagnosed across nine UK hospitals in 2014. Inclusion criteria were endoscopically or histologically benign polyps at biopsy. RESULTS:A total of 383 patients were treated by primary ER (87.2%) or SR (12.8%). Overall, 108/383 (28%) polyps were detected in the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP). Primary SR was associated with a significantly longer length of stay and major complications (P < 0.01). Of the ER polyps, 290/334 (86.8%) patients were treated without undergoing surgery. The commonest indication for secondary surgery was unexpected polyp cancer, and of these cases 60% had no residual cancer in the specimen. Incidence of unexpected cancer was 10.7% (n = 41) and was similar between ER and SR groups (P = 0.11). On multivariate analysis, a polyp size of > 30 mm and non-BCSP status were independent risk factors for primary SR [OR 2.51 (95% CI 1.08-5.82), P = 0.03]. CONCLUSION:ER is safe and feasible for treating significant colorectal polyps. Robust accreditation within the BCSP has led to improvements in management, with lower rates of SR compared with non-BCSP patients. Standardization, training in polyp assessment and treatment within a multidisciplinary team may help to select appropriate treatment strategies and improve outcomes.
High-definition i-Scan colonoscopy is superior in the detection of diminutive polyps compared with high-definition white light colonoscopy: a prospective randomized-controlled trial.
Shan Jing,Liu Li,Sun Xiaobin,Xi Weidong,Yang Mei,Tang Yu,Ren Chunrong,Shi Wei
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
INTRODUCTION:Recognition of flat and small neoplastic lesions by colonoscopy is still challenging. High-definition (HD) i-Scan colonoscopy is a promising technique to maximize the sensitivity of colonoscopy; however, whether i-Scan can increase the detection rate of polyps is still unclear. The aim of this study was to prospectively compare HD i-Scan colonoscopy with HD colonoscopy for the detection rate of polyps in routine practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS:A total of 449 patients who underwent total colonoscopy for the first time were randomized in a 1 : 1 ratio to undergo HD+i-Scan colonoscopy or HD colonoscopy. Detected colorectal polyps were judged according to type, location, and size. The primary endpoint was the detection rate and the total number of polyps. RESULTS:The number of polyps identified in the HD+i-Scan group was significantly higher than that in the HD group (P=0.041), and this difference was more obvious for diminutive polyps (P=0.035). The number of patients with at least one polyp was not significantly different between the two groups irrespective of the size or the location. Overall, 268 polyps were removed, 130 in the HD+i-Scan group and 138 in the HD group. Among these, three high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia were found in diminutive polyps. CONCLUSION:HD+i-Scan colonoscopy is superior to HD colonoscopy in detecting diminutive polyps on the basis of this prospective randomized-controlled trial.
Long-Term Outcome and Surveillance Colonoscopy after Successful Endoscopic Treatment of Large Sessile Colorectal Polyps.
Kim Bun,Choi A Ra,Park Soo Jung,Cheon Jae Hee,Kim Tae Il,Kim Won Ho,Hong Sung Pil
Yonsei medical journal
PURPOSE:Although there is a consensus about the need for surveillance colonoscopy after endoscopic resection, the interval remains controversial for large sessile colorectal polyps. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcome and the adequate surveillance colonoscopy interval required for sessile and flat colorectal polyps larger than 20 mm. MATERIALS AND METHODS:A total of 204 patients with large sessile and flat polyps who received endoscopic treatment from May 2005 to November 2011 in a tertiary referral center were included. RESULTS:The mean age was 65.1 years and 62.7% of the patients were male. The mean follow-up duration was 44.2 months and the median tumor size was 25 mm. One hundred and ten patients (53.9%) received a short interval surveillance colonoscopy (median interval of 6.3 months with range of 1-11 months) and 94 patients (46.1%) received a long interval surveillance colonoscopy (median interval of 13.6 months with range of 12-66 months). There were 14 patients (6.9%) who had local recurrence at the surveillance colonoscopy. Using multivariate regression analysis, a polyp size greater than 40 mm was shown to be independent risk factor for local recurrence. However, piecemeal resection and surveillance colonoscopy interval did not significantly influence local recurrence. CONCLUSION:Endoscopic treatment of large sessile colorectal polyps shows a favorable long-term outcome. Further prospective study is mandatory to define an adequate interval of surveillance colonoscopy.
Clinical and endoscopic predictors of cytological dysplasia or cancer in a prospective multicentre study of large sessile serrated adenomas/polyps.
Burgess Nicholas G,Pellise Maria,Nanda Kavinderjit S,Hourigan Luke F,Zanati Simon A,Brown Gregor J,Singh Rajvinder,Williams Stephen J,Raftopoulos Spiro C,Ormonde Donald,Moss Alan,Byth Karen,P'Ng Heok,McLeod Duncan,Bourke Michael J
OBJECTIVE:The serrated neoplasia pathway accounts for up to 30% of all sporadic colorectal cancers (CRCs). Sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps) with cytological dysplasia (SSA/P-D) are a high-risk serrated CRC precursor with little existing data. We aimed to describe the clinical and endoscopic predictors of SSA/P-D and high grade dysplasia (HGD) or cancer. DESIGN:Prospective multicentre data of SSA/Ps ≥20 mm referred for treatment by endoscopic mucosal resection (September 2008-July 2013) were analysed. Imaging and lesion assessment was standardised. Histological findings were correlated with clinical and endoscopic findings. RESULTS:268 SSA/Ps were found in 207/1546 patients (13.4%). SSA/P-D comprised 32.4% of SSA/Ps ≥20 mm. Cancer occurred in 3.9%. On multivariable analysis, SSA/P-D was associated with increasing age (OR=1.69 per decade; 95% CI (1.19 to 2.40), p0.004) and increasing lesion size (OR=1.90 per 10 mm; 95% CI (1.30 to 2.78), p0.001), an 'adenomatous' pit pattern (Kudo III, IV or V) (OR=3.98; 95% CI (1.94 to 8.15), p<0.001) and any 0-Is component within a SSA/P (OR=3.10; 95% CI (1.19 to 8.12) p0.021). Conventional type dysplasia was more likely to exhibit an adenomatous pit pattern than serrated dysplasia. HGD or cancer was present in 7.2% and on multivariable analysis, was associated with increasing age (OR=2.0 per decade; 95% CI 1.13 to 3.56) p0.017) and any Paris 0-Is component (OR=10.2; 95% CI 3.18 to 32.4, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS:Simple assessment tools allow endoscopists to predict SSA/P-D or HGD/cancer in SSA/Ps ≥20 mm. Correct prediction is limited by failure to recognise SSA/P-D which may mimic conventional adenoma. Understanding the concept of SSA/P-D and the pitfalls of SSA/P assessment may improve detection, recognition and resection and potentially reduce interval cancer. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:NCT01368289.
Optical Diagnosis for Colorectal Polyps: A Useful Technique Now or in the Future?
Puig Ignasi,Kaltenbach Tonya
Gut and liver
In the last few years, interest in the optical diagnosis of colorectal polyps has increased among gastroenterologists. Several studies have shown that the optical diagnosis of small colorectal polyps is safe and feasible in routine clinical practice and is comparable to histopathology. The Narrow-band Imaging International Colorectal Endoscopic Classification provides a validated criterion for the classification of neoplastic and nonneoplastic polyps as well as polyps with deep submucosal invasion using narrow band imaging during real-time colonoscopy. The aim of the present review is to assess the current evidence for and limitations of optical diagnosis and to propose a systematic approach for transferring research findings to patient care.
Loss of expression of MLH1 in non-dysplastic crypts is a harbinger of neoplastic progression in sessile serrated adenomas/polyps.
Yozu Masato,Kem Marina,Cenaj Odise,Mino-Kenudson Mari,Odze Robert D,Misdraji Joseph
AIMS:Dysplasia in colonic sessile serrated adenomas (SSAs)/sessile serrated polyps often shows loss of MLH1 expression as determined with immunohistochemistry, but the significance of loss of MLH1 expression in non-dysplastic crypts in these polyps is less well studied. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of loss of MLH1 expression in non-dysplastic crypts in SSAs, and to evaluate its significance with regard to progression of these polyps. METHODS AND RESULTS:Four hundred SSAs, including 158 SSAs without dysplasia, 219 SSAs with dysplasia (SSAD), and 23 SSAs with invasive adenocarcinoma (SSAC), were evaluated immunohistochemically for loss of MLH1 expression in both non-dysplastic and dysplastic portions of the polyps. Seventy-one of 400 (18%) SSAs showed loss of MLH1 expression in non-dysplastic crypts. The prevalence of MLH1-deficient non-dysplastic crypts was higher in polyps with dysplasia or carcinoma (7%, 22%, and 52% in SSAs, SSADs, and SSACs, respectively; P < 0.0001). When SSAs with MLH1-deficient dysplasia and those with MLH-1-proficient dysplasia were compared, those with MLH1-deficient dysplasia were more likely to have MLH1-deficient non-dysplastic crypts (66% versus 8.1%, P < 0.0001) and a greater number of discrete foci (3.6 foci versus 1.1 foci, P = 0.008). Also, non-dysplastic crypts with loss of MLH1 expression were more likely to be contiguous with the dysplasia when the dysplasia also showed loss of MLH1 expression (26% versus 0%, P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS:Our results suggest that loss of MLH1 expression in non-dysplastic crypts in SSAs precedes the development of MLH1-deficient dysplasia and adenocarcinoma, and may be a biomarker of an advanced serrated polyp even in the absence of dysplasia.
Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1/growth differentiation factor-15 as a predictor of colonic neoplasia.
Danta M,Barber D A,Zhang H P,Lee-Ng M,Baumgart S W L,Tsai V W W,Husaini Y,Saxena M,Marquis C P,Errington W,Kerr S,Breit S N,Brown D A
Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics
BACKGROUND:Serum macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1/GDF15) concentration has been associated with colonic adenomas and carcinoma. AIMS:To determine whether circulating MIC-1/GDF15 serum concentrations are higher in the presence of adenomas and whether the level decreases after excision. METHODS:Patients were recruited prospectively from a single centre and stratified into five groups: no polyps (NP); hyperplastic polyps (HP); sessile serrated ademona (SSA); adenomas (AP); and colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Blood samples were collected immediately before and 4 weeks after colonoscopy. MIC-1/GDF15 serum levels were quantified using ELISA. RESULTS:Participants (n=301) were stratified as: NP; n=116 (52%), HP; n=37 (12%), SSA; n=19 (7%), AP; n=68 (23%); and CRC; n=3 (1%). Patients were excluded from the study due to nondiagnostic pathology (n=9, 3%) and exclusion criteria (n=20, 6%). In the 272 remaining subjects (M=149; F=123), age (P=.005), history of colonic polyps (P=.003) and family history of colonic polyps (P=.002) were associated with presence of adenomas. Baseline median MIC-1/GDF15 serum levels increased significantly from NP 609 (460-797) pg/mL, HP 582 (466-852) pg/mL, SSA 561 (446-837) pg/mL to AP 723 (602-1122) pg/mL and CRC 1107 (897-1107) pg/mL; (P<.001). In the pre- and postpolypectomy paired adenoma samples median MIC-1/GDF15 reduced significantly from 722 (603-1164) pg/mL to 685 (561-944) pg/mL (P=.002). A ROC analysis for serum MIC-1/GDF15 to identify adenomatous polyps indicated an area under the curve of 0.71. CONCLUSIONS:Our data suggest that serum MIC-1/GDF15 has the diagnostic characteristics to increase the detection of colonic neoplasia and improve screening.
Increased Risk for Colon Polyps in Patients with Reflux Disease.
Sonnenberg Amnon,Turner Kevin O,Genta Robert M
Digestive diseases and sciences
BACKGROUND:Previous studies have found an increased risk for colonic neoplasm in patients with Barrett's esophagus. It is unknown whether such risk applies similarly to other types of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). AIMS:To test whether GERD represents a risk factor for the occurrence of colon polyps. METHODS:The Miraca Life Sciences Database is a large national electronic repository of histopathologic records of patients distributed throughout the entire USA. A case-control study evaluated whether presence of (1) Barrett's metaplasia, (2) erosive esophagitis on endoscopy or histologic signs of reflux esophagitis, (3) clinical diagnosis of GERD, (4) any type of GERD affected the occurrence hyperplastic polyps (HP), sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/P), or tubular adenomas (TA) among 228,506 subjects undergoing bidirectional endoscopy. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals for the risk of HP, TA or SSA/P associated with various types of GERD and adjusted for age, sex, and presence of H. pylori. RESULTS:The analysis revealed positive associations between GERD and all types of colon polyps. These associations applied similarly to HP (1.47, 1.44-1.50), TA (1.30, 1.27-1.32), and SSA/P (1.52, 1.46-1.58). They also applied to different forms of GERD, showing a trend toward stronger associations, that is higher odds ratios, with Barrett's metaplasia or erosive esophagitis than clinical diagnosis of GERD. CONCLUSION:All types of GERD represent a risk factor for the occurrence of different colon polyps, such as HP, TA, or SSA/P.
Genetic variation in SLC7A2 interacts with calcium and magnesium intakes in modulating the risk of colorectal polyps.
The Journal of nutritional biochemistry
Solute carrier family 7, member 2 (SLC7A2) gene encodes a protein called cationic amino acid transporter 2, which mediates the transport of arginine, lysine and ornithine. l-Arginine is necessary for cancer development and progression, including an important role in colorectal cancer pathogenesis. Furthermore, previous studies found that both calcium and magnesium inhibit the transport of arginine. Thus, calcium, magnesium or calcium:magnesium intake ratio may interact with polymorphisms in the SLC7A2 gene in association with colorectal cancer. We conducted a two-phase case-control study within the Tennessee Colorectal Polyps Study. In the first phase, 23 tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the SLC7A2 gene were included for 725 colorectal adenoma cases and 755 controls. In the second phase conducted in an independent set of 607 cases and 2113 controls, we replicated the significant findings in the first phase. We observed that rs2720574 significantly interacted with calcium:magnesium intake ratio in association with odds of adenoma, particularly multiple/advanced adenoma. In the combined analysis, among those with a calcium:magnesium intake ratio below 2.78, individuals who carried GC/CC genotypes demonstrated higher odds of adenoma [OR (95% CI):1.36 (1.11-1.68)] and multiple/advanced adenoma [OR (95% CI): 1.68 (1.28, 2.20)] than those who carried the GG genotype. The P values for interactions between calcium:magnesium intake ratio and rs2720574 were .002 for all adenomas and <.001 for multiple/advanced adenoma. Among those with the GG genotype, a high calcium:magnesium ratio was associated with increased odds of colorectal adenoma [OR (95% CI): 1.73 (1.27-2.36)] and advanced/multiple adenomas [1.62 (1.05-2.50)], whereas among those with the GC/CC genotypes, high calcium:magnesium ratio was related to reduced odds of colorectal adenoma [0.64 (0.42-0.99)] and advanced/multiple adenomas [0.55 (0.31-1.00)].
Smoking Habits are Strongly Associated With Colorectal Polyps in a Population-based Case-control Study.
Fliss-Isakov Naomi,Zelber-Sagi Shira,Webb Muriel,Halpern Zamir,Kariv Revital
Journal of clinical gastroenterology
GOALS:The goal of this study is to test the association between lifetime smoking habits and colorectal polyps of different classifications. BACKGROUND:Smoking is an established risk factor for several cancers, including colorectal cancer. However, the association between lifetime smoking habits including intensity, duration, and cessation, and premalignant colorectal polyps is yet to be established. STUDY:A case-control study among 828 consecutive subjects aged 40 to 70 years, undergoing screening or diagnostic colonoscopy. Exclusion criteria were: medically treated diabetes, colectomy, and belonging to colorectal cancer high risk group. Polyps were stratified according to histology (serrated or adenomatous polyp) and location. All participants underwent anthropometric measurements and a structured medical and lifestyle interview. RESULTS:Current-smoking was more strongly associated with increased odds for distal rather than proximal polyps [odds ratio (OR), 4.00; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.40-6.68 and OR, 2.52; 95% CI, 1.46-4.36, respectively], with serrated-polyps rather than adenomas (OR, 6.36; 95% CI, 2.77-14.57 and OR, 3.01; 1.90-4.74, respectively). All levels of smoking intensity (daily cigarettes) were associated with colorectal polyps. A dose-response association was seen between smoking duration and colorectal polyps. Smoking duration of ≥20 years was strongly associated with distal polyps (OR, 4.01; 95% CI, 1.62-9.84), independently of potential confounders, smoking intensity and years since smoking cessation. All associations were stronger for distal serrated polyps. CONCLUSIONS:Smoking duration is associated with colorectal plyps, independently of other potential confounders, smoking intensity, and cessation. The association is stronger with distal rather than proximal polyps, and with serrated polyps rather than adenomas.
Lifestyle Risk Factors for Serrated Colorectal Polyps: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Certain subsets of colorectal serrated polyps (SP) have malignant potential. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the association between modifiable lifestyle factors and risk for SPs. METHODS:We conducted a systematic search of Medline, Embase, and Web of Science for observational or interventional studies that contained the terms risk or risk factor, and serrated or hyperplastic, and polyps or adenomas, and colorectal (or synonymous terms), published by March 2016. Titles and abstracts of identified articles were independently reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. Adjusted relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were combined using random effects meta-analyses to assess the risk of SP, when possible. RESULTS:We identified 43 studies of SP risk associated with 7 different lifestyle factors: smoking, alcohol, body fatness, diet, physical activity, medication, and hormone-replacement therapy. When we compared the highest and lowest categories of exposure, factors we found to significantly increase risk for SP included tobacco smoking (RR, 2.47; 95% CI, 2.12-2.87), alcohol intake (RR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.17-1.52), body mass index (RR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.22-1.61), and high intake of fat or meat. Direct associations for smoking and alcohol, but not body fat, tended to be stronger for sessile serrated adenomas/polyps than hyperplastic polyps. In contrast, factors we found to significantly decrease risks for SP included use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (RR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.65-0.92) or aspirin (RR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.67-0.99), as well as high intake of folate, calcium, or fiber. No significant associations were detected between SP risk and physical activity or hormone replacement therapy. CONCLUSIONS:Several lifestyle factors, most notably smoking and alcohol, are associated with SP risk. These findings enhance our understanding of mechanisms of SP development and indicate that risk of serrated pathway colorectal neoplasms could be reduced with lifestyle changes.
Cold versus hot endoscopic mucosal resection for nonpedunculated colorectal polyps sized 6-10 mm: a randomized trial.
Papastergiou Vasilios,Paraskeva Konstantina D,Fragaki Maria,Dimas Ioannis,Vardas Emmanouil,Theodoropoulou Angeliki,Mathou Nicoletta,Giannakopoulos Athanasios,Karmiris Konstantinos,Mpitouli Afroditi,Apessou Dimitra,Giannikaki Linda,Karagiannis John A,Chlouverakis Grigorios,Paspatis Gregorios A
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS:Cold snare polypectomy is an established method for the resection of small colorectal polyps; however, significant incomplete resection rates still leave room for improvement. We aimed to assess the efficacy of cold snare endoscopic mucosal resection (CS-EMR), compared with hot snare endoscopic mucosal resection (HS-EMR), for nonpedunculated polyps sized 6 - 10 mm. PATIENTS AND METHODS:This study was a dual-center, randomized, noninferiority trial. Consecutive adult patients with at least one nonpedunculated polyp sized 6 - 10 mm were enrolled. Eligible polyps were randomized (1:1) to be treated with either CS-EMR or HS-EMR. Both methods involved submucosal injection of a methylene blue-tinted normal saline solution. The primary noninferiority end point was histological eradication evaluated by postpolypectomy biopsies (noninferiority margin - 10 %). Secondary outcomes included occurrence of intraprocedural bleeding, clinically significant postprocedural bleeding, and perforation. RESULTS:Among 689 patients screened, 155 patients with 164 eligible polyps were included (CS-EMR n = 83, HS-EMR n = 81). The overall rate of histological complete resection was 92.8 % in the CS-EMR group and 96.3 % in the HS-EMR group (difference 3.5 %; 95 % confidence interval [CI] - 4.15 to 11.56), showing noninferiority of CS-EMR compared with HS-EMR. CS-EMR was shown to be noninferior both for polyps measuring 6 - 7 mm (CS-EMR 93.3 %; HS-EMR 100 %; 95 %CI - 7.95 to 21.3) and those of 8 - 10 mm (92.5 % vs. 94.7 %, respectively; 95 %CI - 7.91 to 13.16). Rates of intraprocedural bleeding were similar between the two groups (CS-EMR 3.6 %, HS-EMR 1.2 %; = 0.30). No clinically significant postprocedural bleeding or perforation occurred in either group. CONCLUSIONS:CS-EMR appears to be a valuable modification of the standard cold snare technique, obviating the need to use diathermy for nonpedunculated colorectal polyps sized 6 - 10 mm.
Modifiable lifestyle factors associated with risk of sessile serrated polyps, conventional adenomas and hyperplastic polyps.
OBJECTIVE:To identify modifiable factors associated with sessile serrated polyps (SSPs) and compare the association of these factors with conventional adenomas (ADs) and hyperplastic polyps (HPs). DESIGN:We used data from the Tennessee Colorectal Polyp Study, a colonoscopy-based case-control study. Included were 214 SSP cases, 1779 AD cases, 560 HP cases and 3851 polyp-free controls. RESULTS:Cigarette smoking was associated with increased risk for all polyps and was stronger for SSPs than for ADs (OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.16 to 2.62, for current vs never, p=0.008). Current regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was associated with a 40% reduction in SSP risk in comparison with never users (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.48 to 0.96, p=0.03), similar to the association with AD. Red meat intake was strongly associated with SSP risk (OR 2.59, 95% CI 1.41 to 4.74 for highest vs lowest intake, p<0.001) and the association with SSP was stronger than with AD (p=0.003). Obesity, folate intake, fibre intake and fat intake were not associated with SSP risk after adjustment for other factors. Exercise, alcohol use and calcium intake were not associated with risk for SSPs. CONCLUSIONS:SSPs share some modifiable risk factors for ADs, some of which are more strongly associated with SSPs than ADs. Thus, preventive efforts to reduce risk for ADs may also be applicable to SSPs. Additionally, SSPs have some distinctive risk factors. Future studies should evaluate the preventive strategies for these factors. The findings from this study also contribute to an understanding of the aetiology and biology of SSPs.
Diagnostic performance of magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging in differentiating neoplastic colorectal polyps from non-neoplastic colorectal polyps: a meta-analysis.
Guo Tian-Jiao,Chen Wei,Chen Yao,Wu Jun-Chao,Wang Yi-Ping,Yang Jin-Lin
Journal of gastroenterology
Colorectal polyps are commonly seen in colonoscopy and the management of neoplastic polyps and non-neoplastic polyps are different. It is necessary to distinguish neoplastic polyps from non-neoplastic polyps in real-time. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis to assess the diagnostic accuracy of magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging (ME-NBI) in diagnosing neoplastic colorectal polyps from non-neoplastic colorectal polyps. PubMed and EMBASE were searched for trials that used magnifying endoscopy with ME-NBI for diagnosing neoplastic colorectal polyps. Sixteen articles and 20 fourfold tables were obtained. Sensitivity (Sen), specificity (Spe), positive likelihood ratios (+ LRs), negative likelihood ratios (- LRs) and diagnostic odds ratios (DORs) were calculated. A summary receiver-operating characteristic (SROC) curve was constructed, and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was calculated. We performed subgroup analyses based on polyp size and assessment criteria: (1) According to data extracted from 20 fourfold tables, the pooled Sen and Spe of ME-NBI for diagnosing neoplastic colorectal polyps < 10 mm were 0.94 (95% CI 0.92-0.95) and 0.76 (95% CI 0.72-0.80),respectively. The pooled Sen and Spe of ME-NBI for diagnosing all neoplastic polyps were 0.98 (95% CI 0.98-0.99) and 0.88 (95% CI 0.85-0.90), respectively. (2) Data pertaining to the following three assessment methods were analysed from 15 fourfold tables: surface pattern (SP), vessel pattern (VP) and the combination of SP and VP. The AUCs for these assessment criteria were 0.9533, 0.9518 and 0.9954, respectively. Conclusions were made that ME-NBI has high diagnostic accuracy in diagnosing neoplastic colorectal polyps based on the combination of SP with VP and is helpful in making real-time diagnoses.
Narrow band imaging optical diagnosis of small colorectal polyps in routine clinical practice: the Detect Inspect Characterise Resect and Discard 2 (DISCARD 2) study.
Rees Colin J,Rajasekhar Praveen T,Wilson Ana,Close Helen,Rutter Matthew D,Saunders Brian P,East James E,Maier Rebecca,Moorghen Morgan,Muhammad Usman,Hancock Helen,Jayaprakash Anthoor,MacDonald Chris,Ramadas Arvind,Dhar Anjan,Mason James M
BACKGROUND:Accurate optical characterisation and removal of small adenomas (<10 mm) at colonoscopy would allow hyperplastic polyps to be left in situ and surveillance intervals to be determined without the need for histopathology. Although accurate in specialist practice the performance of narrow band imaging (NBI), colonoscopy in routine clinical practice is poorly understood. METHODS:NBI-assisted optical diagnosis was compared with reference standard histopathological findings in a prospective, blinded study, which recruited adults undergoing routine colonoscopy in six general hospitals in the UK. Participating colonoscopists (N=28) were trained using the NBI International Colorectal Endoscopic (NICE) classification (relating to colour, vessel structure and surface pattern). By comparing the optical and histological findings in patients with only small polyps, test sensitivity was determined at the patient level using two thresholds: presence of adenoma and need for surveillance. Accuracy of identifying adenomatous polyps <10 mm was compared at the polyp level using hierarchical models, allowing determinants of accuracy to be explored. FINDINGS:Of 1688 patients recruited, 722 (42.8%) had polyps <10 mm with 567 (78.5%) having only polyps <10 mm. Test sensitivity (presence of adenoma, N=499 patients) by NBI optical diagnosis was 83.4% (95% CI 79.6% to 86.9%), significantly less than the 95% sensitivity (p<0.001) this study was powered to detect. Test sensitivity (need for surveillance) was 73.0% (95% CI 66.5% to 79.9%). Analysed at the polyp level, test sensitivity (presence of adenoma, N=1620 polyps) was 76.1% (95% CI 72.8% to 79.1%). In fully adjusted analyses, test sensitivity was 99.4% (95% CI 98.2% to 99.8%) if two or more NICE adenoma characteristics were identified. Neither colonoscopist expertise, confidence in diagnosis nor use of high definition colonoscopy independently improved test accuracy. INTERPRETATION:This large multicentre study demonstrates that NBI optical diagnosis cannot currently be recommended for application in routine clinical practice. Further work is required to evaluate whether variation in test accuracy is related to polyp characteristics or colonoscopist training. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:The study was registered with clinicaltrials.gov (NCT01603927).
Risk of Colorectal Neoplasia According to Fatty Liver Severity and Presence of Gall Bladder Polyps.
Lee Taeyoung,Yun Kyung Eun,Chang Yoosoo,Ryu Seungho,Park Dong Il,Choi Kyuyong,Jung Yoon Suk
Digestive diseases and sciences
BACKGROUND:Fatty liver is the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and is a known risk factor for colorectal neoplasia (CRN). Gallbladder (GB) polyps share many common risk factors with CRN. However, studies evaluating CRN risk according to fatty liver severity and the presence of GB polyps are rare. AIM:To investigate CRN risk according to the fatty liver severity and the presence of GB polyps. METHODS:A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed on 44,220 participants undergoing colonoscopy and abdominal ultrasonography (US) as part of a health-screening program. RESULTS:Of the participants, fatty liver was diagnosed as mild in 27.7 %, moderate in 5.1 %, and severe in 0.4 % and 13.4 % were diagnosed with GB polyps. Mean age of participants was 42.7 years. In adjusted models, risk of overall CRN and non-advanced CRN increased with worsening fatty liver severity (P for trend = 0.007 and 0.020, respectively). Adjusted odd ratios for overall CRN and non-advanced CRN comparing participants with mild, moderate, and severe fatty liver to participants without fatty liver were 1.13 and 1.12 for mild, 1.12 and 1.10 for moderate, and 1.56 and 1.65 for severe. The presence of GB polyps did not correlate with CRN risk after adjusting for confounders. CONCLUSIONS:CRN risk increased with worsening fatty liver severity. However the association between GB polyp and CRN was not significant in the presence of other variables. Considering that many people undergo noninvasive abdominal US as a health screen, our study will contribute to colonoscopy screening strategies in people undergoing abdominal US.
DCLK1 Expression in Colorectal Polyps Increases with the Severity of Dysplasia.
Takiyama Aki,Tanaka Toshiaki,Kazama Shinsuke,Nagata Hiroshi,Kawai Kazushige,Hata Keisuke,Otani Kensuke,Nishikawa Takeshi,Sasaki Kazuhito,Kaneko Manabu,Emoto Shigenobu,Murono Koji,Takiyama Hirotoshi,Nozawa Hiroaki
In vivo (Athens, Greece)
BACKGROUND:The expression of doublecortin-like kinase 1 (DCLK1) has been investigated in cancer; however not in precancerous adenomatous polyps. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Immunohistological expression of DCLK1 was evaluated in various grades of adenomas, cancerous polyps, and hyperplastic polyps in resected human tissue specimens. RESULTS:Ninety-two specimens were positive for DCLK1 and 134 were negative. Cancerous polyps showed a high DCLK1 positivity rate compared to adenomas (68.4% vs. 36.8%; p<0.01). The rate of DCLK1 positivity was not significantly different among the three grades of adenomas (mild, moderate, and severe). DCLK1 was highly positive in advanced adenomas than low risk adenomas (49.6% vs. 29.3%; p<0.01). CONCLUSION:The expression of DCLK1 was found in low-grade adenomas and increased with worsening severity of dysplasia. DCLK1 expression was highly observed in advanced adenomas, which had a clinically higher malignant potential.
Hyperplastic polyps and nonadvanced adenomas, but not advanced polypoid lesions, are detected more frequently in the presence of colonic diverticula during screening colonoscopies.
Schramm Christoph,Kütting Fabian,Lang Sonja,Kasper Philipp,Chon Seung-Hun,Steffen Hans-Michael
Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie
HINTERGRUND: Die bisher veröffentlichte Studienlage zur Assoziation von Kolondivertikeln und kolorektalen Polypen einschließlich des kolorektalen Karzinoms (KRK) ist konträr. Ziel der Studie war es, die Assoziation für sämtliche relevanten histologischen Polypensubtypen, d. h. hyperplastische Polypen (HP), sessil und traditionell serratierte Adenome (SSA und TSA), klinisch relevante serratierte Polypen (krSP), tubuläre Adenome und fortgeschrittene Adenome in einer ausschließlichen Vorsorgekoloskopie-Kohorte zu untersuchen. MATERIAL UND METHODEN: Wir führten eine retrospektive Analyse von Personen ≥ 50 Jahre und einem durchschnittlichen Risiko für ein KRK, die eine Vorsorgekoloskopie zwischen dem 01.01.2012 und dem 14.12.2016 in einer Universitätsklinik und 6 gastroenterologischen Schwerpunktpraxen erhalten haben, durch. Ausschlusskriterien waren Erkrankungen mit einem erhöhten KRK-Risiko (z. B. chronisch-entzündliche Darmerkrankungen, KRK in der Vorgeschichte, hereditäre Karzinomsyndrome), eine vorherige Koloskopie und eine unvollständige Untersuchung. ERGEBNISSE: 4196 Koloskopien wurden eingeschlossen (mittleres Alter 63,4 Jahre, Standardabweichung ± 7,6 Jahre, 48,6 %). Bei Vorliegen von Divertikeln zeigten sich nach Adjustierung für Alter und Geschlecht erhöhte Odds-Ratios (OR) für den Nachweis von HP im gesamten (OR 1,340, 95 %-Konfidenzintervall 1,133 - 1,584, p = 0,001) und im distalen Kolon (OR 1,459, 95 %-KI 1,208 - 1,763, p < 0,001) sowie von tubulären Adenomen im distalen Kolon (OR 1,355, 95 %-KI 1,144 - 1,604, p < 0,001). Die mittlere Polypenanzahl pro Untersuchung mit dem Nachweis von mindestens einem Polypensubtypen unterschied sich nicht zwischen beiden Gruppen. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Die Untersucher sollten beim Vorliegen einer Divertikulose wachsam für den Nachweis von vor allem distal gelegenen Adenomen sein.
Three Pathways of Colonic Carcinogenesis in Rats.
Rubio Carlos A
Anticancer research
BACKGROUND:Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the more intensively studied human malignancies. For many years, the general view has been that the vast majority of CRCs in humans evolve from conventional (tubular or villous) adenomas via the adenoma-carcinoma pathway. More recently, serrated colorectal polyps (hyperplastic polyps, sessile serrated polyps and traditional serrated adenomas) have emerged as an alternative pathway of colorectal carcinogenesis in humans. Archival sections from early experiments in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats injected with dimethylhydrazine (DMH) were reviewed and the histology of colonic neoplasias was re-evaluated. Out of 215 colonic neoplasias, 9% were serrated adenomas and 6% serrated carcinomas, 11% conventional adenomas, 39% highly differentiated carcinomas, 21% gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) carcinomas, 13% signet-ring cell carcinomas, and 1% villous carcinomas. In a more recent review of archived sections from DMH-treated rats with colonic GALT follicles, dysplastic crypts exhibiting asymmetrical bifurcations in GALT mucosa were found in 49% and colonic GALT carcinomas in 53% of 276 DMH-treated rats. Histology of the 146 colonic GALT-carcinomas revealed highly differentiated carcinoma in 75%, signet-ring cell carcinoma in 20%, mucinous carcinomas in 3% and mixed in the remaining 2%. Highly differentiated carcinomas were seen to evolve from dysplastic crypts with asymmetric bifurcations and from adenomas and signet-ring cell carcinomas, and from non-dysplastic crypts having goblet cells with marked anisocytosis. It is apparent that DMH treatment in SD rats induced conventional adenomas, conventional carcinomas, serrated adenomas, serrated carcinomas and GALT carcinomas. The paradigm permits to monitor in detail the early histological steps that epitomize the three alternative pathways of colonic carcinogenesis in SD rats. This model might be useful for analyzing different molecular aberrations evolving during the conventional adenoma-carcinoma pathway, the serrated carcinoma pathway, and the GALT carcinoma pathway of colonic carcinogenesis, under standard laboratory conditions.
Development and validation of the WASP classification system for optical diagnosis of adenomas, hyperplastic polyps and sessile serrated adenomas/polyps.
IJspeert Joep E G,Bastiaansen Barbara A J,van Leerdam Monique E,Meijer Gerrit A,van Eeden Susanne,Sanduleanu Silvia,Schoon Erik J,Bisseling Tanya M,Spaander Manon Cw,van Lelyveld Niels,Bargeman Marloes,Wang Junfeng,Dekker Evelien,
OBJECTIVE:Accurate endoscopic differentiation would enable to resect and discard small and diminutive colonic lesions, thereby increasing cost-efficiency. Current classification systems based on narrow band imaging (NBI), however, do not include neoplastic sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps). We aimed to develop and validate a new classification system for endoscopic differentiation of adenomas, hyperplastic polyps and SSA/Ps <10 mm. DESIGN:We developed the Workgroup serrAted polypS and Polyposis (WASP) classification, combining the NBI International Colorectal Endoscopic classification and criteria for differentiation of SSA/Ps in a stepwise approach. Ten consultant gastroenterologists predicted polyp histology, including levels of confidence, based on the endoscopic aspect of 45 polyps, before and after participation in training in the WASP classification. After 6 months, the same endoscopists predicted polyp histology of a new set of 50 polyps, with a ratio of lesions comparable to daily practice. RESULTS:The accuracy of optical diagnosis was 0.63 (95% CI 0.54 to 0.71) at baseline, which improved to 0.79 (95% CI 0.72 to 0.86, p<0.001) after training. For polyps diagnosed with high confidence the accuracy was 0.73 (95% CI 0.64 to 0.82), which improved to 0.87 (95% CI 0.80 to 0.95, p<0.01). The accuracy of optical diagnosis after 6 months was 0.76 (95% CI 0.72 to 0.80), increasing to 0.84 (95% CI 0.81 to 0.88) considering high confidence diagnosis. The combined negative predictive value with high confidence of diminutive neoplastic lesions (adenomas and SSA/Ps together) was 0.91 (95% CI 0.83 to 0.96). CONCLUSIONS:We developed and validated the first integrative classification method for endoscopic differentiation of small and diminutive adenomas, hyperplastic polyps and SSA/Ps. In a still image evaluation setting, introduction of the WASP classification significantly improved the accuracy of optical diagnosis overall as well as SSA/P in particular, which proved to be sustainable after 6 months.
[Serrated polyps and their association with synchronous advanced colorectal neoplasia].
Urman Jesús,Gomez Marta,Basterra Marta,Mercado María Del Rosario,Montes Marta,Gómez Dorronsoro Marisa,Garaigorta Maitane,Fraile María,Rubio Eva,Aisa Gregorio,Galbete Arkaitz
Gastroenterologia y hepatologia
INTRODUCTION:Large serrated polyps (SP), proximal SP, SP with dysplasia and the presence of multiple sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/P), which we refer to as SP with increased risk of metachronous lesions (SPIRML), have been associated with an increased risk of advanced colon lesions on follow-up. It is unclear, however, whether SPIRML are also associated with an increased risk of synchronous advanced colorectal neoplasia (ACN). AIM:The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of SPIRML and to evaluate the association between SPIRML and synchronous ACN. METHODS:A cross-sectional population-based study in all patients (1,538) with histological diagnosis of SP obtained from colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies and colonic surgery performed in Navarra Health Service hospitals (Spain) in 2011. Demographic parameters and synchronous colonic lesions (adenomas, advanced adenomas [AA] and ACN) were analyzed. RESULTS:One fourth of the sample (384 patients) presented SPIRML. These were older patients, with a slight predominance of women, and with no differences in body mass index (BMI) compared to patients without SPIRML. In the univariate analysis, patients with SPIRML showed an increased risk of adenoma, AA and ACN. In the multivariate analysis, the SPIRML group had a higher risk of synchronous AA and ACN (odds ratio [OR]: 2.38 [1.77-3.21] and OR: 2.29 [1.72-3.05], respectively); in the case of ACN, this risk was statistically significant in both locations (proximal or distal), with OR slightly higher for the proximal location. Different subtypes of SPIRML had a higher risk of AA and synchronous NA. CONCLUSION:SPIRML were common in patients with SP, and their presence was associated with an increased risk of synchronous ACN.
MCM2 expression in serrated polyps demonstrates aberrant cellular proliferation.
Fortuna Danielle,Boman Bruce,O'Neill Raymond,Palazzo Juan
Human pathology
In normal colonic epithelium, the proliferative zone is limited to the lower half of the colonic crypt. Evaluating the changes in the colonic epithelial proliferation can be useful in understanding pathophysiology of various diseases. Our aim was to investigate the proliferative compartment of serrated polyps (SPs) using MCM2, a protein involved in DNA replication, and assess for changes along the SP spectrum. Immunohistochemistry was performed on serrated polyps (16 microvesicular-type hyperplastic polyps (HP), 58 sessile serrated adenomas (SSA), 7 SSAs with dysplasia) and 6 sections of normal colon using anti-MCM2 antibody. Multiple sections of normal colon showed the following pattern for MCM2 and Ki-67 staining: positive nuclear staining of the lower half of the colonic crypts and/or slightly expanded to the lower two-thirds of the crypt. By MCM2, SPs show expansion of the proliferative compartments; 81.3% of HPs and 100% of SSAs showed some degree of full crypt MCM2 staining. SSAs with dysplasia showed consistent diffuse polyp staining. Aberrant staining in adjacent normal mucosa was also seen in SSAs with dysplasia and in a subset of non-dysplastic SSAs. By using MCM2, we show that serrated polyps exhibit changes in proliferation during progression along the pathway. HPs and SSAs show a similar highly proliferative profile. Aberrant proliferative cell staining patterns in adjacent normal colonic mucosa as seen in SSAs with dysplasia and a subset of SSAs suggest a field effect phenomenon. This indicates that changes in the colonic micro-environment may promote adenoma morphogenesis and predisposition to malignancy.
Correlation between microvascular characteristics and the expression of MVD, IGF-1 and STAT3 in the development of colonic polyps carcinogenesis.
Experimental and therapeutic medicine
The aim of the present study was to investigate the correlation between vascular characteristics under narrow band imaging (NBI) and the expression of angiogenic factors of colorectal carcinoma and adenoma, and to evaluate the feasibility of NBI visualizing angiogenesis. Patients with colorectal polyps, which were pathologically confirmed as early carcinoma and adenoma, were recruited and examined by NBI. The vascular pattern was classified into type I (invisible or faintly visible vasculature), type II (clearly visible microvasculature that is regularly arranged in a round, oval honeycomb-like pattern) and type III (clearly visible microvasculature that is irregularly arranged in size and caliber or has irregular winding). Immunohistochemical staining was performed by cluster of differentiation (CD)34, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). The histological results were compared with the vascular pattern under NBI. Overall, 64 sites (15 adenocarcinomas, 29 adenomas and 20 normal) from 58 patients were recruited in the study and examined by NBI. A higher proportion of adenomas (82.1%, 23/28) and adenocarcinomas (66.7%, 10/15) had vascular patterns II and III, respectively. The expression of microvessel density (MVD)-CD34 and IGF-1 in normal mucosa compared with adenomas and adenocarcinomas was significantly different (P<0.0001 and P=0.0062, respectively). MVD-CD34, IGF-1 and STAT3 expression in the sites displayed with vascular patterns I, II, and III was different significantly (P<0.0001, P=0.0010 and P=0.0055, respectively). The spearman correlation coefficient between NBI vascular pattern and MVD-CD34, IGF-1 and STAT3 expression was 0.67, 0.41 and 0.40, respectively. In conclusion, vascular-pattern analysis and the use of an NBI system may be a promising tool for evaluating angiogenesis of colorectal lesions in real-time endoscopy.
Association between colonic diverticulosis and prevalence of colorectal polyps.
Muhammad Adnan,Lamendola Oleana,Daas Adel,Kumar Ambuj,Vidyarthi Gitanjali
International journal of colorectal disease
INTRODUCTION:Diverticulosis and colorectal polyps increase in frequency as the population ages. Proposed common mechanisms for both include lack of dietary fiber, increased saturated fats, and slow colonic transit time. The association of diverticulosis and colorectal polyps has been previously reported with conflicting results. Despite sharing common epidemiologic predisposing factors, the association between diverticulosis and colon polyps remains unclear and needs better clarification. AIM:The primary aim of our study is to evaluate if there is any association between diverticular disease and colorectal polyps. MATERIALS AND METHODS:This is a retrospective cohort study. All consecutive patients who underwent colonoscopy between January 2009 and December 2011 were included, except those with history of inflammatory bowel disease, polyposis syndrome, and poor bowel preparation. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to analyze the association between colon polyps and diverticulosis. Hyperplastic polyps were excluded from the statistical analysis, and only pre-cancerous adenomas were included. RESULTS:A total of 2,223 patients met the inclusion criteria. The prevalence of colorectal polyps in patients with diverticulosis was significantly higher than those without diverticulosis (odds ratio (OR) 1.54; 95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.27-1.80, p = 0.001). This association was found significant for all locations of polyps and all histological subtypes. There was also a statistically significant association between age, presence of diverticulosis, and colorectal polyps (OR 1.03; 95 % CI 1.02-1.04). The incidence of colorectal polyps increases as age advances in patients with diverticulosis, with the highest association in patients >70 years of age (OR 3.55; 95 % CI 2.50-5.04). There was no significant association between indication for colonoscopy and presence of colorectal polyps in patients with diverticulosis (OR 0.98; 95 % CI 0.95-1.01). The incidence of diverticulitis was low (<1 %), and there was no association between diverticulitis and colon polyps. CONCLUSION:There is a significant association between diverticulosis and synchronous pre-cancerous colorectal polyps (adenomas). Patients with diverticulosis have a higher risk of colorectal polyps as compared to those without. This observation needs further validation by a large prospective cohort study.
Plasma Histone H4 and H4K20 Trimethylation Levels Differ Between Colon Cancer and Precancerous Polyps.
Özgür Emre,Keskin Metin,Yörüker Ebru E,Holdenrieder Stefan,Gezer Ugur
In vivo (Athens, Greece)
BACKGROUND/AIM:No blood-based biomarkers are available to differentiate between colonic tumors and precancerous polyps. Previously we demonstrated levels of trimethylated H4K20 (H4K20me3) to be lower in blood plasma from patients with colon cancer than those from cancer-free individuals. Herein, we added individuals with precancerous polyps for the first time in order to analyze and investigate the usefulness of plasma H4K20me3 and histone H4 to discriminate colon tumors from precancerous polyps. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The study included a cohort of 185 individuals undergoing colonoscopy. H4K20me3 and histone H4, measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-like assay in plasma, were analyzed according to colonoscopy findings. RESULTS:Levels of H4K20me3 were lower in patients with colon cancer than in individuals with normal colonoscopy and those with precancerous polyps (p=0.02 and p=0.01, respectively). In contrast, highest quantities of histone H4 were measured in those with colon cancer compared to other groups (all p<0.01). CONCLUSION:Beside H4K20me3, plasma histone H4 is a useful marker to discriminate colonic tumors from precancerous polyps and other conditions.
Factors related to colorectal cancer in advanced adenomas and serrated polyps: a further step toward individualized surveillance.
Adán Merino Luisa,Mercedes Aldeguer-Martínez,Jose Barrio-Antoranz,Ana Burdaspal-Moratilla,Sonia Martín Chávarri
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
AIM:The risk of presenting synchronous or metachronous neoplasm, either adenoma or carcinoma, increases after an initial colonic lesion develops. It is known as tumor multicentricity and constitutes the rationale for surveillance programs. This study was designed to identify the clinical, pathologic, and molecular features related to previous or synchronous colorectal cancer (CRC) in patients with advanced adenomas (AA) or serrated polyps (SP). PATIENTS AND METHODS:We carried out a prospective analysis of 4143 colonoscopies performed at our medical department between 1 September 2014 and 30 September 2015. Patients with AA/SP associated with previous or synchronous CRC are compared with patients with solitary AA/SP. We also performed immunohistochemical for the mismatch repair proteins in 120 AA or SP, 60 of them related to CRC. RESULTS:Three-hundred and seventy-nine AA or SP were removed. Among these, 66 (17.3%) were associated with a previous (n=31) or synchronous CRC (n=35). Age older than or equal to 65 years (odds ratio: 1.15, 95% confidence interval: 1.05-1.26, P=0.002) and male sex (odds ratio: 2.13, 95% confidence interval: 1.3-3.49, P=0.003) were found to be independent predictive factors for CRC in patients with AA/SP by multivariate analysis. Only one of the 120 AA/SP available for immunohistochemical testing showed loss of staining and it was not related to CRC. CONCLUSION:In patients with AA or SP, it is possible to identify a subgroup that is more likely to be associated with CRC and then prone to tumor multicentricity. These results have potential implications for establishing criteria for a more targeted surveillance.
British Society of Gastroenterology position statement on serrated polyps in the colon and rectum.
Serrated polyps have been recognised in the last decade as important premalignant lesions accounting for between 15% and 30% of colorectal cancers. There is therefore a clinical need for guidance on how to manage these lesions; however, the evidence base is limited. A working group was commission by the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Endoscopy section to review the available evidence and develop a position statement to provide clinical guidance until the evidence becomes available to support a formal guideline. The scope of the position statement was wide-ranging and included: evidence that serrated lesions have premalignant potential; detection and resection of serrated lesions; surveillance strategies after detection of serrated lesions; special situations-serrated polyposis syndrome (including surgery) and serrated lesions in colitis; education, audit and benchmarks and research questions. Statements on these issues were proposed where the evidence was deemed sufficient, and re-evaluated modified via a Delphi process until >80% agreement was reached. The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) tool was used to assess the strength of evidence and strength of recommendation for finalised statements. : we suggest that until further evidence on the efficacy or otherwise of surveillance are published, patients with sessile serrated lesions (SSLs) that appear associated with a higher risk of future neoplasia or colorectal cancer (SSLs ≥10 mm or serrated lesions harbouring dysplasia including traditional serrated adenomas) should be offered a one-off colonoscopic surveillance examination at 3 years ().
Evaluating the expression level of co-stimulatory molecules CD 80 and CD 86 in different types of colon polyps.
Peyravian N,Gharib E,Moradi A,Mobahat M,Tarban P,Azimzadeh P,Nazemalhosseini-Mojarad E,Asadzadeh Aghdaei H
Current research in translational medicine
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY:Co-stimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 are the members of B7 family, which stimulate the T lymphocytes in response to the malignant colon polyps. However, the expression of these molecules is depressed in cancers. In the present study, the transcription levels of CD80 and CD86 genes in the colon polyps (Precancerous lesions) and its association with the clinical features were examined. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Forty-nine biopsies samples from patients with the colorectal polyps and 10 healthy subjects were collected by the colonoscopy. Questionnaires including clinical and demographic data were filled for all cases. Using Real-time PCR, the mucosal mRNA expression levels of CD80 and CD86 genes were quantified. RESULTS:Adenoma and hyperplastic polyps were reported in 69.3 and 30.7 percent of 49 patients, respectively. Unlike hyperplastic polyps, the expression of CD86 was increased in adenoma polyps compared to controls (RQ=2.75 vs. 0.837, respectively). The data from CD80 showed noticeable reduction about 0.31 and 0.11 in adenoma and hyperplastic polyps, respectively, in response to control group (RQ=0.729). Also, analyzing colon and rectum polyps depicted a marked increment in CD86 level, in contrast to CD80. CONCLUSION:Examining the mRNA expression levels of CD80 and CD86 genes between colon polyps with the rectal polyps shows that the enhanced level of CD86 in adenoma samples could be considered as a valuable biomarker for distinguishing the adenoma from hyperplastic polyps and the masses located in the colon from the rectum.
A comparison of the resection rate for cold and hot snare polypectomy for 4-9 mm colorectal polyps: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (CRESCENT study).
Kawamura Takuji,Takeuchi Yoji,Asai Satoshi,Yokota Isao,Akamine Eisuke,Kato Minoru,Akamatsu Takuji,Tada Kazuhiro,Komeda Yoriaki,Iwatate Mineo,Kawakami Ken,Nishikawa Michiko,Watanabe Daisuke,Yamauchi Atsushi,Fukata Norimasa,Shimatani Masaaki,Ooi Makoto,Fujita Koichi,Sano Yasushi,Kashida Hiroshi,Hirose Satoru,Iwagami Hiroyoshi,Uedo Noriya,Teramukai Satoshi,Tanaka Kiyohito
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the success rate of cold snare polypectomy (CSP) for complete resection of 4-9 mm colorectal adenomatous polyps compared with that of hot snare polypectomy (HSP). DESIGN:A prospective, multicentre, randomised controlled, parallel, non-inferiority trial conducted in 12 Japanese endoscopy units. Endoscopically diagnosed sessile adenomatous polyps, 4-9 mm in size, were randomly assigned to the CSP or HSP group. After complete removal of the polyp using the allocated technique, biopsy specimens from the resection margin after polypectomy were obtained. The primary endpoint was the complete resection rate, defined as no evidence of adenomatous tissue in the biopsied specimens, among all pathologically confirmed adenomatous polyps. RESULTS:A total of 796 eligible polyps were detected in 538 of 912 patients screened for eligibility between September 2015 and August 2016. The complete resection rate for CSP was 98.2% compared with 97.4% for HSP. The non-inferiority of CSP for complete resection compared with HSP was confirmed by the +0.8% (90% CI -1.0 to 2.7) complete resection rate (non-inferiority p<0.0001). Postoperative bleeding requiring endoscopic haemostasis occurred only in the HSP group (0.5%, 2 of 402 polyps). CONCLUSIONS:The complete resection rate for CSP is not inferior to that for HSP. CSP can be one of the standard techniques for 4-9 mm colorectal polyps. (Study registration: UMIN000018328).
Quest for the best endoscopic imaging modality for computer-assisted colonic polyp staging.
World journal of gastroenterology
BACKGROUND:It was shown in previous studies that high definition endoscopy, high magnification endoscopy and image enhancement technologies, such as chromoendoscopy and digital chromoendoscopy [narrow-band imaging (NBI), i-Scan] facilitate the detection and classification of colonic polyps during endoscopic sessions. However, there are no comprehensive studies so far that analyze which endoscopic imaging modalities facilitate the automated classification of colonic polyps. In this work, we investigate the impact of endoscopic imaging modalities on the results of computer-assisted diagnosis systems for colonic polyp staging. AIM:To assess which endoscopic imaging modalities are best suited for the computer-assisted staging of colonic polyps. METHODS:In our experiments, we apply twelve state-of-the-art feature extraction methods for the classification of colonic polyps to five endoscopic image databases of colonic lesions. For this purpose, we employ a specifically designed experimental setup to avoid biases in the outcomes caused by differing numbers of images per image database. The image databases were obtained using different imaging modalities. Two databases were obtained by high-definition endoscopy in combination with i-Scan technology (one with chromoendoscopy and one without chromoendoscopy). Three databases were obtained by high-magnification endoscopy (two databases using narrow band imaging and one using chromoendoscopy). The lesions are categorized into non-neoplastic and neoplastic according to the histological diagnosis. RESULTS:Generally, it is feature-dependent which imaging modalities achieve high results and which do not. For the high-definition image databases, we achieved overall classification rates of up to 79.2% with chromoendoscopy and 88.9% without chromoendoscopy. In the case of the database obtained by high-magnification chromoendoscopy, the classification rates were up to 81.4%. For the combination of high-magnification endoscopy with NBI, results of up to 97.4% for one database and up to 84% for the other were achieved. Non-neoplastic lesions were classified more accurately in general than non-neoplastic lesions. It was shown that the image recording conditions highly affect the performance of automated diagnosis systems and partly contribute to a stronger effect on the staging results than the used imaging modality. CONCLUSION:Chromoendoscopy has a negative impact on the results of the methods. NBI is better suited than chromoendoscopy. High-definition and high-magnification endoscopy are equally suited.
Gastric Proteins MUC5AC and TFF1 as Potential Diagnostic Markers of Colonic Sessile Serrated Adenomas/Polyps.
Khaidakov Magomed,Lai Keith K,Roudachevski D,Sargsyan Julietta,Goyne Hannah E,Pai Rish K,Lamps Laura W,Hagedorn Curt H
American journal of clinical pathology
OBJECTIVES:A subset of colon cancers originates from sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps). Our goal was to identify markers for SSA/Ps that could aid in distinguishing them from hyperplastic polyps (HPs). METHODS:We performed immunostaining for gastric proteins MUC5AC and TFF1 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples of HPs (n = 47), SSA/Ps (n = 37), and normal colon (n = 30). RESULTS:Control mucosa expressed only trace amounts of MUC5AC and TFF1. HPs exhibited an 11.3- and 11.4-fold increase in MUC5AC and TFF1 expression confined to the upper segments of the crypts near the luminal surface of the polyps. SSA/Ps displayed on average 1.6-fold (MUC5AC, P < .008) and 1.4-fold (TFF1, P < .03) higher signal intensity for these markers than HPs, with a dramatic coexpression of MUC5AC and TFF1 typically occupying the entire length of the crypt. Immunoperoxidase results were similar to immunofluorescence staining for both MUC5AC and TFF1. CONCLUSIONS:Our results suggest that the analysis of expression of MUC5AC and TFF1 may be useful for differentiating SSA/Ps from HPs. We also suggest the possibility that crypt morphology may be at least partly due to overproduction of highly viscous gastric mucins and that these proteins may play a role in the serrated pathway to colon carcinogenesis.
Types and patterns of colonic polyps encountered at a tertiary care center in a developing country in South Asia.
Analytical cellular pathology (Amsterdam)
PURPOSE:To identify the prevalence, types, and patterns of colonic polyps in a cohort of patients presenting to a tertiary care referral center in Sri Lanka. METHODS:Endoscopy and pathology reports of a single unit from 2006 to 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. Spearman's correlation coefficient and chi-square test were used to identify correlations. RESULTS:There were a total of 158 patients (M : F, 10 : 57) who had polyps encountered on colonoscopy (n = 1408) and flexible sigmoidoscopy (n = 2402) with an incidence of 4.1%. Mean age was 56.5 years (SD 16.4) and the incidence of polyps increased with age. The majority (81.6%) had one polyp. A total of 188 polyps were assessed and most were seen in the rectum (33.5%) followed by sigmoid colon (22.9%). The commonest histological type was tubulovillous adenoma (33.5%) followed by tubular adenoma (24.5%). Most polyps were benign (91.5%). There was no statistically significant correlation with age or gender with malignancy, site, or histology. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION:The incidence of colorectal polyps was lower than the values reported in the west. More polyps were identified in males. There was no statistically significant association between age, gender, or multiplicity and malignant change in the polyps.
Low frequency of polyps in colonic regions with diverticulosis.
Levine Irving,Rangnekar Amol S,Tokayer Aaron Z
International journal of colorectal disease
PURPOSE:Conflicting evidence exists regarding any association between diverticulosis and adenomatous polyps. We evaluated the prevalence of polyps and cancer in colonic regions containing diverticula. METHODS:Six hundred consecutive colonoscopy reports from a single endoscopist were reviewed to determine prevalence and location of diverticulosis and polyps. Additionally, pathology reports of 88 colon cancer resection specimens were reviewed for the presence of diverticulosis, and compared with expected prevalence of diverticulosis in that colonic region based on the collected colonoscopy data. RESULTS:Overall, rates of detected polyps were comparable between patients with and without diverticulosis. However, analyzing the data by colonic segment containing diverticulosis, the prevalence of adenomatous polyps was reduced in regions of diverticulosis compared to the same colonic segment unaffected by diverticulosis (7 vs. 17% for rectosigmoid (p = 0.005); 5 vs. 18% for descending (p < 0.0001); and 17 vs. 27% for ascending colon (p = 0.0495)). Among colon cancer resection specimens, the prevalence of diverticulosis was significantly reduced in the rectosigmoid and ascending colon, compared with expected rates of diverticulosis in those regions. (13 vs. 42% in rectosigmoid (p = 0.0006); 3 vs. 17% in ascending colon (p = 0.043)). CONCLUSION:Despite similar overall frequency of polyps in patients with and without diverticulosis, polyps were significantly less likely in the colonic segment affected by diverticulosis. Additionally, the frequency of diverticulosis in areas of cancer in the rectosigmoid and ascending colon was significantly lower than expected compared with the expected frequency of diverticulosis for those colonic regions. These observations suggest a true negative association between colonic neoplasia and diverticulosis.
Comparison of prophylactic clip and endoloop application for the prevention of postpolypectomy bleeding in pedunculated colonic polyps: a prospective, randomized, multicenter study.
Ji Jeong-Seon,Lee Seung-Woo,Kim Tae Ho,Cho Young-Seok,Kim Hyung-Keun,Lee Kang-Moon,Kim Sang-Woo,Choi Hwang
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS:The effectiveness of the prophylactic clip for the prevention of postpolypectomy bleeding in pedunculated colonic polyps has not been confirmed. The aim of this prospective, randomized study was to compare the efficacy of prophylactic clip and endoloop application in the prevention of postpolypectomy bleeding in large pedunculated polyps. PATIENTS AND METHODS:A total of 195 patients who had pedunculated colorectal polyps, with heads ≥ 10 mm and stalks ≥ 5 mm in diameter, were included in the study between July 2010 and January 2013. Polyps were randomized to receive either clips or endoloops. Both devices were applied to the base of the stalk before conventional snare polypectomy. Bleeding complications were analyzed with a noninferiority margin of 5 %. RESULTS:A total of 203 polyps were included in the study (98 in the clip group and 105 in the endoloop group). Bleeding occurred after five polypectomies in the clip group (5.1 %) and after six in the endoloop group (5.7 %) (P = 0.847). Noninferiority of the prophylactic clip to the endoloop could not be confirmed (absolute bleeding rate difference - 0.6 %, 95 % confidence interval - 5.6 % to 6.8 %) due to small sample size. Immediate bleeding episodes occurred in 4/5 polyps in the clip group and 5/6 polyps in the endoloop group. Delayed bleeding occurred in one polyp in each group. CONCLUSIONS:These results suggest that the application of a prophylactic clip is as effective and safe as an endoloop in the prevention of postpolypectomy bleeding in large pedunculated colonic polyps. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01406379).
Prevalence and characteristics of colonic polyps and adenomas in 2654 colonoscopies in Saudi Arabia.
Almadi Majid A,Alharbi Othman,Azzam Nahla,Wadera Junaid,Sadaf Nazia,Aljebreen Abdulrahman M
Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association
BACKGROUND/AIMS:Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common malignancy in the Saudi population, with an increasing incidence over the past 20 years. We aim to determine the baseline polyp as well as adenoma prevalence in a large cohort of patients and to find the possible age in which, if deemed appropriate, a CRC screening program should be initiated. PATIENTS AND METHODS:A retrospective cohort study was conducted using an endoscopic reporting database of individuals seen at a major tertiary care university hospital (King Khalid University Hospital) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Consecutive Saudi patients who underwent a colonoscopy between August 2007 and April 2012 were included. Patients were excluded if the indication for the colonoscopy was colon cancer, colonic resection, active colitis, active diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or if the patient was referred for polypectomy. RESULTS:2654 colonoscopies were included in the study. The mean age of the study population was 50.5 years [standard deviation (SD) 15.9] and females represented 57.7%. The polyp detection rate in completed colonoscopies was 20.8% (95% CI: 19.2-22.5). Adenomas were found in 8.1% (95% CI: 7.1-9.1), while advanced adenomas were found in only 0.5% (95% CI: 0.2-0.7). Adenomas were found in the left side of the colon in 33.9%, followed by the rectum in 14.6%, ascending colon and cecum in 14.2%, transverse colon in 8.7%, and in multiple locations in 28.7%. Those with a prior history of polyps or CRC were more likely to have an adenoma at colonoscopy than those who did not (14.3% vs. 6.6%; P < 0.01). The adenoma prevalence varied between age groups and ranged from 6.2% to 13.6% with a higher proportion in older individuals; this trend was seen both in males (6.0-14.5%) and females (6.4-14.6%) as well as in those who had screening colonoscopies (6.3-18.4%). No age could be found at which a CRC screening program would be appropriate to initiate. CONCLUSION:The prevalence of polyps and adenomas in this cohort is less than that reported in the Western populations. But as this cohort included younger and symptomatic patients with only a small proportion undergoing screening, further studies in an asymptomatic population are needed.
Post-polypectomy bleeding in hot-snare polypectomy of colonic polyps under continued warfarin or short interruption of direct oral anticoagulants.
Shimodate Yuichi,Ueno Masayuki,Sunami Tomohiko,Takayama Hiroshi,Takezawa Rio,Doi Akira,Nishimura Naoyuki,Mouri Hirokazu,Matsueda Kazuhiro,Yamamoto Hiroshi,Mizuno Motowo
International journal of colorectal disease
BACKGROUND:Newly published guidelines of the Japanese Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (JGES) suggest to consider endoscopic procedures with high risk of bleeding without stopping warfarin and with stopping direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) only on the day of the procedure. In this study, we aimed to test the validity of these recommendations. PATIENTS AND METHODS:We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 344 patients with anticoagulant therapy who underwent hot-snare polypectomy between January 2012 and October 2018. Patients (n = 132) with interruption of anticoagulants (3-7 days for warfarin and 2-3 days for DOACs before the procedure) and without heparin-bridging were excluded. Among the remaining 212 patients, the incidence of post-polypectomy bleeding was compared between the following 2 patient groups: patients who had interruption of anticoagulants with heparin-bridging (HB group, n = 139) and patients treated according to the new JGES guideline (FG group, n = 73). RESULTS:The rate of post-polypectomy bleeding (PPB) in FG group (9.6%) was not significantly different from that in HB group (12.9%, p = 0.5). In subgroup analysis, the incidence of bleeding in patients with warfarin (12.2%) and with DOAC (6.3%) in FG group was not significantly different from corresponding figures in HB group (14.2%, 0%). In multivariate analysis, number of resected polyps was associated with PPB, but the administration of anticoagulants according to the new guidelines was not a significant risk factor for PPB (p = .98). CONCLUSIONS:Our study affirms the recommendations of JGES for the management of anticoagulants in patients who undergo colonic polypectomy regarding post-polypectomy bleeding.
Association between serum vitamin D and parathyroid hormone levels in Turkish patients with colonic polyps.
Yurekli O T,Solakoglu T,Atalay R,Bolat A D,Akin F E,Selvi E,Buyukasik N S,Ersoy O
Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica
UNLABELLED:Epidemiological and investigational studies have proved that vitamin D is important in autoimmune processes and has anticancerogenic properties. But the interplay between serum vitamin D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in colorectal polyps has been less clearly put forward. We evaluated serum vitamin D, PTH levels in Turkish people and tried to stratify colorectal polyps according to risk factors. Patients undergoing colonoscopy between January 2012 and March 2012 were considered to study serum vitamin D levels during winter. Study population comprised of 98 colorectal polyp and 197 normal colonoscopy patients. RESULTS:Serum vitamin D levels were not different between the groups (mean vitamin D level in polyp group 14.3 ± 11.1 vs. 12.7 ± 6.74 the normal group, p = 0.12). Likewise serum PTH levels were not different between the groups Patients with polyps were further classified as high and low risk polyps. When discriminant function analysis was conducted, the effects of vitamin D or PTH levels were not again significant. During the study period 16 colorectal carcinoma cases were detected. Serum vitamin D or PTH levels were not significantly different between colorectal cancer or overall study group patients. Finally serum vitamin D levels were stratified into quartiles. Likewise there was not any significant difference between the groups. The present study suggests that serum vitamin D and PTH levels were not different between colorectal polyp and control groups. And serum vitamin D levels were significantly low in both groups suggesting a significant vitamin D deficient state in Turkish patients.
Helicobacter pylori is associated with increased risk of serrated colonic polyps: Analysis of serrated polyp risk factors.
Kumar Anand,Kim Mimi,Lukin Dana J
Indian journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology
BACKGROUND:Sessile serrated adenomas (SSA) and traditional serrated adenomas (TSA) are recognized precursors of colorectal cancer, but their risk factors are not well established. We investigated the association between Helicobacter pylori infection (HPI) and the development of SSA and TSA. METHODS:Retrospective data were collected on patients aged ≥ 18 years that underwent colonoscopy with biopsy between 2006 and 2016. Based on histology, patients were classified into three groups: those with SSA and/or TSA, (serrated neoplasia group, SN); conventional adenomas only (CA); and with no polyps (NP). Gastric HPI status, demographic, and clinical risk factors were compared between groups using bivariate and multivariable analysis. RESULTS:HPI was significantly associated with increased risk of SN (SN vs. NP: OR 1.71 [95% CI 1.29-2.27]; SN vs. CA: 1.49 [1.14-1.96]). Additional factors associated with increased risk of SN included the following: age 50-75 years, compared to younger age (SN vs. NP: 2.83 [1.69-4.74]), female gender (SN vs. CA: 1.28 [0.99-1.64]), White race, compared to Blacks (SN vs. CA: 1.52 [1.07-2.15)], overweight and obese body mass index [SN vs. NP: p < 0.001) and current smoking status (SN vs. CA: 2.09 [1.55-2.82)]. Among SN, higher HPI prevalence was associated with dysplasia (p = 0.05) and proximal location (p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS:Our data suggest that gastric HPI is associated with increased risk of SN and CA, with a stronger association with SN as compared to CA. Age 50-75 years, female gender, White race, obesity, and smoking were also predictors of SN. A positive correlation of HPI with proximal and dysplastic SN suggests a possible role in serrated pathway carcinogenesis. Prospective studies with large patient population are needed to further investigate this association.
Detection of human papillomavirus infection by molecular tests and its relation to colonic polyps and colorectal cancer.
Gazzaz Faten,Mosli Mahmoud H,Jawa Hani,Sibiany Abdulrahman
Saudi medical journal
OBJECTIVES:To prospectively examine the association between human papilloma virus (HPV) colonization of the colonic mucosa and the development of colorectal polyps (CRPs), and colorectal cancer (CRC) in Saudi Arabia. METHODS:A case control study was performed between January 2013 and December 2014. All eligible patients underwent standard diagnostic colonoscopy. Patients with polyps or colorectal cancer were considered cases, while those with any other endoscopic findings were controls. Biopsy samples from polyps and tumors, and/or from normal colonic mucosa were acquired. Human papilloma virus colonization was detected using a hybrid capture technique of samples taken from both normal tissue, and CRPs and CRC. The association between HPV and CRPs/CRC was evaluated. RESULTS:A total of 132 patients were recruited. The mean age was 53 (± 15.9) years. Sixty patients had endoscopically detectable CRPs/CRC, and 72 had either inflammation or normal endoscopic evaluations. Only 4 (0.8%) of the 132 samples that were collected and analyzed were positive for the HPV gene. Statistical analysis did not identify any significant association between HPV colonization and the presence of CRPs/CRC. The only significant predictor of detecting CRPs/CRC on colonoscopy was symptomatic presentation (odds ratio=11.072, 95% confidence interval 4.7-26.2, p less than 0.001). CONCLUSION:Human papilloma virus colonic colonization is rare in Saudi Arabia. An association between HPV colonization and CRP/CRC development could not be identified in this cohort of patients.
Endoscopic surveillance after colonic polyps and colorrectal cancer resection. 2018 update.
Mangas-Sanjuan Carolina,Jover Rodrigo,Cubiella Joaquín,Marzo-Castillejo Mercè,Balaguer Francesc,Bessa Xavier,Bujanda Luis,Bustamante Marco,Castells Antoni,Diaz-Tasende José,Díez-Redondo Pilar,Herráiz Maite,Mascort-Roca Juan José,Pellisé María,Quintero Enrique,
Gastroenterologia y hepatologia
There is limited scientific evidence available to stratify the risk of developing metachronous colorectal cancer after resection of colonic polyps and to determine surveillance intervals and is mostly based on observational studies. However, while awaiting further evidence, the criteria of endoscopic follow-up needs to be unified in our setting. Therefore, the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology, the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine, the Spanish Society of Digestive Endoscopy, and the Colorectal Cancer Screening Group of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology, have written this consensus document, which is included in chapter 10 of the "Clinical Practice Guideline for Diagnosis and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer. 2018 Update". Important developments will also be presented as regards the previous edition published in 2009. First of all, situations that require and do not require endoscopic surveillance are established, and the need of endoscopic surveillance of individuals who do not present a special risk of metachronous colon cancer is eliminated. Secondly, endoscopic surveillance recommendations are established in individuals with serrated polyps. Finally, unlike the previous edition, endoscopic surveillance recommendations are given in patients operated on for colorectal cancer. At the same time, it represents an advance on the European guideline for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening, since it eliminates the division between intermediate risk group and high risk group, which means the elimination of a considerable proportion of colonoscopies of early surveillance. Finally, clear recommendations are given on the absence of need for follow-up in the low risk group, for which the European guidelines maintained some ambiguity.
A retrospective study of clinico-pathological characteristics of colonic polyps in adults seen at a tertiary care centre.
Qureshi Asim, ,Ali Zafar,Shalaby Asem
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
OBJECTIVE:To analyse morphological types, location in the large bowel and demographic characteristics of colonic polyps. METHODS:The retrospective descriptive study was conducted at the Department of Pathology, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, and comprised biopsy specimens of colonic polyps from patients related to a two-year period from 2011 to 2012. Demographic data, types of polyps, anatomical location and grade of dysplasia were analysed. SPSS 20 was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS:There were 160 biopsy specimens from 143 patients. Of the patients, 91(63.6 %) were male and 52(36.4%) were female. The mean age was 55.27+-14.2 years. Of the 160 polyps, 37((23.1%) were in the rectum. The most common type was the adenomatous polyp in 88(55.0%) cases followed by hyperplastic polyps 51(31.9%) and inflammatory polyps 21(13.1%). Of the 88 adenomatous polyps, 23(26%) showed high-grade dysplasia. CONCLUSIONS:The commonest colon polyp type was adenomatous polyp. Screening programmes, such as stool occult blood testing and colonoscopies, are recommended.
Identification of risk factors for neoplastic colonic polyps in young adults with bloody stool in comparison with those without symptom.
Chen Kuan-Chih,Chung Chen-Shuan,Hsu Wei-Fan,Huang Tien-Yu,Lin Cheng-Kuan,Lee Tzong-Hsi,Weng Meng-Tzu,Chiu Cheng-Ming,Chang Li-Chun,Chiu Han-Mo
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:The incidence and disease burden of colorectal cancer (CRC) in young adults were increasing. However, there was a dearth of advice on how to identify young population at risk for neoplastic colonic polyps (NCPs) and CRC. We aimed to identify risk factors for NCPs and CRC in young adults presenting with bloody stool. METHODS:A total of 1496 subjects younger than 40 years old who underwent colonoscopy due to bloody stool from 2005 to 2014 were enrolled in this retrospective study as the study group, and 1481 age-matched and gender-matched asymptomatic subjects who underwent colonoscopy for health checkup from 2011 to 2016 were enrolled as the control group at a tertiary center hospital. RESULTS:Multivariate analysis results showed that increasing age (odds ratio [OR] = 1.11, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.07-1.15, P < 0.001), higher body mass index (BMI) (OR = 1.07, 95%CI: 1.03-1.12, P = 0.001), diabetes mellitus (OR = 2.80, 95%CI: 1.06-7.42, P = 0.038), and positive family history of CRC (OR = 13.28, 95%CI: 5.70-30.97, P < 0.001) were identified as independent risk factors for NCPs in study group. The best cut-off values by receiver operating characteristic curve for age and BMI were 32 years old and 24.8 kg/m , respectively. More risk factors were associated with the higher risk for NCPs (OR = 2.17 every increasing one risk factor, P < 0.001). In the control group, no independent risk factors were identified. CONCLUSIONS:Adults aged ≤ 40 years with bloody stool who had increasing age (> 32 years old), higher BMI (> 24.8 kg/m ), diabetes mellitus, and positive family history of CRC had a higher detection rate of NCPs and CRC.
Clinical Significance of Diminutive Colonic Polyps in Elderly Patients.
Akarsu Murat,Kones Osman
JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related death. Excision of premalignant polyps has a ignificant impact on reducing colorectal cancer mortality and morbidity. Colonoscopy is considered to be the gold standard for the diagnosis and affords an opportunity for treatment of colonic polyps. In recent years, serious debates have taken place because of the biological characteristics of diminutive polyps (DPs), polypectomy complications, and serious costs. There has not yet been a consensus on the management of DPs. The objectives of this study were to demonstrate the real clinical importance of DPs smaller than 5 mm in diameter, which are frequently seen in geriatric patients by new endoscopic techniques, and to help in determining screening and surveillance programs. METHODS:The patients who underwent colonoscopy and were found to have a diminutive colorectal polyp (<5 mm from September 1, 2016 through September 1, 2017), were classified into 3 groups according to the imaging method used: flexible spectral imaging color enhancement (FICE), narrow band imaging (NBI), or I-SCAN. In all groups, demographic data were compared according to Paris classification (morphologic) and Kudo classification (correlation between the prediction of endoscopic diagnosis and final pathological examination) in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and negative and positive predictive values. RESULTS:Two hundred sixty-seven patients were included in the study: 97 in the NBI group, 83 in the FICE group, and 87 in the I-SCAN group. There were no statistically significant differences between NBI, FICE, and I-SCAN in differentiating neoplastic and nonneoplastic polyps, according to the Kruskal-Wallis test ( = .809). CONCLUSIONS:The estimated progression rates of DPs to advanced adenomas or colorectal cancer (CRC) are very low. Missing these polyps or not excising them may lead to failure to diagnose some cancers. There is a need for further comprehensive studies of removing all polyps to determine whether non-high-risk lesions require further pathologic examination and to re-examine routine surveillance programs.
KRAS and BRAF somatic mutations in colonic polyps and the risk of metachronous neoplasia.
Juárez Miriam,Egoavil Cecilia,Rodríguez-Soler María,Hernández-Illán Eva,Guarinos Carla,García-Martínez Araceli,Alenda Cristina,Giner-Calabuig Mar,Murcia Oscar,Mangas Carolina,Payá Artemio,Aparicio José R,Ruiz Francisco A,Martínez Juan,Casellas Juan A,Soto José L,Zapater Pedro,Jover Rodrigo
PloS one
BACKGROUND & AIMS:High-risk features of colonic polyps are based on size, number, and pathologic characteristics. Surveillance colonoscopy is often recommended according to these findings. This study aimed to determine whether the molecular characteristics of polyps might provide information about the risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia. METHODOLOGY:We retrospectively included 308 patients with colonic polyps. A total of 995 polyps were collected and tested for somatic BRAF and KRAS mutations. Patients were classified into 3 subgroups, based on the polyp mutational profile at baseline, as follows: non-mutated polyps (Wild-type), at least one BRAF-mutated polyp, or at least one KRAS-mutated polyp. At surveillance, advanced adenomas were defined as adenomas ≥ 10 mm and/or with high grade dysplasia or a villous component. In contrast, advanced serrated polyps were defined as serrated polyps ≥ 10 mm in any location, located proximal to the splenic flexure with any size or with dysplasia. RESULTS:At baseline, 289 patients could be classified as wild-type (62.3%), BRAF mutated (14.9%), or KRAS mutated (22.8%). In the univariate analysis, KRAS mutations were associated with the development of metachronous advanced polyps (OR: 2.36, 95% CI: 1.22-4.58; P = 0.011), and specifically, advanced adenomas (OR: 2.42, 95% CI: 1.13-5.21; P = 0.023). The multivariate analysis, adjusted for age and sex, also showed associations with the development of metachronous advanced polyps (OR: 2.27, 95% CI: 1.15-4.46) and advanced adenomas (OR: 2.23, 95% CI: 1.02-4.85). CONCLUSIONS:Our results suggested that somatic KRAS mutations in polyps represent a potential molecular marker for the risk of developing advanced neoplasia.
Colon adenoma features and their impact on risk of future advanced adenomas and colorectal cancer.
Calderwood Audrey H,Lasser Karen E,Roy Hemant K
World journal of gastrointestinal oncology
AIM:To review the evidence on the association between specific colon adenoma features and the risk of future colonic neoplasia [adenomas and colorectal cancer (CRC)]. METHODS:We performed a literature search using the National Library of Medicine through PubMed from 1/1/2003 to 5/30/2015. Specific Medical Subject Headings terms (colon, colon polyps, adenomatous polyps, epidemiology, natural history, growth, cancer screening, colonoscopy, CRC) were used in conjunction with subject headings/key words (surveillance, adenoma surveillance, polypectomy surveillance, and serrated adenoma). We defined non-advanced adenomas as 1-2 adenomas each < 10 mm in size and advanced adenomas as any adenoma ≥ 10 mm size or with > 25% villous histology or high-grade dysplasia. A combined endpoint of advanced neoplasia included advanced adenomas and invasive CRC. RESULTS:Our search strategy identified 592 candidate articles of which 8 met inclusion criteria and were relevant for assessment of histology (low grade vs high grade dysplasia, villous features) and adenoma size. Six of these studies met the accepted quality indicator threshold for overall adenoma detection rate > 25% among study patients. We found 254 articles of which 7 met inclusion criteria for the evaluation of multiple adenomas. Lastly, our search revealed 222 candidate articles of which 6 met inclusion criteria for evaluation of serrated polyps. Our review found that villous features, high grade dysplasia, larger adenoma size, and having ≥ 3 adenomas at baseline are associated with an increased risk of future colonic neoplasia in some but not all studies. Serrated polyps in the proximal colon are associated with an increased risk of future colonic neoplasia, comparable to having a baseline advanced adenoma. CONCLUSION:Data on adenoma features and risk of future adenomas and CRC are compelling yet modest in absolute effect size. Future research should refine this risk stratification.
Endoscopic gastric mucosal atrophy as a predictor of colorectal polyps: a large scale case-control study.
Kawahara Yoshinari,Kodama Masaaki,Mizukami Kazuhiro,Saito Tomoko,Hirashita Yuka,Sonoda Akira,Fukuda Kensuke,Matsunari Osamu,Okamoto Kazuhisa,Ogawa Ryo,Okimoto Tadayoshi,Murakami Kazunari
Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition
Although some studies have indicated a correlation between infection and the risk of colorectal neoplasms, these findings have not been consistent and are controversial. This case-control study aimed to investigate the association between endoscopic gastric mucosal atrophy and colorectal polyp occurrence. Records of 7,394 participants who underwent colonoscopy examinations from August 2008 to July 2018 were reviewed retrospectively. A total of 2,404 subjects were registered; 1,565 (65.1%) were in the gastric mucosal atrophy-positive group and 1,138 (47.3%) had colorectal polyps. The multivariate analysis adjusted by age, sex, smoking habits, alcohol habits, hemoglobin A1c, and systolic blood pressure indicated that patients in the gastric mucosal atrophy-positive group more frequently had colorectal polyps compared with patients in the gastric mucosal atrophy-negative group (odds ratio, 3.27; 95% confidence interval, 2.68-4.01; <0.001). An analysis of the association between gastric mucosal atrophy degree and colorectal polyp status indicated that, compared with mild gastric mucosal atrophy, severe gastric mucosal atrophy was associated with a higher risk of proximal colon polyps (odds ratio, 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-2.07; = 0.024) and two or more colorectal polyps (odds ratio, 1.80; 95% confidence interval, 1.30-2.49; <0.001). In conclusion, gastric mucosal atrophy found during esophagogastroduodenoscopy may be an indication for complete colon screening.
Low Serum Vitamin D: A Surrogate Marker for Advanced Colon Adenoma?
Ahmad Imad I,Trikudanathan Guru,Feinn Richard,Anderson Joseph C,Nicholson Marie,Lowe Samantha,Levine Joel B
Journal of clinical gastroenterology
AIMS:To examine the association between low 25-OH Vitamin D levels and prevalence of advanced adenomas (AAs) in screening/surveillance colonoscopy patients. RATIONALE:Low serum 25-OH Vitamin D has been associated with an increased risk for colon cancer. In the Adenoma-Carcinoma pathway, a subset of colon polyps (AA) have been regarded as high-risk precursor lesions. We used a retrospective case-control design to examine the association between Vitamin D deficiency and the prevalence of AA in a high-risk population. MATERIALS AND METHODS:We examined a total of 354 patients who presented for initial screening or surveillance colonoscopy at our Colon Cancer Prevention Program. Our main exposure variable was serum Vitamin D levels and the outcome was AAs defined as those adenomas that were large (≥1 cm) or had advanced pathology (>25% villous components or high-grade dysplasia). Known risk factors were also collected from the patients' charts including gender, age, smoking, and family history. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed to examine the relationship between serum 25-OH Vitamin D levels and AAs. A total of 354 patients [(males, 188; females, 166); average age, 61 y] charts were reviewed. Vitamin D levels ranged between 4 and 70 ng/mL, with a mean of 25 ng/mL (clinical laboratory normal>30 ng/mL). There was no significant association between serum levels and time of the year of blood draw. Risk for tubular adenoma and AA increased as Vitamin D levels decreased to <30 ng/mL (P=0.002). In total, 80% of AAs were detected in patients whose levels were below this value (odds ratio, 3.36; 95% confidence interval, 1.40-8.03; P=0.007). Bivariate analysis also showed a positive association between smokers with AA as well as those with a family history of colon cancer (P=0.011) and low Vitamin D levels (P=0.001). A multivariate analysis using quintiles of Vitamin D levels demonstrated an increased risk of AAs for patients with levels in the second quintile (33 ng/mL) (odds ratio, 4.3; P=0.01) MAIN CONCLUSIONS:: Most patients presenting in our Colon Cancer Prevention Program have low levels of serum 25-OH Vitamin D. Analysis of the results of both screening and surveillance colonoscopies demonstrated an inverse relation between serum 25-OH Vitamin D level and AAs.
Association between Fatty Liver Disease and Hyperplastic Colonic Polyp.
Mahamid Mahmud,Yassin Tarik,Abu Elheja Omar,Nseir William
The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ
BACKGROUND:Hyperplastic polyps (HPs) of the colon are the most common colorectal polyps. Metabolic syndrome components such as obesity and hyperlipidemia are considered the most common etiological factors for HPs as well contributing to the pathogenesis of fatty liver disease. OBJECTIVES:To determine the possible association between biopsy-proven steatohepatitis and hyperplastic colonic polyps. METHODS:This retrospective cohort observational study conducted at the Holy Family Hospital in Nazareth, Israel, included subjects who underwent screening colonoscopy over a 2 year period. Data were extracted from the patient charts and included demographics, anthropometric measurements, vital signs, underlying diseases, medical therapy, laboratory data, and results of the liver biopsy. The colonoscopy report and pathological report of each extracted polyp were also evaluated. RESULTS:A total of 223 patients were included in the study: 123 patients with biopsy-proven non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and 100 patients without NASH who served as the control. Fourteen colonic adenomas (11% of patients) were found in the NASH group vs. 16 (16%) in the control group (P = 0.9); 28 HPs were found in the NASH group (22.7%) vs. 8 in the control group (8%) (P < 0.05). The multivariate analysis, after adjusting for, age, C-reactive protein and smoking, showed that the presence of NASH (OR 1.69, 95%CI 1.36-1.98, P < 0.01) was associated with increased risk for HP. CONCLUSIONS:Our study found an association between biopsy-proven steatohepatitis and the burden of hyperplastic polyp.
Current strategies for malignant pedunculated colorectal polyps.
World journal of gastrointestinal oncology
Despite significant advances in imaging techniques, the incidence of colorectal cancer has been increasing in recent years, with many cases still being diagnosed in advanced stages. Early detection and accurate staging remain the main factors that lead to a decrease in the cost and invasiveness of the curative techniques, significantly improving the outcome. However, the diagnosis of pedunculated early colorectal malignancy remains a current challenge. Data on the management of pedunculated cancer precursors, apart from data on nonpolypoid lesions, are still limited. An adequate technique for complete resection, which provides the best long-term outcome, is mandatory for curative intent. In this context, a discussion regarding the diagnosis of malignancy of pedunculated polyps, separate from non-pedunculated variants, is necessary. The purpose of this review is to provide a critical review of the most recent literature reporting the different features of malignant pedunculated colorectal polyps, including diagnosis and management strategies.
Polyp detection rate in transverse and sigmoid colon significantly increases with longer withdrawal time during screening colonoscopy.
Kashiwagi Kazuhiro,Inoue Nagamu,Yoshida Toshifumi,Bessyo Rieko,Yoneno Kazuaki,Imaeda Hiroyuki,Ogata Haruhiko,Kanai Takanori,Sugino Yoshinori,Iwao Yasushi
PloS one
BACKGROUND:The guidelines for colonoscopy present withdrawal time (WT) and adenoma detection rate (ADR) as the quality indicator. The purpose of this retrospective study is to analyze the predicting factors with polyp detection rate (PDR) as a surrogate for ADR by using comprehensive health checkup data, and assess the correlation between PDR per each colonic segment and WT, and factors influencing WT. METHODS:One thousand and thirty six consecutive health checkup cases from April 2015 to March 2016 were enrolled in this study, and 880 subjects who undertook colonoscopy without polyp removal or biopsy were divided into the two groups (polyp not detected group vs polyp detected group). The two groups were compared by subjects and clinical characteristics with univariate analysis followed by multivariate analysis. Colonoscopies with longer WT (≥ 6 min) and those with shorter WT (< 6 min) were compared by PDR per each colonic segment, and also by subjects and clinical characteristics. RESULTS:A total of 1009 subjects included two incomplete colonoscopies (CIR, 99.9%) and overall PDR was 35.8%. A multiple logistic regression model demonstrated that age, gender, and WT were significantly related factors for polyp detection (odds ratio, 1.036; 1.771; 1.217). PDR showed a linear increase as WT increased from 3 min to 9 min (r = 0.989, p = 0.000) and PDR with long WT group was higher than that with short WT group per each colonic segment, significantly in transverse (2.3 times, p = 0.004) and sigmoid colon (2.1 times, p = 0.001). Not only bowel preparation quality but also insertion difficulty evaluated by endoscopist were significant factors relating with WT (odds ratio, 3.811; 1.679). CONCLUSION:This study suggests that endoscopists should be recommended to take more time up to 9 min of WT to observe transverse and sigmoid colon, especially when they feel no difficulty during scope insertion.
Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Consumption and Sessile Serrated Polyps in Subjects 30 to 49 Years Old.
Lee Ji Young,Chang Hye-Sook,Kim Tae Hyup,Chung Eun Ju,Park Hye Won,Lee Jong-Soo,Lee Sun Mi,Yang Dong-Hoon,Choe Jaewon,Byeon Jeong-Sik
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
BACKGROUND & AIMS:We investigated the prevalence of sessile serrated polyps (SSPs) and the association between SSP risk and modifiable lifestyle factors in asymptomatic young adults. METHODS:We performed a cross-sectional study using a screening colonoscopy database of 13,618 asymptomatic subjects age 30 to 49 years, and 17,999 subjects age 50 to 75 years. We investigated risk factors of SSP by multivariable analyses of clinical data that included cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. RESULTS:In subjects age 30 to 49 years, the prevalence of SSP was 2.0% (275 of 13,618 individuals). Of all SSPs, 40.7% (112 of 275 SSPs) were large (≥10 mm). Smoking for 20 or more pack-years was associated with overall SSPs (odds ratio [OR], 1.87; 95% CI, 1.17-2.99) and large SSPs (OR, 3.03; 95% CI, 1.62-5.66). The association between anatomic location and 20 or more pack-years of smoking was stronger for distal SSPs than for proximal SSPs (OR, 2.71; 95% CI, 1.27-5.77 vs OR, 1.60; 95% CI, 1.00-2.54). Cessation of smoking for 5 years or more decreased the risk of SSPs (OR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.28-0.86) and of large SSPs (OR, 0.23; 95% CI, 0.10-0.54). Alcohol consumption was associated with large SSPs. These findings were similar for subjects age 50 to 75 years. CONCLUSIONS:In an analysis of a screening colonoscopy database, we found that in asymptomatic young adults, smoking and alcohol consumption were associated with any SSPs and large SSPs. Cessation of smoking decreased the risk of SSPs. Therefore, early lifestyle modification may be recommended for primary prevention of SSPs in young adults.
Intake of dietary fibre and lifetime non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use and the incidence of colorectal polyps in a population screened for colorectal cancer.
Shaw Eileen,Warkentin Matthew T,McGregor S Elizabeth,Town Susanna,Hilsden Robert J,Brenner Darren R
Journal of epidemiology and community health
BACKGROUND:There is suggestive evidence that increased intake of dietary fibre and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are generally associated with decreased colorectal cancer risk. However, the effects on precursors of colorectal cancer, such as adenomatous polyps, are mixed. We present the associations between dietary fibre intake and NSAID use on the presence and type of colorectal polyps in a screening population. METHODS:A cross-sectional study of 2548 individuals undergoing colonoscopy at the Forzani & MacPhail Colon Cancer Screening Centre (Calgary, Canada) was conducted. Dietary fibre intake and NSAID use were assessed using the Diet History Questionnaire I or II and the Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire. Colorectal outcomes were documented as a polyp or high-risk adenomatous polyp (HRAP; villous histology, high-grade dysplasia, ≥10 mm or ≥3 adenomas). Crude and ORs and 95% CIs were estimated using unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS:There were 1450 negative colonoscopies and 1098 patients with polyps, of which 189 patients had HRAPs. Total dietary fibre intake was associated with a decreased presence of HRAPs (OR=0.50, 95% CI: 0.29 to 0.86) when comparing the highest to lowest quartiles and was observed with both soluble (OR=0.51, 95% CI: 0.30 to 0.88) and insoluble (OR=0.51, 95% CI: 0.30 to 0.86) fibres. Ever use of NSAIDs was also inversely associated with HRAPs (OR=0.65, 95% CI: 0.47 to 0.89), observed with monthly (OR=0.60, 95% CI: 0.37 to 0.95) and daily (OR=0.53, 95% CI: 0.32 to 0.86) use. CONCLUSIONS:Dietary fibre intake and NSAID use were associated with a decreased risk of having a HRAP at screening.
β-catenin helices in the cytoplasm of sessile serrated adenoma/polyps and conventional colorectal adenomas.
Rubio Carlos A,Kaufeldt Ann,Koha Rafat,Ushoida Mariko,Lindahl Jenny,Kis Lorand L
Anticancer research
Initiation and progression in conventional adenomas is triggered by deregulation of WNT/β-catenin signaling. In the absence of WNT signal (off-state), β-catenin prevents phosphorylation of GSK3β, leading to aberrant nuclear accumulation in human tumors. It has been postulated that mutations in the β-catenin gene are always associated with a morphologically-neoplastic course. While investigating the nuclear expression of β-catenin in 170 colorectal biopsies, we observed a non-previously reported phenomenon, namely the presence of β-catenin cytoplasmic helices in 29% (n=7) of 24 sessile serrated adenoma/polyps (SSA/P), in 24% (n=13) of 54 adenomas, in 8% (n=3) of 38 specimens with IBD, but in none (0/54) with normal mucosa. The earliest β-catenin helices were found at the bottom of SSA/P glands (the domain of stem cells in the colorectal mucosa). It is submitted that β-catenin helices might highlight a non-previously described cytoplasmic phenomenon evolving during the serrated-carcinoma pathway in SSA/P, and during the adenoma-carcinoma pathway in conventional adenomas.
Evaluation of a risk index for advanced proximal neoplasia of the colon.
Ruco Arlinda,Stock David,Hilsden Robert J,McGregor S Elizabeth,Paszat Lawrence F,Saskin Refik,Rabeneck Linda
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND:A clinical risk index that uses distal colorectal findings at flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) in conjunction with easily determined risk factors for advanced proximal neoplasia (APN) may be useful for tailoring or prioritizing screening with colonoscopy. OBJECTIVE:To conduct an external evaluation of a previously published risk index in a large, well-characterized cohort. DESIGN:Cross-sectional. SETTING:Teaching hospital and colorectal cancer screening center. PATIENTS:A total of 5139 asymptomatic persons aged 50 to 74 (54.9% women) with a mean age (±SD) of 58.3 (±6.2) years. INTERVENTIONS:Between 2003 and 2011, all participants underwent a complete screening colonoscopy and removal of all polyps. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS:Participants were classified as low, intermediate, or high risk for APN, based on their composite risk index scores. The concordance or c-statistic was used to measure discriminating ability of the risk index. RESULTS:A total of 167 persons (3.2%) had APN. The prevalence of those with APN among low-, intermediate-, and high-risk categories was 2.1%, 2.9%, and 6.5%, respectively. High-risk individuals were 3.2 times more likely to have APN compared with those in the low-risk category. The index did not discriminate well between those in the low- and intermediate-risk categories. The c-statistic for the overall index was 0.62 (95% confidence interval, 0.58-0.66). LIMITATIONS:Distal colorectal findings were derived from colonoscopies and not FS itself. CONCLUSION:The risk index discriminated between those at low risk and those at high risk, but it had limited ability to discriminate between low- and intermediate-risk categories for prevalent APN. Information on other risk factors may be needed to tailor, or prioritize, access to screening colonoscopy.
Advances in the removal of diminutive colorectal polyps.
Paggi Silvia,Radaelli Franco,Repici Alessandro,Hassan Cesare
Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology
Diminutive polyps (<5 mm in diameter) represent the majority of polyps found during colonoscopy; about a half of them are adenomatous, with low risk of advanced neoplasia. Recent studies have demonstrated that cold polypectomy should be considered the recommended approach for resecting diminutive polyps and that cold snaring may be superior to cold forceps biopsy, at least for polyps of 4-5 mm. Recently, electronic chromoendoscopy has been applied to characterization of diminutive polyps to discriminate adenomatous from nonadenomatous lesions. Optical diagnosis of polyp histology could potentially exert huge cost savings by the 'resect and discard' strategy for diminutive polyps and 'leaving-in' for diminutive hyperplastic polyps in the recto-sigmoid colon. These policies represent the mainstay for adopting endoscopy-directed post-polypectomy surveillance strategies, endorsed by both American and European Endoscopy Societies. Accuracy of both histology and surveillance intervals predictions from academic centers have been encouraging, although the same performance has not been replicated in community practices.
Colonic Mucosa With Polypoid Hyperplasia.
Hissong Erika,Fernandes Helen,Jessurun Jose
American journal of clinical pathology
OBJECTIVES:Define the morphologic and molecular features of colonic polyps with subtle histologic features. METHODS:Two hundred specimens were obtained of surveillance colonoscopies. Endoscopic findings were reviewed. Histologic features of the polyps were compared with the flat mucosa. Next-generation sequencing was performed on 30 study polyps and 20 control samples. RESULTS:Polyps with subtle changes comprised 12% of all polyps. All polyps were sessile and small (<0.5 cm) and were located predominantly in the distal colon (60%). Synchronous hyperplastic, sessile serrated, and dysplastic polyps were found in 30%, 7%, and 51% of patients, respectively. A total of 169 (84.5%) polyps showed wide, nonserrated crypts, increased intraluminal mucus, and patent openings. KRAS alterations were present in 30% of polyps. CONCLUSIONS:Most polyps with subtle histologic features have recognizable morphologic changes. About one-third harbored KRAS alterations. These polyps should not be regarded as variants of hyperplastic polyps.
A prospective randomized study comparing jumbo biopsy forceps to cold snare for the resection of diminutive colorectal polyps.
Desai Shireena,Gupta Samir,Copur-Dahi Nedret,Krinsky Mary L
Surgical endoscopy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:The quality of colonoscopy is essential for successful colon cancer screening. Inadequate polypectomy technique can contribute to incomplete polypectomy. The primary outcome of this study was to compare the incomplete resection rate (IRR) for cold jumbo forceps polypectomy (JFP) and cold snare polypectomy (CSP). Secondary outcomes were to compare the rates of tissue retrieval and rates of procedure-related complications. METHODS:This prospective randomized parallel-group study assigned patients undergoing colonoscopy to jumbo biopsy forceps polypectomy (JFP) or cold snare polypectomy (CSP) for polyps ≤ 6 mm in size. After polyp removal was complete, the base of the polypectomy site was biopsied to evaluate for the presence of residual polyp tissue. RESULTS:The resection quality was evaluated in 151 patients with 261 polyps ≤ 6 mm. The IRR was 9.6% (25/261) for all polyps, 11.1% (16/144) for JFP, and 7.7% (9/117) for CSP (P = 0.41). Failure of tissue retrieval was noted in 0/144 (0%) of JFP and 5/117 (4.3%) of CSP (P = 0.02). There were no procedure-related complications in either group. CONCLUSION:Colon polyps are incompletely resected in a small but potentially significant percentage of cases. IRR are similar with the use of cold jumbo forceps and cold snare. Use of cold jumbo forceps may result in more successful tissue retrieval as compared to cold snare.
Outcomes of Colonic Endoscopic Mucosal Resection for Large Polyps in Elderly Patients.
Xie Huan-Qin,Zhong Wu-Zhuang
Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A
OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study is to investigate the short-term outcomes of endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) for large colonic polyps in elderly patients (≥80 years) compared with those in younger patients (<80 years). PATIENTS AND METHODS:A total of 339 patients who underwent colon EMR ≥2 cm were included. Sixty-five colon EMRs were performed on 46 patients ≥80 years (Group A) and 401 resections were performed on 293 patients <80 years. Demographics, operative and short-term results were compared between the two groups. RESULTS:The median age in Group A was 83.5 years (range 80-91 years) and 66 years in Group B (range 26-79 years, P < .001). The proportion of patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists class III was significantly high in Group A (39.1% versus 17.7%, P = .001). There was no significant difference in sex ratio, body mass index, tumor size, and tumor distribution between the two groups. Median operating time was similar between the two groups (30 versus 30 minutes, P = .839). En bloc resection rate was 33.8% in Group A and 29.2% in Group B (P = .445). No anesthesia-associated adverse events or deaths occurred in both groups. Complication rate was similar between the two groups, perforation rate was 2.2% in Group A and 1.7% in Group B (P = .823), and delayed bleeding rate was 4.3% versus 3.1% (P = .650), respectively. CONCLUSIONS:Colon EMR is feasible and safe in very elderly patients.
Associations of dietary fat with risk of early neoplasia in the proximal colon in a population-based case-control study.
Cancer causes & control : CCC
PURPOSE:Excess dietary fat consumption is strongly associated with the risk of colorectal cancer, but less is known about its role in the earliest stages of carcinogenesis, particularly within the proximal colon. In the following case-control study, we evaluated the relationship between the intake of dietary fats and the frequency of early proximal neoplasia [aberrant crypt foci (ACF) or polyps], detectable by high-definition colonoscopy with contrast dye-spray. METHODS:Average-risk screening individuals underwent a high-definition colonoscopy procedure as part of larger ongoing clinical study of precancerous lesions in the proximal colon. Dietary fat intake was assessed using the Block Brief Food Frequency Questionnaire, which estimates average dietary intake based on 70 food items. The diets of individuals with no endoscopically identifiable lesions (n = 36) were compared to those with either ACF or polyps detected in the proximal colon. RESULTS:In multivariate analysis, high dietary intake of total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and intake of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids were positively associated with neoplastic lesions in the proximal colon. When comparing ACF and polyp groups separately, a positive association was observed for both proximal polyps (OR 2.28; CI 1.16-7.09) and ACF (OR 2.86; CI 1.16-7.09) for total PUFA intake. Furthermore, the prevalence of proximal ACF was increased with higher intake of omega-6 (OR 3.54; CI 1.32-9.47) and omega-3 fatty acids (OR 2.29; CI 1.02-5.13), although there was no discernible difference in the omega-6/omega-3 ratio. CONCLUSIONS:These results suggest that dietary PUFAs may be positively associated with risk of early neoplasia in the proximal colon. This study provides further evidence that dietary PUFA composition may play an important role in altering the microenvironment within the human colon.
Distribution of colorectal polyps: Implications for screening.
Senore Carlo,Bellisario Cristina,Segnan Nereo
Best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology
BACKGROUND:During the last decades data from different studies reported modifications of the topographic distribution of colorectal cancers (CRCs), with an increased frequency of tumours in proximal colonic segments. Given the documented link between adenomas and CRC, a proximal migration of adenomas over time could be expected as well. AIM:To evaluate available evidence about the prevalence of adenomas and of sessile serrated polyps across colonic segments, the changing trends in their distribution across the colon and the diagnostic performance of screening tests currently adopted in population based screening programs for lesions located in different colonic segments. METHODS:Literature search on PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects with reference to preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA), considering all adult human studies in English, published between January 2000 and February 2017. RESULTS:Cross-sectional analysis of endoscopy and pathology data-bases are consistently showing a trend toward an increase with age of the proportion of adenomas located in the proximal colon. Several observational studies analysed the site distribution of adenomas, testing the hypothesis of a proximal shift of these lesions, and most of them reported an increase in the proportion of right-sided adenomas over time, although a similar trend was not confirmed by others. Also the quality of the retrieved evidence was low. Both endoscopy and FIT are showing a different level of sensitivity for lesions arising in different colonic segments, depending also on screenees characteristics. CONCLUSION:Available evidence is supporting the hypothesis of an increase in the proportion of right-sided adenomas with age, while a similar increase has not been reported for SSP/A, at least among subjects aged 50 or older. The trend toward a proximalization of colorectal adenomas over time, reported by some authors, likely results from improved diagnostic performances and/or the process of population ageing.
Changing pathological diagnosis from hyperplastic polyp to sessile serrated adenoma: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Niv Yaron
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
The WHO published a new classification of colonic polyps in 2010, including the group of serrated polyps, which can be divided into hyperplastic polyps (HP), traditional serrated adenomas, and sessile serrated adenomas (SSA) or polyps. To assess the rate of re-diagnosis of HP to SSA and to look for possible predictors for changing the diagnosis. English Medical literature searches were performed for 'reassessment' OR 'reclassification' AND 'hyperplastic polyp' OR 'sessile serrated adenoma' till 31 January 2017. PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews were followed. Studies that included a precise re-diagnosis of HP into SSA were included. We also looked for predictors of SSA diagnosis such as polyp location and size, patient sex and age, and synchronous advanced adenoma. Altogether, we found 220 eligible studies; 212 were excluded as they did not fulfill the inclusion criteria and we were left with eight studies including 2625 patients. The odds ratio for the number of polyps with changed pathological diagnosis from HP to SSA was 0.112 with 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.099-0.126 (P<0.0001) or 11.2%. Heterogeneity between studies was significant with Q=199.4, d.f. (Q)=9, P<0.0001, and I=95.486%. The odds ratio for changing the pathological diagnosis from HP to SSA for polyp proximal location and polyp size more than 5 mm were 4.401, 95% CI: 2.784-6.958, P<0.0001, and 8.336, 95% CI: 4.963-15.571, P<0.0001, respectively. Endoscopists and pathologists should be aware of the SSA diagnosis when finding HPs larger than 5 mm in the right colon. The diagnosis of HP in these cases should be reassessed by experienced gastrointestinal pathologists.
Sigmoid colon translocation of an intrauterine device misdiagnosed as a colonic polyp: A case report.
Zhou Xin-Xin,Yu Mo-Sang,Gu Meng-Li,Zhong Wei-Xiang,Wu Hong-Ru,Ji Feng,Pan Hang-Hai
RATIONALE:Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs) are recommended as a means of contraception. Translocation of IUD is a rare and serious complication. Colonic inflammatory mass caused by translocated IUD initially misdiagnosed as a colonic polyp is extremely rare and has not been reported yet. PATIENT CONCERNS:This report presents a case of sigmoid colon translocation of intrauterine device on a 37-year-old female patient. Colonoscopy was performed due to her complain of repeated blood in stools and subsequently the patient was misdiagnosed as a sigmoid colon polyp. Nonetheless, the "polyp" was not able to be removed endoscopically. DIAGNOSES:Sigmoid colon translocation of an intrauterine device. INTERVENTIONS:To further clarify the diagnosis, computed tomography (CT) scan was performed and the "polyp" was confirmed to be caused by a translocated IUD. OUTCOMES:The translocated IUD was removed easily by surgery, and the patient recovered soon after the operation. LESSONS:The present case indicates that an annual gynaecologic examination is necessary to determine the position of the IUD, and a CT examination may help confirm an ectopic IUD.
The size, morphology, site, and access score predicts critical outcomes of endoscopic mucosal resection in the colon.
Sidhu Mayenaaz,Tate David J,Desomer Lobke,Brown Gregor,Hourigan Luke F,Lee Eric Y T,Moss Alan,Raftopoulos Spiro,Singh Rajvinder,Williams Stephen J,Zanati Simon,Burgess Nicholas,Bourke Michael J
BACKGROUND:The SMSA (size, morphology, site, access) polyp scoring system is a method of stratifying the difficulty of polypectomy through assessment of four domains. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of SMSA to predict critical outcomes of endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). METHODS:We retrospectively applied SMSA to a prospectively collected multicenter database of large colonic laterally spreading lesions (LSLs) ≥ 20 mm referred for EMR. Standard inject-and-resect EMR procedures were performed. The primary end points were correlation of SMSA level with technical success, adverse events, and endoscopic recurrence. RESULTS:2675 lesions in 2675 patients (52.6 % male) underwent EMR. Failed single-session EMR occurred in 124 LSLs (4.6 %) and was predicted by the SMSA score ( < 0.001). Intraprocedural and clinically significant postendoscopic bleeding was significantly less common for SMSA 2 LSLs (odds ratio [OR] 0.36, < 0.001 and OR 0.23, < 0.01) and SMSA 3 LSLs (OR 0.41, < 0.001 and OR 0.60, = 0.05) compared with SMSA 4 lesions. Similarly, endoscopic recurrence at first surveillance was less likely among SMSA 2 (OR 0.19, < 0.001) and SMSA 3 (OR 0.33, < 0.001) lesions compared with SMSA 4 lesions. This also extended to second surveillance among SMSA 4 LSLs. CONCLUSION:SMSA is a simple, readily applicable, clinical score that identifies a subgroup of patients who are at increased risk of failed EMR, adverse events, and adenoma recurrence at surveillance colonoscopy. This information may be useful for improving informed consent, planning endoscopy lists, and developing quality control measures for practitioners of EMR, with potential implications for EMR benchmarking and training.
Risk Factors for Local Recurrence of Large, Flat Colorectal Polyps after Endoscopic Mucosal Resection.
Zhan Tianzuo,Hielscher Thomas,Hahn Felix,Hauf Corinna,Betge Johannes,Ebert Matthias P,Belle Sebastian
AIMS:Removal of large, flat colorectal polyps by endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is effective, but local recurrences occur regularly. This study investigated risk factors for local recurrence. METHOD:Cases of EMR of flat colorectal polyps ≥20 mm at an academic center from 2004 to 2011 were retrospectively analyzed for polyp features, resection technique, complications and local recurrences. Behavioral risk factors were retrospectively determined by self-administered questionnaires. RESULTS:Data were collected for 129 patients (57.3% male, mean age at time of EMR: 65.0 years). Mean polyp size was 37.2 mm. Polyps were mostly adenoma with low-grade dysplasia (58.1%) and predominantly located in the right colon (62%). En bloc resection was performed in 31.8%. The median follow-up time was 40 months. Local recurrence occurred in 26.3% of patients, with 87% being recurrence-free after 1 year (95% CI 81-93%). A history of smoking was reported by 51.6% of patients and 88.4% reported regular alcohol consumption. Univariate analysis showed that polyp size and piecemeal resection were associated with risk of local recurrence. In multivariate analysis, only polyp size was predictive for local recurrence. No association was found for behavioral risk factors. CONCLUSION:Polyp size is the main predictor of local recurrence after EMR of large, flat colorectal polyps.
Serrated polyps and the risk of synchronous colorectal advanced neoplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Gao Qinyan,Tsoi Kelvin K F,Hirai Hoyee W,Wong Martin C S,Chan Francis K L,Wu Justin C Y,Lau James Y W,Sung Joseph J Y,Ng Siew C
The American journal of gastroenterology
OBJECTIVES:Serrated polyps of the colon comprise a heterogeneous group of lesions with distinct histological and malignant features. The presence of serrated polyps has been associated with synchronous advanced neoplasia, although the magnitude of this relationship is unclear. METHODS:Using studies identified from systematic literature search up to February 2014, we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to estimate the pooled prevalence of serrated polyps and their association with synchronous advanced neoplasia. Random-effects models were used to combine estimates from heterogeneous studies, and odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were presented. RESULTS:Nine studies with 34,084 participants were included. The mean age of subjects was 59.9±6.6 years and 52.5% of the subjects were male. Pooled prevalence of serrated polyps was 15.6% (95% CI, 10.3-22.9%). The pooled OR of advanced neoplasia in individuals with serrated polyps was 2.05 (95% CI, 1.38-3.04). Pooled analysis showed that the presence of proximal serrated polyps (OR=2.77, 95% CI, 1.71-4.46) and large serrated polyps (OR=4.10, 95% CI, 2.69-6.26) was associated with an increased risk of synchronous advanced neoplasia. The pooled OR for advanced neoplasia in individuals with proximal and large serrated polyps was 3.35 (95% CI, 2.51-4.46). Considerable heterogeneity was observed in most analyses. CONCLUSIONS:Our meta-analysis showed that serrated polyps are associated with a more than twofold increased risk of detection of synchronous advanced neoplasia. Individuals with proximal and large serrated polyps have the highest risk. These individuals deserve surveillance colonoscopy.
Prevalence of colorectal adenomatous polyps in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Chun Eun Mi,Kim Seo Woo,Lim So Yeon
International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
BACKGROUND:Colorectal adenomatous polyps are precancerous lesions of colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of colorectal adenomatous polyps in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and determine whether COPD is associated with colorectal malignant potential. METHODS:Subjects who had undergone post-bronchodilator spirometry and colonoscopy and were 40 years or older were selected from the hospital database. COPD was defined as a spirometry in which the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) is <0.7 in post-bronchodilator spirometry. The non-COPD group was matched for both age and sex, and were defined as having an FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC ≥0.7 in spirometry. Finally, 333 patients were retrospectively reviewed; of this group, 82 patients had COPD. RESULTS:Among the subjects, 201 patients (60%) were nonsmokers, while 78 (23%) were current smokers. The prevalence of colorectal adenomatous polyps was 39% (98/251) in the non-COPD group and 66% (54/82) in the COPD group. Among 54 patients with adenomatous polyps in the COPD group, 47 had tubular adenoma and seven had villous adenoma. Multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that only COPD patients whom matched to the criteria of COPD by pulmonary function test (odds ratio 2.1, 95% confidence interval: 1.1-3.8; P=0.019) were independently associated with colorectal malignant potential. CONCLUSION:The risk of colorectal malignant potential in the COPD group was higher than in the non-COPD group. We may suggest that COPD patients should consider regular colonoscopic evaluation to screen for premalignant colon polyps regardless of smoking.
Elevated Risk for Sessile Serrated Polyps in African Americans with Endometrial Polyps.
Digestive diseases and sciences
BACKGROUND:Colorectal and endometrial lesions increase with age. It is not known if these two precursor lesions in sporadic cases associate with each other. AIM:To determine the association between colorectal polyps and endometrial polyps (EP) in African Americans. METHODS:We reviewed records of patients referred to gynecology clinics and had colonoscopy at Howard University Hospital from January 2004 to December 2015. We defined cases as all patients who had EP and underwent colonoscopy. For controls, we used EP-free patients who underwent colonoscopy. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between colon polyps and EP. RESULTS:The median age was 60 years in 118 Cases and 57 years in 664 Controls. The overall colorectal polyps prevalence in the two groups was not statistically different (54% in controls vs. 52% in cases, P = 0.60). Sessile serrated adenoma/polyps (SSPs) were more frequent in cases (8% vs. 2% in controls, P = 0.003). Sigmoid and rectal locations were more prevalent in controls than cases. In multivariate analysis and after adjusting for age, diabetes mellitus (DM), and BMI, SSPs were associated with EP occurrence with an odds ratio of 4.6 (CI 1.2-16.7, P = 0.022). CONCLUSION:Colorectal polyp prevalence was similar in EP patients compared to EP-free controls. However, we observed a significant association between higher-risk SSPs in patients with EP. The prevalence of smoking and DM was higher in these patients. Females with EP might benefit from a screening for colonic lesions in an age-independent manner.
Molecular Biomarkers of Sessile Serrated Adenoma/Polyps.
Kanth Priyanka,Boylan Katherine E,Bronner Mary P,Boucher Kenneth M,Hazel Mark W,Yao Ruoxin,Pop Stelian,Bernard Philip S,Delker Don A
Clinical and translational gastroenterology
OBJECTIVES:Sessile serrated adenoma/polyps (SSA/Ps) contribute up to 30% of all colon cancers. There is considerable histological overlap between SSA/Ps and hyperplastic polyps. Inadequate consensus exists among pathologists, and no molecular biomarkers exist to differentiate these lesions with high accuracy. Lack of reliable diagnosis adversely affects clinical care. We previously defined a novel 7-gene panel by RNA sequencing that differentiates SSA/Ps from hyperplastic polyps. Here, we use the 7-gene panel as a molecular approach to differentiate SSA/Ps and HPs with higher sensitivity and specificity in a large sample set from a tertiary health care center. METHODS:Reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction of the 7-gene panel was performed on 223 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded serrated polyp and normal colon samples. We compare the sensitivity and specificity of the 7-gene panel with the BRAF and KRAS mutation incidence in differentiating SSA/Ps and HPs. We also evaluate the clinical data of patients with SSA/Ps showing high and low expression of the gene panel. RESULTS:The 7-gene RNA expression panel differentiates SSA/Ps and HPs with 89.2% sensitivity and 88.4% specificity. The gene panel outperforms BRAF mutation in identification of SSA/Ps. Clinical data suggest that expression of the 7-gene panel correlates with the development of SSA/Ps in the future. DISCUSSION:This study describes a novel 7-gene panel that identifies SSA/Ps with improved accuracy. Our data show that RNA markers of SSA/Ps advance the distinction of serrated lesions and contribute to the study of the serrated pathway to colon cancer.
Efficacy of segmental re-examination of proximal colon for adenoma detection during colonoscopy: a randomized controlled trial.
Guo Chuan-Guo,Zhang Feifei,Ji Rui,Li Yueyue,Li Lixiang,Zuo Xiu-Li,Li Yan-Qing
Interval colorectal cancers detected after screening colonoscopy are more likely to be associated with missed lesions in the proximal colon. The aim of this study was to determine whether segmental re-examination of the proximal colon could increase the proximal adenoma detection rate (ADR) and to evaluate the time-effectiveness of this approach. Patients undergoing colonoscopy were recruited into the prospective randomized controlled study. They were randomly assigned to the segmental re-examination group, in which the proximal colon was examined twice segmentally, and a control group in which the withdrawal time was extended (EWT). Detection rates were calculated and compared for all polyps and adenomas in both the proximal colon and the whole colon. Withdrawal times were recorded and compared. A total of 360 patients were included in the study (re-examination 178 vs. EWT 182). The proximal ADR in the re-examination group was higher than that in the EWT group (33.1 % vs. 23.6 %; = 0.045). More proximal adenomas were detected per patient in the re-examination group (0.54 vs. 0.36; = 0.048). The ADR of the whole colon was similar in the two groups. Proximal withdrawal time was also similar (re-examination 4.29 ± 1.23 minutes vs. EWT 4.34 ± 1.36 minutes; = 0.74). In addition, there was no statistically significant difference in the total duration of the colonoscopy between the two groups. Segmental re-examination of the proximal colon increased the proximal ADR and the number of proximal adenomas detected, and was accomplished easily and safely without increasing the overall examination time. TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02581475).
Inadequate Boston Bowel Preparation Scale scores predict the risk of missed neoplasia on the next colonoscopy.
Kluge Matthew A,Williams J Lucas,Wu Connie K,Jacobson Brian C,Schroy Paul C,Lieberman David A,Calderwood Audrey H
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:The risks of missed findings after inadequate bowel preparation are not fully characterized in a diverse cohort. We aimed to evaluate the likelihood of missed polyps after an inadequate preparation as assessed by using the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS). METHODS:In this observational study of prospectively collected data within a large, national, endoscopic consortium, we identified patients aged 50 to 75 years who underwent average-risk screening colonoscopy (C1) followed by a second colonoscopy for any indication within 3 years (C2). We determined the polyp detection rates (PDRs) and advanced PDRs during C2 stratified by C1 BBPS scores. RESULTS:Among segment pairs without polyps at C1 (N = 601), those with inadequate C1 BBPS segment scores had a higher PDR at C2 (10%) compared with those with adequate bowel preparation at C1 (5%; P = .04). Among segment pairs with polyps at C1 (N = 154), segments with inadequate bowel preparation scores at C1 had higher advanced PDRs at C2 (20%) compared with those with adequate bowel preparation scores at C1 (4%; P = .03). In multivariable analysis, the presence of advanced polyps at C1 (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 3.5; 95% confidence intervals [CIs], 1.1-10.8) but not inadequate BBPS scores at C1 (adjusted OR 1.8; 95% CI, 0.6-5.1) was associated with a significantly increased risk of advanced polyps at C2. CONCLUSIONS:Inadequate BBPS segment scores generally are associated with higher rates of polyps and advanced polyps at subsequent colonoscopy within a short timeframe. The presence of advanced polyps as well as inadequate BBPS segment scores can inform the risk of missed polyps and help triage which patients warrant a timely repeat colonoscopy.
Risk factors of missed colorectal lesions after colonoscopy.
Lee Jeonghun,Park Sung Won,Kim You Sun,Lee Kyung Jin,Sung Hyun,Song Pil Hun,Yoon Won Jae,Moon Jeong Seop
Several studies have reported a significant rate of missed colorectal polyps during colonoscopy. This study aimed to determine the variables that affect the miss rate of colorectal polyps.We performed a retrospective observational study of patients who, between January 2007 and December 2014, had undergone a second colonoscopy within 6 months of their first. In all patients, the first colonoscopy constituted a screening or surveillance colonoscopy as part of a health check-up, and the patients were referred to the endoscopic clinic if there were meaningful polyps. The miss rate of colorectal polyps was evaluated, as were the variables related to these missed lesions.Among 659 patients (535 men), the miss rate of colorectal polyps was 17.24% (372/2158 polyps), and 38.69% of patients (255/659 patients) had at least 1 missed polyp. The most common site for missed polyps was the ascending colon (29.8%), followed by the sigmoid colon (27.8%). The miss rate of polyps was higher in men [odds ratio (OR) = 1.611, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 1.024-2.536], patients with multiple polyps at their first colonoscopy (OR = 1.463, 95% CI = 0.992-2.157), and patients who had a history of polyps (OR = 23.783, 95% CI = 3.079-183.694). Multiple missed polyps were more frequently located in the right colon (OR = 2.605, 95% CI = 1.458-4.657), and the risk of sessile serrated adenoma/polyp was greater in the right colon (OR = 10.418, 95% CI = 2.073-52.353).Endoscopists should pay careful attention in patients who have multiple polyps and in those who have a history of polyps, because such patients are at a high risk of missed polyps in colonoscopy.
Idiopathic Ileocolonic Varices Coexisting with a Colon Polyp Treated Successfully by Endoscopy: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Miwa Takao,Ibuka Takashi,Ozawa Noritaka,Sugiyama Tomohiko,Kubota Masaya,Imai Kenji,Sakai Hiroyasu,Takai Koji,Araki Hiroshi,Shimizu Masahito
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
Colonic varices are usually associated with portal hypertension. Idiopathic colonic varices are extremely rare. A 68-year-old man with a positive fecal occult blood test result underwent colonoscopy. We detected idiopathic ileocolonic varices and a coexisting ascending colon polyp. While reviewing the literature, we found cases of biopsies and polypectomies resulting in significant bleeding. We herein report a case of idiopathic ileocolonic varices coexisting with a colon polyp treated successfully by endoscopy. The coexistence of colonic varices and a colorectal lesion that requires endoscopic treatment may lead to significant bleeding. During management, the development of a treatment strategy and obtaining informed consent are necessary.
The importance of colonoscopy in the treatment of colorectal polyps and colorectal cancer screening.
Annali italiani di chirurgia
AIM:Colorectal polyp is the most commonly encountered intestinal colon pathology in patients over 50 years of age, and 5% of which develops a "colorectal cancer". The early-stage polyps can be detected and removed endoscopically, which reduce the incidence of carcinoma. Our study is aimed to investigate the role of colonoscopy in colorectal adenoma treatment and screening for colorectal cancers, and to answer the question of whether the colorectal polyps would become malignant or not malignant by means of the comparative analysis of their histological features. METHODS:In the interval between 2011 and 2016 years, endoscopic polypectomy was performed in 118 out of 1375 patients at the Endoscopy Department of the Central Customs Hospital, either with a snare loop and a biopsy clamp. The age group of the patients was between 20 and 65years. A retrospective analysis was performed in 100 of these patients, of whom 18 were later excluded. RESULTS:Grounding on the histopathological evaluation, adenomatous polyps were differentiated into tubular (65-80%), tubulovillous (25%), and villous (5-10%) adenomas. In particular, 90% of 1 cm (small) polyps were tubular. Dysplasia was found in 42 out of the 100 polyps. The 42 patients with dysplasia were reevaluated, and 26 (61.9%) later developed a malignancy. Malignancy did not occur in the case of any of the 58 polyps without dysplasia. The study also revealed that the size of polyps is directly correlated with their path-morphological structures. In this study, two giant polyps were detected and then treated surgically, one patient had perforation after the polypectomy, and a surgical intervention immediately was performed upon him. During the colonoscopy, three patients had bleeding, hemoclip was applied to one of those patients, and sclerothreapy was performed upon the rest of two patients. After the polypectomy, in two patients, there was a feeling of pain, fever, discomfort in the abdomen, which was assessed as a "postpolypectomy" condition CONCLUSION: Also in our experience adenomatous polyps play a crucial role in the development of colorectal cancer. Therefore, it seems quite essential to avert colorectal cancers gradually. Colonoscopy is a non-invasive method of diagnosis and a treatment of colorectal polyps. Proper and careful colonoscopy examination is indispensable in the discovery of colorectal polyps and subsequent follow-up. Timely and routine colonoscopy is considered as an important approach for thwarting the development of malignant neoplasms. KEY WORDS:Adenomatous polyps, Colorectal cancer, Colorectal polyps, Post-polypectomy.
Endoscopic features of sessile serrated adenoma/polyps under narrowband imaging: A retrospective study.
Zhang Xin Tian,Zhang Qing Wei,Liu Fei,Lin Xiao Lu,Chen Jin Nan,Li Xiao Bo
Journal of digestive diseases
OBJECTIVE:Sessile serrated adenoma/polyps (SSA/P) are recognized as precancerous lesions in the colon and resemble hyperplastic polyps (HP). Definite endoscopic features under narrow band imaging (NBI) with or without magnification may help differentiate these two lesions. Our study aimed to identify specific endoscopic features of SSA/P by NBI. METHODS:A total of 199 patients with histopathologically proven colorectal SSA/P or HP after a polypectomy were enrolled. Magnifying and non-magnifying NBI pictures of 206 matching lesions were evaluated by one expert and two non-expert endoscopists using various endoscopic characteristics retrospectively. RESULTS:Multivariate analysis indicated that a clouded surface (odds ratio [OR] 6.48, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.72-15.44, P = 0.000) and dilated and branching vessels (DBV) (OR 7.95, 95% CI 3.71-17.02, P = 0.000) were significant endoscopic features for diagnosing SSA/P compared with HP. The combination of these two features could improve diagnostic specificity to 96%, and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.749. However, it seemed that the presence of dark spots (OR 1.93, 95% CI 0.94-4.00, P = 0.075) was not a definite feature in differentiating these two lesions. Neither a mucus cap nor CP-II meshed capillary vessels showed statistical significance in differentiating SSA/P from HP (P = 0.590 and 0.293, respectively). CONCLUSIONS:A clouded surface and DBV were two indicators for diagnosing SSA/P. Combining these two factors together under NBI with or without magnification achieved better diagnostic performance than when they were used alone.
Removal of small colorectal polyps in anticoagulated patients: a prospective randomized comparison of cold snare and conventional polypectomy.
Horiuchi Akira,Nakayama Yoshiko,Kajiyama Masashi,Tanaka Naoki,Sano Kenji,Graham David Y
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND:The bleeding risk after cold snare polypectomy in anticoagulated patients is not known. OBJECTIVE:To compare the bleeding risk after cold snare polypectomy or conventional polypectomy for small colorectal polyps in anticoagulated patients. DESIGN:Prospective randomized controlled study. SETTING:Municipal hospital in Japan. INTERVENTIONS:Anticoagulated patients with colorectal polyps up to 10 mm in diameter were enrolled. Patients were randomized to polypectomy with either cold snare technique (Cold group) or conventional polypectomy (Conventional group) without discontinuation of warfarin. The primary outcome measure was delayed bleeding (ie, requiring endoscopic intervention within 2 weeks after polypectomy). Secondary outcome measures were immediate bleeding and retrieval rate of colorectal polyps. RESULTS:Seventy patients were randomized (159 polyps): Cold group (n = 35, 78 polyps) and Conventional group (n = 35; 81 polyps). The patients' demographic characteristics including international normalized ratio and the number, size, and shape of polyps removed were similar between the 2 techniques. Immediate bleeding during the procedure was more common with conventional polypectomy (23% [8/35]) compared with cold polypectomy (5.7% [2/35]) (P = .042). No delayed bleeding occurred in the Cold group, whereas 5 patients (14%) required endoscopic hemostasis in the Conventional group (P = .027). Complete polyp retrieval rates were identical (94% [73/78] vs 93% [75/81]). The presence of histologically demonstrated injured arteries in the submucosal layer with cold snare was significantly less than with conventional snare (22% vs 39%, P = .023). LIMITATION:Small sample size, single-center study. CONCLUSIONS:Delayed bleeding requiring hemostasis occurred significantly less commonly after cold snare polypectomy than conventional polypectomy despite continuation of anticoagulants. Cold snare polypectomy is preferred for removal of small colorectal polyps in anticoagulated patients. ( CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:NCT 01553565.).
Risk Factors for Recurrent High-Risk Polyps after the Removal of High-Risk Polyps at Initial Colonoscopy.
Jang Hui Won,Park Soo Jung,Hong Sung Pil,Cheon Jae Hee,Kim Won Ho,Kim Tae Il
Yonsei medical journal
PURPOSE:Colonoscopic polypectomy and surveillance are important to prevent colorectal cancer and identify additional relative risk factors for adequate surveillance. In this study, we evaluated risk factors related to recurrent high-risk polyps during the surveillance of patients with high-risk polyps. MATERIALS AND METHODS:We included 434 patients who had high-risk polyps (adenoma≥10 mm, ≥3 adenomas, villous histology, or high-grade dysplasia) on the baseline colonoscopy and underwent at least one surveillance colonoscopy from 2005 to 2011 at Severance Hospital. Data regarding patient characteristics, bowel preparation and polyp size, location, number, and pathological diagnosis were retrospectively collected from medical records. Patients with recurrent high-risk polyps were compared with patients with low-risk or no polyps during surveillance. RESULTS:Patients were predominantly male (77.4%), with a mean age of 61.0±8.6 years and mean follow-up of 1.5±0.8 years. High-risk polyps recurred during surveillance colonoscopy in 51 (11.8%) patients. Results of multivariate analysis showed that male gender, poor bowel preparation, and a larger number of adenomas were independent risk factors for recurrent high-risk polyps (p=0.047, 0.01, and <0.001, respectively). Compared with high-risk polyps found during initial colonoscopy, high-risk polyps on surveillance colonoscopy had higher proportions of small adenomas, low-risk pathology, and fewer adenomas overall, but there was no difference in location. CONCLUSION:Male patients and those with poor bowel preparation for colonoscopy or higher numbers of adenomas were more likely to experience recurrent high-risk polyps.
Green tea extracts for the prevention of metachronous colorectal polyps among patients who underwent endoscopic removal of colorectal adenomas: A randomized clinical trial.
Shin Cheol Min,Lee Dong Ho,Seo A Young,Lee Hyun Joo,Kim Seong Beom,Son Woo-Chan,Kim Young Kyung,Lee Sang Jun,Park Sung-Hee,Kim Nayoung,Park Young Soo,Yoon Hyuk
Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)
OBJECTIVES:To determine the preventive effect of green tea extract (GTE) supplements on metachronous colorectal adenoma and cancer in the Korean population. MATERIALS AND METHODS:One hundred seventy-six subjects (88 per each group) who had undergone complete removal of colorectal adenomas by endoscopic polypectomy were enrolled. They were randomized into 2 groups: supplementation group (0.9 g GTE per day for 12 months) or control group without GTE supplementation. The 72-h recall method was used to collect data on food items consumed by participants at baseline and the 1-year follow-up during the past 48 h. Follow-up colonoscopy was conducted 12 months later in 143 patients (71 in control group and 72 in the GTE group). RESULTS:Of the 143 patients completed in the study, the incidences of metachronous adenomas at the end-point colonoscopy were 42.3% (30 of 71) in control group and 23.6% (17 of 72) in GTE group (relative risk [RR], 0.56; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.34-0.92). The number of relapsed adenoma was also decreased in the GTE group than in the control group (0.7 ± 1.1 vs. 0.3 ± 0.6, p = 0.010). However, there were no significant differences between the 2 groups in terms of body mass index, dietary intakes, serum lipid profiles, fasting serum glucose, and serum C-reactive protein levels (all p > 0.05). CONCLUSION:This study of GTE supplement suggests a favorable outcome for the chemoprevention of metachronous colorectal adenomas in Korean patients (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02321969).
Location of colorectal adenomas and serrated polyps in patients under age 50.
Chen Zexian,Hu Jiancong,Zheng Zheyu,Wang Chao,Lin Dezheng,Huang Yan,Lan Ping,He Xiaosheng
International journal of colorectal disease
BACKGROUND:The incidence of colorectal cancer, especially located in distal colorectum, is rising markedly in young patients. Conventional adenomas and serrated polyps have been widely recognized as precursors of colorectal cancer. AIM:To investigate the correlation of polyp feature with polyp location in patients under age 50. METHOD:Patients under age 50 who had received colonoscopy were included from 2010 to 2018. Clinical data including number, location, size, and histopathology of polyps were collected. Odd ratios and 95% confidence interval of adenomas with their location were calculated. RESULT:In total, 25,636 patients aged 18-49 were enrolled, among which 4485 patients had polyps, with polyp detection rate of 17.5%. A total of 2484 and 2387 patients had conventional adenomas and serrated polyps, respectively. 76.0% advanced adenomas and 69.5% ≥ 10-mm serrated polyps were located in the distal colorectum. The detection rate of advanced adenomas was higher in patients aged 45-49. Patients with adenomas especially advanced adenomas in the distal colorectum were more likely to have advanced adenoma in the proximal colon. CONCLUSION:Among patients under age 50, advanced adenomas and ≥ 10-mm serrated polyps were predominantly in the distal colorectum. Advanced adenomas tended to be found in patients aged 45-49. Our results might explain the rising trend of distal colorectal cancer and emphasize the necessity for colonoscopy screening among these populations.
Detection rate of serrated polyps and serrated polyposis syndrome in colorectal cancer screening cohorts: a European overview.
IJspeert J E G,Bevan R,Senore C,Kaminski M F,Kuipers E J,Mroz A,Bessa X,Cassoni P,Hassan C,Repici A,Balaguer F,Rees C J,Dekker E
OBJECTIVE:The role of serrated polyps (SPs) as colorectal cancer precursor is increasingly recognised. However, the true prevalence SPs is largely unknown. We aimed to evaluate the detection rate of SPs subtypes as well as serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS) among European screening cohorts. METHODS:Prospectively collected screening cohorts of ≥1000 individuals were eligible for inclusion. Colonoscopies performed before 2009 and/or in individuals aged below 50 were excluded. Rate of SPs was assessed, categorised for histology, location and size. Age-sex-standardised number needed to screen (NNS) to detect SPs were calculated. Rate of SPS was assessed in cohorts with known colonoscopy follow-up data. Clinically relevant SPs (regarded as a separate entity) were defined as SPs ≥10 mm and/or SPs >5 mm in the proximal colon. RESULTS:Three faecal occult blood test (FOBT) screening cohorts and two primary colonoscopy screening cohorts (range 1.426-205.949 individuals) were included. Rate of SPs ranged between 15.1% and 27.2% (median 19.5%), of sessile serrated polyps between 2.2% and 4.8% (median 3.3%) and of clinically relevant SPs between 2.1% and 7.8% (median 4.6%). Rate of SPs was similar in FOBT-based cohorts as in colonoscopy screening cohorts. No apparent association between the rate of SP and gender or age was shown. Rate of SPS ranged from 0% to 0.5%, which increased to 0.4% to 0.8% after follow-up colonoscopy. CONCLUSIONS:The detection rate of SPs is variable among screening cohorts, and standards for reporting, detection and histopathological assessment should be established. The median rate, as found in this study, may contribute to define uniform minimum standards for males and females between 50 and 75 years of age.
Randomized, back-to-back trial of a new generation NBI with a high-definition white light (HQ290) for detecting colorectal polyps.
Kim Haewon,Goong Hyeon Jeong,Ko Bong Min,Myung Yu Sik,Ho Jung Yun,Jeon Seong Ran,Kim Hyun Gun,Lee Moon Sung
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology
The benefits of narrow band imaging (NBI) for improving the detection rate of colorectal polyps remain unclear. New generation NBI using the 290 system (290-NBI) provides an at least two-fold brighter image than that of the previous version. We aimed to compare polyp miss rates between 290-NBI colonoscopy and high-definition white light endoscopy (HDWL). In total, 117 patients were randomized to undergo either 290-NBI or HDWL from June 2015 to February 2017. In the HDWL group, we performed HDWL as an initial inspection, followed by a second inspection with NBI. In the 290-NBI group, NBI was performed as the initial inspection, followed by a second inspection with HDWL. We compared polyp and adenoma detection rates and polyp miss rates (PMR) between the two groups and analyzed the factors associated with the PMR. In total, 127 polyps were detected in the 117 patients. No differences in adenoma or polyp detection rates were observed between the two groups. The PMR for 290-NBI was 20.6% and that for HDWL was 33.9% ( = .068). However, the non-adenomatous PMR for 290-NBI was significantly lower than that of HDWL (11.5% vs. 52.2%, = .002). Furthermore, the miss rates of polyps on the left side of the colon, flat-type polyps, and non-adenomatous polyps were significantly lower in the 290-NBI than HDWL. New generation NBI may reduce PMR, especially of flat-type and non-adenomatous polyps and those on the left side of the colon. (UMIN000025505).
Accuracy of the Narrow-Band Imaging International Colorectal Endoscopic Classification System in Identification of Deep Invasion in Colorectal Polyps.
Puig Ignasi,López-Cerón María,Arnau Anna,Rosiñol Òria,Cuatrecasas Miriam,Herreros-de-Tejada Alberto,Ferrández Ángel,Serra-Burriel Miquel,Nogales Óscar,Vida Francesc,de Castro Luisa,López-Vicente Jorge,Vega Pablo,Álvarez-González Marco A,González-Santiago Jesús,Hernández-Conde Marta,Díez-Redondo Pilar,Rivero-Sánchez Liseth,Gimeno-García Antonio Z,Burgos Aurora,García-Alonso Francisco Javier,Bustamante-Balén Marco,Martínez-Bauer Eva,Peñas Beatriz,Pellise Maria,
BACKGROUND & AIMS:T1 colorectal polyps with at least 1 risk factor for metastasis to lymph node should be treated surgically and are considered endoscopically unresectable. Optical analysis, based on the Narrow-Band Imaging International Colorectal Endoscopic (NICE) classification system, is used to identify neoplasias with invasion of the submucosa that require endoscopic treatment. We assessed the accuracy of the NICE classification, along with other morphologic characteristics, in identifying invasive polyps that are endoscopically unresectable (have at least 1 risk factor for metastasis to lymph node). METHODS:We performed a multicenter, prospective study of data collected by 58 endoscopists, from 1634 consecutive patients (examining 2123 lesions) at 17 university and community hospitals in Spain from July 2014 through June 2016. All consecutive lesions >10 mm assessed with narrow-band imaging were included. The primary end point was the accuracy of the NICE classification for identifying lesions with deep invasion, using findings from histology analysis as the reference standard. Conditional inference trees were fitted for the analysis of diagnostic accuracy. RESULTS:Of the 2123 lesions analyzed, 89 (4.2%) had features of deep invasion and 91 (4.3%) were endoscopically unresectable. The NICE classification system identified lesions with deep invasion with 58.4% sensitivity (95% CI, 47.5-68.8), 96.4% specificity (95% CI, 95.5-97.2), a positive-predictive value of 41.6% (95% CI, 32.9-50.8), and a negative-predictive value of 98.1% (95% CI, 97.5-98.7). A conditional inference tree that included all variables found the NICE classification to most accurately identify lesions with deep invasion (P < .001). However, pedunculated morphology (P < .007), ulceration (P = .026), depressed areas (P < .001), or nodular mixed type (P < .001) affected accuracy of identification. Results were comparable for identifying lesions that were endoscopically unresectable. CONCLUSIONS:In an analysis of 2123 colon lesions >10 mm, we found the NICE classification and morphologic features identify those with deep lesions with >96% specificity-even in non-expert hands and without magnification. ClinicalTrials.gov number NCT02328066.
Early colon screening of adult patients with cystic fibrosis reveals high incidence of adenomatous colon polyps.
Billings Joanne L,Dunitz Jordan M,McAllister Sandra,Herzog Tyler,Bobr Aleh,Khoruts Alexander
Journal of clinical gastroenterology
BACKGROUND AND GOALS:Cystic fibrosis (CF) is associated with increased incidence of gastrointestinal cancer. Increasing overall life expectancy of CF patients predicts emergence of colon cancer as a significant clinical problem in the adult CF population. The primary aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of adenomatous colon polyps in patients with CF during systematic screening by colonoscopy. STUDY:This is a single-center series of 45 CF patients aged 40 years and above (mean age, 47 y) undergoing colonoscopic screening. A fraction of these patients (9/45) had history of organ transplantation. Results from transplant and nontransplant patients were analyzed separately. RESULTS:Adult CF patients have a high incidence of adenomatous polyps identified by colonoscopy. In addition, positive examinations are characterized by multiple polyps and common features of advanced pathology. The incidence of adenomatous colon polyps is greater in male patients, although the 1 patient in this cohort found to have colorectal cancer was female. CONCLUSIONS:CF has features of a hereditary colon cancer syndrome. Increasing life expectancy of CF patients suggests that earlier colon screening in this population may be warranted. Optimal criteria for initiation of screening and frequency of surveillance should be subject of further studies.
Factors associated with delayed bleeding after resection of large nonpedunculated colorectal polyps.
Elliott Timothy R,Tsiamoulos Zacharias P,Thomas-Gibson Siwan,Suzuki Noriko,Bourikas Leonidas A,Hart Ailsa,Bassett Paul,Saunders Brian P
BACKGROUND:Delayed bleeding is the most common significant complication after piecemeal endoscopic mucosal resection (p-EMR) of large nonpedunculated colorectal polyps (NPCPs). Risk factors for delayed bleeding are incompletely defined. We aimed to determine risk factors for delayed bleeding following p-EMR. METHODS:Data were analyzed from a prospective tertiary center audit of patients with NPCPs ≥ 20 mm who underwent p-EMR between 2010 and 2012. Patient, polyp, and procedure-related data were collected. Four post p-EMR defect factors were evaluated for interobserver agreement and included in analysis. Delayed bleeding severity was reported in accordance with guidelines. Predictors of bleeding were identified. RESULTS:Delayed bleeding requiring hospitalization occurred after 22 of 330 procedures (6.7 %). A total of 11 patients required blood transfusion; of these, 4 underwent urgent colonoscopy, 1 underwent radiological embolization, and 1 required surgery. Interobserver agreement for identification of the four post p-EMR defect factors was moderate (kappa range 0.52 - 0.57). Factors associated with delayed bleeding were visible muscle fibers ( = 0.03) and the presence of a "cherry red spot" ( = 0.05) in the post p-EMR defect. Factors not associated with delayed bleeding were American Association of Anesthesiologists class, aspirin use, polyp size, site, and use of argon plasma coagulation. CONCLUSIONS:Visible muscle fibers and the presence of a "cherry red spot" in the resection defect were associated with delayed bleeding after p-EMR. These findings suggest evaluation and photodocumentation of the post p-EMR defect is important and, when considered alongside other patient and procedural factors, may help to reduce the incidence and severity of delayed bleeding.
Colon neoplasia in patients with type 2 diabetes on metformin: A meta-analysis.
Rokkas T,Portincasa P
European journal of internal medicine
BACKGROUND:A growing body of evidence has suggested that metformin potentially reduces the risk of cancer. OBJECTIVE:We performed a meta-analysis of available studies to better define the effect of metformin on colon neoplasia (cancer and polyps) in patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS:Medical literature searches for human studies were performed through December 2015, using suitable keywords. Pooled estimates were obtained using fixed or random-effects models. Heterogeneity between studies was evaluated with the Cochran Q test whereas the likelihood of publication bias was assessed by constructing funnel plots. Their symmetry was estimated by the Begg and Mazumdar adjusted rank correlation test and by the Egger's regression test. In addition subgroup and sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS:A total number of 709,980 patients, with type 2 diabetes, were included in 17 studies eligible for meta-analysis [1 RCT and 16 observational studies (13 cohort and 3 case-controls)]. The risk of colon neoplasia was significantly lower among metformin users than controls (non-metformin users) [pooled RRs (95% CI)=0.75 (0.65-0.87), test for overall effect Z=-3.95, p<0.001]. This observation applied separately for colon cancer [0.79 (0.69-0.91), Z=-3.34, p<0.001] and for colon polyps [0.58 (0.42-0.80), Z=-3.30, p<0.001]. CONCLUSION:This meta-analysis shows that the use of metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes is associated with significantly lower risk of colon neoplasia.
The frequency of early colorectal cancer derived from sessile serrated adenoma/polyps among 1858 serrated polyps from a single institution.
Chino A,Yamamoto N,Kato Y,Morishige K,Ishikawa H,Kishihara T,Fujisaki J,Ishikawa Y,Tamegai Y,Igarashi M
International journal of colorectal disease
BACKGROUND AND AIM:Sessile serrated adenoma/polyps (SSAPs) are suspected to have a high malignant potential, although few reports have evaluated the incidence of carcinomas derived from SSAPs using the new classification for serrated polyps (SPs). The aim of study was to compare the frequency of cancer coexisting with the various SP subtypes including mixed polyps (MIXs) and conventional adenomas (CADs). METHODS:A total of 18,667 CADs were identified between April 2005 and December 2011, and 1858 SPs (re-classified as SSAP, hyperplastic polyp (HP), traditional serrated adenoma (TSA), or MIX) were removed via snare polypectomy, endoscopic mucosal resection, or endoscopic sub-mucosal dissection. RESULTS:Among 1160 HP lesions, 1 (0.1%) coexisting sub-mucosal invasive carcinoma (T1) was detected. Among 430 SSAP lesions, 3 (0.7%) high-grade dysplasia (HGD/Tis) and 1 (0.2%) T1 were detected. All of the lesions were detected in the proximal colon, with a mean tumor diameter of 18 mm (SD 9 mm). Among 212 TSA lesions, 3 (1%) HGD/Tis were detected but no T1 cancer. Among 56 MIX lesions, 9 (16%) HGD/Tis and 1 (2%) T1 cancers were detected, and among 18,677 CAD lesions, 964 (5%) HGD/Tis and 166 (1%) T1 cancers were identified. CONCLUSIONS:Among the resected lesions that were detected during endoscopic examination, a smaller proportion (1%) of SSAPs harbored HGD or coexisting cancer, compared to CAD or MIX lesions. Therefore, more attention should be paid to accurately identifying lesions endoscopically for intentional resection and the surveillance of each SP subtype.
Yield of a second screening colonoscopy 10 years after an initial negative examination in average-risk individuals.
Ponugoti Prasanna L,Rex Douglas K
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Current guidelines recommend screening colonoscopy at 10-year intervals in average-risk individuals who had baseline screening colonoscopy (no polyps or only hyperplastic polyps ≤5 mm in the recto-sigmoid colon), but the yield of repeat screening at 10 years is unknown. Our aim was to describe the yield of second screening colonoscopy in average-risk individuals performed at least 8 years after a first screening colonoscopy had shown no polyps or only distal hyperplastic polyps ≤5 mm in size. METHODS:This was a review of a database for colonoscopies performed at Indiana University Hospital between January 1999 and November 2015. RESULTS:A total of 4463 individuals underwent screening colonoscopy between January 1999 and July 2007, of which 1566 individuals had no polyps, and 334 individuals had only distal hyperplastic polyps ≤5 mm; 378 individuals (58.4% female) had follow-up screening at least 8 years after the baseline screening examination, with a mean (± standard deviation [SD]) interval of 9.74 years (± 1.2 years; range 8-15 years). Mean (± SD) age at baseline screening examination was 56.7 years (± 5.5 years) and at follow-up screening examination was 66.4 years (± 5.6 years). At the second screening, there were 224 patients (59.3%) with at least 1 polyp, including 144 (38.1%) with at least 1 conventional adenoma. The adenoma detection rate at the second screening examination was 36.1% and 56.8% in the groups with no polyp at baseline and with only distal hyperplastic polyps, respectively. There were 15 advanced neoplasms in 13 individuals (3.4%), of which 12 lesions were proximal to the sigmoid colon. There were no cancers at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS:Among individuals aged ≥50 years, with normal baseline screening colonoscopy results, the incidence of advanced lesions at a second screening colonoscopy at least 8 years later was comparable to that in baseline screening studies. Our findings support current recommendations for screening at 10-year intervals in average-risk individuals.
Polypectomy practices of sub-centimeter polyps in the English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
Din Said,Ball Alex J,Taylor Eleanor,Rutter Matthew,Riley Stuart A,Johal Shawinder
Surgical endoscopy
BACKGROUND:Most colonic polyps are small, and several polypectomy techniques are available. We aimed to describe the variation in polypectomy techniques employed for the removal of sub-centimeter polyps in relation to polyp characteristics, completeness of histological excision and safety. METHODS:Prospectively collected data relating to the removal of sub-centimeter polyps over a 3-year period (between January 2010 and December 2012) were retrieved from the English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. RESULTS:A total of 147,174 sub-centimeter polyps were removed during 62,679 procedures. For pedunculated polyps, hot snare was most common in the left (median 92 %, IQR 83.3-97.0 %) and right colon (median 75 %, IQR 3-92 %). For non-pedunculated polyps, cold snare was most common in the right colon (median 24 %, IQR 9-47 %); whereas hot snare remained most common in the left colon (median 32 %, IQR 19-49 %). Surgeons were more likely than physicians to use diathermy-assisted techniques (65.6 vs. 56.5 %, p < 0.001). Twelve (0.03 %) bleeding episodes required transfusion with no polypectomy technique dominating and 16 (0.04 %) perforations with 81 % of polypectomies performed using diathermy-assisted techniques. There was substantial variation between screening centers for the completeness of histological excision. For non-pedunculated polyps, histologically confirmed complete excision was more after EMR (23.4 %) compared with other techniques (cold biopsy forceps 17.7 %, cold snare 15.1 %, hot biopsy forceps 19.1 %, hot snare 21.5 %). The use of cold techniques and EMR has increased over time, whereas the use of hot biopsy forceps and hot snare has decreased (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS:The removal of sub-centimeter polyps within the BCSP is safe despite wide variations in practice. The use of cold resection techniques and EMR has increased over time. The histological assessment for completeness of excision is limited and should be confirmed endoscopically at the time of polypectomy.
Quality of optical diagnosis of diminutive polyps and associated factors.
Pohl Heiko,Bensen Steve P,Toor Arifa,Gordon Stuart R,Levy L Campbell,Anderson Peter B,Anderson Joseph C,Rothstein Richard I,Robertson Douglas J
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:The aim of the study was to identify endoscopist-related and procedural factors that may be associated with the quality of optical diagnosis of diminutive polyps using narrow-band imaging (NBI). METHODS:All subjects who participated in a randomized trial on cap-assisted colonoscopy were eligible for the current study. Optical polyp diagnosis was an a priori outcome of the initial trial. Ten participating endoscopists used NBI to assess all of the diagnosed polyps as adenomatous or non-adenomatous in real-time and provided a degree of diagnostic certainty. The main outcome measures were quality benchmarks of optical diagnosis (negative predictive value [NPV] for diminutive rectosigmoid adenomas, agreement with pathology-based surveillance interval) and assessment of endoscopist-related and procedural factors potentially associated with the quality of optical diagnosis. RESULTS:A total of 1650 polyps were found in 607 patients, with 1311 polyps (79 %) being diminutive, of which 672 (53 %) were adenomatous. The NPV of optical diagnosis for rectosigmoid adenomas was 95 %. The optical diagnosis-based surveillance interval agreed with the pathology-based recommendation in 93 % of patients. Prior experience with image-enhanced endoscopy had no effect on optical diagnosis. Low and high adenoma detectors were not different in achieving the quality benchmarks. Cap-assisted colonoscopy was not associated with quality of optical diagnosis. Quality metrics of optical diagnosis remained similar during the first and second half of the study period. CONCLUSION:High quality optical diagnosis of diminutive polyps can be achieved and sustained by endoscopists previously inexperienced in this practice with minimal training. None of the examined factors appear to affect the quality of optical diagnosis; particularly, endoscopists' adenoma detection was not associated with optical diagnosis.
Low rate of large polyps (>9 mm) within 10 years after an adequate baseline colonoscopy with no polyps.
Lieberman David A,Holub Jennifer L,Morris Cynthia D,Logan Judith,Williams J Lucas,Carney Patricia
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Guidelines recommend a 10-year interval between screening colonoscopies with negative results for average-risk individuals. However, many patients are examined at shorter intervals. We investigated outcomes of individuals with no polyps who had repeat colonoscopy in <10 years. METHODS:Data were collected using the National Endoscopic Database, from 69 gastroenterology centers, on 264,184 asymptomatic subjects who underwent screening colonoscopies from 2000 through 2006, were found to have no polyps, and received another colonoscopy examination within <10 years. RESULTS:No polyps were found in 147,375 patients during a baseline colonoscopy; 17,525 patients (11.9%) had a follow-up colonoscopy within <10 years, including 1806 (10.3%) who received the follow-up colonoscopy within <1 year. The most common reason for repeating the examination within 1 year was that the first was compromised by inadequate bowel preparation or incomplete examination. Of these patients, 6.5% (95% confidence interval: 5.3-7.6) had large polyp(s) >9 mm-a proportion similar to the prevalence in the average-risk screening population. Reasons that examinations were repeated within 1-5 years included average-risk screening (15.7%), family history of colon polyps or cancer (30.1%), bleeding (31.2%), gastrointestinal symptoms (11.8%), or a positive result from a fecal blood test (5.5%). If the baseline examination was adequate, the incidence of large polyps within 1-5 years after baseline colonoscopy was 3.1% (95% confidence interval: 2.7-3.5) and within years 5-10 years was 3.7% (95% confidence interval: 3.3-4.1). CONCLUSIONS:Repeat colonoscopies within 10 years are of little benefit to patients who had adequate examinations and were found to have no polyps. Repeat colonoscopies are beneficial to patients when the baseline examination was compromised.
Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Patients With Multiple Serrated Polyps and Their First-Degree Relatives.
Egoavil Cecilia,Juárez Miriam,Guarinos Carla,Rodríguez-Soler María,Hernández-Illán Eva,Alenda Cristina,Payá Artemio,Castillejo Adela,Serradesanferm Anna,Bujanda Luis,Fernández-Bañares Fernando,Cubiella Joaquín,de-Castro Luisa,Guerra Ana,Aguirre Elena,Herreros-de-Tejada Alberto,Bessa Xavier,Herráiz Maite,Marín-Gabriel José-Carlos,Balmaña Judith,Piñol Virginia,Rodríguez Moranta Francisco,Nicolás-Pérez David,Cuatrecasas Miriam,Balaguer Francesc,Castells Antoni,Soto José-Luis,Zapater Pedro,Jover Rodrigo
BACKGROUND & AIMS:We investigated whether patients with multiple serrated polyps, but not meeting the World Health Organization criteria for serrated polyposis syndrome, and their relatives have similar risks for colorectal cancer (CRC) as those diagnosed with serrated polyposis. METHODS:We collected data from patients with more than 10 colonic polyps, recruited in 2008-2009 from 24 hospitals in Spain for a study of causes of multiple colonic polyps. We analyzed data from 53 patients who met the criteria for serrated polyposis and 145 patients who did not meet these criteria, but who had more than 10 polyps throughout the colon, of which more than 50% were serrated. We calculated age- and sex-adjusted standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for CRC in both groups, as well as in their first-degree relatives. RESULTS:The prevalence of CRC was similar between patients with confirmed serrated polyposis and multiple serrated polyps (odds ratio, 1.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.64-2.82; P = .40). The SIR for CRC in patients with serrated polyposis (0.51; 95% CI, 0.01-2.82) did not differ significantly from the SIR for CRC in patients with multiple serrated polyps (0.74; 95% CI, 0.20-1.90; P = .70). The SIR for CRC also did not differ significantly between first-degree relatives of these groups (serrated polyposis: 3.28, 95% CI, 2.16-4.77; multiple serrated polyps: 2.79, 95% CI, 2.10-3.63; P = .50). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed no differences in the incidence of CRC between groups during the follow-up period (log-rank, 0.6). CONCLUSIONS:The risk of CRC in patients with multiple serrated polyps who do not meet the criteria for serrated polyposis, and in their first-degree relatives, is similar to that of patients diagnosed with serrated polyposis.
High-quality Bowel Preparation Is Required for Detection of Sessile Serrated Polyps.
Clark Brian T,Laine Loren
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
BACKGROUND & AIMS:The effect of bowel preparation quality has been well-characterized for detection of adenomas but not for detection of sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSPs). We performed a prospective study to determine proportions of patients in whom SSPs were detected at different levels of bowel preparation quality, using common validated scoring systems. METHODS:Our study enrolled 749 male veterans 50-75 years old undergoing screening or surveillance colonoscopy. Proportions of patients in whom SSP were detected were calculated for each level of preparation quality based on the Aronchick scale (poor = low quality, fair = intermediate quality, and good or excellent = high quality) and the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS; scores of 0-3 for right, transverse, and left colon segments). We compared SSP detection among different levels of preparation quality using multivariate logistic regression, adjusting for age, indication, and endoscopist. Our primary hypothesis was that SSP detection would not be significantly lower with intermediate-quality than with high-quality preparations. RESULTS:SSPs were detected in a significantly smaller proportion of patients with intermediate-quality preparation than high-quality preparation, for the entire colon (4.6% vs 12.0%; odds ratio [OR], 0.37; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.15-0.87) and right colon (1.5% vs 7.9%; OR, 0.19; 95% CI, 0.05-0.81). SSPs were detected in smaller proportions of patients with total colon BBPS scores <7 than in patients with BBPS scores of 7-9 (4.7% vs 12.6%; OR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.19-0.67). SSPs were detected in right colons of a smaller percentage of patients with BBPS scores of 2 than scores of 3 (4.7% vs 9.5%; OR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.26-0.94). CONCLUSIONS:Any bowel preparation quality below high quality is associated with a significant decrease in the detection of SSPs. Although intermediate-quality preparation and BBPS segment scores of 2 seem to be adequate for detection of adenomas, these levels of preparation quality may not be adequate for detection of SSPs.
Race, ethnicity, and sex affect risk for polyps >9 mm in average-risk individuals.
Lieberman David A,Williams J Lucas,Holub Jennifer L,Morris Cynthia D,Logan Judith R,Eisen Glenn M,Carney Patricia
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Colorectal cancer risk differs based on patient demographics. We aimed to measure the prevalence of significant colorectal polyps in average-risk individuals and to determine differences based on age, sex, race, or ethnicity. METHODS:In a prospective study, colonoscopy data were collected, using an endoscopic report generator, from 327,785 average-risk adults who underwent colorectal cancer screening at 84 gastrointestinal practice sites from 2000 to 2011. Demographic characteristics included age, sex, race, and ethnicity. The primary outcome was the presence of suspected malignancy or large polyp(s) >9 mm. The benchmark risk for age to initiate screening was based on white men, 50-54 years old. RESULTS:Risk of large polyps and tumors increased progressively in men and women with age. Women had lower risks than men in every age group, regardless of race. Blacks had higher risk than whites from ages 50 through 65 years and Hispanics had lower risk than whites from ages 50 through 80 years. The prevalence of large polyps was 6.2% in white men 50-54 years old. The risk was similar among the groups of white women 65-69 years old, black women 55-59 years old, black men 50-54 years old, Hispanic women 70-74 years old, and Hispanic men 55-59 years old. The risk of proximal large polyps increased with age, female sex, and black race. CONCLUSIONS:There are differences in the prevalence and location of large polyps and tumors in average-risk individuals based on age, sex, race, and ethnicity. These findings could be used to select ages at which specific groups should begin colorectal cancer screening.
Improving complete EMR of colorectal neoplasia: a randomized trial comparing snares and injectate in the resection of large sessile colon polyps.
Woodward Timothy,Crook Julia E,Raimondo Massimo,Wallace Michael
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND:There are few randomized studies examining efficacy of snares and agents in EMR. OBJECTIVE:To compare the use of a combined needle and snare unit with injectate versus a spiral wire and injectate (primary); saline solution versus hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (secondary). DESIGN:Prospective, randomized, factorial, single center. SETTING:Tertiary-care academic medical center. PATIENTS:A total of 140 patients with large (>15 mm), sessile, colorectal polyps. INTERVENTIONS:Polyps randomized to either 1 of 2 snare types and 1 of 2 injectates. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS:Primary-the Sydney resection quotient (SRQ), defined as the size of the polyp divided by the number of pieces resected and the amount of tissue per snare attempt. Secondary-procedure time, adverse events, residual neoplasia at follow-up. RESULTS:The SRQ was higher with the combined unit (median 13.8 mm vs 7.1 mm; P = .019); additionally, procedure time was less (median 6 vs 11 minutes; P < .001). Resection was considered complete after the EMR in 62% (42/68) with the combined needle and snare unit versus 51% (37/72; P = .22) with the spiral wire. Rates of adverse events were similar. Residual neoplasia was found at follow-up in 22% (10/46) with the combined needle and snare unit versus 21% (10/48; P = .89) with the spiral wire. There was no evidence of differences in outcomes by lifting agent. LIMITATIONS:The SRQ is only a surrogate marker. CONCLUSION:This study provides evidence that the integrated needle-snare may be superior to the snare alone for the removal of large, flat polyps. Additionally, the type of injectate appears to have no impact on outcome.
High fat diet-induced obesity increases the formation of colon polyps induced by azoxymethane in mice.
Chen Jiezhong,Huang Xu-Feng
Annals of translational medicine
BACKGROUND:Obesity has been found to be associated with colon cancer. However, the mechanism of this relationship is unclear and thus a good animal model is required. Our previous research showed that some mice developed diet-induced obesity (DIO) whilst others were diet-resistant (DR) when fed a high-fat diet. METHODS:In the present study, we have tested the effects of a high-fat diet on the formation of colon polyps induced by azoxymethane (AOM) in both DIO and DR mice. RESULTS:We found that the DIO mice have developed 2.5 times of polyps compared to the DR mice (P<0.05) and 3.4 times of polyps compared to the low fat fed mice (P<0.05). Although the DR mice tended to have more polyps than the low-fat diet fed mice, this was not statistically significant. The DIO mice could have an increased polyp formation due to obesity-related cancer risk factors and different gene expression from DR mice. CONCLUSIONS:DIO mice could be used as an appropriate model for studying obesity-associated colon cancer; however DR mice are not suitable because they don't show any significant weight gains to indicate obesity.
Higher prevalence of colon polyps in patients with Barrett's esophagus: a case-control study.
Kumaravel Arthi,Thota Prashanthi N,Lee Hyun-Ju,Gohel Tushar,Kanadiya Mehulkumar K,Lopez Rocio,Sanaka Madhusudhan R
Gastroenterology report
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Barrett's esophagus (BE) and colorectal neoplasms share similar risk factors. Previous studies have shown variable prevalence of colon polyps in patients with BE. Our aims were to determine the prevalence and incidence of colon polyps in patients with BE, compared to those without BE. METHODS:In this case-control study, the study group included patients, aged 50-75 years, with biopsy-proven BE, who underwent colonoscopy at Cleveland Clinic from January 2002 to December 2011. The control group consisted of age- and sex-matched patients who underwent colonoscopy and also an endoscopy with no evidence of BE during the same time period. Exclusion criteria for both groups were family- or personal previous history of colon cancer or polyps, prior colonic resection, inflammatory bowel disease and familial polyposis syndromes. Patient demographics, comorbidities, medication use and endoscopic and colonoscopic details were collected, including biopsy results. RESULTS:A total of 519 patients were included in the study; 173 patients with BE in the study group and 346 without BE in the control group. Mean age at index colonoscopy was 61 ± 8 years and 75% of patients were male. On index colonoscopy, patients with BE were more likely to have polyps than controls (45% vs 32%, respectively; P = 0.003). Patients underwent between one and five colonoscopies during the follow-up. On multivariate analysis-after adjusting for age, gender and diabetes-patients with BE were 80% more likely to have any type of polyp, and 50% more likely to have adenomas found during colonoscopy. CONCLUSIONS:Patients with BE had higher prevalence and incidence of colon polyps. This has important clinical implications for screening and surveillance in BE patients.
A Historical Perspective and Exposé on Serrated Polyps of the Colorectum.
Choi Eun-Young Karen,Appelman Henry D
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine
This article offers a historical perspective on the discovery of 3 types of serrated colorectal polyps recognized in the past 60 years. The first to be discovered was the hyperplastic polyp, which is still the most commonly encountered serrated polyp. In the past 20 years, the carcinoma-associated sessile serrated adenoma/polyp has been recognized, but its diagnosis can be difficult owing to overlapping histologic features with hyperplastic polyps. Less is known about the third type, the traditional serrated adenoma, because it is far less common than the other 2 types, and its association with cancer is currently under investigation.
Applying simple linear combination, multiple logistic and factor analysis methods for candidate fecal bacteria as novel biomarkers for early detection of adenomatous polyps and colon cancer.
Rezasoltani Sama,Sharafkhah Maryam,Asadzadeh Aghdaei Hamid,Nazemalhosseini Mojarad Ehsan,Dabiri Hossein,Akhavan Sepahi Abbas,Modarressi Mohammad Hossein,Feizabadi Mohammad Mehdi,Zali Mohammad Reza
Journal of microbiological methods
BACKGROUND:Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cause of cancer, and presents a considerable disease burden, worldwide. Recently, the gut microbiota has been proposed as a potential risk factor for CRC, and even adenomatous polyps (AP). Here, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of selected gut bacteria as fecal bacterial biomarkers, in early detection of CRC and AP. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Fecal samples (n = 93) were collected from Taleghani Hospital, Tehran, Iran, between 2015 and 2017, from normal controls (NC), AP cases and CRC stage I patients, who were undergoing screening for colonoscopy. Absolute quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) assays were established for the quantification of bacterial marker candidates, in all cases and control groups. In order to evaluate the diagnostic value of bacterial candidates in distinguishing CRC from a polyp, receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was performed. Multiple logistic regressions were used to find the best combinations of the bacterial candidates, then, combinations were analyzed based on three methods, including linear combination, multiple logistic and factor analysis models. RESULTS:According to the logistic model, combination of Fusobacterium nucleatum, Enterococcus feacalis, Streptococcus bovis, Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF) and Porphyromonas spp. showed improved diagnostic performance, compared to each bacterium alone, as area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) increases to 0.97, with 95% confidence interval. It was found that a simple linear combination was an appropriate model for discriminating AP and CRC cases, compared to the NC, with a sensitivity of 91.4% and specificity of 93.5%. CONCLUSION:Our results indicated that based on fecal bacterial candidates, statistical simple linear combination model and ROC curve analysis, early detection of AP and CRC might be possible.
Polypectomy versus surgery in early colon cancer: size and location of colon cancer affect long-term survival.
Gangireddy Venu Gopala Reddy,Coleman Teresa,Kanneganti Praveen,Talla Swathi,Annapureddy Amarnath Reddy,Amin Rajan,Parikh Samip
International journal of colorectal disease
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:The colon cancer survival rate is significantly affected by location, stage, and size of the cancer. Polypectomy was shown be as equally effective as surgery in early-stage colon cancer, but there have been no established clinical guidelines in the management of colon cancer based on the size of the polyp or the tumor location. The aim of our study was to assess the early-stage colon cancer-specific survival rate in patients who underwent endoscopic polypectomy versus surgery, based on size and location of tumor in early-stage colon cancer. METHODS:This is a population-based nationwide study in the USA. RESULTS:Of 13,157 patients, 15.5% underwent endoscopic treatment and 84.5% underwent surgical therapy. For early cancer tumors located in the left colon, polypectomy yielded comparable 5-year survivals to surgery irrespective of size of the tumors. Five-year early cancer-specific survivals were similar for tumors located in the right colon that were < 20 mm in size (94.5 vs 94.3%, p value = 0.94). However, tumors > 20 mm in size that were located in the right colon had better survivals when treated surgically compared to those treated with polypectomy (20-39 mm: 91.8 vs 74.2%; ≥ 40 mm: 92.4 vs 60%, both p values < 0.01). Similar results were obtained on propensity score analysis. CONCLUSIONS:Polypectomy was as effective as surgical therapy for small tumors. For larger tumors, surgical therapy is better than polypectomy for right-sided tumors, but both are equally effective for left-sided tumors.
Aspects of dietary carbohydrate intake are not related to risk of colorectal polyps in the Tennessee Colorectal Polyp Study.
Cancer causes & control : CCC
PURPOSE:High digestible carbohydrate intakes can induce hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia and collectively have been implicated in colorectal tumor development. Our aim was to explore the association between aspects of dietary carbohydrate intake and risk of colorectal adenomas and hyperplastic polyps in a large case-control study. METHODS:Colorectal polyp cases (n = 1,315 adenomas only, n = 566 hyperplastic polyps only and n = 394 both) and controls (n = 3,184) undergoing colonoscopy were recruited between 2003 and 2010 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Dietary intakes were estimated by a 108-item food frequency questionnaire. Unconditional logistic regression analysis was applied to determine odds ratios (OR) and corresponding 95 % confidence intervals (CI) for colorectal polyps according to dietary carbohydrate intakes, after adjustment for potential confounders. RESULTS:No significant associations were detected for risk of colorectal adenomas when comparing the highest versus lowest quartiles of intake for total sugars (OR 1.03; 95 % CI 0.84-1.26), starch (OR 1.01; 95 % CI 0.81-1.26), total or available carbohydrate intakes. Similar null associations were observed between dietary carbohydrate intakes and risk of hyperplastic polyps, or concurrent adenomas and hyperplastic polyps. CONCLUSION:In this US population, digestible carbohydrate intakes were not associated with risk of colorectal polyps, suggesting that dietary carbohydrate does not have an etiological role in the early stages of colorectal carcinogenesis.
Large Sessile Serrated Polyps Can Be Safely and Effectively Removed by Endoscopic Mucosal Resection.
Rao Aarti K,Soetikno Roy,Raju Gottumukkala S,Lum Phillip,Rouse Robert V,Sato Tohru,Titzer-Schwarzl Diane,Aisenberg James,Kaltenbach Tonya
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
BACKGROUND & AIMS:As many as 50% of large sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSPs) are removed incompletely, which is significant because SSPs have been implicated in the development of interval cancers. It is unclear if endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is an optimal method for removal of SSPs. We assessed the efficacy and safety of removal of SSPs 10 mm and larger using a standardized inject-and-cut EMR technique. METHODS:We performed a retrospective analysis of colonoscopy data, collected over 7 years (2007-2013) at 2 centers, from 199 patients with proximal colon SSPs 10 mm and larger (251 polyps) removed by EMR by 4 endoscopists. The primary outcome measure was local recurrence. The secondary outcome measure was safety. RESULTS:At the index colonoscopy, patients had a median of 1 serrated lesion (range, 1-12) and 1 nonserrated neoplastic lesion (range, 0-15). The mean SSP size was 15.9 ± 5.3 mm; most were superficially elevated (84.5%) and located in the ascending colon (51%), and 3 SSPs (1.2%) had dysplasia. Surveillance colonoscopies were performed on 138 patients (69.3%) over a mean follow-up period of 25.5 ± 17.4 months. Of these patients, 5 had local recurrences (3.6%; 95% confidence interval, 0.5%-6.7%), detected after 17.8 ± 15.4 months, with a median size of 4 mm. No patients developed postprocedural bleeding, perforation, or advanced colon cancer, or had a death related to the index colorectal lesion during the study period. CONCLUSIONS:Inject-and-cut EMR is a safe and effective technique for the resection of SSPs. Less than 5% of patients have a local recurrence, which is usually small and can be treated endoscopically.
Prophylactic endoscopic coagulation to prevent bleeding after wide-field endoscopic mucosal resection of large sessile colon polyps.
Bahin Farzan F,Naidoo Mahendra,Williams Stephen J,Hourigan Luke F,Ormonde Donald G,Raftopoulos Spiro C,Holt Bronte A,Sonson Rebecca,Bourke Michael J
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Clinically significant postendoscopic mucosal resection bleeding (CSPEB) is the most frequent significant complication of wide-field endoscopic mucosal resection (WF-EMR) of advanced mucosal neoplasia (sessile or laterally spreading colorectal lesions > 20 mm). CSPEB requires resource-intensive management and there is no strategy for preventing it. We investigated whether prophylactic endoscopic coagulation (PEC) reduces the incidence of CSPEB. METHODS:We performed a prospective randomized controlled trial of 347 patients (mean age, 67.1 y; 55.3% with proximal colonic lesions) undergoing WF-EMR for advanced mucosal neoplasia at 3 Australian tertiary referral centers. Patients were assigned randomly (1:1) to groups receiving PEC (n = 172) or no additional therapy (n = 175, controls). PEC was performed with coagulating forceps, applying low-power coagulation to nonbleeding vessels in the resection defect. CSPEB was defined as bleeding requiring admission to the hospital. The primary end point was the proportion of CSPEB. RESULTS:Patients in each group were similar at baseline. CSPEB occurred in 9 patients receiving PEC (5.2%) and 14 controls (8.0%; P = .30). CSPEB was associated significantly with proximal colonic location on multivariate analysis (odds ratio, 3.08; P = .03). Compared with the proximal colon, there was a significantly greater number (3.8 vs 2.1; P = .002) and mean size (0.5-1 vs 0.3-0.5 mm; P = .04) of visible vessels in the distal colon. CONCLUSIONS:PEC does not significantly decrease the incidence of CSPEB after WF-EMR. There were significantly more and larger vessels in the WF-EMR mucosal defect of distal colonic lesions, yet CSPEB was more frequent with proximal colonic lesions. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01368731.
Multiple behavioral factors are associated with occurrence of large, flat colorectal polyps.
Zhan Tianzuo,Hahn Felix,Hielscher Thomas,Bilge Asmé,Grüger Jürgen,Weers Jürgen,Betge Johannes,Gaiser Timo,Kähler Georg,Ebert Matthias P,Belle Sebastian
International journal of colorectal disease
PURPOSE:The prevalence of advanced dysplasia and synchronous lesions is particularly high in patients with large, flat colorectal polyps. However, the impact of lifestyle on the development of such polyps is poorly investigated. Hence, this study aims to identify associations between behavioral factors and the occurrence of large, flat colorectal polyps. METHODS:Behavioral factors were retrospectively analyzed in patients with large, flat polyps and control patients with at most one diminutive polyp. Information on lifestyle factors, comorbidities, and demographic parameters were determined by a structured, self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS:Questionnaires of 350 patients with large, flat polyps and 489 control patients were included in the analysis. Most large, flat colorectal polyps contained adenoma with low-grade neoplasia and were located in the right colon. Multivariate analysis showed that advanced age (per 1-year increase-OR 1.09, CI 1.07-1.11, p < 0.0001), frequent cigarette smoking (OR 2.04, CI 1.25-3.32, p = 0.0041), daily consumption of red meat (OR 3.61, CI 1.00-12.96, p = 0.0492), and frequent bowel movements (OR 1.62, CI 1.13-2.33, p = 0.0093) were independent risk factors for occurrence of large, flat colorectal polyps. In contrast, frequent intake of cereals (OR 0.62, CI 0.44-0.88, p = 0.0074) was associated with a reduced risk. CONCLUSION:Multiple behavioral factors modulate the risk for developing large, flat colorectal polyps. This knowledge can be used to improve prevention of colorectal cancer.
Colonoscopy Identifies Increased Prevalence of Large Polyps or Tumors in Patients 40-49 Years Old With Hematochezia vs Other Gastrointestinal Indications.
Saks Karen,Enestvedt Brintha K,Holub Jennifer L,Lieberman David
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
BACKGROUND & AIMS:There is an unclear role for colonoscopy in the evaluation of symptomatic individuals younger than 50 years old. We aimed to determine the prevalence of large polyps (>9 mm) or tumors in individuals 40 to 49 years old who underwent colonoscopy for various signs and symptoms, and compare the results with those from average-risk individuals ages 50 to 54 years who underwent screening colonoscopy. METHODS:We collected data from a national endoscopy database, from 2000 through 2012, and identified patients 40 to 49 years old who underwent colonoscopy for bleeding and nonbleeding indications. The prevalence of large polyps (>9 mm) or tumors was compared with the prevalence in a reference group (n = 99,713 average-risk individuals ages 50-54 undergoing screening colonoscopy). RESULTS:A total of 65,892 patients ages 40 to 49 years underwent colonoscopy for a variety of indications. Significantly larger proportions of male and female patients with hematochezia without anemia or iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) had large polyps or tumors (7.2%) compared with the reference group (men, 7.2% vs 6.2%; P = .0001; and women, 5.5% vs 4.1%; P < .0001). Patients with weight loss, anemia or IDA, or hematochezia with anemia or IDA did not have a significantly higher prevalence of large polyps or tumors than the reference group. Significantly lower proportions of patients with general gastrointestinal symptoms (pain, bloating, or change in bowel habits) had advanced neoplasia compared with the reference group (men, 3.9% vs 6.2%; P < .0001; and women, 2.7% vs 4.1%; P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS:An analysis of a national endoscopy database supports the role of colonoscopy to evaluate hematochezia in patients 40 to 49 years old. A lower proportion of patients with anemia, weight loss, and general abdominal symptoms had large polyps or tumors compared with average-risk patients 50 to 54 years old. A significantly lower proportion of patients younger than 50 years with general gastrointestinal symptoms had large polyps-these patients are therefore less likely to benefit from colonoscopy.
Association between the ulcer status and the risk of delayed bleeding after the endoscopic mucosal resection of colon.
Kim Gwang-Un,Seo Myeongsook,Song Eun Mi,Hwang Sung Wook,Park Sang Hyoung,Yang Dong-Hoon,Byeon Jeong-Sik
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology
BACKGROUND AND AIM:Bleeding is the most common adverse event following colonoscopic endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). We aimed to assess the clinical outcomes of a colon EMR according to the post-EMR ulcer status and determine the risk factors of delayed postpolypectomy bleeding (DPPB) based on the post-EMR ulcer status. METHODS:The medical records and endoscopic images of patients who underwent EMR of colon polyps with diameters of ≥ 5 mm were retrospectively reviewed by us. If any exposed vessels were observed on the post-EMR ulcer, the types of exposed vessels were classified into cut and uncut vessels. The coagulation injuries on the post-EMR ulcer were categorized as grades 1, 2, or 3. RESULTS:In total, 505 patients with 728 polyps were examined. Exposed vessels were present in 416 post-EMR ulcers, including cut vessels in 11 (1.5%) and uncut vessels in 405 (55.6%). With regard to coagulation injury, 113 (15.5%), 443 (60.9%), and 172 (23.6%) post-EMR ulcers had grades 1, 2, and 3 injuries, respectively. DPPB was observed in 20 lesions (2.7%). Multivariate analysis indicated that a polyp size > 10 mm (odds ratio [OR], 3.354; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.229-9.154), cut vessels (OR, 18.913; 95% CI, 3.106-115.187), and grade 3 coagulation injury (OR, 16.796; 95% CI, 1.825-154.556) were associated with DPPB. CONCLUSIONS:Cut vessels and severe coagulation injury on post-EMR ulcers, as well as larger polyp size, are risk factors for DPPB. Careful inspection of post-EMR ulcers and prophylactic hemostasis, if necessary, may improve the clinical outcomes of colonoscopic EMR.
Additional Thirty Seconds Observation with Linked Color Imaging Improves Detection of Missed Polyps in the Right-Sided Colon.
Yoshida Naohisa,Inada Yutaka,Yasuda Ritsu,Murakami Takaaki,Hirose Ryohei,Inoue Ken,Dohi Osamu,Naito Yuji,Ogiso Kiyoshi,Morinaga Yukiko,Kishimoto Mitsuo,Konishi Eiichi,Itoh Yoshito
Gastroenterology research and practice
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Missed polyps are a pitfall of colonoscopy. In this study, we analyzed the efficacy of an additional 30 seconds observation using linked color imaging (LCI) for detecting adenoma and sessile serrated adenoma/polyp (SSA/P). MATERIALS AND METHODS:We enrolled patients undergoing colonoscopy from February to October 2017 in two institutions. In all patients, the cecum and ascending colon were observed with white light imaging (WLI) first. The colonoscope was inserted again, and the cecum and ascending colon were observed for an additional 30 seconds using either LCI or WLI. The method for the 30 sec observation was to insufflate the cecum and ascending colon sufficiently and observe them in a distant view, because the length of the second observation was determined to be precisely 30 sec. For the second observation, LCI was performed for the first 65 patients and WLI for the next 65. Adenoma and SSA/P detection rate (ASDR) in the second observation were examined in both groups. According to a pilot study, the sample size was estimated 65. RESULTS:In the first observation, ASDR were 30.7% in the LCI group and 32.2% in the WLI group ( = 0.85). For the second observation, 13 polyps were detected in the LCI group and 5 polyps in the WLI group ( = 0.04). Additionally, ASDR for the second observation were 18.5% and 6.1%, respectively ( = 0.03). There were no significant differences between the LCI and WLI groups with respect to morphology (ratio of polypoid) (38.5% versus 60.0%, = 0.52) and histology (ratio of adenoma) (92.3% versus 100.0%, = 0.91). Total adenoma and SSA/P number were 48 in the LCI group and 36 in the WLI group ( = 0.02). CONCLUSION:The 30 seconds additional observation with LCI improved the detection of adenoma and SSA/P in the right-sided colon.
Associations among pericolonic fat, visceral fat, and colorectal polyps on CT colonography.
Liu Jiamin,Pattanaik Sanket,Yao Jianhua,Dwyer Andrew J,Pickhardt Perry J,Choi J Richard,Summers Ronald M
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)
OBJECTIVE:To determine the association between pericolonic fat and colorectal polyps using CT colonography (CTC). METHODS:A total of 1169 patients who underwent CTC and optical colonoscopy on the same day were assessed. Pericolonic fat was measured on CTC in a band surrounding the colon. Visceral adipose tissue volume was measured at the L2-L3 levels. Student's t-tests, odds ratio, logistic regression, binomial statistics, and weighted kappa were performed to ascertain associations with the incidence of colorectal polyps. RESULTS:Pericolonic fat volume fractions (PFVF) were 61.5 ± 11.0% versus 58.1 ± 11.5%, 61.6 ± 11.1% versus 58.7 ± 11.5%, and 62.4 ± 10.6% versus 58.8 ± 11.5% for patients with and without any polyps, adenomatous polyps, and hyperplastic polyps, respectively (P<0.0001). Similar trends were observed when examining visceral fat volume fractions (VFVF). When patients were ordered by quintiles of PFVF or VFVF, there were 2.49-, 2.19-, and 2.39-fold increases in odds ratio for the presence of any polyp, adenomatous polyps, or hyperplastic polyps from the first to the fifth quintile for PFVF and 1.92-, 2.00-, and 1.71-fold increases in odds ratio for VFVF. Polyps tended to occur more commonly in parts of the colon that had more PFVF than the spatially adjusted average for patients in the highest quintile of VFVF. CONCLUSIONS:Pericolonic fat accumulations, like visceral fat, are correlated with an increased risk of adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps.
Cold EMR of large sessile serrated polyps at colonoscopy (with video).
Tutticci Nicholas J,Hewett David G
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:The optimal technique for the resection of sessile serrated polyps (SSPs) is unknown, with established limitations and risks with conventional polypectomy. Although cold snare polypectomy is safe, the efficacy of piecemeal resection for large lesions is untested. In this study we evaluate the safety and efficacy of cold EMR for large SSPs. METHODS:Patients presenting for elective colonoscopy at an academic endoscopy center with 1 or more SSPs ≥10 mm in size were enrolled, excluding those on anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy other than aspirin. Lesions were resected with a cold EMR technique comprising submucosal injection of succinylated gelatin and dilute methylene blue before piecemeal cold snare resection of all visible polyp with a margin of normal tissue. Outcomes were the presence of residual serrated neoplasia in biopsy specimens from the defect margin and findings on surveillance colonoscopy. RESULTS:Cold EMR was performed on 163 SSPs during 105 procedures in 99 patients (97% women; median age, 57 years). The mean size was 17.5 mm: 61 SSPs were ≥20 mm and 13 SSPs ≥30 mm, and 97.5% were in the proximal colon. Cytologic dysplasia was present in 2 (1.2%). Margin biopsy specimens were positive in 2 lesions (1.2%). Surveillance colonoscopy for 82% of lesions (median, 5 months) showed residual serrated tissue in 1, treated with cold snare, but no evidence of recurrence in the remainder. Minor adverse events were seen in 3 patients; no delayed bleeding was observed. CONCLUSIONS:Cold EMR is a safe and effective method for the removal of large SSPs.
The ethnic distribution of sessile serrated polyps in the United States is inversely associated with Helicobacter pylori prevalence.
Sonnenberg A,Turner K O,Genta R M
Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
AIM:Little is known about the epidemiology of sessile serrated polyps (SSP). Our study aimed to investigate the influence of Helicobacter pylori gastritis and patient demographic characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity) on the prevalence of SSP using a large national database of patients undergoing bi-directional endoscopy. METHOD:De-identified patient data were extracted from the Miraca Life Sciences electronic database of histopathological reports. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, the influence of H. pylori gastritis and demographic characteristics on the occurrence of SSP were expressed as odds ratios (OR) with their 95% confidence intervals (CI). RESULTS:The total study population comprised 228 506 subjects, of whom 28 890 carried a diagnosis of H. pylori gastritis and 11 285 SSP. Age (OR 4.35, 95% CI: 3.82-4.96), female gender (0.92, 0.88-0.95) and H. pylori gastritis (0.94, 0.88-0.99) exerted the strongest influence on the occurrence of SSP. In comparison with the population comprising Caucasians and African Americans, SSP were less common among subjects of Hispanic (0.67, 0.62-0.73), East Asian (0.59, 0.50-0.69), Indian (0.43, 0.27-0.64) or Middle Eastern descent (0.61, 0.41-0.87). All these ethnic subgroups were also characterized by a higher prevalence of H. pylori than the comparison group. A low prevalence of H. pylori was significantly associated with a high prevalence of SSP (R = 0.82, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION:The prevalence of SSP within the United States is characterized by a marked ethnic variation. The inverse correlation between the prevalence of H. pylori and SSP suggests that gastric infection with H. pylori may be partly responsible for the observed ethnic distribution of SSP.
Risk Factors for Delayed Hemorrhage after Colonic Endoscopic Mucosal Resection in Patients Not on Antithrombotic Therapy: Retrospective Analysis of 3,844 Polyps of 1,660 Patients.
Tsuruta Sanae,Tominaga Naoyuki,Ogata Shinichi,Tsuruoka Nanae,Sakata Yasuhisa,Shimoda Ryo,Eguchi Yuichiro,Anzai Keizo,Hara Megumi,Fujimoto Kazuma
BACKGROUND/AIMS:Colonic endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is safe for patients without antithrombotic therapy; however, EMR is associated with several risks. This study was performed to evaluate the risk of delayed hemorrhage in patients undergoing EMR without antithrombotic therapy. METHODS:In the present retrospective single-center study, 1,792 patients without antithrombotic therapy underwent colonic EMR from March 2012 to December 2016 at the Saga Medical Centre Koseikan. Risk factors were evaluated with respect to patient and lesion characteristics, the endoscopist's experience, and preventive hemoclips. Delayed hemorrhage was defined as bleeding for which emergency endoscopic hemostasis was applied >24 h after EMR. RESULTS:Among the 1,792 patients, 1,660 with 3,844 tumors were evaluated. Delayed hemorrhage occurred in 43 patients (2.6%) and 46 polyps (1.2%). Preventive hemoclips were applied in 996 patients (60.0%). Univariate analysis indicated that delayed hemorrhage occurred more frequently in young patients (3-39 years, p < 0.001, 40-59 years, p = 0.005) compared to > 60 years and in association with large polyps (> 10 mm, p = 0.003), hemoclip (p = 0.019), and pedunculated polyps (p = 0.024). Multivariate analysis indicated that risk factors for hemorrhage were young age (age of 3-39 years p < 0.001, 40-59 years, p = 0.005) and large polyps (> 10 mm, p < 0.001). The risk of delayed hemorrhage was increased by an estimated 8% with a 1-mm increase in polyp size. CONCLUSION:The present study suggests that young age (under 60 years old) and large polyp size are risk factors for causing delayed hemorrhage after colonic EMR in patients without antithrombotic therapy.
A randomized study on the effectiveness of prophylactic clipping during endoscopic resection of colon polyps for the prevention of delayed bleeding.
Dokoshi Tatsuya,Fujiya Mikihiro,Tanaka Kazuyuki,Sakatani Aki,Inaba Yuhei,Ueno Nobuhiro,Kashima Shin,Goto Takuma,Sasajima Junpei,Tominaga Motoya,Ito Takahiro,Moriichi Kentaro,Tanabe Hiroki,Ikuta Katsuya,Ohtake Takaaki,Kohgo Yutaka
BioMed research international
BACKGROUNDS:The efficacy of clipping for preventing the delayed bleeding after the removal of colon polyps is still controversial. In order to clarify this efficacy, a randomized controlled study was performed. METHODS:One hundred and fifty-six patients with colon neoplasms (288 lesions) were enrolled in the study. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: clipping or nonclipping groups using a sealed envelope method before the endoscopic resections. Eight specialists and nine residents were invited to perform this procedure. The risk factors and the rates of delayed bleeding after the endoscopic resections in each group were investigated. RESULTS:There were no significant differences in the bleeding rate between the clipping and nonclipping groups, while the length of the procedure was significantly longer and the cost was higher in the clipping group than in the nonclipping group. The rate of bleeding was significantly higher in cases with polyps 2 cm or larger and with a longer procedure time, while none of the other factors affected the bleeding rate. CONCLUSIONS:This randomized controlled study revealed no significant effect of prophylactic clipping for preventing delayed bleeding after the endoscopic resection of colon polyps.
Correlation between Colon Polyps and Metabolic Syndrome and HP Infection Status.
Gastroenterology research and practice
BACKGROUND:This study investigated the relationships among the characteristics of colon polyps and potential risk factors, including metabolic condition, CEA level, uric acid level, and (Hp) infection status. METHOD:Clinical data from patients who received colonoscopy were collected and analyzed, including patients' gender, age, polyp pathology, metabolic syndrome (MS) status, CEA level, uric acid level, and Hp infection status. Patients were divided into a polyp group and a control group based on whether they presented with colon polyps. Then, clinical data were compared between the two groups to identify any differences between the groups and their relationships to colon polyps. RESULT:Compared with the control group, the polyp group had significant differences in patient gender, body mass index (BMI), waistline, blood pressure, fasting blood glucose level, blood lipid level, and uric acid level ( < 0.05), but there were no significant differences in LDL and CEA levels ( > 0.05). Patients with MS or a uric acid level > 340 mg/dl had a greater tendency to develop colon polyps but this was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION:The incidence of colon polyps may be associated with MS and uric acid levels, but further studies are warranted to confirm this conclusion.
Smoking and Other Risk Factors in Individuals With Synchronous Conventional High-Risk Adenomas and Clinically Significant Serrated Polyps.
Anderson Joseph C,Calderwood Audrey H,Christensen Brock C,Robinson Christina M,Amos Christopher I,Butterly Lynn
The American journal of gastroenterology
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Serrated polyps (SPs) and conventional high-risk adenomas (HRAs) derive from two distinct biological pathways but can also occur synchronously. Adults with synchronous SPs and adenomas have been shown to be a high-risk group and may have a unique risk factor profile that differs from adults with conventional HRAs alone. We used the population-based New Hampshire Colonoscopy Registry (NHCR) to examine the risk profile of individuals with synchronous conventional HRAs and SPs. METHODS:Our study population included 20,281 first time screening colonoscopies from asymptomatic NHCR participants 40 years or older between 2004-15. Exams were categorized by findings: (1) normal, (2) HRA only (adenomas ≥ 1 cm, villous, high grade dysplasia, multiple adenomas ( > 2) and adenocarcinoma), (3) clinically significant SP (CSSP) only (any hyperplastic polyp ≥ 1 cm, sessile serrated adenomas/polyps or traditional serrated adenomas), and (4) synchronous HRA + CSSP. Risk factors examined included exposure of interest, smoking (never, past, and current/pack years), as well as age, sex, alcohol, education, and family history of colorectal cancer (CRC). Multivariable unconditional logistic regression tested the relation of risk factors with having synchronous HRA + CSSP versus having a normal exam or HRA alone. RESULTS:Among NHCR participants with 18,354 screening colonoscopies (with complete smoking, sex, bowel preparation data, and adequate preparation) there were 16,495 normal; 1309 HRA alone; 461 CSSP alone, and 89 synchronous HRA + CSSP. Current smoking was associated with an almost threefold increased risk for HRA or CSSP, and an eightfold risk for synchronous HRA + CSSP (aOR = 8.66; 95% CI: 4.73-15.86) compared to normal exams. Adults with synchronous HRA + CSSP were threefold more likely to be current smokers than those with HRA alone (aOR = 3.27; 95% CI:1.74-6.16). CONCLUSIONS:Our data suggest that current smokers may be at a higher risk for synchronous CSSP + HRA even when compared to having HRA alone.
Comparison of clipping with and without epinephrine injection for the prevention of post-polypectomy bleeding in pedunculated colon polyps.
Park Yehyun,Jeon Tae Joo,Park Ji Young,Park Soo Jung,Cheon Jae Hee,Kim Tae Il,Kim Won Ho,Hong Sung Pil
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology
BACKGROUND AND AIM:Post-polypectomy bleeding (PPB) is the most common adverse event of colonoscopic polypectomy, especially in cases with large pedunculated polyps. To minimize the risk of PPB, several endoscopic preventive methods have been performed. The aim of this prospective, randomized study was to compare the rates of PPB following single (clipping alone) and combined (clipping plus epinephrine-saline injection) methods in prevention of PPB in large pedunculated polyps. METHODS:Adult patients with pedunculated colorectal polyps with heads ≥ 10 mm were prospectively enrolled from March 2011 to January 2013. Patients were randomized to receive treatment of either clips alone (group A) or clips plus injection of epinephrine-saline (group B) prior to a conventional polypectomy. PPB rate in both groups were compared. RESULTS:A total of 148 patients with 173 pedunculated colorectal polyps were enrolled. Groups A and B each had 74 patients, with 83 and 90 polyps, respectively. The mean head diameters were 17.2 ± 6.6 and 17.5 ± 6.7 mm in groups A and B, respectively (P = 0.748). Immediate PPB (IPPB) occurred in 10 cases (12.0%) from group A and 13 cases (14.4%) from group B (P = 0.64). There were no cases of delayed PPB or perforation. Multivariate analysis showed that inadequate bowel preparation and large head diameter of polyp were independent risk factors for IPPB. CONCLUSIONS:The rate of IPPB is relatively high in cases with large pedunculated polyps, but these polyps can be successfully resected by snare polypectomy following use of the single prophylactic clipping method.
Endoscopic resection is cost-effective compared with laparoscopic resection in the management of complex colon polyps: an economic analysis.
Law Ryan,Das Ananya,Gregory Dyanna,Komanduri Srinadh,Muthusamy Raman,Rastogi Amit,Vargo John,Wallace Michael B,Raju G S,Mounzer Rawad,Klapman Jason,Shah Janak,Watson Rabindra,Wilson Robert,Edmundowicz Steven A,Wani Sachin
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Endoscopic resection (ER) is an efficacious treatment for complex colon polyps (CCPs). Many patients are referred for surgical resection because of concerns over procedural safety, incomplete polyp resection, and adenoma recurrence after ER. Efficacy data for both resection strategies are widely available, but a paucity of data exist on the cost-effectiveness of each modality. The aim of this study was to perform an economic analysis comparing ER and laparoscopic resection (LR) strategies in patients with CCP. METHODS:A decision analysis tree was constructed using decision analysis software. The 2 strategies (ER vs LR) were evaluated in a hypothetical cohort of patients with CCPs. A hybrid Markov model with a 10-year time horizon was used. Patients entered the model after colonoscopic diagnosis at age 50. Under Strategy I, patients underwent ER followed by surveillance colonoscopy at 3 to 6 months and 12 months. Patients with failed ER and residual adenoma at 12 months were referred for LR. Under Strategy II, patients underwent LR as primary treatment. Patients with invasive cancer were excluded. Estimates regarding ER performance characteristics were obtained from a systematic review of published literature. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2012-2013) and the 2012 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project databases were used to determine the costs and loss of utility. We assumed that all procedures were performed with anesthesia support, and patients with adverse events in both strategies required inpatient hospitalization. Baseline estimates and costs were varied by using a sensitivity analysis through the ranges. RESULTS:LR was found to be more costly and yielded fewer quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) compared with ER. The cost of ER of a CCP was $5570 per patient and yielded 9.640 QALYs. LR of a CCP cost $18,717 per patient and yielded fewer QALYs (9.577). For LR to be more cost-effective, the thresholds of 1-way sensitivity analyses were (1) technical success of ER for complete resection in <75.8% of cases, (2) adverse event rates for ER > 12%, and (3) LR cost of <$14,000. CONCLUSIONS:Our data suggest that ER is a cost-effective strategy for removal of CCPs. The effectiveness is driven by high technical success and low adverse event rates associated with ER, in addition to the increased cost of LR.
Mediterranean dietary components are inversely associated with advanced colorectal polyps: A case-control study.
Fliss-Isakov Naomi,Kariv Revital,Webb Muriel,Ivancovsky Dana,Margalit Dana,Zelber-Sagi Shira
World journal of gastroenterology
AIM:To evaluate the association between the Mediterranean diet (MD) pattern and its components, and advanced colorectal polyps (adenoma and serrated adenoma). METHODS:A case-control study among patients undergoing screening, diagnostic or surveillance colonoscopies during 2010-2015 at the Tel-Aviv Medical Center, Gastroenterology Department. Cases with advanced polyps were defined as: Advanced adenoma [> 10 mm, with features of high grade dysplasia (HGD) or villous histology], advanced serrated adenoma (> 10 mm or with dysplasia) or multiple (≥ 3) non-advanced adenomas or serrated adenomas. Cases of non-advanced adenomas were defined as adenomas < 10 mm, without features of HGD or villous histology. Controls were defined as those without polyps at the current colonoscopy and without a history of colorectal polyps. Data collection included: anthropometrics measured according to a standardized protocol, fasting blood tests performed at the same lab, medical history recorded by a structured interview and dietary intake evaluated by a 116-item food frequency questionnaire. Adherence to the MD components was evaluated according to intake above/below the sample median, for potentially beneficial/detrimental components respectively, as accepted. RESULTS:We recruited 206 cases with advanced polyps, 192 cases with non-advanced adenoma and 385 controls. The number of adhered MD components was inversely associated with a diagnosis of advanced polyps in a dose-response manner (OR = 0.34, 95%CI: 0.17-0.65; OR = 0.22, 95%CI: 0.11-0.43; and OR = 0.18, 95%CI: 0.07-0.47 for 3-4, 5-7 and 8-10 components, respectively), but not with non-advanced adenomas (OR = 0.54, 95%CI: 0.25-1.13; OR = 0.48, 95%CI: 0.23-0.99; and OR = 0.43, 95%CI: 0.16-1.12 for 3-4, 5-7 and 8-10 components, respectively). Low intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and red meat, as well as high intake of fish, were inversely associated with advanced polyps (OR = 0.56, 95%CI: 0.36-0.87; OR = 0.63, 95%CI: 0.42-0.95; and OR = 0.66, 95%CI: 0.44-0.99, respectively), while only low intake of red meat was inversely associated with non-advanced adenomas (OR = 0.71, 95%CI: 0.49-0.97). CONCLUSION:A better adherence to the MD, specifically low intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and red meat as well as high intake of fish, is related to lower odds for advanced polyps.
The dark side of the colon: current issues surrounding the significance, prevalence, detection, diagnosis and management of serrated polyps.
Lindholm Christopher R,Anderson Joseph C,Srivastava Amitabh
Current opinion in gastroenterology
PURPOSE OF REVIEW:Hyperplastic polyps, once considered to have no malignant potential, are now recognized to be part of a larger group of polyps known as serrated polyps. Serrated polyps can progress to CRC through an epigenetic pathway known as CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP), characterized by hypermethylation of specific DNA regions such as the promoter regions of the DNA mismatch repair genes like MLH1. The CIMP pathway is tightly linked with mutations of the oncogene BRAF. There are three subtypes of serrated polyps - hyperplastic polyps, sessile serrated polyps (SSPs) and traditional serrated adenomas (TSAs). TSAs harbor cytologic dysplasia whereas hyperplastic polyps and SSPs are nondysplastic lesions. Currently, only SSPs and TSAs are believed to progress to CRC whereas hyperplastic polyps are thought to be benign with no malignant potential. This article will review the current evidence while highlighting some of the issues regarding serrated polyps. RECENT FINDINGS:One challenge has been pathologically distinguishing hyperplastic polyps from SSPs, which is an important distinction, given the potential for progression of SSPs to CRC. Other challenges regarding serrated polyps include adequate detection and resection. Surveillance guideline recommendations for some serrated polyps have been changed in current guidelines to reflect the malignant potential, recommending closer surveillance intervals than the 10-year follow-up that has been traditionally provided for hyperplastic polyps. SUMMARY:Given the difficulties in diagnosing as well as resecting, it is important for endoscopists to know how to detect, resect and manage follow-up in patients with serrated polyps.
Outcomes of surgical resections for benign colon polyps: a systematic review.
de Neree Tot Babberich Michael P M,Bronzwaer Maxime E S,Andriessen Jurr O,Bastiaansen Barbara A J,Mostafavi Nahid,Bemelman Willem A,Fockens Paul,Tanis Pieter J,Dekker Evelien
BACKGROUND:Not all benign colonic polyps are suitable for endoscopic resection, although criteria for endoscopic non-resectability vary worldwide. Clinical decision-making largely depends on endoscopic treatment options, as well as postoperative risks after surgical resection. This systematic review aimed to determine postoperative outcomes and the characteristics of surgically resected benign colonic polyps. METHODS:MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library were searched for studies investigating the outcomes of surgical resection for benign colonic polyps since 1980. Studies were considered eligible when at least one postoperative outcome (morbidity and/or mortality) was reported. Meta-analyses were conducted for the primary outcome measures (morbidity and mortality) for studies that included patients only after the year 2000. RESULTS:Of the 4210 studies retrieved, 26 studies describing 139 897 patients were included. The most common indications for surgical resection were polyp location in the right-sided colon, non-pedunculated morphology, and large polyp size. The pooled 1-month complication and mortality rates of studies that included patients after the year 2000 were 24 % (95 % confidence interval [CI] 15 % - 36 %) and 0.7 % (95 %CI 0.6 % - 0.8 %), respectively. CONCLUSION:The postoperative morbidity and mortality after colonic resection for benign polyps are substantial. Referral to an advanced interventional endoscopist should be considered before referral for surgery to evaluate the possibilities for endoscopic treatment of large, non-pedunculated, and/or colonic polyps in difficult locations without suspicion of submucosal malignant invasion.
Association Between Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer and Risk of Serrated Polyps and Conventional Adenomas.
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Serrated polyps (SPs) and conventional adenomas are precursor lesions for colorectal cancer (CRC), but they are believed to arise via distinct pathways. We characterized risk factor profiles for SPs and conventional adenomas in a post hoc analysis of data from 3 large prospective studies. METHODS:We collected data from the Nurses' Health Study, the Nurses' Health Study 2, and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study on subjects who developed SPs or conventional adenomas. Our analysis comprised 141,143 participants who had undergone lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, provided updated diet and lifestyle data every 2-4 years, and were followed until diagnosis of a first polyp. We assessed 13 risk factors for CRC in patients with SPs or conventional adenomas and examined the associations according to histopathology features. RESULTS:We documented 7945 SPs, 9212 conventional adenomas, and 2382 synchronous SPs and conventional adenomas during 18-20 years of follow-up. Smoking, body mass index, alcohol intake, family history of CRC, and height were associated with higher risk of SPs and conventional adenomas, whereas higher intake of vitamin D and marine omega-3 fatty acid were associated with lower risk. The associations tended to be stronger for synchronous SPs and conventional adenomas. Smoking, body mass index, and alcohol intake were more strongly associated with SPs than conventional adenomas (P for heterogeneity <.05), whereas physical activity and intake of total folate and calcium were inversely associated with conventional adenomas but not SPs. For SPs and conventional adenomas, the associations tended to be stronger for polyps in the distal colon and rectum, of 10 mm or larger or with advanced histology. CONCLUSIONS:In an analysis of data from 3 large prospective studies, we found that although SPs and conventional adenomas share many risk factors, some factors are more strongly associated with one type of lesion than the other. These findings provide support for the etiologic heterogeneity of colorectal neoplasia.
Histological outcomes between hot and cold snare polypectomy for small colorectal polyps.
Yamamoto Toshiki,Suzuki Sho,Kusano Chika,Yakabe Kyoko,Iwamoto Maho,Ikehara Hisatomo,Gotoda Takuji,Moriyama Mitsuhiko
Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association
BACKGROUND/AIM:To compare the complete resection rate of hot and cold snare polypectomy for small colorectal polyps. PATIENTS AND METHODS:We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 233 consecutive patients with 461 colorectal polyps up to 10 mm in diameter that were treated by hot or cold snare polypectomy between April 2014 and August 2016. Lesions treated by hot snare polypectomy (n = 137) and cold snare polypectomy (n = 324) were compared. The histological complete resection rates were evaluated between the two groups. We analyzed the relationship between factors for complete resection and clinical factors using multivariate analysis. RESULTS:There was a significantly higher complete resection rate in hot snare polypectomy than in cold snare polypectomy (70.5% vs. 47.3%; P < 0.001). In the analysis of subgroups categorized according to polyp size, the complete resection rate for hot snare polypectomy was significantly higher than that for cold snare polypectomy among polyps ≥6 mm (69.0% vs. 43.5%; P < 0.001). Among polyps ≤5 mm, no significant difference regarding the complete resection rate was observed between the methods (81.3% vs. 53.4%; P = 0.057). There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse events between the two groups. Multivariate analysis revealed that using hot snare polypectomy (odds ratio 3.03; P < 0.001), small lesion size (odds ratio 1.57; P = 0.049), and lesion location in the left colon (odds ratio 1.73; P = 0.007) were independent factors for complete resection. CONCLUSION:Hot snare polypectomy provides a higher complete resection rate than does cold snare polypectomy for larger (6-10 mm) subcentimeter colorectal polyps.
Prevalence of sessile serrated adenoma/polyp in hyperplastic-appearing diminutive rectosigmoid polyps.
Ponugoti Prasanna,Lin Jingmei,Odze Robert,Snover Dale,Kahi Charles,Rex Douglas K
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy recommends that distal colon hyperplastic lesions can be left in place without resection if adenomatous histology can be excluded with >90% negative predictive value. However, some lesions could be sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps), which is also precancerous. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of SSA/Ps in hyperplastic-appearing diminutive rectosigmoid polyps. METHODS:We prospectively placed 513 consecutive diminutive rectosigmoid polyps that appeared hyperplastic to an expert endoscopist in individual bottles for pathologic. Each polyp was examined by 3 expert GI pathologists. RESULTS:The prevalence of SSA/P in the study polyps ranged from .6% to 2.1%. The lowest negative predictive value found by the endoscopist for the combination of adenomas plus SSA/Ps was 96.7%. CONCLUSIONS:The prevalence of SSA/Ps in diminutive rectosigmoid hyperplastic-appearing polyps is very low. These results support the safety and feasibility of a "do not resect" policy for diminutive hyperplastic-appearing rectosigmoid polyps.
The association between coronary calcification and adenomatous polyps of colon in Korean adults.
Kim Hong-Bae,Lee Yong-Jae,Shim Jae-Yong,Lee Hye-Ree
Clinics and research in hepatology and gastroenterology
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:Adenomatous polyps of colon is a precancerous lesion. Many studies have shown that the adenomatous polyps of colon and cardiovascular disease share several common risk factors. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate whether coronary calcification is associated with the adenomatous polyps of colon. METHODS:Among 1637 Korean adults, we examined the association between coronary calcium score (CCS) as a measurement of coronary calcification and the presence of adenomatous polyps of colon via multi-detected row computed tomography (MDCT) and colonoscopy, respectively. CCS values were categorized as follows: 0, 1-17, 18-105, or≥106. The odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the presence of adenomatous polyps of colon were calculated across CCS groups. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS:After adjusting for confounding variables, the adjusted ORs (95% CIs) for the presence of adenomatous polyps of colon in each of the four CCS groups were 1.00 (reference), 1.44 (0.91-2.33), 1.88 (1.15-3.01) and 3.61 (2.23-5.74). And higher CCS values were associated with multiple polyps (P≤0.001), villous histologic features or high-grade dysplasia (P=0.02), and advanced adenomatous polyps (P≤0.001). A higher level of CCS was found to be strongly and independently associated with the presence of adenomatous polyps of colon in Korean adults. This finding suggests that people at high risk for coronary atherosclerosis through MDCT should be considered for further evaluation of adenomatous polyps.
Sex-influenced association of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with colorectal adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps.
Chen Qin-Fen,Zhou Xiao-Dong,Sun Yang-Jie,Fang Dan-Hong,Zhao Qian,Huang Jun-Hua,Jin Yin,Wu Jian-Sheng
World journal of gastroenterology
AIM:To investigate the relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and colorectal adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps. METHODS:A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 3686 individuals undergoing health checkups (2430 males and 1256 females). All subjects underwent laboratory testing, abdominal ultrasonography, colonoscopy, and an interview to ascertain the baseline characteristics and general state of health. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the association between NAFLD and the prevalence of colorectal adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps. Furthermore, the relationship was analyzed in different sex groups. Subgroup analysis was performed based on number, size, and location of colorectal polyps. RESULTS:The prevalence of colorectal polyps was 38.8% in males (16.2% for adenomatous polyps and 9.8% for hyperplastic polyps) and 19.3% in females (8.4% for adenomatous polyps and 3.9% for hyperplastic polyps). When adjusting for confounding variables, NAFLD was significantly associated with the prevalence of adenomatous polyps (OR = 1.28, 95%CI: 1.05-1.51, < 0.05) and hyperplastic polyps (OR = 1.35, 95%CI: 1.01-1.82, < 0.05). However, upon analyzing adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps in different sex groups, the significant association remained in males (OR = 1.53, 95%CI: 1.18-2.00, < 0.05; OR = 1.42, 95%CI: 1.04-1.95, < 0.05) but not in females (OR = 0.44, 95%CI: 0.18-1.04, > 0.05; OR = 1.18, 95%CI: 0.50-2.78, > 0.05). CONCLUSION:NAFLD is specifically associated with an increased risk of colorectal adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps in men. However, NAFLD may not be a significant factor in the prevalence of colorectal polyps in women.
Colonoscopy surveillance for high risk polyps does not always prevent colorectal cancer.
Mouchli Mohamad A,Ouk Lidia,Scheitel Marianne R,Chaudhry Alisha P,Felmlee-Devine Donna,Grill Diane E,Rashtak Shahrooz,Wang Panwen,Wang Junwen,Chaudhry Rajeev,Smyrk Thomas C,Oberg Ann L,Druliner Brooke R,Boardman Lisa A
World journal of gastroenterology
AIM:To determine the frequency and risk factors for colorectal cancer (CRC) development among individuals with resected advanced adenoma (AA)/traditional serrated adenoma (TSA)/advanced sessile serrated adenoma (ASSA). METHODS:Data was collected from medical records of 14663 subjects found to have AA, TSA, or ASSA at screening or surveillance colonoscopy. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease or known genetic predisposition for CRC were excluded from the study. Factors associated with CRC developing after endoscopic management of high risk polyps were calculated in 4610 such patients who had at least one surveillance colonoscopy within 10 years following the original polypectomy of the incident advanced polyp. RESULTS:84/4610 (1.8%) patients developed CRC at the polypectomy site within a median of 4.2 years (mean 4.89 years), and 1.2% (54/4610) developed CRC in a region distinct from the AA/TSA/ASSA resection site within a median of 5.1 years (mean 6.67 years). Approximately, 30% (25/84) of patients who developed CRC at the AA/TSA/ASSA site and 27.8% (15/54) of patients who developed CRC at another site had colonoscopy at recommended surveillance intervals. Increasing age; polyp size; male sex; right-sided location; high degree of dysplasia; higher number of polyps resected; and piecemeal removal were associated with an increased risk for CRC development at the same site as the index polyp. Increasing age; right-sided location; higher number of polyps resected and sessile endoscopic appearance of the index AA/TSA/ASSA were significantly associated with an increased risk for CRC development at a different site. CONCLUSION:Recognition that CRC may develop following AA/TSA/ASSA removal is one step toward improving our practice efficiency and preventing a portion of CRC related morbidity and mortality.
Thyroid Nodules Are More Prevalent in Subjects with Colon Polyps, Independent of Insulin Resistance.
Mousa Umut,Anil Cuneyd,Demir Canan Cicek,Bozkus Yusuf,Ozturk Kubra,Bascil Tutuncu Neslihan,Gursoy Alptekin
Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre
OBJECTIVE:Colorectal polyps and thyroid nodules are common disorders linked to hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome (Mets). The direct association between these two diseases is not clear. We aimed to analyze the prevalence of thyroid nodules in subjects with and without colorectal polyps. The secondary aim was to establish the prevalence of Mets and its parameters in both disorders and to determine if insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are common underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:One hundred and five subjects with colorectal polyps (71 males, 34 females) and 68 controls (28 males, 40 females) were enrolled. The parameters of Mets together with TSH, insulin, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and homeostasis model for assessment of insulin resistance levels were calculated. We performed thyroid ultrasonography in all participants. RESULTS:The prevalence of Mets was similar in the colorectal polyp and control groups (37.1 vs. 37.3%, p = 0.982). The prevalence of Mets was nonsignificantly higher in subjects with a documented thyroid nodule compared to subjects without a thyroid nodule (43.0 vs. 32.6%, p = 0.205). The prevalence of thyroid nodules in subjects with colorectal polyps was significantly higher than in subjects without polyps (52.9 vs. 35.3%, p = 0.017). Compared to subjects with no colorectal polyps, we established a significant increase in the odds of having thyroid nodules (OR 2.05; 95% CI: 1.097-3.860, p = 0.017). The presence of colorectal polyps and age in the adjusted model were established to be independent risk factors for having thyroid nodules (p = 0.025 and p = 0.007, respectively). CONCLUSION:These results may support the presence of other common mechanisms in the development of these two pathologies other than insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.
Association of distal hyperplastic polyps and proximal neoplastic lesions: a prospective study of 5613 subjects.
Wong Martin C S,Ching Jessica Y L,Chan Victor C W,Lam Thomas Y T,Luk Arthur K C,Wong Sunny H,Ng Siew C,Ng Simon S M,Wu Justin C Y,Chan Francis K L,Sung Joseph J Y
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Current evidence of whether distal hyperplastic polyps (HPs) are markers of proximal neoplasia (PN) is mixed. We evaluated the association between distal neoplasia and synchronous PN in asymptomatic subjects. METHODS:We recruited 5819 Chinese asymptomatic screening participants 50 to 70 years of age who underwent colonoscopy in Hong Kong from 2008 to 2014, of whom 206 subjects with distal advanced neoplasia or cancer were excluded. The association between distal pathology (tubular adenomas [TAs], HPs, no polyps) and proximal pathology (PN, proximal advanced neoplasia [PAN]) was assessed by multivariate regression models, overall and stratified by the Asia Pacific Colorectal Screening scoring system (scores of 4-7, high risk; scores of 0-3, lower risk). RESULTS:The prevalence of PN in the no distal polyps group, distal HPs group, and distal TAs group was 14.8%, 19.3%, and 29.4%, respectively. The corresponding prevalence of PAN was 1.8%, 3.2%, and 3.5%. Participants with distal HPs did not have significantly higher odds of PN (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 1.24; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.97-1.59; P = .089), and their association with PAN was marginally significant (AOR 1.77; 95% CI, 1.00-3.13; P = .052), except in lower risk subjects for whom the odds of PAN were marginally higher in the distal HPs group than the no distal polyps group (AOR 1.97; 95% CI, 1.01-3.85; P = .048). Overall, the distal polyps group had significantly lower odds of PN than the distal TAs group (AOR 0.55; 95% CI, 0.40-0.76; P < .001). The increased risk of PN and PAN among those with distal HPs was modest. CONCLUSIONS:A direct association between distal HPs and PN is lacking, and this implies a need for a multivariate assessment of the risk of PAN. Recommending colonoscopy for every patient with distal HPs detected by screening sigmoidoscopy is not supported by this study.
Metachronous Neoplasias Arise in a Higher Proportion of Colon Segments From Which Large Polyps Were Previously Removed, and Can be Used to Estimate Incomplete Resection of 10-20 mm Colorectal Polyps.
Adler Jeffrey,Toy Dana,Anderson Joseph C,Robertson Douglas J,Pohl Heiko
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Incomplete resection of polyps could be an important cause of post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer. However, it is difficult to study progression of incompletely removed polyps or their clinical importance. We aimed to estimate incomplete polyp resection using risk of metachronous neoplasia per colon segment. METHODS:We performed a retrospective study of 1031 patients (6186 colon segments) who initially underwent resection of a large (10-20 mm) neoplastic polyp at 2 academic medical centers (from 2000 through 2012) and then underwent a subsequent colonoscopy within 0.5 to 5 years. We determined the proportions of metachronous neoplasia in colon segments from which a single large neoplastic polyp was removed and in segments without prior neoplasia. We then used the absolute difference in proportions between these groups to estimate the rate of incomplete resection. Our analysis assumed that development of metachronous neoplasia in each colon segment was the consequence of a newly grown polyp, a previously missed polyp, or an incompletely removed polyp. RESULTS:Metachronous neoplasia was detected in 177 of 757 segments (23.4%) with a single large polyp, and in 438 of 4232 segments (10.3%) without any neoplasia at baseline colonoscopy (P < .001). Resections were therefore estimated to be incomplete in 13.0% of segments (95% CI, 9.8-16.2). This proportion was greater for sections with non-pedunculated polyps (18.3%; 95% CI, 14.2-22.5) than pedunculated polyps (3.5%; 95% CI, -0.7 to -11.3; P < .001). A higher proportion of piecemeal resections appeared to be incomplete (28.0%; 95% CI, 20.2-35.7) than of en bloc resections (9.2%; 95% CI, 5.9-12.5) (P < .001). No differences in incomplete resection were associated with polyp histology. CONCLUSION:Metachronous neoplasia arises in a significantly higher proportion of colon segments from which a polyp was previously removed. Based on these data, we estimate that 13% of all large polyps are incompletely resected and 18% of large non-pedunculated polyps are incompletely resected. These findings indicate that incomplete resection could be a risk factor for later development of neoplasia. Segment metachronous neoplasia might be used as a marker of resection quality.
Gallbladder stones and gallbladder polyps associated with increased risk of colorectal adenoma in men.
Liu Yen-Ling,Wu Jin-Shang,Yang Yi-Ching,Lu Feng-Hwa,Lee Chih-Ting,Lin Wan-Ju,Chang Chih-Jen
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Most cases of colorectal cancer develop via an adenoma to carcinoma sequence. Gallbladder polyps share some risk factors with colorectal polyps. Little is known about the relationship between gallbladder diseases and different status of colorectal polyps by gender. This study was to investigate the association of gallbladder stones and polyps with colorectal adenomas by gender in a Taiwanese population. METHODS:A total of 7066 eligible subjects who underwent a total colonoscopy as a part of health check-up between January 2001 and August 2009 were recruited. Colonoscopic findings were classified into polyp-free, non-neoplastic polyps and colorectal adenomas. Gallbladder stones and gallbladder polyps were diagnosed based on ultrasonographic findings. RESULTS:There was a significant difference in the status of colon polyps between subjects with and without gallbladder polyps. However, the status of colon polyps was not significantly different between subjects with or without gallbladder stones. After adjusting obesity, fasting plasma glucose, and other variables, there was a positive relationship between gallbladder polyps and colorectal adenomas (odds ratio [OR]: 1.396, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.115-1.747) but not non-neoplastic polyps in all subjects. In men, gallbladder polyps (OR: 1.560, 95% CI: 1.204-2.019) and gallbladder stones (OR: 1.465, 95% CI 1.081-1.984) were positively associated with colorectal adenomas. In women, neither gallbladder polyps nor gallbladder stones were significantly related to colon polyps. CONCLUSIONS:Both gallbladder polyps and gallbladder stones were associated with an increased risk of colorectal adenomas in men but not in women. Gender difference was significant for the association between gallbladder lesions and colorectal polyps.
Economic value of narrow band imaging versus white light endoscopy for the characterization of diminutive polyps in the colon: systematic literature review and cost-consequence model.
Solon Caroline,Klausnitzer Romy,Blissett Deirdre,Ihara Zenichi
Journal of medical economics
AIMS:To demonstrate the economic implication of adopting narrow-band imaging (NBI) for the characterization of diminutive polyps in the colon from an English payer perspective. MATERIALS AND METHODS:A decision-tree model was undertaken to perform a cost-consequence and budget impact analysis from the NHS England perspective in the UK, over a 7-year time horizon. Clinical inputs came from the published literature (both randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses) identified through a systematic literature review, and cost inputs came from national list prices and unpublished internal market data. Deterministic sensitivity analysis (DSA) was conducted on the budget impact results to assess their robustness. RESULTS:Optical diagnosis with NBI offered cost savings vs white light endoscopy (WLE) over 7 years due to reductions in histological exams, resections, and associated adverse events, while having minimal impact on health outcomes. Budget impact analysis demonstrated annual cost savings of £141 192 057 over 7 years, with histological exams being the biggest cost driver. DSA showed these results to be robust, but most sensitive to the cost of tariff with and without biopsy, and the cost of histological exam. Break-even analysis to explore how changing the unit cost and number of biopsies per patient would change the budget impact found NBI consistently offered net savings, even if the cost of biopsy was £0. LIMITATIONS:Although every effort was made to ensure robustness of results, as with any model, there were some limitations including a lack of published data for certain clinical inputs and potential variation between model inputs and real-life cost and market share values. CONCLUSIONS:Optical diagnosis with NBI was found to be equally effective compared with the standard of care (WLE), while potentially enabling cost savings from the NHS England perspective.
Diminutive Polyps With Advanced Histologic Features Do Not Increase Risk for Metachronous Advanced Colon Neoplasia.
Vleugels Jasper L A,Hassan Cesare,Senore Carlo,Cassoni Paola,Baron John A,Rex Douglas K,Ponugoti Prasanna L,Pellise Maria,Parejo Sofia,Bessa Xavier,Arnau-Collell Coral,Kaminski Michal F,Bugajski Marek,Wieszczy Paulina,Kuipers Ernst J,Melson Joshua,Ma Karen H,Holman Rebecca,Dekker Evelien,Pohl Heiko
BACKGROUND & AIMS:With advances in endoscopic imaging, it is possible to differentiate adenomatous from hyperplastic diminutive (1-5 mm) polyps during endoscopy. With the optical Resect-and-Discard strategy, these polyps are then removed and discarded without histopathology assessment. However, failure to recognize adenomas (vs hyperplastic polyps), or discarding a polyp with advanced histologic features, could result in a patient being considered at low risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia, resulting in an inappropriately long surveillance interval. We collected data from international cohorts of patients undergoing colonoscopy to determine what proportion of patients are high risk because of diminutive polyps advanced histologic features and their risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia. METHODS:We collected data from 12 cohorts (in the United States or Europe) of patients undergoing colonoscopy after a positive result from a fecal immunochemical test (FIT cohort, n = 34,221) or undergoing colonoscopies for screening, surveillance, or evaluation of symptoms (colonoscopy cohort, n = 30,123). Patients at high risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia were defined as patients with polyps that had advanced histologic features (cancer, high-grade dysplasia, ≥25% villous features), 3 or more diminutive or small (6-9 mm) nonadvanced adenomas, or an adenoma or sessile serrated lesion ≥10 mm. Using an inverse variance random effects model, we calculated the proportion of diminutive polyps with advanced histologic features; the proportion of patients classified as high risk because their diminutive polyps had advanced histologic features; and the risk of these patients for metachronous advanced neoplasia. RESULTS:In 51,510 diminutive polyps, advanced histologic features were observed in 7.1% of polyps from the FIT cohort and 1.5% polyps from the colonoscopy cohort (P = .044); however, this difference in prevalence did not produce a significant difference in the proportions of patients assigned to high-risk status (0.8% of patients in the FIT cohort and 0.4% of patients in the colonoscopy cohort) (P = .25). The proportions of high-risk patients because of diminutive polyps with advanced histologic features who were found to have metachronous advanced neoplasia (17.6%) did not differ significantly from the proportion of low-risk patients with metachronous advanced neoplasia (14.6%) (relative risk for high-risk categorization, 1.13; 95% confidence interval 0.79-1.61). CONCLUSION:In a pooled analysis of data from 12 international cohorts of patients undergoing colonoscopy for screening, surveillance, or evaluation of symptoms, we found that diminutive polyps with advanced histologic features do not increase risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia.
Clip Closure Prevents Bleeding After Endoscopic Resection of Large Colon Polyps in a Randomized Trial.
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Bleeding is the most common severe complication after endoscopic mucosal resection of large colon polyps and is associated with significant morbidity and cost. We examined whether prophylactic closure of the mucosal defect with hemoclips after polyp resection reduces the risk of bleeding. METHODS:We performed a multicenter, randomized trial of patients with a large nonpedunculated colon polyp (≥20 mm) at 18 medical centers in North America and Spain from April 2013 through October 2017. Patients were randomly assigned to groups that underwent endoscopic closure with a clip (clip group) or no closure (control group) and followed. The primary outcome, postprocedure bleeding, was defined as a severe bleeding event that required hospitalization, a blood transfusion, colonoscopy, surgery, or another invasive intervention within 30 days after completion of the colonoscopy. Subgroup analyses included postprocedure bleeding with polyp location, polyp size, or use of periprocedural antithrombotic medications. We also examined the risk of any serious adverse event. RESULTS:A total of 919 patients were randomly assigned to groups and completed follow-up. Postprocedure bleeding occurred in 3.5% of patients in the clip group and 7.1% in the control group (absolute risk difference [ARD] 3.6%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.7%-6.5%). Among 615 patients (66.9%) with a proximal large polyp, the risk of bleeding in the clip group was 3.3% and in the control group was 9.6% (ARD 6.3%; 95% CI 2.5%-10.1%); among patients with a distal large polyp, the risks were 4.0% in the clip group and 1.4% in the control group (ARD -2.6%; 95% CI -6.3% to -1.1%). The effect of clip closure was independent of antithrombotic medications or polyp size. Serious adverse events occurred in 4.8% of patients in the clip group and 9.5% of patients in the control group (ARD 4.6%; 95% CI 1.3%-8.0%). CONCLUSIONS:In a randomized trial, we found that endoscopic clip closure of the mucosal defect following resection of large colon polyps reduces risk of postprocedure bleeding. The protective effect appeared to be restricted to large polyps located in the proximal colon. ClinicalTrials.gov no: NCT01936948.
High incidence of metachronous advanced adenoma and cancer after endoscopic resection of colon polyps ≥20 mm in size.
Yoshida Naohisa,Naito Yuji,Siah Kewin Tien Ho,Murakami Takaaki,Ogiso Kiyoshi,Hirose Ryohei,Inada Yutaka,Inoue Ken,Konishi Hideyuki,Kugai Munehiro,Morimoto Yasutaka,Hasegawa Daisuke,Kanemasa Kazuyuki,Wakabayashi Naoki,Yagi Nobuaki,Yanagisawa Akio,Itoh Yoshito
Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
BACKGROUND AND AIM:There are limited studies on incidence rates of metachronous neoplastic lesions after resecting large colorectal polyps. In the present study, we analyzed metachronous lesions after endoscopic resection of colorectal polyps ≥20 mm in size. METHODS:We retrospectively analyzed consecutive patients who underwent endoscopic resection of polyps from 2006 to 2013 at two affiliated hospitals. All patients underwent at least two total colonoscopies before follow up to ensure minimal missed polyps. Only patients who had follow-up colonoscopy annually after resection were recruited. We separated patients according to size of polyp resected; there were 239 patients in the ≥20-mm group and 330 patients in the <20-mm group. Clinical characteristics and cumulative rates of metachronous advanced adenoma and cancer in both groups were analyzed. Advanced adenoma was defined as a neoplastic lesion ≥10 mm in size and adenoma with a villous component. RESULTS:Cumulative rate of development of metachronous advanced adenoma and cancer in the ≥20-mm group was significantly higher than in the <20-mm group (22.9% vs. 9.5%, P < 0.001) at 36 months. There was also more development of small polyps 5-9 mm in the ≥20-mm group than in the <20-mm group (45.2% vs. 28.8%, P < 0.001). With respect to metachronous lesions, there were more right-sided colonic lesions in the ≥20-mm group than in the <20-mm group (78.8% vs. 50.0%, P = 0.015). CONCLUSION:High incidence rates of development of metachronous neoplastic lesions were detected after resection of colorectal polyps ≥20 mm in size.
Study of Differential Serum Metabolites in Patients with Adenomatous Polyps of Colon and Yang-Deficiency Constitution Based on Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.
Chinese journal of integrative medicine
OBJECTIVE:To study the differences between the serum metabolites in patients with adenomatous polyps of the colon and yang-deficiency constitution and those without colon polyps and with balanced constitution, and look for biomarkers that can be used to distinguish between the two groups. METHODS:General patient information was gathered, and Chinese medicine constitution were collected in 940 patients who underwent electronic colonoscopy. A total of 119 patients with adenomatous polyps of the colon and yang-deficiency constitution were included in the experimental group, and 150 patients without colon polyps and with balanced constitution were included in the control group. Metabolomics analysis was performed on the fasting venous blood obtained from each patient in both groups. Principal component analysis and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis were performed on the detection results, potential biomarkers were screened, metabolic pathway changes were determined, and the metabolic processes involved were discussed. RESULTS:A total of 59 differential biomarkers between the experimental group and the control group were identified. The differential metabolites were found mainly in the glycerophospholipid metabolism pathway, and the bile acid 3-oxo-4,6-choladienoic acid was the biomarker that distinguished the experimental group from the control group. CONCLUSION:With the help of metabolomics analysis, the differential metabolites in patients with adenomatous polyps of the colon and yang-deficiency constitution and those in patients without colon polyps and with balanced constitution could be identified. The biomarker 3-oxo-4,6-choladienoic acid may have potential diagnostic value in patients with adenomatous polyp of the colon and yang-deficiency constitution. (Trial Registration No. NCT02986308).
Gallbladder Polyps Are Associated with Proximal Colon Polyps.
Gastroenterology research and practice
BACKGROUND:The association between gallbladder (GB) disease and colorectal precancerous lesions remains elusive. This study sought to explore the association between GB disease and colorectal neoplasms at different locations. METHODS:Patients who received general health checkup from January to December 2008 were included and subgrouped into three groups by polyp location: proximal, distal, and whole colon. GB disease and other known risk factors for colon cancer were compared and analyzed. Different types of polyps at different locations were further investigated. RESULTS:Of a total of 3136 patients (1776 men and 1360 women; mean age, 49.3 years) who had colon polyps, 212 (6.8%) had GB stone and 512 (16.3%) had GB polyps. Patients in the proximal colon polyp group had higher rates of GB polyps and stones. GB polyps were independently associated with proximal colon polyps, including both hyperplastic polyps (odds ratio, 1.523; = 0.034) and adenomatous polyps (odds ratio, 1.351; = 0.048). No relationship between GB polyps and distal or any colon polyps was observed. Irrespective of the polyp location (i.e., proximal, distal, or any part of the colon), GB stone did not show any association with colon polyp. CONCLUSIONS:We suggested that GB polyps are associated with proximal colon polyps. Colonoscopy may be a more effective strategy for screening proximal precancerous lesions among patients with GB polyps. The association between GB disease and colon polyps demands further prospective investigation.