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Temperature Elevation in an Instrumented Phantom Insonated by B-Mode Imaging, Pulse Doppler and Shear Wave Elastography. Issaoui Maha,Miloro Piero,Balandraud Xavier,Rivens Ian,Grédiac Michel,Blaysat Benoit,Ouchchane Lemlih,Delabaere Amélie,Sauvant-Rochat Marie-Pierre,Lemery Didier Ultrasound in medicine & biology Diagnostic ultrasound is the gold standard for obstetric scanning and one of the most important imaging techniques for perinatal and neonatal monitoring and diagnosis. Ultrasound provides detailed real-time anatomic information, including blood flow measurements and tissue elasticity. The latter is provided through various techniques including shear wave elastography (SWE). SWE is increasingly used in many areas of medicine, especially in detection and diagnosis of breast, thyroid and prostate cancers and liver disease. More recently, SWE has found application in gynaecology and obstetrics. This method mimics manual palpation, revealing the elastic properties of soft biological tissues. Despite its rising potential and expanding clinical interest in its use in obstetrics and gynaecology (such as for assessment of cervical ripening or organ development and structure during pregnancy), its effects on and potential risks to the developing fetus remain unknown. Risks should be evaluated by regulatory bodies before recommendations are made on the use of SWE. Because ultrasound is known to produce thermal and mechanical effects, this study measured the temperature increase caused by B-mode, pulse Doppler (PD) and SWE, using an instrumented phantom with 11 embedded thermocouples. Experiments were performed with an Aixplorer diagnostic ultrasound system (Supersonic Imagine, Aix-en-Provence, France). As expected, the greatest heating was detected by the thermocouple closest to the surface in contact with the transducer (2.9°C for SWE, 1.2°C for PD, 0.7°C for B-mode after 380-s excitation). Both conduction from the transducer face and direct heating owing to ultrasound waves contribute to temperature increase in the phantom with SWE associated with a larger temperature increase than PD and B-mode. This article offers a methodological approach and reference data for future safety studies, as well as initial recommendations about SWE safety in obstetrics and gynaecology. 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2020.08.021
Application of ultrasound elastography in obstetrics and gynecology Kozma Bence,Pákozdy Krisztina,Lampé Rudolf,Berényi Ervin,Takács Péter Orvosi hetilap Összefoglaló. Az ultrahang-elasztográfia az elmúlt évek során egyre növekvő figyelmet kapott a lágyszövetek elaszticitásának vizsgálatában. A módszer használatát az teszi szükségessé, hogy egyes, a mechanikai tulajdonságaikban különböző szövetek hasonló echogenitásúak lehetnek, valamint hogy egy adott szövet megváltozott struktúrája vagy mechanikai tulajdonsága nem minden esetben jár együtt a szövet hagyományos ultrahangképének megváltozásával. Az elmúlt évtizedben a deformációs és a nyírási ultrahang-elasztográfia vált széles körben elérhetővé. Ezen új képalkotási technika egyre nagyobb szerepet tölt be a szülészeti-nőgyógyászati ultrahang-diagnosztikában is. A nőgyógyászatban szerephez juthat az endometriosis és az adenomyosis kimutatásában, valamint a benignus és a malignus cervicalis és ovarialis képletek elkülönítésében. A nőgyógyászathoz hasonlóan a szülészetben is jelentős változást hozhat az ultrahang-elasztográfia: alkalmas lehet a szülésindukció sikerességének, a koraszülés bekövetkezésének és a praeeclampsia kialakulásának előrejelzésére. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(18): 690-695. Summary. Ultrasound elastography has received significant attention for the assessment and measurement of soft tissue elastic properties in recent years. The advantage of ultrasound elastography lies in the fact that two different tissues can share similar echogenicities but may have other mechanical properties or, on the contrary, mechanical abnormalities of a designated tissue do not necessarily go hand in hand with an altered appearance on a conventional ultrasound image. In the last decade, strain and shear-wave elasticity imaging methods have become the most widely available among commercial ultrasound equipments. The importance of this new method expands rapidly also in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Ultrasound elastography has a promising role in the diagnosis of endometriosis and adenomyosis and helps to differentiate benign and malignant cervical and ovarian lesions. The use in the prediction of the outcome of labor induction and preterm birth, and in the evaluation of preeclampsia are emerging. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(18): 690-695. 10.1556/650.2021.32094
The application of acupuncture in obstetrics and gynecology: a bibliometric analysis based on Web of Science. Wu Long,Li Yuan,Yu Pei,Li Huanhuan,Ma Shuai,Liu Shan,Liu Minghui,Yu Wen Annals of palliative medicine BACKGROUND:Acupuncture therapy has a wide range of applications in obstetrics and gynecology, especially for patients with reproductive issues, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and pelvic inflammatory disease. In recent decades, acupuncture therapy has gradually attracted the attention of professionals in China and overseas due to its beneficial effects, and has been the focus of many studies. This study aimed to conduct a statistical analysis of the relevant literature to understand the current application and research status of acupuncture in obstetric and gynecologic diseases. METHODS:A search of the SCI-EXPANDED database in the Web of Science Core Collection (WOSCC) was performed. Search strategy included two formulas: #1 WC=Obstetrics & Gynecology, limited: index =SCI-EXPANDED time span=all years; #2 subject: (ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION) OR subject: (ACUPUNCTURE) OR subject: (MOXIBUSTION), limited: index=SCI-EXPANDED time span=all years. The final result was acquired by searching #1 AND #2. CiteSpace software was used to analyze and visualize the annual distribution of articles, and the distributions of disciplines, countries/institutions, journals, and authors. Keywords were used to infer the application of acupuncture in obstetrics and gynecology. RESULTS:A total of 593 research literatures, including 323 original articles, were retrieved. Since 1972, the number of literatures has shown a general increase. Studies on reproductive medicine accounted for the highest proportion of the retrieved literatures (139, 23.44%). The United States (25.5%), China (14.0%), Germany (7.6%), Australia (7.3%), and Sweden (7.1%) were the main contributors. The centrality index showed that the United States (0.19), the United Kingdom (0.19), and Germany (0.16) had the closest cooperation. The retrieved literatures covered 15 subdivision areas, including menstruation, embryo transfer, production, and pelvic pain. Obstetrics & Gynecology, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology were found to be the most influential journals. The most frequently cited keywords were acupuncture (intensity =5.5326), low back pain (intensity =5.0506), and pregnancy (intensity =4.7016). CONCLUSIONS:Acupuncture is receiving an increasing amount of attention in obstetrics and gynecology, and international cooperation in research in this field is also increasing. 10.21037/apm-21-477