[Photochemotherapy in the treatment of acute pneumonias].
Chepik E B,Shamanova M G,Medvedeva E V,Vodeĭko L P,Isakov V A
Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk
The application of photochemotherapy in acute pneumonia is based on pneumonia pathogenesis and the mechanism of ALIB- (autotransfusion of laser irradiated blood) and AUVBI- (autotransfusion of ultraviolet blood irradiation) techniques. The ALIB is preferable since the technique requires no device sterilization. The complex treatment of acute pneumonia with ALIB and AUVBI was found to enhance therapeutic efficacy, to decrease the severity of the disease course, to reduce its duration and hospital stay in inpatients. No considerable impact of ALIB on the duration of pneumonia was observed, but X-ray examination revealed a definite reduction in pulmonary microcirculatory disorders. Laser therapy promotes the normalization of functional T-lymphocytic activity. ALIB should be applied individually and in relation to the severity of the disease, to the distribution of an inflammatory pulmonary process and to the duration of the disease course.
[Change in the binding capacity of human serum albumin following its exposure to therapeutic doses of UV radiation].
Samoĭlova K A,Vasil'eva Z F,Shtil'bans V I,Obolenskaia K D,Shalygina N N
Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny
UV-irradiation (254 nm) of donor blood and the blood of newborn with hemolytic disease, using the device for UV-irradiation utilized in Soviet hospitals for autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood, produces a 1.1-2.0-fold increase in the binding capacity of serum albumin. The effect is the greater, the lower the initial level of serum albumin binding capacity.
[The effect of quantum hemotherapy on the plasma hemostatic indices and fibrinolysis in patients with unstable angina].
Babiĭ L N,Sychev O S,Shchupak M B,Nikandrova N L
Likars'ka sprava
An evaluation was done in 172 patients with progressive stenocardia. The use of intracardiac laser light irradiation of blood in combined treatment was found to improve the clinical course of the illness and to have a beneficial effect on the factors of plasma haemostasis and fibrinolysis which play a pathogenetic role in the destabilization of the ischemic heart disease course, this being manifest by a significant decrease in the activity of factor XIII, platelet factor 4, and an increase in fibrinolysis.
[The autonomic mechanisms of the initial manifestations of cerebral circulatory failure and a method for their correction].
Lobenko A A,Zviagina L A,Volianskiĭ V E
Likars'ka sprava
Initial manifestations of cerebrovascular insufficiency against the background of atherosclerosis and hypertensive disease were evaluated in 50 sailors. Vegetative dysfunctions in these patients showed different states of the vegetative tone reactivity. It was found that ultraviolet irradiation of the blood produced a positive effect on the course of cerebro-vascular disturbances. The parasympathetic and sympathetic portions were selectively influenced.
[Combined methods of extracorporeal detoxication in the treatment of severe surgical endotoxemia].
Lobakov A I,Cherniakov V L,Vetchinnikova O N
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
A combined method of treatment--flowing ultraviolet irradiation of autoblood with hemosorption or exchange plasmapheresis--was used in 52 patients with pyoseptic diseases. It was shown that inclusion of combined extracorporal detoxication in the complex treatment was followed by a pronounced clinical effect and correction of biochemical and physiological parameters.
[The use of efferent methods in the combined treatment of pyelonephritis in pregnant women].
Neĭmark A I,Davydov A V
Urologiia i nefrologiia
After-treatment immune effects of therapy were assessed in 57 pregnant females with pyelonephritis. Eleven patients received standard antibacterial treatment (ABT), 25 patients ABT plus plasmapheresis, 21 patients underwent UV irradiation of blood and ABT. ABT alone resulted in improved general condition of the patients, in reduced renal inflammation, but it failed to remove completely signs of immunodeficiency, B-lymphocyte and Ig levels remained low. The combined treatment with UV blood irradiation and plasmapheresis promoted rapid disappearance of clinical and laboratory evidence indicating pyelonephritis. UV irradiation could not correct deficiency of cellular immunity, while adjuvant plasmapheresis led to a complete cure of immune deficiency symptoms.
[Treatment of undeveloped external intestinal fistulas].
Nikhinson R A,Fil'kin G N
135 patients with undeveloped intestinal fistulas (116-85.9%-males, and 19-14.1%-females) were followed up by the authors. The patients underwent surgery for acute appendicitis-17 (12.6%), traumatic injuries of abdominal organs-78 (57.8%), acute intestinal obstruction-33 (24.4%), inflammatory processes of the uterus and adnexites-7 (5.2%). Small bowel fistulas were observed in 88 (65.2%) of patients, large bowel fistulas-in 47 (34.8%). The optimal mode of treatment for the fistula seems the obturation of fistula duct by means of catheter of Petzer of Foley. It is guite necessary to perform a simultaneous broad exploration of abscesses of anterior abdominal wall and their sanatation by the method of flowing-aspiration therapy by N.N. Kanshin. For elimination of endotoxicosis the ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood was used as well as intravenous laser irradiation of blood, hemosorption, plasmapheresis, infusions of plasma and plasma substitutional solutions. The patients were given 2-3 antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action, one of which being obligatory introduced intravenously. From 135 patients 104 (77.0%) underwent surgery. The method of choice in small bowel fistulas the authors suggest intraabdominal resection of the bowel, and in large bowel fistulas-resection of 3/4 by the method of A.V. Melnikov. 17 patients (17.3%) died after the surgery.
[Holter monitoring in assessing the efficacy of quantum hemotherapy in patients with unstable stenocardia].
Malinovskaia I E,Sirenko Iu N,Shchumakov V A,Tashchuk V K,Krasnitskiĭ S S
Terapevticheskii arkhiv
In addition to a complex of treatment measures, 51 patients with unstable angina pectoris received quantum hemotherapy--laser and ultraviolet blood irradiation. The control group was made up of 18 patients given pharmacological agents. The treatment efficacy was judged from the decrease of the frequency, duration and depth of painful and painless myocardial ischemia, the rate of ventricular and supraventricular premature heart beat in accordance with the data of Holter's monitoring and the rise of exercise tolerance by the bicycle ergometry data. It has been established that quantum hemotherapy raises the treatment efficacy in patients resistant to the conventional pharmacological therapy. The anti-ischemic and antianginal action was found to be more remarkable in laser blood irradiation. The antiarrhythmic action of both modalities manifests in curtailment of high grades premature heart beats.
[Expression of CD3 complexes by native and UV-irradiated T lymphocytes of human blood after modification by a preparation of leucocytic alpha-interferon].
Artiukhov V G,Putintseva O V,Koltakov I A,Vdovina V A
The influence of leucocytic alpha-interferon in concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 IU/ml on the expression of CD3 complexes by native and photomodified T lymphocytes of human blood has been studied. It was found that the irradiation of suspensions of T cells by UV-light in doses of 151-906 J/m2 increases, and in a dose of 1359 J/m2, reduces the quantity of CD3 complexes on the surface of their membranes. It was shown that the injection of cytokine in concentrations of 0.01-100 IU/ml into a suspension of irradiated T lymphocytes levels off the immunosuppressive action of maximal doses of UV-radiation (1359 J/m2), inducing the recovery and increase in their antigen-recognizing capacity. The data on the antigen-recognizing capacity of UV-irradiated T lymphocytes of human blood, modified by alpha-interferon, enable one to predict the results of seances of autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood in the case of combined use of UV-irradiation of blood and cytokinotherapy.
[Detoxification in the combined intensive therapy of patients with multiple organ failure].
Marusanov V E,Mikhaĭlovich V A,Petrash V V,Bulganin A D,Gulo S L
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Studies of the influence of the UV irradiation of autologous blood (UVIAB) and hemosorption (HS) upon changes of indices of endogenous intoxication in patients with the syndrome of polyorganic insufficiency (SPOI) have shown that the isolated (without HS) UVIAB reduces toxemia and prevents the development of SPOI in patients without pronounced alterations of microcirculation. Using the UV irradiation of autoblood in patients with clinically marked alterations of the peripheral blood circulation increases toxemia at the expense of release of toxic products from the "disclosed" system of microcirculation. HS with the simultaneous taking the blood from the subclavian vein and abdominal aorta with using "Actilen" and return of the mixed blood into the peripheral artery interrupts and relieves the course of SPOI.
Platelet concentrates irradiated with ultraviolet light retain satisfactory in vitro storage characteristics and in vivo survival.
Pamphilon D H,Potter M,Cutts M,Meenaghan M,Rogers W,Slade R R,Saunders J,Tandy N P,Fraser I D
British journal of haematology
We have previously reported that platelet concentrates (PC) may be irradiated with ultraviolet light (UVL) in a cryostorage pack such that mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) are abolished whilst satisfactory platelet function is retained during subsequent storage using Fenwal PL-1240 containers. We have now studied both platelet structure and function after irradiation in DuPont Stericell bags which are both UV-permeable and biocompatible. The irradiation dosage was 3000 Joules/m2 of UVL at a mean wavelength of 310 nm; a dose previously shown to abolish MLR. No detriment to platelet function was observed when compared to control as measured by aggregation responses to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), collagen and ristocetin, hypotonic shock response and pH during 5 d of storage. Lactate levels were significantly higher (P less than 0.01) and glucose levels lower (P less than 0.01) in UV-treated PC, although in the majority the lactate level did not exceed 20 mmol/l. Betathromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 levels were higher during storage in the UV group, the latter reaching significance (P less than 0.05). When whole platelets and platelet membranes were stained with Coomassie blue or Periodic Acid-Schiff's reagent after electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels no obvious alterations to major membrane constituents were observed on days 1 and 5 of storage. Paired in vivo autologous studies in healthy volunteers using 111Indium-labelling were performed at the end of 5 d of storage. The UV-treated platelets gave satisfactory and equivalent results for recovery, half life and survival when compared to controls. We conclude that PC irradiated with UVL and stored for 5 d in DuPont Stericell containers appear suitable for transfusion and may prove to be nonimmunogenic. Further in vivo studies of haemostatic efficacy and recipient alloimmunization are now warranted.
[Peculiarities of metabolism of UV-irradiated lymphocytes].
Artiukhov V G,Zemchenkova O V,Basharina O V,Kim Ia V
Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia
The influence of UV-light (240-390 nm) at a dose of 151 and 755 J/m2 on the functional properties of lymphocyte metabolism key enzymes from donors' human blood: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), cytochrome c oxidase, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), Ca2(+)-ATPase of plasma membranes has been investigated. It has been revealed that photoinactivation of enzymes immediately after UV-irradiation which leads to the decrease of the ATP content in lymphocytes is replaced by the increased activity of the enzymes under investigation during daily incubation of lymphocytes. As a result, the level of ATP in photo-modified lymphocytes does not differ from that in native cells before incubation. This indicates the normalization of biochemical processes in lymphocytes influenced by UV-light applied in autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood.
Studies of allogeneic bone marrow and spleen cell transplantation in a murine model using ultraviolet-B light.
Pamphilon D H,Alnaqdy A A,Godwin V,Preece A W,Wallington T B
Ultraviolet irradiation inhibits alloreactive and mitogen-induced responses and might reduce both graft-versus-host and host-versus-graft reactions after bone marrow transplantation (BMT). We have studied proliferative responses to mitogens and reactivity in mixed lymphocyte culture after irradiation with ultraviolet (UV)-B light using splenocytes from Balb/c (H-2d) and CBA (H-2k) mice. Response to mitogens and in MLC was strongly inhibited by 20 J/m2 and abolished at 50 J/m2. Clonogenic cell recovery (CFU-GM; CFU-S) after UV-B irradiation was also reduced. When bone marrow and spleen cells were transplanted from parent (Balb/c) animals into F1 hybrid (Balb/c X CBA) recipients, all animals died with features indicative of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in 34 days. If the grafts were first irradiated with 100 J/m2 of UV-B at a mean wavelength of 310 nm, then 76% survived to day 80 when they were killed and shown to have normal marrow cellularity. The remainder died in marrow aplasia or of GVHD. H-2 typing in a group of surviving recipients showed either donor hematopoiesis only (8 of 15), mixed allogeneic chimerism (5 of 15), or recipient type hematopoiesis (2 of 15). Higher doses (200 to 300 J/m2) were detrimental to survival with 88% of recipients dying in marrow aplasia. Syngeneic BMT in Balb/c mice showed slower hematopoietic reconstitution when the grafts were first irradiated with 100 J/m2. After BMT from Balb/c to CBA mice all recipients of unirradiated grafts died within 54 days. By contrast, after graft irradiation with 100 J/m2 survival of recipient animals to day 80 was 59%. If these grafts were treated with 50 J/m2 survival was only 26% with an increase in deaths due to GVHD. Hematopoiesis at day 80 in a group of survivors studied by Ig heavy chain allotyping indicated donor type hematopoiesis in 6 of 10 (50 J/m2) and 2 of 9 (100 J/m2). These data indicate that UV-B irradiation inhibits lymphocyte reactivity and can prevent GVHD. However, there is clear in vitro and in vivo evidence of stem cell damage, such that autologous marrow recovery was demonstrated in a proportion of recipients. In parent----F1 UV-irradiated transplants, sustained hematopoietic recovery was effected in the majority by donor stem cells.
[Ways of increasing the effectiveness of chemotherapy of urinary tract infection].
Miroshnikov V M,Prolisko S V,Erman A M,Bratash V I,Zhivotovskiĭ S D,Asfandiiarov F R,Mel'man V M
Antibiotiki i khimioterapiia = Antibiotics and chemoterapy [sic]
Efficacy of blood UV irradiation (BUVI) followed by its reinfusion to the patient in combination with antibacterial therapy was studied in patients with acute and chronic pyelonephritis and its purulent septic complications. The BUVI was used when the antibacterial drugs failed to be sufficiently efficient and the clinical process of the infection was severe. The kinetics of ferritin, transferrin, alpha 2-macroglobulin, beta 2-microglobulin and haptoglobulin in the blood serum was investigated as a criterion of treatment efficacy. It was shown that the BUVI markedly increased the chemotherapy efficacy. The observed regularities of the changes in the serum antigenic spectrum can be used as a basis for the control of treatment efficacy.
[Choice of the optimal variant of blood loss replacement during reconstructive surgery of the major vessels with the object of preventing postoperative anemia].
Cherednichenko M A,Unzhakov V V,Sukhotin S K
Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia
175 patients after reconstructive surgery on major vessels have been examined. Blood loss during surgery was compensated by crystalloid and colloid solutions or their combination with donor blood, autoblood, UV-irradiated autoblood. In the postoperative period hematological parameters were assessed, the volume of the donor blood transfused was determined and the effect of UV-irradiation on the morphology and size of autoerythrocytes was studied. The optimal variant of blood loss compensation was the combination of crystalloid solutions with UV-irradiated autoblood.
[Ultrasonic dopplerography in the diagnosis of the initial manifestations of insufficiency of the blood supply to the brain].
Lobenko A A,Zviagina L A,Volianskiĭ V E
Likars'ka sprava
Sixty-eight patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency received a course of quantum hemotherapy by means of ultraviolet irradiation of the blood. The cerebral hemodynamics was evaluated by ultrasound transcranial dopplerography. It was found that this method may be used for early diagnosis as well as for the control of treatment efficacy. It was established that ultraviolet irradiation of the blood essentially effected the cerebral hemodynamics, reduces interhemispheric asymmetry, causes no cerebral steal syndromes.
[Blood plasma diene conjugates during the stimulation and inhibition of lipid peroxidation in dogs with different forms of healing in experimental myocardial infarct].
Sokrut V N,Iabluchanskiĭ N I,Zhdaniuk Iu I,Libman T Ia
Patologicheskaia fiziologiia i eksperimental'naia terapiia
In experiments on 45 dogs with a model of normo-, hyper-, and hyporeactive myocardial infarction, (MI) lipid peroxidation (LP) was stimulated by ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood and inhibited by alpha-tocopherol acetate. It is shown that changes of LP are characteristic of uncomplicated healing of normoreactive MI. Hyperactivation of LP in hyperreactive MI and its hypoactivation in hyporeactive MI are among the factors of complication of its healing by postinfarction aneurysm of the heart. LP modulation consisting in bringing its changes in conformity with those in uncomplicated forms of the disease facilitates normal MI healing with the formation of a postinfarction scar. Antioxidants are indicated in hyperreactive MI, and LP activation by means of stimulators is recommended in hyporeactive MI.
[Comparative experimental study of various methods of photomodification++ of the blood].
Krylenkov V A,Leĭman V A,Chalenko V V,Kotomina G L,Ogurtsov R P
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
An experimental analysis of various methods of photomodification of blood has shown that their use in medical practice has principle possibility to obtain effects of various directions at the expense of variation of blood irradiation regimens. UV radiation brings about processes of lipid peroxidation in plasma membrane of lymphocytes, their intensity depends on the presence of oxygen in the surroundings.
[The effect of UV-radiation on the metabolic activity of human blood granulocytes].
Men'shchikova E V,Zenkov N K,Azbel' D I,Safronov I D
Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii
Influence of UV irradiation (254 nm) on chemoluminescence of blood granulocytes was studied in patients with chronic unspecific lung impairments. Chemoluminescence of leukocytes was decreased after blood irradiation at the rate 10 J/ml as well as after the first course of the UV irradiated blood transfusion. At the same time, high dissimilarity of reactions to the irradiation was found in individual patients: in patients with low initial parameters of metabolism a stable decrease of chemoluminescence was observed to the 2nd, 3d and 4th courses of the irradiation, while in patients with high parameters--only to the 2nd course. This suggests that functional activity of phagocytes may be altered due to UV irradiation effects.
[Study of molecular damage in bronchial asthma and cerebrovascular disorders during the course of rehabilitation ].
Vishnevskiĭ A A,Tupeev I R,Toĭchieva F M,Madraimova A A,Khabibullova Z I,Shamenova M D
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury
Drug treatment of cerebrovascular disorders alone and in combination with UV irradiation of autoblood gave rise to a positive trend in clinical and functional parameters more noticeable in the combined treatment. Also, there was a fall in red cell levels of malonic dialdehyde. A course of speleotherapy given to children with bronchial asthma contributed to normalization of free radical oxidation and reestablishment of molecular structure in red cell membranes.
[A method and the clinical effect of quantum ultraviolet autohemotherapy in resuscitation of children].
Kurapov E P,Lykov A A,Zhuravka G V,Ziberova E F,Golubov S P
Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia
Using the technique developed by the authors, 279 sessions of ultraviolet autoblood irradiation were performed in 93 patients with complicated infectious pathology. 90 patients with the same pathology constituted the control group. All the patients were treated pathogenetically and etiotropically for toxicoseptic pathology, using current schemes based on correction of clinical-biochemical alterations. In the test group one session of ultraviolet autoblood irradiation was performed once daily for 3 days. The data obtained show positive dynamics of the disease in patients after quantum ultraviolet autohemotherapy and a considerable decrease in lethality and the time of the patient's stay in intensive care unit.
[Growth-stimulating effect of UF-irradiated blood. I. The radiation dose dependence of the initial growth potencies of blood and of the functional state of the target cells].
Firulina I I,Samoĭlova K A,Belisheva N K
UV irradiation (UVI) of donor blood in the apparatus used in hospitals of the USSR with the therapeutic aim of autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood (AUVIB), results in an increase of connective tissue cell growth potency: being added into culture media the supernatants of irradiated blood stimulate DNA-synthetic and proliferative activity of cultured human embryonic cells. The high activity of cells persists for about 2 days. The effect is great with low initial levels of cell proliferative activity. In this case the effect is maximum (about 125% of the control). It is suggested that the above effect may be involved in the mechanism of stimulation of regeneration processes in the organism after AUVIB.
Photochemiluminescent detection of antiradical activity. VI. Antioxidant characteristics of human blood plasma, low density lipoprotein, serum albumin and amino acids during in vitro oxidation.
Popov I,Lewin G
Luminescence : the journal of biological and chemical luminescence
During investigation of the mechanism of therapeutic efficacy of UV (254 nm)-irradiated autologous blood, the antioxidant capacity (AC) of plasma, serum albumin, 20 amino acids, uric acid, ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol was measured after irradiation in vitro. AC of plasma demonstrated a biphasic time course (decrease to in a minimum (greater zero) followed by an increase). AC of uric acid, ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol diminished under irradiation to zero. In contrast, albumin and seven amino acids developed AC following irradiation. During the Cu(+2)-induced oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the AC measured in a system for water-soluble substances appeared, after a lag-phase, to be comparable to that of the conjugated diene formation; AC of LDL measured in a system for lipid-soluble substances demonstrated a biphasic course. Our results suggest that: (a) the oxidized products of some amino acids and proteins acquire antiradical properties at the same time that they are being produced; (b) the biphasic character of changes of antioxidant properties of blood plasma during UV irradiation represents the overlapping of two processes: disappearing of antioxidants and acquisition of AC by (lipo)proteins; and (c) the measurement of AC of blood plasma (lipo)proteins can possibly serve to detect the existence and extent of oxidative stress in human organism.
[Experience with the clinical use of a device for the UV-irradiation of circulating blood].
Arutiunov A S,Karasev A B,Kovalev O I,Pisarevskiĭ A A,Skobennikov A K
Meditsinskaia tekhnika
The article considers the indications and possibilities of using the device for flowing extracorporeal ultraviolet radiation of blood. The uniformity of the radiation of blood in the proposed device provides an annular gap of the quartz dish with the partition in the shape of a spiral. It makes it possible to expose a larger part of the blood content of an organism simultaneously making use of various perfused methods of its detoxication.
[Effects of syngeneic UV-irradiated blood transfusion on the hemopoietic function of the bone marrow in normal state and in craniocerebral injuries in mice].
Lobzhanidze A A,Lesnikov V A,Isaeva E N
Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny
Experiments on mice (CBA X C57 Bl6)F1 using endo- and exogenous cloning have shown that ultraviolet irradiation of blood enhances colony stimulating properties of plasma. Stimulation of colony formation occurs both in vitro, on direct contact of UV-irradiated blood plasma with bone marrow cells, and in vivo, upon this injection to the whole organism. In the latter case, increased migration of colony forming hematopoietic cells from the bone marrow can be noted. Single intravenous injection of syngenic UV-irradiated blood prevents inhibition of hematopoietic function of the bone marrow induced by closed brain injury.
[Use of UV-irradiated autologous blood in the treatment of patients with occlusive vascular diseases of the lower extremities].
Veretnik G I,Archvadze V G,Alekseev G I,Melenchuk G M
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Based upon the investigation of the hemogram, biochemical indices of blood and certain instrumental methods of research in patients with a critical form of obliterating diseases of lower extremity vessels, whose treatment included UVI of auto-blood, the authors have shown pronounced clinical efficiency of the method of treatment resulting in the improvement of theological properties of blood, microcirculation in tissues, less pain syndrome and rapid healing of trophic ulcers against the background of better condition of the patient. The method allowed the time of staying at the hospital to be substantially shortened.
[Changes in the leukocyte phagocytic activity of donor blood after its UV irradiation. I. Its relation to the irradiation dose and initial level of phagocytic activity].
Obolenskaia K D,Freĭdlin I S,Samoĭlova K A
Phagocytic activity of human mono- and granulocytes increased markedly after UV blood irradiation in the apparatus "Izolda" used in hospitals of the USSR for medical treatment. With the rise of irradiation dose the ratio of cells ingesting latex particles increased, although the average number of particles ingested per cell decreased. The integrative phagocytic index poorly depended on the irradiation dose. In patients with a low initial level of phagocytic index, after UV blood irradiation it became more pronounced than in those with the initial elevated level. The enhancement of phagocytic activity is the result of a direct UV-stimulation of cells. This stimulation not mediated by irradiated blood plasma is known to inhibit the phagocytic activity of leucocytes. A possible mechanism of phagocytic activity stimulation is discussed.
Mini buffy coat photopheresis for children and critically ill patients with extracorporeal photopheresis contraindications.
Hackstein Holger,Misterek Joachim,Nockher Angelika,Reiter Alfred,Bein Gregor,Woessmann Willi
BACKGROUND:Conventional extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) has proven efficacy for the treatment of several diseases but is limited to patients with sufficient body weight. A novel simplified mini buffy coat ECP technique that allows treatment of small children and patients with apheresis contraindications has been developed. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS:White blood cell (WBC)-rich buffy coat fractions were prepared from 5 to 8 mL/kg whole blood in a closed system, diluted, and ultraviolet A (UVA)-irradiated after addition of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP). Apoptosis and cell death were analyzed by annexin V and 7-aminoactinomycin staining. Lymphocyte proliferation was measured after CD3/CD28 and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation. Autologous residual blood and UVA-irradiated buffy coat were returned to the patients. Fifty-six mini buffy coat ECP procedures were applied to three children with acute steroid-refractory skin graft-versus-host disease and apheresis contraindications. RESULTS:Mean whole blood and buffy coat volumes were 166 (+/-61.8) and 8 (+/-1.6) mL, respectively, and resulted in a hematocrit of 2.2% (+/-0.4) after saline dilution (median +/- SD). UVA irradiation of 8-MOP buffy coat preparations resulted in significant induction of WBC apoptosis at 48-72 hours (p <or= 0.006). WBC proliferation was significantly inhibited both after CD3/CD28 stimulation and after PHA stimulation when compared to controls (p <or= 0.001). No clinical or laboratory side effects were observed during mini ECP procedures and the three patients responded to the therapy. CONCLUSION:Mini buffy coat ECP induces apoptosis and lymphocyte proliferation inhibition, both of which occur after standard ECP. This study proposes that mini buffy coat ECP be used as a simple and inexpensive alternative to classical ECP in children and adult patients with apheresis contraindications.
[Photomodification of autologous blood in surgery].
Kutushev F Kh,Chalenko V V,Vanevskiĭ V L,Kholmogorov V E,Krylenkov V A,Kukuĭ L M,Popov Iu V,Leĭman Iu V,Kurenkova V V
The use of the method of autologous blood photomodification in surgery is discussed on basis of generalized experience of the Leningrad Research-Practical Center of Blood Photomodification (3,000 procedures conducted in over 2,000 patients). The current state of the problem, the main mechanisms of the therapeutic action of the procedure, and the clinical efficacy of the method in various surgical diseases are dealt with. The possible complications and the means of their prevention are deal with. The methodological aspects of research are discussed. The authors define the main problems which must be solved in order to raise the efficacy of using photomodification of autologous blood in surgery.
[The use of ultraviolet-irradiated blood plasma in the treatment of pyelonephritis patients].
Riabinskiĭ V S,Robustov V V,Kolesova O E,Babaian S S,Belopol'skiĭ A A
Urologiia i nefrologiia
Transfusions of ultraviolet-irradiated plasma were carried out in 30 pyelonephritis patients. Subjective sense of improvement, and relief of fever and intoxication were noted. The administration of ultraviolet-irradiated plasma had a controlling effect on lipid peroxidation and blood cortisol, aldosterone and insulin levels, contributed to the normalization of corticosteroid catabolism and stimulated energy metabolism and the antioxidant system. Products of plasma photochemical reaction to ultraviolet irradiation have immunomodulating effects. Treatment of pyelonephritis patients by ultraviolet-irradiated plasma transfusions has shortened the time of hospital stay.
[An initial experience of extracorporeal irradiation of the blood in heart surgery patients].
Soboleva E R,Samsonova N N
Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia
Ultraviolet (UV) blood irradiation has been performed in 11 patients with postoperative sepsis. UV blood irradiation was not accompanied by blood cell damage and stress reaction to irradiation. Already after the first session all the patients demonstrated a decrease in the maximum daily body temperature. Most patients revealed improvement in their somatic condition. Positive clinical effect was observed in 8 patients, 4 patients recovered completely. UV blood irradiation in combination with conventional therapeutic techniques may be used in the management of postoperative septic complications in cardiosurgical patients.
[Effect of UV-irradiated autologous blood on various morphological and biochemical blood indices and phagocytic activity of the leukocytes in cattle].
Filipov Zh,Bodurov N,Bochukov A
Veterinarno-meditsinski nauki
An experiment was carried out with six clinically normal cows under production conditions. The animals were kept and fed in the same conditions. Blood was sampled from the jugular vein, mixing it immediately with a 5 per cent sterile solution of sodium citrate at a 4:1 ratio. The amount of blood obtained in cu. cm was 0.5 times more than the number of kilograms with each individual animal. The exposure of the mixture to ultraviolet rays lasted 12 minutes. During irradiation it was stirred with a sterile glass rod, following which it was injected i/v. It was found that autohemotransfusion of blood treated in vitro with ultraviolet rays had a favourable effect on the morphologic composition of blood, leading to a rise of the erythrocyte and the leukocyte count. The level of serum calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D also rose. The same was true of the gamma-globulin fractions. Autohemotransfusion of irradiated blood stimulated also the phagocytic rhythm.
[Is cholesterol lowering following UVA blood irradiation an effect of citrate?].
Herrmann W,Kost H R,Lindhofer H G
Zeitschrift fur die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete
On 92 patients the effect of the UV irradiation of blood on the blood parameters is studied. In the blood picture a decrease of leucocytes and reticulocytes is observed, in which case the latter is in connection with the decrease of blood and not with the UVA irradiation. In test persons with increased cholesterol level after UVA therapy as well as after a mere citrate infusion (anticoagulancy) during four weeks highly significant decrease of the cholesterol level, above all of the LDL-cholesterol appears. HDL cholesterol and triglycerides are not influenced. The decrease of cholesterol by citrate infusion is discussed and it is referred to possible therapeutic consequences.
Characteristics of the THERAFLEX UV-Platelets pathogen inactivation system - an update.
Seghatchian Jerard,Tolksdorf Frank
Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis
Considerable progress has been made in the last decade in producing purer, safer, leucocyte and plasma reduced platelet concentrates (PC) with an extended shelf life. The development of different pathogen inactivation technologies (PIT) has made a substantial contribution to this trend. Preceding platelet PIT (INTERCEPT Blood System/Cerus Corporation, Concord, CA, USA; MIRASOL/Caridian BCT, Lakewood, CO, USA) are based on adding a photosensitive compound to PC. The mixture is then activated by UV light in the UVB and/or UVA spectral regions. A novel procedure, THERAFLEX UV-Platelets (MacoPharma, Mouvaux, France), was recently developed that uses short-wave ultraviolet light (UVC), without addition of any photoactive agent. This technology has proven to be highly effective in sterilising bacteria (the major cause of morbidity/mortality after platelet transfusion) as well as inactivating other transfusion transmitted DNA/RNA containing pathogens and residual leucocytes. Any PIT reflects a balance between the efficacy of pathogen inactivation and preservation of platelet quality and function. A broad spectrum of in vitro tests have become available for the assessment of platelet storage lesion (PSL), aiming to better predict clinical outcome and untoward effects of platelet therapy. Recent paired studies on the release of platelet-derived cytokines, as new platelet performance indicators, revealed a parallel increase in both THERAFLEX UV-treated and control PC throughout storage, supporting the notion that the bioavailability of platelet function is not grossly affected by UVC treatment. This is corroborated by some newer technologies for proteomic analysis, showing that the THERAFLEX UV-Platelets system results in limited disruption of integrin-regulating extracellular disulfide bonds and minimal protein alterations when compared to UVB and gamma irradiation. Moreover, standard in vitro parameters reflecting activation, metabolic activity and function of platelets are useful indicators of the overall performance of processing and storage and may be used as surrogate markers of platelet quality in vivo. However, there is some doubt as to what degree each marker alone or in combination reflects the true clinical outcome of transfused platelets. Therefore, an appropriate clinical programme has been initiated. The preclinical evaluation demonstrated tolerability and immunological safety of THERAFLEX UV-Platelets using an animal model. Additionally, the system has successfully completed two autologous Phase I trials on recovery and survival. Preliminary results suggest that the recovery and survival rates are consistent with other pathogen reduced platelet products that are licensed and in use. The method is currently under evaluation for safety and tolerability of UVC-treated platelets in healthy volunteers. Presently the THERAFLEX UV-Platelets system is the simplest and purest PIT easily adaptable to the existing blood bank setting. In the future, extension of the application range of the THERAFLEX UV-Platelets system is expected, in order to make this new technology compatible with a broad spectrum of collection and processing platforms, and with other blood products.
Prevention of transfusion-induced graft-versus-host disease in dogs by ultraviolet irradiation.
Deeg H J,Graham T C,Gerhard-Miller L,Appelbaum F R,Schuening F,Storb R
Ten dogs were given 9.2 Gy of total body irradiation and autologous bone marrow infusion followed by ten daily transfusions of leukocytes for a total of 11.5 to 36.2 (median, 18.8) x 10(8)/kg obtained via leukapheresis from histoincompatible unrelated donors. Four dogs were given unirradiated leukocytes, and all developed graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). In contrast, only two of three dogs given leukocytes irradiated with 20 mJ/cm2 of ultraviolet (UV) light (200 to 300 nm), and none of three dogs given leukocytes irradiated with 1,000 mJ/cm2 developed GVHD. These data indicate that UV irradiation abrogates the alloreactive potential of transfused leukocytes, and suggest that UV irradiation can be used to prevent the development of transfusion-induced GVHD.
[The hemodynamic status during ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in patients with chronic nonspecific lung diseases].
Baklykova S N,Vetchinnikova O N,Plaksina G V,Iunovidova L I,Korshunova T N
Terapevticheskii arkhiv
Central and organic hemodynamics were studied in extracorporeal UV irradiation of blood (EUVRB) conducted in patients with chronic nonspecific diseases of the lungs. Within the first postexposure day the majority of the hemodynamic parameters showed marked fluctuations. EUVRB brought about a persistent reduction in pulmonary-vascular resistance in bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis patients. The latter also achieved a decline in pulmonary hypertension. A positive trend arose after EUVRB in red cell histo- and morphograms. Relevant hemodynamic EUVRB mechanisms are discussed.
[Ultraviolet irradiation of the blood].
Petukhov V A,Perekokin N N,Gorelenko A G,Koloda A S
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
An analysis of the experience with using the method of ultraviolet irradiation of blood in 85 patients with different surgical diseases has shown the method to be simple, available and highly clinically effective.
[Ultraviolet irradiation of the blood and hemosorption in the complex therapy of acute pancreatitis].
Marusanov V E,Shishin V I,Gulo S L
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Pancreonecrosis and hemorrhagic form of the acute pancreatitis was treated in 76 patients by "traditional" methods which were added by UV irradiation of autoblood (in 12 patients), hemosorption (in 17 patients), UV irradiation of blood followed by hemosorption within 15-20 min (in 46 patients). Positive changes of some homeostasis parameters after hemosorption following UVI of autoblood allow to consider their successive use in intensive therapy of patients with acute pancreatitis to be a perspective method.
[Use of ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the complex treatment of peritonitis].
Mil'kov B O,Potar' V I,Makarovskaia S E,Gres'ko M M,Bondar' B N,Khomko O I,Rusnak A D
Klinicheskaia khirurgiia
According to the data of tetrasolium nitroblue test and titer of the blood serum antibodies to the most frequently cultured microflora in complex treatment of 27 patients with diffuse purulent peritonitis, it was established, that the use of ultraviolet irradiation of the blood stimulated the specific and non-specific organism resistance.
[Ambulatory treatment of peptic ulcer by autologous transfusion of photo-modified blood].
Marchenko A V,Dutkevich I G,Golovin G V,Dekster B G,Mozhaev V I
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
The authors have determined indications and contraindications for using the method of haemotherapy based upon their experience with more than 1200 transfusions of photomodified autoblood under conditions of the hospital and 84 AUVIBs under the ambulatory conditions. The treatment of non-complicated forms of ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum is shown to be possible under the ambulatory conditions, cicatrization of the ulcers developing 2-3 times more rapidly than under the currently used treatment of the ulcer disease under conditions of the hospital.
[Ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the treatment of patients with stable stenocardia].
Koval' S N,Chirkov S N,Volkov V I,Kleshchevnikova L L,Nazarenko I L,Gudkov S N
Vrachebnoe delo
The authors established essential efficacy of monotherapy using ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in stable stenocardia of functional class II. It was also established that this method increased tolerance to physical load, correction of the hemodynamics and microcirculation.
[The catalase activity and lipid peroxidation of donor blood under ultraviolet irradiation].
Piksin I N,Biakin S P,Kiselëva R A,Kozlov Iu I,Romanov M D,Trofimov V A
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Under study were catalase activity and indicators of lipid peroxidation (LP) of donor blood exposed to different doses of UV irradiation. Doses lower than 630 J/m2 were found to activate catalase and to inhibit LP while doses higher than 630 J/m2 inhibited catalase activity and activated LP. The indicators of LP have confirmed that therapeutic doses of UV-irradiated blood were nontoxic. The most optimal therapeutic dose of irradiation (630 J/m2) was determined.
Recovery and life span of 111indium-radiolabeled platelets treated with pathogen inactivation with amotosalen HCl (S-59) and ultraviolet A light.
Snyder Edward,Raife Thomas,Lin Lily,Cimino George,Metzel Peyton,Rheinschmidt Margaret,Baril Laurene,Davis Kathryn,Buchholz D H,Corash Laurence,Conlan Maureen G
BACKGROUND:A photochemical treatment (PCT) method to inactivate pathogens in platelet concentrates has been developed. The system uses a psoralen, amotosalen HCl, coupled with ultraviolet A (UVA) illumination. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS:Three sequential clinical trials evaluated viability of PCT platelets prepared with a prototype device. Posttransfusion recovery and lifespan of (111)Indium-labeled autologous 5 day-old platelets in healthy subjects was assessed. In the first study, 23 subjects received transfusions of autologous PCT and/or control platelets. In a second study, 16 of these subjects received PCT platelets processed with a Compound Adsorption Device (CAD) (PCT-CAD) to reduce patient exposure to residual amotosalen. In the third study, the effect of gamma-irradiation on PCT platelets was studied. Data from control transfusions from Study A were used for paired comparisons in the latter 2 studies. RESULTS:Mean PCT-CAD platelet recovery for the 16 subjects with paired data was 42.5 +/- 8.7% versus 50.3 +/- 7.7% for control platelets, mean difference of 7.8% (p < 0.01). Mean lifespan for PCT-CAD platelets was 4.8 days (+/-1.3) versus 6.0 days (+/-1.2) for control platelets, mean difference of 1.3 days (p < 0.01). Platelet recovery and lifespan were similar to PCT-CAD for PCT without CAD treatment and PCT-CAD with gamma-irradiation. CONCLUSION:Viability of 5 day-old PCT platelets was less than for control platelets. However, both were within ranges reported for 5 day-old platelets.
[Effectiveness of extracorporeal ultraviolet blood irradiation in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis].
Kuvshinchikova V N,Selina L G,Shmelev E I
Problemy tuberkuleza
The use of extracorporeal ultraviolet blood radiation (EUVBR) in the treatment of 67 patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB) showed some specific features of the clinical course of bacterial complications of the basic process. With EUVBR, most patients exhibited normal temperatures, less signs of intoxication and coughing, and rare rale in the lung than in the controls. A most objective criterion for the efficiency of EUVBR was a marked increase in the forced expiratory volume per sec after the first 3 procedures, which improved the patients' condition, diminished exercise-induced dyspnea. The hemogram of the patients undergone EUVBR in combination with antibiotic therapy indicated a substantial drop in erythrocyte sedimentation rates following the first 3 procedures. The growth of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes from the sputum showed a great (10-fold) reduction when EUVBR and antibiotic therapy were concurrently used. The findings suggest that EUVBR has high therapeutical benefits in the treatment of COB.
[Ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the intensive treatment of acute exogenous poisoning].
Luzhnikov E A,Gol'dfarb Iu S,Potskhveriia M M,Iastrebova E V
Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia
The application of ultraviolet blood irradiation with a MD73M "Izolda" apparatus (the optimal dose of UV irradiation was 100-150 J, the volume of irradiated blood, 180-6000 ml) to 221 patients with various intoxications demonstrated that the method considerably increased the efficiency of therapy both at the toxicogenic (in blood poison circulation) and somatogenic (following the body's detoxification) stages by showing less intoxication and diminished severity and probability of complication development. Stimulation of a cellular link of immunity is major in the mechanism of a therapeutic effect displayed by UV irradiation.
[The mechanisms of the therapeutic action and the basis for the frequency of performing sessions of ultraviolet blood irradiation in treating acute pneumonia. 1].
Iakovlev V A,Vytrishchak V V,Kharitonov M A
Terapevticheskii arkhiv
Mechanisms of therapeutic action of UV blood irradiation and optimal irradiation scheduling were studied in the course of UV-irradiated blood transfusions capable of correcting lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidant system (AOS) in acute pneumonia (AP) patients. Single and multiple measurements of LPO and AOS parameters (malonic dialdehyde, diene conjugates, red cell resistance to peroxide hemolysis, catalase, superoxide dismutase, cerulloplasmin, plasma total estrogens, progesterone and testosterone) were made in 10 young males with moderate AP and 20 healthy controls. UV blood irradiation in AP is shown to be pathogenetically validated. It works via effective stabilization of LPO as a result of early adequate stimulation of endogenic AOS. Positive changes were also induced in the system of hormonal regulation. It is suggested that hyperestrogenemia plays a compensatory role in AP pathogenesis.
[The effect of ultraviolet irradiation of patients' blood on the morphofunctional status of erythrocytes].
Cherniakov V L,Boĭkov A K,Vetchinnikova O N,Plaksina G V
Terapevticheskii arkhiv
The morphofunctional status of red blood cells was studied in patients with terminal renal failure associated with pyo-inflammatory complications treated by means of ultraviolet radiation of autologous blood. The authors have established that ultraviolet radiation of autologous blood results in the increase of the discocyte count and red blood cell activation, evidenced by the rise of the young red blood cell count, of the red blood cell population with marked activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, of the content of sulfhydryl groups, and by the increase of erythrocytic adhesion.
[Effectiveness of extracorporeal ultraviolet blood irradiation in treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis in pulmonary tuberculosis].
Kuvshinchikova V N,Shmelev E I,Mishin V Iu
Problemy tuberkuleza
The use of extracorporeal ultraviolet blood irradiation (EXUVBR) in the complex treatment of patients with chronic forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (cavernous, fibrocavernous) concurrent with chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB) has demonstrated a positive effect of the photo-modified autoblood on the course of COB. The findings have suggested that the magnitude of clinical symptoms of COB was nearly halved, the forced expiratory volume per second increased, the counts of stab neutrophils and lymphocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate became normal. Analysing the bacterial isolation rate showed a significant decrease in the number of Mycobacteria tuberculosis detected by luminescence microscopy after a session of EXUVBR. The latter used in pulmonary tuberculosis concurrent with COB promotes the enhanced efficiency of treatment of patients with these combined abnormalities.
[Use of UV autologous blood irradiation for preventing the occurrence of tracheobronchitis during tracheostomy].
Isaev Iu V,Dzhangirova G M,Padenko A V,Lipikin A A
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
The authors made an analysis of incidence of tracheobronchitis in patients with tracheostomy. It was established that tracheobronchitis followed 15 of 57 tracheostomies. The use of UV autologous blood irradiation in 17 patients with tracheostomy gave only one case of tracheobronchitis while in 40 operated patients without the procedure there were 14 cases of the complication. Thus, the authors believe that the administration of UV autologous blood irradiation in tracheostomy gives 6 times less incidence of tracheobronchitis in the patients, the method being of value in prevention of the complications.
[Complications in ultraviolet irradiation of the blood].
Marochkov A V,Doronin V A,Kravtsov N N
Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia
2380 sessions of ultraviolet blood irradiation have been analysed. A DRB-8 lamp was used as a source of irradiation. The complications observed were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 comprised complications associated with the technical performance of the manipulation, their rate being 1.3%. Group II comprised complications developed in ultraviolet blood irradiation. The complications observed in group II were as follows: rigor in 4 cases, hypotension in 2 cases, nasal bleeding in 3 cases, hypoglycemia in 1 patient, bronchospasm in 1 patient and urticaria in 1 patient. To prevent the onset of complications medical care and the oral intake of carbohydrates are recommended for 1.5-2 h after the session. Intramuscular injections are to be avoided for 1.5 h for fear of the appearance of hematomas.
[Experience with the use of UV irradiation of autologous blood in oral surgery].
Mazepin A S,Larina G A,Marochkov A V,Garmat'ko A I
Autotransfusions of UV irradiated blood were used in the treatment of 20 patients with grave pyoinflammatory maxillofacial diseases. 54 sessions were carried out, that resulted in a manifest clinical effect. The results evidence that this method may be effectively used as the main treatment modality in the management of recurrent furunculosis of the face.
[The use of ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in treating keratitis].
Zhivotovskiĭ L D
Oftalmologicheskii zhurnal
The paper analyses results after treatment of inflammatory diseases of the cornea by means of a quantum ultraviolet hemotherapy using the apparatus "Izol'da" MD-73M. The original method for treatment of keratitis represents a combination of ultraviolet radiation of blood and subconjunctival injections of heparinized autologous blood preliminary radiated by ultraviolet rays. High clinical effectiveness of the method (rise of visometric values, shortening of the bed-days, etc.) is shown and it is recommended to be widely used for treatment of quickly progressing, severe lesions of the cornea.
[Effect of the autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood on the homeostatic indices of surgical patients].
Dutkevich I G,Golovin G V,Marchenko A V,Zhukhina G E,Samoĭlova K A
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
The investigation of parameters of hemograms, biochemical composition of blood, hemostasis, certain indicators of the immunological status in transfusing UV-irradiated autologous blood the authors made a conclusion that this variant of autohemotransfusion exerted a specific effect on the patient's organism. It depended on the scheme of irradiation of the blood, number of sessions of autotransfusions and intervals between them.
[The activation of the immunosorptive properties of blood during its UV irradiation at therapeutic doses].
Vasil'eva Z F,Shtil'bans V I,Samoĭlova K S,Obolenskaia K D
Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny
UV irradiation of donor rhesus-positive blood in apparatus, applied in Soviet hospitals for autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood produces a 2-fold increase of the blood capacity to bind antirhesus antibodies in blood or serum from sensibilized women. The above data can be used for increase in therapeutic effect of blood exchange transfusion in children with rhesus-conflict hemolytic disease.
[Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy for the sudden deafness].
Wang D
Lin chuang er bi yan hou ke za zhi = Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology
OBJECTIVE:In order to improve curative effect of sudden deafness. METHOD:We adopted ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) therapy added conventional pharmacotherapy to treat 70 cases of sudden deafness. RESULT:The general effective rate was 85.6% and there was no complication. In control group we adopted conventional pharmacotherapy only, the general effective rate was 65.7%. There was significant difference between experimental and control groups (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION:The results showed that the UBI is a safety, effective, simple and convenient therapy for the sudden deafness.
[The efficacy of the ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the combined treatment of erysipelatous inflammation].
Potashov L V,Reshetov A V,Tone R V,Vismont V G
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
An experience with treatment of 1527 patients with different forms of erysipelas is analyzed. Under study were clinical data, nonspecific resistance parameters, peripheral and central hemodynamics and viscosity of blood. Ultraviolet irradiation of blood is an effective method of pathogenetical treatment of erysipelas which results in rapid arrest of local and general symptoms of the disease. The number of complications and recurrences was reduced.
Ultraviolet irradiation of platelet concentrates: feasibility in transfusion practice.
Andreu G,Boccaccio C,Lecrubier C,Fretault J,Coursaget J,LeGuen J P,Oleggini M,Fournel J J,Samama M
Ultraviolet (UV)-B irradiation abolishes lymphocyte functions (the ability to respond and to stimulate) in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC). This effect may have practical application in the prevention or reduction of transfusion-induced alloimmunization against HLA class I antigens. To study this, platelet concentrates (PCs) were obtained with a cell separator, suspended in autologous plasma in a final volume of 400 mL, and transferred into a large (22 X 30 cm) cell culture bag. This plastic showed a good transmittance of UV-B rays at 310 nm (54%). PCs were placed between two quartz plates (surface of irradiation = 25 X 37 cm), and the two sides were irradiated simultaneously. Energy delivered to the surface of the plastic bag was automatically monitored. The ability to respond (in MLC and to phytohemagglutinin) and to stimulate allogeneic lymphocytes was completely abolished with energy of 0.75 J per cm2 (irradiation time less than 3 min). The temperature increase during irradiation was negligible. Platelet aggregation (collagen, adrenalin, ADP, arachidonic acid, ristocetin) was not impaired if UV-B energy was below 3 J per cm2. Recovery and survival of autologous 111In-labeled platelets were studied in four volunteers; no differences were found between UV-B-treated (1.5 J/cm2) platelets and untreated platelets. These results show that a large-scale clinical trial using UV-B-irradiated PCs to prevent HLA alloimmunization is feasible.
[Ultraviolet irradiation of lymphoplasma in combination with lymphocytapheresis in the treatment of patients with diseases of the blood system].
Archvadze V G,Alekseev G I,Baranovich V Iu,Veretnik G I,Shepetovskaia T I
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
The article describes results of treatment of 8 patients with diseases of blood system complicated by autoimmune processes with the use of lymphocytopheresis in combination with the ultraviolet irradiation of lymphoplasm for its sterilization before autotransfusion. It was shown that ultraviolet rays (254-330 nm) gave a stable most pronounced lymphoplasm-sterelizing effect in addition to the increased immunosuppressive action due to lymphocytophoresis in the external drainage of the thoracic lymphatic duct.
[Ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the complex treatment of suppurative-inflammatory diseases].
Butylin L P,Volobuev N N,Tikhonov K S,Sinani M B
Klinicheskaia khirurgiia
The experience with the use of ultraviolet irradiation (UVI) of the blood in 98 patients with purulent-inflammatory disease is presented. UVI of the blood has considerably improved the results of treatment of the patients. The highest effectiveness of UVI of the blood is noted in treatment of chromosepsis. The treatment of psoriasis by the mentioned method appeared ineffective.
[Changes in the expression of membrane markers and in the number of human blood monocytes after single and repeated courses of visible and infrared light at therapeutic doses].
Zhevago N A,Samoĭlova K A,Glazanova T V,Obolenskaia K D,Balliuzek M F,Romanenko N Iu
An attempt has been made to prove that the immunomodulating effect of therapeutic doses of polychromatic visible + infrared polarized (VIP) light at its application to a small body surface area is connected with a transcutaneous photomodification of a small amount of blood in superficial skin microvessels. For this purpose, in parallel experiments, using monoclonal antibodies, the membrane phenotype of circulating blood mononuclears was studied after irradiation of volunteers, of samples of their blood in vitvo, and of a mixture of the irradiated and non-irradiated autologous blood in a 1:10 volume ratio, thereby modeling events in vivo, when a small amount of the transcutaneously photomodified blood in the vascular bed contacts its main circulating volume. In this variant of experiment, a great similarity has been established of changes in expression of mononuclear membrane markers (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD16, HLA-DR and to a lesser degree of CD25); the ability has been proven of the photomodified blood to "translate" the light-induced changes to a much higher volume of non-irradiated blood, which might represent a mechanism of the systemic immunomodulating effect of phototherapy. Under conditions in vivo and in vitro, the most "reactive" were HLA-DR+, CD20+, CD16+, CD4+, and 0-cells. An increase of the total number of lymphocytes and monocytes has been shown by the end of the 10-day-long phototherapeutic course. The regulatory character of the single and course sessions of the VIP light on the blood immunocompetent cells is substantiated: depending on the initial state of the immune system, the VIP light can produce both stimulating and inhibitory effect on lymphoid cell subpopulations, which opens large possibilities of using this method for correction of immunological disturbances in diseases of different etiopathogenesis.
[Autologous transfusion of UV-irradiated blood in the treatment of occlusive arterial diseases of the lower extremities].
Zhulikova I I,Marfin B I,Artiukhov V G,Esipenko V V,Kazanskiĭ V N,Lynov A A
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Complex examination of 72 patients with obliterating atherosclerosis and 10 patients with obliterating endarteritis was performed. All the patients were given autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood as conservative treatment, preoperative preparation and postoperative management. The course of AUVIB was followed by a decrease of the lactic acid level, increase of functional properties of hemoglobin, activation of humoral immunity, change of the blood hemostatic potential to the side of hypocoagulation. The AUVIB treatment was most effective in patients at initial stages and those with peripheral forms of the disease.
[Autologous transfusion of UV-irradiated blood in the complex treatment of children with dysplasia of deep veins of the extremities].
Levanovich V V,Kupatadze D D,Endzhibadze Iu G,Nabokov V V,Mazurova E V,Ivanov A P,Chirovich M
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Under examination there were 12 patients aged from 5 till 14 years. An investigation of hemostatic potential of blood in the diseased extremity and peripheral blood was performed. A mosaic character of blood coagulative alterations in this category of patients was detected. Autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood is a pathogenetically grounded and accessible method of correction of hemocoagulation and may be included in the complex treatment of patients with dysplasia of the profound veins of lower extremities.
[Effect of UV radiation and the autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood on the content of cationic proteins in the neutrophilic granulocytes of calves].
Skorina I A,Mazing Iu A,Samoĭlova K A,Pigarevskiĭ V E
A study was made of the influence of UV-irradiation (254 nm) of blood in vitro, of the autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood (AUVIB), and of the mixture of UV-irradiated and intact blood in vitro on the content of bactericidal cation proteins (CP) in blood neutrophil of calves suffered from dyspepsia and broncho-pneumonia. Age differences were noticed in CP contents and their decrease in neutrophils following AUVIB in vivo and administration of the mixture of blood in vitro. The decrease in cell CP contents is presumably due to neutrophil degranulation and CP release into the blood plasma. Since the initial mechanisms of neutrophil degranulation are located on the cell surface, the CP release is supposed to result from a membranotropic effect of UV-irradiated blood on the intact autologous blood. This effect may explain the increase in nonspecific resistance of organism after the AUVIB, being one of the main therapeutic phenomena of the AUVIB-therapy.
[Changes in the surface and activation of circulating leukocytes after autologous transfusion of UV-irradiated blood].
Samoĭlova K A,Obolenskaia K D,Freĭdlin I S,Gamova I M,Volgareva E V,Nisman B Kh,Runovskaia I V,Mukhuradze N A,Vasiukhin V I
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Under study was the dynamics of functional properties of leukocytes of healthy people and patients after UV-irradiation of their blood, mixing the UV-irradiated and non-irradiated blood. It was shown that UV-irradiation and mixing the irradiated and non-irradiated blood facilitated the liberation of bactericidal cation proteins of leukocytes, higher expression of membrane receptors, growth factors, activation of reparation of DNA after its injury by gamma-rays. It proves the role of immediate activation of leukocytes of the circulating blood in trigger mechanisms of effects of autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood.
[Treatment of occlusive vascular diseases of the lower extremities using the method of autologous transfusion of UV-irradiated blood].
Krotovskiĭ G S,Zabel'skaia T F
Knott's autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood was performed in 163 inoperable patients, including 141 patients with obliterating atherosclerosis and 22 patients with endarteritis. Good clinical effect was produced that was particularly apparent in patients with obliterating atherosclerosis. Assessment of the effects of autotransfusion of US-irradiated blood on microcirculation, peripheral circulation, hemostasis and humoral immunity in the two samples confirmed the method's efficiency.
[Effect of the in vitro ultraviolet irradiation of autogenous blood on hematological, biochemical and biological indices in sheep with experimentally induced sepsis].
Filipov Zh,Borisov I,Bodurov N
Veterinarno-meditsinski nauki
Studies were carried out with 10 sheep infected with a 24th hour broth culture of strain 1088 of Corynebacterium pyogenes. The animals were divided into two groups of 5 each--control and test. Autotransfusion of untreated blood was carried out with the control group, and autotransfusion of UV-treated (in vitro) blood--with the test group. Used was a M-LK5 type lamp, and irradiation lasted 10 min. The autotransfusion of both treated and untreated blood was well tolerated by the sheep. It did not cause deviations from the normal clinical indices. It was established that the autohemotransfusion with untreated blood did not bring about changes in reactions that could be clinically followed up in the course of the disease. On the other hand, the autohemotransfusion of blood that was treated in vitro with ultra-violet rays had a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and on the individual clinical indices.
[The effect of UV irradiation and of UV-irradiated autologous blood on the functional state of human peripheral blood lymphocytes].
Volgareva E V,Volgarev A P,Samoĭlova K A
The effect of UV irradiation (UVI, 254 nm) and of UV-irradiated autologous blood on the spontaneous and mitogen-induced DNA-synthetic activity of intact lymphocytes has been studied. Lymphocytes were isolated from nonirradiated and irradiated blood, and from the mixture of UV-irradiated blood with the intact one in the volume ratio close to that in the blood stream during UV-irradiated blood autotransfusion (1:10, 1:40, 1:160). It has been shown that UVI of the whole blood caused in some donors the increase in spontaneous DNA synthesis, while in others the decrease or no statistically significant changes were observed. The analysis of the results obtained shows an inverse relation of the UVI effect to the initial level of spontaneous DNA synthesis (r = -0.68). In contrast to direct UVI effect, an addition of UV-irradiated blood to the autologous intact one resulted in an increase in spontaneous DNA synthesis in lymphocytes of all the samples examined. A 7-day cocultivation of lymphocytes, isolated from irradiated and nonirradiated blood samples, revealed a 1.8 times increase compared to the calculated value. The mitogen-induced DNA synthesis has a low sensitivity to UV rays, since the mitogens and the irradiation of optical range have presumably the common targets. It is assumed that photomodification of HLA-D/DR antigens can be a trigger mechanism for activation of immunocompetent cells by UVI.
[Effectiveness of the complex treatment of cerebrovascular disorders by ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood].
Berdichevskiĭ M Ia,Dashkovskaia E M
Zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova (Moscow, Russia : 1952)
The results of the treatment of 90 patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE): atherosclerotic, hypertonic and venous are summarized. Inclusion of autologous ultraviolet radiation of the blood into multimodality therapy appreciably raised its efficacy, enabling the attainment of beneficial results in patients treated before unsuccessfully by conventional methods together with the prolongation of the time of remissions. It is recommended that the method under consideration be included into multimodality treatment of DE patients.
[Changes in the leukocyte phagocytic activity of donor blood after its UV irradiation. II. Simulation of the effect of the autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood].
Samoĭlova K A,Obolenskaia K D,Freĭdlin I S
The UV-irradiated blood of healthy adults was supplemented with non-irradiated blood in the ratio 1:10. The phagocytic activity (PhA) of monocytes and granulocytes was seen to increase markedly in the whole mixture of blood. In this case the rise of PhA was pronounced 1.4-1.7 times as much as in the case of the non-supplemented, directly UV-irradiated blood. The enhancement of PhA depends on its initial level and may occur simultaneously with structural changes of the cell surface components. It seems reasonable to propose that PhA stimulation may be one of the earliest mechanisms in immunocorrection by UV-irradiated blood therapy.
[Ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood in the complex treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus].
Rakov A L,Drygin A N,Sharapov G N,Iakovlev V A,Kozhemiakin L A
Klinicheskaia meditsina
A single reinfusion of UV-irradiated autologous blood was performed in 76 patients with non-insulin-dependent (NID) and insulin-dependent (ID) diabetes mellitus. Lipid peroxidation (LPO), activity of glycolysis and pentose cycle principal enzymes, red cell cyclic nucleotides, hormones concentrations, glucose utilization were investigated. It is shown that general physiological action of UV radiation is primarily due to LPO stimulation responsible for changes in cell membrane properties. This action may vary with baseline LPO characteristics. UV radiation is valid in combined therapy of NID diabetes mellitus as it activates intracellular metabolism, reduces concentration of ++contra-insular hormones, improves tissue utilization of glucose. ID diabetes mellitus is contraindication for UV radiation use as additional stimulation of initially high LPO entails inhibition of activity of intracellular enzymatic systems participating in glucose metabolism, leads to low production of endogenous insulin.
[The efficacy of the extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood in the treatment of chronic nonspecific lung diseases].
Paleev N R,Vetchinnikov O N,Plaksina G V,Brucheeva I S
Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk
The paper presents the results of treating patients with chronic nonspecific diseases of the lung by the use of extracorporeal ultraviolet autoblood irradiation (EUVABI). The marked clinical effect recorded after an EUVABI course coincided with the normalization of an erythrocytic membrane morphoform, which suggests that the severity of allergic and inflammatory reactions was liquidated and blood viscosity was improved. EUVABI led to positive changes in the pattern of morphotypes in the crystallogram of plasma, except the patients who showed no clinical effect, which indicates that plasma crystallography can be used as a diagnostic test in predicting the results of EUVABI application.
[Effect of ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood on cell volumes, cell adhesion and phagocytosis in normal probands and patients with multiple sclerosis].
Mix E,Jenssen H L,Lehmitz R,Buddenhagen F,Hitzschke B,Richter M
Folia haematologica (Leipzig, Germany : 1928)
UVB induced changes of blood cell properties were investigated in 12 MS patients and in 10 healthy volunteers serving as normal controls. The mean cell volume (MCV) was determined by electronic sizing, the granulocyte and lymphocyte adherence was estimated in a capillary assay, and the phagocytic activity of granulocytes was measured in a test system based on the incorporation of opsonized baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). In MS patients the MCV of red cells and lymphocytes decreased rapidly within 6 UVB treatments. In contrast, the reduction of the granulocyte volume was delayed (between the 6th and 12th UVB). In the control group the mean value of the red cell and lymphocyte MCV remained rather unaffected. There was a slight rise of the granulocyte volume after the 6th UVB. The only significant change of adherence was an increase of granulocyte adherence in MS patients. Untreated patients had a significantly enhanced phagocytic activity in comparison to the control group. 6 UVB treatments included a significant reduction of the phagocytic activity in MS patients. However, subsequently the percentage of phagocytizing cells increased again, whereas the particle uptake per cell continued to decrease. In the control group only minor UVB induced changes of phagocytosis were observed. The in vitro UV irradiation caused an enhanced phagocytosis in the majority of cases in both controls and MS patients. In general, under the UVB treatment all parameters examined changed in the sense of a normalisation, in that the measured values reached a new level lying between the extreme pretreatment values accompanied by a reduced standard deviation. The effect of UVB was more pronounced in MS patients when compared with normal controls. This could result from an enhanced sensitivity to the influence of UVB of pathologically altered cells in MS patients. The monitoring of the MCV of red cells and lymphocytes as well as the repeated testing of granulocyte phagocytosis are recommended for supportion of therapy planning and follow-up of MS patients.
[The clinico-immunological characteristics of bronchial asthma patients undergoing autologous ultraviolet blood irradiation].
Tkachenko Iu Ia,Kovalenko N N,Kogosova L S,Gumeniuk N I,Karnakh R I,Lineva E I,Panashchuk I A
Likars'ka sprava
Ultraviolet irradiation of blood studied in 201 patients with various forms of bronchial asthma proved to be the most effective in "aspirin" and infectious-allergic forms of the disease. Analysis of immunological changes showed that ultraviolet irradiation of blood brings to the norm content of IgG in serum, influence beneficially quantity and functional activity of T-lymphocytes, reduces auto-immunization and sensibilization to Streptococcus.
[Autotransfusion of ultraviolet-irradiated blood in destructive pneumonia of young children].
Kalinkin V N,Mezentsev G D,Kashuba E A,Konovalova L A,Shatilovich L N
Analysis of the results of clinicoimmunological study of the use of autotransfusion of blood treated by ultraviolet irradiation (ABUVI) in infants with acute purulent destructive pneumonia (APDP) revealed that imbalance of cellular and humoral immunity factors was the main factor determining the severity of the disease. ABUVI is an effective measure for correcting the immune response of the child's organism to the bacterial aggression through adequate production of monocytic phagocytes and plasma cells of the blood. It also influences the completeness of humoral immunity and reduction of T-lymphocyte deficiency in the acute phase of the disease. ABUVI raises the efficacy of complex treatment of toxicoseptic forms of APDR, reduces 1.7-fold the terms of treatment, and reduces considerably the mortality rate of this disease in young children.
[The intravasal ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood in the treatment of central nonexudative chorioretinal dystrophy].
Dzhaliashvili O A,Kliavina A E,Sukhotu N Kh
Vestnik oftalmologii
A course of ultraviolet irradiation (UVI) of the blood, followed by reinfusion, was carried out with the use of the Izol'da MD-73 apparatus in 156 patients (300 eyes) aged 35 to 82, suffering from nonexudative chorioretinal dystrophy. The course consisted of 5 sessions with intervals of 2 days, 12-16 min each. No drugs were used during or after the treatment, except heparin (10,000 U in 50 ml of physiologic saline), that was used to wash the system of reducing pipes to prevent the formation of thrombi during blood collection and reinfusion. Vision acuity improvement, achieved in 161 cases (53.7%), has been rather stable, persisting in remote periods of the follow-up (up to 12 mos). In the rest 139 cases either improvement, that was considered unreliable, or no changes were observed immediately after UVI course. The method is simple and does not involve the use of expensive and hard-to-get imported drugs, its functional effect is sufficiently good and stable; all these factors recommend UVI for wide clinical application to the treatment of central chorioretinal dystrophy.
[Specific antimicrobial immunity in patients with suppurative soft-tissue diseases undergoing conventional and modified ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood].
Ostrovskiĭ V K,Makarov S V
Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia
Study of titers of specific antibacterial antibodies in the plasma by passive hemagglutination test and of the number of antibody-producing cells (APC) by local hemolysis test in patients with purulent diseases of soft tissues showed that both values increased after UV exposure of autoblood. This increase was more expressed after differentiated exposure of erythrocytic and leukocytic mass than after common UV exposure, which is explained by more complete exposure of leukocytes participating in immunological reactions. Study of APC during a UV session showed an increase in the count of these cells 6-8 h after exposure.
[Reduction of bacterial contamination during mechanical autotransfusion by uv irradiation--initial results].
Schürholz A,Opitz S,Dietrich G,Heinrichs D,Füssle R,Hempelmann G
Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of UV-radiation of autologous blood on bacteria and red blood cells when using intraoperative sampling of autologous blood using a cell separator--an established method for reducing the need for donor blood during surgery--which is reported to have a bacterial contamination rate of 5-75%, due mainly to coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). METHODS:Cell-separator blood was diluted to a haematocrit level permitting transmission of 1% of the UV-radiation used in this study (lambda 254 nm, coat thickness 1 mm). CNS samples were irradiated for 2, 4, 10, 20 and 30 seconds. Free haemoglobin and methaemoglobin levels were measured, and erythrocytes examined microscopically at the end of the procedure. RESULTS:Blood samples had to be diluted to a haematocrit of 1% to permit transmission of 1% of the UV light. The optimal irradiation duration was 4 seconds, when bacteria were completely eliminated. Longer irradiation durations were associated with increasing levels of free haemoglobin and methaemoglobin, the levels of which at 4 seconds exposure were 12.5 mg/L and 15.5%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS:It is possible to prevent CNS contamination of cell-separator blood by irradiation with UV light. Prior to clinical application, however, the method will need to be modified to minimize side effects and increase its decontamination efficacy.
[Value of dosimetric control of ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood in surgical practice].
Marchenko A V,Dutkevich I G,Golovin G V,Provornov Iu S
Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Photometric measurements have shown that during UV irradiation of autoblood in the apparatus "Izolda" the dose of the falling UV irradiation does not remain constant. It becomes less with the term of work of the quartz-mercury lamp and at the expense of the film formed on the walls of the quartz flask of blood cells and plasma components. Therefore for the comparative assessment of the biological and clinical effects in photomodification of autoblood and its transfusion it is necessary to measure the dose of the falling UVI.
[Experience with using autologous transfusion of ultraviolet- irradiated blood].
Kliuchevskiĭ V V,Larionov S V,Evstratov V G,Larionova N V
Ortopediia travmatologiia i protezirovanie
Autotransfusion of ultraviolet irradiated blood (TUVIB) has been included into the complex of treatment of 96 elderly and senile patients with fractures of the proximal end of the proximal end of the femur. The MD-73M apparatus has been used. The values of central hemodynamics, the threshold of tactile and pain sensitivity, the immune status and the coagulative system of blood have been studied. A high efficacy of TUVIB in this group of the patients has been pointed out, and a conclusion has been made about the necessity of individual choice of the doses of ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood on the basis of adaptive reaction of calm activation. The side effects and the complications in performing TUVIB, the ways of their prevention and treatment have been considered.
[Ultraviolet irradiation of blood and peloid therapy (standard- and short-course) of patients with chronic bronchitis].
Ivanov E M,Shakirova O V,Zhuravskaia N S
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury
Clinical symptoms, clinico-biochemical picture, immunograms and external respiration function were studied in 43 patients with chronic bronchitis undergoing UV blood radiation and peloid therapy. This treatment had a corrective effect on chronic bronchitis pathogenesis. Short courses of photon-peloid therapy showed the same effectiveness as routine ones at lower risk of side effects and higher cost efficiency.
[The antithrombogenic properties of the vascular wall and platelet aggregation in patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities following a course of treatment with UV-irradiated autologous blood transfusion].
Adamchik A S,Sushkevich G N,Kubatiev A A,Belov Iu V
Gematologiia i transfuziologiia
Sixteen patients with lower limb atherosclerosis (LLAS) stage II-III received autotransfusions of blood irradiated by ultraviolet light. Vascular wall antithrombogenic properties assessed before the treatment in the patients and controls were found deteriorated in LLAS subjects. The cuff test did not affect the antithrombogenic characteristics. The course of autotransfusions produced a clinical improvement and strengthening of the antithrombogenic properties. The cuff test demonstrated a significant decline in platelet aggregation in response to ADP, thrombin, collagen, ristomycin, arachidonic acid; of platelet factor 4, thromboxane B2, beta-thromboglobulin. Concentrations of antithrombin III, plasminogen, prostacyclin rose. The autotransfusions were made on "Izolda" device MD-73 (1 ml of blood per 1 kg b. mass). Irradiation dose 750 J/m2, wave length 254 nm. Platelet aggregation was studied according to Born technique in O'Brien modification. Thromboxane B2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, beta-thromboglobulin and TF 4 were measured by radioimmunoassay, antithrombin III and plasminogen by chromogenic substrates.
[Comparative analysys of immunocorrective effect of ultraviolet irradiation of autoblood and plasmapheresis in patients with recurrent polypous rhinosinusitis].
Shagova V S,Mashkova T A
Vestnik otorinolaringologii
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the immune status of patients with chronically recurring polypous rhinosinusitis (CRPS) for the identification of the key markers of immune disorders. Assessment of the efficiency of traditional therapy during the postoperative period demonstrated that it was very low in terms of beneficial effect on the major components of the immune system, T and B lymphocytes. Determination of the frequency of immune disorders during irradiation of autoblood with ultraviolet light and plasmapheresis in the postoperative period and evaluation of "true" effects of these treatments revealed their significant quantitative immunostimulating action. Integral evaluation (rank-sum analysis) demonstrated similar therapeutic efficiency of the two methods.
[The efficiency of ultraviolet autologous blood irradiation used in the complex therapy of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents].
Shurygin A A
Tuberkulez i bolezni legkikh
The purpose of the investigation was to study the clinical efficiency of ultraviolet autoblood irradiation (UVABI) used in the complex therapy of children and adolescents with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. A controlled randomized study of the results of treatment in two groups of patients who had or had not received UVABI during the standard complex therapy was carried out by the experiment-control principle. The groups were randomized (first - second). In 91.9% of the children and adolescents with infiltrative tuberculosis, the process was accompanied by impaired immune defense with bacterial isolation in 68.0 to 54.1% of cases; every two patients had drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The use of UVABI in the complex therapy of patients with tuberculosis was ascertained to promote a rapid, two-fold more frequent bacterial isolation cessation resulting in a epidemic danger reduction in the patients, to have a positive impact on the formation of immune defense, mainly of a phagocytic link, in children and adolescents, to exert a detoxifying effect, to favor a better tolerability of antituberculous drugs, to cause positive X-ray changes, and to improve the quality of life. The clinical and laboratory effectiveness and safety of UVABI allow recommendation that the latter be introduced into a treatment protocol for children and adolescents with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis.
Evaluation of the tolerability and immunogenicity of ultraviolet C-irradiated autologous platelets in a dog model.
Pohler Petra,Lehmann Jörg,Veneruso Verena,Tomm Janina,von Bergen Martin,Lambrecht Bernd,Kohn Barbara,Weingart Christiane,Müller Thomas H,Seltsam Axel
BACKGROUND:The THERAFLEX ultraviolet (UV) platelets (PLTs) pathogen reduction system for PLT concentrates (PCs) operates using ultraviolet C (UVC) light at a wavelength of 254 nm. UVC treatment can potentially alter proteins, which may affect drug tolerance in humans and influence the immunogenicity of blood products. This preclinical study in beagle dogs was designed to evaluate the safety pharmacology of UVC-irradiated PCs after intravenous administration and to determine whether they are capable of eliciting humoral responses to PLTs and plasma proteins. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS:Six beagle dogs each were transfused once every other week for 10 weeks with UVC-irradiated or nonirradiated PCs. All PCs were autologous canine single-donor products prepared from whole blood. Safety pharmacology variables were regularly assessed. The impact of UVC irradiation on PLT and plasma proteomes was analyzed by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Serum samples were tested for UVC-induced antibodies by Western blot and flow cytometry. RESULTS:Dogs transfused with UVC-irradiated PCs showed no signs of local or systemic intolerance. Few but significant changes in PLT protein integrity were observed after UVC irradiation. Even after repeated administration of UVC-irradiated PCs, no antibodies against UVC-exposed plasma or PLT proteins were detected. CONCLUSIONS:Repeated transfusions of autologous UVC-treated PCs were well tolerated in all dogs studied. UVC irradiation did not cause significant plasma or PLT protein modifications capable of inducing specific antibody responses in the dogs. High-resolution proteomics combined with antibody analysis introduces a comprehensive and sensitive method for screening of protein modifications and antibodies specific for pathogen reduction treatment.
Expression Level of Membrane Markers CD5, CD19, and CD20 in B Cells after UV-Irradiation and Incubation in the Presence of Autologous Plasma.
Zemchenkova O V,Basharina O V,Artyukhov V G
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine
The effect of UV-light (240-390 nm) in doses of 151 and 755 J/m on the expression of membrane markers CD5, CD19, CD20 in human peripheral blood B cells was studied by flow cytometry. In 24 h after exposure to UV light, we observed activation of processes accompanied by structural rearrangements of B-cell membranes leading to changes in the expression of receptor molecules: the content of of CD19 and CD20 increased due to activation of the synthesis of these proteins, while the content of CD5 decreased. The percentage of CD5 cells decreased over 24 h after UV-irradiation of lymphocytes, while addition of autologous plasma to the incubation medium produced a photoprotective effect on CD5 cells.