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The morphology of osseous structure in subtalar joint with chronic ankle instability. Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons BACKGROUND:Osseous structures have been demonstrated as risk factors for chronic ankle instability (CAI). Previously, the researchers only focused on the osseous structures of ankle, but ignored the osseous structures of subtalar joint(STJ). Accordingly, the aim of our study was to investigate the morphological characteristics of STJ osseous structures in CAI. METHODS:52 patients with CAI and 52 sex- and age- matched control subjects were enrolled from The Affiliated Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Southwest Medical University. The lateral radiographs of ankle in weight-bearing were used to compare the diversity of the two groups. Specifically, The Length of calcaneus, Calcaneal facet height and Absolute foot height, Böhler's angle, Gissane's angle, Calcaneal inclination angle, Talocalcaneal angle, Tibiotalar angle, Tibiocalcaneal angle, Talar-horizontal angle, talar declination angle, facet inclination angle were gauged in the two groups. RESULTS:The Böhler's angle, Calcaneal inclination, Talocalcaneal angle, Tibiotalar angle, Talar-horizontal angle, Talar declination angle, Facet inclination angle and Absolute foot height of CAI group were significantly higher than normal control group (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in Gissane's angle, Tibiocalcaneal angle, Length of calcaneus and Calcaneal facet height between patients with CAI and normal controls (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:The osseous structures of STJ in CAI patients are different from normal people in morphology. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the changes of STJ anatomical parameters in the diagnosis and prevention of CAI. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Ⅲ. 10.1016/j.fas.2023.09.008
Current Challenges in Chronic Ankle Instability: Review and Perspective. Foot and ankle clinics Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is common, disabling, and represents a significant socioeconomic burden. Current treatment options are not adequately efficacious. CAI is multifaceted, yet it is commonly addressed in terms of either mechanical instability or functional impairment. Both are inherently linked. Basic research must be conducted to foster reliable translational research encompassing both mechanical and functional aspects. A review was conducted to identify CAI risk factors for inclusion in future studies, and we offer here opinions and perspectives for future research. 10.1016/j.fcl.2022.11.003
Comparing the effects of ankle integral and conventional physiotherapy on pain, range of motion, balance, disability, and treatment effectiveness in patients with chronic ankle instability: Randomized controlled trial. Clinical rehabilitation OBJECTIVE:To compare the effects of ankle integral and conventional physiotherapy on pain, range of motion, balance, disability, and treatment effectiveness in patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI). DESIGN:Two-arm, parallel-group, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. PARTICIPANTS:60 patients with unilateral CAI. INTERVENTION:integral physiotherapy (n = 30) or conventional physiotherapy (n = 30). OUTCOMES:Visual Analog Scale (VAS), dorsiflexion and plantarflexion range of motion, Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), Single Leg Hop (SLH) test, Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS), Lower Extremity Functional Score (LEFS), global rating of change, were gathered pre and post-intervention. RESULTS:The ANOVA results revealed statistically significant interaction for FAOS, and LEFS outcome measures ( < 0.05) and the mean change results showed there were a favorable clinical difference incline toward the integral group (mean = 20.14 (14.95-25.37), mean = 29.46 (24.09-34.83)). There were no interactions between group and time among other outcome measures ( > 0.05). The group main effect did not show any statistical significance ( > 0.05). CONCLUSION:Hip strengthening and balance exercises added to ankle rehabilitation could be more favorable on improving the patients' functional ability. 10.1177/02692155221134993
Risk factors for chronic ankle instability after first episode of lateral ankle sprain: A retrospective analysis of 362 cases. Journal of sport and health science BACKGROUND:Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a common sequela following an acute lateral ankle sprain (LAS). To treat an acute LAS more effectively and efficiently, it is important to identify patients at substantial risk for developing CAI. This study identifies magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) manifestations for predicting CAI development after a first episode of LAS and explores appropriate clinical indications for ordering MRI scans for these patients. METHODS:All patients with a first-episode LAS who received plain radiograph and MRI scanning within the first 2 weeks after LAS from December 1, 2017 to December 1, 2019 were identified. Data were collected using the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool at final follow-up. Demographic and other related clinical variables, including age, sex, body mass index, and treatment were also recorded. Univariable and multivariable analyses were performed successively to identify risk factors for CAI after first-episode LAS. RESULTS:A total 131 out of 362 patients with a mean follow-up of 3.0 ± 0.6 years (mean ± SD; 2.0-4.1 years) developed CAI after first-episode LAS. According to multivariable regression, development of CAI after first-episode LAS was associated with 5 prognostic factors: age (odds ratio (OR) = 0.96, 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 0.93-1.00, p = 0.032); body mass index (OR = 1.09, 95%CI: 1.02-1.17, p = 0.009); posterior talofibular ligament injury (OR = 2.17, 95%CI: 1.05-4.48, p = 0.035); large bone marrow lesion of the talus (OR = 2.69, 95%CI: 1.30-5.58, p = 0.008), and Grade 2 effusion of the tibiotalar joint (OR = 2.61, 95%CI: 1.39-4.89, p = 0.003). When patients had at least 1 positive clinical finding in the 10-m walk test, anterior drawer test, or inversion tilt test, they had a 90.2% sensitivity and 77.4% specificity in terms of detecting at least 1 prognostic factor by MRI. CONCLUSION:MRI scanning is valuable in predicting CAI after first-episode LAS for those patients with at least 1 positive clinical finding in the 10-m walk test, anterior drawer test, and inversion tilt test. Further prospective and large-scale studies are necessary for validation. 10.1016/j.jshs.2023.03.005
Contributing factors to chronic ankle instability. Hubbard Tricia J,Kramer Lauren C,Denegar Craig R,Hertel Jay Foot & ankle international BACKGROUND:The development of repetitive ankle sprains and persistent symptoms after initial ankle sprain has been termed chronic ankle instability (CAI). There is no clear indication of which measures are most important in discriminating between individuals with and without CAI. METHODS:Thirty subjects with unilateral CAI and controls had measures of ankle laxity and hypomobility, static and dynamic balance, ankle and hip strength, lower extremity alignments, and flexibility taken on both limbs. RESULTS:Based on comparisons of CAI ankles and side-matched limbs in controls, the measures significantly predictive of CAI were increased inversion laxity (r(2) change = 0.203), increased anterior laxity (r(2) change = 0.11), more missed balance trials (r(2) change = 0.094), and lower plantarflexion to dorsiflexion peak torque (r(2) change = 0.052). Symmetry indices comparing the side-to-side differences of each measure also were calculated for each dependent variable and compared between groups. The measures significantly predictive of CAI were decreased anterior reach (r(2) change = 0.185), decreased plantarflexion peak torque (r(2) change = 0.099), decreased posterior medial reach (r(2) change = 0.094), and increased inversion laxity (r(2) change = 0.041). CONCLUSIONS:The results of this study elucidate the specific measures that best discriminate between individuals with and without CAI. Both mechanical (anterior and inversion laxity) and functional (strength, dynamic balance) insufficiencies significantly contribute to the etiology of CAI. Prevention of CAI may be possible with proper initial management of the acute injury with rehabilitation aimed at those factors that best discriminate between individuals with and without CAI. 10.3113/FAI.2007.0343
Prelanding movement strategies among chronic ankle instability, coper, and control subjects. Han Seunguk,Son Seong Jun,Kim Hyunsoo,Lee Hyunwook,Seeley Matthew,Hopkins Ty Sports biomechanics We describe feedforward neuromuscular control during a maximal jump landing/cutting task among groups of chronic ankle instability (CAI), coper, and uninjured control subjects. Sixty-six volunteers participated (22 CAI, 22 copers, and 22 uninjured controls). The subjects completed five trials of a maximal jump landing/cutting manoeuvre. Three-dimensional ground reaction force, lower-extremity joint angles, and activation of eight muscles were collected from 150 ms prelanding to initial contact. Functional analyses of variance (FANOVA) were used to evaluate between-group differences for these outcome variables. Compared to uninjured controls, both CAI patients and copers demonstrated altered sagittal lower-extremity movements. However, only copers exhibited unique kinematic alterations in frontal lower-extremity kinematics in the ankle and hip joints. While CAI patients demonstrated decreased most of lower-extremity EMG activation, copers displayed increased EMG activation during prelanding. Current data suggest that both CAI patients and copers demonstrated alterations in feedforward neuromuscular control prior to initial contact during a demanding jump landing/cutting task. Altered movement strategies during prelanding were observed in both proximal (e.g., knee and hip) and distal (e.g., ankle) joints in CAI patients and copers, while copers presumably had more protective jump landing/cutting movement strategies than CAI patients. 10.1080/14763141.2021.1927163
Lateral wedge insoles and their use in ankle instability. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports The aim of the present study is to assess the immediate effects of applying lateral wedge insoles of different heights (0.00, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6 cm) in patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI) in normal and supinated feet during a Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) and in the reflex response of Peroneus Longus (PL), Peroneus Brevis (PB), and Tibialis Anterior (TA) over a 30° inversion of the feet. The effects of the height of the wedges were assessed using a double-blind, crossover design. In total, 25 participants were allocated into two groups, depending on the foot posture (Normal = 12, Supinated = 13) and performed the tests in a random fashion. Reaction time (RT) of stabilizing muscles of the ankle was measured using superficial electromyography (EMG) and postural balance with the SEBT. Foot posture did not show any significant effects on the analyzed variables. Nonetheless, the use of a 0.3 cm external rearfoot wedge (PB p = 0.002; PL p = 0.066 and TA p = 0.006) and 0.6 cm (PB p = 0.043; PL p = 0.058 and TA p = 0.071) reduces RT in stabilizing muscles of the ankle and improves results in SEBT, except for the anterolateral direction, in subjects with CAI. Therefore, our results suggest that the use of lateral wedge insoles could reduce RT and improve dynamic balance in chronic ankle instability. 10.1111/sms.14414
Ankle Sprains: . The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy Ankle sprains are the most common foot-ankle and sports-related injury for which people seek medical care. People of all ages sprain their ankles. Four in every 10 first-time ankle sprains occur when playing sports. Acute ankle sprains are usually accompanied by swelling, pain, and difficulty walking. Chronic ankle instability is diagnosed when a person continues to have problems with tasks like walking or playing sports 1 year after the original injury. People with chronic ankle instability say their ankle feels unstable or like it "gives way." The published updated clinical practice guidelines on diagnosing, managing, and preventing acute ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability in the April 2021 issue. We share what the experts found and what it means for you or for someone for whom you may be caring. . 10.2519/jospt.2021.0504
Chronic lateral ankle instability increases the likelihood for surgery in athletes with os trigonum syndrome. D'Hooghe P,Alkhelaifi K,Almusa E,Tabben M,Wilson M G,Kaux J F Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA PURPOSE:The etiology and incidence of os trigonum syndrome in professional athletes is highly variable. There is a paucity of data to ascertain why some athletes evolve towards surgery whilst others remain asymptomatic. We hypothesized that a lateral ligament ankle injury would increase the likelihood for surgery in those athletes with os trigonum syndrome. METHODS:Eighty professional athletes with clinical and radiological signs of os trigonum syndrome were identified to ascertain the incidence of injury to the lateral ligamentous ankle complex (acute and chronic) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This cohort was subdivided into 2 groups; a surgical (n = 40) and a non-surgical (n = 40) cohort. Surgical division was decided if (1) the clinical hyper-plantar flexion test was positive, (2) a positive diagnostic ultrasound-guided injection and (3) no improvement was observed after 6 weeks of conservative rehabilitation. RESULTS:From the surgical cohort, 37 players (94.1%) had a chronic lateral ankle ligament injury on MRI, whilst 3 players (5.9%) had an acute lateral ankle ligament injury. Binary logistic linear modelling revealed that having a chronic lateral ligament injury increases the likelihood of os trigonum syndrome surgery by ten times compared to those with an acute lateral ligament injury. CONCLUSION:Professional athletes with chronic lateral ligament ankle injury have an approximate ten times greater risk for os trigonum syndrome surgery compared to athletes with acute lateral ligament ankle injury. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:IV. 10.1007/s00167-018-5183-0
Quality and readability of online resources on chronic ankle instability. Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons BACKGROUND:Online resources on medical conditions often provide misleading or outdated information for patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of online patient information on ankle instability. METHODS:The terms "ankle instability", "ankle instability treatment" and "ankle laxity" were entered into the three largest internet search engines. The quality, accuracy and readability were evaluated using the EQIP36, a custom 25-item list and the Flesch-Kincaid-Score. RESULTS:The mean 25-item score of 102 included websites reached 10 ± 5, the mean EQIP36 score was 41 ± 11 and 96% of evaluated websites exceeded the recommended 8th-grade reading level for patient information. The quality was significantly higher with reading levels of college graduates (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS:Online resources on ankle instability are often inaccurate or at inappropriately high reading level. The quality and accuracy depend on the reading levels, with high reading levels providing more in-depth information. Foot and ankle surgeons should be aware of available online resources to direct patients to adequate websites. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Level V. 10.1016/j.fas.2021.05.003
Corticospinal activity during a single-leg stance in people with chronic ankle instability. Terada Masafumi,Kosik Kyle B,McCann Ryan S,Drinkard Colin,Gribble Phillip A Journal of sport and health science PURPOSE:The aim of the study was to determine whether corticospinal excitability and inhibition of the tibialis anterior during single-leg standing differs among individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI), lateral ankle sprain copers, and healthy controls. METHODS:Twenty-three participants with CAI, 23 lateral ankle sprain copers, and 24 healthy control participants volunteered. Active motor threshold (AMT), normalized motor-evoked potential (MEP), and cortical silent period (CSP) were evaluated by transcranial magnetic stimulation while participants performed a single-leg standing task. RESULTS:Participants with CAI had significantly longer CSP at 100% of AMT and lower normalized MEP at 120% of AMT compared to lateral ankle sprain copers (CSP: p = 0.003; MEP: p = 0.044) and controls (CSP: p = 0.041; MEP: p = 0.006). CONCLUSION:This investigation demonstrate altered corticospinal excitability and inhibition of the tibialis anterior during single-leg standing in participants with CAI. Further research is needed to examine the effects of corticospinal maladaptations to motor control of the tibial anterior on postural control performance in those with CAI. 10.1016/j.jshs.2020.08.008
Brain Neuroplasticity Related to Lateral Ankle Ligamentous Injuries: A Systematic Review. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) BACKGROUND:Lateral ankle sprains are the most common ankle injuries in sports and have the highest recurrence rates. Almost half of the patients experiencing lateral ankle sprains develop chronic ankle instability. Patients with chronic ankle instability experience persistent ankle dysfunctions and detrimental long-term sequelae. Changes at the brain level are put forward to explain these undesirable consequences and high recurrence rates partially. However, an overview of possible brain adaptations related to lateral ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability is currently lacking. OBJECTIVE:The primary purpose of this systematic review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the literature on structural and functional brain adaptations related to lateral ankle sprains and in patients with chronic ankle instability. METHODS:PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, EBSCO-SPORTDiscus and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were systematically searched until 14 December, 2022. Meta-analyses, systematic reviews and narrative reviews were excluded. Included studies investigated functional or structural brain adaptations in patients who experienced a lateral ankle sprain or with chronic ankle instability and who were at least 18 years of age. Lateral ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability were defined following the recommendation of the International Ankle Consortium. Three authors independently extracted the data. They extracted the authors' name, publication year, study design, inclusion criteria, participant characteristics, the sample size of the intervention and control groups, methods of neuroplasticity testing, as well as all means and standard deviations of primary and secondary neuroplasticity outcomes from each study. Data reported on copers were considered as part of the control group. The quality assessment tool for observational and cross-sectional studies was used for the risk of bias assessment. This study is registered on PROSPERO, number CRD42021281956. RESULTS:Twenty articles were included, of which only one investigated individuals who experienced a lateral ankle sprain. In all studies combined, 356 patients with chronic ankle instability, 10 who experienced a lateral ankle sprain and 46 copers were included. White matter microstructure changes in the cerebellum have been related to lateral ankle sprains. Fifteen studies reported functional brain adaptations in patients with chronic ankle instability, and five articles found structural brain outcomes. Alterations in the sensorimotor network (precentral gyrus and supplementary motor area, postcentral gyrus and middle frontal gyrus) and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex were mainly found in patients with chronic ankle instability. DISCUSSION:The included studies demonstrated structural and functional brain adaptations related to lateral ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability compared to healthy individuals or copers. These adaptations correlate with clinical outcomes (e.g. patients' self-reported function and different clinical assessments) and might contribute to the persisting dysfunctions, increased re-injury risk and long-term sequelae seen in these patients. Thus, rehabilitation programmes should integrate sensorimotor and motor control strategies to cope with neuroplasticity related to ligamentous ankle injuries. 10.1007/s40279-023-01834-z
Surgical Management of Lateral Ankle Instability in Athletes. Journal of athletic training Ankle sprains are common injuries involving the lateral ankle ligaments and affect athletes of all levels. Most patients heal uneventfully, but those with symptoms persisting past 3 months should be evaluated for chronic ankle instability and its associated conditions as well as for the presence of varus malalignment. Chronic ankle instability is initially treated nonoperatively, with surgical management reserved for those who have failed to improve after 3 to 6 months of bracing and functional rehabilitation. Anatomic repair using a modification of the Broström procedure is the preferred technique for initial surgery. Anatomic reconstruction with tendon graft should be considered when repair is not possible, as it maintains physiological joint kinematics. Nonanatomic reconstructions are seldom indicated. Arthroscopic repair or reconstruction of the lateral ankle ligaments is a promising new technique with results similar to those of open surgery. 10.4085/1062-6050-348-18
Evaluation of the Intact Anterior Talofibular and Calcaneofibular Ligaments, Injuries, and Repairs With and Without Augmentation: A Biomechanical Robotic Study. Larkins Christopher G,Brady Alex W,Aman Zachary S,Dornan Grant J,Haytmanek Craig T,Clanton Thomas O The American journal of sports medicine BACKGROUND:Acute ankle sprains are common injuries. The anterior talofibular (ATFL) and calcaneofibular ligaments (CFL) are the most injured lateral structures. However, controversy exists on the optimal surgical treatment when the injury is both acute and severe or becomes chronic and unstable. Studies have evaluated the biomechanics of these ligaments, but no studies have robotically evaluated injury effects and surgical treatment of ATFL or ATFL and CFL injuries. PURPOSE:To quantitatively evaluate biomechanical effects of ATFL and CFL lesions, ATFL repair, ATFL and CFL repair, and augmentation of ATFL on ankle stability. STUDY DESIGN:Controlled laboratory study. METHODS:Ten nonpaired cadaveric ankles were tested using a 6 degrees of freedom robot. Each ankle underwent testing in the following states sequentially: (1) intact, (2) ATFL cut, (3) CFL cut, (4) ATFL repair + CFL cut, (5) ATFL repair + CFL repair, and (6) ATFL repair with augmentation with suture tape + CFL repair. Testing included 88 N anterior drawer and 5 N·m varus talar tilt tests at 0° and 30° of plantarflexion, and 88 N Cotton test at 0° of plantarflexion. RESULTS:After all surgical treatments ankles still had increased laxity compared with intact state testing, except after augmented ATFL repair + CFL repair in anterior drawer testing at 30° of plantarflexion ( = .393). Sectioning the CFL caused a significant increase in talar tilt compared with the ATFL cut state at 0° ( < .001) and 30° of plantarflexion ( < .001), but no increase in anterior drawer or Cotton tests. CONCLUSION:Complete native stability may not be attainable at time zero repair with the tested treatments. The option that best returned stability in anterior translation was augmented ATFL repair with nonaugmented CFL repair. The importance of the CFL as a primary ligamentous stabilizer for talar tilt was confirmed. CLINICAL RELEVANCE:Evaluating lateral ankle stability and treatment with a 6 degrees of freedom robot should help delineate optimal treatment options. Findings in this study show that none of the repair methods at time zero restored kinematics to the intact state. Of the tested states, the augmented ATFL repair with CFL repair was the best option for controlling anterior translation at time zero. The importance of addressing the CFL to correct talar tilt instability was suggested as was the importance of a period of immobilization before beginning protected rehabilitation. The benefit of ATFL repair augmentation with suture tape is in limiting the postoperative motion in an anterior drawer motion to just 0.5 to 1 mm, but there was no significant improvement to talar tilt even with CFL repair, suggesting that further consideration should be given to CFL augmentation in future studies. 10.1177/03635465211018645
Is chronic ankle instability associated with impaired muscle strength? Ankle, knee and hip muscle strength in individuals with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review with meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine OBJECTIVE:Determine whether impairments in lower limb muscle strength exist in individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) compared with uninjured controls. DESIGN:Systematic review with meta-analysis. DATA SOURCE:A comprehensive search of PubMed, Cochrane, CINAHL, Web of Science and EMBASE electronic databases from inception to 10 February 2019. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR SELECTING STUDIES:Cross-sectional and case-control studies were included if they objectively measured lower limb muscle strength in individuals with CAI compared with controls. Risk of bias and quality of included studies were assessed. Data of included studies were extracted, and meta-analysis was conducted where appropriate. RESULTS:12 397 unique studies were identified, of which 20 were included and 16 were eligible for meta-analysis. Reviewed studies clearly described the aim/hypothesis and main outcome measure, but most lacked sample size calculation and assessor blinding. Meta-analyses showed individuals with CAI had lower eccentric and concentric evertor strength (30 and 120°/s; Nm; standardised mean difference (SMD) between -0.73 and -0.95), eccentric invertor strength (60 and 120°/s; both Nm and Nm/kg; SMD between -0.61 and -1.37), concentric invertor strength (60 and 120°/s; Nm; SMD=-0.7) and concentric knee extensor strength (SMD=-0.64) compared with control participants. Ankle eccentric dorsiflexor strength was not different between groups. Although pooling was not possible, data from three separate studies indicated that hip flexor, abductor and external rotator strength, but not hip adductor and extensor strength, was lower in individuals with CAI than in control participants. CONCLUSION:Individuals with CAI have ankle inversion and eversion strength deficits. Our data also point to differences between individuals with CAI and controls in hip and knee strength. These elements of the kinetic chain should be evaluated by clinicians who rehabilitate individuals with CAI. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER:CRD42016037759. 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100070
[Diagnostics and Therapy of Ankle Instability]. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique Diagnostics and Therapy of Ankle Instability Ankle sprains are among the most common musculoskeletal injuries and therefore often treated in the emergency department or in the general practitioner's office. In the majority of cases, the lateral ligamentous complex is affected. If treated correctly, ligamentous ankle injuries have a good prognosis and in about 80% of cases full recovery can be achieved. Risk factors for the development of chronic ankle instability are an inappropriate treatment of the ankle sprain, injury of the deltoid ligament, hyperlaxity and rearfoot deformities (e.g., cavovarus foot). Diagnostics after an ankle sprain include a medical history, focused physical examination, and appropriate imaging. Concomitant injuries such as fractures, osteochondral defects or tendon injuries should be excluded. Ankle sprains are usually treated conservatively, involving bracing or immobilization - depending on the severity of ligament damage - followed by functional rehabilitation. Patients with chronic ankle instability refractory to conservative treatment, should be considered for surgical interventions. 10.1024/0040-5930/a001370
Editorial Commentary: Arthroscopic Treatment of Ankle Instability Is the Emerging Gold Standard. Vega Jordi,Dalmau-Pastor Miki Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association Arthroscopic techniques for the treatment of ankle instability are increasing. The possibility of treating concomitant ankle pathology and ankle instability in the same procedure with similar outcomes and minor complications is making foot and ankle surgeons rethink the role of the current gold standard technique, the open Broström-Gould procedure. The improvement of arthroscopic procedures in the ankle joint, as has happened before in other joints, is forcing the evolution of the classic open gold standard techniques toward an arthroscopic approach. A nondistraction and ankle dorsiflexion procedure is the key arthroscopic technique. The anterior talofibular ligament's superior fascicle, an intra-articular structure, is located on the floor of the lateral gutter, and distraction detrimentally narrows the view and access to this space. 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.10.043
Evolution in Surgical Management of Ankle Instability in Athletes. Lau Brian C,Barg Alexej,Haytmanek C Thomas,McCullough Kirk,Amendola Annunziato The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Recent concepts are changing the management of ankle instability. These include concurrent medial and lateral instabilities, use of ankle arthroscopy, use of suture anchors, all-arthroscopic stabilization, synthetic augmentation, and early postoperative rehabilitation. Medial sided injuries occur in up to 72% of the lateral ankle sprains, and concomitant repair may provide greater stability. Suture anchors are equally as strong as transosseous tunnels, and the technique is simple, reproducible, and may decrease complications, but anchors do increase costs. Synthetic augmentation demonstrates greater strength than Broström alone in cadaver-based biomechanical testing. Although clinical studies of synthetic augmentation have demonstrated equivocal stability and pain compared with Broström alone, synthetic augmentation may expedite rehabilitation. All-arthroscopic ankle stabilization is gaining popularity with increasing publications. Early findings demonstrate comparable biomechanical and clinical data compared with open techniques. Early postoperative weight-bearing within 2 weeks seems to be safe and may shorten time to return to play. Surgeons may consider using these novel techniques in the management of lateral ankle instability. 10.5435/JAAOS-D-20-00176
Searching for consensus in the approach to patients with chronic lateral ankle instability: ask the expert. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA PURPOSE:The purpose of this study is to propose recommendations for the treatment of patients with chronic lateral ankle instability (CAI) based on expert opinions. METHODS:A questionnaire was sent to 32 orthopaedic surgeons with clinical and scientific experience in the treatment of CAI. The questions were related to preoperative imaging, indications and timing of surgery, technical choices, and the influence of patient-related aspects. RESULTS:Thirty of the 32 invited surgeons (94%) responded. Consensus was found on several aspects of treatment. Preoperative MRI was routinely recommended. Surgery was considered in patients with functional ankle instability after 3-6 months of non-surgical treatment. Ligament repair is still the treatment of choice in patients with mechanical instability; however, in patients with generalized laxity or poor ligament quality, lateral ligament reconstruction (with grafting) of both the ATFL and CFL should be considered. CONCLUSIONS:Most surgeons request an MRI during the preoperative planning. There is a trend towards earlier surgical treatment (after failure of non-surgical treatment) in patients with mechanical ligament laxity (compared with functional instability) and in high-level athletes. This study proposes an assessment and a treatment algorithm that may be used as a recommendation in the treatment of patients with CAI. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:V. 10.1007/s00167-017-4556-0
Which Functional Tests and Self-Reported Questionnaires Can Help Clinicians Make Valid Return to Sport Decisions in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability? A Narrative Review and Expert Opinion. Frontiers in sports and active living Lateral ankle sprain is the most common injury in sports, with up to 40% of patients developing chronic ankle instability (CAI). One possible cause underlying this high rate of recurrence or feeling of giving way may be a premature return to sport (RTS). Indeed, except for time-based parameters, there are no specific criteria to guide clinicians in their RTS decisions in patients with CAI. A recent international consensus highlighted the relevance and importance of including patient-reported ankle function questionnaires combined with functional tests targeting ankle impairments in this population. Thus, the aim of this narrative review and expert opinion was to identify the most relevant functional performance tests and self-reported questionnaires to help clinicians in their RTS decision-making process following recurrent ankle sprains or surgical ankle stabilization. The PubMed (MEDLINE), PEDro, Cochrane Library and ScienceDirect databases were searched to identify published articles. Results showed that the single leg stance test on firm surfaces, the modified version of the star excursion balance test, the side hop test and the figure-of-8 test appeared to be the most relevant functional performance tests to target ankle impairments in patients with CAI. A combination of the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) and the Ankle Ligament Reconstruction-Return to Sport after Injury (ALR-RSI) questionnaires were the most relevant self-reported questionnaires to assess patient function in the context of CAI. Although these functional tests and questionnaires provide a solid foundation for clinicians to validate their RTS decisions in patient with CAI, objective scientific criteria with cut-off scores are still lacking. In addition to the proposed test cluster, an analysis of the context, in particular characteristics related to sports (e.g., fatigue, cognitive constraints), to obtain more information about the patient's risk of recurrent injury could be of added value when making a RTS decision in patients with CAI. In order to evaluate the strength of evertors under ecological conditions, it would also be interesting to assess the ability to control weight-bearing ankle inversion in a unipodal stance. Further studies are needed to assess the relevance of this proposed test cluster in RTS decision-making following lateral ankle sprain injury and CAI. 10.3389/fspor.2022.902886
Chronic ankle instability has no correlation with the number of ruptured ligaments in severe anterolateral sprain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pacheco Jácome,Guerra-Pinto Francisco,Araújo Luis,Flora Miguel,Alçada Rita,Rocha Teresa,Diniz Pedro,Consciência José Guimarães Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA PURPOSE:Despite being a significant public health problem, ankle sprains' prognostic factors are largely unknown. This review aimed to systematically analyze the literature on acute ankle sprains to compare the prognosis of a combined anterior talofibular (ATFL) and calcaneofibular (CFL) ligaments rupture with an isolated ATFL rupture in terms of progression to chronic ankle instability and other clinical outcomes. METHODS:The databases for Pubmed, CENTRAL and Web of Science were searched. Clinical studies reporting the prognostic effect of combined ATFL-CFL rupture versus an isolated ATFL rupture in conservatively treated ankle sprains, with a minimum follow-up of 12 months, were eligible for inclusion. Only studies with a reliable diagnostic method for anterolateral ankle ligaments evaluation, namely ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, arthrography or stress tenography, were included. The relative risk (RR), along with the 95% confidence interval (CI), was used to quantitatively analyze the main outcomes. RESULTS:Nine papers were selected for inclusion, of which five were suitable for quantitative analysis. None of them found a statistically significant correlation between ligament injury severity and progression to chronic instability. Concerning other clinical outcomes, three studies found a statistically significant correlation between a combined ligament injury and a worse clinical prognosis. From the quantitative analysis, the relative risk (RR) of chronic ankle instability in a single versus a combined ligament rupture showed no significant difference. CONCLUSION:A significant statistical correlation between a combined ATFL-CFL rupture and chronic ankle instability, compared to an isolated ATFL rupture, was not found. There is, however, fair evidence showing a worse clinical outcome score in the combined ruptures, as well as a decreased return to full sports activities. The use of reliable and accessible diagnostic methods to determine the number of ruptured ligaments might have a role in managing severe ankle sprains. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Level III. 10.1007/s00167-021-06610-y
Evaluating and Differentiating Ankle Instability. Gribble Phillip A Journal of athletic training Given the prevalence of lateral ankle sprains during physical activity and the high rate of reinjury and chronic ankle instability, clinicians should be cognizant of the need to expand the evaluation of ankle instability beyond the acute time point. Physical assessments of the injured ankle should be similar, regardless of whether this is the initial lateral ankle sprain or the patient has experienced multiple sprains. To this point, a thorough injury history of the affected ankle provides important information during the clinical examination. The physical examination should assess the talocrural and subtalar joints, and clinicians should be aware of efficacious diagnostic tools that provide information about the status of injured structures. As patients progress into the subacute and return-to-activity phases after injury, comprehensive assessments of lateral ankle-complex instability will identify any disease and patient-oriented outcome deficits that resemble chronic ankle instability, which should be addressed with appropriate interventions to minimize the risk of developing long-term, recurrent ankle instability. 10.4085/1062-6050-484-17
Effects of mobilisation with movement (MWM) on anatomical and clinical characteristics of chronic ankle instability: a randomised controlled trial protocol. BMC musculoskeletal disorders BACKGROUND:Up to 40% of individuals who sprain their ankle develop chronic ankle instability (CAI). One treatment option for this debilitating condition is joint mobilisation. There is preliminary evidence that Mulligan's Mobilisation With Movement (MWM) is effective for treating patients with CAI, but the mechanisms by which it works are unclear, with Mulligan suggesting a repositioning of the fibula. This randomised controlled trial aims to determine the effects of MWM on anatomical and clinical characteristics of CAI. METHODS:Participants 18 years or over with CAI will be accepted into the study if they satisfy the inclusion and exclusion criteria endorsed by the International Ankle Consortium. They will be randomised into the experimental group (MWM) or the placebo group (detuned laser) and will receive the assigned intervention over 4 weeks. General joint hypermobility and the presence of mechanical instability of the ankle will be recorded during the first visit. Further, position of the fibula, self-reported function, ankle dorsiflexion range, pressure pain threshold, pain intensity, and static and dynamic balance will be assessed at baseline, and at the conclusion of course of intervention. Follow-up data will be collected at the twelfth week and at the twelfth month following intervention. DISCUSSION:Effectiveness of MWM on clinically relevant outcomes, including long term benefits will be evaluated. The capacity of MWM to reverse any positional fault of the fibula and the association of any positional fault with other clinically important outcomes for CAI will be explored. Proposed biomechanical mechanisms of fibular positional fault and other neurophysiological mechanisms that may explain the treatment effects of MWM will be further explored. The long term effectiveness of MWM in CAI will also be assessed. TRIAL REGISTRATION:Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry; ACTRN12617001467325 (17/10/2017). 10.1186/s12891-019-2447-x
Characterization of Multiple Movement Strategies in Participants With Chronic Ankle Instability. Hopkins J Ty,Son S Jun,Kim Hyunsoo,Page Garritt,Seeley Matthew K Journal of athletic training CONTEXT:Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is characterized by multiple sensorimotor deficits, affecting strength, postural control, motion, and movement. Identifying specific deficits is the key to developing appropriate interventions for this patient population; however, multiple movement strategies within this population may limit the ability to identify specific movement deficits. OBJECTIVE:To identify specific movement strategies in a large sample of participants with CAI and to characterize each strategy relative to a sample of uninjured control participants. DESIGN:Descriptive laboratory study. SETTING:Biomechanics laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS:A total of 200 individuals with CAI (104 men, 96 women; age = 22.3 ± 2.2 years, height = 174.2 ± 9.5 cm, mass = 72.0 ± 14.0 kg) were selected according to the inclusion criteria established by the International Ankle Consortium and were fit into clusters based on movement strategy. A total of 100 healthy individuals serving as controls (54 men, 46 women; age = 22.2 ± 3.0 years, height = 173.2 ± 9.2 cm, mass = 70.7 ± 13.4 kg) were compared with each cluster. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S):Lower extremity joint biomechanics and ground reaction forces were collected during a maximal vertical jump landing, followed immediately by a side cut. Data were reduced to functional output or curves, kinematic data from the frontal and sagittal planes were reduced to a single representative curve for each plane, and representative curves were clustered using a Bayesian clustering technique. Estimated functions for each dependent variable were compared with estimated functions from the control group to describe each cluster. RESULTS:Six distinct clusters were identified from the frontal-plane and sagittal-plane data. Differences in joint angles, joint moments, and ground reaction forces between clusters and the control group were also identified. CONCLUSIONS:The participants with CAI demonstrated 6 distinct movement strategies, indicating that CAI could be characterized by multiple distinct movement alterations. Clinicians should carefully evaluate patients with CAI for sensorimotor deficits and quality of movement to determine the appropriate interventions for treatment. 10.4085/1062-6050-480-17
Gluteal Activity During Gait in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability Following Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of sport rehabilitation CONTEXT:Ankle positioning gait biofeedback (GBF) has improved ankle inversion for patients with chronic ankle instability. However, the effects on proximal deficits remain unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of impairment-based rehabilitation with GBF and without biofeedback on gluteal activity during walking in patients with chronic ankle instability. DESIGN:Randomized controlled trial. METHODS:Eighteen patients with chronic ankle instability (14 women and 4 men; age 22 [4] y; height 171 [10] cm; mass 71.6 [13.8] kg) were recruited from a university setting, following International Ankle Consortium guidelines. Patients were randomly allocated to GBF or without biofeedback groups (N = 9 per group). Both groups performed 4 weeks of exercises and treadmill walking. The GBF group alone received feedback on frontal ankle positioning at initial contact during walking. Ultrasound videos of the gluteus maximus and medius were recorded during walking at baseline and follow-up by a blinded clinician. Gluteal activity ratios were obtained at each 10% of the gait cycle. Statistical parametric mapping repeated-measures analysis of variance were used to compare groups and time points. RESULTS:Both groups demonstrated significantly increased gluteus medius activity across the gait cycle compared with baseline (P < .01, mean differences: 0.13-0.21, Hedge g: 0.97-1.89); however, there were no significant between-group differences. There were no statistically significant changes noted for the gluteus maximus. No adverse events were observed. CONCLUSIONS:Impairment-based rehabilitation led to increased gluteus medius activity, but GBF did not provide any additional improvement to this parameter. Clinicians may consider implementing impairment-based strengthening interventions to improve gluteus medius function during gait for patients with CAI. 10.1123/jsr.2021-0148
T1ρ MRI of the talar articular cartilage is increased in those with chronic ankle instability. Wikstrom E A,Song K,Tennant J N,Dederer K M,Paranjape C,Pietrosimone B Osteoarthritis and cartilage OBJECTIVE:To determine if individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) demonstrate different talar cartilage T1ρ relaxation times compared to uninjured controls. DESIGN:Fifteen CAI (21.13 ± 1.81 years, 4.00 ± 2.07 previous ankle sprains) and fifteen controls (21.07 ± 2.55 years, no previous ankle sprains) participated. CAI inclusion criteria was in accordance with the International Ankle Consortium guidelines. Greater T1ρ relaxation times were interpreted as greater degenerative changes. Participants were non-weight bearing for 30-minutes prior to scanning to unload the cartilage. Voxel by voxel T1ρ relaxation times were calculated from a five image sequence. Segmentation of the talar cartilage was performed manually using ITK-SNAP software. T1ρ relaxation time means and variability across the entire talus and in the anteromeidal, anterolateral, posteromedial, and posterolateral regions of interest (ROIs) were compared between groups using mean differences and effect sizes (ES) with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS:Individuals with CAI demonstrated higher T1ρ relaxation times (mean ± standard deviation) across the entire talus (CAI: 65.97 ± 10.45 ms, Control: 58.84 ± 7.68 ms; ES = 0.76, 95%CI = 0.02-1.50), in the anterolateral (ES = 1.00, 95%CI = 0.24-1.48), posteromedial (ES = 0.74, 95%CI = 0.01-1.49), and posterolateral region of interest (ES = 3.84, 95%CI = 2.63-5.04). The T1ρ relaxation time variability (mean ± standard deviation) also differed across the overall talus (CAI: 32.78 ± 4.06 ms, Control: 28.23 ± 4.45 ms; ES = 1.04, 95%CI = 0.28-1.80), in the anteriolateral, (ES = 1.07, 95%CI = 0.31, 1.84) and posteriolateral (ES = 1.00, 95%CI = 0.24-1.75) ROIs. CONCLUSIONS:Individuals with CAI demonstrate greater T1ρ relaxation times and higher T1ρ variability compared to uninjured controls. This finding supports the existing literature illustrating early degenerative joint tissue changes consistent with early onset posttraumatic osteoarthritis in individuals with CAI. 10.1016/j.joca.2018.12.019
Infographic. International Ankle Consortium Rehabilitation-Oriented Assessment. Delahunt Eamonn,Bleakley Chris M,Bossard Daniela S,Caulfield Brian M,Docherty Carrie L,Doherty Cailbhe,Fourchet Francois,Fong Daniel T P,Hertel Jay,Hiller Claire E,Kaminski Thomas W,McKeon Patrick O,Refshauge Kathryn M,Remus Alexandria,Verhagen Evert A,Vicenzino Bill T,Wikstrom Erik A,Gribble Phillip A British journal of sports medicine 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099935
There is no such thing as a simple ankle sprain: clinical commentary on the 2016 International Ankle Consortium position statement. van Dijk C Niek,Vuurberg Gwendolyn British journal of sports medicine 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096733
The International Ankle Consortium: Promoting Long-Term Stability in Ankle-Sprain Research. Gribble Phillip A,Delahunt Eamonn Journal of athletic training 10.4085/1062-6050-542.06
Selection criteria for patients with chronic ankle instability in controlled research: a position statement of the International Ankle Consortium. Gribble Phillip A,Delahunt Eamonn,Bleakley Chris,Caulfield Brian,Docherty Carrie,Fourchet François,Fong Daniel Tik-Pui,Hertel Jay,Hiller Claire,Kaminski Thomas,McKeon Patrick,Refshauge Kathryn,van der Wees Philip,Vicenzino Bill,Wikstrom Erik British journal of sports medicine While research on chronic ankle instability (CAI) and awareness of its impact on society and health care systems has grown substantially in the last 2 decades, the inconsistency in participant/patient selection criteria across studies presents a potential obstacle to addressing the problem properly. This major gap within the literature limits the ability to generalise this evidence to the target patient population. Therefore, there is a need to provide standards for patient/participant selection criteria in research focused on CAI with justifications using the best available evidence. The International Ankle Consortium provides this position paper to present and discuss an endorsed set of selection criteria for patients with CAI based on the best available evidence to be used in future research and study designs. These recommendations will enhance the validity of research conducted in this clinical population with the end goal of bringing the research evidence to the clinician and patient. 10.1136/bjsports-2013-093175
Computer-Aided Ankle Ligament Injury Diagnosis from Magnetic Resonance Images Using Machine Learning Techniques. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) Ankle injuries caused by the Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATFL) are the most common type of injury. Thus, finding new ways to analyze these injuries through novel technologies is critical for assisting medical diagnosis and, as a result, reducing the subjectivity of this process. As a result, the purpose of this study is to compare the ability of specialists to diagnose lateral tibial tuberosity advancement (LTTA) injury using computer vision analysis on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The experiments were carried out on a database obtained from the Vue PACS-Carestream software, which contained 132 images of ATFL and normal (healthy) ankles. Because there were only a few images, image augmentation techniques was used to increase the number of images in the database. Following that, various feature extraction algorithms (GLCM, LBP, and HU invariant moments) and classifiers such as Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), and Random Forest (RF) were used. Based on the results from this analysis, for cases that lack clear morphologies, the method delivers a hit rate of 85.03% with an increase of 22% over the human expert-based analysis. 10.3390/s23031565
An Updated Model of Chronic Ankle Instability. Hertel Jay,Corbett Revay O Journal of athletic training Lateral ankle sprains (LASs) are among the most common injuries incurred during participation in sport and physical activity, and it is estimated that up to 40% of individuals who experience a first-time LAS will develop chronic ankle instability (CAI). Chronic ankle instability is characterized by a patient's being more than 12 months removed from the initial LAS and exhibiting a propensity for recurrent ankle sprains, frequent episodes or perceptions of the ankle giving way, and persistent symptoms such as pain, swelling, limited motion, weakness, and diminished self-reported function. We present an updated model of CAI that aims to synthesize the current understanding of its causes and serves as a framework for the clinical assessment and rehabilitation of patients with LASs or CAI. Our goal was to describe how primary injury to the lateral ankle ligaments from an acute LAS may lead to a collection of interrelated pathomechanical, sensory-perceptual, and motor-behavioral impairments that influence a patient's clinical outcome. With an underpinning of the biopsychosocial model, the concepts of self-organization and perception-action cycles derived from dynamic systems theory and a patient-specific neurosignature, stemming from the Melzack neuromatrix of pain theory, are used to describe these interrelationships. 10.4085/1062-6050-344-18
Understanding injury mechanisms: a key component of preventing injuries in sport. Bahr R,Krosshaug T British journal of sports medicine Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are a growing cause of concern, as these injuries can have serious consequences for the athlete with a greatly increased risk of early osteoarthrosis. Using specific training programmes, it may be possible to reduce the incidence of knee and ankle injuries. However, it is not known which programme components are the key to preventing knee and ankle injuries or how the exercises work to reduce injury risk. Our ability to design specific prevention programmes, whether through training or other preventive measures, is currently limited by an incomplete understanding of the causes of injuries. A multifactorial approach should be used to account for all the factors involved-that is, the internal and external risk factors as well as the inciting event (the injury mechanism). Although such models have been presented previously, we emphasise the need to use a comprehensive model, which accounts for the events leading to the injury situation (playing situation, player and opponent behaviour), as well as to include a description of whole body and joint biomechanics at the time of injury. 10.1136/bjsm.2005.018341
Apoptosis Occurs in the Anterior Talofibular Ligament of Patients With Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability: An In Vitro Study. Clinical orthopaedics and related research BACKGROUND:Chronic lateral ankle instability is treated operatively, whereas most acute ankle sprains associated with acute anterior talofibular ligament injury are usually treated nonoperatively. This treatment strategy is widely accepted and has been validated using a variety of clinical or radiological methods. We suspected that there may be biological differences between chronic and acutely injured ligaments, particularly with respect to apoptosis. Apoptosis is known to cause ligament degeneration. If it could be demonstrated that apoptosis occurs more in the anterior talofibular ligament tissues of patients with chronic lateral ankle instability compared with patients with acute anterior talofibular ligament injury, biological evidence could be supported. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES:We sought to (1) elucidate the difference in the extent of apoptosis between patients with chronic lateral ankle instability and those with acute anterior talofibular ligament injury. In addition, we asked: (2) What is the expression level of apoptotic enzymes such as caspases 3, 7, 8, and 9 and cytochrome c in each patient group? (3) Is there a correlation between apoptotic activities and the symptom duration period of chronic lateral ankle instability? METHODS:Between March 2019 and February 2021, 50 patients were prospectively enrolled in this study. Anterior talofibular ligament tissues were harvested from patients who were divided into two groups: the chronic lateral ankle instability group and the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group. Patients with insufficient remaining ligaments were excluded from the chronic lateral ankle instability group, and cases in which the tissue was severely damaged or the quality of collected tissue was insufficient because of severe impingement into the fracture site were excluded from the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group. Tissues were collected from 21 patients (11 males and 10 females) in the chronic lateral ankle instability group with a mean age of 37 ± 14 years and from 17 patients (6 males and 11 females) in the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group with a mean age of 49 ± 17 years. To investigate our first purpose, apoptotic cells were counted using a TUNEL assay. To answer our second question, Western blotting for apoptotic enzymes such as caspases 3, 7, 8, and 9 and cytochrome c was performed to investigate apoptotic activity. Immunohistochemistry was also used to detect apoptotic enzymes. To answer our third question, the time elapsed after the first symptom related to chronic lateral ankle instability occurred and the expression level of each enzyme was investigated. RESULTS:More apoptotic cells were observed in the chronic lateral ankle instability group than in the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group in the TUNEL assay. Western blotting revealed that the apoptotic activities of the chronic lateral ankle instability group were higher than those of the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group: caspase 3 was 117 in the chronic lateral ankle instability group and 59 in the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group (mean difference 58 [95% confidence interval (CI) 31 to 86]; p < 0.001), caspase 7 was 138 in the chronic lateral ankle instability group and 45 in the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group (mean difference 93 [95% CI 58 to 128]; p < 0.001), caspase 8 was 126 in the chronic lateral ankle instability group and 68 in the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group (mean difference 58 [95% CI 29 to 89]; p < 0.001), caspase 9 was 128 in the chronic lateral ankle instability group and 54 in the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group (mean difference 74 [95% CI 44 to 104]; p < 0.001), and cytochrome c was 139 in the chronic lateral ankle instability group and 51 in the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group (mean difference 88 [95% CI 46 to 129]; p < 0.001). Immunohistochemistry revealed higher expression of caspases 3, 7, 8, and 9 and cytochrome c in the chronic lateral ankle instability group compared with those in the acute anterior talofibular ligament injury group. Caspases 3, 7, and 9 showed no correlation with duration of chronic lateral ankle instability symptoms: the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.22 [95% CI -0.25 to 0.69] for caspase 3 (p = 0.36), 0.29 [95% CI -0.16 to 0.74] for caspase 7 (p = 0.23), and 0.29 [95% CI -0.16 to 0.74] for caspase 9 (p = 0.23). CONCLUSION:In chronic lateral ankle instability, apoptotic activity in the anterior talofibular ligament was higher than in acute anterior talofibular ligament injury. CLINICAL RELEVANCE:Apoptosis occurs more in chronic injured ligaments than in acutely injured ligaments. Although urgent surgical repair is not required for acute anterior talofibular ligament injury, chronic lateral ankle instability may progress if the nonoperative treatment is not successful. Further research should focus not only on timing of apoptotic progression, but also on biological augmentation to reverse or prevent apoptosis within the anterior talofibular ligament. 10.1097/CORR.0000000000002337
Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability: Review of Our Biomechanical Evidence. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Definitive diagnosis and optimal surgical treatment of chronic lateral ankle instability remains controversial. This review distills available biomechanical evidence as it pertains to the clinical assessment, imaging work up, and surgical treatment of lateral ankle instability. Current data suggest that accurate assessment of ligament integrity during physical examination requires the ankle to ideally be held in 16° of plantar flexion when performing the anterior drawer test and 18° of dorsiflexion when performing the talar tilt test, respectively. Stress radiographs are limited by their low sensitivity, and MRI is limited by its static nature. Surgically, both arthroscopic and open repair techniques appear biomechanically equivalent in their ability to restore ankle stability, although sufficient evidence is still lacking for any particular procedure to be considered a superior construct. When performing reconstruction, grafts should be tensioned at 10 N and use of nonabsorbable augmentations lacking viscoelastic creep must factor in the potential for overtensioning. Anatomic lateral ligament surgery provides sufficient biomechanical strength to safely enable immediate postoperative weight bearing if lateral ankle stress is neutralized with a boot. Further research and comparative clinical trials will be necessary to define which of these ever-increasing procedural options actually optimizes patient outcome for chronic lateral ankle instability. 10.5435/JAAOS-D-20-00145
Minimally Invasive Treatment of Chronic Ankle Instability: a Comprehensive Review. Urits Ivan,Hasegawa Morgan,Orhurhu Vwaire,Peck Jacquelin,Kelly Angele C,Kaye Rachel J,Orhurhu Mariam Salisu,Brinkman Joseph,Giacomazzi Stephen,Foster Lukas,Manchikanti Laxmaiah,Kaye Alan D,Viswanath Omar Current pain and headache reports PURPOSE OF REVIEW:Chronic ankle pain is a prevalent and significant cause of chronic pain. While the definition of chronic ankle pain is heterogeneous and poorly defined in the literature, systematic reviews and meta-analyses have estimated this condition to be a prevalent and debilitating source of chronic pain. The most identifiable and prominent cause of chronic ankle pain is chronic ankle instability (CAI), a condition defined by instability of the ankle-joint complex. It is a common consequence of lateral ankle sprains or ligamentous injuries and can be described as a failure of the lateral ankle joint complex after an acute, or recurring, ankle injury. The objective of this manuscript is to provide a comprehensive review of CAI diagnosis and our current understanding of minimally invasive treatment options. RECENT FINDINGS:First-line treatment is conservative management, some of which includes neuromuscular rehabilitation, balance training, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), manual mobilization, ice therapy, and compression. While conservative management is effective, additional treatments for those who fail conservative management, or who seek alternative options also have been explored. Recent advances and modern techniques have expanded available treatment options, many of which are becoming less invasive, and have shown improving functionality, recovery, and patient satisfaction. Minimally invasive treatments highlighted in this review include: arthroscopic surgery, steroid injections, plasma-rich plasma injections, hyaluronic acid (HA) injections, medicinal signaling cell injections, radiofrequency therapies, and shockwave therapies. This review will discuss some of these current treatments for minimally invasive treatment of CAI, as well as suggest novel treatments for clinical trials and further investigation. 10.1007/s11916-020-0840-7
Clinical assessment of acute lateral ankle sprain injuries (ROAST): 2019 consensus statement and recommendations of the International Ankle Consortium. Delahunt Eamonn,Bleakley Chris M,Bossard Daniela S,Caulfield Brian M,Docherty Carrie L,Doherty Cailbhe,Fourchet François,Fong Daniel T,Hertel Jay,Hiller Claire E,Kaminski Thomas W,McKeon Patrick O,Refshauge Kathryn M,Remus Alexandria,Verhagen Evert,Vicenzino Bill T,Wikstrom Erik A,Gribble Phillip A British journal of sports medicine Lateral ankle sprain injury is the most common musculoskeletal injury incurred by individuals who participate in sports and recreational physical activities. Following initial injury, a high proportion of individuals develop long-term injury-associated symptoms and chronic ankle instability. The development of chronic ankle instability is consequent on the interaction of mechanical and sensorimotor insufficiencies/impairments that manifest following acute lateral ankle sprain injury. To reduce the propensity for developing chronic ankle instability, clinical assessments should evaluate whether patients in the acute phase following lateral ankle sprain injury exhibit any mechanical and/or sensorimotor impairments. This modified Delphi study was undertaken under the auspices of the executive committee of the International Ankle Consortium. The primary aim was to develop recommendations, based on expert (n=14) consensus, for structured clinical assessment of acute lateral ankle sprain injuries. After two modified Delphi rounds, consensus was achieved on the clinical assessment of acute lateral ankle sprain injuries. Consensus was reached on a minimum standard clinical diagnostic assessment. Key components of this clinical diagnostic assessment include: establishing the mechanism of injury, as well as the assessment of ankle joint bones and ligaments. Through consensus, the expert panel also developed the International Ankle Consortium Rehabilitation-Oriented ASsessmenT (ROAST). The International Ankle Consortium ROAST will help clinicians identify mechanical and/or sensorimotor impairments that are associated with chronic ankle instability. This consensus statement from the International Ankle Consortium aims to be a key resource for clinicians who regularly assess individuals with acute lateral ankle sprain injuries. 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098885
Factors Contributing to Chronic Ankle Instability: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Systematic Reviews. Thompson Cassandra,Schabrun Siobhan,Romero Rick,Bialocerkowski Andrea,van Dieen Jaap,Marshall Paul Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) BACKGROUND:Many factors are thought to contribute to chronic ankle instability (CAI). Multiple systematic reviews have synthesised the available evidence to identify the primary contributing factors. However, readers are now faced with several systematic reviews that present conflicting findings. OBJECTIVE:The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to establish the statistical significance and effect size of primary factors contributing to CAI and to identify likely reasons for inconsistencies in the literature. METHODS:Relevant health databases were searched: CINAHL, MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus and SPORTDiscus. Systematic reviews were included if they answered a focused research question, clearly defined the search strategy criteria and study selection/inclusion and completed a comprehensive search of the literature. Included reviews needed to be published in a peer-reviewed journal and needed to review observational studies of factors and/or characteristics of persons with CAI, with or without meta-analysis. There was no language restriction. Studies using a non-systematic review methodology (e.g. primary studies and narrative reviews) were excluded. Methodological quality of systematic reviews was assessed using the modified R-AMSTAR tool. Meta-analysis on included primary studies was performed. RESULTS:Only 17% of primary studies measured a clearly defined CAI population. There is strong evidence to support the contribution of dynamic balance, peroneal reaction time and eversion strength deficits and moderate evidence for proprioception and static balance deficits to non-specific ankle instability. CONCLUSIONS:Evidence from previous systematic reviews does not accurately reflect the CAI population. For treatment of non-specific ankle instability, clinicians should focus on dynamic balance, reaction time and strength deficits; however, these findings may not be translated to the CAI population. Research should be updated with an adequately controlled CAI population. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION:PROSPERO 2016, CRD42016032592. 10.1007/s40279-017-0781-4
Ankle Stability and Movement Coordination Impairments: Lateral Ankle Ligament Sprains Revision 2021. Martin Robroy L,Davenport Todd E,Fraser John J,Sawdon-Bea Jenna,Carcia Christopher R,Carroll Lindsay A,Kivlan Benjamin R,Carreira Dominic The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy This revised clinical practice guideline (CPG) addresses the distinct but related lower extremity impairments of those with a first-time lateral ankle sprain (LAS) and those with chronic ankle instability (CAI). Depending on many factors, impairments may continue following injury. While most individuals experience resolution of symptoms, complaints of instability may continue and are defined as CAI. The aims of the revision were to provide a concise summary of the contemporary evidence since publication of the original guideline and to develop new recommendations or revise previously published recommendations to support evidence-based practice. . 10.2519/jospt.2021.0302
Risk of chronic ankle instability: A reliability study on radiographic assessment of the ankle joint geometry. Vuurberg Gwendolyn,Wink Lauren M,Sierevelt Inger N,Jens Sjoerd,Hemke Robert,de Boer Maarten A,den Butter Ellen,Kerkhoffs Gino M M J,Maas M Foot (Edinburgh, Scotland) BACKGROUND:Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a multifactorial disabling condition. Ideally all factors contributing to CAI are identified and implemented in a risk assessment model. However, they need to meet strict reliability requirements. To assess usability of radiographic factors for this risk assessment model and future clinical practice, the objective of the current study was to assess the intra and inter observer reliability of three radiographic measurements. METHODS AND METHODS:The radiographs of 39 consecutive patients, at least 16years, who visited the Emergency Department after sustaining a lateral ankle sprain (LAS), were assessed by four observers. The radiographic measurements included absolute and relative ankle alignment, sagittal fibular position and ankle joint congruency (talar radius and height, and tibiotalar sector), performed twice by all observers independently. Reliability was assessed by calculating the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) which was considered good when ICC>0.70. RESULTS:The intra observer reliability of the absolute and relative fibular position, and talar height were good to excellent, (ICC 0.84-0.98, 0.85-0.98, and 0.79-0.93, respectively). The talar radius (ICC 0.69-0.89) was moderate to good. The overall inter observer reliability was good for the absolute and relative fibular position, and talar radius (ICC 0.84, 0.86, and 0.79, respectively). Other measurements had ICC values of <0.70. CONCLUSIONS:In an effort to identify the multifactorial nature of CAI, both the fibular position and the talar radius measurements showed good observer reliability, and will be implemented in a future risk assessment models. The other measurements are too prone for measurement errors, for future reference. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:IV Case Series. 10.1016/j.foot.2018.11.001
Acute Syndesmosis Injuries. Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery Ankle syndesmosis injuries include isolated ligamentous rupture, as well as fractures with ligamentous injury. These injuries can significantly affect athletes in all sports, and lead to prolonged recovery and return to sport. Adequate evaluation and diagnosis of these injuries are imperative for treatment and return to play. Many can be treated nonoperatively, but operative treatment is indicated in fractures with syndesmosis disruption and ligamentous injuries with instability. Anatomic reduction and fixation of these injuries will allow functional rehab and return to sport. 10.1016/j.cpm.2022.07.003
Acute Ankle Sprains. Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery Understanding the types of ankle sprains is essential in determining the most appropriate treatment and preventing substantial missed time from sports. Commonly known and recognized is an acute lateral ankle sprain, however, a differentiation should also be made to understand high (syndesmotic) ankle sprains as the mechanism of injury and recovery periods differ between these two types. 10.1016/j.cpm.2022.07.008
Medial Ankle Instability: Review of Anatomy, Evaluation, and Treatment. Foot & ankle specialist The medial ankle ligamentous complex, which includes the deltoid, talocalcaneal, and calcaneonavicular ligaments, functions to provide stability to the medial ankle. Injuries to the deltoid ligament can lead to medial-sided ankle pain, subsequent instability, and posttraumatic osteoarthritis given the altered biomechanics of the ankle joint. After completing a thorough physical examination, imaging modalities such as stress radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging can be used to confirm the diagnosis. Acute injuries to the deltoid ligament should be managed conservatively with a short course of immobilization. For patients with continued pain and instability following a regimen of nonoperative management, surgical intervention can be considered. Primary repair using suture anchor fixation to the medial malleolus can be utilized if sufficient tissue remains. However, if reconstruction is necessitated, autograft or allograft can be utilized in several described techniques. Therapeutic. 10.1177/1938640021992915
MRI signal intensity ratio reflects the quality of the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments in patients with chronic lateral ankle instability. Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association BACKGROUND:Ligament quality can affect clinical outcomes of ligament repair in chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to assess the morphological changes of ligaments, but the measurement of signal intensity enables quantitative evaluation, which can evaluate the degree of the ligament quality. This study aimed to evaluate the qualitative diagnostic capacity for anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) injuries of the signal intensity on MRI. METHODS:Thirty-eight and 20 ankles with and without CLAI, respectively, were included. The regions of interest (ROIs) were set in the ATFL, CFL, and tibialis anterior tendon (TAT) on MRI, and the signal intensities were measured. The signal intensities of the ATFL and CFL were corrected using TAT as the signal intensity ratio (SIR). The SIRs of the ATFL and CFL in the control and CLAI groups were compared. The relationship between the SIR of the ATFL and the arthroscopic findings was analyzed. Finally, the SIRs of the CFL in CLAI with and without CFL repair were compared. RESULTS:The mean SIR of the ATFL in the CLAI group (6.1 ± 2.4) was significantly higher than that in the control (2.1 ± 0.4) (P < 0.01). The SIR of the ATFL was associated with the arthroscopic grading. The mean SIR of the CFL in the CLAI groups (4.1 ± 2.5) was significantly higher than that in the control (1.7 ± 0.4) (P < 0.01). The SIR of the CFL in patients with the requirement of the CFL repair (6.2 ± 1.9) was significantly higher than that without the CFL repair (2.1 ± 0.5) (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:The SIR is useful for evaluating the quality of the ATFL and CFL, which enables the decision of the treatment strategy of the CLAI. 10.1016/j.jos.2022.10.005
Comparison of maximum strength, proprioceptive, dynamic balance, maximum joint angle between two groups classified through the ankle instability instrument. Journal of physical therapy science [Purpose] The purpose of this study is to figure out the information obtainable from ankle instability instrument (AII) survey among various factors related to the ankle instability. [Participants and Methods] This study targeted on 34 participants, divided the participants into stability group and instability group based on AII survey results, and measured the maximum isometric contraction, proprioception, dynamic balance, and maximum joint angles. The independent t-test was used. [Results] The maximum isometric contraction showed significance in the plantar flexion while the proprioceptive sense showed significance in both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. The dynamic balanced showed significance in the anterior direction while the maximum joint angles showed significance in the dorsiflexion. [Conclusion] According to the results, the participants who were classified as ankle instability patients based on AII survey results involved problems in the maximum isometric contraction, proprioception, dynamic balance, and maximum joint angles. 10.1589/jpts.34.720
Fluoroscopic Evaluation of the Role of Syndesmotic Injury in Lateral Ankle Instability in a Cadaver Model. Foot & ankle international BACKGROUND:There is a high prevalence of concomitant lateral ankle ligament injuries and syndesmotic ligamentous injuries. However, it is unclear whether syndesmotic ligaments directly contribute toward the stability of the lateral ankle. Therefore, the aim of this study was to fluoroscopically evaluate the role of the syndesmotic ligaments in stabilizing the lateral ankle. METHODS:Twenty-four cadaveric specimens were divided into 3 groups and fluoroscopically evaluated for lateral ankle stability with all syndesmotic and ankle ligaments intact and then following serial differential ligamentous transection. Group 1: (1) anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), (2) calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), and (3) posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL). Group 2: (1) anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL), (2) interosseous ligament (IOL), (3) posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL), (4) ATFL, (5) CFL, and (6) PTFL. Group 3: (1) AITFL, (2) ATFL, (3) CFL, (4) IOL, (5) PTFL, and (6) PITFL. At each transection state, 3 loading conditions were used: (1) anterior drawer test performed using 50 and 80 N of direct force, (2) talar tilt <1.7 Nm torque, and (2) lateral clear space (LCS) <1.7 Nm torque. These measurements were in turn compared with those of the stressed intact ligamentous state. Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to compare the findings of each ligamentous transection state to the intact state. A value <.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS:The lateral ankle remained stable after transection of all syndesmotic ligaments (AITFL, IOL, PITFL). However, after additional transection of the ATFL, the lateral ankle became unstable in varus and anterior drawer testing conditions ( values ranging from .036 to .012). Lateral ankle instability was also observed after transection of the ATFL and AITFL in varus and anterior drawer testing conditions ( values ranging from .036 to .012). Subsequent transection of the CFL and PTFL worsened the lateral ankle instability. CONCLUSION:Our findings suggest that isolated syndesmosis disruption does not result in lateral ankle instability. However, the lateral ankle became unstable when the syndesmosis was injured along with ATFL disruption. CLINICAL RELEVANCE:When combined with ATFL release, disruption of the syndesmosis appeared to destabilize the lateral ankle. 10.1177/10711007221116567
Ankle flexor torque, size and density are differential determinants of distal tibia trabecular plate-rod morphometry and bone strength: The Ankle Quality Study. Bone HYPOTHESIS:Greater peak torque and higher myotendinous density at the ankle are associated with a more plate-like architecture at the distal tibia. METHODS:In this cross-sectional study, women and men ≥ 50 years old with no metal implants, reconstructive surgery, muscular dystrophies, or tendinopathies in any leg were recruited by convenience. Isometric ankle dorsi-plantar flexion and inversion-eversion peak torques were measured using dynamometry. HR-pQCT distal tibia scans were completed. Both assessments were completed on the same day on the non-dominant leg. Integral and trabecular vBMD were derived from standard analyses, failure load (FL) was obtained from finite element analysis, plate-specific parameters were computed from individual trabecula segmentation (ITS) analysis, myotendinous density (MyD) and volume fraction (MyV/TV) were computed from soft tissue analysis. pQCT scans of the 66 % mid-leg were performed (500 μm at 15 mm/s) to obtain muscle density (MD) and muscle cross-sectional area (MCSA). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS:General linear models estimated how ankle muscle group torque and muscle size and density differentially related, both separately and together, to whole-bone properties (integral vBMD, FL) and trabecular morphometry (ITS plate parameters). Models were adjusted for age, sex, BMI, use of glucocorticoids, current osteoarthritis, and participation in moderate to vigorous recreational or sport activities. RESULTS:Among 105 participants (77 % female, mean age: 63 (10) years, BMI: 25.8 (5.4) kg/m, 25 % with OA, 17 % fracture history, 42 % falls history), all torque measures, particularly ankle dorsiflexion and eversion, were correlates of plate-plate/rod junction density and failure load. However, muscle size and density measures were further associated with vBMD. The effect of greater ankle flexor-extensor torque on more connected bone was stronger when MyD was higher (interaction p < 0.001). CONCLUSION:Strength of muscles around the ankle are correlates of plate-like trabeculae at the distal tibia, while leaner muscle and myotendinous tissues facilitates better quality bone for stronger ankle muscle torque. 10.1016/j.bone.2022.116582
Regional brain atrophy in patients with chronic ankle instability: A voxel-based morphometry study. Frontiers in neuroscience The objective of this study was to investigate whether brain volume changes occur in patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI) using voxel-based morphometry and assessing correlations with clinical tests. Structural magnetic resonance imaging data were prospectively acquired in 24 patients with CAI and 34 healthy controls. CAI symptoms and pain intensity were assessed using the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM), Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT), American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score, and visual analog scale (VAS). The gray matter volume (GMV) of each voxel was compared between the two groups while controlling for age, sex, weight, and education level. Correlation analysis was performed to identify associations between abnormal GMV regions and the FAAM score, AOFAS score, VAS score, disease duration, and body mass index. Patients with CAI exhibited reduced GMV in the right precentral and postcentral areas, right parahippocampal area, left thalamus, left parahippocampal area, and left postcentral area compared to that of healthy controls. Furthermore, the right parahippocampal (r = 0.642, = 0.001), left parahippocampal (r = 0.486, = 0.016), and left postcentral areas (r = 0.521, = 0.009) were positively correlated with disease duration. The left thalamus was positively correlated with the CAIT score and FAAM activities of daily living score (r = 0.463, = 0.023 and r = 0.561, = 0.004, respectively). A significant positive correlation was found between the local GMV of the right and left parahippocampal areas (r = 0.487, = 0.016 and r = 0.763, < 0.001, respectively) and the AOFAS score. Neural plasticity may occur in the precentral and postcentral areas, parahippocampal area, and thalamus in patients with CAI. The patterns of structural reorganization in patients with CAI may provide useful information on the neuropathological mechanisms of CAI. 10.3389/fnins.2022.984841
Comparison of the effects of reconstruction of the lateral ankle ligaments using peroneus longus and peroneus brevis tendon graft. Medicine Peroneus longus and peroneus brevis tendon grafts have been frequently used to reconstruct the lateral ankle ligaments. However, there is no literature comparing the effect of the 2 methods. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of 2 autologous tendon transplants on ankle joint activity.This retrospective study included 100 adult patients with chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) who underwent surgery from January 2014 to December 2017. Group A (50 patients): Reconstruction of the lateral ankle ligaments using the anterior half of peroneus longus tendon graft; Group B (50 patients): Using the anterior half of peroneus brevis tendon graft. Outcomes were assessed by comparing pre- and postoperative AOFAS scores, VAS pain scores, and Karlsson scores, and the radiographic assessment included talar tilt and anterior talar translation. A sensitive dynamometer was used before and after surgery to assess inversion, valgus, plantarflexion, and dorsiflexion strength to evaluate changes in muscle strength in the patients feet.Postoperatively, 88 patients were followed up for 12 to 24 months, including 46 cases in group A and 42 in group B. No severe complications were recorded in the 2 groups. There were significant pre- to post-operative differences between the groups. No significant differences were observed in the postoperative scores and muscle strength changes between the groups. However, the number of patients with decreased valgus strength in group B was statistically significant compared with group A.Both methods can improve the stability of the ankle joint, but the peroneus longus tendon has little effect on the postoperative muscle strength of the foot and should be used as the preferred surgical treatment for the treatment of CLAI. 10.1097/MD.0000000000022912
The presence of persistent symptoms 12 months following a first lateral ankle sprain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons BACKGROUND:A lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is the most common musculoskeletal injury in the physically active population. It is uncertain what percentage of these patients develop persisting symptoms including pain, recurrent sprains and subjective instability. This systematic review was conducted to assess the presence and duration of persistent symptoms after a first LAS. METHODS:A systematic review of the Medline, Web of Sciences, Embase, CINAHL and Pedro databases was performed to identify peer-reviewed articles concerning the occurrence and duration of remaining symptoms after a first LAS. Inclusion criteria focused on selection of patients without previous ankle injuries and study quality. One of the following outcomes had to be described: subjective instability, resprains, remaining symptoms. RESULTS:In total, 15 studies were included. The occurrence of patients with subjective instability decreased from 37.9% (95%CI [6.0-69.7]) at 3 months to 16.1% (95%CI [7.8-24.3]) at 6 months and 8.1% (95%CI [3.3-13.3]) at 12 months. The occurrence of patients with a recurrent LAS was 15.8% (95%CI [6.3-25.3]) at 12 months. The occurrence of patients with residual pain decreased from 48.6% (95%CI [23.6-73.5]) at 3 months, to 21.5% (95%CI [2.8-40.2]) at 6 months and 6.7% (95%CI [3.2-10.1]) at 12 months. CONCLUSION:This study offers new insights in the presence of remaining symptoms after a first LAS and the development of chronic ankle instability. Twelve months following an initial LAS, a significant number of patients may still have symptoms. The incidence of subjective instability, and pain, continues to decrease until 12 months post-injury. This new information may suggest that a longer period of non-operative treatment may be warranted before recommending surgical intervention in patients with a first LAS. 10.1016/j.fas.2021.12.002
Association of Ankle Dorsiflexion and Landing Forces in Jumping Athletes. Sports health BACKGROUND:Dorsiflexion range of motion restriction has been associated with patellar tendinopathy, but the mechanisms of how dorsiflexion restriction could contribute to knee overload remain unknown. HYPOTHESIS:Peak ankle dorsiflexion and ankle dorsiflexion excursion are negatively associated with peak vertical ground-reaction force (vGRF) and loading rate, and with peak patellar tendon force and loading rate, and positively associated with peak ankle plantar flexor moment. STUDY DESIGN:Cross-sectional study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Level 4. METHODS:Kinematic and kinetic data of 26 healthy recreational jumping athletes were measured during a single-leg drop vertical jump. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated to establish the association between peak ankle dorsiflexion and ankle dorsiflexion excursion with peak vGRF and vGRF loading rate, with peak patellar tendon force and patellar tendon force loading rate, and with peak ankle plantar flexor moment. RESULTS:Ankle dorsiflexion excursion negatively correlated with peak vGRF loading rate ( = -0.49; = 0.011) and positively correlated with peak ankle flexor plantar moment ( = 0.52; = 0.006). In addition, there was a positive correlation between peak ankle dorsiflexion and peak vGRF ( = 0.39; = 0.05). CONCLUSION:Ankle kinematics are associated with vGRF loading rate, ankle flexor plantar moment and peak vGRF influencing knee loads, but no association was observed between ankle kinematics and patellar tendon loads. CLINICAL RELEVANCE:These results suggest that increasing ankle dorsiflexion excursion may be an important strategy to reduce lower limb loads during landings but should not be viewed as the main factor for reducing patellar tendon force. 10.1177/19417381211063456
Functional tests as predictors of ankle instability six months after an acute lateral ankle sprain. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness BACKGROUND:This study investigated whether functional tests performed in the acute-subacute phase after a lateral ankle sprain and demographic data are predictive of ongoing ankle instability. METHODS:Thirty-three subjects (mean age 23.6±3.6 years, 63.6% males) were tested within three weeks of injury using the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) modified with a dual cognitive task, the single-leg drop landing task (SLDL) and the drop vertical jump task (DVJ). The Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) at six months and the occurrence of a new sprain during follow-up were used to define potential ankle instability. Associations between functional tests and demographic variables to ankle instability outcomes were measured with χ, Mann-Whitney U Test, and logistic regressions. RESULTS:Twenty-one participants (63.6%) met the ankle instability criteria at six months from injury. Each extra point in the Modified-BESS Foam-Tandem sub-task increased the likelihood of ankle instability (OR=1.55, P=0.037). Unwillingness to perform SLDL increased the likelihood of ankle instability (OR=10.0, 95% CI: 1.1-91.9, RR=1.8, 95% CI: 1.1-2.8), as did non-dominant ankle sprain (OR=6.0, 95% CI: 1.2-29.4, RR=1.88, 95% CI: 1.03-3.4). These three outcomes explained between 33.6% to 45.9% of the variance and correctly classified 75.8% of cases (sensitivity, 85.7%; specificity, 58.3%; P=0.004). CONCLUSIONS:The variables studied may help identify individuals who have an increased potential to develop ankle instability and may be used in decision-making. Further studies should validate these findings with a larger and broader sample. 10.23736/S0022-4707.22.14395-1
Return to sports: Rate and time after arthroscopic surgery for chronic lateral ankle instability. Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR BACKGROUND:Arthroscopic surgery for treating ankle instability is increasingly popular. Several studies showed similar functional outcomes to those seen after open surgery, with no increase in complications. The objective of this study was to evaluate the return-to-sports (RTS) rate and time after arthroscopic surgery to treat chronic lateral ankle instability. HYPOTHESIS:The rate and time of RTS are satisfactory after arthroscopic surgery to treat chronic lateral ankle instability. MATERIAL AND METHODS:This single-centre retrospective study included patients managed arthroscopically for chronic lateral ankle instability, with no other procedures, between February 2014 and May 2017. We evaluated the time and rate of RTS, as well as factors associated with RTS such as motivation, athletic level before surgery and whether the injury was work-related. Follow-up was at least 1 year. RESULTS:Of the 40 included patients, 30 (75%) returned to their main sport, after a median of 6 months. Moreover, 22 (55%) patients resumed their main sport at the same or a higher level within 12 months after surgery, their median postoperative follow-up being 29 months (range, 13-61). The AOFAS score improved significantly, from 67 (30-90) before surgery to 88.5 (39-100) at last follow-up (p<0.001). The numerical pain score decreased significantly between these two timepoints, from 6 (0-10) to 1 (0-10) (p<0.001). By multivariate analysis, a high level of motivation before surgery was the main factor significantly associated with RTS at the same or a higher level within 12 months after surgery (odds ratio, 16.47; 95%CI, 3.33-81.20; p=0.007). Persistent pain was more common in patients with work-related injuries (p=0.016). CONCLUSION:At 12 months, the RTS rate was 75% overall, with 55% of patients returning to the same or a higher level. Median time to RTS was 6 months (4-8). Both the rate of and the time to RTS were independently associated with greater preoperative motivation. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:IV, retrospective observational cohort study. 10.1016/j.otsr.2022.103398
Impact of preoperative varus on ankle replacement survival. Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR INTRODUCTION:The severity of a foot or ankle deformity is a major prognostic factor for the success of ankle replacement. Varus deformity is at once the most arthrogenic and the most frequent. HYPOTHESIS:The severity of preoperative varus is a negative factor for ankle replacement survival. MATERIAL AND METHOD:A retrospective study compared results in a continuous series of 57 Salto-Talaris® ankle replacements according to preoperative varus: 31 moderate (5-15̊) and 26 severe (> 15̊). Radiological and clinical assessment at a minimum 1 year focused on complications, revision and implant exchange and on AOFAS score, range of motion and tibiotalar angle at last follow-up. RESULTS:At a mean 2.4 years' follow-up, implant survival in the moderate and severe varus groups was respectively 83% and 92%. Postoperative AOFA score and range of motion improved significantly in both groups, without significant difference. Analysis of cumulative survival showed no significant intergroup difference. DISCUSSION:Severity of preoperative varus did not impact implant survival. Only postoperative alignment and stability emerged as survival factors. These results were related to the quality of associated procedures aiming to reduce deformity and to achieve ligament balance. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:IV, retrospective comparative study. 10.1016/j.otsr.2022.103390
Another Look at Fatigued Individuals with and without Chronic Ankle Instability: Posturography and Proprioception. Perceptual and motor skills Fatigue can impair function of the three sensory systems (vestibular, visual, and somatosensory) that control postural balance. Yet impairment may be greater among individuals with than those without chronic ankle instability (CAI). The present study used posturography assessment to extend previous findings demonstrating reduced function of the three systems in CAI participants following fatigue. Our aim in this study was to examine the influence of anaerobic and aerobic protocols on the function of these three sensory systems in individuals with and without CAI. We assessed 60 healthy physical education students (age = 24.3, = 3.4) by a Tetrax® Posturography device for Stability-Index and Fourier-frequencies [ sway (F1) visual input, (F2-F4) vestibular input, sway (F5-F6) somatosensory input] and by the Active Movement Extent Discrimination Assessment (AMEDA) for active ankle somatosensory ability, before and after performing anaerobic or aerobic protocols. Among participants, 45% were identified with CAI. We found significant (pre-post), , and for , , and AMEDA scores, indicating greater pre-post deterioration for those with CAI compared to those without CAI ( < .05). CI (95%) showed that, although there was a for F1, F2-F4, and F5-F6, only F5-F6 frequencies (i.e., somatosensory input) showed and the . Thus, participants with and without CAI showed reduced visual, vestibular, and somatosensory ability following fatigue. While we found greater deterioration in both passive and active somatosensory ability (F5-6 and AMEDA) among individuals with CAI compared with those with no-CAI, we recommend intervention programs for improving vestibular abilities following fatigue in both those with and without CAI. 10.1177/00315125221134153
[Consecutive Ankle Sprain Classification and Injury Systematization (CASCaIS), A New Lateral Ankle Sprain Classification Based on the Pivot Test: A Prospective Cohort Study]. Acta medica portuguesa INTRODUCTION:The biggest challenge in the treatment of acute ankle sprain is the uncertainty of the prognosis. The traditional classifications have several interpretations and little correlation with prognosis. In this study we propose a new classification for acute ankle sprain only based on clinical criteria. MATERIAL AND METHODS:We prospectively evaluated all patients with an ankle sprain, aged between 18 and 45 years, admitted to a hospital during a 24 month period. The minimum follow-up period was 12 months. The sprains were classified, in the first few days (CASCaIS-Initial), according to autonomous gait capacity, inspection and palpation. After a few weeks (CASCaIS-Deferred), it was complemented with the mechanical evaluation of ligaments through the ankle pivot test. RESULTS:Among the 49 patients who completed the follow-up, none of those who had a pivot-negative test progressed to chronic ankle instability (CAI). Nine of the 33 patients (27%) with a positive pivot progressed to CAI (p = 0.022). The evaluation of CASCaIS-Deferred demonstrated an association with CAI (p = 0.018). CONCLUSION:This classification proved to be a simple, inexpensive, and reliable tool that clinicians can use to determine the prognosis of the sprain. 10.20344/amp.13804
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Middle-Aged Adults With Chronic Ankle Instability, Copers, and Uninjured Controls. Kosik Kyle B,Johnson Nathan F,Terada Masafumi,Thomas-Fenwick Abbey C,Mattacola Carl G,Gribble Phillip A Journal of athletic training CONTEXT:People with chronic ankle instability (CAI) display a lower regional and global health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Examinations of HRQoL outcomes associated with CAI have addressed younger adults, restricting our understanding of the long-term consequences of CAI. OBJECTIVE:To compare ankle regional and global HRQoL in middle-aged participants with and those without CAI. DESIGN:Cross-sectional study. SETTING:Laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS:A total of 59 middle-aged volunteers, consisting of 18 with CAI (age = 50.2 ± 9.3 years), 17 who were ankle-sprain copers (age = 54.5 ± 8.7 years), and 24 uninjured controls (age = 56.7 ± 10.0 years). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S):Participants completed the Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI) and the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Adult Profile. Regional HRQoL was assessed using the FADI Activities of Daily Living and Sport subscales. Global HRQoL was measured using the 43-item Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Adult Profile, which contains 7 short forms-Physical Function, Pain Interference, Fatigue, Depression, Sleep Disturbance, Anxiety, and Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities. Separate Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to determine between-groups differences. RESULTS:Middle-aged participants with CAI had lower scores on both subscales of the FADI than the coper and control groups (all P values <.001). Participants with CAI scored lower on the Physical Function (U = 116.0, z = -2.78, P = .005) and Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities (U = 96.0, z = -3.09, P = .002) subscales but higher on the Pain Interference (U = 144.0, z = -2.36, P = .02), Fatigue (U = 110.0, z = -2.72, P = .006), and Depression (U = 110.5, z = -2.91, P = .004) subscales than the control group. Participants with CAI also scored lower on the Physical Function (U = 74.5, z = -2.79, P = .005) and Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities (U = 55.0, z = -3.29, P = .001) subscales but higher on the Fatigue (U = 90.0, z = -2.09, P = .04) and Depression (U = 96.5, z = -1.97, P = .048) subscales than the coper group. CONCLUSIONS:Middle-aged participants with CAI displayed worse ankle regional and global HRQoL than their age-matched healthy counterparts and copers. These results demonstrated that CAI can affect HRQoL outcomes in middle-aged adults. 10.4085/1062-6050-190-19
Development of a medical device compatible with MRI/CT to measure ankle joint laxity: the Porto Ankle Testing Device. Andrade Renato,Pereira Rogério,Leal Ana,Pereira Bruno,Vilas Boas João Paulo,van Dijk C Niek,Espregueira-Mendes João Porto biomedical journal Ankle sprains are common and often develop into chronic ankle instability. Ankle laxity is usually assessed by manual testing followed by magnetic resonance imaging to confirm the diagnosis. Manual testing however provides a subjective measure and is limited to the assessor sensibility. Current available technologies incorporate arthrometers to objectively measuring ankle laxity, but are not capable to assess the structural integrity of the capsuloligamentous structures. To overcome these limitations, we developed a novel medical device to assist in the diagnosis of ankle ligament injuries-the Porto Ankle Testing Device. With this device, it is possible to combine and correlate the assessment of the capsuloligamentous' structural integrity with the joint functional competence (ie, joint multiplanar laxity). The main purpose of this work is to present the fundamental aspects and step-by-step development of the Porto Ankle Testing Device. We discuss the design specifications and technical requirements with the purpose to design and develop this medical device, described the features of the different components and explained the mechanical systems that are incorporated emulate manual testing and to measure the multiplanar ankle laxity. The preliminary findings are presented with the purpose to display the assessment protocol, the method of laxity measurement and the obtained results. We propose a unique and reliable medical device to safety and effectively assess ankle ligament injuries and contribute to enhance diagnosis, refine treatment indications and allow objective measurement of ligament laxity before and/or after stabilization surgery. 10.1097/j.pbj.0000000000000122
A review of the role of lower-leg strength measurements in ankle sprain and chronic ankle instability populations. Liu Kathy,Delaney Amanda N,Kaminski Thomas W Sports biomechanics Lower-leg strength training has been a cornerstone of ankle sprain and chronic ankle instability (CAI) rehabilitation and an important consideration for return-to-play in athletes with ankle injuries. The purpose of this literature review is to offer a contemporary, evidence-based overview of the role of ankle strength measurements as they relate to acute ankle sprain rehabilitation and those who have developed CAI. A comprehensive 20-year scan of the relevant research was conducted to assist us in providing this important update for clinicians and biomechanists working with patients and subjects with acute and chronic ankle sprains. While variability exists with measurement devices and methodology, strength assessment remains a critical component of ankle sprain and CAI treatment schemes. Helpful tips on obtaining and processing the most accurate strength assessments for lower-leg musculature are presented. 10.1080/14763141.2021.1912165
Relationship between viscosity of the ankle joint complex and functional ankle instability for inversion ankle sprain patients. Lin Che-Yu,Kang Jiunn-Horng,Wang Chung-Li,Shau Yio-Wha Journal of science and medicine in sport OBJECTIVES:Measurement of viscosity of the ankle joint complex is a novel method to assess mechanical ankle instability. In order to further investigate the clinical significance of the method, this study intended to investigate the relationship between ankle viscosity and severity of functional ankle instability. DESIGN:Cross-sectional study. METHODS:15 participants with unilateral inversion ankle sprain and 15 controls were recruited. Their ankles were further classified into stable and unstable ankles. Ankle viscosity was measured by an instrumental anterior drawer test. Severity of functional ankle instability was measured by the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool. Unstable ankles were compared with stable ankles. Injured ankles were compared with uninjured ankles of both groups. The spearman's rank correlation coefficient was applied to determine the relationship between ankle viscosity and severity of functional ankle instability in unstable ankles. RESULTS:There was a moderate relationship between ankle viscosity and severity of functional ankle instability (r=-0.64, p<0.0001). Unstable ankles exhibited significantly lower viscosity (p<0.005) and more severe functional ankle instability (p<0.0001) than stable ankles. Injured ankles exhibited significantly lower viscosity and more severe functional ankle instability than uninjured ankles (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS:There was a moderate relationship between ankle viscosity and severity of functional ankle instability. This finding suggested that, severity of functional ankle instability may be partially attributed to mechanical insufficiencies such as the degenerative changes in ankle viscosity following the inversion ankle sprain. In clinical application, measurement of ankle viscosity could be a useful tool to evaluate severity of chronic ankle instability. 10.1016/j.jsams.2014.02.009
Validity of an ankle joint motion and position sense measurement system and its application in healthy subjects and patients with ankle sprain. Lin Chueh-Ho,Chiang Shang-Lin,Lu Liang-Hsuan,Wei Shun-Hwa,Sung Wen-Hsu Computer methods and programs in biomedicine BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:Ankle motion and proprioception in multiple axis movements are crucial for daily activities. However, few studies have developed and used a multiple axis system for measuring ankle motion and proprioception. This study was designed to validate a novel ankle haptic interface system that measures the ankle range of motion (ROM) and joint position sense in multiple plane movements, investigating the proprioception deficits during joint position sense tasks for patients with ankle instability. METHODS:Eleven healthy adults (mean ± standard deviation; age, 24.7 ± 1.9 years) and thirteen patients with ankle instability were recruited in this study. All subjects were asked to perform tests to evaluate the validity of the ankle ROM measurements and underwent tests for validating the joint position sense measurements conducted during multiple axis movements of the ankle joint. Pearson correlation was used for validating the angular position measurements obtained using the developed system; the independent t test was used to investigate the differences in joint position sense task performance for people with or without ankle instability. RESULTS:The ROM measurements of the device were linearly correlated with the criterion standards (r = 0.99). The ankle instability and healthy groups were significantly different in direction, absolute, and variable errors of plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, and eversion (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:The results demonstrate that the novel ankle joint motion and position sense measurement system is valid and can be used for measuring the ankle ROM and joint position sense in multiple planes and indicate proprioception deficits for people with ankle instability. 10.1016/j.cmpb.2016.03.026
Quantitative analysis with load-displacement ratio measured via digital arthrometer in the diagnostic evaluation of chronic ankle instability: a cross-sectional study. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research BACKGROUND:Arthrometry has been introduced to evaluate the laxity of ankle joint in recent years. However, its role in the diagnosis of chronic ankle instability is still debatable. Therefore, we assessed the diagnostic accuracy of a digital arthrometer in terms of sensitivity and specificity. METHODS:According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria proposed by the International Ankle Consortium, we recruited 160 uninjured ankles (control group) and 153 ankles with chronic ankle instability (CAI group). Ankle laxity was quantitively measured by a validated digital arthrometer. Data of loading force and joint displacement were recorded in a continuous manner. Differences between the control and CAI groups were compared using 2-tailed independent t test. A receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to calculate area under a curve, sensitivity and specificity. RESULTS:Load-displacement curves of the two groups were depicted. Differences of joint displacement between the control and CAI groups were compared at 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105 and 120 N, which were all of statistical significance (all p < 0.001) with the largest effect size at 90 N. Statistical significance was found in the differences between the two groups in load-displacement ratio at 10-120 N, 10-40 N, 40-80 N and 80-120 N (all p < 0.001), with the largest effect size at 10-40 N. Load-displacement ratio at the interval of 10-40 N had the highest area under a curve (0.9226), with sensitivity and specificity of 0.804 and 0.863, respectively, when the cutoff point was 0.1582 mm/N. CONCLUSION:The digital arthrometer measurement could quantitively analyze the ankle laxity with high diagnostic accuracy. The load-displacement ratio would be a reliable and promising approach for chronic ankle instability diagnosis. Level of evidence level II. 10.1186/s13018-022-03177-3
A three-week intervention emphasized diagonal eccentric contraction on balance and joint position sense and ankle strength in subjects with ankle instability: A randomized controlled trial. Park Du-Jin,Kim Byeong-Jo,Kim Yong-Hun,Park Se-Yeon Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation BACKGROUND:Problems related to ankle instability, decreased proprioceptive sensation, altered static and dynamic balance abilities are suggested as major representative factors that contribute to the recurrence of ankle sprains. OBJECTIVE:To assess the effect of a three-week intervention (intervention emphasizing diagonal eccentric contraction (IEDEC) and intervention of general exercise (IGE)) on static and dynamic balance abilities, ankle strength and joint position sense at pre- and post-intervention, and at two- and three-week post-intervention. METHODS:Twenty-five participants with ankle instability, including a history of ankle sprain and recurrent episodes of giving way, were enrolled in the study. They were randomly classified into the IEDEC group (n= 12) and the IGE group (n= 13). Dynamic balance was examined using the Y Balance Test, four-way ankle strength was measured, and the static balance was evaluated using the total displacement of the center of pressure (COP). To identify the joint position error, eversion and inversion of the ankle angle were measured. RESULTS:The results revealed significant increases in ankle dynamic stability and strength at two and three weeks post-intervention (p< 0.05). Similarly, the total displacement of the COP differed significantly over time, with a higher COP during the initial measurement than at two and three weeks intervention (p< 0.05) General balance training with IEDEC can improve position sense during ankle inversion (p< 0.05). CONCLUSION:General balance training with IEDEC improved the position sense of the inversion. Combined therapeutic intervention, such as with the manual technique, could be a beneficial approach to maximize the treatment effects. 10.3233/BMR-200058
High-stress distribution in the lateral region of the subtalar joint in the patient with chronic lateral ankle instability. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery PURPOSE:Chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) is associated with osteoarthritis (OA). However, the characteristics of patients with CLAI who progress to OA are not clear. Measurement of Hounsfield Unit (HU) value on computed tomography (CT) is reported to be useful to evaluate the stress distribution. We aimed to evaluate the stress distribution in the ankle and subtalar joints and factors enhancing it in patients with CLAI. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Thirty-three ankles with CLAI (CLAI group) and 26 ankles without CLAI (control group) were included. A mean age of CLAI was 35.2 years and control was 30.3 years. Color map was created in the ankle and subtalar joint according to the HU values using three-dimensional CT to identify the region with high HU values, and HU values in those regions were measured using two-dimensional CT and compared between control and CLAI groups. In CLAI group, the relationships between HU values and ankle activity score (AAS), OA, talar tilting angle (TTA), cartilage injury were assessed. RESULTS:The HU values in the anteromedial region of the talus and lateral region in the subtalar joint were higher than those in the control. In CLAI, patients with an AAS of ≧ 6, over 10° of TTA, cartilage injury, and OA changes in the medial gutter had significantly higher HU values in the lateral region of the subtalar joint than those with an AAS of ≦5, less than 10° of TTA without cartilage injury and OA change. CONCLUSIONS:CLAI patients, especially in the patients with high activity level, large TTA, cartilage injury, and OA changes at the medial gutter, have high HU values in the lateral region of the subtalar joint, which suggests that disruption of the subtalar compensation toward OA will occur. For these patients, instability should be completely eliminated to prevent ankle OA. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Level III, comparative series. 10.1007/s00402-021-04078-6
Lack of Definition of Chronic Ankle Instability With Arthrometer-Assisted Ankle Joint Stress Testing: A Systematic Review of In Vivo Studies. Guerra-Pinto Francisco,Andrade Renato,Diniz Pedro,Luisa Neto Ana,Espregueira-Mendes João,Guimarães Consciência José The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons Despite extensive research on ankle instability a consensual and clear objective definition for pathological mechanical lateral ankle instability is yet to be determined. This systematic review aimed to summarize current available arthrometric devices, measuring methods and lateral ankle laxity outcomes in patients with chronic ankle instability that underwent objective arthrometric stress measurement. Sixty-eight studies comprising a total of 3,235 ankles with chronic ankle instability were included. Studies reported a wide range of arthrometric devices, testing position and procedures, and measuring methods. For the anterior drawer test, the average mean differences between injured and uninjured ankles ranged from -0.9 to 4.1 mm, and total translation in the injured ankle from 3.2 to 21.0 mm. Most common pathological threshold was ≥4 mm or ≥10 mm unilaterally and ≥3 mm bilaterally. For the talar tilt test, the average mean differences between injured and uninjured ankles ranged from 0.0° to 8.0°, and total tilt from injured ankle from 3.3 to 60.2°. Most common pathological threshold was ≥ 10° unilaterally and ≥ 6° mm bilaterally. It was found high heterogeneity in the scientific literature regarding the arthrometric devices, use of concomitant imaging and measuring methods of arthrometer-assisted anterior drawer and talar tilt tests which led to variable laxity outcomes in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Future studies should focus on standardizing the testing and measuring methods for an objective definition of mechanical ankle instability. 10.1053/j.jfas.2020.04.026
Ankle strategy assistance to improve gait stability using controllers based on in-shoe center of pressure in 2 degree-of-freedom powered ankle-foot orthoses: a clinical study. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation BACKGROUND:Although the ankle strategy is important for achieving frontal plane stability during one-leg stance, previously developed powered ankle-foot orthoses (PAFOs) did not involve ankle strategies because of hardware limitations. Weakness of movement in frontal plane is a factor that deteriorates gait stability and increases fall risk so it should not be overlooked in rehabilitation. Therefore, we used PAFO with subtalar joint for frontal plane movement and tried to confirm that the existence of it is important in balancing through clinical experiments. METHODS:We developed a proportional CoP controller to assist ankle strategy or stabilizing moment and enhance eversion to compensate for the tilting moment with 2 dof PAFO. It was true experimental study, and we recruited seven healthy subjects (30 ± 4 years) who did not experience any gait abnormality participated in walking experiments for evaluating the immediate effect of subtalar joint of PAFO on their gait stability. They walked on the treadmill with several cases of controllers for data acquisitions. Indices of gait stability and electromyography for muscle activity were measured and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to identify meaningful changes. RESULTS:We found that subjects were most stable during walking (in terms of largest Lyapunov exponents, p &lt; 0.008) with the assistance of the PAFO when their electromyographic activity was the most reduced (p &lt; 0.008), although postural sway increased when a proportional CoP controller was used to assist the ankle strategy (p &lt; 0.008). Other indices of gait stability, kinematic variability, showed no difference between the powered and unpowered conditions (p &gt; 0.008). The results of the correlation analysis indicate that the actuator of the PAFO enhanced eversion and preserved the location of the CoP in the medial direction so that gait stability was not negatively affected or improved. CONCLUSIONS:We verified that the developed 2 dof PAFO assists the ankle strategy by compensating for the tilting moment with proportional CoP controller and that wearer can walk in a stable state when the orthosis provides power for reducing muscle activity. This result is meaningful because an ankle strategy should be considered in the development of PAFOs for enhancing or even rehabilitating proprioception. Trial registration 7001988-202003-HR-833-03. 10.1186/s12984-022-01092-6
Haptic Ankle Platform for Interactive Walking in Virtual Reality. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics This article presents an impedance type ankle haptic interface for providing users with an immersive navigation experience in virtual reality (VR). The ankle platform, actuated by an electric motor with feedback control, enables the use of foot-tapping gestures to create a walking experience like a real one and to haptically render different types of walking terrains. Experimental studies demonstrated that the interface can be easily used to generate virtual walking and is capable of rendering terrains, such as hard and soft surfaces, and multi-layer complex dynamic terrains. The designed system is a seated-type VR locomotion interface, therefore allowing its user to maintain a stable seated posture to comfortably navigate a virtual scene. 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3111675
High-resolution US and MR imaging of peroneal tendon injuries. Taljanovic Mihra S,Alcala Jennifer N,Gimber Lana H,Rieke Joshua D,Chilvers Margaret M,Latt L Daniel Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc Injuries of the peroneal tendon complex are common and should be considered in every patient who presents with chronic lateral ankle pain. These injuries occur as a result of trauma (including ankle sprains), in tendons with preexisting tendonopathy, and with repetitive microtrauma due to instability. The peroneus brevis and peroneus longus tendons are rarely torn simultaneously. Several anatomic variants, including a flat or convex fibular retromalleolar groove, hypertrophy of the peroneal tubercle at the lateral aspect of the calcaneus, an accessory peroneus quartus muscle, a low-lying peroneus brevis muscle belly, and an os peroneum, may predispose to peroneal tendon injuries. High-resolution 1.5-T and 3-T magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with use of dedicated extremity coils and high-resolution ultrasonography (US) with high-frequency linear transducers and dynamic imaging are proved to adequately depict the peroneal tendons for evaluation and can aid the orthopedic surgeon in injury management. An understanding of current treatment approaches for partial- and full-thickness peroneal tendon tears, subluxation and dislocation of these tendons with superior peroneal retinaculum (SPR) injuries, intrasheath subluxations, and peroneal tendonopathy and tenosynovitis can help physicians achieve a favorable outcome. Patients with low functional demands do well with conservative treatment, while those with high functional demands may benefit from surgery if nonsurgical treatment is unsuccessful. Radiologists should recognize the normal anatomy and specific pathologic conditions of the peroneal tendons at US and MR imaging and understand the various treatment options for peroneal tendon and SPR superior peroneal retinaculum injuries. Online supplemental material is available for this article. 10.1148/rg.351130062
Subtalar joint axis in patients with symptomatic peritalar subluxation compared to normal controls. Apostle Kelly L,Coleman Nathan W,Sangeorzan Bruce J Foot & ankle international BACKGROUND:The etiology of peritalar subluxation (PTS) is poorly understood and likely mutifactorial. An anatomic predisposition for posterolateral subluxation of the hindfoot has not been previously described or investigated. The aim of the current study was to describe the morphology of the subtalar joint axis (STJA) in patients with symptomatic PTS compared to normal controls. METHODS:We identified patients with symptomatic PTS who had undergone operative correction from hospital records. The angle of the axis of the posterior facet of the subtalar joint was made on simulated weight-bearing CT (SWBCT) scans. A control group of patients who had no foot deformity on standing films was used for comparison. The STJA was defined as the angle between the superior talar dome and the posterior facet of the talus on coronal CT scan. The mean, maximum, and minimum STJAs were calculated for each cut from anterior to posterior across the posterior facet. The trend in progression across the posterior facet was also examined. RESULTS:After exclusions, 22 feet in 20 patients were included in the study group and compared to 20 control subjects. It was seen that patients with PTS had an increased valgus orientation of the subtalar joint. In patients with PTS the STJA began in valgus and progressed to even greater valgus from anterior to posterior across the posterior facet. The STJA in control subjects was seen instead to begin in slight varus and transition to valgus at the junction of the anterior and middle third and then increase in valgus as the joint progressed posteriorly. CONCLUSIONS:The valgus orientation of the coronal plane of the subtalar joint may represent an anatomic contribution to the etiology of PTS. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Level III, comparative series. 10.1177/1071100714546549
Peroneus longus and tibialis anterior muscle activity in the stance phase. A quantified electromyographic study of 10 controls and 25 patients with chronic ankle instability. Louwerens J W,van Linge B,de Klerk L W,Mulder P G,Snijders C J Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica The electromyographic activity of the peroneus longus and anterior tibial muscles of 25 patients with chronic ankle instability (18 patients with bilateral symptoms and 7 patients with unilateral complaints) and 10 controls was registered during the stance phase under different walking conditions. With balance secured by external support, there was a variable amount of peroneal activity, most of which was found in the third quarter of stance. A high increase in peroneus longus activity starting after foot-flat was found when subjects had to maintain balance in a natural way. No difference in peroneal activity was found in relation to instability complaints. It is thought that the peroneus longus serves to maintain balance, that this function decreases with increase of speed and that one cannot rely on this muscle to prevent an inversion injury during normal walking. The anterior tibial muscle was predominantly active in the first quarter after heel contact. An increase in activity in the second quarter as an effect of loss of secured balance suggests that this muscle plays some part in balance control, but this is not its main function. A significant increase in tibialis anterior activity was found in patients with bilateral instability. No significant difference was found between the symptomatic and asymptomatic leg of patients with unilateral instability under the same walking conditions. These findings suggest changes in central control.
The effect of ankle injury on subtalar motion. Michelson James,Hamel Andrew,Buczek Frank,Sharkey Neil Foot & ankle international BACKGROUND:Injuries to the medial and lateral ankle ligaments have been implicated in subtalar joint instability. Lateral injury increased subtalar joint varus and anterior translation, while deltoid injury increased external rotation and valgus in studies using static, non-physiologic testing. METHODS:The current study employed a physiologically accurate ankle model using phasic force-couples attached to the muscle-tendon units to reproduce ankle motion. Six-degree-of-freedom kinematics of the tibia, talus, and calcaneus were measured using a VICON motion analysis system under the following experimental conditions: 1) intact ligaments 2) complete lateral ligament injury with subsequent repair, 3) superficial deltoid injury with subsequent repair, and 4) deep deltoid injury without repair in eight harvested lower extremities. Statistical analysis was by repeated measures analyses of variance. RESULTS:At heel-strike, the subtalar joint is in internal rotation, dorsiflexion, and varus. As the leg progresses to foot-flat, there is external rotation, plantarflexion, and valgus rotation. From foot-flat to heel-rise, there is little subtalar joint motion, while at toe-off, there is slight internal rotation, dorsiflexion, and varus rotation. The total rotations amounted to 9.0 degrees (SD 5.0 degrees) external rotation, 6.1 degrees (SD 2.5 degrees) plantarflexion, and 7.8 degrees (SD 5.5 degrees) valgus. Disruption of the superficial deltoid increased plantarflexion (p < .001) and valgus (p < .05). The additional lateral injury increased both external rotation (p < .001) and valgus (p < .02). Lateral injury alone had no significant effect on subtalar joint motion. CONCLUSION:Unlike most previous reports, this study showed no significant influence of isolated lateral ankle injury on subtalar joint motion, probably because the current study examined subtalar joint motion under physiologic loading and motion rather than by static stress testing. This calls into question the relevance of static stress testing to the in situ function of the subtalar joint. The increased external rotation and valgus seen with deltoid injury in the current study is consistent with previous reports. 10.1177/107110070402500908
Evaluation of standing stability in individuals with flatfeet. Tahmasebi Razieh,Karimi Mohammad Taghi,Satvati Behnaz,Fatoye Francis Foot & ankle specialist OBJECTIVE:Flatfoot is one of the most common foot disorders, which not only influences the performance of the foot but also affects the alignments of the ankle, knee, and hip joints. The performance of the flat-arched individuals differs from that of normal individuals during walking. However, there is not enough information in the literature regarding their standing stability. Moreover, the influence of use of foot insole on standing stability has not been evaluated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate standing stability in individuals with flatfoot with and without insole. METHODS:Two groups of normal and flat-arched individuals were recruited into this study. A Kistler force plate was used to measure the center of pressure (CoP), which is recognized as a good approximation of sway of center of gravity in a horizontal plane. Stability was determined by calculating the CoP excursions, path length, and velocity in the mediolateral and anteroposterior directions. The difference between stability in normal individuals and those with flatfoot was examined using the independent t test. The paired t test was used to determine the difference between stability in each group with and without insole. Significant P value was set at α ≤.05. RESULTS:There was a significant difference between stability of flat-arched and normal individuals based on CoP velocity and total velocity. In addition, there was no direct correlation between the severity of flatfoot and instability during quiet standing. However, the mean values of CoP total velocity during standing with and without insole were significantly different (P < .001). CONCLUSION:This study suggests that individuals with flatfoot are more unstable when compared with normal individuals during quiet standing. It seems that the foot insole improves the alignment of foot structure and reduces the forces applied on the ligament, thus, improving standing stability. Therefore, stability assessment in patients with flatfoot may be important, and the insole is a useful modality that can be used to improve stability in this patient group. LEVELS OF EVIDENCE:Therapeutic, Level II: Prospective, comparative trial. 10.1177/1938640014557075
Explanatory variables for adult patients' self-reported recovery after acute lateral ankle sprain. van Rijn Rogier M,Willemsen Sten P,Verhagen Arianne P,Koes Bart W,Bierma-Zeinstra Sita M A Physical therapy BACKGROUND:Longitudinal research on musculoskeletal disorders often makes use of a single measure of recovery, despite the large variation in reported recovery that exists. Patients with an acute ankle sprain often experience no pain or functional disability following treatment, yet report not being fully recovered, or vice versa. OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to find explanatory variables for reporting recovery by analyzing the extent to which different outcomes (eg, pain intensity) were associated with recovery and how baseline scores of different variables influence this association in adult patients after acute lateral ankle sprain. DESIGN:This was a cohort study based on data collected in a randomized controlled trial (RCT). METHODS:This study was constructed within the framework of an RCT. One hundred two patients who incurred an acute ankle sprain were included. Recovery, pain intensity, giving way of the ankle, and Ankle Function Score (AFS) were assessed during the RCT at baseline and at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months, and 12 months postinjury. Mean differences were calculated between baseline and follow-up. Associations were calculated using linear mixed models, and the influence of baseline scores on these associations was determined using linear regression with interaction. RESULTS:Associations were found between recovery and the mean differences of pain during running on flat and rough surfaces (4 and 8 weeks, 3 months) and between recovery and the mean difference of giving way of the ankle during walking on a rough surface (8 weeks, 3 months). LIMITATIONS:This study used data collected from an RCT. Therefore, the study was limited to the outcomes measured in that trial, and some explanatory factors easily could have been missed. CONCLUSIONS:This study is the first to identify explanatory variables for reporting recovery in adults after ankle sprain. Pain intensity and giving way of the ankle measured during high ankle load activities make it easier to measure and to generalize recovery in this population and should be the primary outcome measures of interest. This study indicates the huge need to reach consensus about primary outcome measures for research in patients sustaining ankle sprains. 10.2522/ptj.20090420
Lower Limb Biomechanics During Drop-Jump Landings on Challenging Surfaces in Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability. Journal of athletic training CONTEXT:Individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) exhibit impaired lower limb biomechanics during unilateral drop-jump landings on a flat surface. However, lower limb biomechanical adaptations during unilateral drop-jump landings on more challenging surfaces, such as those that are unstable or inclined, have not been described. OBJECTIVE:To determine how unilateral drop-jump landing surfaces (flat, unstable, and inclined) influence lower limb electromyography, kinematics, and kinetics in individuals with CAI. DESIGN:Descriptive laboratory study. SETTING:Biomechanics laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS:A total of 22 young adults (age = 24.9 ± 4.9 years, height = 1.68 ± 0.08 m, mass = 70.6 ± 11.4 kg) with CAI. INTERVENTION(S):Participants completed 5 trials each of unilateral drop-jump landings on a flat surface (DROP), an unstable surface (FOAM), and a laterally inclined surface (WEDGE). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S):Electromyography of the gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis, peroneus longus, and tibialis anterior muscles was recorded. Ankle and knee angles and moments were calculated using a 3-dimensional motion-analysis system and a force plate. Biomechanical variables were compared among tasks using 1-dimensional statistical nonparametric mapping. RESULTS:During DROP, greater ankle-dorsiflexion and knee-extension moments were observed than during FOAM and WEDGE and greater vastus lateralis muscle activity was observed than during FOAM. Greater ankle-inversion and plantar-flexion angles were noted during FOAM and WEDGE than during DROP. Peroneus longus muscle activity was greater during DROP than during FOAM. During FOAM, greater ankle-inversion and knee-extension angles and ankle-inversion and internal-rotation moments, as well as less peroneus longus muscle activity, were present than during WEDGE. CONCLUSIONS:The greater ankle-inversion and plantar-flexion angles as well as the lack of increased peroneus longus muscle activation during the FOAM and WEDGE conditions could increase the risk of recurrent lateral ankle sprain in individuals with CAI. These findings improve our understanding of the changes in lower limb biomechanics when landing on more challenging surfaces and will help clinicians better target deficits associated with CAI during rehabilitation. 10.4085/1062-6050-0399.21
Kinematic instability in the joints of flatfoot subjects during walking: A biplanar fluoroscopic study. Phan Cong-Bo,Lee Kyoung Min,Kwon Soon-Sun,Koo Seungbum Journal of biomechanics Abnormal foot kinematics is observed in flatfoot subjects with postural foot deformity. We aimed to investigate joint instability in flatfoot subjects by analyzing the abnormal rotational position and speed of their joints while walking. Five flatfoot subjects participated in our study. Three-dimensional motions of the tibia, talus, calcaneus, navicular, and cuboid were obtained during walking using the biplanar fluoroscopic motion analyses. An anatomical coordinate system was established for each bone. The rotations and ranges of motion (ROMs) of the joints from heel-strike to toe-off were quantified. The relative movements on the articular surfaces were quantified by surface relative velocity vector analysis. The data from flat foot subjects were compared with the data from normal foot subjects in previous studies. The average relative speed on the articular surface of the tibiotalar, subtalar, and calcaneocuboid joints for the flatfoot subjects was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that for the normal foot subjects. The flatfoot subjects exhibited increased movements toward plantar flexion in the tibiotalar joint, and eversion and external rotations in the talonavicular joint during the stance phase, compared to the normal subjects (p < 0.01). Furthermore, the flatfoot subjects had a significantly larger ROM along with the inversion/eversion rotations (5.6 ± 1.8° vs. 10.7 ± 4.0°) and internal/external rotations (7.1 ± 1.5° vs. 10.5 ± 3.5°) in the tibiotalar joint. The flatfoot subjects demonstrated abnormal kinematics and larger joint movements in multiple joints during the mid-stance and terminal stance phases of walking. This demonstrates their high instability levels. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2021.110681
Independent Attachment of Lateral Ankle Ligaments: Anterior Talofibular and Calcaneofibular Ligaments - A Cadaveric Study. Kakegawa Akira,Mori Yusuke,Tsuchiya Atsushi,Sumitomo Norimi,Fukushima Nanae,Moriizumi Tetsuji The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons Anatomic knowledge of lateral ligaments around the lateral malleolus is important for repair or reconstruction of ankle instability. The detailed structure of the connective fibers between the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) is unknown. To clarify the anatomic structure of ATFL and CFL and the connective fiber between the 2 ligaments, the lateral ligament was dissected in 60 ankles of formalin-fixed cadavers, and the distance was measured between bony landmarks and fibular attachment of ATFL and CFL using a digital caliper. All ankles had connective fibers between ATFL and CFL. The structure of connective fibers consisted of a thin fiber above the surface layer of ATFL and CFL; it comprised thin fibrils of the surface layer covering the lower part of ATFL and the front part of CFL. Both ATFL and CFL were independent fibers, and both attachments of the fibula were isolated. Single bands of ATFL were noted in 14 of 60 (23.3%) ankles, double bands that divided the superior and inferior bands were observed in 42 of 60 (70.0%) ankles, and multiple bands were observed in 4 of 60 (6.7%) ankles. A cord-like and a flat and fanning type of CFL was noted in 22 (36.7%) and 38 (63.3%) of the 60 ankles, respectively. Distances between ATFL/CFL and articular and inferior tips of the fibula were 4.3 ± 1.1 mm/7.6 ± 1.6 mm and 14.3 ± 1.9 mm/7.4 ± 1.7 mm, respectively (mean ± standard deviation). The results of this study suggest that knowledge of more anatomic structures of ATFL, CFL, and connective fiber will be beneficial for surgeons in the repair or reconstruction of the lateral ligament of the ankle. 10.1053/j.jfas.2018.12.009
Imaging in Foot and Ankle Instability. Salat Peter,Le Vu,Veljkovic Andrea,Cresswell Mark E Foot and ankle clinics This article reviews the imaging aspects relevant to ligamentous instabilities of the foot and ankle with a focus on MRI and ultrasound imaging. A pictorial review of the anatomy of the medial and lateral ankle ligaments, syndesmosis, spring ligament, Lisfranc complex, hallux sesamoid complex, and lesser toe plantar plate as seen on MRI is presented. Selected cases of ligamentous pathology relevant to foot and ankle instability are presented. The value of imaging in the assessment of foot and ankle instability is reviewed. 10.1016/j.fcl.2018.07.011
Influence of dynamic stretching on ankle joint stiffness, vertical stiffness and running economy during treadmill running. Frontiers in physiology The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether and how dynamic stretching of the plantarflexors may influence running economy. A crossover design with a minimum of 48 h between experimental (dynamic stretching) and control conditions was used. Twelve recreational runners performed a step-wise incremental protocol to the limit of tolerance on a motorised instrumented treadmill. The initial speed was 2.3 m/s, followed by increments of 0.2 m/s every 3 min. Dynamic joint stiffness, vertical stiffness and running kinematics during the initial stage of the protocol were calculated. Running economy was evaluated using online gas-analysis. For each participant, the minimum number of stages completed before peak O uptake (V̇O) common to the two testing conditions was used to calculate the gradient of a linear regression line between V̇O (-axis) and speed (-axis). The number of stages, which ranged between 4 and 8, was used to construct individual subject regression equations. Non-clinical forms of magnitude-based decision method were used to assess outcomes. The dynamic stretching protocol resulted in a decrease in dynamic ankle joint stiffness (-10.7%; 90% confidence limits ±16.1%), a decrease in vertical stiffness (-2.3%, ±4.3%), a effect on running economy (-4.0%, ±8.3%), and decrease in gastrocnemius medialis muscle activation (-27.1%, ±39.2%). The results indicate that dynamic stretching improves running economy, decreases in dynamic joint and vertical stiffness and muscle activation. Together, these results imply that dynamic stretching should be recommended as part of the warm-up for running training in recreational athletes examined in this study. 10.3389/fphys.2022.948442
Management and treatment of ankle sprain according to clinical practice guidelines: A PRISMA systematic review. Medicine BACKGROUND:The lateral sprain of the ankle is a very frequent injury in the population in general, appearing in the emergency services frequently. The general objective was to review the current clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) on management and treatment of ankle sprains, assess their quality, analyze the levels of evidence and summarize the grades of recommendation. METHODS:A systematic search of the literature in relevant databases with the search terms "ankle," "sprain," "practice guideline," and "guideline" was carried out. There were included those guidelines that had the system of grades of recommendation and level of evidence concerning to management and treatment of ankle sprain. The quality of the guides was assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II) tool. RESULTS:Seven clinical practice guides were included in this review. The AGREE II scores ranged from 42% to 100%, with only six CPGs explicitly declaring the use of a systematic methodology. Seventeen recommendations were extracted and summarized. DISCUSSION:Six of the recommendations analyzed present enough evidence to be applied in clinical practice and are highly recommended for ankle sprain management: Ottawa rules, manual therapy, cryotherapy, functional supports, early ambulation, short term NSAIDs and rehabilitation. 10.1097/MD.0000000000031087
Kinesio taping for ankle sprain in youth athlete: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine BACKGROUND:Ankle sprain is considered a major problem that may hinder youth athletes' athletic development because it will lead to ongoing dysfunction, reoccurrence of ankle sprain, chronic ankle instability, and posttraumatic osteoarthritis. Kinesio taping (KT) is a therapeutic taping technique that has been widely used in the treatment of various ankle issues including sprained ankles and in the prevention of ankle sprains. It can not only provide the injured ankle with support during the rehabilitation phase, but also enhance the ankle stability during activity. However, the available evidence regarding its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of ankle sprain is inconsistent. Therefore, a systematic review will help clinicians and coaches better understand the application of KT in clinical and training practices. This study is to systematically review the literature on the use of KT to improve outcomes including ankle function, proprioception, and pain and to evaluate the effectiveness of KT in the treatment and prevention of ankle sprain injuries. METHODS:A comprehensive electronic search of the literature will be undertaken in the following databases: PubMed, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane library, Web of Science and Scopus from 1979 to August 2022. The Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale will be used to assess the methodological quality of all included studies and RevMan 5.3 (Copenhagen, The Nordic Cochrane Centre) for the data analysis. RESULTS:This study will provide a standardized evaluation and comparison for effects of KT on the treatment and prevention of ankle sprains in youth athletes. CONCLUSION:This review will provide the evidence of the effectiveness of KT used in the treatment and prevention of ankle sprain in youth athletes. This review will also provide directions and recommendations for future research and clinical practices targeting treatment and prevention of ankle sprains in youth athletes. 10.1097/MD.0000000000031222
Association of Ankle Sprain Frequency With Body Mass and Self-Reported Function: A Pooled Multisite Analysis. Journal of sport rehabilitation CONTEXT:Ankle sprains result in pain and disability. While factors such as body mass and prior injury contribute to subsequent injury, the association of the number of ankle sprains on body anthropometrics and self-reported function are unclear in this population. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to assess differences in anthropometric measurements and self-reported function between the number of ankle sprains utilizing a large, pooled data set. DESIGN:Cross-sectional. METHODS:Data were pooled from 14 studies (total N = 412) collected by the Chronic Ankle Instability Outcomes Network. Participants were categorized by the number of self-reported sprains. Anthropometric data and self-reported function were compared between those who reported a single versus >1 ankle sprain as well as among groups of those who had 1, 2, 3, 4, and ≥5 ankle sprains, respectively. RESULTS:Those who had >1 ankle sprain had higher mass (P = .001, d = 0.33) and body mass index (P = .002, d = 0.32) and lower Foot and Ankle Ability Measure-Activities of Daily Living (P < .001, r = .22), Foot and Ankle Ability Measure-Sport (P < .001, r = .33), and Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (P < .001, r = .34) scores compared to the single ankle sprain group. Those who had a single ankle sprain weighed less than those who reported ≥5 sprains (P = .008, d = 0.42) and had a lower body mass index than those who reported 2 sprains (P = .031, d = 0.45). CONCLUSIONS:Some individuals with a history of multiple ankle sprains had higher body mass and self-reported disability compared to those with a single sprain, factors that are likely interrelated. Due to the potential for long-term health concerns associated with ankle sprains, clinicians should incorporate patient education and interventions that promote physical activity, healthy dietary intake, and optimize function as part of comprehensive patient-centered care. 10.1123/jsr.2021-0453
Effects of Midfoot Joint Mobilization on Perceived Ankle-Foot Function in Chronic Ankle Instability: A Crossover Clinical Trial. Journal of sport rehabilitation CONTEXT:To investigate the effects of midfoot joint mobilization and a 1-week home exercise program, compared with a sham intervention, and home exercise program on pain, patient-reported outcomes, ankle-foot joint mobility, and neuromotor function in young adults with chronic ankle instability. DESIGN:Crossover clinical trial. METHODS:Twenty participants with chronic ankle instability were instructed in a stretching, strengthening, and balance home exercise program and were randomized a priori to receive either midfoot joint mobilizations (forefoot supination, cuboid glide, and plantar first tarsometatarsal) or a sham laying of hands on the initial visit. Changes in foot morphology, joint mobility, strength, dynamic balance, and patient-reported outcomes assessing pain, physical, and psychological function were assessed pre to post treatment and 1 week following post treatment. Participants crossed over to receive the alternate treatment and were assessed pre to post treatment and 1 week following. Linear modeling was used to assess changes in outcomes. RESULTS:Participants demonstrated significantly greater perceived improvement immediately following midfoot mobilization in the single assessment numeric evaluation (sham: 5.0% [10.2%]; mobilization: 43.9% [26.2%]; β: 6.8; P < .001; adj R2: .17; Hedge g: 2.09), and global rating of change (sham: -0.1 [1.1]; mobilization: 1.1 [3.0]; β: 1.8; P = .01; adj R2: .12; Hedge g: 0.54), and greater improved 1-week outcomes in rearfoot inversion mobility (sham: 4.4° [8.4°]; mobilization: -1.6° [6.1°]; β: -6.37; P = .01; adj R2: .19; Hedge g: 0.81), plantar flexion mobility (sham: 2.7° [6.4°]; mobilization: -1.7° [4.3°]; β: -4.36; P = .02; adj R2: .07; Hedge g: 0.80), and posteromedial dynamic balance (sham: 2.4% [5.9%]; mobilization: 6.0% [5.4%]; β: 3.88; P = .04; adj R2: .10; Hedge g: 0.59) compared to the sham intervention. CONCLUSION:Greater perceived improvement and physical signs were observed following midfoot joint mobilization. 10.1123/jsr.2021-0462
Human ankle joint movements during walking are probably not determined by talar morphology. Scientific reports Knowledge about the orientation of a representative ankle joint axis is limited to studies of tarsal morphology and of quasistatic movements. The aim of our study was therefore to determine the development of the axis orientation during walking. Intracortical bone pins were used to monitor the kinematics of the talus and tibia of five healthy volunteers. The finite helical axis was determined for moving windows of 10% stance phase and its orientation reported if the rotation about the axis was more than 2°. A representative axis for ankle dorsi- and plantarflexion was also estimated based on tarsal morphology. As reported by literature, the morphology-based axis was inclined more medially upwards for dorsiflexion than for plantarflexion. However, when a mean of the finite helical axis orientations was calculated for each walking trial for dorsiflexion (stance phase 15-25%) and for plantarflexion (stance phase 85-95%), the inclination was less medially upwards in dorsiflexion than in plantarflexion in four out of five participants. Thus, it appears that the inclination of a representative ankle joint axis for dynamic loading situations cannot be estimated from either morphology or quasi-static experiments. Future studies assessing muscle activity, ligament behaviour and articulating surfaces may help to identify the determining factors for the orientation of a representative ankle joint axis. 10.1038/s41598-022-17984-5
Can ankle proprioception be improved by repeated exposure to an ankle movement discrimination task requiring step-landing in individuals with and without CAI? Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine OBJECTIVES:To determine whether individuals with and without Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) can improve their ankle movement discrimination sensitivity by repeated exposure to an ankle proprioceptive task requiring landing. DESIGN:A repeated-measures study. SETTING:University laboratory. PARTICIPANTS:24 university students, 11 with CAI and 13 without CAI. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Ankle proprioception was measured using the Ankle Inversion Discrimination Apparatus for Landing (AIDAL) over 3 occasions: AIDAL-1 and AIDAL-2 separated with a 10-min interval, and AIDAL-3 at 24 h post AIDAL-2. RESULTS:Better Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) questionnaire scores were correlated with higher AIDAL scores (rho = 0.465, p = 0.022). Two-way ANOVA showed a significant CAI main effect for step landing ankle inversion proprioception, with CAI worse (F = 8.410, p = 0.008), but the Time main effect across the 3 AIDAL tests was not significant (F = 1.552, p = 0.223). CONCLUSIONS:The AIDAL assessment was sensitive in terms of discriminating between individuals with or without CAI. However, the step-down component of the AIDAL proprioceptive task was possibly too challenging. For CAI, physical therapy exercises should take into account the difficulty of the training task, so that a demonstrable learning effect can be achieved. 10.1016/j.ptsp.2022.09.004
Impaired one-legged landing balance in young female athletes with previous ankle sprain: a cross-sectional study. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness BACKGROUND:Ankle sprain is the most common type of sports injury, especially in team sports. Standing and dynamic landing balance, as an indicator of ankle instability, were investigated using varying experimental approaches. METHODS:In the present cross-sectional study, 81 adolescent female elite handball and football players were divided into two groups based on previous ankle sprain injury (PI) or not (C). At time of test, all players were fully returned to elite-level sport. Subjects were tested during a one-legged landing (OLL) and in a one-legged static standing balance test (OLBT). In the OLL CoP trajectory displacement was calculated in 200 ms time epochs for evaluation of the initial stages of dynamic landing balance. OLBT was evaluated by calculating total displacement of the CoP trajectory. RESULTS:CoP displacement was greater in PI than C during the first 200 milliseconds epoch after landing (P=0.001, 252 mm [44], vs. 223 mm [28]), respectively) and in the subsequent 200 ms epoch (P=0.021, 72 mm [20], vs. 61 mm [16], respectively). No significant differences between PI and C were observed in time epochs from 400 to 1000 milliseconds or in OLBT. CONCLUSIONS:Adolescent elite athletes with a history of previous ankle sprain demonstrate impaired OLL balance in the first 400 milliseconds following jump landing compared to non-injured controls. Consequently, although athletes with previous ankle sprain may return to sport, dynamic postural control may not be fully restored. Future prospective studies are needed to decide, if the OLL test could be considered a relevant criterion tool for safe return-to-sport. 10.23736/S0022-4707.22.12960-9
Heightened tone and stiffness with concurrent lowered elasticity of peroneus longus and tibialis anterior muscles in athletes with chronic ankle instability as measured by myotonometry. Journal of biomechanics In a recent study, myotonometry revealed adverse alterations in the mechanical properties of ankle periarticular muscles in soldiers reporting previous lateral ankle sprain (LAS) incidents. This knowledge, if confirmed in athletes with developed chronic ankle instability (CAI), may have important diagnostic and therapeutic implications in sports medicine and rehabilitation. Consequently, the purpose of the study was to explore mechanical properties of the peroneus longus (PL), tibialis anterior (TA), and the lateral and medial gastrocnemius (LG and MG, respectively) muscles in athletes suffering CAI. Fourteen adult male athletes with developed CAI (International Ankle Consortium selection criteria) and 15 healthy male athletes without any LAS incidence as the control group (CO) participated in the study. The CAI and CO groups were characterized by similar anthropometric parameters and weekly training volume. In both the groups of athletes, we performed resting state (controlled with electromyographic recordings) myotonometric measurements (using a MyotonPRO® device) in the PL, TA, LG and MG muscles and calculated the following five myotonometric parameters: frequency (F-MYO), stiffness (S-MYO), decrement (d-MYO), relaxation time (R-MYO) and creep (C-MYO). Athletes from the CAI group (compared to the CO group) exhibited significantly higher values of F-MYO and S-MYO as well as lower values of R-MYO and C-MYO in the PL and TA muscles. No significant inter-group differences were found in the remaining myotonometric parameters. Using myotonometry, our study is the first to reveal that athletes with developed CAI are characterized by heightened tone and stiffness with concurrent lowered elasticity of the PL and TA muscles. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2022.111339
Reliability and validation of the Thai version of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT-THA). Disability and rehabilitation PURPOSE:This study aimed to provide a version of Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) for the Thai younger adult population and examine psychometric properties and determine the cut-off score. METHODS:CAIT-Youth Thai version was modified to CAIT Thai version (CAIT-THA). To validate the CAIT-THA psychometric properties, 72 with chronic ankle instability (CAI) and 72 without (age 23.45 ± 4.45 years) were recruited. The validation was carried out by using internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), concurrent validity (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient), discriminative validity (Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve), and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient; ICC). A cut-off score was determined via Youden's index. RESULTS:Validation showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.837), and concurrent validity (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.762 and 0.731 for right ankle and left ankle, respectively). Test-retest reliability was excellent with ICC (2,1) of 0.945 (95% CI = 0.93-0.96). A cut-off score of ≤ 25, determined by ROC curve and Youden's index, was distinguished between participants with and without CAI. CAIT-THA obtained 97.2% sensitivity, 94.4% specificity, 0.03 negative, and 17.5 positive likelihood ratios. CONCLUSION:CAIT-THA is a validated tool that can be used in Thai younger adults. Clinicians and researchers can confidently use a score of ≤ 25 to determine the presence of CAI.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONThe Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool Thai version (CAIT-THA) questionnaire is available for Thai young adults.The CAIT-THA had high sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative likelihood cut-off ratio scores for discrimination between chronic ankle instability (CAI) and non-CAI.The CAIT-THA questionnaire may be used in rehabilitation and research settings for the identification and management of CAI conditions. 10.1080/09638288.2022.2135778
The effects of the tension of figure-8 straps of a soft ankle orthosis on the ankle joint kinematics while walking in healthy young adults: A pilot study. Gait & posture BACKGROUND:Figure-8 straps are commonly used in ankle orthoses, which are provided to reduce the risks of primary and recurrent sprain by providing functional support. Functional treatment with ankle orthoses can provide better rehabilitation than immobilization for a mild ankle sprain. However, it is not known how much tension should be applied to the straps while donning the orthosis to optimize its effectiveness. RESEARCH QUESTION:The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of figure-8 strap tension of a soft ankle orthosis on ankle joint kinematics in the sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes during gait in healthy young adults. METHODS:Ten healthy adults (five males and five females) were enrolled in this study. The 3-dimensional motion analysis system was used to evaluate the ankle kinematics of the participants during gait under five conditions: no soft ankle orthosis, soft ankle orthosis with no figure-8 straps tension (lace-up only), 50 N, 80 N, and 110 N tension of the figure-8 straps, respectively. All participants walked in a straight path at a comfortable speed. RESULTS:Plantarflexion angles were significantly reduced with 110 N of tension in the figure-8 straps when compared to the lace-up only and a moderate correlation with r = 0.34 (p = 0.03) was observed between the tensions of figure-8 straps and maximum plantarflexion angles at pre-swing of a gait cycle. No significant effects on ankle joint angles were demonstrated in the coronal and transverse planes. SIGNIFICANCE:This study showed that increasing the tension of the figure-8 straps could restrict the ankle joint plantarflexion angle during pre-swing in gait. However, it might not affect inversion/eversion or internal/external rotation angles of the ankle joint in individuals without ankle pathologies. 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.09.073
Kinetic Effects of 6 Weeks' Pilates or Balance Training in College Soccer Players with Chronic Ankle Instability. International journal of environmental research and public health Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is a common sports injury that frequently occurs in active individuals. LAS is characterized by a high recurrence rate, with a large proportion of patients progressing to chronic ankle instability (CAI). Pilates exercises have provided positive results in health care and in rehabilitation. This study compared Pilates training (PT) with traditional balance training (BT) in patients with CAI. Fifty-one college football players with CAI, divided into PT ( = 26) and BT ( = 25) groups, were included in the study. The groups performed PT or BT training as assigned, three times per week for 6 weeks. Isokinetic ankle strength, one-leg hop tests, Y-balance test (YBT), and foot and ankle outcome score (FAOS) were evaluated before and after training. There were considerable improvements in both the PT and BT groups after training. Group and time comparisons revealed that the PT group achieved better triple hop test results than the BT group, whereas the BT group exhibited a greater improvement in YBT posteromedial and posterolateral reach distances. In athletes with CAI, both PT and BT effectively improved symptoms and function. These findings suggest that ankle strength, balance, and core stability should be comprehensively evaluated and targeted in CAI rehabilitation programs. 10.3390/ijerph191912903
High return to sports and return to work rates after anatomic lateral ankle ligament reconstruction with tendon autograft for isolated chronic lateral ankle instability. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA PURPOSE:To evaluate clinical outcomes as well as return to sports (RTS) and return to work (RTW) rates following anatomic lateral ankle ligament reconstruction with a tendon autograft for chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) in a high-risk population, and to compare these outcome parameters between patients having received a gracilis tendon autograft (GT) and free split peroneus brevis tendon (PBT) autograft. METHODS:Twenty-eight consecutive patients, who were diagnosed with CLAI, presenting with ≥ 1 risk factor (ligamentous hyperlaxity, insufficient substance of native ligament and/or high-demand athlete), who underwent ankle ligament reconstruction with a tendon autograft between January 2011 and December 2018, were included in this retrospective study. At 63.7 ± 28.0 months (24-112), 23 patients with a mean age of 29.7 ± 10.9 years were available for follow-up. The Karlsson Score, the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS), the Tegner Activity Scale and the visual analog scale (VAS) for pain were collected at a minimum follow-up of 24 months. RTS and RTW were evaluated by questionnaire. A subgroup analysis with regard to the graft used for ankle ligament reconstruction (GT versus PBT) was performed. RESULTS:Patients reported a Karlsson score of 82.1 ± 17.5 (37-100), a FAOS score of 87.8 ± 8.4 (73-99), a median Tegner activity scale of 5.0 (IQR 4-6) and a VAS for pain of 0.5 ± 0.9 (0-4) at rest and of 2.0 ± 2.1 (0-7) during activities at final follow-up. Postoperatively, 96% of patients had returned to sports after 8.3 ± 6.2 months. All patients (100%) had returned to work at 3.5 ± 5.7 (0-24) months, with 87% reporting an equal or improved working ability compared to that preoperatively. Postoperatively, exercise hours per week were significantly reduced compared to preoperatively in patients with a split PBT (n = 12; 13.0 ± 12.9 to 5.6 ± 6.4 h, p = 0.038) autograft as opposed to patients with a GT autograft (n = 11; 13.1 ± 8.7 to 12.4 ± 7.1 h, n.s.). No other group differences were observed. CONCLUSION:Good patient-reported outcomes as well as excellent RTS and RTW rates can be achieved in high-risk patients undergoing ankle ligament reconstruction with a tendon autograft for CLAI. These results may be helpful in preoperatively managing patients' expectations regarding sports- and work-related outcomes and provide tangible data on the expectable time frame of the individual return to sports and work trajectory. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:IV. 10.1007/s00167-022-06937-0
Isolated injuries to the lateral ankle ligaments have no direct effect on syndesmotic stability. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA PURPOSE:This study aim was to detect the impact of lateral ankle ligaments injury on syndesmotic laxity when evaluated arthroscopically in a cadaveric model. The null hypothesis was that lateral ankle ligament injury does not affect the stability of syndesmosis. METHODS:Sixteen fresh-frozen above-knee amputated cadaveric specimens were divided into two groups of eight specimens that underwent arthroscopic evaluation of the distal tibiofibular joint. In both the groups, the assessment was first done with all syndesmotic and ankle ligaments intact. Thereafter, Group 1 underwent sequential transection of the three lateral ankle ligaments first to identify the effects of lateral ligament injury: (1) anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), (2) calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), (3) posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL), then followed by the syndesmotic ligaments, (4) AITFL, (5) Interosseous ligament (IOL), and (6) PITFL. Group 2 underwent sequential transection of the (1) AITFL, (2) ATFL, (3) CFL, (4) IOL, (5) PTFL, and (6) PITFL, which represent the most commonly injured pattern in ankle sprain. In all scenarios, four loading conditions were considered under 100 N of direct force: (1) unstressed, (2) a lateral fibular hook test, (3) anterior to posterior (AP) fibular translation test, and (4) posterior to anterior (PA) fibular translation test. Distal tibiofibular coronal plane diastasis at the anterior and posterior third of syndesmosis, as well as AP and PA sagittal plane translation, were arthroscopically measured. RESULTS:The distal tibiofibular joint remained stable after transection of all lateral ankle ligaments (ATFL, CFL, and PTFL) as well as the AITFL. However, after additional transection of the IOL, the syndesmosis became unstable in both the coronal and sagittal plane. Syndesmosis laxity in the coronal plane was also observed after transection of the ATFL, CFL, AITFL, and IOL. Subsequent transection of the PITFL precipitated syndesmosis laxity in the sagittal plane, as well. CONCLUSIONS:The findings from the present study suggest that lateral ankle ligament injuries itself do not directly affect the stability of syndesmosis. However, if it combines with IOL injuries, even partial injuries cause syndesmotic laxity. As a clinical relevance, accurate diagnosis is the key for surgeons to determine syndesmosis fixation whether there is only AITFL injury or combined IOL injury in concomitant acute syndesmotic and lateral ligament injury. 10.1007/s00167-022-06985-6
Surgical management of concurrent lateral ankle instability and osteochondral lesions of the talus increases dynamic sagittal ankle range of motion. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA PURPOSE:A biomechanical study, in which imaging modalities are used to strictly include patients with concurrent lateral ankle instability (LAI) and osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLT), is needed to demonstrate the static and dynamic ankle range of motion (ROM) restriction in these patients, and determine whether ankle ROM restriction can be corrected postoperatively. METHODS:Eight patients with concurrent LAI and OLT treated with the arthroscopic modified Broström procedure and microfracture were recruited from June 2019 to January 2020. Patients were assessed using outcome scales, static ankle ROM, and a stair descent gait analysis for dynamic ankle ROM, a day prior to surgery and one year postoperatively. Eight healthy subjects were assessed using the same modalities upon recruitment. Operative outcomes and variables during stair descent were documented and compared among the preoperative, postoperative, and healthy groups. A curve analysis, one-dimensional statistical parametric mapping, was performed to compare the dynamic ankle kinematics and muscle activation curves over the entire normalised time series. RESULTS:The functional outcomes of patients with concurrent LAI and OLT were significantly worse than those of healthy subjects preoperatively, but were partially improved postoperatively. Patients had decreased static and dynamic ROM preoperatively, and static ROM did not significantly increase postoperatively (preoperative, 39.6 ± 11.3; postoperative, 44.9 ± 7.1; healthy, 52.0 ± 4.6; p = 0.021). Patients showed increased dynamic ankle flexion ROM (preoperative, 41.2 ± 11.6; postoperative, 53.6 ± 9.0; healthy, 53.9 ± 3.4; p = 0.012) postoperatively, as well as increased peroneus longus activation (preoperative, 35.8 ± 12.0; postoperative, 55.4 ± 25.1; healthy, 71.9 ± 13.4; p = 0.002) and muscle co-contraction of the tibialis anterior and peroneus longus (preoperative, 69.4 ± 23.4; postoperative, 88.4 ± 9.3; healthy, 66.2 ± 18.1; p = 0.045). CONCLUSIONS:Patients with concurrent LAI and OLT had decreased static and dynamic sagittal ankle ROM and altered neuromuscular activation patterns. The arthroscopic modified Broström procedure and microfracture did not significantly increase the static sagittal ankle ROM. However, the dynamic sagittal ankle ROM, peroneus longus activation and muscle co-contraction of the tibialis anterior and peroneus longus increased postoperatively. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:IV. 10.1007/s00167-022-06993-6
Effects of quarter heel raising exercise on balance and ankle strength in functional ankle instability subjects. Medicine BACKGROUND:Functional ankle instability (FAI) is defined as the subjective sensation of instability or "giving way" after an ankle sprain and occurs in approximately 40% of patients with lateral ankle instability. As an ankle joint rehabilitation intervention, heel raising exercises, toe jumping exercises, ankle joint proprioceptive exercises, as well as orthosis and taping are commonly applied to prevent the recurrence of an ankle joint injury. So this study was evaluated effect of quarter heel raising exercise (QHR) on balance and peroneus longus muscle strength in FAI subjects. METHODS:Among 26 FAI subjects, 13 with FAI were assigned to the QHR group, and 13 with FAI were assigned to the control group which was no intervention. All of 30 subjects were evaluated Teskscan included static balance ability, Y balance test included dynamic balance ability with three directions which is anterior, posterolateral, posteromedial direction. Commander muscle testing included eversion/inversion strength ratio at pre- and post-intervention. RESULTS:There was a significant interaction between group and time in static, dynamic balance, and strength. In QHR group, there was simple effect on static, dynamic balance, and strength. But control group showed no simple effect on static, dynamic balance, and strength. In the pre- and post-intervention differences between the groups. There was a significant difference in pre-intervention condition between the groups, but no significant difference between the groups in post-intervention in all conditions. CONCLUSIONS:QHR exercise is useful for improving the balance ability and muscle strength of the peroneus longus muscle in FAI subjects. 10.1097/MD.0000000000030672
Coper has altered foot joint coordination pattern compared to individuals with chronic ankle instability during running. Gait & posture BACKGROUND:There is limited information regarding the cause for the different etiologies in individuals with initial lateral ankle sprains (LAS) who have chronic ankle instability (CAI) and no recurrence or instability for > 12 months (copers) following initial LAS. Assessing the movement patterns of copers and individuals with CAI and LAS recurrence is essential for identifying the mechanical factors that affect patient outcomes. RESEARCH QUESTION:Does coordination and coordination variability of rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot present a potentially causative pattern for CAI or coper? METHODS:This cross-sectional study included 35 males who were divided into the CAI (n = 13), coper (n = 12), and control group (n = 10). Participants performed rearfoot strike running on the treadmill at a fixed speed of 3.5 m/s. The coupling angle between the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot, representing intersegmental coordination, was calculated using the modified vector coding technique and categorized into four coordination patterns. The coupling angle standard deviation served represented coordination variability during the stance phase. RESULTS:One control participant and one CAI participant were excluded, and final analyses were performed on the CAI (n = 12), coper (n = 12), and control (n = 9) groups. During late stance, the coper group showed a significantly greater proportion of in-phase with distal dominancy (p = 0.02, effect size=0.17) and a significantly lower proportion of in-phase with proximal dominancy (p = 0.05, effect size=0.17), than the CAI group. During the early stance, the coper group showed a significantly lower proportion of anti-phase with distal dominancy than the CAI group (p = 0.03, effect size=0.18). There were no differences in intra-foot variability among the groups. SIGNIFICANCE:The intra-foot coordination observed in the coper group suggests that this movement pattern may reduce the risk of ankle sprains. 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.09.009
Instrumented measures of postural control in college dancers with and without chronic ankle instability. Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine OBJECTIVES:To determine whether collegiate dancers with chronic ankle instability (CAI) demonstrated impaired postural control during instrumented measures of single-leg static balance compared to dancers without CAI. DESIGN:Cross sectional design. SETTING:University dance studios. PARTICIPANTS:We included N = 39 dance majors from a large, public university. We stratified participants into CAI (n = 20, age = 20 ± 1.8, IdFAI = 17.3 ± 5.7, number of sprains = 1.9 ± 1.1) and Control groups (n = 19, age = 20 ± 1.2, IdFAI = 2.5 ± 3.0). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Participants performed 3 x 10-s single-leg, static balance trials on a pressure mat in two different conditions, foot-flat eyes closed and demi-pointe eyes open. We measured six different time-to-boundary (TTB) measurements during each balance trial and calculated the average of the 3 trials for each condition. Participants also completed the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) sport and activities of daily living (ADL) questionnaires. RESULTS:The CAI group reported greater IdFAI and lower FAAM-ADL and FAAM-Sport scores compared to the control group. We observed no significant differences in TTB measurements between the CAI and control groups during either balance conditions. CONCLUSIONS:Instrumented measures of static postural control were not impaired in college dancers with CAI compared dancers without CAI. 10.1016/j.ptsp.2022.09.001
Anterior Talofibular Ligament All-Inside Arthroscopic Reconstruction with InternalBrace™ for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability. Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research BACKGROUND Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) is the most easily injured or even broken of ankle sprain. Patients who fail to receive conservative treatment, resulting in persistent ankle swelling, painful and functional decline that it is so-called chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI). It makes sense to investigate all-inside arthroscopic reconstruction of ATFL with InternalBrace™ for CLAI. MATERIAL AND METHODS We included 108 patients who underwent all-inside arthroscopic ATFL reconstruction with InternalBrace™ for CLAI from January 2018 to April 2020 through a retrospective study. Patients age ranged from 19 to 58 years (mean 35.6±8.7 years). Several elements are used to evaluate the clinical consequences of ankle function, including the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS), Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot Ankle-Hindfoot (JSSF), Kofoed, Tegner scores and complications, and the tilt angle of talus (TT) and the anterior displacement of talus (ADT) with stressing radiographs were taken to measure in follow-ups. RESULTS All 108 patients had all-inside arthroscopic procedures performed smoothly without serious complications. During the follow-up period (26.7±2.6 months on average), no recurrence of ankle instability and other serious complications happened. The AOFAS, JSSF, Kofoed, and Tegner scores significantly increased as time went by postoperatively, which proved statistically significant (P<0.01). Regarding stress-radiographic measurements, TT significantly decreased from (9.5±1.1)° preoperatively to (2.6±0.6)° at the latest follow-up (P<0.01), while ADT significantly decreased from (9.5±1.0) mm preoperatively to (2.6±0.6) mm at the latest examination (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS All-inside arthroscopic ATFL reconstruction with the InternalBrace™ for CLAI is beneficial for ankle stability, allowing earlier return to activities. 10.12659/MSM.937699
Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of the Persian version of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool. Hadadi Mohammad,Ebrahimi Takamjani Ismail,Ebrahim Mosavi Mohammad,Aminian Gholamreza,Fardipour Shima,Abbasi Faeze Disability and rehabilitation PURPOSE:The purpose of the present study was to translate and to cross-culturally adapt the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) into Persian language and to evaluate its psychometric properties. METHOD:The International Quality of Life Assessment process was pursued to translate CAIT into Persian. Two groups of Persian-speaking individuals, 105 participants with a history of ankle sprain and 30 participants with no history of ankle sprain, were asked to fill out Persian version of CAIT (CAIT-P), Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM), and Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Data obtained from the first administration of CAIT were used to evaluate floor and ceiling effects, internal consistency, dimensionality, and criterion validity. To determine the test-retest reliability, 45 individuals re-filled CAIT 5-7 days after the first session. RESULTS:Cronbach's alpha was over the cutoff point of 0.70 for both ankles and in both groups. The intra-class correlation coefficient was high for right (0.95) and left (0.91) ankles. There was a strong correlation between each item and the total score of the CAIT-P. Although the CAIT-P had strong correlation with VAS, its correlation with both subscales of FAAM was moderate. CONCLUSIONS:The CAIT-P has good validity and reliability and it can be used by clinicians and researchers for identification and investigation of functional ankle instability. Implications for Rehabilitation Chronic ankle instability is one of the most common consequences of acute ankle sprain. Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool is an acceptable measure to determine functional ankle instability and its severity. The Persian version of Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool is a valid and reliable tool for clinical and research purpose in Persian-speaking individuals. 10.1080/09638288.2016.1207105
Assessment tools for identifying functional limitations associated with functional ankle instability. Ross Scott E,Guskiewicz Kevin M,Gross Michael T,Yu Bing Journal of athletic training CONTEXT:Assessment tools should identify functional limitations associated with functional ankle instability (FAI) by discriminating unstable from stable ankles. OBJECTIVE:To identify assessment tools that discriminated FAI from stable ankles and determine the most accurate assessment tool for discriminating between FAI and stable ankles. DESIGN:Case-control study. SETTING:Research laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS:Fifteen individuals with FAI and 15 healthy individuals; participants with unilateral FAI reported "giving-way" sensations and ankle sprains, whereas healthy participants did not. INTERVENTION(S):Participants answered 12 questions on the Ankle Joint Functional Assessment Tool (AJFAT). They also performed a single-leg jump landing, which required them to jump to half their maximum jump height, land on a single leg, and stabilize quickly on a force plate. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S):Receiver operating characteristic curves determined cutoff scores for discriminating between ankle groups for AJFAT total score and resultant vector (RV) time to stabilization. Accuracy values for discriminating between groups were determined by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves. RESULTS:The cutoff score for discriminating between FAI and stable ankles was > or =26 (sensitivity = 1, specificity = 1) and > or =1.58 seconds (sensitivity = 0.67, specificity = 0.73) for the AJFAT total score and RV time to stabilization, respectively. The area under the curve for the AJFAT was 1.0 (asymptotic significance <.05), whereas the RV time to stabilization had an area under the curve of 0.72 (asymptotic significance <.05). CONCLUSIONS:The AJFAT was an excellent assessment tool for discriminating between ankle groups, whereas RV time to stabilization was a fair assessment tool. Although both assessments discriminated between ankle groups, the AJFAT more accurately discriminated between groups than the RV time to stabilization did. Future researchers should confirm these findings using a prospective research design. 10.4085/1062-6050-43.1.44
Reliability and Validity of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Ankle Instability in Hebrew. Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research BACKGROUND The International Ankle Consortium has recommended several instruments for assessing and diagnosing chronic ankle instability. These include the Ankle Instability Instrument (AII), Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT), Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI), and Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM). This study aimed to translate, culturally adapt, and assess the reliability, validity, discriminative power, and classification agreement of the Hebrew online versions of the AII, CAIT, IdFAI, and FAAM. MATERIAL AND METHODS After translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaires, we recruited 87 participants with self-reported ankle disorders to evaluate the psychometric properties of the questionnaires. To evaluate each questionnaire's discriminative power, we recruited 75 healthy participants. Reliability was assessed by calculating internal consistency (Cronbach's alphas) and test-retest intraclass correlation coefficients. Convergent and divergent validity were assessed by Spearman's correlation between each instrument and the Short-Form-12 (SF-12) score for physical and mental components, respectively. RESULTS All instruments had acceptable internal consistency (alpha>0.7) and good test-retest reliability (ICC2,1>0.8), except for the IdFAI (ICC2,1=0.73). All instruments had moderate convergent validity (ρ>0.4 with SF-12 physical component) except for AII (r=0.36). No instrument was correlated with the SF-12 mental component score (good divergent validity, ρ<0.3). All instruments had excellent discriminative power (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve >0.9). Strong correlations were found between all instruments. CONCLUSIONS The Hebrew online versions of the AII, CAIT, IdFAI, and FAAM are reliable and valid and can be used in research or clinical settings. 10.12659/MSM.937831
Can American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score prevent unnecessary MRI in isolated ankle ligament injuries? Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong) INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE:Ankle injuries are the most common musculoskeletal injuries. Its incidence is also high among sports injuries. Direct X-ray, ultrasound and MRI can be requested after the history and physical examination in the patient who presents with ankle ligament injury. Some classifications are used for requesting direct X-ray after ankle injury. Since clear limits are not specified in the literature for MRI, the rate of unnecessary MRI examinations is high. We argue that the decision can be made according to the AOFAS score to be checked before MR is requested, and thus unnecessary MR requests can be reduced. MATERIAL AND METHOD:Ankle MRI images of patients who underwent ankle MRI due to ankle trauma between January 2018 and December 2020 were scanned. 328 patients who met the criteria were included in the study. Patients with AOFAS scores in their outpatient clinic records were identified. AOFAS scores of patients with at least one ligament injury and those with normal MR images were statistically compared. Sensitivity and specificity were determined for the AOFAS score using ROC analysis. RESULTS:Patients with ligament damage as a result of MRI examination were 21.3% (n=70), and patients without any ligament damage were 78.7% (n=258). There was a statistically significant difference in terms of AOFAS between the group with ligament damage and the group without ligament damage (p&lt; 0.05). In the ROC analysis, the AOFAS threshold value for MR request was determined as 80.5 (84.3% sensitivity and 72.3% specificity). Based on the determined threshold value, 73 patients who had unnecessary MRI would have been eliminated, thus reducing the number of MRIs by 42.6%. CONCLUSION:The AOFAS scores of patients with ligament damage were statistically significantly lower than those of patients without ligament pathology. Unnecessary MRI can be significantly prevented by using the AOFAS score in ankle traumas without bone fractures. 10.1177/10225536221131374
Participant-Level Analysis of the Effects of Interventions on Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability. Journal of sport rehabilitation CONTEXT:Intervention studies for chronic ankle instability (CAI) often focus on improving physical impairments of the ankle complex. However, using an impairments-focused approach may miss psychological factors that may mediate function and recovery. Patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures can be used to assess several dimensions of the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and deliver enhanced patient-centered care. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to evaluate group-level improvements in HRQoL and treatment response rates following various interventions in patients with CAI. DESIGN:Cross-sectional. METHODS:Data from 7 previous studies were pooled by the chronic ankle instability outcomes network for participant-level analysis, resulting in 136 patients with CAI. Several interventions were assessed including balance training, gait biofeedback, joint mobilizations, stretching, and strengthening, with treatment volume ranging from 1 to 4 weeks. Outcome measures were PROs that assessed ankle-specific function (Foot and Ankle Ability Measure), injury-related fear (Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia and Fear Avoidance Belief Questionnaire), and global well-being (Disablement in the Physically Active); the PROs assessed varied between studies. Preintervention to postintervention changes were evaluated using separate Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and effect sizes, and a responder analysis was conducted for each PRO. RESULTS:Significant, moderate to large improvements were observed in PROs that assessed ankle-specific function, injury-related fear, and global well-being following intervention (P < .001). Responder rates ranged from 39.0% to 53.3%, 12.8% to 51.4%, and 37.8% for ankle specific function, injury-related fear, and global well-being, respectively. CONCLUSIONS:Various interventions can lead to positive improvements in HRQoL in patients with CAI. Treatment response rates at improving HRQoL are similar to response rates at improving impairments such as balance, further reinforcing the need for individualized treatment approaches when treating a patient with CAI. 10.1123/jsr.2022-0053
The lateral fibulotalocalcaneal ligament complex: an ankle stabilizing isometric structure. Vega Jordi,Malagelada Francesc,Manzanares Céspedes Maria-Cristina,Dalmau-Pastor Miki Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA PURPOSE:Ankle lateral collateral ligament complex has been the focus of multiple studies. However, there are no specific descriptions of how these ligaments are connected to each other as part of the same complex. The aim of this study was to describe in detail the components of the lateral collateral ligament complex-ATFL and CFL-and determine its anatomical relationships. METHODS:An anatomical study was performed in 32 fresh-frozen below-the-knee ankle specimens. A plane-per-plane anatomical dissection was performed. Overdissecting the area just distal to the inferior ATFL fascicle was avoided to not alter the original morphology of the ligaments and the connecting fibers between them. The characteristics of the ATFL and CFL, as well as any connecting fibers between them were recorded. Measures were obtained in plantar and dorsal flexion, and by two different observers. RESULTS:The ATFL was observed as a two-fascicle ligament in all the specimens. The superior ATFL fascicle was observed intra-articular in the ankle, in contrast to the inferior fascicle. The mean distance measured between superior ATFL fascicle insertions increases in plantar flexion (median 19.2 mm in plantar flexion, and 12.6 mm in dorsal flexion, p < 0.001), while the same measures observed in the inferior ATFL fascicle does not vary (median 10.6 mm in plantar flexion, and 10.6 mm in dorsal flexion, n.s.). The inferior ATFL fascicle was observed with a common fibular origin with the CFL. The CFL distance between insertions does not vary with ankle movement (median 20.1 mm in plantar flexion, and 19.9 mm in dorsal flexion, n.s.). The inferior ATFL fascicle and the CFL were connected by arciform fibers, that were observed as an intrinsic reinforcement of the subtalar joint capsule. CONCLUSION:The superior fascicle of the ATFL is a distinct anatomical structure, whereas the inferior ATFL fascicle and the CFL share some features being both isometric ligaments, having a common fibular insertion, and being connected by arciform fibers, and forming a functional and anatomical entity, that has been named the lateral fibulotalocalcaneal ligament (LFTCL) complex. The clinical relevance of this study is that the superior fascicle of the ATFL is anatomical and functionally a distinct structure from the inferior ATFL fascicle. The superior ATFL fascicle is an intra-articular ligament, that will most probably not be able to heal after a rupture, and a microinstability of the ankle is developed. However, when the LFTCL complex is injured, classical ankle instability resulted. In addition, because of the presence of LFTCL complex, excellent results are observed when an isolated repair of the ATFL is performed even when an injury of both the ATFL and CFL exists. 10.1007/s00167-018-5188-8
Ankle laxity: stress investigation under MRI control. Seebauer Christian J,Bail Hermann J,Rump Jens C,Hamm Bernd,Walter Thula,Teichgräber Ulf K M AJR. American journal of roentgenology OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to examine the advantages of MRI-guided ankle stress examinations in the detection of chronic ankle instability. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:An MRI-compatible stress device was developed and tested for MRI safety. Bilateral MRI stress examinations were performed on 50 volunteers with and without clinically evident subjective instability of the ankle joints (72 subjective stable ankle joints in 37 subjects, 28 ankles in 15 subjects with chronic ankle instability). Both the inversion test and the anterior drawer test were performed under axial, coronal, 45° paraxial, and sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo image control. MR images were assessed for talar tilt, subtalar tilt, anterior talus translation, anterior calcaneus translation, medial talocalcaneal translation, and the diameters of the lateral ankle ligaments (anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, and posterior talofibular ligament). RESULTS:The MRI stress device was found suitable and safe for use in the MRI environment. The talocrural and subtalar joints could be assessed simultaneously. Significant differences between groups A and B (p≤0.05) were found in talar tilt, subtalar tilt, anterior talus translation, anterior calcaneus translation, medial talocalcaneal translation, and decrease in diameters of calcaneofibular and posterior talofibular ligaments. Also found were sex differences in talar tilt, subtalar tilt, anterior talus translation, and diameters of the anterior talofibular, calcaneofibular, and posterior talofibular ligaments. Significant relations were found between talar tilt and anterior talus translation, subtalar tilt and anterior calcaneus translation, subtalar tilt and medial talocalcaneal translation, and between anterior calcaneus translation and medial talocalcaneal translation in groups A and B. CONCLUSION:Stress examination under MRI control has advantages in the assessment of mechanical ankle instability. Additional diagnostic and clinically relevant information is obtained through direct imaging of the ligaments and assessment of additional parameters of ankle laxity (subtalar tilt, anterior calcaneus translation, medial talocalcaneal translation). The main advantages are objective imaging and measurement of abnormal looseness of the lower ankle joint and its direct simultaneous comparison with the upper ankle joint. 10.2214/AJR.12.8553
Correlations among multiple measures of functional and mechanical instability in subjects with chronic ankle instability. Hubbard Tricia J,Kramer Lauren C,Denegar Craig R,Hertel Jay Journal of athletic training CONTEXT:Although dozens of individual mechanical and functional insufficiencies have been reported in those with chronic ankle instability (CAI), no authors to date have examined the relationship of the insufficiencies to each other. Therefore, studying both the functional and mechanical insufficiencies in the same experimental design will provide valuable information. OBJECTIVE:To determine the relationships among the numerous functional and mechanical insufficiencies purported to cause CAI. DESIGN:Descriptive study with a correlational design. SETTING:Medical center and research laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS:Thirty subjects with unilateral CAI (15 males and 15 females: age = 20.3 +/- 1.3 years; height = 172.5 +/- 10.7 cm; mass = 72.9 +/- 15.8 kg). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S):Twenty-six measures of mechanical insufficiencies (ankle laxity and hypomobility) and functional insufficiencies (subjective level of function, static and dynamic balance, ankle and hip strength) were taken on both limbs of all subjects. Bivariate correlations using Pearson product moment coefficients were calculated between all dependent variables measured in the unstable ankles. The level of significance was set a priori at P < or = .05 for all analyses. RESULTS:A number (35) of significant bivariate correlations were identified. Most (32) of these significant relationships were found between functional instability measures ( r = .38 to .96). Three significant relationships were noted between measures of functional (balance, strength) and mechanical (laxity, hypomobility) instability ( r = .47 to .52). No significant relationships were found between the different mechanical instability measures. CONCLUSIONS:Certain measures of functional instability were significantly correlated and may be redundant. Additionally, the significant correlations between measures of functional (balance, strength) and mechanical instability (laxity, hypomobility) demonstrate that the 2 factors are not completely dichotomous and need to be examined together.
People with chronic ankle instability benefit from brace application in highly dynamic change of direction movements. Fuerst Patrick,Gollhofer Albert,Wenning Markus,Gehring Dominic Journal of foot and ankle research BACKGROUND:The application of ankle braces is an effective method for the prevention of recurrent ankle sprains. It has been proposed that the reduction of injury rates is based on the mechanical stiffness of the brace and on beneficial effects on proprioception and neuromuscular activation. Yet, how the neuromuscular system responds to the application of various types of ankle braces during highly dynamic injury-relevant movements is not well understood. Enhanced stability of the ankle joint seems especially important for people with chronic ankle instability. We therefore aimed to analyse the effects of a soft and a semi-rigid ankle brace on the execution of highly dynamic 180° turning movements in participants with and without chronic ankle instability. METHODS:Fifteen participants with functional ankle instability, 15 participants with functional and mechanical ankle instability and 15 healthy controls performed 180° turning movements in reaction to light signals in a cross-sectional descriptive laboratory study. Ankle joint kinematics and kinetics as well as neuromuscular activation of muscles surrounding the ankle joint were determined. Two-way repeated measures analyses of variance and post-hoc t-tests were calculated. RESULTS:Maximum ankle inversion angles and velocities were significantly reduced with the semi-rigid brace in comparison to the conditions without a brace and with the soft brace (p ≤ 0.006, d ≥ 0.303). Effect sizes of these reductions were larger in participants with chronic ankle instability than in healthy controls. Furthermore, peroneal activation levels decreased significantly with the semi-rigid brace in the 100 ms before and after ground contact. No statistically significant brace by group effects were found. CONCLUSIONS:Based on these findings, we argue that people with ankle instability in particular seem to benefit from a semi-rigid ankle brace, which allows them to keep ankle inversion angles in a range that is comparable to values of healthy people. Lower ankle inversion angles and velocities with a semi-rigid brace may explain reduced injury incidences with brace application. The lack of effect of the soft brace indicates that the primary mechanism behind the reduction of inversion angles and velocities is the mechanical resistance of the brace in the frontal plane. 10.1186/s13047-021-00452-0
Lower limb biomechanics in individuals with chronic ankle instability during gait: a case-control study. Moisan Gabriel,Mainville Camille,Descarreaux Martin,Cantin Vincent Journal of foot and ankle research BACKGROUND:Individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) exhibit many biomechanical changes to lower limbs during walking. However, only a few studies have investigated the differences in lower limb biomechanics of individuals with CAI compared to healthy controls using a comprehensive approach including kinematic, kinetic and electromyography (EMG) measures. Consequently, the theoretical framework explaining the biomechanical adaptations in individuals with CAI is mostly based on the results of studies including heterogenous methods and participants' specificities (e.g., level of disability). More studies using a comprehensive approach are needed to better understand the biomechanical adaptations associated with CAI. The objective of this case-control study was to identify the kinematic, kinetic and EMG differences between individuals with CAI and healthy controls during walking. METHODS:Twenty-eight individuals with CAI and 26 healthy controls were recruited to walk at a self-selected speed during which lower limb kinematics, kinetics and EMG were analysed. Ankle and knee angles and moments as well as gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius lateralis, peroneus longus and tibialis anterior muscles activity were compared between the CAI and control groups using one-dimensional statistical parametric mapping. RESULTS:The CAI group exhibited greater ankle inversion angles from 14 to 48% of the stance phase (%SP) (p = 0.008), ankle eversion moments from 40 to 78%SP (p < 0.001), knee abduction moments from 3 to 6%SP and peroneus longus muscle activity from 0 to 15%SP (p = 0.003) and 60 to 76%SP (p = 0.003) compared to the control group. No significant between-group differences in ankle sagittal and transverse angles and moments, knee angles, knee sagittal and transverse moments as well as gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius lateralis and tibialis anterior muscles activity were found. CONCLUSIONS:During the first half of the stance phase, individuals with CAI could be at more risk of sustaining recurrent LAS mostly due to greater ankle inversion angles. However, the greater ankle eversion moments and peroneus longus muscle activity during the second half of the stance phase were an efficient mechanism to correct this maladaptive gait pattern and allowed to attenuate the faulty ankle movements during the pre-swing phase. 10.1186/s13047-021-00476-6
[Controversial issues of chronic ankle instability]. Ma X Zhonghua yi xue za zhi Chronic ankle instability is a chronic sports injury disease characterized by recurrent sprains, feeling of instability, pain, swelling and other symptoms after an initial sprain. Research on the pathological mechanism of chronic ankle instability still cannot explain the diversity of symptoms. In the past, the surgical indications for chronic ankle instability only emphasized mechanical joint laxity. However, most patients with chronic symptoms after a lateral ankle sprain may not have a typical complaint of mechanical instability. More patients presented with persistent pain or functional instability as the chief complaint. Surgical treatment also has a certain effect on the symptoms of functional instability, but the surgical indications of functional instability are mainly based on subjective symptoms. At present, there is a lack of objective indicators for surgery, which is still controversial. Further in-depth research on the mechanism of chronic ankle instability is needed to guide the formulation of diagnosis and treatment strategies. 10.3760/cma.j.cn112137-20210507-01084
Differences in the locomotion biomechanics and dynamic postural control between individuals with chronic ankle instability and copers: a systematic review. Yu Peimin,Mei Qichang,Xiang Liangliang,Fernandez Justin,Gu Yaodong Sports biomechanics An empirical consensus of differences between chronic ankle instability (CAI) individuals and copers (individuals who sprained ankle once and without recurrent symptoms or injury) has not been reported. This study aimed to review the locomotion biomechanics and dynamic postural control between these two populations. Database of ScienceDirect, PubMed and Web of Science was used to search ('chronic ankle instability' OR 'ankle instability') AND ('ankle sprain' OR 'coper*') until 30 November 2020. Articles that made a comparison about changes in biomechanical parameters between Copers and CAI individuals during locomotor or functional tasks were included in this review. Twenty-three articles met the inclusion criteria. CAI individuals exhibited an increased hip flexion to maintain stability, suggesting the adopted hip strategy compared to copers during landing. Dorsiflexion angle and ankle frontal displacement increased considerably compared to copers, which might increase risks of lateral ankle sprain injury. CAI individuals reduced the ankle displacements in the sagittal plane and indicated worse performance of Star Excursion Balance Test in the posterior-lateral direction compared to copers. Identified motion deficits or altered motion strategies provide opportunities for targeted intervention and scheme after index sprain or in CAI individuals. 10.1080/14763141.2021.1954237
Validation of Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) and the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) in individuals with chronic ankle instability: a cross-sectional observational study. Goulart Neto Antonio Manoel,Maffulli Nicola,Migliorini Filippo,de Menezes Fábio Sprada,Okubo Rodrigo Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research BACKGROUND:Ankle sprain is the most common lower limb injury in physically active individuals. Loss of function, decreased postural control (PC), strength deficit, and reduced range of motion (ROM) are common after acute lateral ankle sprains. Some patients experienced long lasting symptoms, with recurrent sprains, and episodes of giving-way: a condition known as chronic ankle instability (CAI). Evaluating the function in patients with CAI in the clinical environment is important to identify the severity of the condition, in addition to allowing to assess the effectiveness of a given treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the validation of the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) and the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) in terms of muscle strength, PC and ROM in adults with CAI. METHODS:This is a cross-sectional study. Individuals with CAI aged between 18 and 45 years were eligible. Individuals with CAI were identified using the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI). All patients filled in the FAAM and FAOS scores. Muscle strength was assessed by manual dynamometry, ROM by the Lunge test, PC by computerized posturography, modified Star Excursion Balance Test (mSEBT) and modified Balance Error Score System (mBESS). RESULTS:50 participants were enrolled in the present study. The mean age of the patients was 27.2 ± 6.3 years, and the mean body mass index was 26.4 ± 4.8 kg/m. 58% (29 of 50) were men and 42% (21 of 50) women. 18 individuals had unilateral (36%) and 32 bilateral (64%) CAI. The results of FAAM were associated with MCT, mSEBT, invertor muscles strength, plantar flexor muscles strength, dorsiflexor muscles strength, and external hip rotator muscles strength (P < 0.05). The results of FAOS were associated with mSEBT, invertor muscles strength, plantar flexor muscles strength, dorsiflexor muscles strength, evertor muscles strength, and external hip rotator muscles strength, and mBEES (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION:Both the FAAM and FAOS demonstrated validity to evaluate postural control and muscle strength in patients with CAI, while no association was found in relation to ankle dorsiflexion. 10.1186/s13018-022-02925-9
Ankle Instability. Foot and ankle clinics Ankle sprains are a common injury among physically active populations and occur with an incidence of around 2.15 per 1000 person-years. This article discusses various surgical procedures used to treat chronic lateral ankle instability, including direct ligament repair, anatomic reconstruction, and nonanatomic reconstruction. We focus our discussion on the most common and challenging complications of ankle stabilization, both in our experience and as supported by the existing literature, including recurrent instability, superficial peroneal nerve injury, and unaddressed pathology that continues to cause symptoms and limit function. We offer possible methods to manage these conditions as well as available outcome data. 10.1016/j.fcl.2021.11.025
Ankle Joint Control in People with Chronic Ankle Instability During Run-and-cut Movements. Fuerst Patrick,Gollhofer Albert,Lohrer Heinz,Gehring Dominic International journal of sports medicine Despite a considerable amount of research, the deficits causing recurrent sprains in people with chronic ankle instability are still unclear. Changes in frontal plane kinematics and decreased peroneal activation have been proposed as potential underlying mechanisms, but whether people with ankle instability show deficits in control of injury-relevant movements is not well understood. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to analyse ankle joint kinematics and kinetics as well as neuromuscular activation during dynamic change-of-direction movements. Eighteen participants with functional instability, 18 participants with functional and mechanical instability and 18 healthy controls performed 45° sidestep-cutting and 180° turning movements in reaction to light signals. During sidestep-cutting both instability groups displayed significantly lower inversion angles than controls when the trials with the highest maximum inversion angle of each participant were compared. In turning movements, participants with functional instability presented significantly lower average maximum inversion angles than controls as well as higher peroneal activation before foot strike than participants with both functional and mechanical instability. We theorize that the observed changes in movement kinematics of participants with chronic ankle instability are the result of a protective strategy to limit frontal plane ankle joint loading in potentially harmful situations. 10.1055/s-0044-100792
A quantitative evaluation of the individual components contributing to the functional ankle instability in patients with modified Broström procedure. The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons Residual functional ankle instability regardless of the restoration of mechanical stability after the lateral ligament repair or reconstruction can cause recurrent sprain. The purpose of this study was to identify the sequential changes of joint-position sense, peroneal strength, postural control, and functional performance ability after the modified Broström procedure (MBP) for chronic ankle instability. A total of 46 patients (46 ankles) underwent the MBP for chronic ankle instability were eligible for this study and were followed for 1 year postoperatively. The changes of joint-position sense and peroneal strength were periodically evaluated with an isokinetic dynamometer. Postural control ability was evaluated using a one-leg stance test with eyes closed. The functional performance ability examination comprised a one-leg hop test, a 6-meter hop test, and a cross 3-meter hop test. The error in joint-position sense significantly improved from a mean 4.3º to 2.8º (p < .001). Peak torque for eversion significantly improved from a mean 18.2 Nm to 21.2 Nm (p = .024). Balance retention time significantly improved from a mean 4.7 seconds to 6.4 seconds (p < .001). Among the functional performance tests, only the one-leg hop test showed a significant improvement postoperatively (p = .031). At 1 year postoperatively, the recovery ratios compared to the unaffected ankle were 67.9% in joint-position sense (p < .001), 86.9% in peroneal strength (p = .012), and 74.4% in postural control (p < .001) with significant side-to-side differences. Although joint-position sense, peroneal strength, postural control, and functional performance ability were significantly improved after the MBP, recovery ratios compared to the unaffected ankle were insufficient up to 1 year postoperatively. 10.1053/j.jfas.2021.10.012
Varus-Tilted Distal Tibial Plafond Is a Risk Factor for Recurrent Ankle Instability After Arthroscopic Lateral Ankle Ligament Repair. Foot & ankle international BACKGROUND:Although varus-tilted distal tibial deformity is an established risk factor for chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI), no studies have reported whether this deformity influences ankle instability after arthroscopic lateral ankle ligament repair (ALLR) for CLAI. METHODS:A total of 57 ankles from 57 patients who underwent ALLR for CLAI were retrospectively analyzed. Tibial articular surface (TAS) angles were measured on preoperative plain radiograph. After 12 months of follow-up, recurrent ankle instability and talar tilt angles on stress radiograph were evaluated as outcomes. Relationships between the TAS angle and these outcomes were assessed. RESULTS:Recurrent ankle instability was observed in 10 ankles. The TAS angles of patients with recurrent instability were significantly lower (85.2 degrees vs 87.9 degrees). The receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that the cutoff value of TAS angle for recurrent instability was 86.2 degrees. Based on this cutoff value, our patients were divided into 2 groups: low-TAS and high-TAS group. Univariate and multivariate analysis revealed that low TAS was an independent risk factor for recurrent ankle instability and greater postoperative talar tilt angles. CONCLUSION:Varus-tilted distal tibial plafond appears to be a risk factor for recurrent ankle instability after ALLR. 10.1177/10711007221077099
Acute Vibration Feedback During Gait Reduces Mechanical Ankle Joint Loading in Chronic Ankle Instability Patients. Jang Jaeho,Migel Kimmery G,Kim Hoon,Wikstrom Erik A Gait & posture BACKGROUND:Individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) exhibit altered vertical ground reaction forces (vGRF), a laterally shifted center of pressure, and an inverted foot position during walking. These neuromechanical alterations are linked with altered ankle joint loading in this population. Vibration-based gait retraining improves center of pressure positioning but effects on neuromechanical variables influencing joint loading remains unknown. RESEARCH QUESTION:Do patients with CAI exhibit altered vGRF and ankle joint contact forces (JCF) after receiving a single session of vibration-based gait retraining? METHODS:Ten individuals with CAI underwent a single session of vibration-based gait retraining. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected during walking on an instrumental treadmill with force plates embedded in it. Following a baseline gait assessment without feedback, participants walked at a self-selected speed for 10 minutes while receiving feedback. Data was collected during an early (1 st and 2 nd minute) and late adaptation phase (9 th and 10 th minute) and, compared to baseline values. Impact and propulsive vGRF variables (i.e. peak, time to peak, and loading rate) were obtained. Musculoskeletal modeling was used to calculate ankle JCF variables (peak, impulse, and loading rate) during stance phase. RESULTS:Propulsive vGRF and ankle JCF outcomes were significantly reduced during the early and late adaptation phases (p ≤ 0.039). SIGNIFICANCE:These results indicate that vibration-based gait retraining can immediately reduce propulsive vGRF and ankle JCF and may represent a modality that could help restore appropriate ankle joint loading patterns in those with CAI. 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2021.09.171
The effect of talus osteochondral defects of different area size on ankle joint stability: a finite element analysis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders BACKGROUND:Osteochondral lesion of the talus (OLT) is one of the most common ankle injuries, which will lead to biomechanical changes in the ankle joint and ultimately affect ankle function. Finite element analysis (FEA) is used to clarify the effect of talus osteochondral defects on the stability of the ankle joint at different depths. However, no research has been conducted on talus osteochondral defect areas that require prompt intervention. In this research, FEA was used to simulate the effect of the area size of talus osteochondral defect on the stress and stability of the ankle joint under a specific depth defect. METHODS:Different area sizes (normal, 2 mm* 2 mm, 4 mm* 4 mm, 6 mm* 6 mm, 8 mm* 8 mm, 10 mm* 10 mm, and 12 mm* 12 mm) of the three-dimensional finite element model of osteochondral defects were established. The model was used to simulate and calculate joint stress and displacement of the articular surface of the distal tibia and the proximal talus when the ankle joint was in the heel-strike, midstance, and push-off phases. RESULTS:When OLT occurred, the contact pressure of the articular surface, the equivalent stress of the proximal talus, the tibial cartilage, and the talus cartilage did not change significantly with an increase in the size of the osteochondral defect area when the heel-strike phase was below 6 mm * 6 mm. Gradual increases started at 6 mm * 6 mm in the midstance and push-off phases. Maximum changes were reached when the defect area size was 12 mm * 12 mm. The same patterns were observed in the talus displacement. CONCLUSIONS:The effect of the defect area of the ankle talus cartilage on the ankle biomechanics is evident in the midstance and push-off phases. When the size of the defect reaches 6 mm * 6 mm, the most apparent change in the stability of the ankle joint occurs, and the effect does not increase linearly with the increase in the size of the defect. 10.1186/s12891-022-05450-2
Misencoding of ankle joint angle control system via cutaneous afferents reflex pathway in chronic ankle instability. Experimental brain research This study aimed to investigate how the cutaneous reflexes in the peroneus longus (PL) muscle are affected by changing the ankle joint position in patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI). We also investigated the correlation between the degree of reflex modulation and angle position sense of the ankle joint. The participants were 19 patients with CAI and 20 age-matched controls. Cutaneous reflexes were elicited by applying non-noxious electrical stimulation to the sural nerve at the ankle joint in the neutral standing and eversion/inversion standing positions. The suppressive middle latency cutaneous reflex (MLR; ~ 70-120 ms) and angle position sense of the ankle joint were assessed. During neutral standing, the gain of the suppressive MLR was more prominent in the CAI patients than in controls, although no significant difference was seen during 30° inversion standing. In addition, the ratios of the suppressive MLR and background electromyography in a neutral position were significantly larger than those at the 15°, 25°, and 30° inversion positions in CAI patients. No such difference was seen in control individuals. Furthermore, the correlations between reflex modulation degree and position sense error were quite different in CAI patients compared to controls. These findings suggest that the sensory-motor system was deteriorated in CAI patients due to changes in the PL cutaneous reflex pathway excitability and position sense of the ankle joint. 10.1007/s00221-022-06406-7
Three-dimensional ankle, subtalar, and hindfoot alignment of the normal, weightbearing hindfoot, in bilateral posture. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society The first goal of this study was to develop reliable three-dimensional definitions of alignment for the ankle, subtalar, and hindfoot joints. These alignments are based on three-dimensional morphological features derived from renderings of the bones obtained from weightbearing computer tomography. The second goal was to establish a database quantifying the alignment of the ankle, subtalar, and hindfoot joints in a healthy population during weightbearing bilateral standing. This level 1 study was performed on 95 normal subjects in which random subjects were recruited into a control group. Weightbearing computed tomography scans of the leg were collected in neutral, bilateral, standing posture. In 30 of the subjects, both the left and right leg was scanned. Six alignment parameters for each joint were calculated from morphological measurements conducted on three-dimensional renderings of the bones. Intra- and intertester reliability was assessed from repeated measurements by several testers. Analysis of variance statistics of the alignment parameters showed no statistical differences due to age, gender, or foot side. Intraclass correlation coefficient analysis showed excellent inter- and intratester reliability. It was concluded that the alignment process is comprehensive and reliable. Therefore, without classification by gender or age, it may be used as a foundation for quantifying abnormal alignment associated with various ankle deformities. Clinical significance: The alignment methodology and control database may be used to diagnose ankle, subtalar, and hindfoot misalignment. It can also serve as basis for surgical planning designed to restore normal alignment in various hindfoot pathologies, such as ankle realignment in total ankle replacement. 10.1002/jor.25267
Use of portable ultrasonography for the diagnosis of lateral ankle instability. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society Portable ultrasonography is increasingly used to evaluate ankle stability at the point of care. This study aims to determine the correlation of portable-ultrasonographic and fluoroscopic measurements of ankle laxity in a cadaveric ligament transection model of ankle ligament injury. We hypothesize that there is an association between portable-ultrasonographic and fluoroscopic measurements when performing stress evaluation of lateral ankle instability. Eight fresh-frozen below-knee amputated cadaveric specimens with intact proximal fibula underwent ultrasound and fluoroscopic evaluation of the ankle during anterior drawer and talar tilt testing. The assessment was first performed with all lateral ankle ligaments intact and thereafter with sequential transection of the anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, and posterior talofibular ligament. The anterior drawer test was performed with both 50N and 80N of force, and talar tilt test was performed with 1.7 Nm of torque. Correlations between (1) portable-ultrasonographic and fluoroscopic measurements and (2) sequential transection of lateral ankle ligaments were evaluated using Spearman's rank correlations. The same statistical test was used to investigate the correlation between the ultrasonographic and the fluoroscopic measurements. The inter- and intra-observer agreement was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient through a two-way mixed-effects model with absolute agreement. Portable-ultrasonographic and fluoroscopic measurements increased as additional ligaments of the lateral ankle were transected (Spearman's rank correlation ranged from 0.74 to 0.81, 0.74 to 0.81, p-values < 0.001). Strong positive correlations between ultrasonographic and fluoroscopic measurements were found during the lateral ankle stability evaluation using anterior drawer and talar tilt testing (Spearman's rank correlation ranged from 0.81 to 0.85, 0.81 to 0.85, p-values < 0.001). Inter-rater (0.99, 95% CI: 0.98-0.99) and intra-rater reliability (0.97, 95% CI: 0.95-0.99) for the ultrasonographic measurements were substantial. In conclusion, there was a strong correlation found between ultrasonographic and fluoroscopic values measured during simulated anterior drawer and talar tilt test in a cadaveric ligament transection model. In this model, the portable-ultrasonographic measurement was found to be reliable for repeated measurements of the talar translation and the lateral clear space distance. Based on these data, ultrasonography is likely to become a valuable point of care diagnostic tool due to its ability to readily and dynamically evaluate suspected lateral ankle instability. Clinical Significance: The use of dynamic stress ultrasound to assess the anterior translation of the talus and the lateral clear space distance appears to be a reliable and repeatable technique to evaluate lateral ankle stability with a radiation-free, noninvasive, and low-cost manner. 10.1002/jor.25256
The effect of external lateral stabilization on ankle moment control during steady-state walking. Journal of biomechanics External lateral stabilization can help identify stability control mechanisms during steady-state walking. The degree of step-by-step foot placement control and step width are known to decrease when walking with external lateral stabilization. Here, we investigated the effect of external lateral stabilization on ankle moment control in healthy participants. Ankle moment control complements foot placement, by allowing a corrective center-of-pressure shift once the foot has been placed. This is reflected by a model predicting this center-of-pressure shift based on the preceding foot placement error. Here, the absolute explained variance accounted for by this model decreased when walking with external lateral stabilization. In other words, we found a reduction in the contribution of step-by-step ankle moment control to mediolateral gait stability when externally stabilized. Concurrently, foot placement error and the average center-of-pressure shift remained unchanged. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2022.111259
Defining the contemporary epidemiology and return to play for high ankle sprains in the National Football League. The Physician and sportsmedicine BACKGROUND:High ankle sprains and syndesmotic injuries are commonly sustained by National Football League players, yet there is apaucity of literature reporting the incidence, risk factors and return to play (RTP) rates for these injuries. The purpose of this study is to examine the epidemiology and trends in incidence of high ankle sprains across 11 NFL seasons. METHODS:Publicly available data from the 2009-2010 through 2019-20 seasons were reviewed to identify injuries and collect player characteristics and return to play. Incidence of high ankle injuries was calculated per 10,000 athlete-exposures. Linear regression was performed for incidence of injuries. Risk factors for failure to RTP were identified through multivariate logistic regression, controlling foryear of injury, player position, body mass index (BMI), age at injury, and years of experience before injury. RESULTS:A total of 533 high ankle sprains were identified in 498 players at an average age of 25.8 ± 3.1 and average BMI of 31.8 ± 4.6. The annual incidence of high ankle sprains in the NFL increased at alinear rate of 0.067per 10,000 player exposures (R = 0.3357) in 2009, to 1.75per 10,000 player exposures to 2.49 in 2019-20. Most injuries were in offensive players (304/533 injuries, 57.0%). Overall, 89.7% (478/533) of players returned to play; average RTP time was 80.5 ± 132.9 days. Defensive players had afaster RTP (68.1 ± 114.6 days) compared to offensive players (90.1 ± 144.8 days) (p = 0.084). Higher age at injury was found to increase the risk of failure to RTP (p = 0.0088). CONCLUSION:RTP rate was high following high ankle sprain aamongNFL players at 90%, with an average recovery period of 11 weeks. Defensive players experience RTP faster than offensive players. Future studies are needed to determine performance outcomes following RTP, along with which patients might benefit from surgery. 10.1080/00913847.2021.1924046
The effect of footwear on mechanical behaviour of the human ankle plantar-flexors in forefoot runners. PloS one PURPOSE:To compare the ankle plantar-flexor muscle-tendon mechanical behaviour during barefoot and shod forefoot running. METHODS:Thirteen highly trained forefoot runners performed five overground steady-state running trials (4.5 ± 0.5 m.s-1) while barefoot and shod. Three-dimensional kinematic and ground reaction force data were collected and used as inputs for musculoskeletal modelling. Muscle-tendon behaviour of the ankle plantar-flexors (soleus; medial gastrocnemius; and lateral gastrocnemius) were estimated across the stance phase and compared between barefoot and shod running using a two-way multivariate analysis of variance. RESULTS:During barefoot running peak muscle-tendon unit (MTU) power generation was 16.5% (p = 0.01) higher compared to shod running. Total positive MTU work was 18.5% (p = 0.002) higher during barefoot running compared to shod running. The total sum of tendon elastic strain energy was 8% (p = 0.036) greater during barefoot compared to shod running, however the relative contribution of tendon and muscle fibres to muscle-tendon unit positive work was not different between conditions. CONCLUSION:Barefoot forefoot running demands greater muscle and tendon work than shod forefoot running, but the relative contribution of tendon strain energy to overall muscle-tendon unit work was not greater. 10.1371/journal.pone.0274806
Kinematic alterations of the ankle in subjects with generalized joint hypermobility compared with the controls: A cross-sectional study. Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong) INTRODUCTION:Generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) is a hereditary connective tissue disease in which the range of motion (ROM) of multiple joints exceeds the normal range, and the ROM varies with age, gender, and ethnicity. At present, the six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) of ankle kinematics among people with GJH have not been studied. To investigate the kinematic characteristics in the ankle during treadmill gait of university students with generalized joint hypermobility compared to normal participants. We hypothesized that compared to the participants in the control group, those with GJH would exhibit kinematic characteristics of poorer active motion stability in the ankle during treadmill gait. METHODS:Healthy university student volunteers aged 18-24 (excluding those with a history of ankle trauma, etc.) were recruited and divided into a control group (50 volunteers) and a GJH group (Beighton score ≥4, 50 volunteers). Data of the 6-DOF kinematics of ankle was collected using a 3D gait analysis system. Variables were evaluated using independent t-tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. RESULTS:In the proximal/distal parameter, proximal displacement was significantly increased in the GJH group compared with the control group during 4-9% and 96-97% of the gait phase (loading response and terminal swing phase), with an increase of (0.1-0.2 cm, < .05). Regarding the proximal/distal, internal/external, plantarflexion/dorsiflexion, and anterior/posterior parameters, the participants with GJH exhibited greater ROM than those in the control group throughout the gait cycle (0.24 ± 0.22 cm vs. 0.19 ± 0.15 cm, = 0.047, 5.56 ± 2.90° vs. 4.48 ± 3.30°, = .020, 23.05 ± 5.75° vs. 20.36 ± 4.91°, < .001, 0.65 ± 0.30 cm vs. 0.55 ± 0.27 cm, = .018). However, ROM of inversion/eversion translation was found to be decreased in the GJH group compared to the control group (8.92 ± 1.59° vs. 9.47 ± 1.37°, = .009). In addition, there was no statistical difference between the GJH group and the control group in ROM of medial/lateral translation (0.05 ± 0.06 cm vs. 0.04 ± 0.05 cm, = .131). CONCLUSION:Our results confirm that our hypothesis is not valid. Although there were a few differences in each gait parameter of the ankle between the GJH group and the control group, the difference was not significant. These results indicate that the presence of GJH has less effect on ankle kinematics and enhance our knowledge of the relationship between GJH and 6-DOF of ankle kinematics. 10.1177/10225536221125951
The hamstrings are more impacted than the quadriceps after severe ankle sprain. Medicine Ankle sprains (AS) are common in the military population, with a prevalence 5 to 8 times higher than that for civilians. The aim of this study was to evaluate in patients with severe AS the impact of disuse on thigh muscle induced by unloading and immobilization due to care. This study focused on muscle trophicity and dynamometric strength. In this observational prospective study, assessments were repeated at 3 visits: close to injury, 15 and 30 days following the sprain. The injured limb was compared to the contralateral limb. A dynamometer assessment was used to monitor changes in strength and fatigue of the thigh muscles of both limbs. Isometric and isokinetic concentric evaluation of peak torque (PTiso and PTdyn), total work (Wt), and peak torque time integral (IPT) of thigh muscles. Full follow-up was obtained in 30 subjects. The injured limbs showed significant deficits in the mean (SD). The quadriceps PTiso and IPT deficits were -12.6% ± 1.9% (P < .0001) and -13.27% ± 1.8% (P < .0001), respectively. The quadriceps PTdyn showed a significant deficit since V2 (-12.2.5% ± 2.0). The quadriceps Wt presented a significant deficit of -4.2% ± 2.4 (P < .0007) at 1 month. The hamstring PTdyn deficit presented a mean loss of -16.5% ± 2.4% (P < .0001). The hamstring Wt deficit was -13.7% ± 2.3% (P < .001). The analysis of variance showed that the grade of the sprain had a significant effect on the quadriceps PTq deficit (P < .016) but not the type of discharge. Our study showed that disuse leads to a significant deficit in the strength of knee muscles within 1 month. It is noteworthy that the hamstrings are more affected than the quadriceps. The rehabilitation protocol to prevent the risk of iterative ankle injuries and secondary knee injuries should incorporate early training of both quadriceps and hamstrings. 10.1097/MD.0000000000030251
The Effects of Chronic Ankle Instability on the Biomechanics of the Uninjured, Contralateral Ankle During Gait. Orthopaedic surgery OBJECTIVE:To determine whether unilateral chronic ankle instability (CAI) affects the kinematics of the uninjured contralateral ankle. METHODS:In this case-control study, 15 adult patients with unilateral CAI and 15 healthy controls were studied. Both the unstable and uninjured ankles in patients with unilateral CAI (CAI group, n = 15) were compared with that of healthy individuals (control group, n = 15). Applying body photo-reflective markers, the participant's motion during gait was measured. Biomechanical variables including overall ankle-toe angle, linear velocity, linear acceleration, angular velocity, angular acceleration, range of motion (RoM) in dorsiplantar flexion, and inversion-eversion at initial contact, loading response, mid-stance, terminal stance, pre-swing, and swing phase of the gait were measured. RESULTS:In patients with CAI, the injured and uninjured ankles were significantly different regarding angle-toe angle, inversion-eversion RoM, dorsiplantar flexion in mid-stance, inversion-eversion at initial contact and terminal stance as well as the pre-swing and swing phases (p < 0.01). The uninjured ankles of patients showed lower ankle-toe velocity (p = 0.01) and acceleration (p = 0.01) compared to both the left and right ankles of the controls. In addition, the uninjured ankles of the patients showed decreased ankle dorsiflexion and increased inversion during initial contact, loading response, mid-stance, terminal stance, pre-swing, and swing compared to the control group (p < 0.017). CONCLUSION:The results suggest that unilateral CAI can affect gait biomechanics in the contralateral uninjured ankle. Left unaddressed, unilateral CAI may lead to increased morbidity to the contralateral uninjured side. When surgery is not preferred for the management of unilateral CAI, rehabilitation protocols should focus on both sides. 10.1111/os.13307
Effects of lateral instability on ankle coupled motions in vivo using 3D fluoroscopy. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society Lateral ankle instability (LAI) compromises the normal kinematics of the ankle, affecting activities of daily living. In vitro kinematics of ankles with LAI during single-plane motions are available, but the active control stability of these motions remains unclear. The current study measured the 3D ankle kinematics during unresisted single-plane motion tests using a bi-plane fluoroscope with a CT model-based 2D/3D registration method in 12 patients with LAI and 14 healthy peers. The coupling of the kinematic components at the talocrural and subtalar joints was quantified by the path difference between the forward and return paths of the coupled motion. Significantly increased path differences were found in the subtalar dorsiflexion/plantarflexion and inversion/eversion components during internal/external rotation tests (p < 0.05). During inversion/eversion, significantly reduced tibiocalcaneal ranges of motion and the path differences in the talocrural and subtalar dorsiflexion/plantarflexion components were noted (p < 0.05). The current results suggest that chronic LAI had compromised control stability at the subtalar joint during internal/external rotation tests and a conservative motion control strategy with significantly reduced ranges of motion to maintain good control of out-of-plane motion components in response to direct challenges of the anterior talofibular ligament during inversion/eversion tests. The current results also suggest that, compared to kinematic patterns of individual components, the path difference of the coupled motion may serve as a better measure of the motion control stability of the ankle in differentiating LAI from healthy controls. 10.1002/jor.25448
A Look Ahead in Foot and Ankle Research. Foot & ankle specialist 10.1177/19386400221124199
Sensitivity of Internal Tibial Forces and Moments to Static Optimization Moment Constraints at the Subtalar and Ankle Joints. Journal of biomechanical engineering We examined the sensitivity of internal tibial forces and moments during running to different subtalar/ankle moment constraints in a static optimization routine. Seventeen participants ran at 2.20, 3.33, and 4.17 ms-1 while force and motion data were collected. Ankle joint contact force was estimated using inverse-dynamics-based static optimization. Three sets of joint moment constraints were tested. All sets included the flexion-extension and abduction-adduction moments at the hip and the flexion-extension moment at the knee but differed in the constraints used at the subtalar/ankle: (1) flexion-extension at the ankle (Sag), (2) flexion-extension and inversion-eversion at ankle (Sag + Front), and (3) flexion-extension at the ankle and supination-pronation at the subtalar (Sag + SubT). Internal tibial forces and moments were quantified at the distal one-third of the tibia, by ensuring static equilibrium with applied forces and moments. No interaction was observed between running speed and constraint for internal tibial forces or moments. Sag + SubT resulted in larger internal mediolateral force (+41%), frontal (+79%), and transverse (+29%) plane moments, compared to Sag and Sag + Front. Internal axial force was greatest in Sag + Front, compared to Sag and Sag + SubT (+37%). Faster running speeds resulted in greater internal tibial forces and moments in all directions (≥+6%). Internal tibial forces and moments at the distal one-third of the tibia were sensitive to the subtalar and ankle joint moment constraints used in the static optimization routine, independent of running speed. 10.1115/1.4055036
Effect of Joint Mobilization in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of functional morphology and kinesiology Sensorimotor and range of motion deficits due to chronic ankle instability (CAI) are abnormalities of the movement system that make postural control difficult. This review aimed to quantify the effect of joint mobilization on the range of motion, dynamic balance, and function in individuals with CAI. Randomized controlled trials in which joint mobilization was performed in individuals with CAI were searched for in five international databases (CENTRAL, CINAHL, Embase, MEDLINE, PEDro). Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed using the risk of bias tool and RevMan 5.4 provided by the Cochrane Library. Nine studies with 364 individuals with CAI were included in this study. This meta-analysis reported that joint mobilization showed significant improvement in the dorsiflexion range of motion (standardized mean difference [SMD] = 1.02, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.41 to 1.63) and dynamic balance (SMD = 0.49, 95% CI: 0.06 to 0.78) in individuals with CAI. However, there was no significant improvement in function (patient-oriented outcomes) (SMD = 0.76, 95% CI: -0.00 to 1.52). For individuals with CAI, joint mobilization has limited function but has positive benefits for the dorsiflexion range of motion and dynamic balance. 10.3390/jfmk7030066
Ankle Inversion Proprioception Impairment in Persons with Chronic Ankle Instability Is Task-Specific. Perceptual and motor skills While investigators have often compared ankle proprioception between groups with and without chronic ankle instability (CAI), findings have been inconsistent. Possibly this is because ankle proprioceptive impairment in this population is task-specific. Thus, we aimed to compare ankle inversion proprioception in individuals with and without CAI in two task conditions: (i) when standing (not challenging) and (ii) when on a step-down landing (minimally-challenging). Ankle inversion proprioception was measured in both conditions for 38 recreational sport player volunteers with CAI ( = 19) and without CAI ( = 19). We used the Active Movement Extent Discrimination Apparatus (AMEDA) for the standing condition and the Ankle Inversion Discrimination Apparatus-Landing (AIDAL) for step-down landing. From analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests, CAI and non-CAI participants performed equally well on the AMEDA when standing; but the CAI group performed significantly worse than the non-CAI group on the AIDAL step-down landing task ( = 0.03). Within the non-CAI group, the AIDAL proprioceptive scores, as area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC), were significantly higher than their AMEDA AUC scores ( = 0.03), while there was no significant difference between AIDAL and AMEDA AUC scores in the CAI group. Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool CAIT scores were significantly correlated with AIDAL scores (Spearman's rho = 0.391, = 0.015), but not with the AMEDA scores; and there was no significant correlation between the AIDAL and AMEDA scores. Thus an ankle inversion proprioceptive deficit was evident for persons with CAI on the step-down AIDAL, and in a dose-response way, but not evident on the standing AMEDA, suggesting that ankle proprioceptive impairment is task-specific. Selected proprioceptive tests must present some minimal degree of challenge to the ankle joint in a functional task in order to differentiate CAI from non-CAI participants. 10.1177/00315125221125608
Prevalence of ankle instability in performers of Chinese classical dance: a cross-sectional study of 105 Chinese dancers. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine Objectives:Foot and ankle injuries are commonly seen in dancers, yet limited studies exist on the injury prevalence of performers of Chinese classical dance. This study aims to determine and assess the prevalence of chronic ankle instability (CAI) in Chinese dancers and correlate the impact of CAI with foot function. Methods:This is a cross-sectional study of 105 Chinese dancers. CAI was assessed using the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool and foot function via the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS). Both self-reported assessment tools were distributed online between January and February 2021. Subjects were divided into CAI and healthy groups to observe any correlations in demographics, training hours and foot function. Results:CAI was seen in 28% of Chinese dancers, with most being unilateral instability. The number of training hours, level of expertise, occupation, gender and age showed no statistical significance with CAI. The FAOS showed that subjects with CAI had significantly greater pain and poorer quality of life. Discussion and conclusion:CAI is a problem affecting 28% of performers of Chinese dance. Future research should investigate the ankle biomechanics in Chinese dance and specific risk factors for CAI to formulate strategies to prevent ankle injuries in Chinese dancers. 10.1136/bmjsem-2022-001413