Regulation of cortisol bioavailability--effects on hormone measurement and action.
Perogamvros Ilias,Ray David W,Trainer Peter J
Nature reviews. Endocrinology
Routine assessment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis relies on the measurement of total serum cortisol levels. However, most cortisol in serum is bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) and albumin, and changes in the structure or circulating levels of binding proteins markedly affect measured total serum cortisol levels. Furthermore, high-affinity binding to CBG is predicted to affect the availability of cortisol for the glucocorticoid receptor. CBG is a substrate for activated neutrophil elastase, which cleaves the binding protein and results in the release of cortisol at sites of inflammation, enhancing its tissue-specific anti-inflammatory effects. Further tissue-specific modulation of cortisol availability is conferred by corticosteroid 11β-dehydrogenase. Direct assessment of tissue levels of bioavailable cortisol is not clinically practicable and measurement of total serum cortisol levels is of limited value in clinical conditions that alter prereceptor glucocorticoid bioavailability. Bioavailable cortisol can, however, be measured indirectly at systemic, extracellular tissue and cell levels, using novel techniques that have provided new insight into the transport, metabolism and biological action of glucocorticoids. A more physiologically informative approach is, therefore, now possible in the assessment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which could prove useful in clinical practice.
Effects of morning rise in cortisol concentration on regulation of lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue.
Samra J S,Clark M L,Humphreys S M,Macdonald I A,Matthews D R,Frayn K N
The American journal of physiology
Cortisol has a well-defined circadian rhythm. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of the morning rise in cortisol concentration on lipolysis in adipose tissue. Ten healthy subjects were studied on two occasions, and six of these were studied on three occasions. During the first two occasions, either a control or cortisol suppression study was performed by using metyrapone, and on the third occasion exogenous cortisol replacement was given in addition to metyrapone. Lipolysis in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of the anterior abdominal wall was studied by measurement of arteriovenous differences. Reduction in the early morning rise in cortisol led to significantly decreased venoarterialized differences for nonesterified fatty acids (P < 0.05) and glycerol (P < 0.01), attributable in part to decreased hormone-sensitive lipase (EC action (P < 0.05) in adipose tissue. At the same time the arterialized plasma triacylglycerol concentration increased (P < 0.005) with a significant reduction in the adipose lipoprotein lipase (EC rate of action (P < 0.05). In the replacement study, values were identical to those of the control study, showing that metyrapone had no nonspecific effects on lipolysis. We conclude that the morning rise in plasma cortisol concentration plays an important role in the regulation of lipolysis in adipose tissue in normal healthy adults.
Glucocorticoids and CBG during pregnancy in mammals: diversity, pattern, and function.
Edwards Phoebe D,Boonstra Rudy
General and comparative endocrinology
Pregnancy is one of the defining characteristics of placental mammals. Key in the growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy are the dynamics of glucocorticoids (GCs) and their binding protein,corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), which determines how much of the GCs are free and biologically active. Out of more than 5000 species of placental mammals in 19 different orders, our understanding of the dynamics of maternal GCs and CBG during pregnancy is largely limited to the detailed study of 3 groups - sheep, laboratory rodents, and humans. The assumption is often made that what we see in these few species applies to the rest. To examine this generality, we compared patterns of maternal GCs over pregnancy from all placental mammals where data is available: in the blood of 13 species from 5 different orders and in metabolites in excreta in an additional 20 species from 9 orders. We found that maternal free GCs increase by late pregnancy in most taxa. This increase is achieved by either an increase in total GC secretion or a decrease in CBG. A major exception is found in the even-toed ungulates (sheep, cows, etc.) where maternal GCs and CBG remain stable, but where the fetal adrenals mature in late pregnancy and produce the majority of their own GCs. We conclude that patterns of change in maternal GCs and CBG during pregnancy are species-specific but are alternative means to the same end: increased fetal exposure to GCs in late pregnancy, which is essential for development.
Cortisol and CBG - Getting cortisol to the right place at the right time.
Henley David,Lightman Stafford,Carrell Robin
Pharmacology & therapeutics
Cortisol is transported in the blood by corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), a non-inhibitory member of the serpin family of serine protease inhibitors. Recent structural advances reveal how CBG acts as a releasing-agent as well as a carrier of cortisol. Taken together, the structures of the various forms of CBG and of the closely related thyroxine binding-globulin, show how the inherent conformational mechanism of the serpins has been adapted to modulate hormone release to the tissues by changes in binding affinities. A deduction from this, of the temperature dependence of hormone binding, is remarkably borne out with CBG, with a doubling in plasma free cortisol as the body temperature rises to 39°C. Another insight, against a dogma in the corticosteroid field, is that the proteolytic cleavage of CBG in inflammation results in a partial and not a complete loss of cortisol binding. This becomes of medical importance in conjunction with recent evidence of a pool of the circulating cleaved-form of CBG. It is now evident that tissue levels of free cortisol are buffered by two responsive plasma pools, intact CBG with a high binding-affinity and, particularly in inflammation and sepsis, a further pool of cleaved-CBG with a ten-fold lower affinity. The new molecular understandings, as well as providing insights into the differential release of circulating hormones, also open prospects for therapeutic interventions and draw attention to the potential of CBG and TBG as vehicles for the targeted delivery of drugs.
Epigenetic changes induced by in utero dietary challenge result in phenotypic variability in successive generations of mice.
Nature communications
Transmission of epigenetic information between generations occurs in nematodes, flies and plants, mediated by specialised small RNA pathways, modified histones and DNA methylation. Similar processes in mammals can also affect phenotype through intergenerational or trans-generational mechanisms. Here we generate a luciferase knock-in reporter mouse for the imprinted Dlk1 locus to visualise and track epigenetic fidelity across generations. Exposure to high-fat diet in pregnancy provokes sustained re-expression of the normally silent maternal Dlk1 in offspring (loss of imprinting) and increased DNA methylation at the somatic differentially methylated region (sDMR). In the next generation heterogeneous Dlk1 mis-expression is seen exclusively among animals born to F1-exposed females. Oocytes from these females show altered gene and microRNA expression without changes in DNA methylation, and correct imprinting is restored in subsequent generations. Our results illustrate how diet impacts the foetal epigenome, disturbing canonical and non-canonical imprinting mechanisms to modulate the properties of successive generations of offspring.
DNA methylation imprints on the IG-DMR of the Dlk1-Gtl2 domain in mouse male germline.
Hiura Hitoshi,Komiyama Junichi,Shirai Motomu,Obata Yayoi,Ogawa Hidehiko,Kono Tomohiro
FEBS letters
Mouse genomes show a large cluster of imprinted genes at the Dlk1-Gtl2 domain in the distal region of chromosome 12. An intergenic-differentially methylated region (IG-DMR) located between Dlk1 and Gtl2 is specifically methylated in the male germline; IG-DMR regulates the parental allele-specific expression of imprinted genes. Here, we show the resetting of IG-DMR methylation marks during male germ-cell differentiation. For parental allele-specific methylation analysis, polymorphisms were detected in a 2.6-kb IG-DMR in three mouse strains. Bisulfite methylation analysis showed erasure of the marks by E14 and re-establishment before birth. The IG-DMR methylation status was maintained in spermatogonia and spermatocytes of mature testes. The IG-DMR methylation status established before birth is thus maintained throughout the lifetime in the male germline.
New insights into corticosteroid-binding globulin and glucocorticoid delivery.
Henley D E,Lightman S L
Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) binds cortisol with high affinity and facilitates its transport in the blood. A recent discovery suggests that CBG may have a role beyond that of a simple transport carrier protein. CBG functions as a protein thermocouple that is exquisitely sensitive to temperature change, releasing cortisol in response to increasing temperatures within the human physiological range. It is also expressed in the human hypothalamus and cerebrospinal fluid, while in the rodent it is also found in other intracellular neuronal locations, suggesting a role in regulating access of glucocorticoids to their receptors in the CNS. Genetic variants of CBG have been detected in man and have been associated with fatigue-pain syndromes and hypotension, again suggesting a potential effect of CBG on the access of cortisol to brain glucocorticoid receptors. These new findings provide the basis for a novel concept of the mechanisms through which the body regulates access of glucocorticoids to the brain and other tissues of the body.
Expression of corticosterone-binding globulin in the rat hypothalamus.
Möpert B,Herbert Z,Caldwell J D,Jirikowski G F
Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme
We observed coexistence of corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) with vasopressin (VP) and oxytocin (OT) in magnocellular neurons in rat hypothalamus by combined immunoperoxidase staining and immunofluorescence. A portion of the supraoptic and of the paraventricular neurons showed double immunostaining of CBG with either VP or with OT. CBG staining was intensified by pretreating animals with colchicine to block axonal transport. CBG was also observed in widespread axonal projections throughout the lateral hypothalamus, the median eminence and the posterior pituitary lobe. Single ependymal cells and some of the endocrine cells in the anterior lobe contained specific CBG immunoreactivity. IN SITU hybridization of semithin sections with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe to CBG mRNA provided staining of magnocellular hypothalamic neurons, but not ependymal cells or anterior lobe cells. Western blots of CBG extracted by affinity chromatography from hypothalamus homogenates showed a band at approximately 50 kDa. Our observations indicate the intrinsic expression of CBG in peptidergic hypothalamus neurons in rat. The multiple locations of CBG-expressing neurons indicate multiple functional properties, probably exceeding the role of a mere steroid transporter. CBG is likely to be subject to axonal transport and secretion in a neuropeptide-like fashion, perhaps involved in neuroendocrine regulation, which may include stress responses.
Model-based therapeutic correction of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction.
Ben-Zvi Amos,Vernon Suzanne D,Broderick Gordon
PLoS computational biology
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a major system maintaining body homeostasis by regulating the neuroendocrine and sympathetic nervous systems as well modulating immune function. Recent work has shown that the complex dynamics of this system accommodate several stable steady states, one of which corresponds to the hypocortisol state observed in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). At present these dynamics are not formally considered in the development of treatment strategies. Here we use model-based predictive control (MPC) methodology to estimate robust treatment courses for displacing the HPA axis from an abnormal hypocortisol steady state back to a healthy cortisol level. This approach was applied to a recent model of HPA axis dynamics incorporating glucocorticoid receptor kinetics. A candidate treatment that displays robust properties in the face of significant biological variability and measurement uncertainty requires that cortisol be further suppressed for a short period until adrenocorticotropic hormone levels exceed 30% of baseline. Treatment may then be discontinued, and the HPA axis will naturally progress to a stable attractor defined by normal hormone levels. Suppression of biologically available cortisol may be achieved through the use of binding proteins such as CBG and certain metabolizing enzymes, thus offering possible avenues for deployment in a clinical setting. Treatment strategies can therefore be designed that maximally exploit system dynamics to provide a robust response to treatment and ensure a positive outcome over a wide range of conditions. Perhaps most importantly, a treatment course involving further reduction in cortisol, even transient, is quite counterintuitive and challenges the conventional strategy of supplementing cortisol levels, an approach based on steady-state reasoning.
Identification of Avian Corticosteroid-binding Globulin (SerpinA6) Reveals the Molecular Basis of Evolutionary Adaptations in SerpinA6 Structure and Function as a Steroid-binding Protein.
Vashchenko Ganna,Das Samir,Moon Kyung-Mee,Rogalski Jason C,Taves Matthew D,Soma Kiran K,Van Petegem Filip,Foster Leonard J,Hammond Geoffrey L
The Journal of biological chemistry
Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) was isolated from chicken serum and identified by mass spectrometry and genomic analysis. This revealed that the organization and synteny of avian and mammalian SerpinA6 genes are conserved. Recombinant zebra finch CBG steroid-binding properties reflect those of the natural protein in plasma and confirm its identity. Zebra finch and rat CBG crystal structures in complex with cortisol resemble each other, but their primary structures share only ∼40% identity, and their steroid-binding site topographies differ in several unexpected ways. Remarkably, a tryptophan that anchors ligands in mammalian CBG steroid-binding sites is replaced by an asparagine. Phylogenetic comparisons show that reptilian CBG orthologs share this unexpected property. Glycosylation of this asparagine in zebra finch CBG does not influence its steroid-binding affinity, but we present evidence that it may participate in protein folding and steroid-binding site formation. Substitutions of amino acids within zebra finch CBG that are conserved only in birds reveal how they contribute to their distinct steroid-binding properties, including their high (nanomolar) affinities for glucocorticoids, progesterone, and androgens. As in mammals, a protease secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa cleaves CBG in zebra finch plasma within its reactive center loop and disrupts steroid binding, suggesting an evolutionarily conserved property of CBGs. Measurements of CBG mRNA in zebra finch tissues indicate that liver is the main site of plasma CBG production, and anti-zebra finch CBG antibodies cross-react with CBGs in other birds, extending opportunities to study how CBG regulates the actions of glucocorticoids and sex steroids in these species.
The transcriptional coactivator Yes-associated protein drives p73 gene-target specificity in response to DNA Damage.
Strano Sabrina,Monti Olimpia,Pediconi Natalia,Baccarini Alessia,Fontemaggi Giulia,Lapi Eleonora,Mantovani Fiamma,Damalas Alexander,Citro Gennaro,Sacchi Ada,Del Sal Giannino,Levrero Massimo,Blandino Giovanni
Molecular cell
The transcriptional coactivator Yes-associated protein (YAP) has been shown to interact with and to enhance p73-dependent apoptosis in response to DNA damage. Here, we show that YAP requires the promyelocytic leukemia gene (PML) and nuclear body localization to coactivate p73. YAP imparts selectivity to p73 by promoting the activation of a subset of p53 and/or p73 target promoters. Endogenous p73, YAP, and p300 proteins are concomitantly recruited onto the regulatory regions of the apoptotic target gene p53AIP1 only when cells are exposed to apoptotic conditions. Silencing of YAP by specific siRNA impairs p300 recruitment and reduces histone acetylation on the p53AIP1 target gene, resulting in delayed or reduced apoptosis mediated by p73. We also found that YAP contributes to the DNA damage-induced accumulation of p73 and potentiates the p300-mediated acetylation of p73. Altogether, our findings identify YAP as a key determinant of p73 gene targeting in response to DNA damage.
Zinc-Dependent Regulation of ZEB1 and YAP1 Coactivation Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Plasticity and Metastasis in Pancreatic Cancer.
Liu Mingyang,Zhang Yuqing,Yang Jingxuan,Zhan Hanxiang,Zhou Zhijun,Jiang Yuanyuan,Shi Xiuhui,Fan Xiao,Zhang Junxia,Luo Wenyi,Fung Kar-Ming A,Xu Chao,Bronze Michael S,Houchen Courtney W,Li Min
BACKGROUND:Pancreatic cancer is characterized by extensive metastasis. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) plasticity plays a critical role in tumor progression and metastasis by maintaining the transition between EMT and mesenchymal-epithelial transition states. Our aim is to understand the molecular events regulating metastasis and EMT plasticity in pancreatic cancer. METHODS:The interactions between a cancer-promoting zinc transporter ZIP4, a zinc-dependent EMT transcriptional factor ZEB1, a coactivator YAP1, and integrin α3 (ITGA3) were examined in human pancreatic cancer cells, clinical specimens, spontaneous mouse models (KPC and KPCZ) and orthotopic xenografts, and 3-dimensional spheroid and organoid models. Correlations between ZIP4, miR-373, and its downstream targets were assessed by RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical staining. The transcriptional regulation of ZEB1, YAP1, and ITGA3 by ZIP4 was determined by chromatin immunoprecipitation, co-immunoprecipitation, and luciferase reporter assays. RESULTS:The Hippo pathway effector YAP1 is a potent transcriptional coactivator and forms a complex with ZEB1 to activate ITGA3 transcription through the YAP1/transcriptional enhanced associate domain (TEAD) binding sites in human pancreatic cancer cells and KPC-derived mouse cells. ZIP4 upregulated YAP1 expression via activation of miR-373 and inhibition of the YAP1 repressor large tumor suppressor 2 kinase (LATS2). Furthermore, upregulation of ZIP4 promoted EMT plasticity, cell adhesion, spheroid formation, and organogenesis both in human pancreatic cancer cells, 3-dimensional spheroid model, xenograft model, and spontaneous mouse models (KPC and KPCZ) through ZEB1/YAP1-ITGA3 signaling axis. CONCLUSION:We demonstrated that ZIP4 activates ZEB1 and YAP1 through distinct mechanisms. The ZIP4-miR-373-LATS2-ZEB1/YAP1-ITGA3 signaling axis has a significant impact on pancreatic cancer metastasis and EMT plasticity.
Histone demethylase JMJD1C regulates esophageal cancer proliferation Via YAP1 signaling.
Cai Yixin,Fu Xiangning,Deng Yu
American journal of cancer research
Esophageal cancer (EC) is the most lethal cancer, and it is of significant concern worldwide, particularly in China. However, there are no effective treatments to cure it, such as chemotherapy, surgery, or radiotherapy. This is attributed to the lack of understanding of the molecular mechanisms of EC. Recently, the superfamily of Jmj-containing KDMs has been shown to play an important role in tumorigenesis in various cancers, including EC. In this study, we demonstrated that JMJD1C was upregulated in patient EC tissues and different EC cell lines. Furthermore, JMJD1C levels were positively correlated with the TNM stage. Moreover, the colony formation assay, CCK8, and cell number count assay showed that the knockdown of JMJD1C inhibited EC cell proliferation. Western blot analysis and the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay showed that the knockdown of JMJD1C repressed the protein and mRNA levels of YAP1 via regulating the H3K9me2 activity, but not the H3K9me1 activity. The colony formation assay, CCK8 analysis, and cell number count assay revealed that inhibition of EC cell proliferation by the knockdown of JMJD1C was rescued by overexpression of YAP1. Taken together, our results demonstrated that JMJD1C controls the proliferation of EC via modulation of H3K9me2 activity, targeting the YAP1 gene expression and functions as a tumor suppressor in EC. This novel pathway may serve as a therapeutic target for EC patients.
β-Catenin Sustains and Is Required for YES-associated Protein Oncogenic Activity in Cholangiocarcinoma.
BACKGROUND & AIMS:YES-associated protein (YAP) aberrant activation is implicated in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA). Transcriptional enhanced associate domain (TEAD)-mediated transcriptional regulation is the primary signaling event downstream of YAP. The role of Wnt/β-Catenin signaling in cholangiocarcinogenesis remains undetermined. Here, we investigated the possible molecular interplay between YAP and β-Catenin cascades in iCCA. METHODS:Activated AKT (Myr-Akt) was coexpressed with YAP (YapS127A) or Tead2VP16 via hydrodynamic tail vein injection into mouse livers. Tumor growth was monitored, and liver tissues were collected and analyzed using histopathologic and molecular analysis. YAP, β-Catenin, and TEAD interaction in iCCAs was investigated through coimmunoprecipitation. Conditional Ctnnb1 knockout mice were used to determine β-Catenin function in murine iCCA models. RNA sequencing was performed to analyze the genes regulated by YAP and/or β-Catenin. Immunostaining of total and nonphosphorylated/activated β-Catenin staining was performed in mouse and human iCCAs. RESULTS:We discovered that TEAD factors are required for YAP-dependent iCCA development. However, transcriptional activation of TEADs did not fully recapitulate YAP's activities in promoting cholangiocarcinogenesis. Notably, β-Catenin physically interacted with YAP in human and mouse iCCA. Ctnnb1 ablation strongly suppressed human iCCA cell growth and Yap-dependent cholangiocarcinogenesis. Furthermore, RNA-sequencing analysis revealed that YAP/ transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) regulate a set of genes significantly overlapping with those controlled by β-Catenin. Importantly, activated/nonphosphorylated β-Catenin was detected in more than 80% of human iCCAs. CONCLUSION:YAP induces cholangiocarcinogenesis via TEAD-dependent transcriptional activation and interaction with β-Catenin. β-Catenin binds to YAP in iCCA and is required for YAP full transcriptional activity, revealing the functional crosstalk between YAP and β-Catenin pathways in cholangiocarcinogenesis.
Treatment-Induced Tumor Dormancy through YAP-Mediated Transcriptional Reprogramming of the Apoptotic Pathway.
Cancer cell
Eradicating tumor dormancy that develops following epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment of EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer, is an attractive therapeutic strategy but the mechanisms governing this process are poorly understood. Blockade of ERK1/2 reactivation following EGFR TKI treatment by combined EGFR/MEK inhibition uncovers cells that survive by entering a senescence-like dormant state characterized by high YAP/TEAD activity. YAP/TEAD engage the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition transcription factor SLUG to directly repress pro-apoptotic BMF, limiting drug-induced apoptosis. Pharmacological co-inhibition of YAP and TEAD, or genetic deletion of YAP1, all deplete dormant cells by enhancing EGFR/MEK inhibition-induced apoptosis. Enhancing the initial efficacy of targeted therapies could ultimately lead to prolonged treatment responses in cancer patients.
Mutual interaction between YAP and c-Myc is critical for carcinogenesis in liver cancer.
Xiao Weifan,Wang Jiayi,Ou Chao,Zhang Yue,Ma Lifang,Weng Wenhao,Pan Qiuhui,Sun Fenyong
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Yes-associated protein (YAP), the downstream effector of Hippo signaling pathway as well as c-Myc has been linked to hepatocarcinogenesis. However, little is known about whether and how YAP and c-Myc interacts with each other. In this study, we find YAP-c-Myc interaction is critical for liver cancer cell both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, both c-Myc and YAP proteins are closely correlated in human liver cancer samples. Mechanistically, YAP promotes c-Myc transcriptional output through c-Abl. By contrast, c-Myc enhances protein expression independent of transcription. Taken together, our study uncovers a novel positive auto-regulatory feedback loop underlying the interaction between YAP and c-Myc in liver cancer, suggesting YAP and c-Myc links Hippo/YAP and c-Myc pathways, and thus may be helpful in the development of effective diagnosis and treatment strategies against liver cancer.
LSD1 is a subunit of the NuRD complex and targets the metastasis programs in breast cancer.
Wang Yan,Zhang Hua,Chen Yupeng,Sun Yimin,Yang Fen,Yu Wenhua,Liang Jing,Sun Luyang,Yang Xiaohan,Shi Lei,Li Ruifang,Li Yanyan,Zhang Yu,Li Qian,Yi Xia,Shang Yongfeng
Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) exerts pathway-specific activity in animal development and has been linked to several high-risk cancers. Here, we report that LSD1 is an integral component of the Mi-2/nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex. Transcriptional target analysis revealed that the LSD1/NuRD complexes regulate several cellular signaling pathways including TGFbeta1 signaling pathway that are critically involved in cell proliferation, survival, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. We demonstrated that LSD1 inhibits the invasion of breast cancer cells in vitro and suppresses breast cancer metastatic potential in vivo. We found that LSD1 is downregulated in breast carcinomas and that its level of expression is negatively correlated with that of TGFbeta1. Our data provide a molecular basis for the interplay of histone demethylation and deacetylation in chromatin remodeling. By enlisting LSD1, the NuRD complex expands its chromatin remodeling capacity to include ATPase, histone deacetylase, and histone demethylase.
Paternal microbiome perturbations impact offspring fitness.
The gut microbiota operates at the interface of host-environment interactions to influence human homoeostasis and metabolic networks. Environmental factors that unbalance gut microbial ecosystems can therefore shape physiological and disease-associated responses across somatic tissues. However, the systemic impact of the gut microbiome on the germline-and consequently on the F offspring it gives rise to-is unexplored. Here we show that the gut microbiota act as a key interface between paternal preconception environment and intergenerational health in mice. Perturbations to the gut microbiota of prospective fathers increase the probability of their offspring presenting with low birth weight, severe growth restriction and premature mortality. Transmission of disease risk occurs via the germline and is provoked by pervasive gut microbiome perturbations, including non-absorbable antibiotics or osmotic laxatives, but is rescued by restoring the paternal microbiota before conception. This effect is linked with a dynamic response to induced dysbiosis in the male reproductive system, including impaired leptin signalling, altered testicular metabolite profiles and remapped small RNA payloads in sperm. As a result, dysbiotic fathers trigger an elevated risk of in utero placental insufficiency, revealing a placental origin of mammalian intergenerational effects. Our study defines a regulatory 'gut-germline axis' in males, which is sensitive to environmental exposures and programmes offspring fitness through impacting placenta function.
MK5 Regulates YAP Stability and Is a Molecular Target in YAP-Driven Cancers.
Seo Jimyung,Kim Min Hwan,Hong Hyowon,Cho Hyunsoo,Park Seongyeol,Kim Sang Kyum,Kim Joon
Cancer research
Transcriptional regulator YAP is activated in multiple human cancers and plays critical roles in tumor initiation, progression, metastasis, and drug resistance. However, therapeutic targeting of the Hippo-YAP pathway has been challenging due to its low druggability and limited knowledge of YAP regulation in cancer. Here we present a functional screen and identify a novel therapeutic target for YAP-driven tumorigenesis. RNAi screening using an oncogenic YAP activation model identified the serine/threonine kinase MK5 as a positive regulator of YAP. MK5 physically interacted with YAP and counteracted CK1δ/ε-mediated YAP ubiquitination and degradation independent of LATS1/2. MK5 kinase activity was essential for protecting YAP from ubiquitin-mediated degradation and cytoplasmic retention. Downregulating MK5 expression inhibited the survival of YAP-activated cancer cell lines and mouse xenograft models. MK5 upregulation was associated with high levels of YAP expression and poor prognosis in clinical tumor samples, confirming its important role for YAP activity in human cancer. These results uncover MK5 as a novel factor that regulates YAP stability, and targeting the YAP degradation pathway controlled by MK5 is a potential strategy for suppressing YAP activity in cancer. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings reveal MK5 is a novel kinase that regulates YAP in a LATS-independent manner and can be targeted for cancer therapy.
Activation of the unliganded estrogen receptor by EGF involves the MAP kinase pathway and direct phosphorylation.
Bunone G,Briand P A,Miksicek R J,Picard D
The EMBO journal
The estrogen receptor (ER) can be activated as a transcription factor either by binding of cognate estrogenic ligand or, indirectly, by a variety of other extracellular signals. As a first step towards elucidating the mechanism of 'steroid-independent activation' of the ER by the epidermal growth factor (EGF), we have mapped the ER target domain and determined the signaling pathway. We show that the N-terminal transcriptional activation function AF-1, but not the C-terminal AF-2, is necessary for the EGF response. Both the EGF-induced hyperphosphorylation and the transcriptional activation of the unliganded ER depend on a phosphorylatable serine residue at position 118. However, its phosphorylation is not sufficient and, hence, there must be other target domains or proteins which fulfill an additional requirement for EGF signaling through the ER. Using dominant-negative Ras and MAP kinase kinase (MAPK kinase) and constitutively active MAPK kinase mutants, we show that EGF activates the ER by signaling through the MAPK pathway suggesting that MAPK directly phosphorylates the critical serine 118. Our results also imply that the steroid-independent activation of a variety of ER mutants, which arise during the malignant progression of breast tumors, may contribute to tamoxifen resistance.
Development of the Intrahepatic and Extrahepatic Biliary Tract: A Framework for Understanding Congenital Diseases.
Lemaigre Frédéric P
Annual review of pathology
The involvement of the biliary tract in the pathophysiology of liver diseases and the increased attention paid to bile ducts in the bioconstruction of liver tissue for regenerative therapy have fueled intense research into the fundamental mechanisms of biliary development. Here, I review the molecular, cellular and tissular mechanisms driving differentiation and morphogenesis of the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts. This review focuses on the dynamics of the transcriptional and signaling modules that promote biliary development in human and mouse liver and discusses studies in which the use of zebrafish uncovered unexplored processes in mammalian biliary development. The review concludes by providing a framework for interpreting the mechanisms that may help us understand the origin of congenital biliary diseases.
Dlk1 up-regulates Gli1 expression in male rat adrenal capsule cells through the activation of β1 integrin and ERK1/2.
Guasti Leonardo,Cavlan Dominic,Cogger Kathryn,Banu Zahida,Shakur Amreen,Latif Salima,King Peter J
The development and maintenance of the zones of the adrenal cortex and their steroidal output are extremely important in the control of gluconeogenesis, the stress response, and blood volume. Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) is expressed in the adrenal cortex and signals to capsular cells, which can respond by migrating into the cortex and converting into a steroidogenic phenotype. Delta-like homologue 1 (Dlk1), a member of the Notch/Delta/Serrate family of epidermal growth factor-like repeat-containing proteins, has a well-established role in inhibiting adipocyte differentiation. We demonstrate that Shh and Dlk1 are coexpressed in the outer undifferentiated zone of the male rat adrenal and that Dlk1 signals to the adrenal capsule, activating glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1 transcription in a β1 integrin- and Erk1/2-dependent fashion. Moreover, Shh and Dlk1 expression inversely correlates with the size of the zona glomerulosa in rats after manipulation of the renin-angiotensin system, suggesting a role in the homeostatic maintenance of the gland.
EP300/CBP is crucial for cAMP-PKA pathway to alleviate podocyte dedifferentiation via targeting Notch3 signaling.
Chang Kaili,Xue Ruqun,Zhao Minglai,Zhao Yuqing,Yu Weien,Zhao Zhonghua,Liu Xueguang
Experimental cell research
Podocyte injury is the hallmark of proteinuric glomerular diseases. Notch3 is neo-activated simultaneously in damaged podocytes and podocyte's progenitor cells of FSGS, indicating a unique role of Notch3. We previously showed that activation of cAMP-PKA pathway alleviated podocyte injury possibly via inhibiting Notch3 expression. However, the mechanisms are unknown. In the present study, Notch3 signaling was significantly activated in ADR-induced podocytes in vitro and in PAN nephrosis rats and patients with idiopathic FSGS in vivo, concomitantly with podocyte dedifferentiation. In cultured podocytes, pCPT-cAMP, a selective cAMP-PKA activator, dramatically blocked ADR-induced activation of Notch3 signaling as well as inhibition of cAMP-PKA pathway, thus alleviating the decreased cell viability and podocyte dedifferentiation. Bioinformatics analysis revealed EP300/CBP, a transcriptional co-activator, as a central hub for the crosstalk between these two signaling pathways. Additionally, CREB/KLF15 in cAMP-PKA pathway competed with RBP-J the major transcriptional factor of Notch3 signaling for binding to EP300/CBP. EP300/CBP siRNA significantly inhibited these two signaling transduction pathways and disrupted the interactions between the above major transcriptional factors. These data indicate a crucial role of EP300/CBP in regulating the crosstalk between cAMP-PKA pathway and Notch3 signaling and modulating the phenotypic change of podocytes, and enrich the reno-protective mechanisms of cAMP-PKA pathway.
RHOA drives the development of diffuse gastric cancer through IGF1R-PAK1-YAP1 signaling.
Science signaling
Cancer-associated mutations in the guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) RHOA are found at different locations from the mutational hotspots in the structurally and biochemically related RAS. Tyr-to-Cys (Y42C) and Leu-to-Val (L57V) substitutions are the two most prevalent RHOA mutations in diffuse gastric cancer (DGC). RHOA exhibits a gain-of-function phenotype and is an oncogenic driver in DGC. Here, we determined how RHOA promotes DGC growth. In mouse gastric organoids with deletion of , which encodes the cell adhesion protein E-cadherin, the expression of RHOA, but not of wild-type RHOA, induced an abnormal morphology similar to that of patient-derived DGC organoids. RHOA also exhibited a gain-of-function phenotype and promoted F-actin stress fiber formation and cell migration. RHOA retained interaction with effectors but exhibited impaired RHOA-intrinsic and GAP-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis, which favored formation of the active GTP-bound state. Introduction of missense mutations at KRAS residues analogous to Tyr and Leu in RHOA did not activate KRAS oncogenic potential, indicating distinct functional effects in otherwise highly related GTPases. Both RHOA mutants stimulated the transcriptional co-activator YAP1 through actin dynamics to promote DGC progression; however, RHOA additionally did so by activating the kinases IGF1R and PAK1, distinct from the FAK-mediated mechanism induced by RHOA. Our results reveal that RHOA and RHOA drive the development of DGC through distinct biochemical and signaling mechanisms.
E3 ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes regulating the MAPK signaling pathway in cancers.
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer
The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway is the primary regulatory module of various cellular processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation, and stress responses. This pathway converts external stimuli to cellular responses via three major kinases: mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK), and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK). Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification of proteins with ubiquitin, which results in the formation of mono- or poly-ubiquitin chains of substrate proteins. Conversely, removal of the ubiquitin by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) is known as deubiquitination. This review summarizes mechanisms of the MAPK signaling pathways (ERK1/2, ERK5, p38, and JNK1/2/3 signaling pathway) in cancers, and of E3 ligases and DUBs that target the MAPK signaling components such as Raf, MEK1/2, ERK1/2, MEKK2/3, MEKK1-4, TAK1, DLK1, MLK1-4, ASK1/2, and MKK3-7.
β1 integrin-dependent Rac/group I PAK signaling mediates YAP activation of Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1) via NF2/merlin.
Sabra Hiba,Brunner Molly,Mandati Vinay,Wehrle-Haller Bernhard,Lallemand Dominique,Ribba Anne-Sophie,Chevalier Genevieve,Guardiola Philippe,Block Marc R,Bouvard Daniel
The Journal of biological chemistry
Cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix or to surrounding cells plays a key role in cell proliferation and differentiation and is critical for proper tissue homeostasis. An important pathway in adhesion-dependent cell proliferation is the Hippo signaling cascade, which is coregulated by the transcription factors Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1) and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ). However, how cells integrate extracellular information at the molecular level to regulate YAP1's nuclear localization is still puzzling. Herein, we investigated the role of β1 integrins in regulating this process. We found that β1 integrin-dependent cell adhesion is critical for supporting cell proliferation in mesenchymal cells both and β1 integrin-dependent cell adhesion relied on the relocation of YAP1 to the nucleus after the down-regulation of its phosphorylated state mediated by large tumor suppressor gene 1 and 2 (LATS1/2). We also found that this phenotype relies on β1 integrin-dependent local activation of the small GTPase RAC1 at the plasma membrane to control the activity of P21 (RAC1)-activated kinase (PAK) of group 1. We further report that the regulatory protein merlin (neurofibromin 2, NF2) interacts with both YAP1 and LATS1/2 via its C-terminal moiety and FERM domain, respectively. PAK1-mediated merlin phosphorylation on Ser-518 reduced merlin's interactions with both LATS1/2 and YAP1, resulting in YAP1 dephosphorylation and nuclear shuttling. Our results highlight RAC/PAK1 as major players in YAP1 regulation triggered by cell adhesion.
YAP and TAZ: a nexus for Hippo signaling and beyond.
Hansen Carsten Gram,Moroishi Toshiro,Guan Kun-Liang
Trends in cell biology
The Hippo pathway is a potent regulator of cellular proliferation, differentiation, and tissue homeostasis. Here we review the regulatory mechanisms of the Hippo pathway and discuss the function of Yes-associated protein (YAP)/transcriptional coactivator with a PDZ-binding domain (TAZ), the prime mediators of the Hippo pathway, in stem cell biology and tissue regeneration. We highlight their activities in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm and discuss their role as a signaling nexus and integrator of several other prominent signaling pathways such as the Wnt, G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), epidermal growth factor (EGF), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)/transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ), and Notch pathways.
The mechano-chemical circuit drives skin organoid self-organization.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Stem cells in organoids self-organize into tissue patterns with unknown mechanisms. Here, we use skin organoids to analyze this process. Cell behavior videos show that the morphological transformation from multiple spheroidal units with morphogenesis competence (CMU) to planar skin is characterized by two abrupt cell motility-increasing events before calming down. The self-organizing processes are controlled by a morphogenetic module composed of molecular sensors, modulators, and executers. Increasing dermal stiffness provides the initial driving force (driver) which activates Yap1 (sensor) in epidermal cysts. Notch signaling (modulator 1) in epidermal cyst tunes the threshold of Yap1 activation. Activated Yap1 induces Wnts and MMPs (epidermal executers) in basal cells to facilitate cellular flows, allowing epidermal cells to protrude out from the CMU. Dermal cell-expressed Rock (dermal executer) generates a stiff force bridge between two CMU and accelerates tissue mixing via activating Laminin and β1-integrin. Thus, this self-organizing coalescence process is controlled by a mechano-chemical circuit. Beyond skin, self-organization in organoids may use similar mechano-chemical circuit structures.
Targeting Notch1-YAP Circuit Reprograms Macrophage Polarization and Alleviates Acute Liver Injury in Mice.
Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Hepatic immune system disorder plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of acute liver injury. The intrinsic signaling mechanisms responsible for dampening excessive activation of liver macrophages are not completely understood. The Notch and Hippo-YAP signaling pathways have been implicated in immune homeostasis. In this study, we investigated the interactive cell signaling networks of Notch1/YAP pathway during acute liver injury. METHODS:Myeloid-specific Notch1 knockout (Notch1) mice and the floxed Notch1 (Notch1) mice were subjected to lipopolysaccharide/D-galactosamine toxicity. Some mice were injected via the tail vein with bone marrow-derived macrophages transfected with lentivirus-expressing YAP. Some mice were injected with YAP siRNA using an in vivo mannose-mediated delivery system. RESULTS:We found that the activated Notch1 and YAP signaling in liver macrophages were closely related to lipopolysaccharide/D-galactosamine-induced acute liver injury. Macrophage/neutrophil infiltration, proinflammatory mediators, and hepatocellular apoptosis were markedly ameliorated in Notch1 mice. Importantly, myeloid Notch1 deficiency depressed YAP signaling and facilitated M2 macrophage polarization in the injured liver. Furthermore, YAP overexpression in Notch1 livers exacerbated liver damage and shifted macrophage polarization toward the M1 phenotype. Mechanistically, macrophage Notch1 signaling could transcriptionally activate YAP gene expression. Reciprocally, YAP transcriptionally upregulated the Notch ligand Jagged1 gene expression and was essential for Notch1-mediated macrophage polarization. Finally, dual inhibition of Notch1 and YAP in macrophages further promoted M2 polarization and alleviated liver damage. CONCLUSIONS:Our findings underscore a novel molecular insight into the Notch1-YAP circuit for controlling macrophage polarization in acute liver injury, raising the possibility of targeting macrophage Notch1-YAP circuit as an effective strategy for liver inflammation-related diseases.
Mechanically activated piezo channels modulate outflow tract valve development through the Yap1 and Klf2-Notch signaling axis.
Duchemin Anne-Laure,Vignes Hélène,Vermot Julien
Mechanical forces are well known for modulating heart valve developmental programs. Yet, it is still unclear how genetic programs and mechanosensation interact during heart valve development. Here, we assessed the mechanosensitive pathways involved during zebrafish outflow tract (OFT) valve development in vivo. Our results show that the hippo effector Yap1, Klf2, and the Notch signaling pathway are all essential for OFT valve morphogenesis in response to mechanical forces, albeit active in different cell layers. Furthermore, we show that Piezo and TRP mechanosensitive channels are important factors modulating these pathways. In addition, live reporters reveal that Piezo controls Klf2 and Notch activity in the endothelium and Yap1 localization in the smooth muscle progenitors to coordinate OFT valve morphogenesis. Together, this work identifies a unique morphogenetic program during OFT valve formation and places Piezo as a central modulator of the cell response to forces in this process.
NOTCH-YAP1/TEAD-DNMT1 Axis Drives Hepatocyte Reprogramming Into Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma.
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is a devastating liver cancer with extremely high intra- and inter-tumoral molecular heterogeneity, partly due to its diverse cellular origins. We investigated clinical relevance and the molecular mechanisms underlying hepatocyte (HC)-driven ICC development. METHODS:Expression of ICC driver genes in human diseased livers at risk for ICC development were examined. The sleeping beauty and hydrodynamic tail vein injection based Akt-NICD/YAP1 ICC model was used to investigate pathogenetic roles of SRY-box transcription factor 9 (SOX9) and yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1) in HC-driven ICC. We identified DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) as a YAP1 target, which was validated by loss- and gain-of-function studies, and its mechanism addressed by chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing. RESULTS:Co-expression of AKT and Notch intracellular domain (NICD)/YAP1 in HC yielded ICC that represents 13% to 29% of clinical ICC. NICD independently regulates SOX9 and YAP1 and deletion of either, significantly delays ICC development. Yap1 or TEAD inhibition, but not Sox9 deletion, impairs HC-to-biliary epithelial cell (BEC) reprogramming. DNMT1 was discovered as a novel downstream effector of YAP1-TEAD complex that directs HC-to-BEC/ICC fate switch through the repression of HC-specific genes regulated by master regulators for HC differentiation, including hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha, hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha, and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha/beta. DNMT1 loss prevented NOTCH/YAP1-dependent HC-driven cholangiocarcinogenesis, and DNMT1 re-expression restored ICC development following TEAD repression. Co-expression of DNMT1 with AKT was sufficient to induce tumor development including ICC. DNMT1 was detected in a subset of HCs and dysplastic BECs in cholestatic human livers prone to ICC development. CONCLUSION:We identified a novel NOTCH-YAP1/TEAD-DNMT1 axis essential for HC-to-BEC/ICC conversion, which may be relevant in cholestasis-to-ICC pathogenesis in the clinic.
Crosstalk between YAP/TAZ and Notch Signaling.
Trends in cell biology
How the behavior of cells in living tissues is orchestrated according to tissue needs, size, and developmental stage is still poorly understood. Advances in these directions are essential to understand morphogenesis, 'self-organization' phenomena, to build new tissues for regenerative medicine or to reverse the changes in deranged organs, such as in cancer or in genetic disorders. This review outlines a new scenario by which the crosstalk between the Yes-associated protein/transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (YAP/TAZ) transcription factors and Notch signaling influences cell self-renewal, stem cell differentiation, cell fate decisions, epithelial-stromal interactions, inflammation, morphogenesis, and large-scale gene oscillations.
AMPK-Dependent YAP Inhibition Mediates the Protective Effect of Metformin against Obesity-Associated Endothelial Dysfunction and Inflammation.
Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)
Hyperglycemia is a crucial risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Chronic inflammation is a central characteristic of obesity, leading to many of its complications. Recent studies have shown that high glucose activates Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP) by suppressing AMPK activity in breast cancer cells. Metformin is a commonly prescribed anti-diabetic drug best known for its AMPK-activating effect. However, the role of YAP in the vasoprotective effect of metformin in diabetic endothelial cell dysfunction is still unknown. The present study aimed to investigate whether YAP activation plays a role in obesity-associated endothelial dysfunction and inflammation and examine whether the vasoprotective effect of metformin is related to YAP inhibition. Reanalysis of the clinical sequencing data revealed YAP signaling, and the YAP target genes CTGF and CYR61 were upregulated in aortic endothelial cells and retinal fibrovascular membranes from diabetic patients. YAP overexpression impaired endothelium-dependent relaxations (EDRs) in isolated mouse aortas and increased the expression of YAP target genes and inflammatory markers in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). High glucose-activated YAP in HUVECs and aortas was accompanied by increased production of oxygen-reactive species. AMPK inhibition was found to induce YAP activation, resulting in increased JNK activity. Metformin activated AMPK and promoted YAP phosphorylation, ultimately improving EDRs and suppressing the JNK activity. Targeting the AMPK-YAP-JNK axis could become a therapeutic strategy for alleviating vascular dysfunction in obesity and diabetes.
N6-Methyladenosine-Mediated Up-Regulation of FZD10 Regulates Liver Cancer Stem Cells' Properties and Lenvatinib Resistance Through WNT/β-Catenin and Hippo Signaling Pathways.
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, but there is a deficiency of early diagnosis biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Drug resistance accounts for most HCC-related deaths, yet the mechanisms underlying drug resistance remain poorly understood. METHODS:Expression of Frizzled-10 (FZD10) in liver cancer stem cells (CSCs) was identified by means of RNA sequencing and validated by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. In vitro and in vivo experiments were used to assess the effect of FZD10 on liver CSC expansion and lenvatinib resistance. RNA sequencing, RNA binding protein immunoprecipitation, and luciferase report assays were applied to explore the mechanism underlying FZD10-mediated liver CSCs expansion and lenvatinib resistance. RESULTS:Activation of FZD10 in liver CSCs was mediated by METTL3-dependent N6-methyladenosine methylation of FZD10 messenger RNA. Functional studies revealed that FZD10 promotes self-renewal, tumorigenicity, and metastasis of liver CSCs via activating β-catenin and YAP1. The FZD10-β-catenin/YAP1 axis is activated in liver CSCs and predicts poor prognosis. Moreover, FZD10-β-catenin/c-Jun axis transcriptionally activates METTL3 expression, forming a positive feedback loop. Importantly, the FZD10/β-catenin/c-Jun/MEK/ERK axis determines the responses of hepatoma cells to lenvatinib treatment. Analysis of patient cohort, patient-derived tumor organoids, and patient-derived xenografts further suggest that FZD10 might predict lenvatinib clinical benefit in patients with HCC. Furthermore, treatment of lenvatinib-resistant HCC with adeno-associated virus targeting FZD10 or a β-catenin inhibitor restored lenvatinib response. CONCLUSIONS:Elevated FZD10 expression promotes expansion of liver CSCs and lenvatinib resistance, indicating that FZD10 expression is a novel prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target for human HCC.
Reciprocal Crosstalk Between YAP1/Hippo Pathway and the p53 Family Proteins: Mechanisms and Outcomes in Cancer.
Raj Nitin,Bam Rakesh
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
The YAP1/Hippo and p53 pathways are critical protectors of genome integrity in response to DNA damage. Together, these pathways secure cellular adaptation and maintain overall tissue integrity through transcriptional re-programing downstream of various environmental and biological cues generated during normal tissue growth, cell proliferation, and apoptosis. Genetic perturbations in YAP1/Hippo and p53 pathways are known to contribute to the cells' ability to turn rogue and initiate tumorigenesis. The Hippo and p53 pathways cooperate on many levels and are closely coordinated through multiple molecular components of their signaling pathways. Several functional and physical interactions have been reported to occur between YAP1/Hippo pathway components and the three p53 family members, p53, p63, and p73. Primarily, functional status of p53 family proteins dictates the subcellular localization, protein stability and transcriptional activity of the core component of the Hippo pathway, Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1). In this review, we dissect the critical points of crosstalk between the YAP1/Hippo pathway components, with a focus on YAP1, and the p53 tumor suppressor protein family. For each p53 family member, we discuss the biological implications of their interaction with Hippo pathway components in determining cell fate under the conditions of tissue homeostasis and cancer pathogenesis.
Cellular energy stress induces AMPK-mediated regulation of YAP and the Hippo pathway.
Mo Jung-Soon,Meng Zhipeng,Kim Young Chul,Park Hyun Woo,Hansen Carsten Gram,Kim Soohyun,Lim Dae-Sik,Guan Kun-Liang
Nature cell biology
YAP (Yes-associated protein) is a transcription co-activator in the Hippo tumour suppressor pathway and controls cell growth, tissue homeostasis and organ size. YAP is inhibited by the kinase Lats, which phosphorylates YAP to induce its cytoplasmic localization and proteasomal degradation. YAP induces gene expression by binding to the TEAD family transcription factors. Dysregulation of the Hippo-YAP pathway is frequently observed in human cancers. Here we show that cellular energy stress induces YAP phosphorylation, in part due to AMPK-dependent Lats activation, thereby inhibiting YAP activity. Moreover, AMPK directly phosphorylates YAP Ser 94, a residue essential for the interaction with TEAD, thus disrupting the YAP-TEAD interaction. AMPK-induced YAP inhibition can suppress oncogenic transformation of Lats-null cells with high YAP activity. Our study establishes a molecular mechanism and functional significance of AMPK in linking cellular energy status to the Hippo-YAP pathway.
YAP1 regulates chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 promoted by temporary TNF-α stimulation through AMPK signaling pathway.
Chen Peiyu,Yang Beining,Wu Yanru,Wang Jiawei
Molecular and cellular biochemistry
Local injection of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) at bone fracture sites during the early stage of the inflammatory response is reported to improve fracture repair in a murine model. However, the underlying mechanism is unclear. Endochondral bone formation, a process that is highly related to fracture repair, requires a certain amount of chondrocyte hypertrophy. This study aimed to investigate the effect of TNF-α on the differentiation of murine chondrogenic ATDC5 cells and the underlying mechanism. In this study, improved chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells was achieved by brief TNF-α stimulation. Moreover, the expression of Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1) was suppressed after brief TNF-α stimulation. The expressions of inflammatory mediators and chondrogenic and hypertrophic-associated genes in ATDC5 cells triggered by TNF-α were suppressed in the YAP1 overexpression group but enhanced in the YAP1 knockdown group. Mechanistically, TNF-α-induced activation of the 5' AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathway was regulated by YAP1, as revealed by the phosphorylated-AMPK/AMPK change ratios in the YAP1 overexpression and knockdown groups, respectively. Moreover, the potential for TNF-α to enhance chondrogenic differentiation could be partially reversed with an AMPK inhibitor. Taken together, we demonstrate, for the first time, that YAP1 modulates the ability of TNF-α to enhance chondrocyte differentiation partly through AMPK signaling.
The LKB1-TSSK1B axis controls YAP phosphorylation to regulate the Hippo-YAP pathway.
Cell death & disease
The Hippo pathway's main effector, Yes-associated protein (YAP), plays a crucial role in tumorigenesis as a transcriptional coactivator. YAP's phosphorylation by core upstream components of the Hippo pathway, such as mammalian Ste20 kinase 1/2 (MST1/2), mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinases (MAP4Ks), and their substrate, large tumor suppressor 1/2 (LATS1/2), influences YAP's subcellular localization, stability, and transcriptional activity. However, recent research suggests the existence of alternative pathways that phosphorylate YAP, independent of these core upstream Hippo pathway components, raising questions about additional means to inactivate YAP. In this study, we present evidence demonstrating that TSSK1B, a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CAMK) superfamily member, is a negative regulator of YAP, suppressing cellular proliferation and oncogenic transformation. Mechanistically, TSSK1B inhibits YAP through two distinct pathways. Firstly, the LKB1-TSSK1B axis directly phosphorylates YAP at Ser94, inhibiting the YAP-TEAD complex's formation and suppressing its target genes' expression. Secondly, the TSSK1B-LATS1/2 axis inhibits YAP via phosphorylation at Ser127. Our findings reveal the involvement of TSSK1B-mediated molecular mechanisms in the Hippo-YAP pathway, emphasizing the importance of multilevel regulation in critical cellular decision-making processes.
Cardioprotective actions of Notch1 against myocardial infarction via LKB1-dependent AMPK signaling pathway.
Yang Hui,Sun Wanqing,Quan Nanhu,Wang Lin,Chu Dongyang,Cates Courtney,Liu Quan,Zheng Yang,Li Ji
Biochemical pharmacology
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathway plays a pivotal role in intracellular adaptation to energy stress during myocardial ischemia. Notch1 signaling in the adult myocardium is also activated in response to ischemic stress. However, the relationship between Notch1 and AMPK signaling pathways during ischemia remains unclear. We hypothesize that Notch1 as an adaptive signaling pathway protects the heart from ischemic injury via modulating the cardioprotective AMPK signaling pathway. C57BL/6J mice were subjected to an in vivo ligation of left anterior descending coronary artery and the hearts from C57BL/6J mice were subjected to an ex vivo globe ischemia and reperfusion in the Langendorff perfusion system. The Notch1 signaling was activated during myocardial ischemia. A Notch1 γ-secretase inhibitor, dibenzazepine (DBZ), was intraperitoneally injected into mice to inhibit Notch1 signaling pathway by ischemia. The inhibition of Notch1 signaling by DBZ significantly augmented cardiac dysfunctions caused by myocardial infarction. Intriguingly, DBZ treatment also significantly blunted the activation of AMPK signaling pathway. The immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that an interaction between Notch1 and liver kinase beta1 (LKB1) modulated AMPK activation during myocardial ischemia. Furthermore, a ligand of Notch1 Jagged1 can significantly reduce cardiac damage caused by ischemia via activation of AMPK signaling pathway and modulation of glucose oxidation and fatty acid oxidation during ischemia and reperfusion. But Jagged1 did not have any cardioprotections on AMPK kinase dead transgenic hearts. Taken together, the results indicate that the cardioprotective effect of Notch1 against ischemic damage is mediated by AMPK signaling via an interaction with upstream LKB1.
YAP1 synergize with YY1 transcriptional co-repress DUSP1 to induce osimertinib resistant by activating the EGFR/MAPK pathway and abrogating autophagy in non-small cell lung cancer.
International journal of biological sciences
YAP1 is a well-known core effector of the Hippo pathway in tumors, but its potential role in osimertinib resistance remained unexplored. Our study provides evidence that YAP1 acts as a potent promoter of osimertinib resistance. By inhibiting YAP1 with a novel inhibitor, CA3, and combining it with osimertinib, we observed a significant suppression of cell proliferation and metastasis, induction of apoptosis and autophagy, and a delay in the emergence of osimertinib resistance. Interestingly, CA3 combined with osimertinib executed its anti-metastasis and pro-tumor apoptosis in part through autophagy. Mechanistically, we found that YAP1, in collaboration with YY1, transcriptionally represses DUSP1, leading to the dephosphorylation of the EGFR/MEK/ERK pathway and YAP1 phosphorylation in osimertinib-resistant cells. Our results also validate that CA3, in combination with osimertinib, executes its anti-metastasis and pro-tumor apoptosis partly through autophagy and the YAP1/DUSP1/EGFR/MEK/ERK regulatory feedback loop in osimertinib-resistant cells. Remarkably, our findings illustrate that YAP1 protein is upregulated in patients after osimertinib treatment and osimertinib resistance. Overall, our study confirms that the YAP1 inhibitor CA3 increases DUSP1 with concomitant activation of the EGFR/MAPK pathway and induces autophagy to enhance the efficacy of third-generation EGFR-TKI treatments for NSCLC patients.
LATS1 Promotes B-ALL Tumorigenesis by Regulating YAP1 Phosphorylation and Subcellular Localization.
Current medical science
OBJECTIVE:YAP1 plays a dual role as an oncogene and tumor suppressor gene in several tumors; differentiating between these roles may depend on the YAP1 phosphorylation pattern. The specific function of YAP1 in B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), however, is currently unclear. Thus, in the present study, the role of YAP1 in B-ALL was investigated using relevant cell lines and patient datasets. METHODS:The effects of shRNA-mediated knockdown on YAP1 and LATS1 levels in the NALM6 and MOLT-4 cell lines were examined using Western blotting, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, flow cytometry, immunostaining, and nude mouse subcutaneous tumorigenesis experiments. Gene expression levels of Hippo pathway-related molecules before and after verteporfin (VP) treatment were compared using RNA-Seq to identify significant Hippo pathway-related genes in NALM6 cells. RESULTS:Patients with ALL showing high YAP1 expression and low YAP1-Ser127 phosphorylation levels had worse prognoses than those with low YAP1 protein expression and high YAP1-Ser127 phosphorylation levels. YAP1-Ser127 phosphorylation levels were lower in NALM6 cells than in MOLT-4 and control cells; YAP1 was distributed in the nuclei in NALM6 cells. Knockdown of YAP1 inhibited MOLT-4 and NALM6 cell proliferation and arrested the NALM6 cell cycle in the G0/G1 phase. Before and after VP treatment, the expression of the upstream gene LATS1 was upregulated; its overexpression promoted YAP1-Ser127 phosphorylation. Further, YAP1 was distributed in the plasma. CONCLUSION:LATS1 may downregulate YAP1-Ser127 phosphorylation and maintain B-ALL cell function; thus, VP, which targets this axis, may serve as a new therapeutic method for improving the outcomes for B-ALL patients.
Phosphorylation of Tyr188 in the WW domain of YAP1 plays an essential role in YAP1-induced cellular transformation.
Li Ying-Wei,Guo Jin,Shen He,Li Jun,Yang Nuo,Frangou Costa,Wilson Kayla E,Zhang Yinglong,Mussell Ashley L,Sudol Marius,Farooq Amjad,Qu Jun,Zhang Jianmin
Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)
The Hippo signaling pathway regulates cellular proliferation and survival, thus exerting profound effects on normal cell fate and tumorigenesis. The pivotal effector of this pathway is YAP1, a transcriptional co-activator amplified in mouse and human cancers where it promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and malignant transformation. The Hippo tumor suppressor pathway has been suggested to inhibit the YAP1 function through serine phosphorylation-induced cytoplasmic retention and degradation. Here we report that the tyrosine188 (Y188) site of YAP1 isoform with 2 WW domains (known as YAP1-2) plays an important role in YAP1-induced cellular transformation. IP-Mass Spectrometry analysis of YAP1 identified the phosphorylation of Y188 but not other tyrosine residues. In contrast to the aberrant 3D acinus formation observed in YAP1-WT transduced cells, overexpression of YAP1-Y188F (non-phosphorylated mimic) displayed normal 3D structures. In addition, knockdown of the endogenous YAP1 in MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells inhibited cell proliferation and migration, which were then successfully rescued by the exogenous YAP1-WT and YAP1-Y188E but not Y188F. Mechanistically, we also demonstrated that YAP1-Y188F had a higher affinity to the upstream negative regulator PTPN14 and was extensively localized in the cytoplasm. Since the Y188 is located in the conserved aromatic core of the WW domain of YAP1, our finding has a wide implication for WW domain signaling in general, where Y phosphorylation may act as a common positive regulator of the complex formation via WW domains. In summary, our results indicate that tyrosine 188 plays an important role in the YAP1-induced cellular transformation and its phosphorylation may intriguingly serve as a positive indicator of YAP1 activation.
A coordinated phosphorylation by Lats and CK1 regulates YAP stability through SCF(beta-TRCP).
Zhao Bin,Li Li,Tumaneng Karen,Wang Cun-Yu,Guan Kun-Liang
Genes & development
The Yes-associated protein (YAP) transcription coactivator is a key regulator of organ size and a candidate human oncogene. YAP is inhibited by the Hippo pathway kinase cascade, at least in part via phosphorylation of Ser 127, which results in YAP 14-3-3 binding and cytoplasmic retention. Here we report that YAP is phosphorylated by Lats on all of the five consensus HXRXXS motifs. Phosphorylation of Ser 381 in one of them primes YAP for subsequent phosphorylation by CK1delta/epsilon in a phosphodegron. The phosphorylated phosphodegron then recruits the SCF(beta-TRCP) E3 ubiquitin ligase, which catalyzes YAP ubiquitination, ultimately leading to YAP degradation. The phosphodegron-mediated degradation and the Ser 127 phosphorylation-dependent translocation coordinately suppress YAP oncogenic activity. Our study identified CK1delta/epsilon as new regulators of YAP and uncovered an intricate mechanism of YAP regulation by the Hippo pathway via both S127 phosphorylation-mediated spatial regulation (nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling) and the phosphodegron-mediated temporal regulation (degradation).
Integrating Bulk-seq and Single-cell-seq Reveals Estrogen and MAPK Pathways Associating with Neuroblastoma Outcome.
Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center
INTRODUCTION:Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumor in children. Patients with high-risk neuroblastoma have a 5-year survival rate less than 50% after extensive treatment. Signaling pathways control cell fate decisions that dictate the behavior of tumor cells. The deregulation of signaling pathways is etiological in cancer cells. Thus, we speculated that the pathway activity of neuroblastoma contains more prognostic information and therapeutic targets. METHODS:Using a footprint-based method, we calculated the activity of fourteen pathways in neuroblastoma. Through stepwise Cox regression analyses, we established a three-gene prognostic signature whose predictive performance was evaluated by external validation. Combining a single-cell sequencing dataset, the most active pathways in high-risk neuroblastoma were found. RESULTS:We found that several pathway activities were correlated with neuroblastoma outcomes. We built a three-gene model comprising DLK1, FLT3, and NTRK1, which exhibited superior internal and external performances. We created a nomogram that combines clinical characteristics to aid in the selection and visualization of high-risk neuroblastoma patients. Furthermore, by integrating a single-cell sequencing dataset, we found that estrogen and MAPK were the most active pathways in high-risk neuroblastoma. CONCLUSION:Our findings suggest that pathway-related therapies may hold promise for the treatment of high-risk neuroblastoma.
RPM-1 and DLK-1 regulate pioneer axon outgrowth by controlling Wnt signaling.
Park Eun Chan,Rongo Christopher
Development (Cambridge, England)
Axons must correctly reach their targets for proper nervous system function, although we do not fully understand the underlying mechanism, particularly for the first 'pioneer' axons. In , AVG is the first neuron to extend an axon along the ventral midline, and this pioneer axon facilitates the proper extension and guidance of follower axons that comprise the ventral nerve cord. Here, we show that the ubiquitin ligase RPM-1 prevents the overgrowth of the AVG axon by repressing the activity of the DLK-1/p38 MAPK pathway. Unlike in damaged neurons, where this pathway activates CEBP-1, we find that RPM-1 and the DLK-1 pathway instead regulate the response to extracellular Wnt cues in developing AVG axons. The Wnt LIN-44 promotes the posterior growth of the AVG axon. In the absence of RPM-1 activity, AVG becomes responsive to a different Wnt, EGL-20, through a mechanism that appears to be independent of canonical Fz-type receptors. Our results suggest that RPM-1 and the DLK-1 pathway regulate axon guidance and growth by preventing Wnt signaling crosstalk.
Regulation of Hippo pathway transcription factor TEAD by p38 MAPK-induced cytoplasmic translocation.
Nature cell biology
The Hippo pathway controls organ size and tissue homeostasis, with deregulation leading to cancer. The core Hippo components in mammals are composed of the upstream serine/threonine kinases Mst1/2, MAPK4Ks and Lats1/2. Inactivation of these upstream kinases leads to dephosphorylation, stabilization, nuclear translocation and thus activation of the major functional transducers of the Hippo pathway, YAP and its paralogue TAZ. YAP/TAZ are transcription co-activators that regulate gene expression primarily through interaction with the TEA domain DNA-binding family of transcription factors (TEAD). The current paradigm for regulation of this pathway centres on phosphorylation-dependent nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of YAP/TAZ through a complex network of upstream components. However, unlike other transcription factors, such as SMAD, NF-κB, NFAT and STAT, the regulation of TEAD nucleocytoplasmic shuttling has been largely overlooked. In the present study, we show that environmental stress promotes TEAD cytoplasmic translocation via p38 MAPK in a Hippo-independent manner. Importantly, stress-induced TEAD inhibition predominates YAP-activating signals and selectively suppresses YAP-driven cancer cell growth. Our data reveal a mechanism governing TEAD nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and show that TEAD localization is a critical determinant of Hippo signalling output.
MAPK-Mediated YAP Activation Controls Mechanical-Tension-Induced Pulmonary Alveolar Regeneration.
Liu Zhe,Wu Huijuan,Jiang Kewu,Wang Yanjie,Zhang Wenjing,Chu Qiqi,Li Juan,Huang Huanwei,Cai Tao,Ji Hongbin,Yang Chun,Tang Nan
Cell reports
The pulmonary alveolar epithelium undergoes extensive regeneration in response to lung injuries, including lung resection. In recent years, our understanding of cell lineage relationships in the pulmonary alveolar epithelium has improved significantly. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate pneumonectomy (PNX)-induced alveolar regeneration remain largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that mechanical-tension-induced YAP activation in alveolar stem cells plays a major role in promoting post-PNX alveolar regeneration. Our results indicate that JNK and p38 MAPK signaling is critical for mediating actin-cytoskeleton-remodeling-induced nuclear YAP expression in alveolar stem cells. Moreover, we show that Cdc42-controlled actin remodeling is required for the activation of JNK, p38, and YAP in post-PNX lungs. Our findings together establish that the Cdc42/F-actin/MAPK/YAP signaling cascade is essential for promoting alveolar regeneration in response to mechanical tension in the lung.
Caveolin-1 Modulates Mechanotransduction Responses to Substrate Stiffness through Actin-Dependent Control of YAP.
Moreno-Vicente Roberto,Pavón Dácil María,Martín-Padura Inés,Català-Montoro Mauro,Díez-Sánchez Alberto,Quílez-Álvarez Antonio,López Juan Antonio,Sánchez-Álvarez Miguel,Vázquez Jesús,Strippoli Raffaele,Del Pozo Miguel A
Cell reports
The transcriptional regulator YAP orchestrates many cellular functions, including tissue homeostasis, organ growth control, and tumorigenesis. Mechanical stimuli are a key input to YAP activity, but the mechanisms controlling this regulation remain largely uncharacterized. We show that CAV1 positively modulates the YAP mechanoresponse to substrate stiffness through actin-cytoskeleton-dependent and Hippo-kinase-independent mechanisms. RHO activity is necessary, but not sufficient, for CAV1-dependent mechanoregulation of YAP activity. Systematic quantitative interactomic studies and image-based small interfering RNA (siRNA) screens provide evidence that this actin-dependent regulation is determined by YAP interaction with the 14-3-3 protein YWHAH. Constitutive YAP activation rescued phenotypes associated with CAV1 loss, including defective extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. CAV1-mediated control of YAP activity was validated in vivo in a model of pancreatitis-driven acinar-to-ductal metaplasia. We propose that this CAV1-YAP mechanotransduction system controls a significant share of cell programs linked to these two pivotal regulators, with potentially broad physiological and pathological implications.
Delta-like 1/fetal antigen-1 (Dlk1/FA1) is a novel regulator of chondrogenic cell differentiation via inhibition of the Akt kinase-dependent pathway.
Chen Li,Qanie Diyako,Jafari Abbas,Taipaleenmaki Hanna,Jensen Charlotte H,Säämänen Anna-Marja,Sanz Maria Luisa Nueda,Laborda Jorge,Abdallah Basem M,Kassem Moustapha
The Journal of biological chemistry
Delta-like 1 (Dlk1, also known as fetal antigen-1, FA1) is a member of Notch/Delta family that inhibits adipocyte and osteoblast differentiation; however, its role in chondrogenesis is still not clear. Thus, we overexpressed Dlk1/FA1 in mouse embryonic ATDC5 cells and tested its effects on chondrogenic differentiation. Dlk1/FA1 inhibited insulin-induced chondrogenic differentiation as evidenced by reduction of cartilage nodule formation and gene expression of aggrecan, collagen Type II and X. Similar effects were obtained either by using Dlk1/FA1-conditioned medium or by addition of a purified, secreted, form of Dlk1 (FA1) directly to the induction medium. The inhibitory effects of Dlk1/FA1 were dose-dependent and occurred irrespective of the chondrogenic differentiation stage: proliferation, differentiation, maturation, or hypertrophic conversion. Overexpression or addition of the Dlk1/FA1 protein to the medium strongly inhibited the activation of Akt, but not the ERK1/2, or p38 MAPK pathways, and the inhibition of Akt by Dlk1/FA1 was mediated through PI3K activation. Interestingly, inhibition of fibronectin expression by siRNA rescued the Dlk1/FA1-mediated inhibition of Akt, suggesting interaction of Dlk1/FA1 and fibronectin in chondrogenic cells. Our results identify Dlk1/FA1 as a novel regulator of chondrogenesis and suggest Dlk1/FA1 acts as an inhibitor of the PI3K/Akt pathways that leads to its inhibitory effects on chondrogenesis.
WNT5a Signaling through ROR2 Activates the Hippo Pathway to Suppress YAP1 Activity and Tumor Growth.
Cancer research
Noncanonical Wnt signaling by WNT5a has oncogenic and tumor suppressive activities, but downstream pathways mediating these specific effects remain to be fully established. In a subset of prostate cancer organoid culture and xenograft models, inhibition of Wnt synthesis stimulated growth, whereas WNT5a or a WNT5a mimetic peptide (Foxy5) markedly suppressed tumor growth. WNT5a caused a ROR2-dependent decrease in YAP1 activity, which was associated with increased phosphorylation of MST1/2, LATS1, MOB1, and YAP1, indicating Hippo pathway activation. Deletion of MST1/2 abrogated the WNT5a response. WNT5a similarly activated Hippo in ROR2-expressing melanoma cells, whereas WNT5a in ROR2-negative cells suppressed Hippo. This suppression was associated with increased inhibitory phosphorylation of NF2/Merlin that was not observed in ROR2-expressing cells. WNT5a also increased mRNA encoding Hippo pathway components including MST1 and MST2 and was positively correlated with these components in prostate cancer clinical datasets. Conversely, ROR2 and WNT5a expression was stimulated by YAP1, and correlated with increased YAP1 activity in clinical datasets, revealing a WNT5a/ROR2 negative feedback loop to modulate YAP1 activity. Together these findings identify Hippo pathway activation as a mechanism that mediates the tumor suppressive effects of WNT5a and indicate that expression of ROR2 may be a predictive biomarker for responsiveness to WNT5a-mimetic drugs. SIGNIFICANCE:WNT5a signaling through ROR2 activates the Hippo pathway to downregulate YAP1/TAZ activity and suppress tumor growth, identifying ROR2 as a potential biomarker to identify patients that could benefit from WNT5a-related agents.
The Hippo Signaling Pathway in Pancreatic β-Cells: Functions and Regulations.
Ardestani Amin,Maedler Kathrin
Endocrine reviews
Hippo signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that critically regulates development and homeostasis of various tissues in response to a wide range of extracellular and intracellular signals. As an emerging important player in many diseases, the Hippo pathway is also involved in the pathophysiology of diabetes on the level of the pancreatic islets. Multiple lines of evidence uncover the importance of Hippo signaling in pancreas development as well as in the regulation of β-cell survival, proliferation, and regeneration. Hippo therefore represents a potential target for therapeutic agents designed to improve β-cell function and survival in diabetes. In this review, we summarize recent data on the regulation of the Hippo signaling pathway in the pancreas/in pancreatic islets, its functions on β-cell homeostasis in physiology and pathophysiology, and its contribution toward diabetes progression. The current knowledge related to general mechanisms of action and the possibility of exploiting the Hippo pathway for therapeutic approaches to block β-cell failure in diabetes is highlighted.
The Hippo signaling pathway in development and regeneration.
Cell reports
The Hippo signaling pathway is a central growth control mechanism in multicellular organisms. By integrating diverse mechanical, biochemical, and stress cues, the Hippo pathway orchestrates proliferation, survival, differentiation, and mechanics of cells, which in turn regulate organ development, homeostasis, and regeneration. A deep understanding of the regulation and function of the Hippo pathway therefore holds great promise for developing novel therapeutics in regenerative medicine. Here, we provide updates on the molecular organization of the mammalian Hippo signaling network, review the regulatory signals and functional outputs of the pathway, and discuss the roles of Hippo signaling in development and regeneration.
Altered microRNA expression profiles in large offspring syndrome and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
Li Yahan,Hagen Darren Erich,Ji Tieming,Bakhtiarizadeh Mohammad Reza,Frederic Whitney M,Traxler Emily M,Kalish Jennifer M,Rivera Rocío Melissa
The use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) can induce a congenital overgrowth condition in humans and ruminants, namely Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) and large offspring syndrome (LOS), respectively. Shared phenotypes and epigenotypes have been found between BWS and LOS. We have observed global misregulation of transcripts in bovine foetuses with LOS. microRNAs (miRNAs) are important post-transcriptional gene expression regulators. We hypothesize that there is miRNA misregulation in LOS and that this misregulation is shared with BWS. In this study, small RNA sequencing was conducted to investigate miRNA expression profiles in bovine and human samples. We detected 407 abundant known miRNAs and predicted 196 putative miRNAs from the bovine sequencing results and identified 505 abundant miRNAs in human tongue. Differentially expressed miRNAs (DE-miRNAs) were identified between control and LOS groups in all tissues analysed as well as between BWS and control human samples. DE-miRNAs were detected from several miRNA clusters including DLK1-DIO3 genomic imprinted cluster in LOS and BWS. DNA hypermethylation was associated with downregulation of miRNAs in the DLK1-DIO3. mRNA targets of the DE-miRNAs were predicted and signalling pathways associated with control of organ size (including the Hippo signalling pathway), cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell survival, cell cycle, and cell adhesion were found to be enriched with these genes. Yes associated protein 1 (YAP1) is the core effector of the Hippo signalling pathway, and increased level of active (non-phosphorylated) YAP1 protein was detected in skeletal muscle of LOS foetuses. Overall, our data provide evidence of miRNA misregulation in LOS and BWS.
SR-B1 drives endothelial cell LDL transcytosis via DOCK4 to promote atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis, which underlies life-threatening cardiovascular disorders such as myocardial infarction and stroke, is initiated by passage of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol into the artery wall and its engulfment by macrophages, which leads to foam cell formation and lesion development. It is unclear how circulating LDL enters the artery wall to instigate atherosclerosis. Here we show in mice that scavenger receptor class B type 1 (SR-B1) in endothelial cells mediates the delivery of LDL into arteries and its accumulation by artery wall macrophages, thereby promoting atherosclerosis. LDL particles are colocalized with SR-B1 in endothelial cell intracellular vesicles in vivo, and transcytosis of LDL across endothelial monolayers requires its direct binding to SR-B1 and an eight-amino-acid cytoplasmic domain of the receptor that recruits the guanine nucleotide exchange factor dedicator of cytokinesis 4 (DOCK4). DOCK4 promotes internalization of SR-B1 and transport of LDL by coupling the binding of LDL to SR-B1 with activation of RAC1. The expression of SR-B1 and DOCK4 is increased in atherosclerosis-prone regions of the mouse aorta before lesion formation, and in human atherosclerotic arteries when compared with normal arteries. These findings challenge the long-held concept that atherogenesis involves passive movement of LDL across a compromised endothelial barrier. Interventions that inhibit the endothelial delivery of LDL into artery walls may represent a new therapeutic category in the battle against cardiovascular disease.
The orphan nuclear receptor NR4A1 regulates transcription of key steroidogenic enzymes in ovarian theca cells.
Li Mei,Xue Kai,Ling Jing,Diao Fei-Yang,Cui Yu-Gui,Liu Jia-Yin
Molecular and cellular endocrinology
Orphan nuclear receptor NR4A1, a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, is widely expressed in different cell types and mediates diverse biological processes. Recent emerging evidence suggests that NR4A1 is involved in the transcriptional regulation of several steroidogenic enzyme genes in gonads and adrenals. However, its function in ovarian theca cells remains to be defined. In the present study, immunohistochemical staining of NR4A1 in healthy human ovaries indicate that it is expressed in theca cells and granulosa cells. In an effort to explore the function of NR4A1 in the transcript regulation of steroidogenic enzyme genes responsible for ovarian theca cell steroidogenesis, we constructed recombinant adenovirus AdCMV-NR4A1 and AdH1-NR4A1 to enhance or knockdown the expression of NR4A1 in theca cells, respectively. The expression patterns of StAR, CYP11A1, CYP17 and HSD3B2 were subsequently analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. Moreover, concentrations of testosterone in the spent medium were measured by radioimmunoassay. Our results show that overexpression of NR4A1 in theca cells stimulates the expression of StAR, CYP11A1, CYP17 and HSD3B2, leading to increased testosterone production. Conversely, knockdown of the endogenous NR4A1 exhibits a significant decrease in StAR, CYP11A1, CYP17 and HSD3B2 expression and testosterone production. Since expression of NR4A1 in the endocrine organs is known to be regulated by both cAMP/PKA mediated hormones, ACTH and LH, forskolin (FSK), an activator of cAMP/PKA pathway, was applied to the cultured follicles. FSK rapidly increases the NR4A1 mRNA levels followed by an increase in StAR, CYP11A1, CYP17 and HSD3B2. Collectively, our results outline a previously unrecognized role for NR4A1 in the transcriptional regulation of StAR, CYP11A1, CYP17 and HSD3B2 in ovarian theca cells. Modulation of these steroidogenic enzymes by NR4A1 could influence the capacity of the ovarian theca cells to produce androgen.
The pathophysiology of excess plasma-free cholesterol.
Current opinion in lipidology
PURPOSE OF REVIEW:Several large studies have shown increased mortality due to all-causes and to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In most clinical settings, plasma HDL-cholesterol is determined as a sum of free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester, two molecules with vastly different metabolic itineraries. We examine the evidence supporting the concept that the pathological effects of elevations of plasma HDL-cholesterol are due to high levels of the free cholesterol component of HDL-C. RECENT FINDINGS:In a small population of humans, a high plasma HDL-cholesterol is associated with increased mortality. Similar observations in the HDL-receptor deficient mouse (Scarb1 -/- ), a preclinical model of elevated HDL-C, suggests that the pathological component of HDL in these patients is an elevated plasma HDL-FC. SUMMARY:Collective consideration of the human and mouse data suggests that clinical trials, especially in the setting of high plasma HDL, should measure free cholesterol and cholesteryl esters and not just total cholesterol.
Effects of Midazolam on the Development of Adult Leydig Cells From Stem Cells .
Zhao Xingyi,Ji Minpeng,Wen Xin,Chen Dan,Huang Fu,Guan Xiaoju,Tian Jing,Xie Jiajia,Shao Jingjing,Wang Jiexia,Huang Luoqi,Lin Han,Ye Leping,Chen Haolin
Frontiers in endocrinology
Background:Midazolam is a neurological drug with diverse functions, including sedation, hypnosis, decreased anxiety, anterograde amnesia, brain-mediated muscle relaxation, and anticonvulsant activity. Since it is frequently used in children and adolescents for extended periods of time, there is a risk that it may affect their pubertal development. Here, we report a potential effect of the drug on the development of Leydig cells (LCs), the testosterone (T)-producing cells in the testis. Methods:Stem LCs (SLCs), isolated from adult rat testes by a magnetic-activated cell sorting technique, were induced to differentiate into LCs for 3 weeks. Midazolam (0.1-30 μM) was added to the culture medium, and the effects on LC development were assayed. Results:Midazolam has dose-dependent effects on SLC differentiation. At low concentrations (0.1-5 μM), the drug can mildly increase SLC differentiation (increased T production), while at higher concentrations (15-30 μM), it inhibits LC development (decreased T production). T increases at lower levels may be due to upregulations of scavenger receptor class b Member 1 (SCARB1) and cytochrome P450 17A1 (CYP17A1), while T reductions at higher levels of midazolam could be due to changes in multiple steroidogenic proteins. The uneven changes in steroidogenic pathway proteins, especially reductions in CYP17A1 at high midazolam levels, also result in an accumulation of progesterone. In addition to changes in T, increases in progesterone could have additional impacts on male reproduction. The loss in steroidogenic proteins at high midazolam levels may be mediated in part by the inactivation of protein kinase B/cAMP response element-binding protein (AKT/CREB) signaling pathway. Conclusion:Midazolam has the potential to affect adult Leydig cell (ALC) development at concentrations comparable with the blood serum levels in human patients. Further studies are needed to test the effects on human cells.
Hypoxia-induced release, nuclear translocation, and signaling activity of a DLK1 intracellular fragment in glioma.
Glioblastoma multiforme is characterized in part by severe hypoxia associated with tumor necrosis. The cellular response to hypoxia can influence several properties of tumor cells associated with aggressive tumor growth, including metabolic adaptations and tumor cell migration and invasion. Here, we found that Delta Like Non-Canonical Notch Ligand 1 (DLK1) expression was elevated as compared with normal brain in a genetically engineered mouse model of glioma, and that DLK1 expression increased with tumor grade in human glioma samples. DLK1 expression was highest in hypoxic and perivascular tumor areas, and we found that hypoxia induced the release and nuclear translocation of an intracellular fragment of DLK1 in murine glioma as well as in human glioma cultures. Release of the intracellular fragment was dependent on ADAM17 and Hypoxia-inducible Factor 1alpha and 2alpha (HIF-1alpha/HIF-2alpha), as ADAM17 inhibitors and HIF1A/HIF2A siRNA blocked DLK1 cleavage. Expression of a cleavable form of DLK1 amplified several hypoxia-induced traits of glioma cells such as colony formation, stem cell marker gene expression, a PI3K-pathway-mediated metabolic shift, and enhanced invasiveness. Effects of DLK1 were dependent on DLK1-cleavage by ADAM17, as expression of non-cleavable DLK1 could not replicate the DLK1-induced hypoxic phenotype. Finally, forced expression of DLK1 resulted in more invasive tumor growth in a PDGFB-induced glioma mouse model without affecting overall survival. Together, our findings suggest a previously undescribed role for DLK1 as an intracellular signaling molecule.
GR-KLF15 pathway controls hepatic lipogenesis during fasting.
The FEBS journal
During periods of fasting, the body undergoes a metabolic shift from carbohydrate utilization to the use of fats and ketones as an energy source, as well as the inhibition of de novo lipogenesis and the initiation of gluconeogenesis in the liver. The transcription factor sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 (SREBP-1), which plays a critical role in the regulation of lipogenesis, is suppressed during fasting, resulting in the suppression of hepatic lipogenesis. We previously demonstrated that the interaction of fasting-induced Kruppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) with liver X receptor serves as the essential mechanism for the nutritional regulation of SREBP-1 expression. However, the underlying mechanisms of KLF15 induction during fasting remain unclear. In this study, we show that the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) regulates the hepatic expression of KLF15 and, subsequently, lipogenesis through the KLF15-SREBP-1 pathway during fasting. KLF15 is necessary for the suppression of SREBP-1 by GR, as demonstrated through experiments using KLF15 knockout mice. Additionally, we show that GR is involved in the fasting response, with heightened binding to the KLF15 enhancer. It has been widely known that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulates the secretion of glucocorticoids and plays a significant role in the metabolic response to undernutrition. These findings demonstrate the importance of the HPA-axis-regulated GR-KLF15 pathway in the regulation of lipid metabolism in the liver during fasting.
Evidence of non-canonical NOTCH signaling: Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) directly interacts with the NOTCH1 receptor in mammals.
Traustadóttir Gunnhildur Ásta,Jensen Charlotte H,Thomassen Mads,Beck Hans Christian,Mortensen Sussi B,Laborda Jorge,Baladrón Victoriano,Sheikh Søren P,Andersen Ditte C
Cellular signalling
Canonical NOTCH signaling, known to be essential for tissue development, requires the Delta-Serrate-LAG2 (DSL) domain for NOTCH to interact with its ligand. However, despite lacking DSL, Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1), a protein that plays a significant role in mammalian development, has been suggested to interact with NOTCH1 and act as an antagonist. This non-canonical interaction is, however controversial, and evidence for a direct interaction, still lacking in mammals. In this study, we elucidated the putative DLK1-NOTCH1 interaction in a mammalian context. Taking a global approach and using Dlk1(+/+) and Dlk1(-/-) mouse tissues at E16.5, we demonstrated that several NOTCH signaling pathways indeed are affected by DLK1 during tissue development, and this was supported by a lower activation of NOTCH1 protein in Dlk1(+/+) embryos. Likewise, but using a distinct Dlk1-manipulated (siRNA) setup in a mammalian cell line, NOTCH signaling was substantially inhibited by DLK1. Using a mammalian two-hybrid system, we firmly established that the effect of DLK1 on NOTCH signaling was due to a direct interaction between DLK1 and NOTCH1. By careful dissection of this mechanism, we found this interaction to occur between EGF domains 5 and 6 of DLK1 and EGF domains 10-15 of NOTCH1. Thus, our data provide the first evidence for a direct interaction between DLK1 and NOTCH1 in mammals, and substantiate that non-canonical NOTCH ligands exist, adding to the complexity of NOTCH signaling.
The Delta intracellular domain mediates TGF-beta/Activin signaling through binding to Smads and has an important bi-directional function in the Notch-Delta signaling pathway.
Hiratochi Masahiro,Nagase Hisashi,Kuramochi Yu,Koh Chang-Sung,Ohkawara Takeshi,Nakayama Kohzo
Nucleic acids research
Delta is a major transmembrane ligand for Notch receptor that mediates numerous cell fate decisions. The Notch signaling pathway has long been thought to be mono-directional, because ligands for Notch were generally believed to be unable to transmit signals into the cells expressing them. However, we showed here that Notch also supplies signals to neighboring mouse neural stem cells (NSCs). To investigate the Notch-Delta signaling pathway in a bi-directional manner, we analyzed functional roles of the intracellular domain of mouse Delta like protein 1 (Dll1IC). In developing mouse NSCs, Dll1IC, which is released from cell membrane by proteolysis, is present in the nucleus. Furthermore, we screened for transcription factors that bind to Dll1IC and demonstrated that Dll1IC binds specifically to transcription factors involved in TGF-beta/Activin signaling--Smad2, Smad3 and Smad4--and enhances Smad-dependent transcription. In addition, the results of the present study indicated that over-expression of Dll1IC in embryonic carcinoma P19 cells induced neurons, and this induction was blocked by SB431542, which is a specific inhibitor of TGF-beta/Activin signaling. These observations strongly suggested that Dll1IC mediates TGF-beta/Activin signaling through binding to Smads and plays an important role for bi-directional Notch-Delta signaling pathway.
Activation of PKG-CREB-KLF15 by melatonin attenuates Angiotensin II-induced vulnerability to atrial fibrillation via enhancing branched-chain amino acids catabolism.
Yu Li-Ming,Dong Xue,Zhao Ji-Kai,Xu Yin-Li,Xu Deng-Yue,Xue Xiao-Dong,Zhou Zi-Jun,Huang Yu-Ting,Zhao Qiu-Sheng,Luo Lin-Yu,Wang Zhi-Shang,Wang Hui-Shan
Free radical biology & medicine
Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) damage and atrial remodeling serve as the crucial substrates for the genesis of atrial fibrillation (AF). Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) catabolic defect plays critical roles in multiple cardiovascular diseases. However, the alteration of atrial BCAA catabolism and its role in AF remain largely unknown. This study aimed to explore the role of BCAA catabolism in the pathogenesis of AF and to further evaluate the therapeutic effect of melatonin with a focus on protein kinase G (PKG)-cAMP response element binding protein (CREB)-Krüppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) signaling. We found that angiotensin II-treated atria exhibited significantly elevated BCAA level, reduced BCAA catabolic enzyme activity, increased AF vulnerability, aggravated atrial electrical and structural remodeling, and enhanced mitochondrial ROS damage. These deleterious effects were attenuated by melatonin co-administration while exacerbated by BCAA oral supplementation. Melatonin treatment ameliorated BCAA-induced atrial damage and reversed BCAA-induced down-regulation of atrial PKGIα expression, CREB phosphorylation as well as KLF15 expression. However, inhibition of PKG partly abolished melatonin-induced beneficial actions. In summary, these data demonstrated that atrial BCAA catabolic defect contributed to the pathogenesis of AF by aggravating tissue fibrosis and mitochondrial ROS damage. Melatonin treatment ameliorated Ang II-induced atrial structural as well as electrical remodeling by activating PKG-CREB-KLF15. The present study reveals additional mechanisms contributing to AF genesis and highlights the opportunity of a novel therapy for AF by targeting BCAA catabolism. Melatonin may serve as a potential therapeutic agent for AF intervention.
Dlk1 maintains adult mice long-term HSCs by activating Notch signaling to restrict mitochondrial metabolism.
Experimental hematology & oncology
BACKGROUND:Adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) homeostasis is critically important in maintaining lifelong hematopoiesis. However, how adult HSCs orchestrate its homeostasis remains not fully understood. Imprinted gene Dlk1 has been shown to play critical role in mouse embryonic hematopoiesis and in regulation of stem cells, but its physiological roles in adult HSCs are unknown. METHODS:We performed gene expression analysis of Dlk1, and constructed conditional Dlk1 knockout (KO) mice by crossing Mx1 cre mice with Dlk mice. Western blot and quantitative PCR were used to detect Dlk1 KO efficiency. Flow cytometry was performed to investigate the effects of Dlk1 KO on HSCs, progenitors and linage cells in primary mice. Competitive HSCs transplantation and secondary transplantation was used to examine the effects of Dlk1 KO on long-term hematopoietic repopulation potential of HSCs. RNA-Seq and cell metabolism assays was used to determine the underlying mechanisms. RESULTS:Dlk1 was highly expressed in adult mice long-term HSCs (LT-HSCs) relative to progenitors and mature lineage cells. Dlk1 KO in adult mice HSCs drove HSCs enter active cell cycle, and expanded phenotypical LT-HSCs, but undermined its long-term hematopoietic repopulation potential. Dlk1 KO resulted in an increase in HSCs' metabolic activity, including glucose uptake, ribosomal translation, mitochondrial metabolism and ROS production, which impaired HSCs function. Further, Dlk1 KO in adult mice HSCs attenuated Notch signaling, and re-activation of Notch signaling under Dlk1 KO decreased the mitochondrial activity and ROS production, and rescued the changes in frequency and absolute number of HSCs. Scavenging ROS by antioxidant N-acetylcysteine could inhibit mitochondrial metabolic activity, and rescue the changes in HSCs caused by Dlk1 KO. CONCLUSION:Our study showed that Dlk1 played an essential role in maintaining HSC homeostasis, which is realized by governing cell cycle and restricting mitochondrial metabolic activity.
Chronic restraint stress causes anxiety- and depression-like behaviors, downregulates glucocorticoid receptor expression, and attenuates glutamate release induced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the prefrontal cortex.
Chiba Shuichi,Numakawa Tadahiro,Ninomiya Midori,Richards Misty C,Wakabayashi Chisato,Kunugi Hiroshi
Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry
Stress and the resulting increase in glucocorticoid levels have been implicated in the pathophysiology of depressive disorders. We investigated the effects of chronic restraint stress (CRS: 6 hours × 28 days) on anxiety- and depression-like behaviors in rats and on the possible changes in glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression as well as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-dependent neural function in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We observed significant reductions in body weight gain, food intake and sucrose preference from 1 week after the onset of CRS. In the 5th week of CRS, we conducted open-field (OFT), elevated plus-maze (EPM) and forced swim tests (FST). We observed a decrease in the number of entries into open arms during the EPM (anxiety-like behavior) and increased immobility during the FST (depression-like behavior). When the PFC was removed after CRS and subject to western blot analysis, the GR expression reduced compared with control, while the levels of BDNF and its receptors remained unchanged. Basal glutamate concentrations in PFC acute slice which were measured by high performance liquid chromatography were not influenced by CRS. However, BDNF-induced glutamate release was attenuated after CRS. These results suggest that reduced GR expression and altered BDNF function may be involved in chronic stress-induced anxiety--and depression-like behaviors.
Possible roles of DLK1 in the Notch pathway during development and disease.
Falix Farah A,Aronson Daniël C,Lamers Wouter H,Gaemers Ingrid C
Biochimica et biophysica acta
The Delta-Notch pathway is an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway which controls a broad range of developmental processes including cell fate determination, terminal differentiation and proliferation. In mammals, four Notch receptors (NOTCH1-4) and five activating canonical ligands (JAGGED1, JAGGED2, DLL1, DLL3 and DLL4) have been described. The precise function of noncanonical Notch ligands remains unclear. Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1), the best studied noncanonical Notch ligand, has been shown to act as an inhibitor of Notch signaling in vitro, but its function in vivo is poorly understood. In this review we summarize Notch signaling during development and highlight recent studies in DLK1expression that reveal new insights into its function.
Shh signaling regulates adrenocortical development and identifies progenitors of steroidogenic lineages.
King Peter,Paul Alex,Laufer Ed
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
The adrenal cortex is a critical steroidogenic endocrine tissue, generated at least in part from the coelomic epithelium of the urogenital ridge. Neither the intercellular signals that regulate cortical development and maintenance nor the lineage relationships within the adrenal are well defined. We have explored adrenal Shh activity and found that Shh is expressed in relatively undifferentiated steroidogenic cells, which signal to the overlying capsule and subjacent nonsteroidogenic mesenchyme cells that we also find are progenitors of steroidogenic lineages. Shh-expressing cells also generate all steroidogenic cell types, but not nonsteroidogenic ones. Shh mutant adrenals have a thin capsule and small cortex. Our findings both support a novel dual lineage, Shh-independent and Shh-dependent, model of adrenocortical development, and identify distinct populations of adrenocortical progenitor and candidate stem cells.
TRIM28 Regulates Dlk1 Expression in Adipogenesis.
Lu Hsin-Pin,Lin Chieh-Ju,Chen Wen-Ching,Chang Yao-Jen,Lin Sheng-Wei,Wang Hsin-Hui,Chang Ching-Jin
International journal of molecular sciences
The tripartite motif-containing protein 28 (TRIM28) is a transcription corepressor, interacting with histone deacetylase and methyltransferase complexes. TRIM28 is a crucial regulator in development and differentiation. We would like to investigate its function and regulation in adipogenesis. Knockdown of Trim28 by transducing lentivirus-carrying shRNAs impairs the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, demonstrated by morphological observation and gene expression analysis. To understand the molecular mechanism of Trim28-mediated adipogenesis, the RNA-seq was performed to find out the possible Trim28-regulated genes. Dlk1 (delta-like homolog 1) was increased in Trim28 knockdown 3T3-L1 cells both untreated and induced to differentiation. is an imprinted gene and known as an inhibitor of adipogenesis. Further knockdown of Dlk1 in Trim28 knockdown 3T3-L1 would rescue cell differentiation. The epigenetic analysis showed that DNA methylation of Dlk1 promoter and differentially methylated regions (DMRs) was not altered significantly in Trim28 knockdown cells. However, compared to control cells, the histone methylation on the promoter was increased at H3K4 and decreased at H3K27 in Trim28 knockdown cells. Finally, we found Trim28 might be recruited by transcription factor E2f1 to regulate expression. The results imply Trim28-Dlk1 axis is critical for adipogenesis.
Epigenetic control and genomic imprinting dynamics of the Dlk1-Dio3 domain.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process whereby genes are monoallelically expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner. Imprinted genes are frequently found clustered in the genome, likely illustrating their need for both shared regulatory control and functional inter-dependence. The domain is one of the largest imprinted clusters. Genes in this region are involved in development, behavior, and postnatal metabolism: failure to correctly regulate the domain leads to Kagami-Ogata or Temple syndromes in humans. The region contains many of the hallmarks of other imprinted domains, such as long non-coding RNAs and parental origin-specific CTCF binding. Recent studies have shown that the Dlk1-Dio3 domain is exquisitely regulated a bipartite imprinting control region (ICR) which functions differently on the two parental chromosomes to establish monoallelic expression. Furthermore, the gene displays a selective absence of imprinting in the neurogenic niche, illustrating the need for precise dosage modulation of this domain in different tissues. Here, we discuss the following: how differential epigenetic marks laid down in the gametes cause a cascade of events that leads to imprinting in the region, how this mechanism is selectively switched off in the neurogenic niche, and why studying this imprinted region has added a layer of sophistication to how we think about the hierarchical epigenetic control of genome function.
Similarities and differences in tissue distribution of DLK1 and DLK2 during E16.5 mouse embryogenesis.
Garcia-Gallastegi P,Ruiz-García A,Ibarretxe G,Rivero-Hinojosa S,González-Siccha A D,Laborda J,Crende O,Unda F,García-Ramírez J J
Histochemistry and cell biology
DLK1 and DLK2 are transmembrane proteins belonging to the EGF-like repeat-containing family that function as non-canonical NOTCH inhibitory ligands. DLK1 is usually downregulated after embryo development and its distribution in some adult and embryonic tissues has been described. However, the expression and role of DLK2 in embryo and adult tissues remains unclear. To better understand the relevance of both proteins during embryo development, we analyzed the expression pattern of DLK1 and DLK2 in 16.5-day-old mouse embryos (E16.5) and evaluated the possible relationship between these two proteins in embryo tissues and cell types. We found that DLK1 and DLK2 proteins exhibited a broad distribution pattern, which was detected in developing mouse organs from each of the three germ layers: ectoderm (brain, salivary glands), mesoderm (skeletal muscle, vertebral column, kidney, cartilage), and endoderm (thymus, lung, pancreas, intestine, liver). The expression pattern of DLK1 and DLK2 indicates that both proteins could play a synergistic role during cell differentiation. This study provides additional information for understanding temporal and site-specific effects of DLK1 and DLK2 during embryo morphogenesis and cell differentiation.
Exogenous administration of DLK1 ameliorates hepatic steatosis and regulates gluconeogenesis via activation of AMPK.
Lee Y-H,Yun M R,Kim H M,Jeon B H,Park B-C,Lee B-W,Kang E S,Lee H C,Park Y W,Cha B-S
International journal of obesity (2005)
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES:Activation of Notch signaling pathologically enhances lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis in the liver causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and diabetes. Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1), an imprinted gene that can modulate adipogenesis and muscle development in mice, was found as an inhibitory regulator of Notch signaling. Therefore, we investigated the metabolic effect of exogenous DLK1 in vitro and in vivo. SUBJECTS/METHODS:A soluble DLK1 peptide was generated with fusion between a human Fc fragment and extracellular domain of DLK1. Male db/db mice were randomly assigned to two groups: vehicle treated and DLK1-treated group (25 mg kg(-1), intraperitoneal injection, twice a week for 4 weeks). Primary mice hepatocytes and HepG2 cells were used for in vitro experiments. RESULTS:After 4 weeks of DLK1 administration, hepatic triglyceride content and lipid droplets in liver tissues, as well as serum levels of liver enzymes, were markedly decreased in db/db mice. DLK1 treatment induced phosphorylation of AMPK and ACC and suppressed nuclear expression of SREBP-1c in the mouse liver or hepatocytes, indicating regulation of fatty acid oxidation and synthesis pathways. Furthermore, DLK1-treated mice showed significantly lower levels of fasting and random glucose, with improved glucose and insulin tolerance compared with the vehicle-treated group. Macrophage infiltration and proinflammatory cytokine levels in the epididymal fat were decreased in DLK1-treated db/db mice. Moreover, DLK1 suppressed glucose production from hepatocytes, which was blocked after co-administration of an AMPK inhibitor, compound C. DLK1-treated hepatocytes and mouse liver tissues showed lower PEPCK and G6Pase expression. DLK1 triggered AKT phosphorylation followed by cytosolic translocation of FOXO1 from the nucleus in hepatocytes. CONCLUSIONS:The present study demonstrated that exogenous administration of DLK1 reduced hepatic steatosis and hyperglycemia via AMPK activation in the liver. This result suggests that DLK1 may be a novel therapeutic approach for treating NAFLD and diabetes.
Familial central precocious puberty due to DLK1 deficiency: novel genetic findings and relevance of serum DLK1 levels.
European journal of endocrinology
BACKGROUND:Several rare loss-of-function mutations of delta-like noncanonical notch ligand 1 (DLK1) have been described in non-syndromic children with familial central precocious puberty (CPP). OBJECTIVE:We investigated genetic abnormalities of DLK1 gene in a French cohort of children with idiopathic CPP. Additionally, we explored the pattern of DLK1 serum levels in patients with CPP and in healthy children at puberty, as well as in wild-type female mice. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Genomic DNA was obtained from 121 French index cases with CPP. Automated sequencing of the coding region of the DLK1 gene was performed in all cases. Serum DLK1 levels were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 209 individuals, including 191 with normal pubertal development and in female mice during postnatal pubertal maturation. RESULTS:We identified 2 rare pathogenic DLK1 allelic variants: A stop gain variant (c.372C>A; p.Cys124X) and a start loss variant (c.2T>G; p.Met1?, or p.0) in 2 French girls with CPP. Mean serum DLK1 levels were similar between healthy children and idiopathic CPP children. In healthy individuals, DLK1 levels correlated with pubertal stage: In girls, DLK1 decreased between Tanner stages III and V, whereas in boys, DLK1 decreased between Tanner stages II and V (P = .008 and .016, respectively). Serum levels of Dlk1 also decreased in wild-type female mice. CONCLUSIONS:Novel loss-of-function mutations in DLK1 gene were identified in 2 French girls with CPP. Additionally, we demonstrated a pattern of dynamic changes in circulating DLK1 serum levels in humans and mice during pubertal stages, reinforcing the role of this factor in pubertal timing.
An upstream insulator regulates DLK1 imprinting in AML.
Khoury Haytham,Suarez-Saiz Fernando,Wu Samantha,Minden Mark D
DLK1 is an imprinted gene on chromosome 14. Using informative coding single nucleotide polymorphisms, we found DLK1 expression to be monoallelic in normal bone marrow, whereas it was biallelic in 76% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) overexpressing DLK1 (61% of all AML). Quantitative methylation analysis of 7 cytosine-phosphate-guanosine-rich areas (3 upstream of or within DLK1, the putative intergenic-differentially methylated region and 3 upstream of or within MEG3) revealed a strong association between biallelic DLK1 expression and hypermethylation of a cytosine-phosphate-guanosine-rich region 18 kb upstream of DLK1. Allele-specific methylation analysis of this region revealed the alleles to be differentially methylated in normal bone marrow and monoallelic DLK1 AML, whereas there was increased methylation of both alleles in AML with biallelic expression. Moreover, chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that CCTC-binding factor binds to this region in monoallelic but not biallelic expression samples. Taken together, our data indicate that an insulator located 18 kb upstream of DLK1 plays an important role in regulating DLK1 imprinting.
DLK1/PREF1 marks a novel cell population in the human adrenal cortex.
Hadjidemetriou Irene,Mariniello Katia,Ruiz-Babot Gerard,Pittaway James,Mancini Alessandra,Mariannis Demetris,Gomez-Sanchez Celso E,Parvanta Laila,Drake William M,Chung Teng-Teng,Abdel-Aziz Tarek Ezzat,DiMarco Aimee,Palazzo Fausto F,Wierman Margaret E,Kiseljak-Vassiliades Katja,King Peter J,Guasti Leonardo
The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology
The adrenal cortex governs fundamental metabolic processes though synthesis of glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoids and androgens. Studies in rodents have demonstrated that the cortex undergoes a self-renewal process and that capsular/subcapsular stem/progenitor cell pools differentiate towards functional steroidogenic cells supporting the dynamic centripetal streaming of adrenocortical cells throughout life. We previously demonstrated that the Notch atypical ligand Delta-like homologue 1 (DLK1)/preadipocyte factor 1 (PREF1) is expressed in subcapsular Sf1 and Shh-positive, CYP11B1-negative and CYP11B2-partially positive cortical progenitor cells in rat adrenals, and that secreted DLK1 can modulate GLI1 expression in H295R cells. Here we show that the human adrenal cortex remodels with age to generate clusters of relatively undifferentiated cells expressing DLK1. These clusters (named DLK1-expressing cell clusters or DCCs) increased with age in size and were found to be different entities to aldosterone-producing cell clusters, another well-characterized and age-dependent cluster structure. DLK1 was markedly overexpressed in adrenocortical carcinomas but not in aldosterone-producing adenomas. Thus, this data identifies a novel cell population in the human adrenal cortex and might suggest a yet-to be identified role of DLK1 in the pathogenesis of adrenocortical carcinoma in humans.
Asn347 Glycosylation of Corticosteroid-binding Globulin Fine-tunes the Host Immune Response by Modulating Proteolysis by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Neutrophil Elastase.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) delivers anti-inflammatory cortisol to inflamed tissues upon elastase-based proteolysis of the exposed reactive center loop (RCL). However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate the RCL proteolysis by co-existing host and bacterial elastases in inflamed/infected tissues remain unknown. We document that RCL-localized Asn(347) glycosylation fine-tunes the RCL cleavage rate by human neutrophil elastase (NE) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase (PAE) by different mechanisms. NE- and PAE-generated fragments of native and exoglycosidase-treated blood-derived CBG of healthy individuals were monitored by gel electrophoresis and LC-MS/MS to determine the cleavage site(s) and Asn(347) glycosylation as a function of digestion time. The site-specific (Val(344)-Thr(345)) and rapid (seconds to minutes) NE-based RCL proteolysis was significantly antagonized by several volume-enhancing Asn(347) glycan features (i.e. occupancy, triantennary GlcNAc branching, and α1,6-fucosylation) and augmented by Asn(347) NeuAc-type sialylation (all p < 0.05). In contrast, the inefficient (minutes to hours) PAE-based RCL cleavage, which occurred equally well at Thr(345)-Leu(346) and Asn(347)-Leu(348), was abolished by the presence of Asn(347) glycosylation but was enhanced by sialoglycans on neighboring CBG N-sites. Molecular dynamics simulations of various Asn(347) glycoforms of uncleaved CBG indicated that multiple Asn(347) glycan features are modulating the RCL digestion efficiencies by NE/PAE. Finally, high concentrations of cortisol showed weak bacteriostatic effects toward virulent P. aeruginosa, which may explain the low RCL potency of the abundantly secreted PAE during host infection. In conclusion, site-specific CBG N-glycosylation regulates the bioavailability of cortisol in inflamed environments by fine-tuning the RCL proteolysis by endogenous and exogenous elastases. This study offers new molecular insight into host- and pathogen-based manipulation of the human immune system.
11β-HSD1 in Human Fetal Membranes as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Preterm Birth.
Wang Wangsheng,Chen Zi-Jiang,Myatt Leslie,Sun Kang
Endocrine reviews
Human parturition is a complex process involving interactions between the myometrium and signals derived from the placenta, fetal membranes, and fetus. Signals originating from fetal membranes are crucial components that trigger parturition, which is clearly illustrated by the labor-initiating consequence of membrane rupture. It has been recognized for a long time that among fetal tissues in late gestation the fetal membranes possess the highest capacity for cortisol regeneration by 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1). However, the exact role of this unique feature remains a mystery. Accumulating evidence indicates that this extra-adrenal source of cortisol may serve as an upstream signal for critical events in human parturition, including enhanced prostaglandin and estrogen synthesis as well as extracellular matrix remodeling. This may explain why such high capacity for cortisol regeneration develops in human fetal membranes at late gestation. Therefore, inhibition of 11β-HSD1 may provide a potential therapeutic target for prevention of preterm birth. This review summarizes the current understanding of the functional role of cortisol regeneration by 11β-HSD1 in human fetal membranes.
HIF1α is a direct regulator of steroidogenesis in the adrenal gland.
Watts Deepika,Stein Johanna,Meneses Ana,Bechmann Nicole,Neuwirth Ales,Kaden Denise,Krüger Anja,Sinha Anupam,Alexaki Vasileia Ismini,Luis Gustavo Perez-Rivas ,Kircher Stefan,Martinez Antoine,Theodoropoulou Marily,Eisenhofer Graeme,Peitzsch Mirko,El-Armouche Ali,Chavakis Triantafyllos,Wielockx Ben
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS
Endogenous steroid hormones, especially glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, derive from the adrenal cortex, and drastic or sustained changes in their circulatory levels affect multiple organ systems. Although hypoxia signaling in steroidogenesis has been suggested, knowledge on the true impact of the HIFs (Hypoxia-Inducible Factors) in the adrenocortical cells of vertebrates is scant. By creating a unique set of transgenic mouse lines, we reveal a prominent role for HIF1α in the synthesis of virtually all steroids in vivo. Specifically, mice deficient in HIF1α in adrenocortical cells displayed enhanced levels of enzymes responsible for steroidogenesis and a cognate increase in circulatory steroid levels. These changes resulted in cytokine alterations and changes in the profile of circulatory mature hematopoietic cells. Conversely, HIF1α overexpression resulted in the opposite phenotype of insufficient steroid production due to impaired transcription of necessary enzymes. Based on these results, we propose HIF1α to be a vital regulator of steroidogenesis as its modulation in adrenocortical cells dramatically impacts hormone synthesis with systemic consequences. In addition, these mice can have potential clinical significances as they may serve as essential tools to understand the pathophysiology of hormone modulations in a number of diseases associated with metabolic syndrome, auto-immunity or even cancer.
Insulin sensitization of human preadipocytes through glucocorticoid hormone induction of forkhead transcription factors.
Tomlinson Julianna J,Boudreau Adèle,Wu Dongmei,Abdou Salem Houssein,Carrigan Amanda,Gagnon AnneMarie,Mears Alan J,Sorisky Alexander,Atlas Ella,Haché Robert J G
Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.)
Glucocorticoids are synthesized locally in adipose tissue and contribute to metabolic disease through the facilitation of adipose tissue expansion. Here we report that exposure of human primary preadipocytes to glucocorticoids increases their sensitivity to insulin and enhances their subsequent response to stimuli that promote differentiation. This effect was observed in primary human preadipocytes but not in immortalized 3T3-L1 murine preadipocytes or in fully differentiated primary human adipocytes. Stimulation of insulin signaling was mediated through induction of insulin receptor (IR), IR substrate protein 1 (IRS1), IRS2, and the p85 regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide-3-3-kinase, which led to enhanced insulin-mediated activation of Akt. Although induction of IRS2 was direct, induction of IR and IRS1 by glucocorticoids occurred subsequent to primary induction of the forkhead family transcription factors FoxO1A and FoxO3A. These results reveal a new role for glucocorticoids in preparing preadipocytes for differentiation.
Transcriptional coactivation by EHMT2 restricts glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance in a study with male mice.
Nature communications
The classical dogma of glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance is that it is caused by the transcriptional activation of hepatic gluconeogenic and insulin resistance genes by the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Here, we find that glucocorticoids also stimulate the expression of insulin-sensitizing genes, such as Irs2. The transcriptional coregulator EHMT2 can serve as a transcriptional coactivator or a corepressor. Using male mice that have a defective EHMT2 coactivation function specifically, we show that glucocorticoid-induced Irs2 transcription is dependent on liver EHMT2's coactivation function and that IRS2 play a key role in mediating the limitation of glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance by EHMT2's coactivation. Overall, we propose a model in which glucocorticoid-regulated insulin sensitivity is determined by the balance between glucocorticoid-modulated insulin resistance and insulin sensitizing genes, in which EHMT2 coactivation is specifically involved in the latter process.
Corticosteroid-binding globulins: Lessons from biomedical research.
Breuner Creagh W,Beyl Hannah E,Malisch Jessica L
Molecular and cellular endocrinology
Glucocorticoids (GCs) circulate in the plasma bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). Plasma CBG may limit access of glucocorticoids to tissues (acting as a sponge: the free hormone hypothesis), or may solely serve as a transport molecule, releasing GCs to tissues as the plasma moves through capillaries (the total hormone hypothesis). Both biomedical (focused on human health) and comparative (focused on ecological and evolutionary relevance) studies have worked to incorporate CBG in glucocorticoid physiology, and to understand whether free or total hormone is the biologically active plasma fraction. The biomedical field, however, has been well ahead of the comparative physiologists, and have produced results that can inform comparative research when considering the import of total vs. free plasma hormone. In fact, biomedical studies have made impressive strides regarding the function of CBG in tissues as well as plasma; we, however, focus solely on the plasma functions in this review as this is the primary area of disagreement amongst comparative physiologists. Here we present 5 sets of biomedical studies across genomics, pharmacology, cell culture, whole animal research, and human medicine that strongly support a role for CBG limiting hormone access to tissue. We also discuss three areas of concern across comparative researchers. In contrast to former publications, we are not suggesting that all comparative studies in glucocorticoid physiology must measure CBG, or that only free corticosterone levels are valid. However, we propose that comparative physiologists be aware of biomedical results as they investigate glucocorticoids and interpret how total hormone may or may not impact behavior and physiology of free-living vertebrates.
Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin (SERPINA6) Consolidates Sexual Dimorphism of Adult Rat Liver.
Produced by the liver, corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) regulates the plasma distribution and actions of glucocorticoids. A sex difference in pituitary growth hormone secretion patterns established during puberty in rats results in increased hepatic CBG production and 2-fold higher plasma corticosterone levels in females. Glucocorticoids control hepatic development and metabolic activities, and we have therefore examined how disrupting the SerpinA6 gene encoding CBG influences plasma corticosterone dynamics, as well as liver gene expression in male and female rats before and after puberty. Comparisons of corticosterone plasma clearance and hepatic uptake in adult rats, with or without CBG, indicated that CBG limits corticosterone clearance by reducing its hepatic uptake. Hepatic transcriptomic profiling revealed minor sex differences (207 differentially expressed genes) and minimal effect of CBG deficiency in 30-day-old rats before puberty. While liver transcriptomes in 60-day-old males lacking CBG remained essentially unchanged, 2710 genes were differentially expressed in wild-type female vs male livers at this age. Importantly, ∼10% of these genes lost their sexually dimorphic expression in adult females lacking CBG, including those related to cholesterol biosynthesis, inflammation, and lipid and amino acid catabolism. Another 203 genes were altered by the loss of CBG specifically in adult females, including those related to xenobiotic metabolism, circadian rhythm, and gluconeogenesis. Our findings reveal that CBG consolidates the sexual dimorphism of the rat liver initiated by sex differences in growth hormone secretion patterns and provide insight into how CBG deficiencies are linked to glucocorticoid-dependent diseases.
DNA Methylation of Genes Involved in the HPA Axis in Presence of Suicide Behavior: A Systematic Review.
Brain sciences
DNA methylation in genes of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis has been associated with suicide behavior. Through a systematic review, we aimed to evaluate DNA methylation levels of the genes involved in the HPA pathway and their association with suicide behavior. A search of articles was performed using PubMed and Science Direct, EBSCO. The terms included were "DNA methylation", "suicide", "epigenetics", "HPA axis" and "suicide behavior". This systematic review was performed by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Six studies comprising 743 cases and 761 controls were included in this systematic review. The studies included individuals with suicide ideation, suicide attempts or completed suicide and childhood trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or depression. One study reported hypermethylation in GR in childhood trauma, while two studies found hypermethylation of NR3C1 in childhood trauma and major depressive disorder (MDD). Only one study reported hypermethylation in BNDF in people with MDD. FKBP5 was found to be hypermethylated in people with MDD. Another study reported hypermethylation in CRHBP. SKA2 was reported to be hypermethylated in one study and another study found hypomethylated both in populations with PTSD. CRHR1 was found to be hypermethylated in people with MDD, and the last study found hypomethylation in CRH. Our result showed that patients with suicidal behavior showed a DNA methylation state of genes of the HPA axis in association with psychiatric comorbidity and with adverse events. Genes of the HPA axis could play a role in suicidal behavior associated with adverse events and pathologies. As a result, DNA methylation levels, proteins, and genes involved in the HPA axis could be considered for the search for biomarkers for the prevention of suicidal behavior in future studies.
Regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Papadimitriou Anastasios,Priftis Kostas N
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are essential for the maintenance of homeostasis and enable the organism to prepare for, respond to and manage stress, either physical or emotional. Cortisol, the principal GC in humans, is synthesized in the adrenal cortex. It is released in the circulation in a pulsatile and circadian pattern. GC secretion is governed by hypothalamus and pituitary. The hypothalamus senses changes in the external and internal environment that may disrupt the homeostatic balance of the organism (i.e. stressors), and responds by releasing corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) from parvocellular neurons projecting from the paraventricular nucleus to the median eminence. These neurohormones are released into the anterior pituitary where they act synergistically via specific receptors (CRH-R1 and V1B receptor, respectively) to trigger the release of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the corticotrope cells into the systemic circulation. In turn, ACTH exerts its actions on the adrenal cortex via specific receptors, type 2 melanocortin receptors (MC2-R), to initiate the synthesis of cortisol, which is released immediately into the systemic circulation by diffusion. Hypothalamic CRH and AVP, pituitary ACTH and adrenal GCs comprise the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In this brief review, the HPA axis and the various factors that regulate its function are described.
PEG3 binds to H19-ICR as a transcriptional repressor.
Ye An,He Hongzhi,Kim Joomyeong
Paternally expressed gene 3 (Peg3) encodes a DNA-binding protein with 12 C2H2 zinc finger motifs. In the current study, we performed ChIP-seq using mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells. This experiment identified a set of 16 PEG3 genomic targets, the majority of which overlapped with the promoter regions of genes with oocyte expression. These potential downstream genes were upregulated in MEF cells lacking PEG3 protein, suggesting a potential repressor role for PEG3. Our study also identified the imprinting control region (ICR) of H19 as a genomic target. According to the results, PEG3 binds to a specific sequence motif located between the 3 and 4 CTCF binding sites of the H19-ICR. PEG3 also binds to the active maternal allele of the H19-ICR. The expression levels of H19 were upregulated in MEF cells lacking PEG3, and this upregulation was mainly derived from the maternal allele. This suggests that PEG3 may function as a transcriptional repressor for the maternal allele of H19. Overall, the current study uncovers a potential functional relationship between Peg3 and H19, and also confirms PEG3 as a transcriptional repressor for the identified downstream genes.
Placental superoxide dismutase 3 mediates benefits of maternal exercise on offspring health.
Cell metabolism
Poor maternal diet increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes in offspring, adding to the ever-increasing prevalence of these diseases. In contrast, we find that maternal exercise improves the metabolic health of offspring, and here, we demonstrate that this occurs through a vitamin D receptor-mediated increase in placental superoxide dismutase 3 (SOD3) expression and secretion. SOD3 activates an AMPK/TET signaling axis in fetal offspring liver, resulting in DNA demethylation at the promoters of glucose metabolic genes, enhancing liver function, and improving glucose tolerance. In humans, SOD3 is upregulated in serum and placenta from physically active pregnant women. The discovery of maternal exercise-induced cross talk between placenta-derived SOD3 and offspring liver provides a central mechanism for improved offspring metabolic health. These findings may lead to novel therapeutic approaches to limit the transmission of metabolic disease to the next generation.
Nutrient transporter expression in both the placenta and fetal liver are affected by maternal smoking.
Walker Natasha,Filis Panagiotis,O'Shaughnessy Peter J,Bellingham Michelle,Fowler Paul A
INTRODUCTION:The placenta controls nutrient transfer between mother and fetus via membrane transporters. Appropriate transplacental passage of nutrients is essential for fetal growth and development. We investigated whether transporter transcript levels in human placenta-liver pairs from first and early second trimester pregnancies exhibit gestational age- or fetal sex-specific profiles and whether these are dysregulated by maternal smoking. METHODS:In a step-change for the field, paired placenta and fetal livers from 54 electively terminated, normally-progressing pregnancies (7-20 weeks of gestation, Scottish Advanced Fetal Research Study, REC 15/NS/0123) were sexed and cigarette smoking-exposure confirmed. Thirty-six nutrient transporter transcripts were quantified using RT-qPCR. RESULTS:While fetal, liver and placenta weights were not altered by maternal smoking, levels of transporter transcripts changed with fetal age and sex in the placenta and fetal liver and their trajectories were altered if the mother smoked. Placental levels of glucose uptake transporters SLC2A1 and SLC2A3 increased in smoking-exposed fetuses while smoking was associated with altered levels of amino acid and fatty acid transporter genes in both tissues. SLC7A8, which exchanges non-essential amino acids in the fetus for essential amino acids from the placenta, was reduced in smoking-exposed placentas while transcript levels of four hepatic fatty acid uptake transporters were also reduced by smoking. DISCUSSION:This data shows that fetal sex and age and maternal smoking are associated with altered transporter transcript levels. This could influence nutrient transport across the placenta and subsequent uptake by the fetal liver, altering trophic delivery to the growing fetus.
Effects of maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy on the development and function of ovine fetal liver.
Gao Feng,Liu Yingchun,Li Lingyao,Li Ming,Zhang Chongzhi,Ao Changjin,Hou Xianzhi
Animal reproduction science
This study investigated the effects of maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy on the development and function of ovine fetal liver. Eighteen ewes with singleton fetuses were allocated to three groups at d 90 of pregnancy: Restricted Group 1 (RG1, 0.175MJMEkgBW(-0.75)d(-1), n=6), Restricted Group 2 (RG2, 0.33MJMEkgBW(-0.75)d(-1), n=6) and a Control Group (CG, ad libitum, 0.67MJMEkgBW(-0.75)d(-1), n=6). Fetuses were recovered at slaughter on d 140. Fetuses in the RG1 group exhibited decreased (P<0.05) liver weight, total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), cholinesterase (CHE), total protein (TP), globulin (GLB), and alanine transaminase (ALT). In addition, intermediate changes were found in the RG2 fetuses, including decreased liver weight, T-AOC and CHE (P<0.05). In contrast, increases in fetal hepatic collagen fibers and reticular fibers, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), nitric oxide synthase (NOs), monoamine oxidase (MAO), albumin (ALB)/GLB, aspartate transaminase (AST), and AST/ALT were found in the RG1 fetuses (P<0.05). The RG2 fetuses had increased fetal hepatic collagen fibers, NOs and MAO (P<0.05) relative to the control fetuses. These results indicate that impaired fetal hepatic growth, fibrosis, antioxidant imbalance and dysfunction were associated with maternal undernutrition.
Plasma steroid-binding proteins: primary gatekeepers of steroid hormone action.
The Journal of endocrinology
Biologically active steroids are transported in the blood by albumin, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). These plasma proteins also regulate the non-protein-bound or 'free' fractions of circulating steroid hormones that are considered to be biologically active; as such, they can be viewed as the 'primary gatekeepers of steroid action'. Albumin binds steroids with limited specificity and low affinity, but its high concentration in blood buffers major fluctuations in steroid concentrations and their free fractions. By contrast, SHBG and CBG play much more dynamic roles in controlling steroid access to target tissues and cells. They bind steroids with high (~nM) affinity and specificity, with SHBG binding androgens and estrogens and CBG binding glucocorticoids and progesterone. Both are glycoproteins that are structurally unrelated, and they function in different ways that extend beyond their transportation or buffering functions in the blood. Plasma SHBG and CBG production by the liver varies during development and different physiological or pathophysiological conditions, and abnormalities in the plasma levels of SHBG and CBG or their abilities to bind steroids are associated with a variety of pathologies. Understanding how the unique structures of SHBG and CBG determine their specialized functions, how changes in their plasma levels are controlled, and how they function outside the blood circulation provides insight into how they control the freedom of steroids to act in health and disease.
Integrative genomic analysis identifies that SERPINA6-rs1998056 regulated by FOXA/ERα is associated with female hepatocellular carcinoma.
Shen Na,Gong Jing,Wang Ying,Tian Jing,Qian Jiaming,Zou Li,Chen Wei,Zhu Beibei,Lu Xinghua,Zhong Rong,Guo Anyuan,Wang Li,Miao Xiaoping
PloS one
The human forkhead box A1 (FOXA1) and A2 (FOXA2) transcription factors have been found to control estrogen and androgen signaling through co-regulating target genes with sex hormone receptors. Here we used an integrative strategy to examine the hypothesis that genetic variants at FOXA1/2 binding elements may be associated with sexual dimorphism of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) risk. Firstly we extracted chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing (ChIP-seq) data of FOXA1, FOXA2 and estrogen receptor 1(ERα) from ENCODE database to obtain dual target regions of FOXA/ERα, and further intersected these regions with genes' promoters. Then we used MATCH program to predict FOXA binding elements, in which genetic variants were retrieved by dbSNP database (NCBI, build 134). A total of 15 candidate variants were identified in this stage. Secondly we performed a case-control study with 1,081 HCC patients and 2,008 matched controls and found a significant association of SERPINA6-rs1998056 with female HCC risk under common genetic models (e.g. GG versus CC: OR = 2.03, 95% CI = 1.26-3.27, P = 0.004). Moreover, results from our real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using 72 normal liver tissues adjacent to the tumors showed that SERPINA6 expression was significantly different among different genotypes of this variant (GG versus CC: P = 0.032; Group test: P = 0.060). In summary, our study suggested that SERPINA6-rs1998056 regulated by FOXA/ERα might be associated with female HCC risk.
Sex-specific maternal programming of corticosteroid-binding globulin by predator odour.
Proceedings. Biological sciences
Predation is a key organizing force in ecosystems. The threat of predation may act to programme the endocrine hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during development to prepare offspring for the environment they are likely to encounter. Such effects are typically investigated through the measurement of corticosteroids (Cort). Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) plays a key role in regulating the bioavailability of Cort, with only free unbound Cort being biologically active. We investigated the effects of prenatal predator odour exposure (POE) in mice on offspring CBG and its impact on Cort dynamics before, during and after restraint stress in adulthood. POE males, but not females, had significantly higher serum CBG at baseline and during restraint and lower circulating levels of Free Cort. Restraint stress was associated with reduced liver transcript abundance of (CBG-encoding gene) only in control males. POE did not affect promoter DNA methylation. Our results indicate that prenatal exposure to a natural stressor led to increased CBG levels, decreased per cent of Free Cort relative to total and inhibited restraint stress-induced downregulation of CBG transcription. These changes suggest an adaptive response to a high predator risk environment in males but not females that could buffer male offspring from chronic Cort exposure.
The PGC-1-related protein PERC is a selective coactivator of estrogen receptor alpha.
Kressler Dieter,Schreiber Sylvia N,Knutti Darko,Kralli Anastasia
The Journal of biological chemistry
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 (PGC-1) is a tissue-specific coactivator that enhances the activity of many nuclear receptors and coordinates transcriptional programs important for energy metabolism. We describe here a novel PGC-1-related coactivator that is expressed in a similar tissue-specific manner as PGC-1, with the highest levels in heart and skeletal muscle. In contrast to PGC-1, the new coactivator shows high receptor specificity. It enhances potently the activity of estrogen receptor (ER) alpha, while having only small effects on other receptors. Because of its nuclear receptor selectivity, we have termed the new protein PERC (PGC-1 related Estrogen Receptor Coactivator). We show here that the coactivation function of PERC relies on a bipartite transcriptional activation domain and two LXXLL motifs that interact with the AF2 domain of ERalpha in an estrogen-dependent manner. PERC and PGC-1 are likely to have different functions in ER signaling. Whereas PERC acts selectively on ERalpha and not on the second estrogen receptor ERbeta, PGC-1 coactivates strongly both ERs. Moreover, PERC and PGC-1 show distinct preferences for enhancing ERalpha in different promoter contexts. Finally, PERC enhances the ERalpha-mediated response to the partial agonist tamoxifen, while PGC-1 modestly represses it. The two coactivators are likely to mediate distinct, tissue-specific responses to estrogens.
PGC-1, a versatile coactivator.
Knutti D,Kralli A
Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM
PGC-1 was originally identified as a transcriptional coactivator of the nuclear receptor PPARgamma. The expression pattern and induction by exposure to cold have implicated PGC-1 in the regulation of energy metabolism and adaptive thermogenesis. Remarkably, PGC-1 overexpression can induce mitochondrial biogenesis and functions. Recent studies show that PGC-1 regulates the activity of several nuclear receptors and other transcription factors, and thus acts in a broader context than previously anticipated. Furthermore, PGC-1 displays the striking ability to interact with components of the splicing machinery. PGC-1 could therefore allow coordinated regulation of transcription and splicing in response to signals relaying metabolic needs. These novel findings are discussed in the context of the proposed physiological functions of PGC-1.
The PGC-1/ERR network and its role in precision oncology.
De Vitto Humberto,Bode Ann M,Dong Zigang
NPJ precision oncology
Transcriptional regulators include a superfamily of nuclear proteins referred to as co-activators and co-repressors, both of which are involved in controlling the functions of several nuclear receptors (NRs). The Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas (NURSA) has cataloged the composition of NRs, co-regulators, and ligands present in the human cell and their effort has been identified in more than 600 potential molecules. Given the importance of co-regulators in steroid, retinoid, and thyroid hormone signaling networks, hypothesizing that NRs/co-regulators are implicated in a wide range of pathologies are tempting. The co-activators known as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1 (PGC-1) and their key nuclear partner, the estrogen-related receptor (ERR), are emerging as pivotal transcriptional signatures that regulate an extremely broad repertoire of mitochondrial and metabolic genes, making them very attractive drug targets for cancer. Several studies have provided an increased understanding of the functional and structural biology of nuclear complexes. However, more comprehensive work is needed to create different avenues to explore the therapeutic potential of NRs/co-activators in precision oncology. Here, we discuss the emerging data associated with the structure, function, and molecular biology of the PGC-1/ERR network and address how the concepts evolving from these studies have deepened our understanding of how to develop more effective treatment strategies. We present an overview that underscores new biological insights into PGC-1/ERR to improve cancer outcomes against therapeutic resistance. Finally, we discuss the importance of exploiting new technologies such as single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to develop a high-resolution biological structure of PGC-1/ERR, focusing on novel drug discovery for precision oncology.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Governing the Transcriptional Regulation of ESR1.
Lung David K,Reese Rebecca M,Alarid Elaine T
Hormones & cancer
Transcriptional regulation of ESR1, the gene that encodes for estrogen receptor α (ER), is critical for regulating the downstream effects of the estrogen signaling pathway in breast cancer such as cell growth. ESR1 is a large and complex gene that is regulated by multiple regulatory elements, which has complicated our understanding of how ESR1 expression is controlled in the context of breast cancer. Early studies characterized the genomic structure of ESR1 with subsequent studies focused on identifying intrinsic (chromatin environment, transcription factors, signaling pathways) and extrinsic (tumor microenvironment, secreted factors) mechanisms that impact ESR1 gene expression. Currently, the introduction of genomic sequencing platforms and additional genome-wide technologies has provided additional insight on how chromatin structures may coordinate with these intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms to regulate ESR1 expression. Understanding these interactions will allow us to have a clearer understanding of how ESR1 expression is regulated and eventually provide clues on how to influence its regulation with potential treatments. In this review, we highlight key studies concerning the genomic structure of ESR1, mechanisms that affect the dynamics of ESR1 expression, and considerations towards affecting ESR1 expression and hormone responsiveness in breast cancer.
Estrogen receptor-related receptors: orphan receptors desperately seeking a ligand.
Journal of molecular endocrinology
The nuclear receptor family comprises ligand-dependent and orphan receptors. To the latter group belong the estrogen receptor-related receptors (ERRs) for which conflicting results have been published concerning the nature (constitutive or liganded) of their transcriptional activities. ERRs interfere in various ways, positively and negatively, with estrogen signaling. Moreover recent data analyzing ERR expression in human breast tumors have proposed ERRalpha and ERRgamma as prognostic markers of these cancers. The identification of modulators (positive or negative) of ERR activities would therefore be highly useful in our understanding of estrogen-related pathologies. The purpose of this review is to summarize our knowledge of the nature of ERR activities and progresses in identifying synthetic ERR modulators.
Coactivators enable glucocorticoid receptor recruitment to fine-tune estrogen receptor transcriptional responses.
Bolt Michael J,Stossi Fabio,Newberg Justin Y,Orjalo Arturo,Johansson Hans E,Mancini Michael A
Nucleic acids research
Nuclear receptors (NRs) are central regulators of pathophysiological processes; however, how their responses intertwine is still not fully understood. The aim of this study was to determine whether and how steroid NRs can influence each other's activity under co-agonist treatment. We used a unique system consisting of a multicopy integration of an estrogen receptor responsive unit that allows direct visualization and quantification of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) DNA binding, co-regulator recruitment and transcriptional readout. We find that ERα DNA loading is required for other type I nuclear receptors to be co-recruited after dual agonist treatment. We focused on ERα/glucocorticoid receptor interplay and demonstrated that it requires steroid receptor coactivators (SRC-2, SRC-3) and the mediator component MED14. We then validated this cooperative interplay on endogenous target genes in breast cancer cells. Taken together, this work highlights another layer of mechanistic complexity through which NRs cross-talk with each other on chromatin under multiple hormonal stimuli.
Links between oestrogen receptor activation and proteolysis: relevance to hormone-regulated cancer therapy.
Zhou Wen,Slingerland Joyce M
Nature reviews. Cancer
Oestrogen receptor-α (ERα) is a master transcription factor that regulates cell proliferation and homeostasis in many tissues. Despite beneficial ERα functions, sustained oestrogenic exposure increases the risk and/or the progression of various cancers, including those of the breast, endometrium and ovary. Oestrogen–ERα interaction can trigger post-translational ERα modifications through crosstalk with signalling pathways to promote transcriptional activation and ubiquitin-mediated ERα proteolysis, with co-activators that have dual roles as ubiquitin ligases. These processes are reviewed herein. The elucidation of mechanisms whereby oestrogen drives both ERα transactivation and receptor proteolysis might have important therapeutic implications not only for breast cancer but also potentially for other hormone-regulated cancers.
Induction of lysosomal and mitochondrial biogenesis by AMPK phosphorylation of FNIP1.
Science (New York, N.Y.)
Cells respond to mitochondrial poisons with rapid activation of the adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), causing acute metabolic changes through phosphorylation and prolonged adaptation of metabolism through transcriptional effects. Transcription factor EB (TFEB) is a major effector of AMPK that increases expression of lysosome genes in response to energetic stress, but how AMPK activates TFEB remains unresolved. We demonstrate that AMPK directly phosphorylates five conserved serine residues in folliculin-interacting protein 1 (FNIP1), suppressing the function of the folliculin (FLCN)-FNIP1 complex. FNIP1 phosphorylation is required for AMPK to induce nuclear translocation of TFEB and TFEB-dependent increases of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC1α) and estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRα) messenger RNAs. Thus, mitochondrial damage triggers AMPK-FNIP1-dependent nuclear translocation of TFEB, inducing sequential waves of lysosomal and mitochondrial biogenesis.
Estrogen Signals Through Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator 1α to Reduce Oxidative Damage Associated With Diet-Induced Fatty Liver Disease.
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Inefficient fatty acid oxidation in mitochondria and increased oxidative damage are features of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In rodent models and patients with NAFLD, hepatic expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARG) coactivator 1α (PPARGC1A or PGC1A) is inversely correlated with liver fat and disease severity. A common polymorphism in this gene (rs8192678, encoding Gly482Ser) has been associated with NAFLD. We investigated whether reduced expression of PGC1A contributes to development of NAFLD using mouse models, primary hepatocytes, and human cell lines. METHODS:HepG2 cells were transfected with variants of PPARGC1A and protein and messenger RNA levels were measured. Mice with liver-specific hemizygous or homozygous disruption of Ppargc1a (Ppargc1aAlb-cre and Ppargc1a Alb-cre mice, respectively) were fed regular chow (control) or a high-fat diet supplemented with 30% d-fructose in drinking water (obesogenic diet) for 25-33 weeks. Liver tissues were analyzed by histology and by immunoblotting. Primary hepatocytes were analyzed for insulin signaling, reactive oxygen species, and estrogen response. Luciferase reporter expression was measured in transfected H2.35 cells expressing an estrogen receptor reporter gene, estrogen receptor 1, and/or PGC1A/B. RESULTS:The serine 482 variant of the human PGC1A protein had a shorter half-life than the glycine 482 variant when expressed in HepG2 cells. Liver tissues from mice with liver-specific hemizygous disruption of Ppargc1a placed on an obesogenic diet expressed increased markers of inflammation and fibrosis and decreased levels of antioxidant enzymes compared with the Ppargc1a on the same diet. Oxidative damage was observed in livers from Ppargc1aAlb-cre mice of each sex, in a cell-autonomous manner, but was greater in livers from the female mice. Expression of PGC1A in H2.35 cells coactivated estrogen receptor 1 and was required for estrogen-dependent expression of genes that encode antioxidant proteins. These findings could account for the increased liver damage observed in female Ppargc1aAlb-cre mice; while, compensatory increases in PPARG coactivator 1β could prevent oxidative damage associated with complete loss of PGC1A expression in Ppargc1aAlb-cre female mice. CONCLUSIONS:In mice, loss of estrogen signaling contributes to oxidative damage caused by low levels of PGC1A in liver, exacerbating steatohepatitis associated with diets high in fructose and fat.
Post-translational modifications of steroid receptors.
Faus H,Haendler B
Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie
The multiple physiological functions of steroid hormones have been known for many years. The cloning of the steroid receptors in the mid-1980s led to the concept of ligand-activated transcription factors and to the identification of specific DNA response elements in the regulatory regions of target genes. The next main development was the identification of cofactors with activating or repressing functions, of which several act by modifying histones and locally affecting the chromatin structure. Work from several groups shows that the steroid receptors themselves can also be modified at various positions. Besides the long-known phosphorylation at tyrosines and serine/threonine residues, other covalent additions such as acetylation, ubiquitylation and sumoylation have been evidenced for steroid receptors in recent years. These modifications affect receptor stability and activity, and provide potential mechanisms for cell- or gene-specific regulation. A better understanding of the impact of these post-translational modifications (PTMs) on steroid receptor function should help in the identification of novel ligands with improved clinical profiles.
Activation of estrogen receptor ESR1 and ESR2 induces proliferation of the human testicular embryonal carcinoma NT2/D1 cells.
Molecular and cellular endocrinology
The aims of the present study were to investigate the expression of the classic estrogen receptors ESR1 and ESR2, the splicing variant ESR1-36 and GPER in human testicular embryonal carcinoma NT2/D1 cells, and the effects of the activation of the ESR1 and ESR2 on cell proliferation. Immunostaining of ESR1, ESR2, and GPER were predominantly found in the nuclei, and less abundant in the cytoplasm. ESR1-36 isoform was predominantly expressed in the perinuclear region and cytoplasm, and some weakly immunostained in the nuclei. In nonstimulated NT2/D1 cells (control), proteins of the cell cycle CCND1, CCND2, CCNE1 and CDKN1B are present. Activation of ESR1 and ESR2 increases, respectively, CCND2 and CCNE1 expression, but not CCND1. Activation of ESR2 also mediates upregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor CDKN1B. This protein co-immunoprecipitated with CCND2. Also, E2 induces an increase in the number and viability of the NT2/D1 cells. These effects are blocked by simultaneous pretreatment with ESR1-and ESR2-selective antagonists, confirming that both estrogen receptors regulate NT2/D1 cell proliferation. In addition, E2 increases SRC phosphorylation, and SRC mediates cell proliferation. Our study provides novel insights into the signatures and molecular mechanisms of estrogen receptor in NT2/D1 cells.
Advances in metal-induced oxidative stress and human disease.
Jomova Klaudia,Valko Marian
Detailed studies in the past two decades have shown that redox active metals like iron (Fe), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co) and other metals undergo redox cycling reactions and possess the ability to produce reactive radicals such as superoxide anion radical and nitric oxide in biological systems. Disruption of metal ion homeostasis may lead to oxidative stress, a state where increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) overwhelms body antioxidant protection and subsequently induces DNA damage, lipid peroxidation, protein modification and other effects, all symptomatic for numerous diseases, involving cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, neurological disorders (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease), chronic inflammation and others. The underlying mechanism of action for all these metals involves formation of the superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical (mainly via Fenton reaction) and other ROS, finally producing mutagenic and carcinogenic malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) and other exocyclic DNA adducts. On the other hand, the redox inactive metals, such as cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) show their toxic effects via bonding to sulphydryl groups of proteins and depletion of glutathione. Interestingly, for arsenic an alternative mechanism of action based on the formation of hydrogen peroxide under physiological conditions has been proposed. A special position among metals is occupied by the redox inert metal zinc (Zn). Zn is an essential component of numerous proteins involved in the defense against oxidative stress. It has been shown, that depletion of Zn may enhance DNA damage via impairments of DNA repair mechanisms. In addition, Zn has an impact on the immune system and possesses neuroprotective properties. The mechanism of metal-induced formation of free radicals is tightly influenced by the action of cellular antioxidants. Many low-molecular weight antioxidants (ascorbic acid (vitamin C), alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), glutathione (GSH), carotenoids, flavonoids, and other antioxidants) are capable of chelating metal ions reducing thus their catalytic activity to form ROS. A novel therapeutic approach to suppress oxidative stress is based on the development of dual function antioxidants comprising not only chelating, but also scavenging components. Parodoxically, two major antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase contain as an integral part of their active sites metal ions to battle against toxic effects of metal-induced free radicals. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of redox and non-redox metal-induced formation of free radicals and the role of oxidative stress in toxic action of metals.
A Glimpse at the Size of the Fetal Liver-Is It Connected with the Evolution of Gestational Diabetes?
Cozma Matei-Alexandru,Găman Mihnea-Alexandru,Dobrică Elena-Codruța,Boroghină Steluța Constanța,Iancu Mihaela Adela,Crețoiu Sanda Maria,Simionescu Anca Angela
International journal of molecular sciences
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as an impairment of glucose tolerance, manifested by hyperglycemia, which occurs at any stage of pregnancy. GDM is more common in the third trimester of pregnancy and usually disappears after birth. It was hypothesized that the glycemic status of the mother can modulate liver development and growth early during the pregnancy. The simplest modality to monitor the evolution of GDM employs noninvasive techniques. In this category, routinely obstetrical ultrasound (OUS) examinations (simple or 2D/3D) can be employed for specific fetal measurements, such as fetal liver length (FLL) or volume (FLV). FLL and FLV may emerge as possible predictors of GDM as they positively relate to the maternal glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels and to the results of the oral glucose tolerance test. The aim of this review is to offer insight into the relationship between GDM and fetal nutritional status. Risk factors for GDM and the short- and long-term outcomes of GDM pregnancies are also discussed, as well as the significance of different dietary patterns. Moreover, the review aims to fill one gap in the literature, investigating whether fetal liver growth can be used as a predictor of GDM evolution. To conclude, although studies pointed out a connection between fetal indices and GDM as useful tools in the early detection of GDM (before 23 weeks of gestation), additional research is needed to properly manage GDM and offspring health.
Corticosteroid-binding Globulin (SERPINA6) Establishes Postpubertal Sex Differences in Rat Adrenal Development.
Encoded by SerpinA6, plasma corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) transports glucocorticoids and regulates their access to cells. We determined how CBG influences plasma corticosterone and adrenal development in rats during the pubertal to adult transition using CRISPR/cas9 to disrupt SerpinA6 gene expression. In the absence of CBG, total plasma corticosterone levels were ∼80% lower in adult rats of both sexes, with a greater absolute reduction in females than in males. Notably, free corticosterone and adrenocorticotropic hormone were comparable between all groups. Between 30 and 90 days of age, wild-type female rats showed increases in adrenal weight and the size of the corticosterone-producing region, the zona fasciculata (zf), in tandem with increases in plasma CBG and corticosterone concentrations, whereas no such changes were observed in males. This sex difference was lost in rats without CBG, such that adrenal growth and zf expansion were similar between sexes. The sex-specific effects of CBG on adrenal morphology were accompanied by remarkable changes in gene expression: ∼40% of the adrenal transcriptome was altered in females lacking CBG, whereas almost no effect was seen in males. Over half of the adrenal genes that normally exhibit sexually dimorphic expression after puberty were similarly expressed in males and females without CBG, including those responsible for cholesterol biosynthesis and mobilization, steroidogenesis, and growth. Rat adrenal SerpinA6 transcript levels were very low or undetectable. Thus, sex differences in adrenal growth, morphology and gene expression profiles that emerge during puberty in rats are dependent on concomitant increases in plasma CBG produced by the liver.
Gender differences in autoimmune disease.
Ngo S T,Steyn F J,McCombe P A
Frontiers in neuroendocrinology
Autoimmune diseases are a range of diseases in which the immune response to self-antigens results in damage or dysfunction of tissues. Autoimmune diseases can be systemic or can affect specific organs or body systems. For most autoimmune diseases there is a clear sex difference in prevalence, whereby females are generally more frequently affected than males. In this review, we consider gender differences in systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases, and we summarize human data that outlines the prevalence of common autoimmune diseases specific to adult males and females in countries commonly surveyed. We discuss possible mechanisms for sex specific differences including gender differences in immune response and organ vulnerability, reproductive capacity including pregnancy, sex hormones, genetic predisposition, parental inheritance, and epigenetics. Evidence demonstrates that gender has a significant influence on the development of autoimmune disease. Thus, considerations of gender should be at the forefront of all studies that attempt to define mechanisms that underpin autoimmune disease.
The Adaptive Sex in Stressful Environments.
Geffroy Benjamin,Douhard Mathieu
Trends in ecology & evolution
The impact of early stress on juvenile development has intrigued scientists for decades, but the adaptive significance of such effects remains an ongoing debate. This debate has largely ignored some characteristics of the offspring, such as their sex, despite strong evolutionary and demographic implications of sex-ratio variation. We review recent studies that examine associations between glucocorticoids (GCs), the main class of stress hormones, and offspring sex. Whereas exposure to GCs at around the time of sex determination in fish consistently produces males, the extent and direction of sex-ratio bias in response to stress vary in reptiles, birds, and mammals. We propose proximate and ultimate explanations for most of these trends.
Sperm RNA code programmes the metabolic health of offspring.
Nature reviews. Endocrinology
Mammalian sperm RNA is increasingly recognized as an additional source of paternal hereditary information beyond DNA. Environmental inputs, including an unhealthy diet, mental stresses and toxin exposure, can reshape the sperm RNA signature and induce offspring phenotypes that relate to paternal environmental stressors. Our understanding of the categories of sperm RNAs (such as tRNA-derived small RNAs, microRNAs, ribosomal RNA-derived small RNAs and long non-coding RNAs) and associated RNA modifications is expanding and has begun to reveal the functional diversity and information capacity of these molecules. However, the coding mechanism endowed by sperm RNA structures and by RNA interactions with DNA and other epigenetic factors remains unknown. How sperm RNA-encoded information is decoded in early embryos to control offspring phenotypes also remains unclear. Complete deciphering of the 'sperm RNA code' with regard to metabolic control could move the field towards translational applications and precision medicine, and this may lead to prevention of intergenerational transmission of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus susceptibility.
Consequences of Paternal Nutrition on Offspring Health and Disease.
Dimofski Pauline,Meyre David,Dreumont Natacha,Leininger-Muller Brigitte
It is well established that the maternal diet during the periconceptional period affects the progeny's health. A growing body of evidence suggests that the paternal diet also influences disease onset in offspring. For many years, sperm was considered only to contribute half of the progeny's genome. It now appears that it also plays a crucial role in health and disease in offspring's adult life. The nutritional status and environmental exposure of fathers during their childhood and/or the periconceptional period have significant transgenerational consequences. This review aims to describe the effects of various human and rodent paternal feeding patterns on progeny's metabolism and health, including fasting or intermittent fasting, low-protein and folic acid deficient food, and overnutrition in high-fat and high-sugar diets. The impact on pregnancy outcome, metabolic pathways, and chronic disease onset will be described. The biological and epigenetic mechanisms underlying the transmission from fathers to their progeny will be discussed. All these data provide evidence of the impact of paternal nutrition on progeny health which could lead to preventive diet recommendations for future fathers.